The ONE Thing That Neville Goddard Got Right

The ONE Thing That Neville Goddard Got Right

(And That Almost Nobody, and I mean NOBODY gets this right.)

Understanding States: Simply Manifestating

Manifestation, as understood by Neville Goddard, revolves around one of the most misunderstood concepts: the idea of “states.” Unlike many other teachings on manifestation, including popular ones like “The Secret,” Goddard’s approach focuses on the critical role of states. Unfortunately, a variety of methods from witchcraft to simple self-empowerment often muddle the SIMPLE essence which is merely a FACT OF LIFE, nothing else. Beware of false messages that offer little to no value. Despite some of his controversial assertions, (Which I adress in my CORRECTING NEVILLE blogs) In spite of his heretical understanding of God, Neville Goddard emphasized the importance of states. Let’s clarify what a state is since this seems to elude most people. It is the only important thing that you out to take away from Neville, and it is the simplest concept as well as the most overlooked.

What is a State?

A state is a psychological condition or mindset that embodies a particular way of life, or set of beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. It’s not about thinking positive thoughts nor is it about visualizing your desires; NONE of that. It’s about fully internalizing who you ARE. OR…. fully internalizing the NEW person, the person who already has or is what you seek. A state has certain behaviors that naturally go with it, but even more importantly, it has a LOT of behavior that does NOT belong there. Let go of those behaviours and you are good to go!

The Example of the Queen of England

Let’s use blatant and obviosus examples, such as the late Queen of England. Her whole demeanor was: Composed, dispassionate, secure, unfazed, and strong. Her state of being a queen wasn’t just a title; it was a way of life. She was DIFFERENT from everybody else, not the SAME AS. She WAS queen. Fully internalized. She didn’t waste time complaining on facebook, seeking validation on Reddit, watching Youtubes about “why it’s not working”, (In fact GIVE UP figuring out WHY, because it doesn’t matter) or engaging in petty disputes. Instead, she embodied the qualities of a queen every day, which reinforced her state of royalty. Pay extra attention to the word “dispassionate” that I threw in there….it is a necessary disposition. Be calm, be chill!

Imagine instead if she (The Queen) had behaved like many manifesters do: throwing fits, crying about injustices, asking why why why in every support group she could find, or endlessly mulling over her circumstances online. She might still have held the title of queen, but she wouldn’t have commanded the same respect or efficacy. Her state of being a queen helped her be a successful queen. In fact, her not-successor Megan Markle is doing exactly that, and there is your differenc ebetween states. (For those who need to hear this: Get out of TOXIC teachings, and TOXIC social media groups! It is poisoning you.)

The PROBLEM of Manifestation Practices

  1. Many people trying to manifest their desires get tripped up by the simplicity of embodying a state.
  2. They think that they can cling to old behaviors and mindsets while somehow achieving a new reality.

This second point is fundamentally flawed. To manifest a new state, you must give up aspects of your current state that don’t align with your desired reality. (To be queen of England you must give up being a needy on Facebook), in fact you have to give up being like everybody else entirely. You have to give up “being like everybody else” becuase misery loves company, and misery will lie to keep you down. (metaphorically speaking) . Be secure. Be unfazed. Be DISPASSIONATE and have equanimity. Have strenght. Stop asking the masses for their opinion and their advice. just be it already, you’ve got this and you know it. Have confidence.

Let’s use another OBVIOUS example, so that you understand: If you are an addict wanting to live a life free from addiction, you must give up the addiction. SEE how SIMPLE this is? You can’t justify the behaviors associated with addiction and expect to live as a non-addict. The same principle applies to any desired state. You have to let go of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that are inconsistent with your new state. Have to.

You have to let go of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that are inconsistent with your new state. Have to.

The Challenge of Letting Go

Letting go of old behaviors and mindsets can be challenging because they are often deeply ingrained and justified. Not only that, but the world has changed since Neville lived, and it has changed since I was young. This world is more and more narcisistic, needy, it more and more justifies BAD behavior, and ALL OF THIS is opposite of JUST finding a STATE and internalizing that. You MUST stop the bad habit of justifying everything.

The current culture is this: People justify their bad behavior, their endless complaining, and their negative attitudes, their low self esteem, their mental crisies, there emotional immaturity, you name it, because they believe they are right. You must let go of being right. This type behavior was ALWAYS recognized as “a problem personality”, but currently it is NOT recognized for the problem that it is. Thus, you will be part of a group of people who don’t understand that YOU are YOUR OWN worst enemy. Remeber: You must dare to be DIFFERENT from everybody else, not the SAME AS…. If You are justifying, you must give up this justifying. This justification is part of your current state, which you must relinquish to move into a new state.

For instance, those who are enmeshed in unhealthy relationships or obsessions over specific people (often referred to as Specific Persons or SPs in manifestation circles) usually need to give up their lack of boundaries, their unforgiveness, and their reliance on superficial attributes like looks, sex, or status. They HAVE TO abandon the notion that they can manipulate others to conform to their desires, which is a form of witchcraft and ultimately leads to negative consequences.

Embracing the New State

To successfully internalize a new state, you need to fully embody the qualities and behaviors of that state. If you want to be the queen, you must act like the queen, not like everyone else. What everyone else does means nothing anymore. If you want to be free from addiction, you must act as a non-addict, not justify addictive behaviors. What all your old buddies do makes no difference anymore, you have moved on, it is in your past, gone and forgotten. If you want a healthy relationship, you must embody healthy relationship behaviors, not manipulative ones.

The Simplicity of the STATE

Manifestation is not about: Controlling others, visualizing, doing techniques, withcraft, or forcing outcomes. It’s about internalizing the state of the person who already has what you desire. Something that we naturally do. Right now, you are internalizing a state anyway. What do you have to let go of from your current state? Is it constant negativity? Unforgivness? Passionate obsessive opinions? What is it, identify it and stop it. By giving up behaviors and mindsets that don’t belong with your desired state, you make the new reality a real reality. The simplicity of embodying a state can be deceptive, you probably are conditioned to think that it has to be more complicated, but it’s the only important step in the so called “manifestation” process. Everything else doesn’t matter. If it doesn’t matter let it go.

manifest magazine

Finding Inner Peace and Renewing the Mind in God’s Image

Finding Inner Peace and Renewing the Mind in God’s Image

Part 1: Understanding Inner Peace

The Power of Thoughts

    • Reflect on the following statements and provide your own thoughts or examples:
      • “Your thoughts create”
      • “Your thoughts kill”
      • “Your thoughts create peace”
      • “Your thoughts wage wars”

    1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

      “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

      2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)

        “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

        Humility vs. Pride

          • How does pride contribute to conflict in your life?
          • In what ways can humility bring more peace to your relationships and interactions?

          Proverbs 16:18 (NIV)

            “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”

            Psalm 51:10 (NIV)

              “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

              Judgment and Compassion

                • Reflect on the statement: “Judgment = Hell” and “Compassion = Heaven”
                • How can you practice more compassion and less judgment in your daily life?

                Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV)

                  “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'”

                  1 Peter 1:13 (NIV)

                    “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

                    Eternal Perspective

                      • Consider the briefness of life. Write down three ways you can use your energy to contribute to peace and positive creation in the world instead of wasting it on selfishness or self-obsession; The manifesters trap.

                      Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV)

                        “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

                        Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

                          “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

                          Part 2: The Role of Love and Sacrifice

                          Love is Sacrifice

                            • Reflect on the statement: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
                            • How can you practice sacrificial love in your daily life? Provide specific examples.

                            Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV)

                              “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

                              Luke 9:23-24 (NIV)

                                “Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.'”

                                Humility and Grace

                                  • How does humility bring about God’s grace in your life?
                                  • Write about a time when practicing humility led to a positive outcome.

                                  Romans 12:3 (NIV)

                                    “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.”

                                    Part 3: Uniting with God’s Love

                                    Unity and Strength

                                      • Reflect on how uniting your heart with God’s love provides strength and peace.
                                      • List three practices that help you feel connected to God’s love (e.g., prayer, meditation, reading scripture).

                                      Romans 12:10 (NIV)
                                      “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

                                        False Comforts

                                          • Identify and reflect on areas in your life where you might be seeking false comforts (e.g., substances, material possessions).
                                          • How can you replace these false comforts with practices that bring you closer to divine love?

                                          Galatians 5:19-21 (NIV)

                                            “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

                                            Part 4: Renewing the Mind

                                            Continuous Prayer and Meditation

                                              • How does continuous prayer and meditation on God’s word renew your mind?
                                              • Develop a daily or weekly plan for incorporating prayer and meditation into your routine.

                                              Romans 12:2 (NIV)

                                                “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

                                                Scripture Reflection

                                                  • Choose a scripture that resonates with you about peace or the renewal of the mind.
                                                  • Reflect on its meaning and how you can apply it to your life. Write your reflections below.

                                                  Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

                                                    “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

                                                    Action Plan for Mind Renewal

                                                      • List three specific actions you can take to renew your mind and align your thoughts with divine principles.
                                                      • Set short-term and long-term goals for implementing these actions.

                                                      Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV)

                                                        “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

                                                        Titus 3:5 (NIV)

                                                          “He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.”

                                                          Part 5: Personal Reflection and Commitment

                                                          Reflecting on Love and Peace

                                                            • Write a personal reflection on what love and peace mean to you in the context of your spiritual beliefs.

                                                            Colossians 3:2 (NIV)

                                                              “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

                                                              Commitment to Inner Peace

                                                                • Write a commitment statement on how you will pursue inner peace and mind renewal. Include specific actions and practices you will undertake.

                                                                Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)

                                                                  “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

                                                                  James 3:16 (NIV)

                                                                    “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.”

                                                                    Example Commitment Statement:

                                                                    “I commit to pursuing inner peace by practicing humility, engaging in continuous prayer and meditation, and aligning my thoughts with divine principles. I will replace false comforts with meaningful connections to God’s love and strive to contribute positively to the world through my actions and thoughts.”

                                                                    2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)
                                                                    “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

                                                                      manifest magazine

                                                                      Revision: What is it and what can it do?

                                                                      Revision: What is it and what can it do?

                                                                      What is Revision?

                                                                      Revision is a psychological tool that helps us reshape our perception ourselves by revising past events. This term was coined by Neville Goddard, but it is a great psychological tool, and it should be used mainstream. “Revision” ,means to give you a new vision. SOme things we go through causes us to loose our vision, the vision we had of our life, perheps our puropse and so on. Revising involves reimagining past experiences in a fundamentally good light.

                                                                      Who “Invented” Revision?

                                                                      Neville Goddard, a teacher and author in the field of metaphysics and the power of imagination, introduced the concept of revision. He believed that by revisiting and reshaping past experiences in our minds, we could change their impact on our present and future lives. As a psychological tool, this proves to be very beneficial, and the metaphsyical label should probably be dropped from “revision” at this point. Maybe it is time to revise that this mindfulness tool belongs to only the New Thought teachers or to the Law of Assumption is in order? I say it has a place in everyday mindfulness!

                                                                      What is the Purpose of Revision?

                                                                      The primary purpose of revision is to help people who struggle to live in the moment. By reimagining past events, we can let go of bitterness, anger, or regret. This new outlook gives us a fresh lease on life, allowing us to approach our current circumstances with a different mindset. Yes, it is that simple. It helps us to let go. Every heard of the serenity prayer? It goes like this: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” In short, revision accomplishes all this, it gives us serenity, courage, and wisdom, and those are the ingredients needed in LETTING GO.

                                                                      Does It Change the Past?

                                                                      So… .this is the REAL question that everybody asks. While revision doesn’t change the actual events of the past, it changes how we see ourselves, and it changes how we react to the current moment. If you think about it, whatever you have given free rent-space to in your memory compartment, takes up a lot more of your mind than you probably want. If this memory compartment is continuosly bringing up painful things, then it hurts you STILL, and that is what revision can help you with. Do you want to remember mostly GOOD things? Well, this is on eof the greatest tools you can find, so try it out. This shift in perception DOES change our mental and emotional well-being. It dosn’t change the past, it changes what of the past you most readily remember.

                                                                      But Will I “Get My Manifestation”?

                                                                      This is obviously the reason why anyone wants to know about these topics. It begins as a journey of “getting”. This is a manipulative mindset, but I guess we all process through this at some point or another. The power of revision lies in its ability to shift you out of “victim” mindset, which only hurts yourself. Have you heard the phrase: “You are your own worst enemy”? Well that is what you are dealing with here. You learn, actively, how to take charge, and go from problem-focused to solution-focused. You do this by learning how to believe in the resolution of your problems more than you beleive in the problem itself. While it may seem supernatural, the real power of revision is totally in your own mind.

                                                                      You Can’t Serve Two Masters

                                                                      To truly benefit from revision, you must choose to focus on solutions rather than problems. This includes problems that you dwell on that are in the past, even if that past is as recent as ten minutes ago. Make a choice. Wallowing in past grievances keeps you stuck there and misery loves comapny, so the longer you stay in that mindset the more company this misery will invite. Is that what you want? No? Okay then remember that you can’t serve two master, and make your choice. Instead, just skip right to acceptance. Accept that you don’t need all the answers, you don’t need to be justified, you don’t need to hold onto indignation or self-righteousness. Make a conscious choice to just believe in the resolution of your issues. Serving the master of belief over the master of self-righteous indignation, or the master of justified victim form example.

                                                                      woman in white long sleeved shirt holding a pen writing on a paper

                                                                      manifest magazine

                                                                      The Rubbish of “Scientific Prayer”

                                                                      John 6:44 and its Deeper Meaning

                                                                      Verse: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” -John 6.44

                                                                      Contrast with The concept of “Scientific Prayer”

                                                                      Key Points of John 6.44:

                                                                      1. The Faher draws us: This verse emphasizes that the relationship with Jesus and, by extension, God, is initiated by God Himself. It is not through human effort or self-empowerment but through God’s invitation and drawing power.
                                                                      2. Dependence on God: True prayer recognizes our total dependence on God. We cannot approach God or understand His love through our own efforts; it is God who reaches out to us and opens our hearts.
                                                                      3. Submission and Surrender: Coming to Jesus requires us to respond to God’s drawing by surrendering our will to His. This submission is a fundamental aspect of true prayer, where we seek to align our desires with God’s will.
                                                                      4. Connection through God’s Love: It is through God’s love that we are drawn to Him and connected to others. True love and genuine connection originate from God, and by surrendering to His will, we become conduits of His love.

                                                                      Scientific Prayer:

                                                                      Brief Historical Background:

                                                                      • Mary Baker Eddy: Founder of Christian Science, she emphasized the mental nature of reality and the power of thought in healing and achieving desired outcomes. Her book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” (1875), outlines her ideas.
                                                                      • Emmet Fox: A prominent New Thought teacher in the early 20th century, Fox wrote extensively about the power of thought and prayer. His book “The Sermon on the Mount” (1934) is a well-known exposition of his ideas on “affirmative prayer”, or “scientific prayer”
                                                                      • Joseph Murphy: Known for his work on the subconscious mind, Murphy’s book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” (1963) explains how affirmations and positive thinking can influence outcomes.

                                                                      Key points of “scientific prayer”:

                                                                      • Reinforces Individuality: Focuses on personal power and self-empowerment to achieve desired outcomes, which leads to a sense of separation from God. “I am God” is a natural byproduct of this practice. God’s love is unattainable from here. “In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.” – Psalms 10:4
                                                                      • Self-Reliance: Relies on human effort through affirmations and visualization, neglecting the need for God, and blocking His intervention and guidance though arrogance. “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” – James 4:6

                                                                       Unless the Lord builds the house,
                                                                          those who build it labor in vain.
                                                                      Unless the Lord watches over the city,
                                                                          the watchman stays awake in vain.
                                                                      It is in vain that you rise up early
                                                                          and go late to rest,
                                                                      eating the bread of anxious toil;
                                                                          for he gives to his beloved sleep

                                                                      “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them” – John 6.44

                                                                      True Prayer:

                                                                      • The Father’s Drawing: Recognizes that it is God who draws us to Himself. Our relationship with God starts with His action, not our own….. Let it sink in….Really sink in.
                                                                      • Surrender to God’s Will: Submission to God’s will, allows His love to transform us and guide our lives in the intended direction. His will is your highest and best purpose.
                                                                      • Source of True Love: True love and connection come only from God. By surrendering to Him, we receive His love and can genuinely connect with others. Our love is on the level of ” I Love good food”, or “I love this man/woman and I wish to be a couple with them”. Only God’s love is pure, unconditional and untainted by ANY ulterior motives, manipulation, or domination. It’s hard to see initially, but when you know His love your eyes are opened, and at the same time your heart is healed and opened.

                                                                      The New Meaning; True Prayer

                                                                      Given the context of this reflection, John 6:44 has an utterly profound significance. It should wake you up to the futility of trying to manipulate “energies’ that are ALL God’s energies in the first place. Our prayer is “scientific”, consisting of demands, decrees and affirmations UNTIL The Father DRAWS us. Suddenly, His love is revealed to us.

                                                                      • Being Drawn by God: Understanding that any approach to God and any genuine connection with Him starts with His initiative. Yes.
                                                                      • Receiving and Responding: We must respond to God’s drawing by opening our hearts to His love and surrendering to His will. This is the “works”: surrendering.
                                                                      • True Connection: Real love and connection with others come through our relationship with God, made possible by His love working within us. Prayer becomes a loving adoration of his mercy.

                                                                      Heartfelt and Intimate:

                                                                      True Prayer is not just a mental exercise, it is NOT scientific, a pre-scripted list of affirmations menas nothing, rather true prayer is a deep, heartfelt expression of love, trust, and faith in God that is GIVEN to us By God. It is an intimate communion with the Creator, a heart to heart. Imagine laying face to face in intimate communication with your love, nothing scientific happens there. A rehearsed conversation will never reach your lovers heart, the same is true with God. He opens our heart, and let’s his love in, to heal and mend ever corner, and every crack of our heart. This is why God loves the broken hearted. His love can only pour in when we let it in.

                                                                      You got scientific prayer, and a recepie to follow? Great. But there is so much more…

                                                                      Jesus the Bread of Life John 6.25-47

                                                                      When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”

                                                                      Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.

                                                                      Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”

                                                                      Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

                                                                      So they asked him, “What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do?  Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.”

                                                                      Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.

                                                                      “Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread.”

                                                                      Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.  And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.  For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

                                                                      At this the Jews there began to grumble about him because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.”  They said, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I came down from heaven’?”

                                                                       “Stop grumbling among yourselves,” Jesus answered.  No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.  It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.   No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father.  Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life.  I am the bread of life.

                                                                      The Law Of Assumption is Religion; The Love of God is Grace

                                                                      Break off religion by letting go of “The Law” and seek God’s heart through Grace. We are called to freedom and liberty in Christ Jesus. This freedom is love, not rules. Not science. It doesn’t mean freedom to sin, but freedom from LAW. “ But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.” -Roman 7.6

                                                                      There is nothing to do, but to love

                                                                      “The Way” and Early Christians

                                                                      The term “The Way” was used to refer to the early followers of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, particularly in the book of Acts. These early Christians were distinct in their beliefs, practices, and way of life.

                                                                      Ananias son of Nedebeus (Hebrew: חנניה בן נדבאי Ḥananyá ben Nadváy “…(son of) the philanthropist”) was a high priest AD 47 to 58, who presided during the trials of the apostle Paul at Jerusalem and Caesarea. Excerpt from the book of Acts, Paul addressing Ananias:

                                                                      “When the governor motioned for him to speak, Paul replied: “I know that for a number of years you have been a judge over this nation; so I gladly make my defense. You can easily verify that no more than twelve days ago I went up to Jerusalem to worship.  My accusers did not find me arguing with anyone at the temple, or stirring up a crowd in the synagogues or anywhere else in the city. And they cannot prove to you the charges they are now making against me.  However, I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets,  and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.  So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man”. -Paul, from the book of Acts 24: 10-16

                                                                      THE WAY

                                                                      1. Origin of the Term: The term “The Way” originated from Jesus’ own words in John 14:6, where he said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” This statement emphasized Jesus as the exclusive path to salvation and eternal life.
                                                                      2. Beliefs: The early Christians believed in the divinity of Jesus Christ, his death, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins, and the promise of eternal life through faith in him. They also adhered to the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels and transmitted orally by the apostles.
                                                                      3. Practices: Early Christians were known for their devotion to prayer, fellowship, and the breaking of bread (communion or the Lord’s Supper). They gathered regularly for worship, mutual support, and the proclamation of the Gospel. They also practiced baptism as a symbol of repentance and commitment to Christ.
                                                                      4. Community and Brotherhood: The early Christians formed close-knit communities characterized by love, care for one another, and sharing of resources. They demonstrated unity and solidarity, transcending social, cultural, and ethnic barriers.
                                                                      5. Persecution and Martyrdom: Early Christianity faced persecution from various quarters, including Jewish authorities and the Roman Empire. Despite the risks, many early Christians remained steadfast in their faith, even to the point of martyrdom.
                                                                      6. Connection to Jesus and the Apostles: While not all early Christians personally knew Jesus or the apostles, many were likely influenced by those who had direct contact with them. The apostles played a crucial role in spreading the Gospel and establishing Christian communities throughout the Roman Empire.
                                                                      7. Meaning of Their Religion: For early Christians, their faith was not merely a set of beliefs or rituals but a way of life rooted in their relationship with Jesus Christ. It provided them with hope, purpose, and a sense of belonging to the family of God. Their faith empowered them to live transformed lives and to bear witness to the love and grace of God in a world hostile to their beliefs.

                                                                      Overall, the early Christians known as “The Way” were characterized by their commitment to following Jesus Christ, living out his teachings, and proclaiming the Good News (Gospel) of salvation to all people.

                                                                      SET APART

                                                                      The term “The Way” indicates a way of living that set Christians apart. It encompasses a holistic approach to life that goes beyond mere religious rituals or observances. Here’s how “The Way” signifies a distinct way of living:

                                                                      1. Lifestyle of Faith: Being part of “The Way” meant embracing a lifestyle of faith and discipleship centered on Jesus Christ. It involved living out the teachings of Jesus in everyday life, including love for God and neighbor, forgiveness, compassion, and humility.
                                                                      2. Transformation of Character: Followers of “The Way” sought to embody the values and virtues of the Kingdom of God in their conduct and interactions. They aspired to personal transformation.
                                                                      3. Community and Fellowship: “The Way” emphasized the importance of community and fellowship among believers. Early Christians supported one another, shared their possessions, and cared for those in need, reflecting the communal nature of their faith.
                                                                      4. Ethical Conduct: Followers of “The Way” adhered to ethical principles that distinguished them from the broader society. They upheld principles of honesty, integrity, purity, and justice, even in the face of persecution or social pressure to compromise.
                                                                      5. Witness and Mission: Living as part of “The Way” also meant being a witness to the transformative power of the Gospel and actively engaging in the mission of spreading the Good News. Early Christians shared their faith boldly and sought to make disciples of all nations.
                                                                      6. Counter-cultural Values: “The Way” stood in contrast to the prevailing values and practices of the surrounding culture. Early Christians prioritized spiritual values over materialism, humility over pride, and service over self-interest.
                                                                      7. Sacrificial Love: At the heart of “The Way” was sacrificial love modeled after the example of Jesus Christ. Early Christians were willing to endure persecution, hardship, and even martyrdom for the sake of their faith and their commitment to love God and others.

                                                                      The Way, The Truth and The Life

                                                                      Being part of “The Way” was not just about religious observance but about embracing a transformative way of life that reflected the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. It is a journey of faith, obedience, and radical love, and this set early Christians apart and continues to inspire believers today.

                                                                      “The Way” encompasses not just a set of beliefs or rituals but also a way of life guided by the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.

                                                                      “The Way” was the personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which empowered believers to live out their faith authentically and to bear witness to others through their words, actions, and lives.

                                                                      What is a “Witness”

                                                                      In an analogy of a courtroom, a witness and a lawyer serve distinct roles:

                                                                      1. Witness: A witness is someone who provides testimony based on their personal knowledge or experience. Their role is to share what they have seen, heard, or otherwise experienced relevant to the case. Witnesses are called upon to testify to the facts of the matter under consideration, and their testimony is expected to be truthful, accurate, and based on firsthand observation or knowledge. In essence, witnesses serve to provide evidence and offer insight into the events or circumstances in question.
                                                                      2. Lawyer: On the other hand, a lawyer is a legal professional who represents one of the parties involved in the case. Lawyers are trained in the law and are responsible for advocating on behalf of their clients’ interests. Their role is to present arguments, make legal objections, cross-examine witnesses, and offer legal interpretations and strategies to support their clients’ positions. Unlike witnesses, lawyers do not offer firsthand testimony but instead rely on legal knowledge, research, and argumentation to advance their case. They work within the framework of legal procedures and rules to advocate for their clients’ rights and objectives.

                                                                      A witness and lawyer serve different functions. Witnesses provide firsthand testimony based on their personal knowledge or experience, while lawyers represent the interests of their clients by presenting legal arguments and strategies within the framework of the law. A Christian is called to be a witness. To testify.

                                                                      Should You Be A Witness?

                                                                      The unique aspect of Christian witnessing or testifying lies in its personal and experiential nature. Unlike some other religions that may focus primarily on rituals, doctrines, or philosophical teachings, Christianity places a strong emphasis on the personal relationship between the believer and God through Jesus Christ.

                                                                      Christian witnessing involves sharing one’s personal experiences of encountering Jesus Christ and the transformation that comes from faith in Him. It goes beyond mere intellectual assent to doctrinal beliefs and involves sharing the impact of Jesus’ teachings and presence of The Holy Spirit in one’s life.

                                                                      This personal testimony is often marked by authenticity, vulnerability, and sincerity, as believers share how their lives have been changed by their faith in Jesus Christ. It is not just about imparting information but about sharing the reality of God’s love, grace, and power in their lives. Are you a witness?

                                                                      Introducing the Diatessaron: This publication presents a reconstructed version of the Diatessaron, a significant ancient text that harmonizes the four canonical Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—into a single narrative. Stripped of footnotes and annotations, this edition aims to provide readers with a clear and unobstructed view of the Diatessaron’s content, allowing them to explore this remarkable synthesis of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded by the early Christian tradition. By removing extraneous commentary, this edition invites readers to engage directly with the text and to appreciate the Diatessaron’s historical and theological significance within the context of early Christian literature. This text is intended for personal reflection, rather than scholarly study, and offers a valuable resource for those interested in exploring the diverse expressions of Christian faith in the ancient world.

                                                                      The cloud of unknowing

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                                                                      “You can create nothing”: Neville Goddard

                                                                      “FREE WILL”

                                                                      “THE QUESTION is often asked, “What should be done between the assumption of the wish fulfilled and its realization?”

                                                                      Nothing. It is a delusion that, other than assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you can do anything to aid the realization of your desire.

                                                                      You think that you can do something, you want to do something; but actually you can do nothing. The illusion of the free will to do is but ignorance of the law of assumption upon which all action is based.

                                                                      Everything happens automatically.

                                                                      All that befalls you, all that is done by you – happens.

                                                                      Your assumptions, conscious or unconscious, direct all thought and action to their fulfillment.

                                                                      To understand the law of assumption, to be convinced of its truth, means getting rid of all the illusions about free will to act. Free will actually means freedom to select any idea you desire.

                                                                      By assuming the idea already to be a fact, it is converted into reality. Beyond that, free will ends, and everything happens in harmony with the concept assumed.

                                                                      I can of Mine Own Self do nothing…
                                                                      because I seek not Mine Own Will,
                                                                      but the Will of the Father which hath sent Me.

                                                                      John 5.30

                                                                      In this quotation, the Father obviously refers to God. In an earlier chapter, God is defined as I AM.

                                                                      Since creation is finished, the Father is never in a position of saying “I will be”. In other words, everything exists, and the infinite I AM consciousness can speak only in the present tense.

                                                                      Not My Will, but Thine be done.

                                                                      Luke 22.42

                                                                      “I will be” is a confession that “I am not”. The Father’s Will is always “I AM”.

                                                                      Until you realize that YOU are the Father (there is only one I AM, and your infinite self is that I AM), your will is always “I will be”.

                                                                      In the law of assumption, your consciousness of being is the Father’s will. The mere wish without this consciousness is the “my will”. This great quotation, so little understood, is a perfect statement of the law of assumption.

                                                                      It is impossible to do anything. You must be in order to do.

                                                                      If you had a different concept of yourself, everything would be different.

                                                                      You are what you are, so everything is as it is.

                                                                      The events which you observe are determined by the concept you have of yourself.

                                                                      If you change your concept of yourself, the events ahead of you in time are altered, but, thus altered, they form again a deterministic sequence starting from the moment of this changed concept. You are a being with powers of intervention, which enable you, by a change of consciousness, to alter the course of observed events – in fact, to change your future.

                                                                      Deny the evidence of the senses, and assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

                                                                      Inasmuch as your assumption is creative and forms an atmosphere, your assumption, if it be a noble one, increases your assurance and helps you to reach a higher level of being.

                                                                      If, on the other hand, your assumption be an unlovely one, it hinders you and makes your downward way swifter. Just as the lovely assumptions create a harmonious atmosphere, so the hard and bitter feelings create a hard and bitter atmosphere.

                                                                      Whatsoever things are pure, just, lovely, of good report, think on these things. [Approx., Philippians 4:8]

                                                                       Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

                                                                      Philippians 4.8

                                                                      This means to make your assumptions the highest, noblest, happiest concepts. There is no better time to start than now. The present moment is always the most opportune in which to eliminate all unlovely assumptions and to concentrate only on the good.

                                                                      As well as yourself, claim for others their Divine inheritance.

                                                                      See only their good and the good in them. Stir the highest in others to confidence and self-assertion by your sincere assumption of their good, and you will be their prophet and their healer, for an inevitable fulfillment awaits all sustained assumptions.

                                                                      You win by assumption what you can never win by force.

                                                                      An assumption is a certain motion of consciousness. This motion, like all motion, exercises an influence on the surrounding substance causing it to take the shape of, echo, and reflect the assumption. A change of fortune is a new direction and outlook, merely a change in arrangement of the same mind substance – consciousness.

                                                                      If you would change your life, you must begin at the very source with your own basic concept of self.

                                                                      Outer change, becoming part of organizations, political bodies, religious bodies, is not enough. The cause goes deeper. The essential change must take place in yourself, in your own concept of self.

                                                                      You must assume that you are what you want to be and continue therein, for the reality of your assumption has its being in complete independence of objective fact and will clothe itself in flesh if you persist in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

                                                                      When you know that assumptions, if persisted in, harden into facts, then events which seem to the uninitiated mere accidents will be understood by you to be the logical and inevitable effects of your assumption.

                                                                      The important thing to bear in mind is that you have infinite free will in choosing your assumptions, but no power to determine conditions and events.

                                                                      You can create nothing, but your assumption determines what portion of creation you will experience.” -NEVILLE GODDARD

                                                                      And THAT is exactly what Neville says about free will. What did you hear about free will? Have you listened to coaches say that “there is no free will”, or “no one has free will in your reality”? Now you know that everyone was given free will, you and everyone else too.

                                                                      Supporting Bible verses

                                                                      You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

                                                                      Galatians 5.13

                                                                      Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.

                                                                      John 7.17

                                                                       But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

                                                                      Joshua 24.15

                                                                       In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.


                                                                      So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

                                                                      For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

                                                                      Galatians 5.16-17

                                                                      And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;

                                                                      but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.

                                                                      Genesis 2.16-17

                                                                      This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live


                                                                      Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit.

                                                                      Ezekial 18

                                                                      So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them

                                                                      Genesis 1:27

                                                                      God is the Potter and humans are the clay.

                                                                      The clay, Adam and Eve, were created with free will to have a loving, meaningful relationship with God and with each other. Without free will, there is no love…. Love is a choice…without free will to chose love there can be no love….

                                                                      God did not create man in the image of a robot, without free will.

                                                                      God created Adam and Eve to reflect the most important characteristic of God, which is love, he created mankind within the existing harmonious universe, which he saw was good, and we are free to choose this good, any time, and we are free to chose discord, fear, doubt, hate, and envy any time we like. Free will, is love, if you love someone, set them free.

                                                                      Knowledge of good and evil

                                                                       Fallen man is in bondage to sin, under the influence and deception of Satan, and spiritually dead and separated from God.

                                                                      Free will means that we WILL choose rebellion, at some point, and experience that the freedom FROM God, is the same as and equal to bondage to the flesh. We “know good and evil”.

                                                                      God’s Gifts of Free Will and Love 

                                                                      Love is the supernatural healing, it is divine harmony, and it is the highest ethic, and it is WHOLLY contingent upon…. freedom …… FREE WILL.

                                                                      It is indispensable to love, and LOVE is God’s supreme goal for all of us is that we will love him with all of our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves, to violate free will would be to violate that which is a necessary for love to flourish.

                                                                      THIS is the one message of Christianity, it is the Alpha and the Omega of Christs teachings, and raison d’etre.

                                                                      “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,[athat everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”

                                                                      For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

                                                                       For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.  Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.  This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.  Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.” -John 3.14-21

                                                                      Of course, the New Testament is written in Greek, and the word used for love is Agape, a selfless, charitable, Christ-like love.

                                                                      Back to Neville’s discourse on free will…

                                                                      The important thing to bear in mind is that you have infinite free will in choosing your assumptions, but no power to determine conditions and events.” – Neville Goddard.

                                                                      You can create nothing, but your assumption determines what portion of creation you will experience.” – Neville Goddard

                                                                      Summary of Neville’s concept:

                                                                      You create nothing.

                                                                      You can choose what of creation you experience by choosing HOW you experience WHAT you are experiencing…(mental gymnastics here)

                                                                      By choosing love you are invoking your free will to transcend WHAT you are experiencing.

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                                                                      Manifesting anything involves perceiving its existence in its potential reality. For instance, considering the sun, it is always shining; even if it sets in one part of the world, it rises in another. Its light is perpetual, never truly extinguished. This perspective highlights the idea that everything exists in a state of potentiality, waiting to manifest in the physical realm. In a matter of hours there is another sunrise, and so on. The potential is as real as its manifestation. Your body, is a manifestation of your soul, and the universe is a manifestation of God. All potential is here already.


                                                                      In the book of Joshua, chapter 10, we witness a display of the power of manifestation in when walking in faith in God.

                                                                      Joshua’s focus on the sun highlights its perpetual nature—it never truly “sets” in the sense of ceasing to exist or shine. Despite the Earth’s rotation, the sun continues to emit light, representing an eternal presence rather than a temporary phenomenon.

                                                                      The story of Joshua unfolds as the Amorite kings gather their forces to attack Gibeon, a city that had made peace with Joshua and the Israelites. (The events described in Joshua Chapter 10 are traditionally believed to have taken place around 1400-1350 BCE during the Israelite conquest of Canaan.)Sensing the imminent danger, the Gibeonites send word to Joshua, calling for his swift aid.

                                                                      Joshua, guided by the Lord, marches with his army to confront the enemy. Despite the overwhelming odds, he receives a divine reassurance: – “Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand.” Emboldened by this promise, Joshua launches a surprise attack, and the Lord throws the enemy into confusion before Israel, leading to their complete defeat.

                                                                      Yet, the most remarkable moment comes when Joshua, filled with faith and conviction, speaks to the sun and the moon, commanding them to stand still over Gibeon and the Valley of Aijalon. Miraculously, the sun obeys his command, halting in the middle of the sky, and the moon stops, extending the day to allow Israel to achieve total victory.

                                                                      This event showcases the essence of manifestation when aligned with God. Joshua’s faith in God’s promise and his declaration to the sun and moon demonstrate the limitless and the miraculous.

                                                                      What doe the story convey?

                                                                      • Divine Intervention: God lengthened the period of daylight so that Joshua’s army could have more time to achieve victory against the Amorites.
                                                                      • Symbolic Act: The alteration in the constellations symbolized the Lord’s victory over the lesser gods of Canaan, who were associated with the sun and moon. (Trust in anything ABOVE God, is a backwards act)
                                                                      • Joshua’s Request: Joshua asked for the sun to stand still and the moon to stop, allowing Israel to take vengeance on their enemies.
                                                                      • Condemnation of Idolatry: Many of Israel’s neighbors worshipped their deities in association with the sun and moon, which was prohibited by Moses. The stilling of the sun and moon symbolized the paralysis of these inferior gods. What “inferior Gods” have we placed before God today?
                                                                      • Language of Paralysis: The term “still” used to describe the sun’s state (דום; dom) echoes Moses’ description of the inhabitants of Canaan being paralyzed with fear at the might of God. There are two sides you can be on. For or against. You can’t serve two masters.
                                                                      • Vengeance Against Adversaries: The sun and moon’s stoppage allowed Israel to take vengeance on its enemies, similar to God’s vengeance against lesser gods as described by Moses.

                                                                      Faith in God:

                                                                      • Joshua demonstrated trust in God’s promises and guidance, believing in the fulfillment of God’s covenant with the Israelites.(in spiritual terms, “Israel” represents a state of alignment with God, a journey of spiritual evolution, and a profound connection to the divine presence.)
                                                                      • He exhibited courage and confidence in the face of challenges, relying on God’s strength to overcome obstacles.
                                                                      • Joshua’s faith is evident in his obedience to God’s commands, even when they seemed difficult to comprehend.
                                                                      • He remained steadfast in his belief in God’s faithfulness, drawing inspiration from past acts of intervention and deliverance.

                                                                      Walk with God:

                                                                      • Joshua sought God’s presence and direction through prayer and meditation, communing with the Lord to discern His will.
                                                                      • He displayed humility and dependence on God, acknowledging his reliance on divine guidance rather than his own understanding. (Lean not on your own understanding, take a leap of faith)
                                                                      • Joshua prioritized God’s laws and statutes, aligning his actions with God’s principles.
                                                                      • His leadership was marked by integrity and righteousness, reflecting his commitment to walking in accordance with God’s standards. (Your RIGHTEOUS desires will be fulfilled)

                                                                      The Free will conundrum in LOA

                                                                      Joshua’s exercise of free will to command the sun to stand still parallels the idea of eating from the tree of life in the biblical narrative. Just as Adam and Eve had the choice to partake of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden, Joshua, as a representative of humanity, exercises his free will to command the sun, symbolizing life and light, to pause. This action demonstrates his authority and connection with God, akin to partaking of the tree of life, which symbolizes communion with God and eternal life. Through his decisive action, Joshua aligns himself with God’s will and exhibits a level of spiritual insight and authority that reflects his deep connection with the divine. On the contrary, The Tre of knowledge of good and evil is a choice to experience fear, anger ect. It is the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. Making the choice of communing with Gd, is “eating from the tree of life” and good and evil naturally is experienced with the consiousness of the creator.

                                                                      Personal Miracle

                                                                      I’ve experienced personal miracles in my life, and one particular story stands out vividly. It’s a testament to the power of faith and divine intervention.

                                                                      Years ago, a very dear friend of mine went missing. At that time, communication was limited to letter writing and very expensive international phone calls…, and I had moved out of the country, so we stayed in touch by letter writing.

                                                                      When I came back home, I found out the hed was missing, and that three months passed without any word from him Despite his parents’ efforts (his father was even a detective), they couldn’t find any leads. I felt a deep sense of worry and urgency.

                                                                      I also started search efforts, three months behind, by talking to his friends and visiting places he frequented, but to no avail. Days turned into a week, and despite my best efforts, I realized I was no closer to finding him. Desperation set in, but instead of giving up, I turned to prayer.

                                                                      In a moment of surrender, I poured out my heart to God. I confessed my inability to find my friend and pleaded for divine guidance. I prayed: “God, I have looked everywhere, but I can’t find him. Please help me. I know you know where he is. Show me the way. I don’t know how to hear your voice, so here’s what I’ll do: if you want me to go in a certain direction, make that direction brighter. Light up the sun in the direction I should go, and I will follow.

                                                                      Within an hour of uttering that prayer, and actually following through on my request, even though I felt VERY WEIRD just following rays of sun…. I found my friend.

                                                                      It was nothing short of a miraculous. I was filled with relief and awe at the divine intervention that had taken place. I would never in a million years have thought to search where I found him, yet I was led there by God. It was a clear example of God’s perfect work.

                                                                      Miracles happen when we surrender to God, until then he lets us do it by our own might. What miracles all have in common is surrender.

                                                                      Let go and let God.

                                                                      To the PURE all things are pure

                                                                      In my personal experience, my sincere and heartfelt prayer to God reflected the purity of my intentions. My genuine desire to find my missing friend, coupled with my trust and faith in God’s ability to help, created a spiritual atmosphere conducive to receiving divine assistance.

                                                                      A pure heart, free from selfish motives or doubts, or duplicity, allows us to surrender our worries and fears entirely to God, opening the pathway for His intervention. My word for this is DOERSHIP. You have to stop finagling.

                                                                      In Joshua’s story, his faith and obedience to God stemmed from a pure heart. Throughout the battles against the Amorites, Joshua demonstrated a deep trust in God’s promises and a commitment to follow His commands without hesitation. His purity of heart enabled him to hear and obey God’s instructions, even when they seemed impossible or unconventional.

                                                                      A pure heart is the conduit for divine communication and action. When our intentions are sincere, and our hearts are aligned with God’s will, we become receptive to His guidance and blessings. This purity of heart allows us to experience the miraculous.


                                                                      God’s promises are aligned with righteousness, and He does not manifest unrighteous desires. No miracles are made around debauchery, cheating, evilness theft, murder, greed and so on. ONLY righteous desires are made manifest by God.

                                                                      However, through our free will, we have the ability to pursue our own desires, whether they are righteous or not. When we choose to manifest outside the bounds of righteousness, we exercise our free will in a way that leads us away from God’s promises and into the realm of the knowledge of good and evil. This choice brings consequences and separates us from the security and peacefulness of God’s felt presence. Then we have knowledge.

                                                                      MANIFEST MAGAZINE

                                                                      The Seed of Potential Within

                                                                      In the beginning, God created mankind in His image.

                                                                      “In the beginning, God created mankind in His image.” This reveals an important aspect of our existence: OUR creative power. Just as God brought forth the universe, Earth, and all living things into being, He bestowed upon us the ability to create and manifest.

                                                                      The Seed of Potential Within

                                                                      When we say that we are created in God’s image, it signifies that we carry within us the same creative potential as the divine. Just as an apple seed contains within it the tree it that it will become, and also, the apple that will eventually grow on the tree, so we possess the potential to manifest through the power of our thoughts. But a state of potential is just potential, nothing else.

                                                                      Manifestation as Existing Potential

                                                                      If I plan to travel from Sweden to Santa Monica next week and I envision myself walking on the beach, making footprints in the sand, these footprints of mine, already exist, as potential. Just like the apple seed that eventually becomes and apple. Our thoughts contain the blueprint for outcomes. Our thoughts are the cause for th effects that we see.


                                                                      • Recognize your divine heritage: YOU are created in the image of the Creator, imbued with the same creative potential. You are NOT merely an animal or plant, but rather, IN HIS IMAGE. Nothing else wich was created before mankind was created in HIS image. Just us.
                                                                      • Cultivate mindfulness: Pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs, as they are the cause of reality. Replace out of control ruminations and inner arguments with controlled states of mind.
                                                                      • Did you manage to get into a state, but then a rude guy caused you to argue for 20 minutes and now you’ve spent 3 days thinking about it? You attained it, but couldn’t maintain it.

                                                                      Sustained States

                                                                      The manifestation is easier than the sustaining. The ability to create and to maintain, to grow and make better is what separates the boys from the men. This is the essence of manifestation. Sustained states requires disciple. Jesus says, if your eye causes you to sin,. pluck it out. I’m not saying to gauge your eyes out, but if you seriously set y0our mind on something, then do what you have to to maintain that single pointed mind.

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                                                                      While You Are Waiting

                                                                      While You Are Waiting

                                                                      “What should I do while I am waiting?

                                                                      “While you are waiting, do what every waiter does… SERVE.”

                                                                      Why is it so much easier to fully grasp the basics of what Neville Presented as a Christian, and why is it so hard for atheist and other non-believers?

                                                                      That’s easy to answer.

                                                                      We already have the concept of “letting God” down pat. Doing vs non-doing is not as confusing for us, because we have already accepted that we are not the “doers” of the universe, God is. Thus, most of you who ask “what should I do” simply also need to grasp this doership FACT:

                                                                      There are things we can not do. Like rise the sun. Or create the universe. Of exchange oxygen atoms during inhales. The processes that belong to God, you simple let go of. You have prayed, that means that your part of the job is done. Now comes the trust part. This doesn’t meant that “you don’t take any action”,, you are confusing apples and oranges. you can’t just sit on your bum and expect to have a good life, but if you are NOT going to trust in your intention, why even bother with intending in the first place? Just go back to being wishy washy about life.

                                                                      So what should you do? Not wait.

                                                                      How do you “not wait

                                                                      Well for one, you can exchange the feeling of waiting for expectancy.

                                                                      Instead of waiting you can “expect”.

                                                                      Or as the quote above says: Do what every waiter does: SERVE.

                                                                      This means, take you focus off yourself and focus on others. There is TOO MUCH narcissism and self centeredness going around, and LOA naturally attracts MORE self centeredness. The trouble with is of course that you are in a state of entitlement, whininess or neediness. In other words: In a state of WAITING. In a state of “not having”. Un-fulfilment and lack of gratitude. Not the end state.

                                                                      What should you do while waiting?

                                                                      DON’T wait. Serve.


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                                                                      Correcting Neville # 1

                                                                      Correcting Neville # 1

                                                                      “We have identified the Lord as your awareness of being. Therefore, to ‘magnify the Lord’ is to revalue or expand one’s present conception of one’s self to the point where this revaluation becomes natural.”.

                                                                      Neville Goddard

                                                                      Can we talk about how this does not cover all the things that we have identified god as being?

                                                                      This will be my first post on correcting Neville. Upon realizing the amount of people who are atheist, and still have the audacity to use the bible, albeit in plagiarized form, to push their “no God but myself” agenda, I have decided to spend some time correcting Neville.

                                                                      “Awareness of being” in one part true, but this does not explain the intelligent design of the universe, how every miniscule cell and electron, atom, has an end goal that it it designed to fulfill. A fruit fly cell can only become a fruit fly, not a horse fly, and certainly not a human.

                                                                      Sure, “The Lord is your awareness of being” but that is far from everything that God is.

                                                                      We instead think of “the creator” and “the creation”, and we think of ourselves as “created” or “creatures”. This makes more sense, and also, we can then ADD to this that we are created “in his image” so we have the same attributes as our creator, and part of His attribute is “awareness of being”. SO though Neville is right, he is also wrong.

                                                                      Neville Goddard’s quote focuses ONLY on ONE aspect of the divine nature, which is the “awareness of being.” While this is an essential aspect, it doesn’t encompass the entirety of God’s attributes, such as intelligence, creativity, and omnipotence.

                                                                      A revised version of the quote could be:

                                                                      We have identified the Lord as the source of our awareness of being. However, the concept of God extends beyond mere awareness to encompass the intelligence and creative power behind the universe’s design. To ‘magnify the Lord’ is to expand our understanding of God to include His attributes of intelligence, creativity, and omnipotence, realizing that we are created in His image and share in these divine qualities.

                                                                      A Better Neville Goddard

                                                                      This revised version acknowledges Neville’s insight while broadening the perspective to encompass a more comprehensive understanding of God’s nature.

                                                                      woman in purple shirt covering her face with her hand

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