Correcting Neville # 1

Correcting Neville # 1

“We have identified the Lord as your awareness of being. Therefore, to ‘magnify the Lord’ is to revalue or expand one’s present conception of one’s self to the point where this revaluation becomes natural.”.

Neville Goddard

Can we talk about how this does not cover all the things that we have identified god as being?

This will be my first post on correcting Neville. Upon realizing the amount of people who are atheist, and still have the audacity to use the bible, albeit in plagiarized form, to push their “no God but myself” agenda, I have decided to spend some time correcting Neville.

“Awareness of being” in one part true, but this does not explain the intelligent design of the universe, how every miniscule cell and electron, atom, has an end goal that it it designed to fulfill. A fruit fly cell can only become a fruit fly, not a horse fly, and certainly not a human.

Sure, “The Lord is your awareness of being” but that is far from everything that God is.

We instead think of “the creator” and “the creation”, and we think of ourselves as “created” or “creatures”. This makes more sense, and also, we can then ADD to this that we are created “in his image” so we have the same attributes as our creator, and part of His attribute is “awareness of being”. SO though Neville is right, he is also wrong.

Neville Goddard’s quote focuses ONLY on ONE aspect of the divine nature, which is the “awareness of being.” While this is an essential aspect, it doesn’t encompass the entirety of God’s attributes, such as intelligence, creativity, and omnipotence.

A revised version of the quote could be:

We have identified the Lord as the source of our awareness of being. However, the concept of God extends beyond mere awareness to encompass the intelligence and creative power behind the universe’s design. To ‘magnify the Lord’ is to expand our understanding of God to include His attributes of intelligence, creativity, and omnipotence, realizing that we are created in His image and share in these divine qualities.

A Better Neville Goddard

This revised version acknowledges Neville’s insight while broadening the perspective to encompass a more comprehensive understanding of God’s nature.

woman in purple shirt covering her face with her hand

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