The Four Levels Of LOVE in Kabbalah

The Four Levels Of Love in Kabbalah: A Journey Towards Divine Connection

The path to the divine connection of knowing God goes through the stages of love, progressing from self-centered love to a profound, selfless love for God and finally FROM God. The exploration of different dimensions of love, spiritual concepts, and the role of challenges and growth contributes to a clear understanding that the ultimate goal is a deep, unifying connection with the divine. Love is the transformative key to a meaningful connection with the divine.

Four Stages:

Kabbalah outlines four stages that move individuals from self-centered love to a selfless union with God. While this may not be a conscious goal for everyone, the culmination is a fascinating connection with the divine.

Four Dimensions Of Love:

  1. Love of Self for Self’s Sake:
    At the outset, love is self-centered, rooted in personal needs and desires. It revolves around individual well-being and fulfilling personal wants.
  2. Love of God for Self’s Sake:
    Faced with challenges, we turn to God, recognizing His role. Love for God comes as a response to needing help with something beyond our own capacity. Still looking for personal fulfilment, but now turning to God for our security, and personal benefits.
  3. Love of God for God’s Sake:
    The third dimension signifies a deeper love for God, transcending personal needs. It involves understanding God’s inherent goodness, evolving into a genuine love for God.
  4. Love of Self for God’s Sake:
    The highest degree is a rare and profound experience where individuals love themselves for God’s sake. It entails a complete surrender to the divine will, losing oneself in unity with God. We understand that we do not in fact supply the love, we are merely vessels to receive Gods love for us, and so we surrender God’s love.

The ultimate goal is a deep, unifying connection with the divine.and these concepts resonate across various spiritual lenses. For instance, Krishna Devotees, or Christians, in their process of being SAVED or BORN AGAIN, often find themselves at the fourth stage.

This progression reflects a deepening spiritual awareness and a shift toward an understanding of divine love. Liberation in Eastern traditions also aligns with this ultimate goal, often misunderstood as a mental pursuit rather than an experiential surrenderand an awakeing of the spark in the heart, to and receiving of God’s love.

Our Yearning For Love:

In the first stage of love, we naturally gravitate towards self-love driven by inherent human affections. This self-centered love is normal and natural, arising from a basic instinct for self-preservation.

Moving into the second stage involves recognizing dependence on something greater, leading to seeking God for personal interests. This stage is marked by transactional love, seeking divine help and protection when needed.

Progressing further, the third stage is attained through a dedicated spiritual journey involving meditation, prayer, and obedience. A sweet familiarity with God is developed through firsthand experience, evolving love beyond personal interests to genuine love for God Himself.

Regarding the fourth stage, a profound transformation occurs where we love ourselves solely for God’s sake. It’s a rare experience where one becomes forgetful of oneself in joyful union with the divine. Recognizing that God experiences through us, an inexplicable “purification of love” takes place. Challenges of worldly existence may make attaining this degree elusive, emphasizing the need for divine mercy, grace, and comfort in the face of life’s struggles.

Kabbalah Concepts:

Kabbalists, through spiritual attainments, have revealed the essence of reality, identifying a Supreme Power referred to as The Creator The opening of Kabbalah to all, facilitated by the internet, allows access to this wisdom. The wisdom of Kabbalah revolves around the Creator’s act of creating desire, specifically the “will to receive.”

True Love is Without Ulterior Motive:

The four levels of love, a path to true love without ulterior motives, are connected to the dynamics of the will to receive and the pleasure. Lesser and higher levels of awe and love are explored, reflecting a sequence in one’s search for connection with God. Recognition and progression through these levels outline an individual’s spiritual journey and evolving relationship with the Creator.

The Desire To be Independent Of Our Creator; Where Does Evil Come From?

Satan, in this perspective, is a real but not traditional devil figure. It’s a negative force within each individual, often associated with the ego. Satan is viewed as a tool created by the divine to aid growth, challenges, and becoming one’s true self. It’s not limited to the ego but encompasses desires solely for oneself, the source of negative aspects.

Recognizing and overcoming Satan within is crucial for spiritual growth. Despite being a negative force, Satan serves a positive purpose by challenging individuals to grow and resist short-term desires. Recognizing Satan within oneself is the first step toward true transformation and growth.

A distinction is made between Divine and “Satan consciousness”, existing within every individual. Divine consciousness is the genuine essence, enduring forever. “Satan consciousness” is temporary and will be constrained or transformed. Spiritual growth involves transcending or transforming the influence of “Satan consciousness” to align with the eternal, loving, and altruistic nature of Divine consciousness.

Connection and Dependence is the Tool of the Divine:

The progression of the four stages of love suggests that overcoming negative aspects associated with the “Satan mind” involves a gradual dependence on God and a deepening connection with the Creator’s love. As individuals progress through the stages of love, they move from a self-centered orientation to a more profound and dependent connection with God. In one way you can say that our ngativity only serves to sharpen the tools of our divine consiousness.

Recognizing the importance of humility, interconnectedness, and reliance on a higher purpose or source beyond individual capabilities is crucial.

Independence may align with self-centered desires and the negative force referred to as Satan, whereas connection and dependence align with divine love and light. This highlights the power of a spiritual connection and surrender to the divine will.

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