Healing Love Course

Manifest deeper lasting love

This course is more than just a lifeline for struggling relationships; it’s a path towards profound spiritual and personal growth. Through the ancient wisdom of Nondual Tantra, which embraces the oneness of existence, and the powerful Law Of Assumption, you will learn the art of manifesting love in its purest form.

Living Wellness Coaching Manifest Love Course
non dual tantra

Manifest Lasting Sacred Love

Manifesting LOVE with Nondual Tantra and Law Of Assumption

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Have you ever felt that the spark in your marriage is flickering, or that your once-close spouse now feels like a distant stranger? Don’t lose hope because there’s a way to rekindle the love and rebuild the beautiful connection you once had. Welcome to our transformative course on Manifesting LOVE with Nondual Tantra and Law Of Assumption, a journey that will change your life forever and align you with the deepest intentions of your heart.

1. Discover the profound principles of oneness consciousness and awaken to your divine nature.
2. Learn how to harness the power of your desires, thoughts, beliefs, and intentions to manifest deep, sacred love.
3. Cultivate a love connection rooted in authenticity, harmony, and divine union.
4. Embrace the wisdom of Tantra to deepen your understanding of sensuality, energetic connection, and conscious relating.
5. Unravel the layers of conditioning and limitation that hinder your ability to experience true, soulful love.

6. Shift your consciousness and align your thoughts and beliefs with the reality of a loving, fulfilling partnership.
7. Unlock your inherent creative power and amplify your love manifestation potential.
8. Experience a profound shift in your approach to love and relationships, whether you are single or in a relationship.
9. Embrace a path of sacred love manifestation and open yourself to infinite possibilities in your love life.
10. Master the practical and actionable potential of manifestation to create a blissful and empowered love journey.

This course will literally change your life and align you with the true intentions of your heart.

Embark on a profound journey of love manifestation with this transformative course,: Manifesting LOVE with Nondual Tantra (oneness, and the science of Ardhanishvara ) and Law Of Assumption. This comprehensive program is designed to empower you in attracting and nurturing a deep, sacred love connection that transcends the limitations of the physical realm.

Incorporating the wisdom of Nondual Tantra and the Law of Assumption, this course offers a holistic approach to manifesting love that integrates mind, body, and spirit. Discover the profound principles of oneness consciousness, man/woman as one principle to become awakened to our divine nature, and learn how to harness the power of your desires, thoughts, beliefs, and intentions to create a love relationship rooted in authenticity, harmony, and divine union.

With a commitment-oriented focus, this course goes beyond surface-level attraction techniques and dives deep into the heart of love manifestation. Through sacred practices, transformative exercises, and profound teachings, you will unravel the layers of conditioning and limitation that have hindered your ability to experience true, soulful love.

Immerse yourself in the wisdom of Tantra, embracing the sacredness of sensuality, energetic connection, and the divine dance between masculine and feminine energies. Explore the art of conscious relating, intimacy, and heart-centered communication, cultivating a love connection that honors the depth and expansiveness of your being.

Drawing upon the Law of Assumption, you will learn how to shift your consciousness, aligning your thoughts and beliefs with the reality of a loving, fulfilling partnership. Discover your inherent creative power as you delve into practices that will amplify your love manifestation potential.

This course is for those ready to commit to their personal growth and sacred love journey. Whether you are single or in a relationship, the teachings and practices within this course will guide you towards a profound shift in your approach to love and relationships. Embrace the path of sacred love manifestation and unlock the infinite possibilities of a soulful, transformative connection.

A must-have course for optimizing your understanding of manifesting, and the universal laws that make this a science!  Real results in a real way, this is not mental health merely designed to help you stay resilient.  This is not spirituality without practical application.    This is a guide to how to use the machinery that makes up your conscious mind and its projections, no matter what life throws your way!


This Manifest Love Course is filled with actionable tools, and while taking this course you will feel a sense of bliss and empowerment, as you discover your true nature as a powerful creator.   This course guides you in a concise and empathetic manner.

You may be feeling hopeless but no matter what happened, no matter what they said to you, no matter what you have learned in life about rejection,  no matter what  the circumstances are , you can manifest your specific person.

Consciousness is lifeless without divine feminine energy. Shiva is a corpse without Shakti. There is nowhere where the Divine Feminine, is not. 

Discover the power within you and embark on an extraordinary journey with our must-have Manifest Love course. Prepare to elevate your understanding of manifestation and master its practical and actionable potential like never before.

Brace yourself for an effortless mastery of the universal laws that govern this profound science.

This isn’t just another self-help endeavor aimed at bolstering your mental well-being. It transcends the boundaries of mere spirituality without tangible application. Instead, it is a profound roadmap that reveals the inner workings of your subconscious mind and the profound connection it shares with your heart. Together, they project your deepest desires into the very fabric of the world around you. No matter what challenges life throws your way, you can conquer them all!

Immerse yourself in a transformative experience within our Manifest Love Course, as it overflows with actionable tools designed to ignite profound change. Every step of this journey will fill you with a sense of sheer bliss and empowerment, as you tap into your true nature as a potent creator. Guided with unwavering empathy and conciseness, you will be propelled towards the pinnacle of your greatest love.

Be prepared for the winds of transformation to sweep through your love life and existence as a whole. This course holds the power to redefine your experiences and align you with the authentic intentions of your heart. Your love and your life are about to undergo a magnificent metamorphosis, leading you towards the fulfillment you’ve always yearned for. Embrace this extraordinary opportunity and witness the wonders it unveils along your path.

Together, let’s manifest the love and life you’ve always envisioned.

Unveil your divine partnership’s cosmic grace, Manifest soulmate love, a sacred embrace, Embrace destiny’s whispers, love’s guiding light, For in true union, souls ignite.

Believe in love’s power, your birthright divine, Embrace the journey, let your heart align, In sacred union, souls intertwine, Manifesting love, a tapestry sublime.

Trust in the dance of fate, love’s symphony profound, With unwavering faith, soul connections resound, Embrace the magic, let your heart ignite, Manifest your divine partnership’s pure delight.

Open your heart, let love’s essence thrive, Manifesting a love that will forever survive, In the embrace of destiny’s hand, Find the love that’s destined to expand.

crop faceless man presenting red rose to girlfriend

Nobody sits us down and teaches us how to find love, to continue to generate love, how to grow love stronger or how to fall deeper in love the longer we are together.  We are thrown into relationships with nothing but our cultural dysfunctional version of love, romance movies and  pop culture to help us.

Instead of promoting manifesting love, only as an ethereal concept, or as impossible-to-apply-trite psychological advice , this course gives you specific, actionable steps to help you develop the inner experience and the skills to that you need to practice and nurture love better than ever before This is manifestation, the nondual way, the it was meant to be.

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