Navigating Identity in a Hypersexualized World

My own identiy shift, as a born again

I grew up in the 70s in a socialist Nordic country, where the air was thick with the promotion of sexual liberation. Even at preschool and kindergarten ages, children were exposed to the idea that sexuality was “natural” and something to be embraced without reservation. But amidst this cultural deluge, there was a whisper of wisdom that resonated deep within me, passed down from my grandmother—a wisdom rooted in Scripture, in biblical truth.

Yet, in a society where the prevailing belief was shoved down my throat from a tender age, there seemed little room for a child to grow up in the identity of Christ. Instead, I found myself defined by the prevailing narrative—a sexually liberated young woman. This identity clung to me until for most of my life, though marriage, widowhood, dating again, until – I experienced a radical transformation—a spiritual awakening that led me to embrace the truth of being born again. Against the odds, my culture couldn’t stop Jesus from reaching into my heart.

For those unfamiliar with the term, being born again signifies a profound spiritual shift—from seeking to being found by Jesus, located by the Holy Spirit, and healed from within. It’s akin to a spiritual heart surgery that defies explanation in mere words. From this moment on, I became a new person, my identity no longer tethered to notions of sex, sexuality, or gender. (and not to work, career, success or money eihter, it all fell away instantly) I was redeemed, saved, perfectly made in His image.

Yet, this newfound identity poses a conundrum—how to navigate a world that preaches a vastly different message? How to build intimacy, particularly when seeking a spouse, without succumbing to the sexualized, marketed and fabricated identities thrust upon us?

In the following discourse, I explore strategies for establishing identity and building intimacy without being ensnared by the culture’s sexualized agenda. Drawing from personal experience and biblical wisdom, I offer insights into reclaiming our true identity in Christ and fostering meaningful connections rooted in love, respect, and spiritual depth. And no, you do not have to be christian to derive value from this, this is for everyone who wants to feel valued for who you truly are.

Navigating a Hypersexualized World

In this world there is incessant buzz around sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity and this often drowns out the gut instict that we all have, of our true identity, that we are something MORE than just a body, and it’s increasingly challenging to anchor ourselves in something deeper and more profound than the fleeting desires of the flesh. Porn use is at an all time high, raking in more money than even Hollyowood. This desperate need for identity from sexuality has run its course. We are at the bottomm now. But is it really true, that our identity is only skin deep? What if there is another way to root our identity, not in societal constructs, or physical attributes, not in manmade concepts, but in the unshakeable truth that we are made in the image of God?

Establishing an identity in Christ amidst the cacophony of sexualized messages requires a concentrated, intentional effort and a steadfast commitment to denying the lies, and to focusing only on truth. First off, here are some practical steps and insights to guide you on this journey of rediscovery:

  1. Embrace Your True Identity: The first step towards establishing an identity in Christ is to embrace the truth of who you are in Him. You are not defined by your sexual orientation, gender identity, past mistakes, or societal labels. You are a beloved child of God, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image (Psalm 139:14). Allow this truth to permeate every aspect of your being. No, this CAN’T be done by the intellectual mind, because tha natural mind can never understand the mind of God. -And the darkness comprehended it not- No, it has to be done by an invitation to Christ to enter in to our hearts, mind and soul. HE will reveal our identity from the inside out.
  2. Renew Your Mind: In a culture that bombards us with distorted views of sexuality, renewing our minds with the truth of God’s Word is paramount. Fill your mind with Scripture, meditate on His promises, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform your thinking (Romans 12:2). Avoid looking at any secularized message that tells you that you are just a body, wether it be from instagram images, billboards or from online forums or irl conversations. Make a decision to leave all talks that center around a shallow idenetiy, as body, simply refuse to participate. Instead, you align your thoughts with God’s truth, by opening up the Bible, you’ll find clarity and freedom from the lies of the enemy. No. You do not have to analyze the Bibel, you do not have to really understand everything either, it is more of a spiritual act of opening the door for The Holy Spisit to come into your heart. Opening the word is opening the door.
  3. Cultivate Intimacy: True intimacy in romantic relationships transcends physical gratification. Once a relationship has gone phsyical, it can stagnate on an emotional level. Real intimacy goes much deeper than sexuality, it’s about knowing and being known deeply, authentically, and vulnerably. Seek to cultivate intimacy in your relationships through meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and genuine emotional connection. Invest time and effort into building trust and mutual respect, allowing love to flourish beyond the confines of sexuality.
  4. Explore Alternative Expressions of Intimacy: Intimacy is multifaceted, encompassing emotional, spiritual, and relational dimensions. Explore alternative ways to build intimacy that don’t revolve around sex or sexuality.
  5. Find Community: Surround yourself with a supportive community of believers who will encourage and uplift you on your journey. Yes, it is much easier if you are surrounded by peers who build you up.
  6. Embrace Grace and Redemption: Remember that your identity in Christ is not based on your performance or perfection. It’s rooted in the grace and redemption found in Jesus Christ. When you stumble or fall short, don’t wallow in shame or condemnation. Instead, run to the loving arms of your Heavenly Father, who offers forgiveness, restoration, and a fresh start.

New Ways of Intimacy:

1. Physical Intimacy:

  • Friendly Touch: Offer hugs, pats on the back, or shoulder massages to alleviate tension and convey warmth and care. Physical touch DOES build intimacy, but it does not have to be sexual until you are ready.
  • Shared Physical Activities: Engage in activities like walking, hiking, or dancing together, fostering physical closeness without sexual undertones.
  • Non-sexual Cuddling: Enjoy cuddling while watching a movie or sitting together, creating a sense of comfort and connection.

2. Emotional Intimacy:

  • Deep Conversations: Share your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and fears openly and authentically, building trust and understanding.
  • Active Listening: Practice active listening techniques to truly hear and empathize with your partner’s experiences and emotions.
  • Shared Experiences: Create memories together through shared activities, adventures, and meaningful rituals that strengthen your bond.

3. Spiritual Intimacy:

  • Prayer and Worship: Pray together, attend religious services, or participate in spiritual practices that align with your beliefs.
  • Discuss Beliefs: Engage in discussions about faith, values, and spiritual experiences, deepening your understanding of each other’s spiritual journey.

4. Intellectual Intimacy:

  • Exploring Mutual Interests: Dive into topics that interest both of you, whether it’s literature, art, science, or philosophy, stimulating intellectual curiosity and mutual understanding.
  • Learning Together: Take classes, attend lectures, or read books together, fostering intellectual growth and shared experiences.

I hope this offers some releif from the hypersexualized world that surrounds us, and I hope that you know that you are more than a body, more than your gender, more than your sexuality. You havea right to reject a massage that reduces you to a mere arrangement of atoms, cells and genes.

Your Identity in Christ

So, who are you in Christ? You are a beloved child of God, chosen, redeemed, and called to a life of purpose and significance. Embrace your true identity, rooted in Him, and let His love and truth guide you through the complexities of this hypersexualized world. If you have been given a gift of attraction for someone special, imagine that God din’t not give you that gift so that you could squander it. Lust that is immedietely acted on does not satisfy for very long. Imagine that God gave you a handful of dirt. You can either plant a seed in it, nurture that seed and watch it grow, or you can throw that handful of dirt on your dinner plate and eat it today. Lust inside of a marriage creates a strenghtening bond, that leads to happiness for the longhaul. It is your gift to do with as you will, but make the choice be yours, not the culture around you.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

2 Corintians 5.17

Navigating Sexual Morality as a Divorced (Or Widowed) Christian

Navigating Sexual Morality as a Divorced (Or Widowed) Christian

In today’s society, where cultural norms often clash with religious teachings, divorced or widowed Christians face a challenge: how to align their desires with spiritual principles. The question arises: should one follow the impulses of the flesh or the guidance of the Spirit of God? Amidst these dilemmas, it’s essential to revisit the moral compass provided by scripture and resist the encroachment of secular values into matters of faith. Growing up in the seventies in Scandinavia, the message was pretty clear. Do what is natural. Th curch was so secularized that it followed cultural sexual revolutions, rather than stick to what the Bible actually said. The result is that most christians seem to think that following your heart (flesh) is totally fine as long as both are consenting adults. But hold up, as a recent born again, I have buried my head in the Bible and come to find iut that nothing could be further from the truth. There is not a single word in the Bible about “as long as all involved are consenting adults it should be fine”, THAT is cultural norms, the world, and not God’s word. So now what?

Many Christians, not just me, find themselves grappling with questions about sexuality and morality, due to rising divorce rates, and many of us are often unaware of what the Bible truly says about these topics. The prevailing cultural attitudes towards sex and relationships can obscure the timeless truths outlined in scripture. However, as believers, it’s crucial to seek clarity and understanding on these issues. Divorce rates vary between 50 – 70 percent in the wetern world, and that means that a LOT of adults are lonely and looking for a new relationship. Do the rules of chastity change if you are divorced? If you are widowed?

One common misconception is the idea that divorce renders one exempt from adhering to God’s moral standards, particularly regarding sexual conduct. However, this notion is flawed. Regardless of past experiences, the principles of sexual morality remain unchanged. The forgiveness offered by God due to a divorce, does not negate the importance of living a life in accordance with His teachings. If you stole something once, and you repented, does that mean that stealing is now okay since it already happened once? No, of course not.

Scripture unequivocally condemns sexual immorality, emphasizing the sanctity of the body and the significance of marital fidelity. The comparison of sex outside of marriage to prostitution underscores the severity of this transgression.

Verses such as Ephesians 5:3-6:

 “But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.  Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.  For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.”

1 Corinthians 7:1-2:

 “Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.”  But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.

1 Corinthians 7.8-9

Now to the unmarried  and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.  But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Widows and widowers;

1 Corinthians 7.39

 “A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-5:

 “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;  that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable,  not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God

All these verses provide clear guidance on the expectation of sexual purity for all believers, regardless of marital status. Yes, the pagans live however they want, but not christians. In other words, you might think that since you have already been married, or since you already had boyfriends or girlfrinds in the past, or since you already have lived together, or engaged in whatever the world thinks is fine, you don’t need to worry about God’s word anymore….but hold on…. why would that fact that we have chosen to live in sin, as a culture, for a long time now, mean that God’s word on sin has changed? It hasn’t. This is STILL the way of a “pagan” world, and it will never be the way of God. We were never called to live in sin. This message should be more prominent in the church, and yes, if we fall and sin, we are forgiven, but the goal of a christian should actually be chastity…

Normalized Casual Relationship Statuses, and The Christian

Casual relationships and premarital sex are normalized, so it is only natural that adhering to biblical principles seem outdated or impractical. However, as Christians, we are called to transcend societal norms and adhere to a higher standard. The injunction to “not conform to the pattern of this world” (Romans 12:2) reminds us of our responsibility to live lives that reflect God’s values, even when they diverge from prevailing attitudes. The world changes, God is constant.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” 

Central to this discussion is the affirmation of marriage as the rightful context for sexual intimacy. Hebrews 13:4 reminds us to honor marriage and keep the marriage bed pure. This principle applies universally, regardless of one’s previous marital history. Marriage is not only a legal contract but more importantly, a sacred covenant before God, deserving of reverence and fidelity. Yes, divorce is also a sin, but this does not mean that you can set off a cascade of excuses to sexual immorality after a marriage has failed.

“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral

Navigating sexual morality as a widowed or divorced Christian requires a firm commitment to biblical principles amidst a culture that is inundated with sexual freedom and psomiscuity, a culture that often promotes contrary values. While forgiveness and redemption are available to all who seek them, it’s essential to uphold the sanctity of marriage and sexual purity. Know before hand what your goal is, chastity until marriage, and will be easier to keep this vow. And remeember, if someone is not good enough to marry….well…chances are that they are not good enough to have sex with either. Set the bar high.

  • What we covered:
  • The modern dilemma of divorced or widowed Christians in a culture of freedom.
  • Balancing desires with spiritual principles.

  • Heart vs. Spirit: The Dilemma
  • Lust of the Flesh versus the Spirit of God: conflicting influences.
  • Uncertainty about adherence to God’s laws on chastity in today’s culture.

  • Cultural Influence on Christian Perspectives
  • Invasion of cultural norms into church discussions on morality.
  • Lack of awareness among Christians regarding biblical teachings on sex and morality.

  • Forgiveness and Redemption
  • Acknowledging the sin of lust, or of divorce but believing in God’s forgiveness.
  • The process of seeking forgiveness, repentance, and living in grace and mercy.

  • Understanding Sexual Immorality
  • Addressing misconceptions about the acceptability of sex outside marriage.
  • Referring to previous discussions on premarital sex and its consequences.

  • Consistency in Moral Standards
  • Rejection of the idea that moral rules differ based on past sexual experiences.
  • Clarification: Sex outside marriage remains a sin irrespective of marital status.

  • Scriptural Basis for Sexual Morality
  • Drawing from 1 Corinthians on the sanctity of the body.
  • Condemning sexual immorality (Ephesians 5:3, 1 Corinthians 7:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).

  • Counteracting Cultural Norms
  • Emphasizing the need for Christians to stand apart from cultural norms.
  • Reference to Romans 12:2 on resisting conformity to worldly values.

  • Call to Honor Marriage and Purity
  • Encouragement to honor marriage and keep the marriage bed pure (Hebrews 13:4).
  • Emphasizing marriage as the rightful context for sexual intimacy.

Is This A Big Elaborate Chrsitian Hoax To Keep Us Miserable?

Absolutely not. Adhering to raised standards of sexual intimacy can foster an even deeper and more meaningful level of intimacy in a relationship. Do you want a DEEPER intimacy? Yes? Then here me out….

  1. Trust and Respect: When both partners commit to upholding biblical principles of sexual purity, it creates an environment of trust and respect. Knowing that your partner values fidelity and honors the sanctity of the marriage enhances trust and strengthens the bond between you.
  2. Emotional Connection: By prioritizing emotional intimacy over physical gratification, couples can develop a deeper emotional connection. Engaging in open communication, shared experiences, and mutual support strengthens the emotional bond between partners, laying a solid foundation for intimacy. As soon as sex has entered the picture, it takes up space as a method of intimacy, so if you really want to deeply know someone on a different level, then you will want to wait with sex.
  3. Vulnerability and Authenticity: Adhering to higher standards encourages couples to be vulnerable and authentic with each other. Instead of relying only on physical intimacy, they have to explore deeper aspects of their personalities, fears, dreams, and aspirations. This vulnerability fosters intimacy as partners get a chance to feel truly known and accepted by one another.
  4. Spiritual Connection: For couples who share faith, aligning their sexual practices with biblical standards can deepen their spiritual connection. Viewing sex as a sacred gift from God, meant to be shared within the confines of marriage, elevates the act to a spiritual experience that enhances intimacy on multiple levels. Imagine that the gift from God was a handful of dirt. You can either plant a seed in that dirt and nurture it and watch it grow, or you can throw that handful of dirt on your dinner plate and it it right now. What do you think is more satisfying? Yes, God has given you this attraction, but that doesn’t mean that you should take that and sin with it.
  5. Long-Term Satisfaction: Couples who prioritize sexual purity often report higher levels of long-term satisfaction in their relationships. By avoiding the complications and emotional baggage associated with premarital or extramarital sex, they can focus on building a fulfilling partnership that stands the test of time.
  6. Shared Values and Goals: Adhering to raised standards of sexual intimacy requires mutual commitment and shared values. Couples who align on these principles often find themselves more closely aligned in other areas of life as well, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose that enhances intimacy. A couple that shares values and goals is more likely to stay together.

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Exploring “I”theism, Nonduality, and the Quest for Origin

Exploring “I”theism, Nonduality, and the Quest for Origin

Human belief systems and the concepts of “I”theism, nonduality, and the search for ultimate origins, and our place within it has culminated in atheism’s subtle elevation of the self.

  • Atheism as “I”theism:
  • Atheism, the absence of belief in traditional deities, can also be interpreted as a form of “I”theism.
  • The absence of belief in external gods leads to the elevation of one’s own intellect.
  • The human mind becomes the locus of authority and the arbiter of morality, drawing inspiration from quantum physics and theories like the Law of Attraction (LOA) or “New Thought.”
  • Nonduality’s Transcendence:
  • Nonduality, rooted in traditions like Advaita Vedanta, offers a contrasting viewpoint.
  • While it acknowledges individual consciousness as a divine aspect, it diverges from glorifying the self and transcends ego-driven narratives.
  • Nonduality emphasizes the inseparable nature of God and His creation, calling for the transcendence of the ego’s attachments to worldly things to realize inner divine nature.
  • The Quest for Ultimate Origins:
  • Neither atheism, Vedanta, nor quantum physics directly addresses this fundamental inquiry.
  • There is an irony in the elaborate exploration of the universe, which seemingly evades the question of its origin.
  • The Concept of an Intelligent Creator:
  • Within Judaism and Christianity, the concept of an intelligent creator offers an explanation for the universe’s existence.
  • It posits that the universe was intentionally brought into existence by a conscious and intelligent being, suggesting that order, complexity, and design point towards an intelligence behind creation.
  • Limitations of Connectedness and Oneness:
  • While ideas of connectedness and oneness offer insights into the nature of reality, they do not provide a definitive answer to the question of ultimate origins.
  • Concepts like quantum entanglement and interconnected consciousness focus on understanding post-creation existence rather than addressing the question of creation itself.

Is there a creator?

The question of the ultimate origin of the universe is a fundamental inquiry that has intrigued thinkers across cultures and disciplines for millennia, a question that does not get answered by either Atheism, Vedanta, or Quantum physics. In some ways it is as if there is a belief that “the more elaborate the exploration of the universe”, the more we can hide from the fact that it does not answer the question of how it all originated. Within Jusaism and Christianity, the concept of an intelligent creator is posited as an explanation for the existence of the universe. The Big Bang of course does not explain anything, it merely suggest that for some reason, nothing decided to become intelligence.

The idea of an intelligent creator provides an answer to the question of “where did it all come from” by positing that the universe was intentionally brought into existence by a conscious and intelligent being. This suggests that the existence of order, complexity, and design in the universe points towards intelligence behind its creation. (Not evolution, not our minds, not an accidental spark) When considering the concept of connectedness and oneness in relation to the question of origins, these concepts do not directly address the issue of how the universe came into being. Instead, they often focus on understanding the nature of reality and the unity that seems to pervades all existence. Quantum entanglement, spooky action, mind-over-matter, and our connected consiousness as one. Yet, none of it answers how it came to be.

What are your thoughts? Did we dream ourselves into being? Are we a product of evolution casued by sneeze in nothingness? Is there a necessity for a creator to explain the universe?

manifest magazine

crop charming asian woman with dreamy gaze behind glass wall

The Law of Assumption as a Christian?

Is it possible or is it contradictory?

It is, yes, but you have to be careful to continuously love God with all of your heart, and with all of your strength first and foremost. You also have to be careful to not start to believe in some false claims, mostly by ignorant coaches, and naturally, you can not deny Jesus, like some coaches do. As for the “I AM God of my reality” concept, safe to say that if you belive that you are not a christian…. Here is a checklist to follow:

Using the Law of Assumption as a Christian requires keeping your beliefs and practices in accordance with the principles of your faith.

Christian Checklist:

  • Follow the Ten Commandments:
  • It seems obvious that as a Christian, it’s essential to adhere to the moral guidelines outlined in the Ten Commandments. Still, many Christians are not taking the ten commandments serious anymore. This should be a given. The first four commandments are about your relationship with God, and the final six are about our relationships with each other. These commandments provide a framework for ethical living and promote virtues such as love, honesty, and integrity. They are given by God to Moses, they STILL apply, they have NOT gone out of style. By following these commandments, you uphold the Law of God, and you maintain a righteous path in both your actions and intentions.

  • Avoid Ritualization and Idolization:
  • THIS is very important, MANY people treat the Law of assumption like some kind of sorcery. “What should I do now” they wonder. NOTHING! Just live your life normal. WHAT made anyone think that law of assumption has any ritual steps? Who told you that? There is nothing to deo. When applying the Law of Assumption, it’s main point is to avoid ritualizing or idolizing the desired outcome. This is even MORE important for a Christian, otherwise you break the fist commandment. Instead of placing undue emphasis on specific rituals or practices, focus on cultivating a genuine relationship with God and trusting in His plan for your life. Avoid the temptation to idealize, or put on a pedestal aka idolize the outcome or elevate it to the status of a false deity. Instead, maintain humility and ALWAYS surrender to God.
  • Don’t Put Your Vice on an Altar:
  • In the pursuit of desires or goals, it’s important not to prioritize them above your devotion to God. Avoid placing your desires on an altar and worshipping them as the ultimate goal. Instead, keep your heart pure by focusing on God’s will and seek His guidance in all aspects of your life. Non-Christians who use LOA tend to develop OBSESSION, a very harmful state of mind. Remember that true fulfillment comes from serving ( serving God not things or people) and living according to His purpose, rather than from the attainment of worldly desires. If you live to serve that thing you are manifesting you become its slave, and never its master. You can not serve two masters.

  • Imagination is not literally God, but it does create
  • The Law of Assumption entails taking responsibility for the power of your own imagination and acknowledging both its strength and fragility.
  • It involves confronting the capabilities of your mind and recognizing the impact your thoughts and beliefs can have on your reality.
  • While Neville Goddard asserts the potency of our imagination, suggesting it “is God”, it’s obviously not. Distorted interpretations arise from this claim, so ground our faith in the historical, factual, and spiritual truths of the Bible.
  • Denying the reality of Jesus by claiming that the imagination is God, nothing else, undermines the very essence of Christianity. As believers, we uphold the truth of Jesus Christ and His resurrection, recognizing Him is the cornerstone of our faith.
  • Our imagination reflects God’s image in which we were created.
  • It is a unique aspect of humanity, distinguishing us from other creatures.
  • With this gift comes responsibility to use it for good and to know God’s purpose, to LOVE.
  • However, our imagination can also be corrupted, leading us astray just like it did with Lucifer, corrupted by an inflated ego….
  • We must choose to use and direct our imagination, or fail to use it and relinquish it to whatever force may take over it.

“I AM God”?

  • No, you are not. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” – Genesis We are created, HE is the creator. The creator is not created, but we are.
  • But we DO have creative powers, just like our creator. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”– Genesis

Finally, remember:

  • Jesus should not be altered or distorted by any groups, fight back if you hear a different Jesus preached! Jesus is NOT “Your own wonderful human imagination” (Neville Goddard) he is historically factual, and he is God, our Lord and savior.
  • Law of assumption coaches can sometimes be influenced by dark forces. Look around and you will see what I mean…Demonic spirits are ripe in the field of manifestation.
  • The desire for control can lead to obsession, keep your ego small and humble, know who is in control, only God, not you.
  • Christians acknowledge Satan’s attempts to draw people away from God, other people do not believe in God or Satan, but we do. Recognize attempts of satan to take you away from God.
  • Upholding the Ten Commandments is essential in resisting negative influences. Some rely only on “the golden rule” but you have ten commandments, not one rule.
  • In all things pray. For we do not fight against flesh and blood…We already know how to be led by God in spirit! We don’t even need manifesting or LOA, and isn’t that good news!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4.6


woman praying in church

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Are you acting on your disease?

Acting on the WORD, or acting driven by our circumstances or problems.

The fact is: -I have this illness, or this addiction.

The fact is: – I have these neighbors who harass me…

“The facts” are what you live by, and this is post is about how you turn Gods light out in your life, so that you can’t see where you are going, and to stop living by the facts and start living by faith.

Acting on the TRUTH of God’s word.

This post is dedicated to a reader who has this problem of acting on her problem.

Whenever there is a problem, this individual acts on the problem. Is this you? Do you also act on your problems? Right now, she hates the way her neighbor make her feel, so she wants to move out even before she has another place to live. In the past she gave up a job that she didn’t like only to find that she doesn’t have money to pay the rent, she contacted me a few days before eviction… She is acting on her PROBLEM.

Act on the truth of God, don’t act on your problem.

Faith in God’s Word

Act on THE WORD, in faith. Don’t act ON YOUR PROBLEM in faith. There is a difference, and the difference is in the outcome.

Your blessing doesn’t come if you act on your problem, your disease, your demons, or your addiction. Your blessing comes when you act IN FAITH ON THE WORD.

So many people read a sentence or two out of the Bible and then act like an expert in “manifesting”… My eyes have really opened to the confused thinking that people have been operating under. Maybe you stumbled on manifesting, and now, suddenly you know everything. You quote the Bible left and right, with authority, but you have NEVER read the Bible. Is this you?

When I say, ACT ON THE WORD, the word I am talking about is the Bible. MEDITATE on the word. Become the word. Read the word everyday. This is your manual. It is the law of the kingdom of heaven. Let the word IN to your heart and soul so that you know what the word says BY YOUR SPIRIT. The word will change you and you will walk by faith in the word, not faith in the facts. You will walk by faith in the Holy Spirit, not faith in your problems.

You are not God and you do not have the perspective that God has.

God will NEVER bless your problems. God’s word exists in the heavens, in the kingdom of God, and because it exists there, it is already settled here.

Your blessing is only one action away, an action IN GOD’S word.

A refusal to act on your problem, circumstance, illness or addiction. Because you are not God, you don’t know the repercussions of s single act of faith. Even if it seems small or insignificant, act on the word of God. You don’t know the repercussions of acting on one problem. DON’T act on the problem.

Stop acting out your doubt!

So you don’t ‘feel it” yet? You don’t hear the word of God?

You will.

AFTER you stop acting on your problems.

It comes little by little, sometimes it comes as one big revelation, either way it comes AFTER you stop acting on your doubt, so stop. You take the first step, of acting in faith and obedience to his word.

You asked for ALL OF THOSE BLESSINGS but when you come upon what is a necessary circumstance you freak out and you act on the problem, you start going all Karen on people, you make phone calls and ask for the manager, you start talking about lawsuits… is this you?

You ask for the Blessings, NOW you have to be led by the Holy Spirit. Act in FAITH OF THE WORD.

Turn at my rebuke, surely I will pour out my spirit on you, I will make my words known to you.”-Proverbs.

Yes, this means STOP acting on your doubts, and turn around, instead BE STILL, and walk in the truth, and the truth will set you free. YOU have to take the first step by NOT acting on that doubt.

I Want to hear God’s Voice

When you read the Bible every day, a little bit at least, God is reading you, and he tends to your needs.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word WAS God.

The word is the Bible. The Bible IS GOD. The word IS the Holy Spirit of God.

To know God’s voice you must know his will, and his will is his word. You don’t have to guess, you just have to read.

You do not have to break a mental sweat, because you are not so much understanding, as you are letting HIM read YOU.

His will is his inheritance for you. Think of will as a will that your parents leave you.

His word is the password to the vault where your will has been left.

His WILL (inheritance) is his WORD (password to the vault). When you read his word, you are receiving his inheritance even if you don’t understand what you are reading. You are receiving the password into your heart, by giving access to the Holy Spirit into your heart, mind and soul. The word IS the Holy Spirit. By reading, you are hearing the voice of God.

It is easy, don’t listen to people who say that this is hard, or that it takes time. Just have faith in GOD’S word, read it, and walk in his word.


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How To Forgive Others

Forgiveness isn’t always easy, but it is necessary to learn how to forgive in order to live a full life. Unforgiveness leads to holding back kindness, and eventually it leads to bitterness.

The Bible asks us to forgive seven times seventy. This is a reminder of how many times our father has forgiven us. The number is really infinite.

It is like the prayer say, Forgive my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me. There is no end to how much we have to forgive… None of us is a perfect humans, we all need forgiveness, and likewise, we need to learn how to forgive.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Turn the other cheek

He tells us to love and d o good to those who hurt us and pray for those who persecute us, and this is how He tells us to be more like Him.

So many are striving to “have Christ consiousness” but fail to see that this means also to forgive those who hurt us. Forgive them for they know not what they do.. Christ consiousness can not really be possessed by us, but we can strive to forgive, like He forgave. We are all called to forgive like He did, while the injury was inflicted, blood pouring, and life leaving his body. Forgive them, for they know not what they do… He forgives us for committing the most horrific act of all, of killing the messiah, who spread the word of love. He knows that they were under a cloud of hatred, that there was nothing they could do to understand who he was. later, many understood, and we too are like that. Later, we understand. We extend this to our brothers and sister by understanding that LATER, they will understand. When, we don’t know, it is not up to us.

Before knowing Christ, forgiveness is hard. It takes years to forgive some things, I know this from experience, it is my testimony, but once he helps it is easy.

Really, there are things that feel unforgiveable. With Christ, spiritual heart surgery is performed, and forgiveness is deep and complete.

With unforgiveness, our hearts are hard, we can’t see clearly, and resentment clouds our judgement. With a sincere prayer, to Jesus, to extend the same extraordinary mercy that He has bestowed upon us, on those who hurt us, we are free.

How? Like this:

Think what good you can do for that person who caused you to suffer, in prayer, ask for their good, for Jesus to bless them. That is it. Simply state that you are forgiving, and ask for their blessing. Then do it again the next day. Keep praying until you stop feeling uptight and uneasy about it. He will help you. When you forgive them, YOU heal.

Forgiving is a reminder to be merciful, as He is merciful to us.

Before you pray, Before you ask for things:

” And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” 

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Christianity spread by love or the sword?

Christianity spread by love or the sword?

For Christianity, the idea is that the spread of the faith was primarily through peaceful means such as preaching, missionary work, and acts of love and compassion towards others. This includes the early Christians sharing their beliefs through personal testimony, charitable works, and community building rather than through coercion or force. In fact, early Christians were persecuted, not the persecutors.

On the other hand, as the phrase “Islam spread by the sword” suggests, Islam’s expansion was associated with military conquests and the imposition of Islamic rule through warfare. Historically, Islam did indeed spread through military campaigns, particularly during the early Islamic conquests in the 7th and 8th centuries, which saw the rapid expansion of the Islamic caliphate across large parts of the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond. In fact, historical evidence to suggest that Muhammad’s teachings faced resistance initially and gained more traction after successful military campaigns. This pattern is documented in various historical accounts and analyses of the early Islamic expansion, hence the expression “Islam spread by the sword”, the conversions to Islam were made at the point of the sword, conquered peoples were given the choice of “conversion or death.”

Both Christianity and Islam have experienced periods of peaceful coexistence and conflict throughout their histories, and the spread of each religion has been influenced by a variety of factors including cultural, political, and socio-economic dynamics.

How did Christianity actually spread?

Christianity did not typically spread by military conquest in the same manner as Islam did during its early expansion. Instead, Christianity initially spread through peaceful means such as missionary work, preaching, and the establishment of communities of believers.

The early Christians continued to spread the word in spite of facing persecution and often martyrdom. During the early centuries of Christianity the gospel was written thousands of times on papyrus and spread throughout the world.

The Roman Empire Converts

After the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in the early 4th century, Christianity became the favored religion of the Roman Empire, and there were instances where military force was used to promote and defend the faith. For example, there were conflicts between Christians and non-Christians within the Roman Empire, as well as campaigns against “pagans” and heretical Christian sects.

Constantine was initially a follower of the traditional Roman religion, which included belief in multiple deities and cult practices. However, according to historical accounts, Constantine experienced a significant religious experience before the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 AD.

According to tradition, Constantine saw a vision of a cross in the sky along with the words “In this sign, conquer” or similar phrases. This event, known as the “Vision of the Cross,” reportedly led Constantine to convert to Christianity or at least to adopt Christian symbols and beliefs.

Following his victory at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, which granted religious tolerance to Christians within the Roman Empire.

This marked a significant shift in Roman policy towards Christianity, as it went from being persecuted to being accepted and eventually becoming the state religion under Constantine’s rule. Whether Constantine truly believed in Jesus Christ or not, is unsure, but what IS sure, is that he changed the history of Christianity.

Prior to the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, Christians suffered persecution within the Roman Empire. From the first century onwards, Christians faced sporadic persecution from various Roman emperors, primarily because their beliefs and practices were seen as incompatible with traditional Roman religion (Roman Gods) and societal norms.

Emperors such as Nero, Domitian, and Diocletian were known for their harsh policies against Christians, which included imprisonment, torture, and execution. The intensity of persecution varied by time and place within the empire, with some regions experiencing more severe persecution than others.

The Edict of Milan marked a significant turning point by granting religious tolerance to Christians and effectively ending state-sponsored persecution.

But What About the Crusades?

The Crusades, which began in the late 11th century, (400 years after the invasion of Islam) were a series of military campaigns launched by Christian powers in response to Muslim conquests of Christian lands in the Eastern Mediterranean region, particularly the Holy Land. While the Crusades were justified by religious rhetoric and aimed to reclaim territories considered sacred by Christians, they also involved significant military action and violence against both Muslims and other non-Christian groups.

Throughout history, there have been instances where Christianity spread through military conquest or forceful conversion, although they were not as prevalent as in some other religions.

The Spanish Inquisition, for example, was a period of religious persecution in Spain and its territories aimed at rooting out heresy among converted Jews and Muslims, as well as Protestants.

During the Crusades, which spanned several centuries, Christian armies launched military campaigns to reclaim Jerusalem and other holy sites from Muslim control.

These historical events have contributed to the perception that Christianity spread through coercion or force in some cases. However, it’s essential to recognize that such instances occurred within specific historical contexts and do not represent the entirety of Christian history.

Today, just like in early Christianity, Christians advocate for peaceful evangelism and conversion through personal testimony rather than coercion or violence.

A History of Charity, the Overlooked Truth

Christian organizations and institutions, including hospitals, charities, schools, homeless shelters, and various social service agencies, are widespread globally. These organizations play a significant role in providing humanitarian aid, addressing social issues, and supporting communities in need. Christian charities and missions often prioritize serving the marginalized, vulnerable, and impoverished, regardless of religious affiliation, ethnicity, or background. Their work extends to areas such as healthcare, education, disaster relief, poverty alleviation, and community development, making a substantial impact on individuals and societies worldwide.

The tradition of charity in Christianity has deep historical roots, dating back to the early followers of Jesus Christ. The concept of charity, or caring for the less fortunate, is a central theme in the teachings of Jesus and is reflected in the actions of the early Christian communities.

One of the oldest Christian hospitals still in existence is the Hospital of Santa Cruz in Toledo, Spain. Founded in the early 16th century, it was established by Cardinal Juan Pardo de Tavera to provide medical care for the poor and needy. While the Hospital of Santa Cruz is one of the oldest Christian hospitals, the tradition of Christian charity predates it by many centuries. These acts of charity are rooted in the teachings of Jesus to love one another and to show compassion to those who are suffering. Christian charity has had a profound impact on societies around the world, providing vital support and assistance to countless individuals and communities throughout history.

Christianity is not a “white religion”

Christianity has a long history in Africa, dating back to the early centuries of the Church. The spread of Christianity in Africa occurred through various means, including missionary efforts, trade routes, and cultural exchanges. Ancient Christian communities existed in regions such as Egypt, Ethiopia, and North Africa, and Christianity became deeply rooted in these areas long before it reached parts of Europe. For example, the Ethiopian Bible, also known as the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Canon, is one of the oldest Christian scriptures in the world. It contains several ancient texts that are not found in other Christian canons, including the King James Bible. The Ethiopian Bible includes the books of the Old Testament, known as the “Tewahedo” or “Books of the Covenant,” as well as additional books such as the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, and the Ascension of Isaiah.

Christianity is not inherently tied to any specific race or ethnicity. Throughout its history, Christianity has been embraced by people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and skin colors. The perception of Christianity as a “white” religion is simply a misconception of the West.

In recent centuries, Christianity has spread to various parts of the world, including Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania, through missionary work, colonization, and migration. Today, Christianity is practiced by people of all races and ethnicities, making it one of the most globally diverse religions.


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“The Way” and Early Christians

The term “The Way” was used to refer to the early followers of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, particularly in the book of Acts. These early Christians were distinct in their beliefs, practices, and way of life.

Ananias son of Nedebeus (Hebrew: חנניה בן נדבאי Ḥananyá ben Nadváy “…(son of) the philanthropist”) was a high priest AD 47 to 58, who presided during the trials of the apostle Paul at Jerusalem and Caesarea. Excerpt from the book of Acts, Paul addressing Ananias:

“When the governor motioned for him to speak, Paul replied: “I know that for a number of years you have been a judge over this nation; so I gladly make my defense. You can easily verify that no more than twelve days ago I went up to Jerusalem to worship.  My accusers did not find me arguing with anyone at the temple, or stirring up a crowd in the synagogues or anywhere else in the city. And they cannot prove to you the charges they are now making against me.  However, I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets,  and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.  So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man”. -Paul, from the book of Acts 24: 10-16


  1. Origin of the Term: The term “The Way” originated from Jesus’ own words in John 14:6, where he said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” This statement emphasized Jesus as the exclusive path to salvation and eternal life.
  2. Beliefs: The early Christians believed in the divinity of Jesus Christ, his death, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins, and the promise of eternal life through faith in him. They also adhered to the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels and transmitted orally by the apostles.
  3. Practices: Early Christians were known for their devotion to prayer, fellowship, and the breaking of bread (communion or the Lord’s Supper). They gathered regularly for worship, mutual support, and the proclamation of the Gospel. They also practiced baptism as a symbol of repentance and commitment to Christ.
  4. Community and Brotherhood: The early Christians formed close-knit communities characterized by love, care for one another, and sharing of resources. They demonstrated unity and solidarity, transcending social, cultural, and ethnic barriers.
  5. Persecution and Martyrdom: Early Christianity faced persecution from various quarters, including Jewish authorities and the Roman Empire. Despite the risks, many early Christians remained steadfast in their faith, even to the point of martyrdom.
  6. Connection to Jesus and the Apostles: While not all early Christians personally knew Jesus or the apostles, many were likely influenced by those who had direct contact with them. The apostles played a crucial role in spreading the Gospel and establishing Christian communities throughout the Roman Empire.
  7. Meaning of Their Religion: For early Christians, their faith was not merely a set of beliefs or rituals but a way of life rooted in their relationship with Jesus Christ. It provided them with hope, purpose, and a sense of belonging to the family of God. Their faith empowered them to live transformed lives and to bear witness to the love and grace of God in a world hostile to their beliefs.

Overall, the early Christians known as “The Way” were characterized by their commitment to following Jesus Christ, living out his teachings, and proclaiming the Good News (Gospel) of salvation to all people.


The term “The Way” indicates a way of living that set Christians apart. It encompasses a holistic approach to life that goes beyond mere religious rituals or observances. Here’s how “The Way” signifies a distinct way of living:

  1. Lifestyle of Faith: Being part of “The Way” meant embracing a lifestyle of faith and discipleship centered on Jesus Christ. It involved living out the teachings of Jesus in everyday life, including love for God and neighbor, forgiveness, compassion, and humility.
  2. Transformation of Character: Followers of “The Way” sought to embody the values and virtues of the Kingdom of God in their conduct and interactions. They aspired to personal transformation.
  3. Community and Fellowship: “The Way” emphasized the importance of community and fellowship among believers. Early Christians supported one another, shared their possessions, and cared for those in need, reflecting the communal nature of their faith.
  4. Ethical Conduct: Followers of “The Way” adhered to ethical principles that distinguished them from the broader society. They upheld principles of honesty, integrity, purity, and justice, even in the face of persecution or social pressure to compromise.
  5. Witness and Mission: Living as part of “The Way” also meant being a witness to the transformative power of the Gospel and actively engaging in the mission of spreading the Good News. Early Christians shared their faith boldly and sought to make disciples of all nations.
  6. Counter-cultural Values: “The Way” stood in contrast to the prevailing values and practices of the surrounding culture. Early Christians prioritized spiritual values over materialism, humility over pride, and service over self-interest.
  7. Sacrificial Love: At the heart of “The Way” was sacrificial love modeled after the example of Jesus Christ. Early Christians were willing to endure persecution, hardship, and even martyrdom for the sake of their faith and their commitment to love God and others.

The Way, The Truth and The Life

Being part of “The Way” was not just about religious observance but about embracing a transformative way of life that reflected the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. It is a journey of faith, obedience, and radical love, and this set early Christians apart and continues to inspire believers today.

“The Way” encompasses not just a set of beliefs or rituals but also a way of life guided by the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.

“The Way” was the personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which empowered believers to live out their faith authentically and to bear witness to others through their words, actions, and lives.

What is a “Witness”

In an analogy of a courtroom, a witness and a lawyer serve distinct roles:

  1. Witness: A witness is someone who provides testimony based on their personal knowledge or experience. Their role is to share what they have seen, heard, or otherwise experienced relevant to the case. Witnesses are called upon to testify to the facts of the matter under consideration, and their testimony is expected to be truthful, accurate, and based on firsthand observation or knowledge. In essence, witnesses serve to provide evidence and offer insight into the events or circumstances in question.
  2. Lawyer: On the other hand, a lawyer is a legal professional who represents one of the parties involved in the case. Lawyers are trained in the law and are responsible for advocating on behalf of their clients’ interests. Their role is to present arguments, make legal objections, cross-examine witnesses, and offer legal interpretations and strategies to support their clients’ positions. Unlike witnesses, lawyers do not offer firsthand testimony but instead rely on legal knowledge, research, and argumentation to advance their case. They work within the framework of legal procedures and rules to advocate for their clients’ rights and objectives.

A witness and lawyer serve different functions. Witnesses provide firsthand testimony based on their personal knowledge or experience, while lawyers represent the interests of their clients by presenting legal arguments and strategies within the framework of the law. A Christian is called to be a witness. To testify.

Should You Be A Witness?

The unique aspect of Christian witnessing or testifying lies in its personal and experiential nature. Unlike some other religions that may focus primarily on rituals, doctrines, or philosophical teachings, Christianity places a strong emphasis on the personal relationship between the believer and God through Jesus Christ.

Christian witnessing involves sharing one’s personal experiences of encountering Jesus Christ and the transformation that comes from faith in Him. It goes beyond mere intellectual assent to doctrinal beliefs and involves sharing the impact of Jesus’ teachings and presence of The Holy Spirit in one’s life.

This personal testimony is often marked by authenticity, vulnerability, and sincerity, as believers share how their lives have been changed by their faith in Jesus Christ. It is not just about imparting information but about sharing the reality of God’s love, grace, and power in their lives. Are you a witness?

Introducing the Diatessaron: This publication presents a reconstructed version of the Diatessaron, a significant ancient text that harmonizes the four canonical Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—into a single narrative. Stripped of footnotes and annotations, this edition aims to provide readers with a clear and unobstructed view of the Diatessaron’s content, allowing them to explore this remarkable synthesis of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded by the early Christian tradition. By removing extraneous commentary, this edition invites readers to engage directly with the text and to appreciate the Diatessaron’s historical and theological significance within the context of early Christian literature. This text is intended for personal reflection, rather than scholarly study, and offers a valuable resource for those interested in exploring the diverse expressions of Christian faith in the ancient world.

The cloud of unknowing

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The Five Secrets of Our Lady Of Lourdes

Bernadette Soubirous was born on January 7, 1844, in the town of Lourdes, located in the Pyrenees mountains of southwestern France. She was the eldest of six children in her family. In 1858, when Bernadette was just 14 years old, she reported experiencing a series of visions of the Virgin Mary in a grotto near Lourdes.

These visions, which occurred over a period of several months, eventually led to the development of the famous Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, which has since become one of the most visited Marian shrines in the world. Bernadette’s visions and the subsequent events at Lourdes attracted widespread attention and continue to be the subject of devotion and pilgrimage for millions of Catholics and other visitors each year.

Five Secret Prophesies

The five prophecies revealed by Our Lady of Lourdes to Saint Bernadette include predictions about the future of humanity, spanning from technological advancements to global conflicts and spiritual awakenings. These prophecies, initially kept secret due to their sensitive nature, have since been unveiled and interpreted by scholars and religious figures.

  1. Prediction of Lourdes as a Center for Healing: One of the secrets predicted that Lourdes would become a renowned center for both physical and spiritual healing, with millions of people visiting for renovation.
  2. Development of Electric Energy: The second prophecy foretold the development of new technologies, including the harnessing of electricity. The Blessed Virgin Mary encouraged Bernadette to use electric energy and predicted the invention of machines that would make humans independent during nighttime.
  3. Rise of Evil in Germany and World War II: The third prophecy spoke of a terrible evil rising in Germany, causing harm to most of Europe. This prophecy, made in 1858, is interpreted as referring to Adolf Hitler and the devastation of World War II.
  4. Prediction of Space Exploration: The fourth prophecy dealt with space exploration, foreseeing that humans would one day be able to fly and walk on the moon, around 1970. This concept was unimaginable in the 1800s.
  5. End of the Age of Science and Return to Christianity: The fifth secret predicts the end of the age of science and the advent of a new age of faith, with millions returning to Christianity. It also warns against the arrogance of physicians and their creation of scientific abominations. This prophecy also forecasts a battle between Christian nations and followers of Muhammad, followed by a century of peace and joy as all nations embrace Christianity.

These prophecies are said to resonate with other messages from visionaries, warning of the dangers of unchecked scientific advancements and experimentation.

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