Correcting Neville # 2

Neville Goddard and more so, current slef proclaimed Neville coaches has grabbed hold of Bible quotes with a remarkable fervor! It is noce that the Bible is seeing a resurgence again, but unfortunately, since most people no longer read the Bible, they seem unable to fact check some of the claims.

This correction, “I am God” can be fact checked agaisnt this Bible verse: ” “In the pride of your heart you say, ‘I am a god;'” While manifestation teachings, particularly within the Law of Assumption community, the assertion that “I am God” is often presented as a fundamental principle, it is important to know that this only applies in a figurative sense. You are not in fact God.. However, the intended meaning “Your mind is powerful” is still true.

Ezekiel 28:2, warns against the prideful declaration, “In the pride of your heart you say, ‘I am a god;'” and it highlights the danger of arrogance and the folly of elevating oneself to the status of deity.

Pride is not only harmful to our relationship with God but also detrimental to our spiritual well-being. It blinds us to our actual dependence on God and fosters an attitude of self-sufficiency that is antithetical to true faith. True faith is the opposite. It is total dependence, as well as unconditional love through free will. How nice!

Law Of Assumption

Contrary to the teachings of the Law of Assumption coaches, the Bible is clear that there is only one true Creator of the universe. Nowhere does it endorse the notion that humans can claim the title of God for themselves, but you would only know this discrepancy if you actually decide to read the Bible, and not just the out-of -context quotes that have been popularized lately.

We are creators

While it is true that humans are created in the image of God and endowed with certain creative abilities, this does not equate to being gods ourselves. Rather, it emphasizes our responsibility to steward the gifts and talents bestowed upon us by the true Creator. Our minds ARE powerful, but alas, our minds are also very fragile and susceptible to self-aggrandizing.

To assert “I am God” is not only contrary to biblical teachings but also a dangerous distortion of spiritual truth. It reflects a misguided sense of entitlement and a misunderstanding of our relationship with the divine. Nothing is a s distancing from knowing God, than arrogance and entitlement. Imagine the opposite of entitlement being GRATITUDE….and now I know that you have heard that the fastest way to manifest anything is to be GRATEFUL already before you have it. Now you can see that arrogance and entitlement is opposite mindsets from that.

‘In the pride of your heart
    you say, “I am a god;
I sit on the throne of a god
    in the heart of the seas.”
But you are a mere mortal and not a god,
    though you think you are as wise as a god.

Ezekiel 28

Manifest Magazine

ancient opened historical book with calligraphic inscription

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