The False Jesus Created by The Nondescript “Awakening Movement”

Lie: “Christ” means “oily secretion of endogenous DMT”

If you have dabbled in the “spiritual movement” as most of us have, you most likely came across THIS lie at some point: “Christ means, secretly and unknown to anyone but a very select few, a brain chemical DMT release, which happens after for example Kundalini yoga practice.”

The God Molecule

First off, the DMT release does not really equal the natural anointing of the holy Spirit of God which Jesus Christ anointed us with. But if you don’t know that OF COURSE it can seem like it is the same…If it feels good it must be good, we think. If it is good, it must be the ULTIMATE good. No. It is not, and DMT is not God. I feel that I am 20 years late in making this argument, but better late than never.

For all the folks who are in such a thick fog of spiritual jambalaya that you recoil at “organized religion: when I say the words JESUS CHRIST, here is a sobering view point. Do you want DISORGANIZED religion? Disorganized absence of religion? Chaotic Spiritual Highs? I know, it is so easy to get caught up in these catch phrases. Resist THE MAN, and the establishment and the ORGANIZED religion. Yes, there is something that we should want to resist, but it isn’t the organized part, and it is not even the religion part, it is the lie. Resist the lie.

-But I thought that that is what I was doing?

– I know, me too.

Let’s keep looking for some facts, keep reading:


The word “Christ” originates from the Greek word “Christos,” which translates to “anointed one” or “chosen one.” In ancient Jewish tradition, kings, priests, and prophets were anointed with oil as a sign of their consecration and appointment by God for a particular role or task. The title “Christ” therefore carries significant religious and symbolic meaning, representing the belief that Jesus of Nazareth was the long-awaited Messiah prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures.

More facts:

The term “Christ” underscores Jesus’ unique role and authority in Christian theology. It does NEGATE IT. It does not MEAN THAT HE WAS MERELY AN ENLIGHTENED BUDDHA WHO RECEIVED SOME DRIPS OF DMT INSIDE OF HIS BRAIN. Have you stopped to think about how absurd it would be to change the numbering of the years, to the year ZERO for him, ot that the WHOLE world talks about him, religions all over the world talk about Him, heck even the spiritual folks who say he was JUST an enlightened dude, talk about him. That is a whole lot of hoopla for some guy. Too much ado about nothing you might say. Keep in mid also, that Jesus does not return the favor. He is not interested in the “many paths to God” slogan, he is only interested in the “to God” part of that statement. He is the Way, The Truth and Life. HE is The Resurrection. No one comes to God but Through HIM.

Naming Jesus t’he Christ”, highlights his divine mission, it does not negate it.

It identities him as the Son of God, sent to fulfill God’s plan of redemption for humanity.

Never read the Bible? Then you wouldn’t know God’s plan of redemption, or how Jesus exist from the very first page in the book of Genesis now would you?

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus is frequently referred to as “Jesus Christ,” by the apostles that KNEW him in person, emphasizing his status as the long-awaited Messiah who brings hope, salvation, and eternal life to believers. Eternal life what is that? Well, it is the same as striving for “liberation” from the karmic wheel of birth and death. Why are you trying to become more spiritual? It is to get off that hamster wheel is it not? Or is it just to get high off of DMT?

Anointed By Crism Oil?

Yeah, this is where the DMT is The God Molecule has led us. Deep into a Cul De Sac. A dead end street. There are no roads out of here.

Here is an example of where this disinformation has gone:

“What is the scientific name for Christ oil?

The Sacred Secretion, also called ‘Chrism’, ‘Christ Oil’, ‘Endogenous DMT’ and ‘The Honey And Milk’, is the title given to a natural, spiritual mechanism of rejuvenation within the human body. During the monthly cycle, when lunar energy empowers the starsign energy that clothed you at birth, the brain releases a brew of chemicals. The psychedelic concoction descends down the spine’s 33 vertebrate before ascending back up again to the place where God can be met face to face (the mind – Pineal). The secretion’s increases its vibrational potency throughout the process, changing in and out of form. Finally, after being preserved in a blissed body, the secretion is released, enhancing the senses of the individual and raising their conscious awareness.”

This might seem completely fine to you, where is the problem? Well, the discourse on GOD, (or Consciousness to borrow the God term from Vedanta which might be more palatable to you) is that God can not be confined to the brain anatomy, or brain synapses.

There ARE brain synapses, and the IS such a thing as DMT and its subsequent “high” and feelings of oneness, but that is not God, and that is not consiousness. Yes, it can seem that way, but it is not.

God does not go away just because your brain chemicals are not secreting DMT. Abiding in God’s presence give a sense of peace more than a feeling of high. Fully abiding in God, as mush as is possible for a human being, also gives the oneness with God and his creation sensation, but it feels different from the “yoga high”

Jesus Christ was indeed anointed

But his anointing was by the Holy Spirit, and this is a different experience. Jesus also gave us, through him, the anointing by the Holy Spirit, which gives us simultaneous with a sense of PEACE and Love and FAITH, also wisdom, understanding, knowledge and counsel. He (The holy spirit) has the ability to completely heal us. When you hear of miracles, this is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Worship of self or worship of God?

The striving to produce spiritual highs by our own practice is a self worship, and it will give you what us are striving for. We will feel better, and happier hopefully. We will feel oneness, and you will have an experience called Bhav or Bliss. But it IS NOT THE ANOINTING of the Holy Spirit. It is not even close. This is where the shoe doesn’t fit. It is good, but the secretions of the pineal gland, or any other brain chemical is not the same as and equal to Jesus Chrsit, or the Holy Spirit of God that he anointed us with.

There is no way to have the anointing by the Holy Spirit but though God.

When we are anointed with the Holy Spirit, it brings several significant blessings and empowerments, but no one receives this BUT THROUGH Jesus Christ:

  1. Empowerment for Service: The Holy Spirit equips us with spiritual gifts and abilities to serve God and others effectively. These gifts may include teaching, prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues, and more, which enable us to fulfill our unique roles in the body of Christ.
  2. Guidance and Wisdom: The Holy Spirit provides guidance, wisdom, and discernment aligned with God’s will. Through prayer and a yielded heart, we can rely on the Spirit’s leading to guide our paths.
  3. Spiritual Transformation: The Holy Spirit works within us to produce spiritual fruit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). We don’t actually do any of this work, the holy Spirit does it through us, it is a miraculous healing of the heart. We become more like Christ, by his help.
  4. Comfort and Strength: The Holy Spirit comforts and strengthens us. The Spirit’s presence brings assurance of God’s love, peace even in trials, and hardships.
  5. Unity with God: Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we experience a deepening intimacy with God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. The Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are children of God, fostering a close relationship marked by communion and fellowship.
  6. Boldness in Witnessing: The Holy Spirit empowers us to be bold, and to share the truth, even when people mock it. With the Spirit we overcome fear, and testify to the transforming power of Christ. Christ the PERSON, not the oily secretion in the brain….
  7. Seal of Redemption: The Holy Spirit seals believers as God’s own possession and guarantees their inheritance in Christ (Ephesians 1:13-14). This seal signifies God’s ownership, protection, and preservation of those who belong to Him, ensuring their eternal security. You might call this liberation. True and real liberation, not based on our own works….

The side effects of the anointing by the Holy Spirit

The anointing of the Holy Spirit instantly changes us, from the inside and out, and surprisingly, it leads to a transformation in our attitudes and behaviors for several reasons. You will discern the difference between Th Holy Spirit and DMT by the aversions that the Holy SPirit produces:

  1. Spiritual Awareness: The Holy Spirit brings about a heightened spiritual awareness within us. This awareness helps us recognize the areas in our lives where we fall short of God’s standards and prompts us to seek His forgiveness and guidance. When we receive the Holy Spirit, our hearts become sensitive to the presence of sin in our lives, leading to a deep sense of repentance. Repentance is a BYPRODUCT of the spirit, not a precursor.
  2. Renewed Mind: The Holy Spirit renews our minds and transforms our thinking (Romans 12:2). As we yield to the Spirit’s work, our perspectives and priorities begin to align more closely with God’s Word, leading us to view attitudes and behaviors with greater clarity and disdain. We see more and more through the eyes of God. What was fine before, is repulsive suddenly.
  3. New Heart: Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we receive a new heart and nature (Ezekiel 36:26). This is so literal, you won’t believe the change that you go though unless you’ve gone through it. No yoga practice or meditation practice does this. Nothin but the Holy Spirit of God. No DMT molecule does this. The Spirit’s anointing leads to a genuine hatred for sin and a desire to live righteously.
  4. Empowerment for Holiness: The Holy Spirit empowers us to live holy and righteous lives when before we couldn’t or didn’t want to. (Galatians 5:16). As we surrender to the Spirit’s leading, we are enabled to resist temptation, overcome bad habits. Addictions are healed.
  5. Healing and Deliverance: The anointing of the Holy Spirit brings healing and deliverance from attachment to sin and addiction (Isaiah 61:1). Through the power of the Spirit, individuals experience a supernatural freedom and transformation in a matter of moments. Nothing else heals in a moment, but the Holy spirit.
  6. Spiritual Discernment: The Holy Spirit grants us spiritual discernment to recognize the destructive nature of sin and its consequences. You can see cause and effect more with the perspective of God. (1 Corinthians 2:14). With the Spirit’s guidance, we see behaviors for what they truly are and we understand the harmful effects.
  7. Empathy and Compassion: Through the love of the Holy Spirit shed abroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5), we develop empathy and compassion towards others who are trapped in lies. Our own experiences of God’s grace and deliverance motivate us to reach out with love and understanding to those who are still struggling.

Truth about Jesus Crist

The anointing by the Holy Spirit, bestowed upon those who love Jesus Christ, is not the same as the DMT molecule or Chrism oil. The anointing by the Holy Spirit is a spiritual empowerment that brings about a significant transformation, coupled with conviction, and a deepening relationship with God, an intolerance for previous bad behavior and attitudes, and a deep love, for piety whereas DMT and Chrism oil are substances with different properties and effects, just like any other substance.

The False Spirituality Jesus

It’s such a common misconception that experiences induced by substances like DMT or practices such as yoga can equate to the presence or power of the Holy Spirit, or that Jesus Christ’s significance can be reduced to a mere state of consciousness achievable through such means.

The historical reality of Jesus, his documented life, teachings, and the profound impact he had on human history and culture make it utterly ridiculous to equate him with someone who simply pursued personal enlightenment through smoking some weed, or doing some yoga and meditation practices.

The uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s identity and his role in various religious traditions underscore the inadequacy of such comparisons. How many cool and alright dudes reset the way we number our years?

The thing is, this false Jesus, just like ALL false Jesus versions that are in circulation, only serve to block our experience with the real Jesus.

The experience with the real Jesus Christ and the anointing of the Holy Spirit far surpasses the “Yoga Jesus”, or the “DMT and Crism Oil Jesus…”

God in a Brain Scan?

The concept of God or consciousness transcends the physical and cannot be confined to brain scans or chemical reactions. If God were merely a product of biochemical processes in the brain, then His existence would be limited to the lifespan of the physical body. However, God is eternal, and exists independently of bodily functions. This understanding aligns with the notion of God as transcendent and eternal, beyond the scope of scientific measurement or physical explanation.

Haw Many False Jesuses are There?

Truly, there is no end to how many false renditions of Jesus Christ there are and they run the gamut, from “communist Jesus” to ‘republican Jesus”, from ” nonexistent only consiousness Jesus” to “just a prophet Jesus”, Hippie Jesus that encourages promiscuity” and as we just covered, The “DMT endogenous secretion Jesus” or “Crism Oil Jesus”….ever wonder why HE is so incredibly misrepresented?

Here are some bullet points to help fact-check and identify a false representation of Jesus or a false gospel:

  1. Contradiction with Scriptural Teachings: Any interpretation of Jesus or his teachings that directly contradicts scripture is a false gospel.. Example; “Hippie Jesus” or “socialist Jesus.”
  2. Denial of Core Christian Beliefs: Denial of fundamental Christian beliefs such as the divinity of Jesus, his resurrection, or the existence of sin and redemption should raise immediate red flags. Example Islam, Mormonism, Jehovas witness.
  3. Focus on Material Gain or Worldly Success: If the message emphasizes material wealth, worldly success, or personal gain rather than spiritual growth and moral integrity, is a false gospel. Example, prosperity gospel.
  4. Lack of Historical or Scriptural Support: Claims about Jesus or his teachings that lack historical or scriptural support should be approached with caution, especially if they rely solely on personal revelation or esoteric knowledge. Example, “Yoga Jesus”.
  5. Absence of Love and Compassion: True teachings of Jesus emphasize love, compassion, and forgiveness. Any message that promotes racism, sexism, discrimination, or violence is a false gospel. Example; bombing abortion clinics.
  6. Unverifiable Claims of Miracles or Divine Revelation: Claims of miraculous powers and especially CHANNELING of Jesus or other entities in His name, that cannot be verified should be approached with utmost skepticism. Example; “The I am discourses of St Germain” Jeus.
  7. Lack of Personal Transformation: The authentic Jesus brings complete transformation from within, any spiritual teachings should through prayer, lead to personal transformation, as well as fostering of qualities such as humility, kindness, and inner peace. If all the teaching gives you is a rabbit hole of conspiracies, it is a false Jesus. example; “The church hid His true identity conspiracy” Jesus.

Personal interpretation

Personal interpretation is inevitable, we are persons after all, but if we use the ACTUAL Bible as a source of accurate information, not YouTube videos, cults or social movements, we will have an easier time at approaching the truth, wich in the case of Jesus, is mind blowing exactly the way that the Bible tells it. No false rendition comes close to. it

Leave a comment if you have experienced a false Jesus.

manifest magazine

IMAGINATION | By A 14th Century Catholic Monk

IMAGINATION | By A 14th Century Catholic Monk

In this 14th-century text on contemplation, called “The Cloud Of Unknowing”, the author discusses the power of imagination as the first secondary faculty.

Imagination is described as the ability to depict images of both absent and present things. In the” pre-sin” era, imagination was obedient to reason and never presented disorderly images. However, after the introduction of sin (ie Humanities fall from Grace), imagination became disobedient unless restrained by the light of grace in reason.

Take a moment and appreciate the astonishing insights that this anonymous Catholic monk provided 6-700 years ago…

The author of The Cloud Of Unknowing explains that imagination, when unrestrained, constantly generates disorderly images or fanciful notions. This is particularly noticeable in individuals newly devoted to a spiritual life during their prayers. The struggle arises as the imagination continues to produce various unregulated thoughts and images, which are considered false and akin to errors.

The disobedience of imagination emphasizes the need for divine grace to restrain it and bring it into harmony with reason.

Imagination creates….

Chapter 65, The Cloud Of Unknowing:

“Of the first secondary power, Imagination by name; and of the works and the obedience of it unto Reason, before Sin and after

“IMAGINATION is a power through the which we portray all images of absent and present things, and both it and the thing that it worketh in be contained in the Memory. Before ere man sinned, was Imagination so obedient unto the Reason, to the which it is as it were servant, that it ministered never to it any unordained image of any bodily creature, or any fantasy of any ghostly creature: but now it is not so. For unless it be refrained by the light of grace in the Reason, else it will never cease, sleeping or waking, for to portray diverse unordained images of bodily creatures; or else some fantasy, the which is nought else but a bodily conceit of a ghostly thing, or else a ghostly conceit of a bodily thing. And this is evermore feigned and false, and next unto error.

This inobedience of the Imagination may clearly be conceived in them that be newlings turned from the world unto devotion, in the time of their prayer. For before the time be, that the Imagination be in great part refrained by the light of grace in the Reason, as it is in continual meditation of ghostly things—as be their own wretchedness, the passion and the kindness of our Lord God, with many such other—they may in nowise put away the won- derful and the diverse thoughts, fantasies, and images, the which be ministered and printed in their mind by the light of the curiosity of Imagination. And all this inobedience is the pain of the original sin.”

black man praying with eyes closed

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Invitation to Share Your Beautiful Love Story!

I am currently working on a project that celebrates the beauty of love stories, particularly those who have found their soulmates. Your unique experiences and insights can contribute greatly to this endeavor!

Would you be willing to share your love story with me by answering a few questions? Your perspective on finding and marrying your soulmate can inspire and resonate with others seeking that special connection.

The questionnaire is designed to capture the essence of your journey and celebrate the unique bond you share with your soulmate. Your responses will be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality.

If you’re interested in participating, please fill out the questionnaire below. I appreciate your time and willingness to contribute to this meaningful project.

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

Dr Anna

The Metaverse: Exploring a New Reality and Understanding Its Impact

The Metaverse: Exploring a New Reality and Understanding Its Impact

In the coming years, the metaverse is set to become a major focus of investment for leading technology companies, with billions of dollars being poured into its development. But what exactly is the metaverse, and why is it generating such excitement and interest? Let’s dive into this fascinating concept and explore its implications.

The term “metaverse” was initially coined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel, Snow Crash. He described it as a three-dimensional digital world, a shared virtual reality experience where people could escape from the mundane aspects of the physical world. However, given our recent experiences with the pandemic and the increased reliance on digital platforms, the idea of spending our entire lives in a virtual realm may not seem particularly appealing. In fact, studies indicate that excessive use of such platforms can lead to physical and psychological discomfort, commonly known as “Zoom Fatigue.”

Snow Crash By Neal Stephenson Audiobook Snow Crash Neal Stephenson

Neuroscience research has shed light on one possible reason behind this discomfort. Inside our brains, there are specialized neurons called “place cells” and “border cells” (also known as “GPS neurons”) that help us navigate and orient ourselves in space. These neurons play a crucial role in constructing our autobiographical memory, as we associate our identity with the places we frequent—a workplace, a stadium, a school, and so on.

When we engage in videoconferencing or use digital social platforms, our brain’s GPS neurons are not activated in the same way as they would be in physical environments. Instead, we experience multiple locations simultaneously, and our sense of location becomes tied to the space we can move through, rather than the space we see. These digital platforms can be considered “nonplaces,” lacking the ability to connect our experiences within them to our autobiographical memory. As a result, our days spent in these nonplaces can feel monotonous, leaving us empty and disconnected.

However, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), the core technologies of the metaverse, offer a different experience. They have the potential to activate our GPS neurons, creating a sense of presence in digital places. The metaverse being developed by technology companies goes beyond Stephenson’s vision by introducing the concept of “interreality,” where the virtual and physical worlds merge.

In the metaverse, our actions in the physical world directly impact our experience in the virtual world and vice versa. This connection is made possible through “digital twins,” virtual clones of real objects linked to their physical counterparts. By wearing hybrid glasses that enable both VR and AR, we can interact with people and digital objects in our physical environment or engage with real people and objects within virtual environments. For instance, our virtual avatar can mirror our movements in the real world, and actions performed in VR can have tangible effects on physical devices.

While this may sound like science fiction, many of the technologies required for the metaverse are already available or in advanced stages of development. Companies like Meta (formerly Facebook) are investing in hybrid immersive glasses, photorealistic avatars, wearable sensors, and more, all aimed at creating a sense of presence and enabling a seamless integration between the mind and the metaverse.

The remarkable aspect of the metaverse is its similarity to our own minds. Neuroscience research has shifted our understanding of the brain from being a mere information processor to being a simulator—a mental VR system. Our brains constantly generate predictions about the sensory stimuli we expect to encounter, allowing us to guide our actions and analyze the outcomes. The metaverse leverages this predictive coding mechanism, aiming to create digital content that aligns with our mind’s simulations of reality. When these predictions are accurate, we experience a strong sense of presence in the virtual environment, even though we know it is not real.

This transformative nature of the metaverse sets it apart from previous technologies. While television and social media are persuasive technologies, shaping our attitudes and behaviors, the metaverse has the potential to alter our perception of reality itself. By hacking key cognitive mechanisms such as spatial presence, brain-to-brain attunement, emotional experiences, and even body swapping, the metaverse can reshape how we think and feel. It offers the possibility of inducing emotions, altering our internal reality, and even changing our identity within a virtual context.

However, along with its immense potential, the metaverse poses significant risks. It can be used to manipulate behavior, emotions, and even our concept of reality itself. Without proper regulation and governance, the collection of user data in the metaverse could surpass the capabilities of current social media platforms, raising concerns about privacy and ethical implications. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, involving stakeholders at a supranational level.

Surprisingly, the discussion around the impact and consequences of the metaverse is relatively limited, with governments and researchers showing little involvement. To fully grasp the complexities and possibilities of this technology, we need an integrated and multidisciplinary approach that combines expertise in technology, psychology, neuroscience, ethics, and more. Only by understanding the multifaceted nature of the metaverse can we navigate its challenges and unlock its transformative potential.

The metaverse holds great promise and presents us with an incredible opportunity to shape the future

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person standing under a rock formation on a starry night

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Manifesting & How To Leave ANY Negative Timeline Fast

Leave Your Negative Reality Like This | Quantum Jumps From Negative Timelines | Easiest Fix

Quantum Jumping is normal

  1. Shifting timelines is something that happens all the time.

2. There is NOTHING you have to do, except in consciousness.

If you are experience circumstances that are opposite of what you are manifesting, or if you feel like you have bad luck in life, or if you feel like no matter how many time you have tried to manifest your dreams, and even gotten them only to find it taken away from you again, this article will help you!

We all live in our own imagination, and the answer to moving back into a positive timeline, where good circumstances happen, is easy.

Few concepts have captured the imagination of people as powerfully as quantum jumping and shifting. These ideas have gained tremendous popularity, thanks in part to online platforms such as YouTube. However, amidst the excitement, there remains a common misconception that hinders individuals from truly understanding and embracing Quantum jumping as a natural part of life. In this discussion, we will delve deeper into the realms of shifting, quantum jumping, parallel realities, and their interconnectedness with law of assumption, manifesting, liberation, and awakening.

There is NOTHING to quantum jumping, people think that there is something TO DO, there is NOTHING except a shift in mindset, a very simple tweak, nothing else. It is not a mysterious weird thing, it is natural and everyone quantum jumps ALL the time.

Understanding Shifting and Quantum Jumping:

Let’s first clarify the relationship between shifting and quantum jumping. While the term “shifting” has gained prominence among younger generations, often associated with exploring imaginary worlds like Hogwarts, it embodies the same essence as quantum jumping. The crux of both concepts lies in the ability to tap into consiousness and seemingly traverse different realities and manifest desired outcomes. Knowing that “creation is finished” will help you fully embrace this concepts so buckle up!

Parallel Realities:

Parallel realities is what we experience moment to moment, we are IN a parallel reality, and there is nothing but parallel realities. Parallel realities are part and parcel of the dual existence, it couldn’t function otherwise. An infinite tapestry of parallel realities exists simultaneously. Each choice, feeling, intention, and belief we hold creates a distinct reality, called a “state”, and each state is it’s own little universe of awareness. The state maintains its existence as long as you are aware of it, as soon as your awareness of it ceases, the whole small universe that the state contained, simple disappears from your life.

Parallel realities are not really parallel, rather they are in conscious’s existence in a more broad dimensional way, not “parallel” the way streets are parallel in a city, but we came to call it that when we (human consiousness) operated only on the basis of TIME-SPACE theory. Loosen up your grip on the word parallel, and let the realities flow freely instead, anywhere, anytime, and all the time all at once!

Before Einstein came up with his theory of relativity, humanity only understood time as chronological, and space as distance. Humanity itself has entered a new timeline, and we now have a third component added to TIME -SPACE, and it is CONSIOUS OBSERER. Mind you, there always was a conscious observer in the mix, but only now is it articulated into mainstream human consiousness. There have always existed people who are fully aware of this, and the have been telling the story! This realization empowers us to become conscious architects of our own reality.


Manifesting and the Law of Assumption:

Law of Assumption and Manifesting, aligns harmoniously and perfectly, with shifting and quantum jumping. It emphasizes the power of our consiousness and our beliefs, and intentions in shaping our reality. By adopting the Law of Assumption, we understand that our assumptions create our experiences. It is through focused intention that we effortlessly manifest our desires, understanding that it is the conscious observer that is aware of a certain space in time. Nothing else. Taking consiousness and moving it to a different time space location and maintaining that focus, moves us through a series of parallel realities, known also as timelines, in the shortest and fastest possible distance, until we get where we are focused on going. By consiousness we bridge the gap between imagination and tangible existence. It is much like learning how to snowboard, you simply point at the direction you are going, and turn your head to look at your pointing outstretched finger, and your snowboard moves in that direction.

Imagine that once, ten years ago, you went on a bad date. The guy or girl was rude, boring, chewed with their mouth open, and couldn’t keep a conversation and then they ran from the bill. Now imagine that every date that you went on after that, you kept bringing up THAT BAD DATE. This is what we do when we go into negative timelines, we “re-infect” ourselves with the unwanted state, and now we are back in the negative trajectory. This date will suck too, mostly because of you. Imagine that since that bad date you have gotten married and have kids now, but evetime you go out for dinner with your husband or wife, you bring up THAT BAD DATE. This is what we do in our conscious awareness ALL the time, and this is a quantum jump back into the “bad date reality.” The act of making a quantum jump, is the same as a SHIFT in focused awareness. In the “bad date” case, what is needed is a shift to a positive outlook. Inside the mind the conscious shift to a new timeline would sound something like this: “I am now on a date with someone completely different and I wonder how many deep, interesting or funny things we will talk abut. ” Just this simple act of opening yourself up for positive possibilities puts you on a new timeline. A quantum jump isn’t any more complicated than that. Your state of mind has shifted, your trajectory is now on the positive timeline and this leads to the outcome that you want.

If you were manifesting success in your career, but once, twenty years ago, when you were positioned to become one of the most successful in your field, you put your foot in your mouth and subsequently lost your opportunity, and ever since you have been beating yourself up over your stupidity, the same thing applies. To escape this negative timeline, you first must shift your focus to a positive mindset where possibilities exist, or you will continue to live in that negative timeline. There is no inherent truth in our interpretation of positive vs negative, timelines merely “are”. You are free right now to tell yourself “What if, I came into an even better opportunity now”. If you can keep your focus on a positive expectation you begin immediately to move into a positive reality. How fast you go depends on how persistently you can keep your focus on the positive expectation. If you keep drifting back into beating yourself up over the thing that happened twenty years ago when you put your foot in your mouth, you keep going back to that timeline. That event is in the past, and you can stop the replay of that event, it is over, and nobody but you can continue to keep that state alive. Take your focus off of it and will die from your existence. A state has no power over us, we have the power to keep the state alive or let it die. There is nothing for you to do, but to shift your consiousness to the possibilities and gain an awareness of opportunities and serendipity, and all things that are necessary for you to get from here to there will line up for you, you do not have to go out there and make it happen, just go about your business, but now, with a positive mindset. Whatever you need to do will naturally reveal itself to you as you start walking on the path.


The Quest for Liberation and Awakening:

The concept of shifting and quantum jumping finds its roots in age-old spiritual pursuits of liberation and awakening. Throughout history, individuals have sought to transcend the limitations of their physical reality and explore the expansiveness of their consciousness, and through out history, sages have accomplished it, and they left the playbook for us all to follow. It is simple. A focused attention gets you there. There, in this case meaning total liberation from the veil of separation, a total awareness of self as God, and Self as ALL. Quantum jumping merely represents a modern interpretation of this ancient quest, offering us a pathway to not only create a different and better life, but ALSO liberation from self-imposed restrictions , or so called limiting beliefs, and also deep and amazing connection with our divine essence.


Overcoming Misunderstandings:

It is crucial to address the misconception that impedes both those seeking liberation and individuals attempting to shift or quantum jump. Often, this misunderstanding arises from a lack of knowledge or misguided expectations. By understanding the principles, and embracing a curious mindset, we can overcome these obstacles suspend our disbelief, and walk this transformative journey without fear, and with clarity and purpose. Let’s clear up the most common confusion:

A new timeline is the same as a parallel realty, and you are always in a timeline. Everyday we move through hundreds of timelines, Neville Goddard calls this “states”. The moment you gain a sense of positivity you have stepped into a new timeline. The moment you get angry you are in a new timeline, and IF you stayed there, in the anger, over a short span of time, your reality would begin to shape itself around you in a dark way, and you would find that you have more and more reasons to be angry, until the culmination of such a timeline you would be angry all the time without reason as well. The moment we feel victimized, we step into a new timeline, and this timeline is riddled with injustices and fear. The moment you feel hopeful and optimistic, you have stepped into a new timeline and this one is filled with more and more opportunities and good fortune. The moment you feel that you are always lucky, and windfall always happens in your favor you step into a timeline with cascading lucky breaks.

Neville Goddard’s idea of states is the same as a timeline. There is nothing at all involved in stepping on to a new timeline, except a shift in consiousness. If notice that you are feeling afraid or victimized, remember that you are literally now in a timeline, and the very second you shift your focus to positivity, and feel that fear release, you are in a new timeline, so take sigh of relief. Let go of fear and see possibilities, and you are instantly on you chosen timeline, towards your purpose, your goal, your manifestation. That is all that it takes.

Neville Goddard says that we move through hundreds of states everyday, and this is exactly true, we go from timeline to timeline to timeline, if we were more in control of our mind, if we can learn to not be reactive to circumstance, we can move quicker through time and space. The key is to keep a clear focus and avoid getting swept away by the circumstances that the ever changing timelines offer up. When we take inventory of our circumstances and get upset, it is as if we “re-infect” ourselves with the negativity again, the negative experience that we were trying to leave. This doesn’t mean that you have to get frustrated, remember it takes one single moment to shift back into the state, or the timeline of your desire. One small shift in focus gets you right back into the timeline that you wanted to be on. There is no work involved and no effort, just shift your mindset.


Embracing the Possibilities:

As we awaken to the interconnectedness of shifting, quantum jumping, parallel realities, manifesting, and liberation, we open ourselves to a world of absolutely infinite possibilities. We become conscious co-creators, shaping our reality with intention, love, and aligned actions. We realize that in truth God can manifest ANYTHING, there simply are no limitations. Where is YOUR consiousness? THIS is all that matters. Embrace the extraordinary potential within you, free yourself from limiting beliefs, DARE to assume!


Shifting and quantum jumping are not mere whimsical fantasies or trends. They are powerful tools that enable us to transcend the confines of our perceived reality, tap into parallel dimensions, and manifest our deepest desires. By understanding the linkages between these practices and parallel realities, manifesting, and the quest for liberation, we gain profound insights into our true nature as conscious creators. Let go of misunderstandings, educate yourself, and unleash the boundless potential that resides within. Embrace the adventure of shifting and quantum jumping, and witness the remarkable transformation that awaits you.

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Exploring the Mind-Body Connection: Insights from Yoga and Neuroscience


Exploring the Mind-Body Connection: Insights from Yoga and Neuroscience

Have you ever wondered about the intricate relationship between the mind and the body? How does our consciousness perceive and interact with the world around us? In this blog post, we’ll delve into a fascinating neuroscientific study based on the perspective on the Yoga Theory of Consciousness (YTC), drawing from the ancient yoga sutras of Patanjali and the Samkhya philosophy. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the mind-body connection and gain insights into the nature of consciousness.

Understanding Reality:

According to the YTC perspective, reality consists of two fundamental aspects: the seer or consciousness (Purusha) and the mind and body (Prakriti). The mind acts as an intermediary, allowing the seer to engage with the external world through our senses and actions organs. It’s like a bridge between our inner self and the outer reality we experience.

The Mind’s Development:

The development of the mind is influenced by the types of sense and action organs we possess, as well as our sensory specificity. This means that different species, with their unique attributes and sensory systems, may have distinct experiences of the world. So, what holds true for one species might not be universal for all.

The Modulations of the Mind:

Our mind is constantly in motion, undergoing various modulations (thoughts) that shape our conscious awareness. These modulations include attention, memory, sleep, imagination, and sometimes, incorrect knowledge. They can significantly impact how we perceive the world around us.

Attentional modulations allow us to prioritize certain stimuli over others, focusing our awareness on what we consider important at a given moment. On the other hand, active-inference-based modulations influence our sensory signals and motor responses, shaping our interactions with the environment.

The mind’s wanderings, fueled by imagination, incorrect knowledge, and memory, can also have a profound impact on our consciousness. They shape our intrinsic and self-referential processing, altering our perception of reality and potentially influencing our overall conscious experience.

Unlocking Consciousness Through Yoga:

Yoga, a practice that originated thousands of years ago, offers a way to regulate these mind modulations and deepen our perception of consciousness. Scientific research on meditation, an integral part of yoga, has even identified unique neurobiological patterns associated with meditative states.

Through practices like Dhyana, Dharana, and Samadhi, we can enter different states of mind and tap into the true essence of our consciousness. These states have been characterized and studied, contributing to the emerging field of neuroscience of yoga and meditation. By understanding the internal and external states of the mind, we can gain valuable insights into the neural correlates of consciousness.

A Comprehensive Framework:

The theory, based on the YTC, integrates the organization, evolution, and development of the mind, the influence of mind modulations on conscious perception, and the profound impact of meditation practices. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the mind-body connection and consciousness, complementing existing neuroscientific theories.


The exploration of the mind-body connection is a captivating journey that combines ancient wisdom with modern scientific insights. By embracing the perspectives offered by the YTC and neuroscience, we can deepen our understanding of how our consciousness interacts with the world and unlock the transformative power of practices like yoga and meditation.

In order to deepen our yogic understanding of the mind, consciousness, and neuroscience, it is essential to not only explore the insights presented in this referenced study but also dive into the original texts from which this research draws. By reading the original yoga sutras of Patanjali and delving into the philosophical concepts of the Samkhya tradition, we can grasp the profound wisdom they offer.

By understanding the interplay between the seer or consciousness (Purusha) and the mind and body (Prakriti), we can navigate the complex landscape of our consciousness with greater clarity.

By studying the original texts and engaging with the findings of modern neuroscience, we can expand our knowledge, unravel the mysteries within us, and foster a deep appreciation for the intricate connection between our inner selves and the external reality we perceive.

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FREE DOWNLOAD, learn everything about the mystical Sanskrit SEED mantras:

Seed Syllables: Unlocking the Power of Bīja Mantras for Healing and Transformation

Secret Bija Mantras

Understanding the Origin of Sound: Exploring Sanskrit Seed Mantras

“Sanskrit has come out of Kundalini’s movement, when She ( Kundalini) makes a sound, all was recorded by the great saints and like that every chakra has got vowels and consonants according to the number of sub-plexuses they have, or, you can say petals they have, and all of them make the alphabets of Sanskrit language.”

“Kundalini is the Shakti who gives life to the Jiva (Embosied human). It is she who in the Muladhara Chakra, is the cause of the sweet, indistinct and murmuring Dhvani which is compared to the humming of a black bee.”

The Role of Chakras: Aligning Energy Centers with Sanskrit Bīja Mantras

Sacred Language Sanskrit Alphabet

Bīja mantras are used in resonance with the chakras, that align with the spine. Each chakra is associated with its own Bīja mantra:

  • Lam – muladhara (root) chakra
  • Vam – svadisthana (spleen or sacral) chakra
  • Ram – manipura (solar plexus) chakra
  • Yam – anahata (heart) chakra
  • Ham – visuddha (throat) chakra
  • Sham – ajna (third eye) chakra
  • Om – sahasrara (crown) chakra
Little Book Of Pocket Mantras
Kundalini awakens

The best known Bīja mantra is Om (or Aum), which is the sound of Brahman, the vibration or primordial sound. The unstruck sound, which is really the sound reverberations heard long after the sound was struck… like ripples on a clam lake after a pebble was tossed in. It is often chanted during yoga practice and meditation. Other common Bīja mantras include:

Secret Bija Mantras

  • Krim: Awakening the Lower Chakras
  • Shrim: Promoting Health, Joy, and Beauty
  • Hrim: Purifying the Heart and Stimulating Creativity
  • Hum: Energizing the Body and Eliminating Negativity
  • Lung: Grounding and Connecting with the Earth Element
  • Vang: Enhancing Sensuality through Water Element
  • Rang: Igniting Energy and Vitality through Fire Element
  • Phat: Subduing Demons and Breaking Limitations
  • Svaha: Affirmation and Mantra-Shastra

Harnessing Kundalini Energy: Exploring the Connection with Sanskrit Seed Mantras

Awaken Kundalini

As a Mantra-Shastra, the Tantras have greatly elaborated the Bijas.

Though a Mantra such as a Bija-mantra may not convey its meaning on its surface, the initiate knows that its meaning is the own form (Svarupa, its TRUE form) of the particular Devata whose Mantra it is, and that the essence of the Bija is that which makes letters sound, and exists in all which we say or hear. 

Every Mantra is thus a particular sound form of the Brahman.

There are a very large number of these short unetymological vocables or Bijas such as above mentioned Hrim, Shrim, Krim, Hum, Hum, Phat called by various names.

Thus the first is called the Maya Bija, the second Lakshmi Bija, the third Kali Bija, the fourth Kurca Bija, the fifth Varma Bija, the sixth Astra Bija. Ram is Agni Bija, Em is Yoni Bija, Klim is Kama Bija, Shrim is Badhu Bija, Aim Sarasvati Bija and so forth. 

Each Devata has His or Her Bija. Thus Hrim is the Maya Bija, Krim the Kali Bija. The Bija is used in the worship of the Devata whose Mantra it is. 

All these Bijas mentioned are in common use. There are a large number of others, some of which are formed with the first letters of the name of the Devata for whom they stand, such as Gam for Ganesha, Dum for Durga.

Kundalini rising

There are composite consonants such as Śhra, Kla, Tva, etc., which have correspondences with particular chakras or Deities.

The vowels are all associated with the Viśḥuddhī Chakra and give the power, quality or direction (ā is Left Side, ī – Central Channel, etc.) (Ida, Pingala, Shusumna Nadi)

Exploring the Energy Channels: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna in Spiritual Practices

Awaken Kundalini

Mantras are solar (Saura) and masculine, and lunar (Saumya) and feminine, as also neuter.

The two main Nadis, Ida and Pingala, reaching their pinnacle of evolution and contributing to the vital energy.

But what exactly are Ida and Pingala?

Ida – The Left Energy Channel – LUNAR

Ida is located on the left side of the spine (your left). It is associated with the vibration of the moon, which represents the emotional part of a person – the Yin energy.

In the Sanskrit language, Ida means “comfort”.

Regardless of our gender, we all have a female and masculine side.

Each one of those manifests in different situations according to our inner state of mind at a given time.

Ida is the one connected to our female part. It corresponds to the left nostril to the right side of our brain.

This is the more introvert part of our bodies. Ida transports the energy to the nervous system. This process calms the body, mind, and soul.

Pingala – The Right Energy Channel – SOLAR

Pingala is located on the right side of the spine. It represents the masculine, pragmatic part – Yang energy.

In Sanskrit, Pingala means “channel” or “flow”.

It connects to the right nostril and to the left hemisphere of our brain. 

Pingala brings the element of the sun which represents the intellect. It connects to the more extroverted and masculine side.

Pingala controls essential life elements such as vitality and strength.

What Do Ida And Pingala Represent

Even if they are presented as a duality in Hindu tradition, let’s not forget that they are within the same body. Everything is a whole and works together.

For example, a coin has the “heads” printed on one side and “tail” on the other, but it’s one coin. Thus, this creates balance and in the end a whole object. Neither of the pieces can be absent. It is what it is because of the two sides.

The same goes for Ida and Pingala, Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine.

Therefore Ida and Pingala, together with Sushumna, are the most important energy channels that we have.

These three Nadis keep the energy flowing, intersecting themselves at the most important junctions – the chakras. 

The prana (or light) energy flows from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown chakra, exiting as a fountain of light.

The Power of Breath: Yoga Breathing Exercises for Cleansing and Energizing Energy Channels

Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha

They Are Gateways

Ida and Pingala are in strong connection with the chakras. These are gateways that connect the subtle realms with the physical ones. 

Through them, we are able to express inner emotions, thoughts, words, and actions. 

This helps us understand that we are spiritual beings living a physical experience. In the end, this has to lead to spiritual growth and awareness.

Many people live within the vibration of Ida and Pingala and less in Sushumna.

This is reasonably balanced, meaning if the exterior is calm we will also feel calm. But if the exterior changes, we will react to this change. It’s the basic pattern on which they function.

Yet, we can surpass this condition and raise our awareness and consciousness. Through wisdom and understanding, we can expand beyond that and become virtually immune to the outside world.

They simply won’t affect us anymore.

But the energy cannot flow without these two channels being properly cleansed and energized. That’s why there are quite a few Yoga breathing exercises out there.

Call on Hanuman to change your destiny:

ओं ह्रीं श्रीं ह्रीं ह्रौं ह्रैं ह्रः हन-हन, दह- दह, पच-पच, गृहाण-गृहाण,मारय-मारय,मर्दय-मर्दय, महा महा भैरव भैरव रूपेण, धूनय-धूनय, कम्पय कम्पय,विघ्नय-विघ्नय, विश्वेश्वर, शोभय-शोभय,कटु-कटु,मोहय हुं फट् स्वाहा।

“There is a widely diffused lower mind which says, “what I do not understand is absurd”. But this science, whether well-founded or not, is not that.

Those who think so might expect Mantras which are prayers and the meaning of which they understand; for with prayer the whole world is familiar.

But such appreciation itself displays a lack of understanding.

There is nothing necessarily holy or prayerful alone in Mantras as some think.”

Experience the Profound Effects of Sanskrit Bīja Mantras

Some combinations of letters constitute prayers and are called Mantras, as for instance the “Gayatri Mantra”.

Gayatri Mantras and Kirtan DEVA PREMAL Gayatri Mantra

Seed syllables are Consciousness (chit) manifesting as letters and words. 

 “Om” is the most prominent example of a “meaningless” Mantra, that is, one which does not bear its meaning on its face, and of what is called a seed or Bija Mantra, because they are the very quintessence of Mantra, and the seed (Bija) of the fruit which is Siddhi (spiritual achievement). These are properly monosyllabic.

Om is a Vedic Bija, but it is the source of all the other tantric Bijas which represent particular Devata aspects of that which is presented as a whole in 0m.

Secret Light Codes

FREE DOWNLOAD, learn everything about the mystical Sanskrit SEED mantras:

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Manifesting love

Brainspotting and consiousness

Exploring Brainspotting and Consciousness

Brainspotting (BSP) is a talk therapy that reveals a client’s unprocessed traumas through fixed eye positions.

BSP therapy is based largely on modified methods from other therapies:

  • Somatic Experiencing (SE)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Acupuncture (but without needles)

Together, these work to diagnose and treat potential roots of your trauma

Understanding Brainspotting

Brainspotting (BSP) is a powerful therapeutic approach that unveils unprocessed traumas by pinpointing fixed eye positions. These specific eye positions are associated with “brainspots,” which are regions of the mind that harbor thoughts and emotions. By focusing on these troubling brainspots, individuals can delve into their hidden mental challenges.

Drawing from techniques of various therapies, including Somatic Experiencing (SE), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and even elements of acupuncture (without needles), BSP therapy delves into the potential roots of trauma. It’s a way to diagnose and treat the sources of your trauma, a journey often best undertaken with guidance and support.

Specific eye positions each link to their own “brainspot,” an area of the mind that retains thoughts and emotions. Clients fixate on troubling brainspots to uncover hidden mental challenges.

Connecting Brainspotting with Consciousness

Our eyes serve as conduits to our consciousness. BSP capitalizes on this natural connection by utilizing relevant eye positions. This aids BSP therapists in locating, focusing, processing, and ultimately releasing a wide spectrum of emotional and bodily conditions.

Who Can Benefit from Brainspotting?

BSP taps into the body’s innate ability to scan and heal itself. Stimulating a brainspot seems to trigger a signal from the deep brain to the therapist, signifying the discovery of the issue’s source. BSP can also amplify natural resources and resilience. This approach can unpack deep traumas that are often linked to the core of conditions like depression, anxiety, blocks, or addictions.

When progress seems stagnant in your journey of healing or manifestation, brainspotting can dig deeper in a way that doesn’t retraumatize. Its role is akin to EMDR or Somatic Experiencing, yet distinctly its own. It empowers clients to navigate their subconscious terrain, starting with the issue they choose.

Differentiating Brainspotting, EMDR, Hypnosis, and SE

While Brainspotting, EMDR, SE, and hypnosis trigger similar brainwave states, they each specialize in catering to unique needs. Brainspotting, with its steady eye positions, offers greater freedom for clients to confront their traumas, making it a valuable tool for those needing a more active role in their therapy journey.

How Brainspotting Works

The process involves:

  1. Uncovering repressed traumas through guided brainspot exploration.
  2. Facilitating physical and mental healing by releasing unprocessed trauma.

Additional methods can complement your healing journey, including ongoing therapy sessions and other practices like the Law of Assumption and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

A Glimpse into a Brainspotting Session

Sessions follow a talk therapy format. The therapist empowers the client to navigate their subconscious and guides them through sifting and healing within the specific brainspot. Sessions are client-led, with their vision focused on the challenging brainspot, enabling them to explore its depths as they see fit.

Duration of Treatment

The length of treatment can vary, ranging from a few sessions to more extensive engagement, depending on the severity of the mental trauma.

Embark on a journey of deep healing and self-discovery with Brainspotting – an avenue to unveil the power of consciousness and reclaim control over your mental well-being.

Skills Learned in Brainspotting

  • Overcoming fears of vulnerability
  • Overcoming tightness and pain in the body
  • Embracing change to thoughts and feelings
  • Becoming more self-aware
  • increasing self confidence
  • Familiarity with the power of emotional release, without the out-of-control feelings of “purging”
  • Becoming mindful of how you hold stress in your body, and how to instantly release it
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Quantum Jump Meditation To Manifest Cash based on the Gateway Process | Download MP3 | WEALTH |

Quantum Jump Meditation To Manifest Cash based on the Gateway Process | Download MP3 | WEALTH |

This meditation will be part of a Quantum Jump meditation series based on the Gateway Experience.

I have over a hundred videos for free on Youtube, welcome to browse them all, this series will be for a small fee.

You might wonder if it is even possible to manifest cash, by just doing a meditation, and the answer is yes. There is no need to even repeat this meditation more than once, but of course, you can listen to it as often as you want.

This is the exact meditation that I did to manifest $,100,000 in random and serendipitous cash!

Manifest True Love Guided Meditation

Listen with headphones

Heal relationships, become MAGNETIC to love CLEAR THE PATH FOR TRUE 💖

Break ALL the barriers to LOVE

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

― Rumi

This meditation was made to help you attract a loving relationship into your life while you sleep. Your subconscious mind is most comfortable and open to suggestion when you are unconscious in a sleeping state. You may be asleep, but your subconscious mind is busy at work. While asleep, your subconscious ingrains your thoughts by learning and solving the days problems. One of the most powerful ways to bring an idea or desire to life is to focus our thoughts and words on it. The thing is, when we’re not being mindful about the words we’re spinning around thoughtlessly in our heads, we’re often bringing more of what we don’t want to life than what we do.

Every time we focus on lack, we reinforce lack in our lives.

Energy flows where attention goes

This positively reinforcing guided meditation, tears down old negative beliefs, and builds up new, positive beliefs, while creating nurturing grooves in your brain, which translate into healthy and nurturing relationships in your life.

Become a love-inviter!

Guided Meditations have an effect on your overall cognitive abilities, by helping you to focus more on the wanted vs the unwanted, and by increasing concentration, and helping to develop skills quicker, and increasing your memory.

This meditation will:

Give you an amazing, magical love-experience by taking you on a mind journey into the unknown doorways in your mind.

Help you to think clearer, and clear your mind of cluttering thoughts releasing undesired outdated beliefs Help to increase mental wellbeing and can help with depression and anxiety.

Improve your visualization skills, through guided imagery, which will help to improve right brain thinking. Strengthens the connection between the right and left hemisphere of your brain though EMDR technology Improve physical health, by slowing down your heart rate and inducing healing brainwave states

Deepen the connection to your subconscious mind to use a multifocal approach to healing

Helps you to relax at a very deep level by bypassing the rational mind, inducing a physical quietude characteristic of deep transcendental meditative states through a complete alteration of the resonance pattern associated with the sound frequencies produced by the human body, through binaural sound technology

This is the most amazing Love Manifestation Guided Meditation

Awakening conscious creation consciousness empowerment healing law of assumption law of attraction manifest manifestation manifestation techniques MANIFESTING manifest love Manifest your dreams mindfulness neville goddard personal growth self-discovery self-improvement specific person