QUANTUM JUMP | SHIFT INTO THE SLEEPING BODY OF THE GODDESS | Fall asleep as Vajrayogini वज्रयोगिनी

QUANTUM JUMP | SHIFT INTO THE SLEEPING BODY OF THE GODESS | Fall asleep as Vajrayogini | Oneness with divinity

Vajrayoginī is a tantric deity . She is a Dakini, a “sky-dancer and Goddess of the Absolute

Vajrayogini, is a representation of complete buddhahood in female form. 

Awakening through shifting is an ancient technique used in Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. Enjoy this meditation to fall asleep as the Goddess. The goal is to become her!

She first appeared to the siddha, Naropa, and this is how she works. She comes to you, like a cat, she invites herself into your life. This is your sign that she belongs on your path to liberation.

In this guided meditation I have used very low binaural beats, and EMDR technology to help your brain relax, and shift brainwave states. Shifting brainwave states is key to successful quantum jumps, your rational mind has be turned off and bypassed.



Because you constantly shift all the time your life ANYWAY!

“Quantum Superposition of States:

Quantum superposition is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics by which all possibilities for something in material form exist simultaneously in all possible particular states (or all possible configurations of its properties, which is clearly interconnected with the phenomena of quantum jumping)—but whenever measured or observed, the result corresponds to only one of those possible states or configurations.”

Quantum Teleportation:

Quantum teleportation is a term used to describe the instantaneous transference of properties from one quantum system to another without physical contact, which is an essential facet of quantum jumping. As for what causes such remarkable behavior at the quantum level of reality—nobody really knows for sure. The mathematical equations describing quantum behavior work beautifully well, yet the behind-the-scenes why and how of it are anything but obvious. There are numerous physics theories that each explain what’s going on in their own unique ways, and these theories are known as ‘interpretations’ since they provide us with possible explanations for what might be going on, based on sound assumptions”

Becoming one with the divine

Awakening conscious creation consciousness empowerment healing law of assumption law of attraction manifest manifestation manifestation techniques MANIFESTING manifest love Manifest your dreams mindfulness neville goddard personal growth positive thinking self-discovery self-improvement specific person Spiritual growth

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