Are you acting on your disease?

Acting on the WORD, or acting driven by our circumstances or problems.

The fact is: -I have this illness, or this addiction.

The fact is: – I have these neighbors who harass me…

“The facts” are what you live by, and this is post is about how you turn Gods light out in your life, so that you can’t see where you are going, and to stop living by the facts and start living by faith.

Acting on the TRUTH of God’s word.

This post is dedicated to a reader who has this problem of acting on her problem.

Whenever there is a problem, this individual acts on the problem. Is this you? Do you also act on your problems? Right now, she hates the way her neighbor make her feel, so she wants to move out even before she has another place to live. In the past she gave up a job that she didn’t like only to find that she doesn’t have money to pay the rent, she contacted me a few days before eviction… She is acting on her PROBLEM.

Act on the truth of God, don’t act on your problem.

Faith in God’s Word

Act on THE WORD, in faith. Don’t act ON YOUR PROBLEM in faith. There is a difference, and the difference is in the outcome.

Your blessing doesn’t come if you act on your problem, your disease, your demons, or your addiction. Your blessing comes when you act IN FAITH ON THE WORD.

So many people read a sentence or two out of the Bible and then act like an expert in “manifesting”… My eyes have really opened to the confused thinking that people have been operating under. Maybe you stumbled on manifesting, and now, suddenly you know everything. You quote the Bible left and right, with authority, but you have NEVER read the Bible. Is this you?

When I say, ACT ON THE WORD, the word I am talking about is the Bible. MEDITATE on the word. Become the word. Read the word everyday. This is your manual. It is the law of the kingdom of heaven. Let the word IN to your heart and soul so that you know what the word says BY YOUR SPIRIT. The word will change you and you will walk by faith in the word, not faith in the facts. You will walk by faith in the Holy Spirit, not faith in your problems.

You are not God and you do not have the perspective that God has.

God will NEVER bless your problems. God’s word exists in the heavens, in the kingdom of God, and because it exists there, it is already settled here.

Your blessing is only one action away, an action IN GOD’S word.

A refusal to act on your problem, circumstance, illness or addiction. Because you are not God, you don’t know the repercussions of s single act of faith. Even if it seems small or insignificant, act on the word of God. You don’t know the repercussions of acting on one problem. DON’T act on the problem.

Stop acting out your doubt!

So you don’t ‘feel it” yet? You don’t hear the word of God?

You will.

AFTER you stop acting on your problems.

It comes little by little, sometimes it comes as one big revelation, either way it comes AFTER you stop acting on your doubt, so stop. You take the first step, of acting in faith and obedience to his word.

You asked for ALL OF THOSE BLESSINGS but when you come upon what is a necessary circumstance you freak out and you act on the problem, you start going all Karen on people, you make phone calls and ask for the manager, you start talking about lawsuits… is this you?

You ask for the Blessings, NOW you have to be led by the Holy Spirit. Act in FAITH OF THE WORD.

Turn at my rebuke, surely I will pour out my spirit on you, I will make my words known to you.”-Proverbs.

Yes, this means STOP acting on your doubts, and turn around, instead BE STILL, and walk in the truth, and the truth will set you free. YOU have to take the first step by NOT acting on that doubt.

I Want to hear God’s Voice

When you read the Bible every day, a little bit at least, God is reading you, and he tends to your needs.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word WAS God.

The word is the Bible. The Bible IS GOD. The word IS the Holy Spirit of God.

To know God’s voice you must know his will, and his will is his word. You don’t have to guess, you just have to read.

You do not have to break a mental sweat, because you are not so much understanding, as you are letting HIM read YOU.

His will is his inheritance for you. Think of will as a will that your parents leave you.

His word is the password to the vault where your will has been left.

His WILL (inheritance) is his WORD (password to the vault). When you read his word, you are receiving his inheritance even if you don’t understand what you are reading. You are receiving the password into your heart, by giving access to the Holy Spirit into your heart, mind and soul. The word IS the Holy Spirit. By reading, you are hearing the voice of God.

It is easy, don’t listen to people who say that this is hard, or that it takes time. Just have faith in GOD’S word, read it, and walk in his word.


photo of person holding a bible