Don’t waste your life’s purpose | LOA done right!

My ex is a narcissist, how do I manifest him back? | Don’t waste your life’s purpose

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting solving someone else’s psyche (unless you are a shrink and this is your life’s purpose).

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting yourself to be better for someone else, just for yourself.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting being thinner for someone else, just love you for you.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting breadcrumbs of attention, just know that you deserve it all.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting the struggle, just let go and flow with ease.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting being an enabler for their bad behavior just because you have’t validated your own great behavior yet.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting being better in their eyes, when you are already the apple of your own eye.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting someone whom you will not love after you win them back. Love yourself enough to see through your bruised ego and manifest knowing that your are loveable now, today, this way.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting solutions to problems that God solves when you just sit back, use your manifesting tools and let Him. (Be still and know)

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting someone else’s approval when you haven’ got your own approval yet.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting contact from a stonewaller, when you can start listening to your inner voice today.

Don’t waste your life’s purpose manifesting kindness form someone cruel, be kind to yourself and eliminate your own self-cruelty

ALL of this falls in the category of MESSING WITH THE MIDDLE.

To be inline with your life’s purpose and align with your divinity, to BE IN ALIGNMENT;

Manifest intimacy with your own heart

Manifest excitement and belief in your own ideas

Manifest a knowing

Manifest being in love, loved and loveable on the whole

Manifest everyone being your soulmate and your Twin Flame

Manifest knowing your own soul truth

Manifest intimacy with your own guidance

You have one life now.

Be brave and go for it all, full self-love, total self esteem and self approval, say yes to your own desires and interests and deny everything that is not that, it does not exist in your life. This is called “pruning the vine”.

The Law of Assumption is law, and it always works, and if “it isn’t working” for you there is only one obstacle in the way. You are wasting your time and your life’s purpose focused on solving problems instead of on your joy, your bliss, your interest, your fun, your excitement.

Be joy to have joy

Be love to have love

Feel interested and excited to have your life purpose

People can only manifest what their subconscious mind allows, and if you are stuck in a rut, wasting your time manifesting a band aid to your life, then think bigger, not smaller.

To remove narcissistic behavior from your life, remove its existence form your mind completely.

Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

Carl Jung

You have the power to choose if you want to believe in fate, or if you want to believe in your life’s purpose.

You have the power to release all resistance and turn on the tap of inspiration.

Clearing your subconscious mind of the fearful programming that compels us to waste our time playing small with Law of Assumption is best done by autosuggestions. Changing your routine from affirmations or intentions alone, to autosuggestions, inner conversations, and imaginal scenes will eliminate ALL your Law of Attraction blocks, fast,  and up your manifesting game in ways you didn’t believe could happen.

Using manifesting tools the right way opens up your mind to inspiration and happiness. Using the right tool at the right time removes mind-obstacles for you, without efforting.

The Law of Assumption is inspiring and creative!

What type of success have you had with it?

Are your attempts at manifesting frustrating you?

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Photo by Ferdinand Studio

manifest magazine

abundance abundance mindset affirmations Awakening belief system best law of assumption coach conscious creation Conscious Living consciousness creative power Creative visualization EIYPO empowerment Faith florence scovel shinn goal setting gratitude Happiness healing Imagination Inner Harmony Inner Peace Inner power Inner Transformation kabbalah law of assumption law of attraction living wellness coaching love manifest manifestation manifestation techniques MANIFESTING manifesting desires manifest love Manifest your dreams meditation mind-body connection mindfulness Mind power Mindset mindset shift neville goddard personal development personal growth positive affirmations positive mindset positive thinking positivity Reality Creation self-awareness self-discovery self-empowerment self-improvement Self-realization self-reflection specific person Spiritual awakening Spiritual growth spirituality spiritual journey Spiritual Wisdom Subconscious Mind Transformation Visualization

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