Manifesting Love Takes COURAGE!

“The second quality to be called to discipleship is Andrew or courage. As the first quality, faith in oneself, is developed it automatically calls into being its brother, courage. Faith in oneself, which asks no man’s help but quietly and alone appropriates the consciousness of the quality desired and in spite of reason or the evidence of his senses to the contrary continues faithful patiently waiting in the knowledge that his unseen claim if sustained must be realized such faith develops a courage and strength of character that are beyond the wildest dreams of the undisciplined man whose faith is in things seen.

The faith of the undisciplined man cannot really be called faith. For if the armies, medicines or wisdom of man in which his faith is placed be taken from him, his faith and courage go with it. But from the disciplined one the whole world could be taken and yet he would remain faithful in the knowledge that the state of consciousness in which he abides must in due season embody itself. This courage is Peter’s brother Andrew, the disciple, who knows what it is to dare, to do and to be silent.” – Neville Goddard

Mending a relationship takes courage, saying “I am sorry” first takes courage, being the first one to reach out after a period of estrangement takes courage. All of those are action steps, and we all know, probably first hand, how difficult it can be to be the first one to extend an olive branch, but what I am going to talk about here is the courage to believe.

non dual tantra as loa manifest love
Non-Dual Tantra Manifest Love Course

Have you been burned by love?

Have you been destroyed by love, with nothing recognizable left within you?

Have you numbed out because love hurts so bad, you just can’t stand to feel anymore?

I assure you, you are not alone. I have been there, and I have peeled myself off the ground several times, and I have dared to love again.

If you are going to master manifesting love, you have to learn how to rise again, every time. You have to rise from the ashes a thousand times. 

A relationship can go through changes upon changes, you can face illness, and death can happen, and every time, you have to get up again and believe.

Believing in love is an act of rebellion these days, nothing is as popular as being an independent person, and nothing will lead you to falling for the illusion of separation as quickly as a false faith in independence. We are oneness, and our quest is for harmony, not division, and this is an act of defiance of the current cultural individualistic and egoistic approach to live on earth. Love is the only truth.  Everything else is false. And yet we keep learning and teaching the opposite!

Believe in love, and you will see for yourself how internally you will put up a fight! All of our resistance comes from within, but don’t worry, you’ll manifest resistance from without as well. 


As the first quality, faith in oneself, is developed it automatically calls into being its brother, courage.”

“The faith of the undisciplined man cannot really be called faith. For if the armies, medicines or wisdom of man in which his faith is placed be taken from him, his faith and courage go with it.”

Our faith disappears as soon as we have been sufficiently challenged! Our circumstances mirrored rejection, betrayal, abandonment or worse, where did our faith go then?  If you can keep your faith when everything shows you the opposite, you have developed courage. 

from the disciplined one the whole world could be taken and yet he would remain faithful in the knowledge that the state of consciousness in which he abides must in due season embody itself”

Manifesting a specific person will require you to have the courage to stabilize in your state regardless of what comes your way.

When it comes to manifesting love everyone and their mother has an opinion, but you know what matters? Your own desires. That is it, nothing else. 

Let me give you a few examples of difficult marriages, and you will see that your situation isn’t any worse.

Marriage one.  Newly married, wife finds out that husband is actually a sex addict and a serial cheater. She is a big hearted life loving hippie mama who doesn’t CARE, because she loves him, and together they do sex and love addicts anonymous. After a rocky road for a few  years, they start to level out and do better and better. Fast forward 20 years, their children are growing up, they bought ranch land, they travel, they laugh and they are happier than ever before. Happy marriages take tons of work sometimes, is  it worth it? That is up to you to decide.

Marriage two.  A piano tuner,  British, married and American woman moved to Los Angeles. They are happy and have their first child. She starts cheating, then she leaves. He still loves her and hopes that she will come back. She does, and they are happy again and have another child.  She finds another guy, agai, and leaves and this time has a baby with the other man. Things don’t work out, and the piano tuner is still in love with her, patiently waiting for her to come back yet again, this time with another man’s child in tow. She comes back. This time she stays, and they are still happily married, all children grown and they are now grandparents.

I have hundreds of stories like this, where you think that they would have buckled under the circumstances, but love covers all transgressions, so it is up to you. Is it love you are feeling or is it not? 

Love takes courage. It isn’t for the weak. In a lifetime you will go through so many ups and downs, you might have trauma, you might switch political beliefs, you might join a new religion. There are so many things that we and our partner might go through but the only thing that matters is, do you love them?

If the answer is yes, then there will be times when you have to call on the mental faculty represented by Andrew the disciple (the discipline of courage) Faith in the tough times. Anyone can have faith when things are looking up, how hard is that? But it takes courage to believe when everything has gone wrong.

manifest a specific person
Photo by Jonathan Borba

Awakening conscious creation consciousness empowerment healing law of assumption law of attraction manifest manifestation manifestation techniques MANIFESTING manifest love Manifest your dreams mindfulness neville goddard personal growth positive thinking self-discovery self-improvement Self-realization specific person Spiritual growth spirituality

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