Toxicity and Gaslighting in the Law of Assumption Genre: Identifying Fake Gurus and Avoiding Cult-like Teachings

Toxicity and GASLIGHTING in the Law Of Assumption genre?

On this blog, you are encouraged to discover YOUR relationship with the God of YOUR understanding. 

Nothing is MORE intimate, than developing this relationship, the relationship with self. 

“I AM that I AM”

This is the core of the Law of Assumption, the core of Vedanta and all nondual teachings. The Law of Assumption is ALSO based on Kabbalah, as we can derive from the teachings in themselves, and also from the fact that Neville Goddard’s teacher Abdullah was a Rabbi.

Everyone of these teachings have a core goal of ONENESS and harmony. Studies of Kabbalah or Vedanta, or any nondual teachings, do not generally generate complaints. They are benign areas of study and have been for millennia, however there are groups where these teachings DO generate complaints, and that is the focus of todays article.

The goal of oneness is gradually discovered when nondual teachings are approached correctly, and ultimately, it is a relationship with self that develops and grows. Nurture THIS relationship, and your INNER PEACE, your never ending source connection.  What is this for you?  It depends, because everyone’s journey is different.  The destination of this journey is a profound love, sense of unity, and a comfort that GOD has been found. A destructive cult, or toxic teaching, however, will not lead you to that point of inner peace or self discovery, it will lead you astray, and often at a heavy cost.

The relationship or experience with your inner divine connection, is uniquely your own. To explore and experience the Law of Assumption for yourself you never have to change religion or give up your religion. Additionally, you do not have to ascribe to a religion at all, the teachings of the Law of Assumption can be approached without a religious or spiritual goal in mind, Law of assumption is only psychology, it is nothing more; however,  If you are merely seeking material gains or power and control over others, you might find that others try to do the same to you.

Everyone has something within that can be described as a connecting inner light with God, or the divine, or Godself. God within. Every single one of us, but it is up to everyone to discover this, and how we get there is up to ourselves.

This intimate journey, this discovery of God, continues through life, it deepens, just like a love relationship. You can deepen your connection every day, by going within, by praying, by chanting God’s name, by repeating mantras, by meditation, by walking in nature, by expressing gratitude for your life. Again, finding your path to inner peace is unique, and you are free to explore as many different paths as you like.

The more intimate your connection with your inner peace, the more in “alignment” you become. The more in alignment with self, the more in alignments you with the divine, the more commonplace miraculousness becomes. This miraculous is also a personal experience, and experience of reverence for the mundane. It is the difference of experience the same old thing but with a different mindset. The experience of watching the sunrise with awe, or not noticing the sunrise due to stress and busyness.

A normal life really should have more of the miraculous, and less suffering. But how do we get there safely? How do we get there, to this “positive thinking” state of mind without SELF-gaslighting? Without falling pray to those who promise everything, rob us of everything and leave us with nothing?

A cult can be a cult of one, or a cult of many, and in this blog I will give you some warning signs to look for, and strategies to avoid getting caught up in abuse.

Every moment is a perfect moment to turn within, and seek for inner guidance, love and connection. Find this connection by way of your own heart.

AVOID The Toxic approach to the Law Of Assumption:

1. Overemphasis on Personal Responsibility: In the Law of Assumption, there can be a tendency to place an overwhelming emphasis on personal responsibility and the idea that individuals are solely responsible for their life circumstances. While taking responsibility for one’s thoughts, speech and actions is essential, toxic teachings may push the narrative too far, suggesting that any negative outcome is solely the result of a person’s negative thoughts or lack of belief. Imagine that the world already existed the day you were born, you were merely born into it, you did not “manifest” you life circumstances, not did you manifest “your own reality or your own universe” on that day. It was already there.

2. Invalidating Negative Emotions: Gaslighting can occur when Law of Assumption teachings dismiss or invalidate negative emotions. Some toxic practitioners may promote the idea that feeling sad, angry, or anxious is a sign of weakness or lack of faith in manifestation. This can lead individuals to suppress their genuine emotions, causing emotional harm and denying the importance of processing and addressing real-life challenges. This is actually OPPOSITE to how to approach the Law Of Assumption. Toxic positivity is the assumption that “unless you suppress your “negative” emotions you can’t manifest your dreams” This is not true.

3. Cult-like Behavior and Guru Worship: In some cases, toxic elements within the Law of Assumption genre may lead to cult-like behavior and an unhealthy attachment to a specific guru or teacher. This can result in followers unquestioningly accepting everything the “guru” says, even if it contradicts their own intuition or experiences. Gaslighting may occur when followers are made to feel inadequate for questioning or challenging the teachings, fostering a toxic environment that discourages critical thinking and healthy skepticism. This behavior goes both ways. Sometimes a coach acts in a cult like way, and sometimes it is the followers who display cult-like behavior. This can be avoided by understanding energy structures (pendulums), and staying true to your own purpose. 

It is crucial to approach the Law of Assumption and any self-help or spiritual teachings with discernment and a critical mind. Remember that healthy and authentic teachings will encourage personal growth, self-awareness, and emotional well-being while respecting the complexities of individual experiences and circumstances. If you encounter toxic elements that involve gaslighting or manipulation, it is best to disengage and seek support from reputable sources or mental health professionals.

Identifying a fake guru or narcissistic life coach can be challenging, but here are the top 10 signs to watch out for:

1. Obsession with Money: Fake gurus excessively focus on pricing plans and deals, making money their primary motivation.

2. Manipulative Behavior: They make you feel inadequate, morally inferior, and trap you in a cycle of dependency.

3. Empty Promises: They promise a grand end goal but keep it elusive, always claiming it’s just around the corner. Moving the goal post. Tiered memberships where the “secret” is revealed in an ever changing tier.

4. Ego-Centric: Fake gurus are all about themselves and their brand, often referring to themselves in the third person. Their coaching is about them.

5. Intolerance to Criticism: Genuine gurus embrace criticism and use it to grow, but fake gurus react defensively or attack critics.

6. Reckless Behavior: They engage in manipulative and reckless financial, sexual, and professional conduct. How many false Guru’s later end up with sexual abuse claims?

7. Weaponizing Vulnerability: Fake gurus use personal and private information shared by members against them, creating a toxic environment.

8. Isolation and Control: They may try to isolate followers from friends and family to gain greater control over their lives. This is dangerous territory, and a sign that you are in a cult. Get out fast and don’t look back.

9. Excessive Secrecy: They create an air of mystery, withholding essential information to maintain power over followers. 

10. Exploitative Practices: Fake gurus may pressure followers into expensive programs or use guilt to extract donations.

Spotting a fake guru or life coach requires discernment and critical thinking. A genuine mentor focuses on the growth of their disciples, embraces humility, and practices what they preach. Always trust your instincts and do thorough research before committing to any spiritual or coaching journey.

Warning signs of a cult:

1. The leader is always right.

2. Criticism of the leader or questioning the leader is considered persecution.

3. Anything the leader does is justified, no matter how harmful it may be.

4. The leader is the only source of the truth, everybody else is lying.

5. Disciples must be devoted to the leader and never question him.

(Thee leader can also be a fictitious person, or a person from history)

Persuasion, manipulation, or gaslighting? Spot the difference:

Pay attention to the sales tactics, a teacher will also try to sell their product, and will engage in PERSUASION, but a real teacher or coach will not allege to be a Guru.

A coach who lacks credentials or credibility will probably engage in MANIPULATION.

A false Guru will be more sinister, and will engage in GASLIGHTING.

Persuasion, manipulation, and gaslighting are distinct forms of communication and psychological tactics, each with its own intentions and effects:

1. Persuasion:

Persuasion is the act of convincing or influencing someone to adopt a particular belief, attitude, or course of action. It is often based on logical reasoning, emotional appeals, and credible information. In ethical persuasion, the goal is to empower individuals to make informed decisions while respecting their autonomy. Persuasion is commonly used in marketing, sales, and everyday interactions to present information and encourage positive choices.

2. Manipulation:

Manipulation involves using deceptive or covert tactics to control or influence someone else’s behavior, emotions, or thoughts for personal gain. It often relies on exploiting vulnerabilities, emotional triggers, or power imbalances to achieve the manipulator’s objectives. Manipulative individuals may employ tactics such as guilt-tripping, emotional blackmail, or flattery to achieve their desired outcomes, without considering the well-being or consent of the person being manipulated.

3. Gaslighting:

Gaslighting is a specific form of psychological manipulation that seeks to undermine a person’s perception of reality and erode their sense of self-confidence. Gaslighters use lies, denial, and contradiction to make the victim doubt their memory, feelings, and sanity. Gaslighting is often employed in abusive relationships to gain control over the victim and maintain dominance. 

In summary, persuasion aims to present information and arguments to influence someone’s decision in an honest and respectful manner. 

Manipulation involves using deceitful tactics to control or influence others for personal gain. 

Gaslighting specifically seeks to undermine a person’s reality and self-perception to maintain control over them. Understanding these differences can help individuals recognize and protect themselves from potentially harmful influences.

The Real Guru?

Is there such a thing?

The Real Guru:

Finding a genuine guru is a sacred and profound journey that requires genuine seeking and sincere yearning for spiritual growth. When someone embarks on this path with a deep desire for higher truth and spiritual understanding, the divine forces guide them to an authentic guru.

Protecting oneself from false gurus requires maintaining personal integrity and staying vigilant. With the understanding that there are very few real gurus, it is essential to approach potential teachers with a cautious mindset and let them prove their authenticity. Some red flags to watch out for include greediness, fame-seeking, sexual promiscuity, starting a cult, or encouraging cult-like behavior among followers.

“We should not hastily accept a guru out of fanaticism; such an approach can be dangerous.”

“Beware of false and unauthorized gurus who deceive by displaying religious sentiments while engaging in immoral activities. They masquerade as spiritual masters and devotees of God.”

In the quest for a true guru, seekers must remain discerning and not be swayed by superficial appearances. A genuine guru embodies wisdom, compassion, and humility, and their teachings lead followers on the path of self-discovery and spiritual realization. By staying true to their authentic quest and discerning the qualities of potential gurus, seekers can find the guidance they need to navigate their spiritual journey with clarity and sincerity.

“When the student is ready, the teacher appears”

YES, the “real” guru is as real as the God within. You will find yours if you so wish, when you want that, otherwise, simply think of everyone as your teacher but keep a discerning mind, because a teacher is a fallible human and you will likely not follow a teacher blindly. Stay safe.

The cult attraction:

The reality is that there are numerous groups, cults, and organizations scattered across the globe, possibly numbering in the hundreds or thousands. While some of these groups may not pose any immediate danger, others can be potentially harmful. 

One common thread among such groups is that they prioritize the interests of their leaders and the expansion of the cult over the well-being of their followers. In these environments, individual members often hold little significance or value; they are merely means to serve the agendas of the leaders and the cult’s growth. 

The focus remains solely on the leader’s desires and the perpetuation of the organization, while the needs and welfare of individual followers are often neglected or disregarded. It is essential for people to be vigilant and cautious when engaging with any group or organization and to critically evaluate their intentions, practices, and treatment of members to ensure their safety and well-being.

A cult typically revolves around a charismatic leader or an ideology that binds its members together. It presents a belief system that claims to have all the answers to life’s questions and offers a unique solution or salvation that can only be attained by adhering to the rules and teachings of the leader. Cults often demand a significant level of commitment and loyalty from at least some of their members, which can lead to controlling and manipulative behaviors within the group. These traits distinguish cults from other social or religious organizations, and it’s important for individuals to be aware of these signs when encountering such groups.

Here’s how to transcend the cult environment and gain (or re-gain) personal autonomy:

1. Explore Diverse Perspectives: Break free from the belief that there is only one exclusive path to transformation. Embrace a broader exploration of spiritual or personal growth teachings from various sources, allowing yourself to consider different viewpoints.

2. Self-Transformation: Focus on your own inner growth and development without being bound by a prescribed transformational process dictated by a group. Seek personal growth at your own pace and based on your unique journey.

3. Critical Thinking: Cultivate critical thinking skills to evaluate information and beliefs objectively. Question ideologies and claims presented by groups and individuals, assessing them based on evidence and reason.

4. Seek Balanced Information: Seek information from diverse and reputable sources. Avoid being solely reliant on one group or individual for knowledge and insights.

5. Build a Supportive Network: Foster connections with a diverse community of people who respect your autonomy and encourage personal growth. Surround yourself with friends, family, or like-minded individuals who value individuality and freedom of thought.

6. Maintain Healthy Boundaries: Avoid isolating yourself from the outside world. Keep healthy relationships with family and friends, maintaining a balanced perspective on your involvement with any group.

7. Embrace Individuality: Emphasize personal agency and autonomy. Refrain from conforming to strict behavioral controls imposed by others and choose your actions based on your own values and principles.

8. Define Your Purpose: Explore your own sense of purpose and meaning in life, independent of any group’s ideology. Focus on fulfilling your own aspirations and goals, guided by your authentic self.

9. Appreciate Diversity: Embrace diversity and respect the perspectives of others. Reject the “us vs. them” mentality and strive for understanding and cooperation with people of different beliefs and backgrounds.

10. Stay Mindful: Be mindful of gradual indoctrination or manipulation tactics. Stay aware of any attempts to control your thoughts or actions by others, and assert your right to make independent choices.

If you have been indoctrinated you will most likely not be aware of it, however your friends and family are most likely concerned. Notice if your loved ones express concern, and be open to hearing why. Seek help, and invest in therapy.

Identifying Fake Law of Assumption Teachings in Three Steps:

The Law of Assumption, (also known as the Law of Attraction), is simply a concept that suggests our thoughts and beliefs can influence our reality. While there are many genuine and effective teachers of this law, there are also fake or misleading teachings that can lead individuals astray. To safeguard yourself from falling prey to fake Law of Assumption teachings, follow these three steps:

1. Examine the Source and Credibility:

The first step in identifying fake Law of Assumption teachings is to examine the source and credibility of the teacher or source promoting the teachings. Look for the following signs:

Lack of Credentials: Authentic teachers often have relevant qualifications, certifications, or extensive experience in the field they are teaching. If the source lacks any verifiable credentials, it might be a red flag. LOA does not have a credentialing process, but look for OTHER health and coaching credentials. I have had several patients who got a lot worse after using the Law of assumption/attraction, and it is important for a coach to be able to recognize red flags in clients as well.

Misleading Claims: Be cautious of teachers who make grandiose promises or guarantee unrealistic outcomes. Genuine teachers of the Law of Assumption emphasize personal responsibility and growth rather than offering shortcuts to success or instant solutions.

Lack of Transparency: Authentic teachers are transparent about their methods and principles. If a source withholds critical information or tries to keep their teachings secretive, it could indicate deception.

2. Evaluate the Teachings and Content:

Once you’ve assessed the credibility of the source, the next step is to evaluate the actual teachings and content presented. Look out for the following warning signs:

Misinterpretation of the Law: Beware of teachings that distort or misinterpret the Law of Assumption principles. The Law of Assumption is about maintaining a positive mindset, cultivating a healthy concept of self, and embracing a “can do” attitude. It revolves around empowering yourself and others, not manipulating or controlling them. True Law of Assumption teachings foster a sense of connection with others spiritually and emotionally, promoting mutual growth and harmony. On the other hand, dangerous misinterpretations may suggest that you can achieve your desires without any effort or responsibility, such as dropping all commitments and expecting instant manifestation. Such teachings are reckless and self-serving, lacking in genuine value for their clients.

Mutual Value Emphasize is Lacking: Be cautious of teachings that prioritize the material gains, wealth, or personal benefits of the teacher over the well-being of their followers. Authentic Law of Assumption teachings place equal emphasis on the well-being and growth of both the teacher and the students. A genuine teacher will strive to empower their students to achieve their desires and live fulfilling lives.

Overemphasis on Material Gains: While the Law of Assumption does involve attracting abundance and material gains, be discerning if the teachings excessively focus solely on material possessions without addressing the importance of self-esteem, a healthy self-concept, and a strong foundational core self. Authentic teachings of the Law of Assumption emphasize holistic well-being and spiritual growth, acknowledging that true abundance comes from aligning with one’s higher self and purpose.

Fear-Based Tactics: Fake teachings may resort to fear-based tactics to manipulate followers into taking immediate actions or making drastic decisions. This could include creating a sense of urgency or promoting doomsday scenarios if specific actions are not taken. Although fear-based tactics are not as common in Law of Assumption teachings, some coaches may adopt extreme beliefs, such as an Armageddon scenario, which is indicative of radicalized cult-like behavior.

In conclusion, evaluating Law of Assumption teachings requires discernment and a focus on genuine value, empowerment, and mutual growth. Be cautious of misinterpretations that distort the true essence of the Law of Assumption, and seek teachings that prioritize holistic well-being, spiritual growth, and a positive mindset. Remember that authentic teachings will emphasize a connection with others and yourself, fostering a balanced and fulfilling journey towards manifesting your desires.

3. Trust Your Intuition and Gut Feeling:

Lastly, trust your intuition and gut feeling when evaluating Law of Assumption teachings. If something doesn’t feel right or resonates with you, it’s essential to listen to those instincts. Authentic teachings should empower and uplift you, not create fear or dependency on the teacher.

If you have had recent events such as, a recent break up with a boyfriend or a girlfriend, a loss of job, an inheritance of money indication loss and grief, recently divorced, or any upheaval or major change, you might be MORE susceptible to becoming deeply enmeshed in a cult like situation. Most people reach out for help exactly in these types of situations, and it is more important as coach to help the client regain a stable sense of self first and foremost.

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