What you desire is already created, it is within, you do not have to create it | creation is finished

What you desire is already created, it is within you, and you do not have to create it | Creation is finished

We are not “creating”, all is already created, we are merely organizing creation.

It is not either or:

The idea of desires being caused by either the ego or the spiritual is a misconception in the law of assumption. In truth, every desire is rooted in the ego and is also influenced by the spirit. It’s not an either/or scenario; it’s both. Everything that appears in the dual world, the world of illusion and separation, is anchored in consciousness, spirit, or the divine. Without this anchoring, it would cease to exist. Pure consciousness itself does not possess desires; it simply exists as awareness. And since it is inherently Bliss, it represents the fulfillment of desires.

A desire can not be “spiritual”

Desires only exist in the dualistic realm, serving as an intrinsic part of our being to guide us back to consciousness, unity, and oneness. The presence of desires signifies our yearning for our divine nature, for experiencing Bliss. These desires are planted within us by our divine spirit. Rather than battling against the ego, we should welcome our desires with open arms. Instead of questioning whether we are allowed to want something better, more, or different in life, we should seek perfect clarity, asking ourselves in which desires will makes us grow in a direction we want. We should aks ourselves what we need to create fulfilment.

Creation is finished

Another important aspect to understand in the process of manifestation is that what you desire is already created. It exists within you, waiting to be discovered and brought into your experience. The act of manifestation is not about creating something entirely new; rather, it is about uncovering and aligning with what already exists within your consciousness.

Discover that embodying the state, and assuming your natural born Bliss is your birthright. The state of the wish-fulfilled!  Trust that all is  already present and available to you. 


The key lies in finding your CLEAR fulfilment within yourself.  Not your confusion.  Not your doubts and fears. Your fulfilment, undiluted by your mind’s incessant and useless opinions, and thoughts. This involves some introspection, and self-reflection. Take the time to connect with your heart. Only by turning inward, will you gain access to what will actually create fulfilment for you.

The state of the wish fulfilled

Rather than imagining that whatever you desire is outside of yourself, like a mirage, or a vacation poser, somewhere out there, imagine feeling fulfilment, and discover what that means for you. This is the method of “The state of the wish fulfilled”. 

What you desire is not something you have to create from scratch.

It is already a part of you

You are the vessel through which the universe manifests itself.

In conclusion, desires arise from the ego but are intricately connected to consiousness. They serve as a guiding force leading us back to our divine nature and consciousness. 

Rather than battling against the ego, seek internal fulfilment and articulate your desires within yourself.

Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption!

Neville Goddard

manifest magazine

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