Experience the Power of Neville Goddard’s Imaginal Scene: Feeling It Real

ENJOY Your Imaginal Scene!

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Experience the Power of Neville Goddard’s Imaginal Scene Technique

You do NOT have to “believe” in  your imaginal scenes, but you do need to FEEL IT REAL!

(Watch my video on Taking BOLD action to understand the nature of BELIEFS,

I have already covered the topic A LOT. )

Feeling It Real: The Transformative Power of Imagination

Today’s blog is all about feeling it real, and why it has nothing to do with belief. 

Understanding the Essence of Neville Goddard’s Approach to Manifestation

Immersion in the imaginal scene:

Imagine that you are going to the movies with your best friend. You get popcorn, some drinks and candy, and you anticipate the movie, excitement, scary, romantic…whatever you are going to see. You FEEL excited to go see it. YOU immerse yourself in the movie, you get scared when it is scary, you feel sad when it is moving, you feel your heartbeat faster when they fall in love. THIS is feeling it real. But at absolutely NO POINT do you “believe” that the movie is real. You know that it isn’t. 

Immersion in the Imaginal Scene: Beyond Belief

Savoring the imaginal scene:

Imagine now, that you are hungry, and you are about to go out to dinner with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you are going to an amazing restaurant, and you are looking forward to the meal, and the company so much. You have gotten ready, dressed up, cleaned up, looking your very best. You get to the restaurant, you order your food and drinks, you talk, you gaze into each other’s eyes, you connect on a deep level and you feel close to each other. The food is perfect. … One hour later you feel….filled up. Satisfied. Your belly is happy, you are not hungry anymore, your conversation has been deep and lovely. The feeling is … satisfaction. THIS is the feeling of a completed imaginal scene. Satisfaction

The Connection Between Feeling It Real and Manifestation

The Completion of an Imaginal Scene:

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You immersed yourself, you felt it real, and you experienced satisfaction.

Your imaginal scene is done.

Your Imagination: Neville Goddard’s Teachings

Entering the Sabbath: Embracing the Power of Completion

You do NOT have to believe THIS. This is where feeling it real and entering the sabbath comes in and it is literally this simple. It takes almost no time out of your day.

manifest mAGAZINE

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