Make it across the Bridge without incidence!

Make it across the Bridge without incidence!

You will Cross A bridge

A bridge of incidents wil appear in your world….

“If you tell them it came to pass because you simply imagined it – no, they will point to the series of events that led up to it, and they will give credit to the bridge of incidents, across which you walked towards the fulfillment of that state, and they will point out some physical thing that was the cause.

No, the cause is invisible, for the cause is God, and God is invisible to mortal eye.”

Neville Goddard

Faith will get you across the bridge, but can you mess uop your manifestation?

Neville Goodard on FAILIURE:

The Power Of Awareness Chapter 24 Failiure

This book would not be complete without some discussion of failure in the attempted use of the law of assumption. It is entirely possible that you either have had or will have a number of failures in this respect – many of them in really important matters.

If, having read this book, having a thorough knowledge of the application and working of the law of assumption, you faithfully apply it in an effort to attain some intense desire and fail, what is the reason? If, to the question “Did you persist enough?”, you can answer “Yes” – and still the attainment of your desire was not realized, what is the reason for failure?

The answer to this is the most important factor in the successful use of the law of assumption. The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of already having what you desire.

The fact that it does not feel natural to you to be what you imagine yourself to be is the secret of your failure. Regardless of your desire, regardless of how faithfully and intelligently you follow the law, if you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it. If it does not feel natural to you to get a better job, you will not get a better job. The whole principle is vividly expressed by the Bible phrase “you die in your sins” – you do not transcend from your present level to the state desired.

How can this feeling of naturalness be achieved?

The secret lies in one word – imagination. For example, this is a very simple illustration: assume that you are securely chained to a large heavy iron bench. You could not possibly run, in fact you could not even walk. In these circumstances, it would not be natural for you to run. You could not even feel that it was natural for you to run. But you could easily imagine yourself running. In that instant, while your consciousness is filled with your imagined running, you have forgotten that you are bound. In imagination, your running was completely natural.

The essential feeling of naturalness can be achieved by persistently filling your consciousness with imagination – imagining yourself being what you want to be or having what you desire.

Progress can spring only from your imagination, from your desire to transcend your present level.

What you truly and literally must feel is that with your imagination, all things are possible. You must realize that changes are not caused by caprice, but by a change of consciousness. You may fail to achieve or sustain the particular state of consciousness necessary to produce the effect you desire.

But, once you know that consciousness is the only reality and is the sole creator of your particular world and have burnt this truth into your whole being, then you know that success or failure is entirely in your own hands. Whether or not you are disciplined enough to sustain the required state of consciousness in specific instances has no bearing on the truth of the law itself – that an assumption, if persisted in, will harden into fact. The certainty of the truth of this law must remain despite great disappointment and tragedy – even when you “see the light of life go out and all the world go on as though it were still day”. You must not believe that because your assumption failed to materialize, the truth that assumptions do materialize is a lie. If your assumptions are not fulfilled, it is because of some error or weakness in your consciousness.

However, these errors and weaknesses can be overcome.

Therefore, press on to the attainment of ever higher levels by feeling that you already are the person you want to be. And remember that the time it takes your assumption to become reality is proportionate to the naturalness of being it.

Neville Goddard

Don’t remove the planks in the bridge:

Walk across a bridge that is strong, solid, and straight by maintaining faith, by rebuking doubts, and by revoking indecision. Anytime you allow fear doubt or indecision it is as if you are removing the planks out of the bridge, and suddenly it gets hard to cross.

You’ll get tempted to give up and turn back around.

-“It’s not working” you’ll say, but it is, it is working, your fear is working against you isn’t it?

You assumed a feeling of, let’s say, smelling roses. You are consious of smelling roses, but you don’t see any roses, then doubt creeps in. One plank romoved from your bridge.

TRUST your decision to smell roses. CHANGE the word MANIFEST, to the word DECISION. Or AWARENESS. “I decided to smell roses”. “I am aware of smelling roses”.

But you trust your senses instead of your DECISION, instead of your AWARENESS, and you say “I don’t smell any roses”. One MORE plank removed from your bridge.

The more FEAR, DOUB, or Indescision you let in, the more planks you remove from the bridge.

Decide that you will walk across a SOLID bridge, and keep your awareness of smelling roses. Decide, keep the faith, and be confident in your awareness of smelling roses.

Bridge of events:

“Who knows what you are imagining? No one knows, but you can sit down and imagine, and no one can stop you from doing it, but can you give reality to the imagined state?

If you do, yes, a bridge of incidents will appear in your world, and you’ll walk across some series of events leading up to the fulfillment of the imaginal state.

But don’t give causation to any physical step that you took towards the fulfillment of it.”

– Neville Goddard

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The Law and The Promise

The lineage of Abraham and his descendants bears a dual significance. While it undeniably holds a place in secular history, laying the groundwork for the eventual emergence of the Israeli and Arab peoples, the crux lies in the allegorical interpretation, often expounded by Neville Goddard—the PROMISE that transcends mere historical accounts.

Neville Goddard, known for his interpretations of the Bible and teachings on imagination and creating your reality, presents ideas that can be quite different from mainstream Christian teachings. Goddard stands out as one of the most spiritually inclined Bible teachers I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve crossed paths with quite a few in my journey. His teachings, however, are not easily embraced; in fact, the first time I encountered them, I struggled to comprehend and accept what he was saying. It wasn’t until I took a detour, explored his ideas more deeply, and returned with an open mind that I began to appreciate their profound significance. I highly recommend going to the Bible, to read his source for yoursellf.

To some, Neville Goddard may well be regarded as the most exceptional Bible teacher to have ever graced this world, but to the average Christian, his teachings can appear not only bewildering but also threatening, even leading some to question whether he might be perceived as a figure at odds with their religious beliefs, perhaps even akin to Satan himself.

The core principles of the Law and the Promise and mainstream Christian thought are at odds., just like the average Neville cultist is at odds with the core teachings of Jesus.

As said by Paul, Jesus’s very own apostle, whom wrote in his letters to The Galatians, read it in your Bible. Read it yourself, don’t take my word for it!

The Law and the Promise | Galatians 3

Brothers and sisters, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed, meaning one person, who is Christ.  What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise. For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on the promise; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise.

Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator. A mediator, however, implies more than one party; but God is one.

Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law.  But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.

St Paul, The Apostle. Galatians 3

The Bible, as Neville Goddard suggests, is a treasury of allegory, symbolism, and spiritual truth. It opens the door to interpretations that extend far beyond the historical or ethical and into the realm of personal transformation, manifestation, and the realization of the divine within each individual. This perspective sheds light on the profound depth and significance of the scriptures, revealing a narrative far richer and more meaningful than mere historical or moral guidance. But don’t take my word for it, or even Neville’s, read it for yourself:

John 3

Jesus Teaches Nicodemus:

 “Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council.  He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

“How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.  Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[ gives birth to spirit.  You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

How can this be?  Nicodemus asked.

“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things?  Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.  I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?  No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,  that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.   Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.  This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.  But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

Being Christ-like to others

Neville Goddard is undeniably enlightened in his understanding. However, it’s crucial to recognize that he didn’t create these principles; they are God’s work. Neville merely grasped these concepts

Jesus teachings exemplify living by God’s will, emphasizing the importance of embodying God’s word, spreading love, and practicing kindness to all, mirroring Christ’s ways in our interactions. God granted us free will, offering an unlimited array of choices in life. Manifestation, when aligned with God’s principles finds support and examples within the Bible.

We are created in God’s image and God bestowed upon us the gift to shape the life we desire; we are co-creators with Him. God, the creator of everything, even encompasses what Neville taught. Creating alternative man-made religions or governing bodies goes against His intentions. God’s purpose is our happiness, and He stands by us. Praying and manifesting concurrently is possible, as I practice in my life. No other divine being exists beside God;

The Promise: Galatians 4

“Children who are under age are no better off than slaves, even though everything their parents own will someday be theirs. This is because children are placed in the care of guardians and teachers until the time their parents have set. This is how it was with us. We were like children ruled by the powers of this world.

But when the time was right, God sent his Son, and a woman gave birth to him. His Son obeyed the Law,  so he could set us free from the Law, and we could become God’s children.  Now that we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts. And his Spirit tells us that God is our Father. You are no longer slaves. You are God’s children, and you will be given what he has promised.

Paul’s Concern for the Galatians

Before you knew God, you were slaves of gods that are not real. But now you know God, or better still, God knows you. How can you turn back and become the slaves of those weak and pitiful powers? You even celebrate certain days, months, seasons, and years. I am afraid I have wasted my time working with you.

My friends, I beg you to be like me, just as I once tried to be like you. Did you mistreat me when I first preached to you? No you didn’t, even though you knew I had come there because I was sick. My illness must have caused you some trouble, but you didn’t hate me or turn me away because of it. You welcomed me as though I were one of God’s angels or even Christ Jesus himself. Where is that good feeling now? I am sure if it had been possible, you would have taken out your own eyes and given them to me.  Am I now your enemy, just because I told you the truth?

Those people may be paying you a lot of attention, but it isn’t for your good. They only want to keep you away from me, so you will pay them a lot of attention. It is always good to give your attention to something worthwhile, even when I am not with you. My children, I am in terrible pain until Christ may be seen living in you. I wish I were with you now. Then I would not have to talk this way. You really have me puzzled.

Hagar and Sarah

Some of you would like to be under the rule of the Law of Moses. But do you know what the Law says?  In the Scriptures we learn that Abraham had two sons. The mother of one of them was a slave, while the mother of the other one had always been free. The son of the slave woman was born in the usual way. But the son of the free woman was born because of God’s promise.

All of this has another meaning as well.

Each of the two women stands for one of the agreements God made with his people. Hagar, the slave woman, stands for the agreement that was made at Mount Sinai. Everyone born into her family is a slave. Hagar also stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and for the present city of Jerusalem. She and her children are slaves.

But our mother is the city of Jerusalem in heaven above, and she isn’t a slave.  The Scriptures say about her,

“You have never had children,

but now you can be glad.

You have never given birth,

but now you can shout.

Once you had no children,

but now you will have

more children than a woman

who has been married

for a long time.”

My friends, you were born because of this promise, just as Isaac was.  But the child who was born in the natural way made trouble for the child who was born because of the Spirit.

The same thing is happening today.

 The Scriptures say, “Get rid of the slave woman and her son! He won’t be given anything. The son of the free woman will receive everything.” 

My friends, we are children of the free woman and not of the slave.

-St Paul, The Apostle. Galatians 4

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Does “Self-Concept” Make You Happy? LOA

The comparison between self-concept and Bhakti (devotionl love, Krishna Radha as an example) in terms of which makes us happier is a matter of experiencing growth from a childish mind, to a more mature and altruistic mind. Human nature doesn’t stay the same for life, and this shift in our minds usually make a shift towards thinking of others more in our teens, but for some it happens earlier or later.

Self Concept:

Self-concept relates to how we perceive ourselves, our beliefs about our abilities, worth, and roles in life. Having a positive self-concept can contribute to a sense of self-worth, confidence, and overall well-being. When we believe in ourselves and have a positive outlook on our abilities, it can lead to increased happiness and life satisfaction. It is narcisissm in its healthy expression. Imagine an infant, who needs food and dry diapers. It is not altruistic, but neither would you call it selfish. Now imaging a 30 year old acting as an infant, and you can immediately see that this journey towards thinking about others is natural, and should be encouraged.


Bhakti, or devotion, involves a deep sense of love, adoration, and surrender to a higher power, spiritual figure such as a Guru, or the God, Jesus, Krishna, in short; The Divine. For those who find solace, purpose, and joy in devotional practices, Bhakti can provide a profound sense of connection, peace, and fulfillment. This happiness is usually described as “Bliss.”

Has Happiness Eluded You?

Happiness is a complex and multi-dimensional emotion influenced by various factors, including one’s spiritual beliefs, relationships, personal growth, self-esteem, and mental and physical well-being. Some individuals may find happiness and fulfillment through a strong sense of self-concept, self-esteem, andw others may derive it from service to others, or from deep spiritual devotion or a combination of all.

ALL Manifesting is the Same?

I say that manifesting is “all the same”, however, people are not. The manifesting journey needs to be approached from your own perspective, not from a cookie cutter place.

Metaphorically Speaking…

Certainly, the metaphor of the sinking boat and the concept of “heaven” and “hell” provide a valuable perspective on how the way we use our spoken words and intentions can influence our happiness and the well-being of those around us.

In the sinking boat metaphor, when individuals collectively focus on speaking words and intentions that align with goodness, cooperation, and the well-being of all, they work together to plug the holes in the boat and keep it afloat. This collaborative effort leads to the safety and happiness of everyone on board. It illustrates the idea that when we use our words and intentions to benefit others and the collective, it often results in a happier and harmonious environment.

A group of people were sitting in a boat. One person pulled out a hand-drill and proceeded to drill a hole beneath their seat. The fellow passengers screamed at the incredulous sight and asked, “What do you think you’re doing?!”

The hole-driller dismissed the question and responded, “What do you care? Am I not drilling under my seat?”

They replied: “Because you are sinking the boat with us in it!’”

In the metaphor of “heaven,” people feeding each other with long spoons signifies a sense of selflessness and mutual care. When we prioritize the well-being of others and speak words of kindness, compassion, and love, it fosters a harmonious and joyous atmosphere. The act of feeding each other emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals and the idea that by helping others, we, in turn, help ourselves.

Conversely, in the metaphor of “hell,” people struggling to feed themselves with long spoons highlight the self-centered approach. When individuals prioritize their selfish desires, they may find it challenging to reach their own happiness, just as they struggle to feed themselves with long spoons. It implies that a self-centered focus can lead to isolation and discontent.

The allegory can be summarized as follows: In each location, the inhabitants are given access to food, but the utensils are too unwieldy to serve oneself with. In hell, the people cannot cooperate, and consequently starve. In heaven, the diners feed one another across the table and are sated.

In essence, the metaphors suggest that speaking words and intentions that reflect a spirit of cooperation, empathy, and goodwill ( The golden rule, etc) can create an environment of happiness and well-being for all. Selflessness and collective benefit often lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence, while selfishness and self-centeredness can result in dissatisfaction and discord. The choice in how we use our spoken words and intentions plays a significant role in shaping our world and our happiness.

For Law of Assumption purposes the deal is this:

You start where you are. Right here an now. This acceptance allows you to work from a place of truth and authenticity. You see, whatever you are facing right now, whatever youare desiring right now, no matter how it seems to others, is actually your path forward. It is never a path backwards, no matter how it seems.

The idea that there are as many paths to God as there are people emphasizes the individual and diverse nature of life. It acknowledges that each person’s journey towards understanding or connecting with the divine is unique and personal. The phrase also suggests that the path to God is an internal one. This inner exploration and understanding of one’s beliefs, values, creates our reality, INCLUDING our relationship with God

Neville Goddard:

Now we turn to the story. It’s an old man, a hundred years old, and a wife ninety years old; and it is said “it had ceased to be with her after the manner of women.” In other words, it would be impossible for her to have a child. And the promise was made that she would have a child, and that child would be “your heir, and you will call him Isaac, which means he laughs.” Abraham had, from a slave, a son called Ishmael. It was said of him that his hand was against every man, and every man’s hand was against him.

This same story repeats itself all the way through. It begins with Abraham, and then the two – Ishmael who came first and then Isaac. Isaac was the promise. Then the grandchildren: Esau and Jacob, and God said, “Jacob I love; Esau I have hated” – the same pattern following all through Scripture coming into the New Testament. And in man it erupted – the story.

Now we find a wonderful story in the book of John, the 3rd chapter of John. It is not repeated in the Bible, it is only in John. It is not mentioned in Matthew, Mark, or Luke – where a member of the Sanhedrin – a Pharisee by the name of Nicodemus – a member of the Sanhedrin is the highest body of a religious order. And Israel was a theocracy, it was ruled by the Rabbis, and here was the highest of the Rabbis. He identified something from what he knew of his own scripture, but couldn’t quite put the pieces together. So, he sought Jesus “in the night,” we are told. He came during the night, seemingly in a furtive manner – not to be identified or recognized by other members of the Sanhedrin.

He addressed him as Rabbi, whence the fact that the man knows what others seemingly are not aware of. The conversation takes place in this manner: He said, “I know that you are one that is sent, for no one who is not sent by God could do the things that you do,” and then a sudden break takes place in the conversation, and Jesus said to him:

“Unless one is born from above, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” Nicodemus answered, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”

And Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say unto you, unless one is born from above, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I have said unto you that you must be born from above, for I tell you that the wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell whence it comes nor whither it goes. So is everyone who is born of the spirit.”

Nicodemus answered, “How can this be?”

And then Jesus answered him and said, “Are you a teacher of Israel and you do not understand this? I tell you – I tell you what I know, and I bear witness to what I have seen, but you do not receive my testimony.”

That is the story in essence. Man was looking for it to take place, as Nicodemus did, as all births take place, never having heard of an entirely different kind of a birth. Here, that which is born of the flesh is flesh; that which is born of the spirit is spirit; but he never heard before that Isaac represented that which is born of the spirit.

-Neville Goddard

Manifest real love

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Thank you for this, that I have manifested and asked for!

Take my message to heart and live by it. Practice the art of prayer daily, and then one day you will find the most effective prayer is: “Thank you Father.” You will feel this being within you as your very self. You can speak of it as “thou” yet know it is “I.” You will then have a thou/I relationship, and say to yourself: “Thank you, Father”. If I want something, I know the desire comes from the Father, because all thought springs from Him. Having given me the urge, I thank Him for fulfilling it. Then I walk by faith, in confidence that he who gave it to me through the medium of desire will clothe it in bodily form for me to encounter in the flesh.

Neville Goddard

Thank you for this, that I have manifested and asked for!

Neville Goddard’s “thank you” technique offers a powerful alternative when the traditional method of visualizing / imagining and feeling the wish fulfilled feels challenging. This technique is particularly useful when doubt, anxiety, or the complexity of the desired state hinder the imaigal scene or “living from the end” process. It is also useful ANY day, ANY time, and ALWAYS 😃

The essence of this technique lies in simplifying the process by condensing your desire into a concise, powerful phrase—typically “Thank you.” By saying “thank you” as if your desire has already been fulfilled, you shift your mindset into one of gratitude and assumption that your desire is already a reality. Neville Goddard also uses “Isn’t it wonderful!”. I personally use “I am so thankful and grateful” …(That I have thisthing that I have prayed for, it feels so good to have seen it come to fruition) You can elaborate however you like!

Expressing gratitude in advance creates a sense of already having received what you desire. It cultivates a feeling of contentment and faith, it eliminates doubts and anxieties, and it automatically makes you imagine the “state of the wish fulfulled”.

In practice, it’s about stating your desire clearly, then inwardly or outwardly saying “thank you” for its fulfillment. It’s a mantra that reminds you to acknowledge and appreciate the imminent realization of your wish, helping you embody the feeling of already having what you desire. Use it a few times a day, to reset your mind.

This quick little method is perfect for when your mind has spiralled, or when you start asking yourself why it hasn’t “worked”. Stop the spiral by expressing gratitude. Say it out loud, and be emphatic. Mean it when you say it!

Thank you!

I am so thankful and grateful that you found this post helpful!

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Understanding the Law of Assumption “I can be what I will to be.”

Understanding the Law of Assumption “I can be what I will to be.”

1. The Essence Behind “I”

The “I” within us isn’t limited to our physical body or mind; it’s the driving force that directs our actions and decisions. Understanding this “I” unlocks a new level of power.

2. Directing Body and Mind

The “I” must control both our body and mind, guiding their actions and choices. When we grasp this, a newfound sense of power emerges, transforming our lives.

3. True Self

Our personality is a collection of habits and traits, shaped by past thinking. But it doesn’t define the authentic “I” that lies within us.

4. The Spiritual “I” in Action

Saying “I think” or “I go” is our way of tapping into the essence of the spiritual “I.” This spiritual force is the wellspring of true power, awaiting recognition.

5. The Power to Think

The greatest gift of the “I” is the power to think. However, few master constructive thinking, or correctly, consequently they achieve only indifferent results. Most people allow their thoughts to dwell on selfish purposes, the inevitable result of an infantile mind. When a mind becomes mature, it understands that the germ of defeat is in every selfish thought.

6. The Wisdom of the Trained Mind

A mature mind understands that transactions should benefit all parties involved. Profiting from others’ vulnerabilities only leads to downfall.

7. Unity in Diversity

Recognizing that each individual is part of a greater whole enhances our advantage in life. By embracing this principle, we focus on what truly matters. This is because a part cannot antagonize any other part, but, on the contrary, the welfare of each part depends upon a recognition of the interests of the whole.

8. The Advantage of the Mindful

Those who grasp this principle thrive—they conserve energy, concentrate effectively, and invest themselves where it matters most.

9. Effort and Realization

Achievement requires genuine effort. f you cannot do these things it is because you have thus far not made the necessary effort. Now is the time to make the effort. The result will be exactly in proportion to the effort expended To strengthen your will and accomplish your goals, use the affirmation “I can be what I will to be.”

10. The Power of Continuous Affirmation

Repeating the affirmation, realizing the essence of the “I,” and aligning with constructive goals makes you unbeatable, harmonizing with the universe’s creative energy.

11. Making Affirmation a Habit

For lasting change, infuse the affirmation into your daily routine until it becomes an inherent part of you. Commitment is key to success. “I can be what I will to be.”

12. Commitment and the Die Cast

Commitment is crucial. Once you set your mind on a goal, remain steadfast, unyielding to obstacles or distractions. The die is cast; there’s no debate.

13. Mastering Self-Control

Begin with small goals, gradually gaining self-mastery. Remember, controlling oneself often proves harder than controlling external circumstances. Psychology tells us that when we start something and do not complete it, or make a resolution and do not keep it, we are forming the habit of failure. If you do not intend to do a thing, do not start; if you do start, see it through even if the heavens fall; if you make up your mind to do something, do it

14. The “World Within”

Self-control opens the door to the “World Within,” shaping the external world. You become a creator, influencing your reality effortlessly. You will have found the “World Within” which controls the world without; you will have become irresistible; men and things will respond to your every wish without any apparent effort on your part

15. The Inner Connection

Recognize that the “World Within” is connected to the universal energy, an idea accepted by both science and religion. This connection holds incredible creative power.

16. Power in the Present

This inner power is your key to success. The energy is within you; utilize it through positive actions and thoughts.

17. The Vitality of Service

Power is found in service, in giving back. By becoming a channel for universal energy, you not only receive but also positively impact the world.

18. Quietude and Connectivity

Stop obsessing over plans and allow silence to reign. Connect with the boundless potential within you, accessing a universe of possibilities. Dwell in the consciousness of your unity with Omnipotence. “Still water runs deep”; contemplate the multitudinous opportunities to which you have spiritual access by the Omnipresence of power. Be still and know.

19. Visualizing and Creating

Visualize the outcomes your spiritual connections can bring about. Realize that all things possess a spiritual essence; when that essence is gone, so is life. Realize the fact that the essence and soul of all things is spiritual and that the spiritual is the real, because it is the life of all there is; when the spirit is gone, the life is gone; it is dead; it has ceased to exist.

20. The Creative Process

Your mental activities create the world around you. By understanding this cause-and-effect relationship, you become a conscious creator of your reality.

21. Cultivating Mental Strength

Just as physical strength requires exercise, mental strength is developed through practice. Repeated thoughts become habits that shape your reality.

22. From Physical Relaxation to Mental Freedom

After mastering physical relaxation, the next step is mental freedom. Let go of negative emotions by consciously deciding to release them and persistently doing so. Over-work or over-play or over-bodily activity of any kind produces conditions of mental apathy and stagnation which makes it impossible to do the more important work which results in a realization of conscious power.

23. Intellect Over Emotion

Allow your intellect, not emotions, to guide you. While it might be challenging initially, practice leads to mastery, enhancing control over your thoughts. Thought is a mode of motion and is carried by the law of vibration the same as light or electricity. It is given vitality by the emotions through the law of love; it takes form and expression by the law of growth; it is a product of the spiritual “I,” hence its Divine, spiritual, and creative nature.

24. Shaping Reality Through Thought

Your thoughts are the architects of your reality. in order to express power, abundance or any other constructive purpose, the emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the thought so that it will take form.

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The Law of Assumption: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Law of Assumption: Using The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (What the Vagus Nerve!)

The Interaction of Conscious and Subconscious Mind

The conscious and subconscious minds play a vital role in shaping our experiences and realities. Judge Troward’s beautiful analogy highlights how these two aspects of our mind are intertwined. The cerebro-spinal system, centered in the brain, is the seat of our conscious mind, while the sympathetic system, located in the Solar Plexus, serves as the organ of our subconscious mind. Together, they form the channel through which our thoughts and perceptions impact our physical and emotional well-being.

The Sympathetic System and the Solar Plexus

Often referred to as the “sun of the body,” the Solar Plexus is a crucial center for distributing the energy generated by our body. Our mental actions, especially those that unconsciously support vital bodily functions, find their channel through the sympathetic system. Understanding the significance of the Solar Plexus allows us to tap into the immense power it holds over our physical and emotional health.

The Vagus Nerve: Bridging the Two Systems

The vagus nerve serves as a vital bridge connecting the conscious and subconscious realms. As it passes from the cerebral region to the thorax and further into the diaphragm, it merges with the sympathetic system. This connection reinforces the idea of man being a single entity, both physically and mentally.

The Power of Thought: From Conscious to Subconscious

Every thought that enters our conscious mind is subjected to our power of reasoning. Once our objective mind verifies the thought’s truth, it is then sent to the Solar Plexus, the brain of our subconscious mind. There, thoughts are transformed into reality, becoming impervious to any counter-arguments. Our subconscious mind doesn’t engage in debates; instead, it acts and accepts the conclusions set by our conscious mind.

The Solar Plexus: The Sun of Your Body

Visualizing the Solar Plexus as the sun of our body helps us grasp its significance better. It radiates energy throughout our entire being, enveloping us in an atmosphere of life force. When this radiation is strong, we become magnetic, exuding personal magnetism that influences those around us positively.

Personal Magnetism and Energy Radiance

When the Solar Plexus is in active operation and radiates life, energy, and vitality to every part of our body and everyone we encounter, it generates pleasant sensations. People are drawn to our presence, finding comfort and peace in our company.

Active Solar Plexus, Active Well-Being

However, any interruption in this energy radiation leads to unpleasant sensations, hindering the flow of life force to various parts of the body. This interruption can manifest as physical, mental, or environmental ailments, emphasizing the importance of keeping the Solar Plexus active and vibrant.

Understanding the Impact of Interruptions

Physical conditions may arise when the sun of our body fails to generate sufficient energy for a particular part. Mental and emotional well-being are also tied to the vitality provided by the subconscious mind to support conscious thoughts. Moreover, interruptions can disturb the connection between the subconscious and Universal mind.

Physical, Mental, and Environmental Effects

The Solar Plexus serves as the point where the individual meets the Universal, the finite converges with the Infinite, and the Invisible transforms into the visible. This limitless reservoir of life force allows us to generate boundless energy, intelligence, and creativity from within.

The Solar Plexus: Where the Infinite Meets the Finite

The Solar Plexus holds an omnipotent position as it connects with all life and intelligence. By directing our conscious mind, we can determine the outcomes we desire, and our subconscious mind will carry out these plans with unwavering commitment.

Conscious Thought: Mastering Your Solar Center

The conscious mind acts as the master of the Solar Plexus, controlling the quality of thoughts that it radiates. Positive, courageous, and confident thoughts produce a corresponding state, allowing us to make use of our personal sun to its fullest potential.

Let Your Light Shine: Transmuting Conditions into Success

By allowing our light to shine brightly, we can transmute undesirable conditions into sources of pleasure and profit. Embracing the Law of Assumption empowers us to radiate positive energy and attract abundance and prosperity into our lives.

The Role of Non-Resistant Thought

Non-resistant thoughts expand the Solar Plexus, promoting mental peace and clarity. Conversely, resistant thoughts contract it, causing mental unrest, anxiety, and worry. Cultivating thoughts of courage, power, and hope amplifies our inner radiance.

Fear: The Enemy to Be Destroyed

Fear emerges as the primary impediment to letting our light shine. It clouds our judgment, making us fearful of the past, present, and future, and hinders our potential for growth and success.

Embracing Your Oneness with Infinite Power

Overcoming fear and embracing our oneness with the Infinite power empowers us to shine our light brightly. This newfound connection with Universal strength dispels all gloom and brings forth boundless power, energy, and life.

When You Are One with Infinite Power

Realizing our oneness with Infinite power allows us to consciously overcome adversities through the sheer power of thought. Fear loses its grip, and we unlock our true birthright.

Attitude of Mind: Shaping Your Experiences

Our attitude towards life shapes the experiences we encounter. Expecting nothing leads to receiving nothing, while expecting great things leads to abundant rewards. Asserting ourselves and believing in our ideas help us navigate harsh critiques and bring our visions to fruition.

Overcoming Criticism with Inner Power

A person who acknowledges their Solar Plexus and radiates courage, confidence, and power has no fear of criticism or judgment. They are too preoccupied with their inner energy to be deterred by external negativity.

Radiate Health, Strength, and Harmony

Realizing our ability to consciously radiate health, strength, and harmony connects us with Infinite Strength. This knowledge fosters fearlessness and empowers us to navigate life’s challenges with grace.

The Practical Application of Infinite Strength

Putting the Law of Assumption into practical application solidifies our understanding of this principle. Through practice and exercises, we become adept at harnessing the power of our subconscious mind.

Impressing the Subconscious Mind

Mentally concentrating on our desires impresses our subconscious mind, initiating the process of transformation. This simple yet powerful technique sets causes in motion to bring about the results we seek.

Extraordinary Results, Miracles

As we impress our subconscious mind with our desires, we witness extraordinary results that seem nothing short of miraculous. Explore the miracles that transpire when our conscious thoughts align with the limitless potential of the subconscious.

Converting Desire, Faith, and Confidence into Reality:

Discover the key to converting desire, faith, and confidence into tangible reality. Observe how great inventors, financiers, and statesmen have harnessed this force for transformative creations.

The Unlimited Creative Power of the Subconscious:

Unlock the truth of the subconscious mind’s limitless creative power. Grasp the boundless potential that defies all limitations and creates new pathways to success.

Conscious Mind in Control of the Universal Mind:

Realize the pivotal role of your conscious mind as the controller of the Universal Mind. Learn to direct your thoughts to unlock the vast reservoir of creative energy within you.


Allowing Causes to Set in Motion: The concept of recognition, where you allow the causes to set in motion the effects you desire. Understand how this simple act of recognition brings your dreams closer to reality.

The Value of Physical Relaxation:

Appreciate the significance of physical relaxation in achieving mental clarity and inner peace. Learn how to relax your body to foster a free flow of energy.

Removing Tension for Mental Freedom:

Break free from mental unrest and stress by consciously removing tension. Witness the transformative effects of a calm and relaxed state of mind.

Thorough Relaxation for Inner Peace:

Explore the art of thorough relaxation, allowing your body and mind to find peace and tranquility. Experience the profound benefits of aligning with your inner self.

The Necessity of Relaxation for Mental Clarity:

Understand the necessity of relaxation in achieving mental clarity and focus. Experience the profound impact of a relaxed state on your thought processes.

Empowering the Solar Plexus for Transformation:

Empower your Solar Plexus for transformative change in your life. Tap into its role in finding and using your hidden potential and tapping into your divine power.

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Inner Conversations Manifest YOUR Reality – A Neville Goddard Chapter that will change your life!

Inner Conversations Manifest YOUR Reality – A Neville Goddard Chapter that will change your life!

Chapter Five – Awakened Imagination And The Search


“Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?”

And the prophet replied, “All poets believe that it does. And in ages of imagination, this firm persuasion removed mountains: but many are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything.”

Blake, Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

– Romans 14:5

PERSUASION IS an inner effort of intense attention. To listen attentively as though you heard is to evoke, to activate. By listening, you can hear what you want to hear and persuade those beyond the range of the outer ear. Speak it inwardly in your imagination only. Make your inner conversation match your fulfilled desire. What you desire to hear without, you must hear within.

Embrace the without within and become one who hears only that which implies the fulfillment of his desire, and all the external happenings in the world will become a bridge leading to the objective realization of your desire. Your inner speech is perpetually written all around you in happenings.

Learn to relate these happenings to your inner speech and you will become self-taught. By inner speech is meant those mental conversations which you carry on with yourself. They may be inaudible when you are awake because of the noise and distractions of the outer world of becoming, but they are quite audible in deep meditation and dream. But whether they be audible or inaudible, you are their author and fashion your world in their likeness.

There is a God in heaven [and heaven is within you] that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these. Daniel 2:28

Inner speech from premises of fulfilled desire is the way to create an intelligible world for yourself. Observe your inner speech for it is the cause of future action. Inner speech reveals the state of consciousness from which you view the world.

Make your inner speech match your fulfilled desire, for your inner speech is manifested all around you in happenings.

If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body. Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body. Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven by fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth. Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! -James 3:2-5

The whole manifested world goes to show us what use we have made of the Word – Inner Speech. An uncritical observation of our inner talking will reveal to us the ideas from which we view the world. Inner talking mirrors our imagination, and our imagination mirrors the state with which it is fused. If the state with which we are fused is the cause of the phenomenon of our life, then we are relieved of the burden of wondering what to do, for we have no alternative but to identify ourselves with our aim, and inasmuch as the state with which we are identified mirrors itself in our inner speech, then to change the state with which we are fused, we must first change our inner talking. It is our inner conversations which make tomorrow’s facts.

Put off the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt…

and be renewed in the spirit of your mind… put on the new man, which is created in righteousness.

-Ephesians 4:22-24

Our minds, like our stomachs, are whetted by change of food. -Quintillian

Stop all of the old mechanical negative inner talking and start a new positive and constructive inner speech from premises of fulfilled desire. Inner talking is the beginning, the sowing of the seeds of future action. To determine the action, you must consciously initiate and control your inner talking.

Construct a sentence which implies the fulfillment of your aim, such as “I have a large, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit”, or “I am happily married”, “I am wanted”, “I am contributing to the good of the world”, and repeat such a sentence over and over until you are inwardly affected by it. Our inner speech represents in various ways the world we live in.

In the beginning was the Word. -John 1:1

That which ye sow ye reap. See yonder fields! The sesamum was sesamum, the corn was corn. The Silence and the Darkness knew! So is a man’s fate born.

-The Light of Asia, Edwin Arnold

Ends run true to origins!

Those that go searching for love only make manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love, and they never have to seek for it.  -D. H. Lawrence

Man attracts what he is. The art of life is to sustain the feeling of the wish fulfilled and let things come to you, not to go after them or think they flee away.

Observe your inner talking and remember your aim.

Do they match?

Does your inner talking match what you would say audibly had you achieved your goal?

The individual’s inner speech and actions attract the conditions of his life. Through uncritical self-observation of your inner talking you find where you are in the inner world, and where you are in the inner world is what you are in the outer world.

You put on the new man whenever ideals and inner speech match. In this way alone can the new man be born. Inner talking matures in the dark. From the dark it issues into the light. The right inner speech is the speech that would be yours were you to realize your ideal. In other words, it is the speech of fulfilled desire.

I am that. -Exodus 3:14.

There are two gifts which God has bestowed upon man alone, and on no other mortal creature.

These two are mind and speech; and the gift of mind and speech is equivalent to that of immortality. If a man uses these two gifts rightly, he will differ in nothing from the immortals… and when he quits the body, mind and speech will be his guides, and by them he will be brought into the troop of the gods and the souls that have attained to bliss.

– Hermetica, Walter Scott’s translation

The circumstances and conditions of life are out-pictured inner talking, solidified sound. Inner speech calls events into existence. In every event is the creative sound that is its life and being.

All that a man believes and consents to as true reveals itself in his inner speech. It is his Word, his life.

Try to notice what you are saying in yourself at this moment, to what thoughts and feelings you are consenting. They will be perfectly woven into your tapestry of life. To change your life, you must change your inner talking, for “life”, said Hermes, “is the union of Word and Mind”.

When imagination matches your inner speech to fulfilled desire, there will then be a straight path in yourself from within out, and the without will instantly reflect the within for you, and you will know reality is only actualized inner talking.

Receive with meekness the inborn Word which is able to save your souls.

– James 1:21

Every stage of man’s progress is made by the conscious exercise of his imagination matching his inner speech to his fulfilled desire. Because man does not perfectly match them, the results are uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain. Persistent assumption of the wish fulfilled is the means of fulfilling the intention. As we control our inner talking, matching it to our fulfilled desires, we can lay aside all other processes. Then we simply act by clear imagination and intention. We imagine the wish fulfilled and carry on mental conversations from that premise. Through controlled inner talking from premises of fulfilled desire, seeming miracles are performed. The future becomes the present and reveals itself in our inner speech.

To be held by the inner speech of fulfilled desire is to be safely anchored in life.

Our lives may seem to be broken by events, but they are never broken so long as we retain the inner speech of fulfilled desire.

All happiness depends on the active voluntary use of imagination to construct and inwardly affirm that we are what we want to be. We match ourselves to our ideals by constantly remembering our aim and identifying ourselves with it. We fuse with our aims by frequently occupying the feeling of our wish fulfilled. It is the frequency, the habitual occupancy, that is the secret of success. The oftener we do it, the more natural it is. Fancy assembles. Continuous imagination fuses It is possible to resolve every situation by the proper use of imagination.

Our task is to get the right sentence, the one which implies that our desire is realized, and fire the imagination with it. All this is intimately connected with the mystery of “the still small voice”. Inner talking reveals the activities of imagination, activities which are the causes of the circumstances of life.

As a rule, man is totally unaware of his inner talking and therefore sees himself not as the cause but the victim of circumstance. To consciously create circumstance, man must consciously direct his inner speech, matching “the still small voice” to his fulfilled desires.

He calls things not seen as though they were.

-Romans 4:17

Right inner speech is essential. It is the greatest of the arts. It is the way out of limitation into freedom. Ignorance of this art has made the world a battlefield and penitentiary where blood and sweat alone are expected, when it should be a place of marveling and wondering. Right inner talking is the first step to becoming what you want to be. Speech is an image of mind, and mind is an image of God.

-Hermetica, Scott translation

On the morning of April 12, 1953, my wife was awakened by the sound of a great voice of authority speaking within her and saying, “You must stop spending your thoughts, time, and money. Everything in life must be an investment.

” To spend is to waste, to squander, to layout without return. To invest is to layout for a purpose from which a profit is expected. This revelation of my wife is about the importance of the moment. It is about the transformation of the moment. What we desire does not lie in the future but in ourselves at this very moment.

At any moment in our lives, we are faced with an infinite choice: “what we are and what we want to be”. And what we want to be is already existent, but to realize it we must match our inner speech and actions to it.

If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in heaven.

-Matthew 18:19

It is only what is done now that counts. The present moment does not recede into the past. It advances into the future to confront us, spent or invested. Thought is the coin of heaven. Money is its earthly symbol. Every moment must be invested, and our inner talking reveals whether we are spending or investing.

Be more interested in what you are inwardly “saying now” than what you “have said” by choosing wisely what you think and what you feel now. Any time we feel misunderstood, misused, neglected, suspicious, afraid, we are spending our thoughts and wasting our time. Whenever we assume the feeling of being what we want to be, we are investing.

We cannot abandon the moment to negative inner talking and expect to retain command of life. Before us go the results of all that seemingly is behind. Not gone is the last moment – but oncoming.

My word shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  -Isaiah 55:11

The circumstances of life are the muffled utterances of the inner talking that made them – the word made visible.

“The Word”, said Hermes, “is Son, and the Mind is Father of the Word. They are not separate one from the other; for life is the union of Word and Mind.”

He willed us forth from Himself by the Word of Truth.  -James 1:18

Let us be imitators of God as dear children,  -Ephesians 5:1,

and use our inner speech wisely to mould an outer world in harmony with our ideal. The Lord spake by me, and His Word was in my tongue.  -2 Samuel 23:2

The mouth of God is the mind of man. Feed God only the best.

Whatsoever things are of good report… think on these things.

-Philippians 4:8

The present moment is always precisely right for an investment, to inwardly speak the right word.

The word is very near to you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that you may do it. See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil, blessings and cursings. Choose life.  -Deuteronomy 30:14,15,19

You choose life and good and blessings by being that which you choose. Like is known to like alone. Make your inner speech bless and give good reports. Man’s ignorance of the future is the result of his ignorance of his inner talking. His inner talking mirrors his imagination, and his imagination is a government in which the opposition never comes into power.

If the reader ask, “What if the inner speech remains subjective and is unable to find an object for its love?”, the answer is: it will not remain subjective, for the very simple reason that inner speech is always objectifying itself.

What frustrates and festers and becomes the disease that afflicts humanity is man’s ignorance of the art of matching inner words to fulfilled desire. Inner speech mirrors imagination, and imagination is Christ.

Alter your inner speech, and your perceptual world changes. Whenever inner speech and desire are in conflict, inner speech invariably wins. Because inner speech objectifies itself, it is easy to see that if it matches desire, desire will be objectively realized. Were this not so, I would say with Blake, Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires. But I know from experience,

The tongue… setteth on fire the course of nature.

-James -3:6

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Attaining Your Desires 

Attaining Your Desires 

By Letting Your Subconscious Mind Work for You 

by Genevieve Behrend 

Attaining Your Desires As told By The Sage to His Pupil 

The Sage: Thomas Troward’s philosophy 

as taught to his only personal pupil, Genevieve Behrend. 

The Pupil: Humanity at large. 

“There shall never one lost good! What was, shall live as before.” 

A i –Browning. 

“I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing 

can be put to it, nor anything taken from it. That which hath been 

is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is 


–Ecclesiastes 3: 14. 15 

These pages, the outpouring of a full heart, I lay reverently upon the memory alter of a 

man who was sage and saint, teacher and guide, and my dearly beloved friend, Judge 

T. Troward


“All we have willed or hoped or dreamed of good, shall exist. Not its semblance, but itself.” –Browning. 

“The thing that which hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done.: — 

Ecclesiastes 1:9. 

The sages of the centuries, each one tincturing his thought with his own soul essence, have united in telling us that, “As 

a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” It has been established by the experience of the ages that always the law is the 

same. But HOW shall one thing in his heart, so that only goodness may blossom and ripen into rich deed and rare result? 

What is the apparently mysterious secret by which life’s dull metal is transmuted into precious mintage? 

It is my purpose to tell you in this little book. I desire to crystallize the heart-coinings of my revered master, Judge 

Thomas T. Troward, as reflected through the mirror of my mind and soul. I have adopted as my means of expression, 

the dialogue style, familiar to all students of that greatest of all speculative philosophers, Plato. I am convinced, through 

years of study of this almost superhuman mind, that this literary form is the one most nearly calculated to convey the 

most subtle shades of meaning, the richest depth of soul-sounding. I know that my readers will agree with me that if 

they will put themselves in my place, as students, and let me answer them as my master answered me, it will clarify 

their interest and intensify their joy in these lessons. 

What I wish particularly to convey to you within these pages is the method of scientific right thinking, and to awaken in 

you the desire to try to use this method in order to form the habit of thinking ONLY the thoughts you wish to see 

crystallized in a worthy achievement or result. In addition, I want to direct your thoughts toward a better understanding 

of that Spirit of God, or Good, which points the way to the roseate dawn of a new civilization. The rapidity with which the 

ideas of man are changing causes humanity to realize that this new civilization is already manifesting itself through a 

clearer understanding of the relation between man and his Maker. 

The epochal keynote of the present generation is that mind is the kingdom in which man reigns supreme. As the poet 

says, “A brute I might have been, but I would not sink I 1 the scale.” In endeavoring to make conscious use of thought- 

power, causing it to produce desired material results, mankind is beginning to understand the indispensability of absolute control. 

My chief idea in sending forth this message is to make it easier for you to live in hourly consciousness that you have 

been given dominion over every adverse circumstance and condition which may arise. The conscious use of the creative 

power of thought to protect and guide you, as well as to provide for you, is only attainable through understanding the 

“natural relations between mental action and material conditions.” 

Your reading of these lessons should be with a steadfast determination to think rationally and effectively on every word, 

in order that the full meaning of each thought may be thoroughly grasped and comprehended. Thought- power is the 

kingdom of God in us, always creating results in our physical forms corresponding to our normal sustained thought. As 

Troward has said, “Thought is the only action of the mind. By your habitual thoughts you create corresponding external 

physical conditions, because you thereby create the nucleus which attracts to itself its own correspondence, in due order, 

until the finished work is manifested on the material plane.” 

This is the principle upon which we shall proceed to work out a simple and rational basis of thought and action whereby 

we may bring into outer expression any desired goal. Let us work together to this end. 

Genevieve Behrend 

Judge Thomas T. Troward, Philosopher and Sage 

One of the really great minds and souls of modem times-and indeed of any time- was Thomas Troward, late Divisional judge of the Punjab, India. Of his writings, the late William James of Harvard said, “Far and away the ablest statement of that psychology that I have ever met, beautiful in its sustained clearness of thought and style, a really classic statement.” The Boston Transcript editorially stated, “The author reveals himself as easily the profoundest thinker we have ever met on this subject.” The late Archdeacon Wilberforce, when writing to Troward, signed himself, “Your grateful 

pupil.” Responding to the many requests from Troward’s friends and admirers for a more intimate glimpse of this great man, I am pleased to present to you a few phases of his daily life as I saw them while studying with him. These may be all the more interesting because of the fact that I enjoyed the unique privilege of being the only pupil to whom he ever gave personal instruction. 

The Early Life of a Genius 

Thomas Troward was born in Ceylon, India, in the year 1847, of English parents and Huguenot ancestors. When quite a young boy he was sent to England to be educated at Burmshtead Grammar School, but was most unhappy there, as he could not fully adapt himself to the humdrum life of the English schoolboy. Later on, when he continued his education in the beautiful Isle of Jersey, its charm entered into his blood, and he was thoroughly contended there. Perhaps the old Huguenot strain in him found a congenial element in the semi- French environment of the college. At the early age of 

eighteen the natural bent of his mind began to assert itself, and he won the Helford College gold medal for literature. 

When his studies were completed, Troward went up to London for the Indian Civil Service examination, a very stiff one, which he passed with high credit. He returned to I ndia at the age of twenty-two in the capacity of Assistance 

Commissioner. An incident which occurred during the course of his examination foreshadowed the trend of the life that was to replace the regulation judicial career when the twenty- five years of service had expired. 

“Your Head is No Common One, Young Man” 

One of the subjects, left for the end of the examination, was metaphysics. Troward was quite unprepared for this, having  had no time for research and no knowledge of what books to read on the subject, so he meditated upon it in the early hours of the morning, and tilled in the paper with his own speculations. The examiner, on reading it, was amazed, and asked “What text-book did you use for this paper?” “I had no test-book sir.” Troward answered. “I wrote it out of my head… “Well, then, young man,” was the examiner’s comment, “your head is no common one, and if I am not mistaken, 

we shall hear from you again.” During Troward’s career in India his official work kept him very busy. His recreation was often spent with canvas, paints and brushes. He was an artist of no mean ability, especially in marine subjects, and had won several prizes at art exhibits in England. He loved to study the tomes of sacred I ndian lore, or the scriptures of the Hebrews and of other ancient peoples. While studying these profound subjects, there was unfolded to him, as in a vision, a system of philosophy which carried with it not only peace of mind, but also physical results in health and happiness. 

When relieved of his burdensome official duties in the Indian Court, he returned to England, where a manuscript of some  hundred folios slowly came into existence. At that time he had no knowledge of Mental Science Christian Science, New Thought, or any of the “isms” of modern thought. His views were the result of solitary medication and a deep study of the scriptures. The first edition of the now famous “Edinburgh Lectures” was published in 1904. It was received with the almost unanimous opinion that its value could not be overestimated, as was true of his subsequent volumes. “Bible 

Mystery and Bible Meaning” proved especially attractive to churchmen. His books, by sheer worth, have found their way almost all over the world. In the United States alone, more than 50,011) copies have been sold. Perhaps no one was more astonished at their warm reception that their simple-hearted, fun-loving author. 

An Intimate Description 

In physique Judge Troward was not the usual English type, but was more like a Frenchman, of medium stature, and not over five feet six or seven inches. He was dark complexioned, with small, bright eves, a large nose, and a broad forehead. When I knew him, he had a drooping mustache sprinkled with grey. He had the bearing of a student and a thinker, as is indicated in his writings. His manner was simple and natural, and he exemplified a spirit of moderation in all things. I never saw him impatient or head him express an unkind word, and with his family he was always gentle and 

considerate. He seemed to depend entirely upon Mrs. Troward for the household management. Only in the intimacy of his home did he entirely reveal his charming geniality and radiating friendship. His after-dinner manner was one of quiet 

levity and a twinkling humor. I would enter into the conversations or parlor games of the family with the spirit of a boy.  

le did not care for public amusements. One evening, after an excellent dinner of soup, joint of lamb, vegetables, salad, dessert, and wine, he rolled a cigarette, and, to my great surprise, offered it to me with the Query, “Do you smoke?” Receiving a negative reply, he began to smoke it himself. Noticing my poorly concealed expression of surprise, he remarked, “Why should you be shocked at anything which you can thank God for” I can thank God for one cigarette after, possibly a second, but never a third.” After he had finished his smoke, his youngest daughter, Budeia, played the violin for us. I observed that he became completely absorbed in the beautiful harmony. He told me afterwards that, although he was intensely fond of listening to music, he was in no sense a musician. Although Troward did not indulge in outdoor sports, he loved nature, and would sit for hours by the sea With his sketchbook, or tramp the lonely moors in 

solitary meditation. He said there were times when he obtained his best inspirations while walking in the open. He often invited me to gm with him, although frequently he seemed to be unconscious of my presence, being entirely absorbed in his own thoughts. 

Truth from the Trance 

At times he would lapse into a trancelike swoon (his Maltese cat on the table by his side), the swoon sometimes lasting for hours. At such times the members of his family would take particular care not to disturb him. When he emerged from these lapses of the senses, he would write down the truths which had been revealed to him. Once he wrote on his memorandum pad, ” AM  is the word of power. It you think your thought is powerful, your thought is powerful?’ 

It may be interesting to recall that such authorities as Barnett and the new American Encyclopedia, in their biography of Socrates, mention similar trancelike experiences of his. While serving in the Greek army, Socrates suddenly found his feet seemingly rooted to the earth, where he remained in a trance for twenty-four hours. I le awakened with a spiritual knowledge that transformed his life, and, later, the lives of many others. The similarity of the life of this Athenian philosopher to that of Troward is that both relied chiefly upon intuition and common sense for their theory and system of living. 

A difference between Troward’s teaching and that of Christian Science is that he does not deny the existence of a material world. On the contrary, he teaches that all physical existence is a concrete corresponding manifestation of the thought which gave it birth. One is a complement of the other. I once asked him how one could impart to others the 

deep truths which he taught. “By being them,” he answered. “My motto is, ‘Being, and not possessing, is the great joy of living.'” 

Following a Trusted Guide 

Judge Troward, although modest and retiring in his habits of speech and slow to express a personal opinion, was always willing to discuss any current subject, but extremely reticent and diffident about his own writings. Never, to my knowledge, did he mention them unless approached on the subject. As a teacher, he was positive, direct, and always impersonal. When our lesson was given indoors, he always sat in a large morris chair, and, seeming not to be aware of my presence, he would think aloud. 

To follow his thought was like following a trusted guide through the most difficult places, the darkest and least explored regions of thought. As I followed, the personality of the man became obscure, and I was only conscious of the clear, commanding voice, and the light of the inward torch which he bore. It was beyond  doubt quite natural that he who made so clear the true meaning of individuality should in his teaching betray little of the personal or emotional element. After I had been carefully guided to the most comforting conclusions, in the same quiet, unassuming manner as in the beginning of our mental journey, my guide would gently remind me that he had given me 

a few suggestions which I might follow if I felt inclined, but which were offered only in the friendly spirit of a fellow-  traveler. He always tried to impress upon me that every effort to accomplish mental control (which, in turn, meant control of circumstances) should be undertaken with absolute confidence of success. The length of a lesson depended upon my ability to absorb what he was telling me. If he were convinced if fifteen or thirty minutes that I understood quite  naturally the reason why, for example, “If a thing is true.” There is a way in which it is true,” that lesson was concluded. 

If it took me an hour or more to get into the spirit of his thought, the lesson was prolonged. At the end of a lesson he would quietly remark, “Never forget that ‘seeking has ‘finding’ as its correlative: ‘knocking,’ ‘opening.'” With this reassuring statement, he would light his lantern and step into the denseness of the night to walk three miles to his home. 

A Home-Loving Philosopher 

Being a home-loving man, Troward delighted in his flower garden, and in the intimacy of his home, which he had provided with every comfort. He particularly enjoyed the seclusion of his studio and study, which were arranged to meet his persona/ needs and moods. His studio was in the most remote part of the house, and here he would spend hours of relaxation with canvas and paints, his study, however, was on the ground floor, and to it he would retire for meditation and research, usually in the early hours of the morning. He rarely worked at night. He had spent the greater part of the day he died sketching out of doors. When he did not join his family at the dinner hour, Mrs. Troward went in search of him. She found him in his studio, fully dressed, king on the sofa in a state of physical collapse. 

About an hour later he passed away. The doctor said that death was caused by hemorrhage of the brain. I am sure that Troward would have said, “I am simply passing from the limited to the unlimited.” He died on May 16th, 1916, in his sixty-ninth year, on the same day that Archdeacon Wilberforce was laid at rest in Westminster Abbey. It was no ordinary link that bound these two men, as you will note in the reproduction of the letter which follows, Troward’s last letter to me. 

Thomas Troward regarded death very much as he would regard traveling from one country to another. He remarked to me several times, that he was interested in the life beyond and was ready to go. His only concern seemed to be the sorrow that it would 

cause his wife and family. When the time came, his going was exactly what he would have wished it to be. I hope that these few intimate touches will give to Troward’s friends and admirers the information they desire concerning him. 

I will add a more personal touch for you by presenting herein one of his first letters to me with facsimile of his handwriting. 

31 Stanwick Rd., 

West Kensington, 

8th Nov. 1912 

Dear Mrs. Swink, 

I think I had better write you a few lines with regard to your proposed studies with me as I should be sorry for you to be under any misapprehension and so to suffer any disappointment. I have studied the subject now for several years, and have a general acquaintance with the leading features of most of the systems which unfortunately occupy attention in many circles at the present time, such as Theosophy, the Tarot, the kabala, and the like, and I have no hesitation in saying that to the best of my judgment all sorts and descriptions of so-called occult study are in direct opposition to the 

real life-giving Truth; and therefore you must not expect any teaching on such lines as these. We hear a great deal in these days about “Initiation”; but, believe me, the more you try to become a so-called “Initiate” the further you will put yourself from living life. I speak after many years of careful study and consideration when I say that the Bible and its Revelation of Christ is the one thing really worth studying, and that is a subject large enough in all conscience, embracing as it does our outward life of everyday concerns, and also the inner springs of Our life and all that we can in general Willis conceive of the life in the unseen after putting off the body at death. 

You have expressed a very great degree of confidence in my teaching, and if your confidence is such that you wish, as you say, to put yourself entirely under my guidance I can only accept it as a very serious responsibility, and should have to ask you to exhibit that confidence by refusing to look into such so-called “mysteries” as I would forbid you to look into. I am speaking from experience; but the result will be that much of my teaching will appear to be very simple, perhaps to some extent dogmatic, and you will say you had heard much of it before. Faith in God, Prayer and Worship, Approach to the Father through Christ-all this is in a certain sense familiar to you; and all I can hope to do is perhaps to throw a little more light on these subjects, so that they become to you, not merely traditional words, but present living facts. I have been thus explicit, as I do not want you to have any disappointment; and also I should say that our so-called “studies” will be only friendly conversations at such times as we can tit them in, either you coming to our house or I to yours as may be most convenient at the time. 

Also I will lend you some books which will be helpful, but they are very few and in no sense “occult.” Now if all this falls in with your own ideas, we shall, I am sure, be very glad to see you at Ruan Minor, and you will find that the residents there, though few, are very friendly and the neighborhood is pretty. But on the other hand if you feel that you want some other sort of learning, do not mind saying so; only you will never find any substitute for Christ. I trust you will not mind my writing to you like this, but I don’t want you to come all the way down to Cornwall and then be disappointed. With kind regards 

Yours sincerely, (Signed) T. Troward

Chapter 1 – I interpreting the Word 

Feeling that an explanation of some of the words employed in an unusual way in these lessons may be helpful to the student, I herein offer a list of such words, together with my interpretation and references from Troward. 


‘That which is free from limit, restriction, or qualification.” (Webster.) “An idea from which the elements of time and space are entirely absent.” (Troward.) Example: Thinking in the absolute would be simply dwelling upon the intrinsic qualities of love without reference to whom you love or the various forms through which love expresses itself. Mind is absolute because of its self- reaction. 


Life, that unformed power of life which controls circumstances and conditions. Read Troward’s “Bible Meaning and Bible Mystery,” pages 77-79. 


A certain quality in the creative power of thought, which manifests on the external plane in exact correspondence to the 

quality of belief entertained. If you believe that your body is subject to disease, then the creative power of thought of 

disease results in a diseased body. Read Troward’s “Edinburgh Lectures of Mental Science,” page 14. 


The instrument through which thoughts and feelings are expressed. The envelope of the soul.


The instrument through and in which the action of the Universal Parent Mind expresses itself in specific form as individual thoughts. Brain is not the mind, but the mind’s instrument. 


A State of consciousness which is altogether good, and a quality of feeling which manifests in physical form. The most perfect spiritual concept. 


The outward effect which corresponds to the inward tendency of thought. 


William James says “…denotes neither the mental state nor what the mental state signifies, but the relation between the 



“Bringing the mind into a condition of equilibrium which enables us to consciously direct the flow of spirit to a definite, recognized purpose and then carefully to guard our thoughts from inducing a flow in the opposite direction. “-“Edinburgh 

Lectures of Mental Science.” Page 88. Troward.) 


The result of mental tendencies. Harmonious thought produces harmonious physical and material conditions, which still further react to sweeten thought. 


Activity of mind which enables it to distinguish itself from the physical form in which it manifests. 


To bring into existence. Thought is creative, because it always brings into physical or objective existence forms which correspond to itself. 


Absence of life. Loss of consciousness, with no capacity to regain it. Example: If a thought has been absolutely eliminated from the consciousness and cannot be recalled, it is dead to you. 


“The divine promises and individual faith are correlations.” Combine them, and there is no limit to what you can do through the creative power in this quality of thought. “Essential thought. Therefore every call to have faith in God is a call to have faith in the power of VOW’ own thought about God.” (Troward) A confident expectant attitude of mind. Such a mental attitude renders your mind receptive to the creative action of the spirit of life. Have faith in the force of your own thought. You have many times experienced what it will do. Jesus’ statement, “I have faith in God and nothing shall 

be impossible unto you.” Is not a mere figure of speech; it is a scientific fact, simply stated. Your individual thought is the specialized working of the creative power of life. (All Life.) 


The Universal Infinite Mind. The highest intelligence is that mind which understands itself as the instrument through which the Intelligence which brought it into existence operations. 


Universal Life and Universal Law are one. The law of your being (your life) is that you are nude in the image of God (the Creative Power which brought you into existence) because you are God’s very self specialized. The law of your life is that your mind is “the individualization of Universal Mind at the state of self-evolution in which your mind attains the capacity for reasoning from the seem to the unseen and thus penetrating behind the veil of outward appearance. So because of the reproduction of the divine creative faculty in yourself, VOW mental states or modes of thought are bound to 

externalize themselves in your body and in VOW’ circumstances.” (Troward.) 


It is impossible to analyze the nature of Spirit (or Life), but we can realize that whatever else Spirit may be, it is a self- creating power which acts and reacts upon itself, reproducing itself in inconceivable forms from the cosmos to man. (Just as your mind acts and reacts upon itself when you are memorizing.) Origin of all visible things. As it is independent of time and space, it must be pure thought, the embodiment of stored consciousness. A self-acting and self- reacting non- physical creative power or force. Its action can only be thought because thought is the only conceivable non-physical 



The specialized action of the original, creative Spirit or Mind. 


That which lives in you is truth to you. 


Inward or mental vision. (Visioning). Life’s creating power taking particular form. The act of producing in your mind the picture of any contemplated idea. 


Your individual thought is the specialized word or action of the originating mind- power itself. “That which starts the etheric vibration of life moving in a special direction,” corresponding to the word, which originates special movement. “The seed which gives rise to the thing.” Plant your word-seed in the Subjective Mind of the universe, and you are sure to receive a corresponding thing, just as truly as poppy seed produces poppies. Faith gives substance to things unseen. 

(The unseen word or thought.) 

Chapter 2 – How to Get What you Want 

“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. “-St. John 8:32 

Sage: If a thing is true, there is a definite way in which it is true. And the truest thing in Life is that it contains inherent within itself absolute joy and liberty of mind, body, and affairs. 

Pupil: Do you mean that my understanding of life’s laws can give me the realization of perfect liberty in my individual 


Sage: Yes, providing you do not make the common error of judging everything from a material standpoint only. Recent research in physical science has established the fact that there is enough power in a lump of day to destroy a city. All the average mind is able to see is the inert clay, whereas, in reality, it is the physical instrument which contains the invisible power. 

Pupil: Then when I understand the law of vibration, I can get anything I want; achieve anything I desire: 

Sage: life fills all space, and through the understanding and use of Life’s laws, you can give direction to a particular duality of creative force, which, if held in place by the will, is absolutely certain to reproduce in a corresponding physical  form. What every human being wants is more liberty and more joy in life. From whatever angle you study the subject of life, you will find that degrees of livingness and liberty are invariably manifested by varying degrees of intelligence. What you would term inanimate life represents the lower forms of intelligence; in plant life you recognize a higher degree of 

intelligence. To illustrate this, look at a flower. Is it not beautiful? Does it not prove to you the indisputable presence of a Great Intelligence which is expressing itself as beauty, form, and color, and above all, joy: 

Pupil: Yes. 

Sage: Still you will not find it difficult to recognize in the animal kingdom a quality of life and Intelligence which is greatly in advance of that manifested in the flower. Then the intelligence which expresses itself in the mind of man as the power of initiative and selection is the highest expression of Intelligent Life. Thus you see that the inanimate, the plant, the animal, and the human all represent the same Universal Life, the only difference being in the vary* degrees of intelligence. For example: You are expressing a very high degree of intelligence in desiring to understand the laws of Life. 

When you have discovered some part of these laws, you will ascend the scale of intelligence as you make practical application of your discoveries. Another example: Two men leave college with the same degrees and situated very similarly relative to social and financial position. Both study the laws of Mind; both are obliged to struggle. One, by making a great mental effort, keeps mentally above the discouraging conditions, and finally becomes a smooth read, which the other one becomes disheartened and ill, barely eking out a miserable existence. You can readily see where the high form of intelligence was manifested in these two cases. Intelligence was there, but it could only grow by being used constructively. 

How Degrees of I intelligence Prove Man’s Place in the Universe 

Sage: The greater your intelligence, the more easily you can call into action the highest order of creative energy. The more highly you develop your intelligence (and I do not mean by this intellectuality or book learning-1 mean self- education) the more you will find your old limited ideas of what you are not, cannot be, do, or have, imperceptibly 

slipping away. By using your intelligence and resting upon it to guide you Godward, you will come to recognize that you are as much a part of the very highest Intelligence as a drop of water in a part of the ocean. This steady recognition on your pan, carried into your everyday affairs, will give you control over adverse circumstances, which you realize are, after all, only effects of lower degrees of intelligence, and will deliver you from falling a victim of a material universe. You are not a victim; you are a part of the Universe. 

Pupil: just what do you mean by “effects of lower degrees of intelligence?” 

Sage: I mean, by a lower degree of intelligence, one that is unable to recognize itself as being one of the highest forms  of life. The highest degree of intelligence is that form of life which is able to recognize itself as related to all existing Intelligence. For example: You can easily recall the List of difficult situations you came through. It was the expression of the highest form of Intelligence which enabled you to think your way out of that. 

The Intelligence Which Distinguishes Us from the Ape 

Sage: You recognized your difficulty, but you also recognized your intelligence as being able to draw to itself, from out 

the whole Universe, ways and means of meeting that perplexing problem. The Law is ever the same. When you are convinced that every physical circumstances or thing has its origin in corresponding activities of the mind (thought), you are able to conquer adversity in any form, because you know you can always control MIT thoughts. You must always be determined to do your own thinking. 

Pupil: It is not difficult for me to understand that the flower is the result of some invisible power, which must be Intelligence, but for me to realize that this same life and intelligent power in my life is not easy. I had not been taught to think in this way. However, you have made me realize that if I wish to learn, I must put into practice the directions you 

have given me. So when I needed to have five hundred dollars at a certain time and could not see any possible means of getting it, I tried to follow your instructions by mentally seeing myself as doing the thing I wished to do. I visualized myself paying my obligation, and in some way, which is still a mystery, I was able to feel quite calm about it. I made my mental picture and actually forgot to worry about the ways and means, and the money cane. I did not quite understand then, and I do not know now, jut how it happened. All that I am able to realize is that, by my obedience to your teaching, the day was saved for me, and I shall not forget it. 

Now I would like to know if we inherit our tendencies of mind 

Sage: Most of us inherit our thoughts, just as we inherit the color of our eves. If you intend to understand the relation existing between mental action and material conditions” sufficiently well to control your circumstances, you must think 

for yourself, and in your own way, irrespective of that your ancestors thought, even though some of them might have brought desired results. 

Pupil: That seems as impossible as reaching the horizon. However, if you tell me that I can arrive at the place where circumstances and conditions will be under my control, through a steady and determined effort to find out the truth along these lines, I shall do my own thinking from this moment. My present condition, however, seems beyond the control of any human being. Much less myself and there have been times when I did control certain conditions, but at other times the same conditions were beyond MY control. Why was that? 

The Secret of Controlling Your Life Forces 

Sage: The reason you succeeded, without understanding the power which you possesses, was that you used it unconsciously, according to the law of its own nature, and reached harmonious results (as in the incident that you have just related). Your ability, at all times, to use the unfailing power which is yours depends upon your recognition of its presence. The reason for your times of failure is that the distressing condition so wholly absorbs your attention that you are unable to think of anything else. At such times you entirely lose sight of the fact that your individual mind is the 

instrument through and in which the very highest form of intelligence and unfailing power is endeavoring to express itself. Also, that it always takes the form of your habitual thought. Therefore, when you believe that a situation is beyond 

your control, so it is. 

Pupil: Which means that my control of circumstances is entirely measured by my capacity to know what the life and intelligence in me is the same life and Intelligence which brought me into existence? The same life in trees and all nature, and I tune in with all Life? \kill this steady recognition give me direct contact wit all the power and intelligence which exists? Would simply dwelling on this thought solve any situation which might arise: 

Sage: No. “Faith without works is dead.” God without expression is a nonentity. Thought without action is powerless. But our recognition that you are inseparably connected with the joy, life, intelligence, and power of the Great Whole, unwavering maintained and carried into practical application, will solve any problem, because your thought calls into 

specific action ideas of the very highest degree of intelligence and power, which naturally controls the lesser degrees. 

“The Lesser modes of life are in bondage to the law of their own being because they do not know the law.” Therefore, when you know the Laws of Life, this knowledge gives you ideas which enable you to control all adverse circumstances and conditions. 

Pupil: This is all so new to me, I do not quite grasp your meaning. Will you please give me an illustration? 

How to Light the Pathway of Your Life 

Sage: Well, suppose you were in a room where every comfort had been provided for you, but the room was in total darkness, and you were unable to locate the things you desired, although you were conscious of their presence. You were told that the room was electrically lighted, and instinctively you began to grope your way along the wall, where you were accustomed to look for a light switch. For hours you passed your hands up and down the walls as far as you would reach until you were quite fatigued. You were about to give up the search and make the best of a bad situation, but, overlapping this thought, there came the resolve that you would not abandon your effort until you had located it. 

You were determined to enjoy the good things awaiting you, so you renewed your search with the feeling of assurance that ultimately you would find a way to turn on the light. After more fruitless endeavor, you paused to rest, and to wonder where that switch could possibly be, “It must be here, and I shall find it,” you said to yourself, and again you passed your hands over the walls, although you felt certain that you had gone over every inch that you could reach. This time your thoughts and movements were not quite so tense, although equally determined. As your hands moved slowly up 

and down, your mind caught the idea that the switch might not be on the will at all. You paused a moment, and the suggestion that it might be on the floor registered in your consciousness. But reason stepped in and argued, “Impossible. 

Who ever head of a light switch being placed on the floor!” “But,” the suggestion persisted, “why not try” You have gone over what first seemed the most reasonable places to find it. Try the floor.” So then you began to reach out uncertainly with your feet for some projection on the floor which alight be a light switch. 

Finding the Light 

Almost instantly your feet came into contact with an unfamiliar object. YOU put your hand on what seemed to be a push button, but no light appeared. Nevertheless, you now felt quite sure that you had located the switch. You paused, and involuntarily asked yourself, “How does this thing work? It won’t push and it won’t pull.” Back came the answer within yourself like a spoken word. “Sidewise.” You moved it sidewise, and the room as flooded with light. Your joy at thus finding a responsive intelligence within yourself could not be expressed in words. It was a rapture of the heart which 

many have felt at times. 

Pupil: Oh, I am so glad that the switch was found through clinging to the tight mental attitude! Does such persistent effort always meet with such a satisfactory reward? 

Sage: Yes, persistent, confident endeavor always brings satisfaction. In order to give you a complete picture from which you may logically reason in the future, let us consider the same situation from an opposite angle. Imagine yourself in the same room under the same conditions. After several attempts at feeling around in the dark, you begin to feel tired, more or less discouraged, and you reason with yourself thus “Oh, what is the use?There may be a light switch in this room, and the room may contain everything I require, and again it may not.” But something indefinable in yourself convinces 

you that not only is the light there, but so, also, are the things you enjoy and desire. You answer right back to yourself, “Well, if everything is here which I need and would enjoy, what a pity that I cannot find the switch! What a strange and unreasonable way some people have of doing things! I wonder why the light was not already turned on for me.” 

Pupil: You make it seem that one almost involuntarily and invariably blames circumstances or people for his failures” 

“The Fault, Dear Brutus, Lies Not in the Stars, But in Ourselves, That We are Underlings” 

Sage: You must admit that it is rare to find anyone who realizes that the cause of his failure or continued misfortune lies 

within himself. The reason for this is an almost universal lack of understanding on the part of the individual that a certain 

quality of thought brings to the consciousness a recognition of an intelligent power capable of attracting to him, and 

directing him so, the fulfillment of his purpose and the attainment of his desire. On the other hand, the inversion of this 

same power effects a negative result. 

Pupil: You mean that a certain quality of thought enables one to do and be what he wishes, while the misuse of the same power seems to thwart one’s purpose? 

Sage: Yes. The idea is to use your power of thought and feeling positively, in order to attain positive results. Use it negatively, and you get negative results, because the unchangeable law is, “Intelligence always manifests in responsiveness.” The whole action of the evolutionary process of Life, from its first inanimate beginning up to its 

manifestation in human form, is one continual intelligent response. If you would induce yourself to recognize the presence of a Universal Intelligence which permeates all nature, you must also recognize a corresponding hidden deep down in all things-in the trees, the weeds, and flowers, in the animals, and in fact, in everything-which is ever ready to spring into action when appealed to. It will respond to your call as a child would obey when bidden to come and play. In your first experience in the dark room, your all-absorbing thought was not so much about the darkness as about the light, and how it could be turned on. The positive “I will” quality of your thought brought up from the depth of your inmost soul a steady flow of intelligent power, which finally penetrated through to your intellect and guided your hand to the switch. 

Pupil: But the second time when I also thought I must find the switch, there was no enlightened response. It seems to me that this is one’s everyday experience. The first case seems like a miraculous coincidence. 

Don’t Look for Coincidences in Life Every Effect Has Its Cause 

Sage: Oh, no. All is life, and all is law and order. There are no coincidences in reality, no “happen so’s.” You will realize this if you will recall some of your own experiences similar to the ones used in the illustrations. You often feel that you  must have “light,” and, after several attempts to avail yourself to it, your thought and feeling settle into the “I cannot do it” groove; “it may be possible for those who know how, but I don’t,” etc. 

The best method of learning the truth about  this is to live your past experiences over again. Analyze what your thoughts and feelings were when you succeeded, and 

when you failed. Then draw VOW’ own deductions. No written or spoken words equal this kind of instruction. Remember that all space is filled with a responsive Intelligence and Power ever ready to take any form which your sustaining thought-demand creates. This power can work only in terms of the thought instrument through which it operates. 

Humanity generally admits Jesus’ ability, Jesus’ power to use the spirit of intelligent life to produce material conditions- as in turning water into wine, but they doubt their ability to use the same Power in themselves, in spite of Jesus’ assurance, “All things are possible unto you.” Now this statement is either true or false. If true it is because your mind is the instrument in and through which this intelligent Principle of Life takes initiative action, and this action, in turn, is always in accordance with the laws of life, which are subjective in their nature.  

Life’s Greatest Purpose is to Express Joy, Beauty, and Power 

Pupil: Am I right in concluding that this lesson in life, which is an ever-present, limitless, intelligent power, is ready at all times to be guided in any direction that my sustained thought may give it? If I permit to be anxious, discouraged, dissatisfied, I bring into action repelling, destructive forces? Life’s purpose is to give expression to Its joy, beauty, and power, through Its particular instrument, my thought. Is this right? 

Sage: You have grasped the letter of the lesson in a remarkable way. Now it remains only for you to experience the happiness of what you have learned. Do this putting by your knowledge to practical application, never losing sight of the fact that no matter what justification you may think you have at the time, any feeling of discouragement, dissatisfaction, or anxiety causes the fulfillment of your right desire to recede further and further away from you. Whereas, by persistent and determined endeavor to trust your own desires and ambitions as the specific expression of the universal loving, guiding, and protecting Principle, you will find that your supply for their fulfillment will unfold to you greater and greater liberty in every direction. 

Pupil: When one does not wish to entertain negative thoughts, how can the sense of discouragement and anxiety be shut out? I am sure that it is not because one enjoys feeling worried that it seems so difficult to eliminate it. Do you mean that it is as possible to snap out of a thought one doesn’t want as it is to step from one room to another? I should like to know how that is accomplished, as I have many unwelcome thoughts which I am wholly unable to dismiss at the time. After a period they leave, but it seems to me they use their own sweet will about it. I have honestly tried to rid myself of thoughts, which seemed to cling all the tighter when I tried to throw them off. It would be wonderful to cast off a thought as one would a garment! How can it be done? 

Sage: By keeping a positive attitude of mind regarding your innermost desire as an accomplished fact, whether it be for a state of mind or for a thing. You cannot think positive and negative thoughts at the same time. 

Pupil: Oh, is that true? It seems to me I have often been speaking to someone on a certain subject while my thoughts 

were on an entirely different one. 

You Can Actually Think of Only One Thing at a Time 

Sage: You were thinking one thing and saying another. You had only one thought. You automatically said one thing while thinking another. In short, your words were not the expression of the thought in your mind. Suppose you give yourself a test; try to think of yourself as a success and a failure at the same time. You will find it impossible to think positively and negatively simultaneously. In our next lesson we will take this up more extensively and prove why it is true. Also why you, as an individual, can control circumstances, whether they be mental, physical, or financial, through the 

understanding of your personal relationship to the Intelligence which governs the universe. 

Pupil: I know that what you say is true, but just what method should I employ to accomplish this? There are times when I become cross and impatient with myself because I give way to anxiety and fear (the very things which I know now will 

cause my defeat). And yet I \ will do it, just as I will eat something I like even though I know it will disagree with me. Could you give me a formula to use at such times? 

How to Drive Anxiety Out of Your Mind 

Sage: When the triad of enemies- fear, anxiety, and discouragement-assails you, poisoning your mind and body, weakening your power to attract what you want, begin instantly to take deep breaths, and repeat as fast as you can, aloud or silently, the following affirmation, which is an antidote to the poison and a powerful assurance and attraction of Good: The Life in me is inseverably connected with all the life that exists, and it is entirely devoted to my personal advancement. If you are alert and can make this affirmative thought overlap the negative, anxious suggestion, you will 

very soon free yourself. If the tendency to dwell on these erroneous beliefs keeps recurring, go where you can be alone, repeat your affirmation, and endeavor to lift your mind up to your words, much as you would lift your breath from the bottom to the top of your lungs. Never be impatient with yourself because you do not quite succeed in your every endeavor. It is your intention that counts, not necessarily the absolute fulfillment of the letter. The ALL-KNOWING POWER THAT IS understands and rewards accordingly. Be diligent and patient, and you will surely succeed. 

Chapter 3 – How to Overcome Adverse Conditions 

“There is nothing either good or bad, bill thinking makes so.”- Shakespeare 

Sage: If you wish to overcome adverse conditions or to maintain a favorable one, it is necessary to have some knowledge of the fundamental or originating Spirit, and your relation to It. The true order of these fundamental principles of life which you are endeavoring to understand does not require you to deny the reality of the existing physical world, or to call it an illusion. On the contrary, by admitting the existence of the physical, you thereby see the completion of a great invisible, creative process. This enables you to assign physical manifestations to their proper places in the creative 

series, which your former way of thinking did not amble you to do. You now realize that, while the origin of life is not in itself physical or material, it must throw out physical and material vehicles through which to function as its means of expression, in varying degrees of intelligence, such as the vegetable or the animal kingdom, and the human, as illustrated in our last lesson. All are forms of life, because of that inner Principle of being which sustains them. The Life Principle with which you are primarily concerned is the life of thought and feeling in yourself. You are a vehicle or distributing medium of the creative Spirit of Life. If you understand this, you will have some idea of what the originating Spirit of Life is in Itself, and your relation to It as an individual. 

Pupil: Since thought and feeling are the origin of all things, would it not be necessary to get into the spirit of their origin in order to control circumstances? Is it true that my thoughts and feelings are the same as those of the limitless Power and Intelligence of the universe? 

How You Can Control Circumstances and Erroneous Conditions 

Sage: In essence they are the same. You are able to control the circumstances and conditions relative to your individual world, of which you are the center, by making your thoughts and feelings correspondent in quality (at least in a degree) to what you believe are those of the originating, intelligent forces of life. 

Pupil: Is it true that the life in me contains everything that I, as an individual, could ever require? Are my thoughts and feelings the centralizing power of my particular world? If so, then Browning explains the situation when he says, “We carry within us the wonders we seek without us.” If I know and practice this great fact, the wonder of life’s understanding power will come forth in me by its own divine right, and assume command over all my problems in exactly the same degree that I recognize it. Is that correct? 

Sage: Yes, Browning has voiced the truth in that sentence. The divine Principle in you is complete, and is the only Life there is. But this should not lead you into the error of believing that you are not to exert yourself. Remember that the life- germ in you is an Intelligence which can call into specific action all of life’s forces from out the entire universe, but it can only work through your intelligence in correspondence to what you confidently believe it can and will do. Therefore, be practical in your reasoning, and diligent in your deeds. Suppose I give you an example: You have a glass of dirty water. 

In order to have the clear water, you would continue to pour the clean water into the glass of dirty water until every drop of the dirty water had flowed out of it, wouldn’t you% The same rule applies to adverse conditions. Pour into them a steady stream of confidence in the power of God in you to change them, and they will change, correspondingly. 

Pupil: I understand. You mean that I should use my common sense, coupled with a steady faith in God and earnest, concentrated mental effort? 

Common Sense and Your Mental Faculties 

Sage: That is it. Use your common sense and all your mental faculties as far as they will take you. However, you should  never to to force a situation. Always allow for the Law of Growth. Remember that conditions will grow into the correlative shape of your firmly held mental attitude “under the guidance of the All Creating Wisdom.” If you will follow this method of reasoning, you will soon form the habit of examining your own attitude of mind for the key to your progress and enjoyment of life. Endeavor to keep before your mind’s eye the thought that every physical or material condition in your life corresponds to your habitual thought tendency, and your thought tendency will eventually become the reproduction of the way you regard your personal life, as related to all life. 

Pupil: Shall I be able to overcome one limitation after another, as I develop the knowledge and feeling of regarding the 

life Principle in me as the source of all physical experience? As I advance along these lines, shall I grow into the liberty of 

enjoying life in my own way? 

Sage: In studying the law of your own being, the important thing to realize is that you, as an individual, are a specializing center, through which the power or essence of Life takes forms which correspond exactly to your most habitual conceptions. Try to realize more and more thoroughly, both in theory and in practice, that the relation between 

your individual mind and the Universal Parent Mind is one of reciprocal action. Grasp the principle of reciprocity, and you will comprehend why you fall short sometimes of enjoying life, and how you can attain to full enjoyment; just as the law of gravitation shows why iron sinks in water, and can also me made to float. 

Pupil: It is rather difficult for me to understand what you mean by the reciprocal action between my individual mind and the Universal Parent Mind. Suppose I am facing a big financial problem, and I endeavor to bring my mind into a state of confident expectancy through meditation upon the ever-present supply in all forms of life, and by repeating an 

affirmation which seems logical. Would that do it? Where does the reaction come in? And how? If my happiness in life depends upon this understanding, and upon living in a state of conscious reciprocity with the Parent Mind, it seems just now that it is a long way off, because I do not grasp your meaning. Should I feel a reaction within myself when striving for a certain state of consciousness? 

How Your Mind is Related to the Universal Mind 

Sage: We said in our last lesson that your mind was an outcome of the great Universal Parent Mind which brought you into existence for the direct purpose of expressing Itself through you. The reciprocal action between your mind and the Parent Mind might be compared with a tree and its branches. 

Your mind is the specific expression of the Universal Mind from which it draws its power to think. Just as a branch of a tree is a specific part of a tree, not apart from it, but a part 

of it. Thus, between the Universal Mind or life and its own specialized expression (which is your mind), there is a perpetual interaction, as with the tree and its parts; its branches and its leaves are continually drawing sustenance from the parent trunk. Your thought action is the specialized, identical action of the Universal Mind. Example: Imagine yourself feeling a bit downcast, when suddenly you are handed a telegram with the news that the one person in the world whom you love the most is on his way to see you, and the messenger of some wonderful news! Can you not imagine what a 

definite reaction you would have from news like that! Well, you can stimulate the same quality of thought, that same feeling of joy and surety between your individual mind and its source, through mentally picturing yourself as doing the things that you enjoy. See yourself happy, and lift your mind up to it by constantly repeating a happy affirmation, and you will readily realize the reaction in kind. 

Pupil: I see. The way that adverse conditions are to be overcome is through my recognition of the reciprocal action going on continually between my mind and the One great Universal Mind, which brings about the same kind of a reaction that I would have from an agreeable experience on the physical plane. I used to think that conditions were overcome by ignoring them, and setting aside the inherent law that caused them. I begin to realize now (theoretically at least) that the laws of life cannot be ignored nor destroyed, but, on the contrary, must be made to work for us to produce a harmonious existence. 

Sage: Adverse circumstances are overcome by reversing the originating cause, which is your own thought. Anxiety and fear always attract conditions of their own kind. Reverse this tendency and entertain only those thoughts which register harmony and confident assurance, and the adverse circumstances will recede, and in their place will appear the 

conditions which correspond to your changed mentality. 

Pupil: Am I to regard my mind as a branch of the Universal Mind from which I draw all my substance? 

Sage: Yes. You now have a fairly good general idea of the two ultimates: the Universal and the individual, and their relation to each other. I think we should now consider the process of specialization, that is, how to make nature’s laws produce a particular effect which “could not be produced under the simple generic conditions spontaneously provided by nature.” 

How to Remedy Natures Shortcomings 

Pupil: How can one create conditions not provided by nature? 

Sage: Do not overlook the word “spontaneous.” By consciously and intelligently arranging l.’our thoughts in the new order, by looking within yourself for the solutions of your problems, instead of without, you will certainly find that ideas 

will come to you, which, if followed, will produce new conditions other than those provided by nature. 

Pupil: I tow can I do this? Is this brought about by causing my thoughts to correspond to those which I think the Universal Mind must have? 

Sage: Let me give you an illustration of what I mean. Take the case of a miller who has been grinding his grain by hand. His instinctive feeling is that there should be a more efficient way of grinding grain, and he meditates a good deal on what this way might be. One day, while walking in the country, his attention is attracted, for the first time, to the power in a stream of water as it rushes past him. He pauses, and reflects on how this power could be utilized for his particular purpose. “Why not harness it and make it grind my grain?” he asks himself. 

This unexpected inspiration thrills him through and through, not only because of its possibilities, but because of his feeling of assurance that it can be accomplished. Immediately, the desired result begins to picture itself in his mind. By the side of the stream he sees his gristmill working under conditions, with a great wheel attached to it revolved by the force of the running water, and thus grinding his grain. The force of the water spontaneously provided by nature has not been changed; it has been specialized to meet an individual requirement. 

How Nature Working Through Mind Can Grind the Grain 

Pupil: Naturally the power of the water could not of itself have ground the grain, but through the interaction of the individualized Universal Intelligence in the miller’s mind, he made this power “spontaneously provided by nature” do his bidding, lust as Burbank specialized nature’s laws by making cactus grow without thorns, and blackberries without seeds. 

Sage: Yes, you have grasped my meaning. Your comprehension of the interaction between the water-power, or nature, and the individualized Intelligence in the mind of man is scientifically correct. You see now that it is an entire reversal of your old conception. Formerly, you took forms and conditions as symbols, and inferred that they were the causes of mental states and material conditions; now you are learning that the true order of the creative process is exactly the reverse, that thought and feeling are the originating causes which form corresponding external conditions. This is the foundation principle upon which you can specialize the generic law of the whole creative process, and cause it to bring all of its Intelligence and Power to bear, in meeting your particular necessity. 

Showing the Silver Lining of the Cloud 

Pupil: You are right. I have been inverting the order of cause and effect. It always seemed to me that conditions both created and controlled my thoughts, that is, I involuntarily accepted the thoughts which the conditions suggested For example: Suppose I want to be at a certain place at a certain time. My appointment is important and I shall be late. What a terrible thing it will be! There seems nothing to be done. That is the way I used to think. Now, in the new order of thinking, I shall endeavor to mentally see myself as keeping my appointment, etc. I shall get into the spirit of the thought that nothing can impede my progress or thwart my purpose, and I an stare that a way will open enabling me to materialize this thought on the physical plane. I am sure that in some unforeseen way my engagement will be kept, satisfactorily to myself and to the other person. In tact, I have experienced similar episodes. 

Sage: Yes, almost everyone has had such experiences as you have related, but very few profit by them. The law is, “As a man thinks so it becomes.” If you wish to withdraw from an undesirable situation, you must adopt the scientific method of affirmative thinking, and follow it up as a permanent factor in life. You will find that the universal causative Power (call it what you will) always manifests as supreme Intelligence in the adaptation of means to ends.

 For instance, there is something which you wish to do-build a house, sell something, or do a kind act for someone. It is this supreme Intelligence manifested through you that guides your activities. Without it, you would be unable to outline your intention, much less accomplish your purpose. Your intelligence is the instrument through which the One Great Intelligence of the universe is constantly taking specific form. This being true, every idea which registers in your mind was first formed in this One Infinite Mind. A continual recognition of this fact will enable you to find your way out of any sense of limitation which may arise in your individual experience. I once heard of a man who had an intense desire to do big things. 

Fie asked his teacher to think with him along the lines just discussed-that the Intelligence of the universe was taking specific form in his individual intelligence. His teacher agreed providing the student’s desire was great enough to force him to arise every morning and take a two-mile walk, meanwhile meditating upon this interaction between the Universal Intelligence and its special form, his mind. The student also was instructed to form the practice of making mental pictures for the precise purpose of developing his intuition and imagination. One suggestion was that he should mentally see himself walking along a beautiful, clear, flowing river, hearing the rippling water, and seeing the reflection of the trees on its clear surface, and then to transfer his mental picture to one depicting his own desire. After following this practice for six months, an idea of almost overwhelming magnitude came to his mind. This did not seem unnatural, 

however, as it was so completely in accord with his recent habit of picturing his all-absorbing desire. 

Fie joyously continued his walks, his meditation, and visualization, and finally the Universal Intelligence manifested in its specific form (his mind) by giving specific directions to bring the big idea into successful operation. 

Pupil: Could his mind have captured this big idea without the help of a teacher? 

Always Learn to Do Your Own Thinking 

Sage: Certainly. The idea did not come through the teacher’s mind; he simply started the student on the right track. No one can think for another. It was the result of his determined effort to recognize his own individual intelligence as the instrument in which the Greater Intelligence was constantly taking form. Ill that the teacher did (all that anyone could do) was to help him to hold his thought along the path he desired to go. The help of the teacher strengthened his conviction and faith in the power in himself. 

Pupil: Is this originating power of life a forming power as well as a creating and direction one, and did the teacher’s thinking along the same lines steady the student’s thoughts? Without the support of a more advanced mind, could anyone succeed in a great undertaking? 

Sage: Certainly. If you are sufficiently convinced of the absolute truth of your method, you do not need any sustaining force outside of your own conviction. You miss the point of your relationship to the great whole if you do not realize that it is not only an originating, but also a forming power. Do you not recognize its forming power throughout nature? You would not think of trying to make a lily a rose. If you know that the same Power that created the flowers also made your mind for the specific purpose of operating in it, you would soon learn to trust its formative nature in its operation through your intelligence. 

Pupil: I understand. It is the power of Life in man which originates, creates, directs, and forms. In reality, there seems to be nothing whatever for man to do in this great scheme of things except to enjoy life, if he can only learn how! 

God and Company, Ltd. 

Sage: The Law of Life is God and Company. You are the Company, and you cannot in any sense be an idle partner, if you wish to profit by the partnership. Your part is a big one, and there is plenty for you to do in providing a concrete center around which the universal divine energies can operate. 

Pupil: Does this mean that to realize my oneness with the joy of life I shall not find it as simple as it seems? 

Sage: No doubt there will be times when you will find it difficult to transfer your thought from externals to the interior realm of the originating principle, and to joyfully hold it there until external conditions correspond with the ideas you have in mind, but there should never be any strain. You are attracted to the Universal Mind as your source of supply, along the lines of least resistance. That is to say, along these lines which are the most natural to your individual and particular bent of mind. In this way you infuse into the Universal Mind your desires and ambitions, thus intensifying your power of attraction (relative to the desire uppermost in your mind) from the infinite forces. For instance, let us suppose 

that you feel very much alone, not altogether lonely, but alone (there is a difference, you know), and yearn for congenial companionship. At a certain night and morning, go where you will not be interrupted, and mentally picture yourself walking with a companionable friend (no person whom you know, but an ideal one); then see yourself riding with this same friend, and the two of you doing many, happy things together. Keep your picture in mind until all sense of aloneness has disappeared, and you feel an unmistakable sense of companionship. Let that feeling register in your consciousness, and try to recall it at will. If you will practice in this way, you will very soon realize that this is the reciprocal action between your mind and the Universal Mind. Once this recognition is well established, your ideals will begin to express themselves in form. 

Pupil: Then one’s efforts should be wholly direction to the attainment of a higher degree of intelligence, rather than to the acquiring of material things. 

“God Will Provide the Food, but He Will Not Cook the Dinner” 

Sage: Such a purpose is the very highest, and aspirations along this line would surely externalize corresponding things. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to form the habit of idle dreaming. The material side of life should not be despised, for it is the outside of a corresponding inside, and has its place. The thing to guard against is the acquiring of material possessions as your ultimate aim. However, when certain external facts appear in the circle of your life, you should work with them diligently and with common sense. Remember that things are symbols, and that the thing symbolized is more important than the symbol itself. “God will provide the food, but He will not cook the dinner.” 

Pupil: My part then is to cook the dinner, so to speak; to use the intelligence with which I have been endowed, by making it a power to attract, from out the universe, ideas that will provide for me in any direction that I may choose to go, according to law? 

Sage: Yes, if you choose to go with life’s continual, harmonious movement, you will find that the more you use the law of harmony through progressive thinking, the more intimately acquainted you will become with the law of reciprocity. This law corresponds to the same principles which govern physical science; that is, “nature obeys you precisely in the same degree as you obey nature.” This knowledge always leads to liberty. 

Pupil: How does nature obey me? 

Sage: Nature’s first and greatest Law is harmony. You see the results of harmonious law in the beautiful world around you. If you obey nature’s suggestion, and follow the law you will be the recipient of all the benefits contained in this law of harmony that nature has to offer, such as health, strength, contentment, etc., for all of her laws bring freedom and harmony. You will find nature responding along the same lines, to the extent that your thoughts and acts are in accordance with her perfect laws. 

Pupil: Is the power of thought always creative, and does it always create conditions corresponding to itself? Can one know this law sufficiently well to cause it to respond immediately? 

Fifteen Minutes Night and Day are Not Enough 

Sage: Thought as thought is always creative, either good or bad. The length of time required for the corresponding physical conditions to appear in the circle of your individual environment depends entirely upon your ability to recognize that your desired course is a normal, already existing, mental fact. It is not enough to get into the spirit of your reasoning for fifteen minutes night and morning, with the inward confidence that you are directing a certain, unfailing power toward a desired physical manifestation, and then spend the remainder of your waking moments in doubt and fear. The whole question is, how does your particular sustained thought affect you? If it stimulates your feeling of faith, the response is immediate. 

Pupil: Could you give me something to memorize which will help me to eliminate doubt and fear? 

Sage: Yes. 

The thought I use most frequently myself is this: “My mind is a center of divine operation. The divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression, and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth. Therefore, since the divine cannot change the inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner in me: consequently, in my own special world, of which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new conditions always in advance of any that have gone before.” (Dore Lectures) 

You should memorize this passage and meditate upon it, endeavoring to make your mind a “center of divine operation,” by entertaining only such thoughts as you feel are reflections of God’s thoughts. Whenever you sense that your way to freedom is obstructed, make a stronger endeavor to live with the spirit of your affirmation, and you will soon find your mind receiving ideas, which, if followed, will guide you into the path of absolute liberty. 

The Devils of Doubt and Fear 

Pupil: Doubt and fear are the devil, are they not? Is not fear the more destructive of all wrong elements? It seems to me that it is every present in one form or another. Can this monster be entirely eliminated from one’s mind? 

Sage: Surely. Although fear is the most destructive of all the mental enemies, and, as you say, seems to be ever present, yet when you realize that your fear is just as certain to materialize as is your faith, you will grow more and more guarded as to the quality of thought which you harbor. Practice makes perfect. 

Pupil: Try as I will to inhibit fear, I am unable to succeed at present. At times I utterly fail, and I am overwhelmed with it. 

How to Drive Out Fear 

Sage: The moment you begin to feel fearful, get into the open if possible, walk briskly for a mile or two, taking deep breaths, and holding your chin in and chest up. Think of yourself as a monarch of all you survey and assume a corresponding commanding attitude. Repeat with even breath this affirmation: “I am breathing in the Life, the Love, and the Power of the universe RIGHT NOW!” I ! old the breath a second, with the affirmation in the caller of your mind; then expel the breath with the same thought and send it out to mingle with the ether of the universe. “I and my Father of Love are ONE.” If you cannot get out into the open, assume, wherever you are, the same attitude. Take deep breaths, repeat the affirmation, and you feel certain that you are protected and supplied with all the love and power which life has to give, feat will disappear, and you can resume whatever you were doing. 

Chapter 4 – Strengthening Your Will 

“All we have willed or hoped or dreamed of good, shall exist; Not its semblance, but itself; no beauty, nor good, nor power Whose voice has gone forth, but each survives for the melodist. When eternity affirms the conception of an hour”. -Browning 

Sage: The importance of the will is so frequently misunderstood that I think we will consider its true nature and purpose for a while this morning. Almost everyone is conscious that willing is not imagining. What the function of the will is, for the most part, baffles and escapes our reasoning. 

Pupil: I understand that most schools of mental science teach that one should not try to use or even understand the will, because to make conscious use of will-power leads one astray. 

Sage: It is most important that you should have sufficient knowledge of your will not to misuse it, or to be led astray through lack of understanding its place and power. 

Pupil: It is a compelling, creative power? 

Sage: Correctly speaking, the will is neither one. It is in no sense creative. There are times, however, when a strong will can compel certain external combinations. 

Pupil: If will-power can produce certain external results, why not use it to that end? 

Sage: Because I was not intended to be used in this way. Conditions brought into existence by mere force of will lack vitality; consequently, the situations brought about by simple will power disappear as soon as the will relaxes. 

Pupil: Do the things which are forced into being through the power of a strong will disappear simply because they lack vitality, or because the compelling power relinquishes its hold. 

Sage: Both, because of the lack of any real life in them, and because the energy of the will which supports them is withdrawn. 

Pupil: I have read a great deal about the function of the will. What does it mean? 

The Action or Function of the Will 

Sage: It depends upon what you have read about the different kinds of will. The will is the power-control in your mind, which holds your thought in a given direction until a result has been accomplished. For example: Suppose you wish to go to a certain place; without the will to go there, you could not even start, not could you retain the thought of the place long enough to arrive. You would start in the right direction, and then, because there was not sustaining power in the thought, you might turn and go in another direction. 

Pupil: So it is the will which holds the thought to a given purpose until it is consummated; or keeps an idea in its place in one’s mind until it is objectified in form. It might be termed a thought-stabilizer. 

Sage: just so. It is the will which holds your mental faculties in position relative to the creative power which does the desired work. Thought is always creative, as I have explained in my book “The Edinburgh Lectures of Mental Science,” page 84: “If, using the word in its widest sense, we may say that the imagination is the creative function, we may call the will the centralizing principle, its function being to keep the imagination centered in the right direction.” The will has much the same place in our mental machinery that the tool-holder has in a power-lathe. To my mind this is the will. 

Pupil: It is a wonderfully clear statement. It means that success or failure is contingent upon but one thing mental control, and the will is this controlling factor. 

Sage: The business of the will is always the same, that of keeping your mental faculties where they will do the work you intend them to do. 

Pupil: Suppose I were conducting a business, but my thoughts were more on an anticipated vacation than on my work. Naturally my business would suffer. Could my will help me? 

Practice “Will Exercises” 

Sage: The case you relate illustrates a weak will. You know that your thoughts should be kept on your business, but your will is too weak to do it. You should practice will exercises to strengthen your mental energies. These will help you to focus your attention on business or any desired activity. 

Pupil: If one concentrated his entire attention on business during business hours, would he be able to relax it later and enjoy his home and play? 

Sage: With a properly trained will, you can pick up a thought at choice, hold it until it has finished its work, let it gm again, and then pick up another thought, repeating the process again and again if you choose. In short, you can work when you work and play when you play. 

Pupil: No doubt it can be done, but it seems to me now that it would be a terrible strain. 

Sage: On the contrary, the well-trained, developed will maintain any position you desire without any strain on the nervous system, and its use is never followed by a sense of fatigue. 

Pupil: I have always found it a great strain to hold on to a thought which did not abide in consciousness naturally. 

Sage: This is an indication of a weak will, which should be strengthened through exercise, the beginning of which should be “a calm, peaceful determination to retain a certain mental attitude in spite of all temptations to the contrary, knowing 

that by doing so, the desired result will surely appear.” 

Pupil: Is the will intelligent? 

“A Developed Will is the Handmaid of Intelligence” 

Sage: The developed hill is the handmaid of Intelligence. 

Pupil: What do you mean by that? 

Sage: In training your will, you % kill become conscious of the presence of a tremendous power which acts on the Plus of the very beginning, or first cause, of every so-called physical thing. This power is the primary Living Intelligence of the universe. Tell yourself what you desire in a clear, concise way, confidently knowing that it is certain to externalize itself as an objective fact, because your will acts upon the unformed creative, or primary, Intelligence, and causes it to take the form that you have determined upon. 

Pupil: That does not sound so difficult. Of one thing I am certain, that is, that my entire environment is the result of my  habitual tendency of thought. Also, that when I know that I should turn my thoughts into other channels, but do not, simply letting them run along the lines of least resistance, it is because my will is weak and untrained. Will you please tell me the quickest way that this can be remedied? 

You Acquire Energy, as Well as Ambition, by Exercising the Will 

Sage: I will give you a few exercises for developing the will, and from these you can fashion others to suit your own requirements. In the first place, it is important to realize that any tendency to strain will be detrimental and must be avoided. Such exercises are not only interesting, but stimulating, and if persistently practiced will keep your ambitions 

from lagging. They will give you new impulses, renewed energy, and determination to be and to something better and greater than anything in the past. Once you are fully conscious of the place and power of your will, in the mental realm, to keep the creative energy at work in formulating your desires, you will realize that it is very susceptible to training, and you will never again be content to live without its constant use, for it would be like living only half a life. 

Pupil: May I ask a question right here? I am a fairly good pianist but dislike to begin my practice, and, although I enjoy it once I have begun, to start is always a struggle. If I were to compel myself to practice on the piano at a certain time every day, would that develop and strengthen my will? 

Sage: It would help, but the greatest benefit would be in the direction of making you a better musician. The best way to strengthen your will is to practice exercises for the sole purpose of strengthening the will, always remembering, while taking them, that your effort is for self-training and self- control, to the end that you many realize yourself as a part of the great universal whole. In this way you gain a peaceful centralization, which, though maintained by a conscious act of the will, is the very essence of rest. With a well-developed, trained will, your thoughts will never wanted from the consciousness that “all is life, and all is good, and nature, from her clearly visible surface to her most arcane depths, is a storehouse for good.” You have the key to her great treasures, and whatever appeals to you most at any particular time and place, is that mode of the universal Living Spirit with which you are at that moment most in touch. Realizing this, 

you draw from out the universe streams of vital energy, which make the very act of living a joy, which radiate from you vibrations that can turn aside all injurious suggestions. This is surely a good and sufficient reason for developing the will. 

Exercise for Strengthening the Will 

The will is weak because of lack of exercise. Training the will is very much the same as training the muscles. Its development is gradual. Only will can develop will; consequently, you begin with what will you have, and expand and strengthen it thought its action upon itself. The weak will manifests in two phases: over-action and under-action; the former as impulsiveness, impetuousness, and the life, and the latter as lethargy, phlegmatism, etc. It is good to begin each day with a resolution not to hurry, and not to leave any task unfinished. Effort in this direction is of inestimable value. There should be only one object in your mind with reference to your exercise – the development and strengthening of your will. At the time have no thought of your improvement as a musician, for if there is any ulterior motive, your will- training will be lost sight of. 

Cultivate the Feeling of Contentment 

Cultivate the sense of contentment, and begin your exercise with that feeling, determining to do it in a happy frame of mind. This is important. Take your exercise as the time of day when interruptions are least likely to occur, for seven consecutive days, ten consecutive minutes a day. If an interruption occurs during the exercise, start all over again. If you forget the exercise for one day before you have finished your course of seven days, begin the entire set again and go through with it uninterruptedly. Place a notebook and pencil by your side before beginning. Now take fifty matches, beads, buttons, bits of paper, or any other small objects, and drop them slowly and deliberately into a box one by one, with a feeling of contentment and satisfaction, declaring with each movement, “I gill to will.” The one and most important thought is that you are training your will for the particular advantage of having a trained will, and this is why you should cultivate the feeling of contentment. 

The only method by which you can study the development of your will is by self- 

analysis and introspection, so, when you have finished your practice, ask yourself such questions as these: “What did I think about the exercise while I was doing it? Did I believe it would really cultivate my will, or did I do it just because I was told to? Did I actually concentrate on dropping the matches into the box, or wasp more concerned with their arrangement, or was I distracted with other thoughts, good or bad? Was I watching the time impatiently, or was I consciously engaging in thoughts of satisfaction and contentment? Did I have a sense of strain, or did it brace me up? Do I believe that it will really train my will if I faithfully follow it up long enough to prove it?” etc., etc. Write down this series of questions and answers in your notebook. You will find it both interesting and encouraging to keep this record and thus watch your progress. 

Stimulating an Interest in Your Will Exercise 

You can stimulate interest in your exercise by varying your resolution or intention. That is, one time hold a conscious attitude of joyously willing to will, another of powerfully willing to will, another of peacefully, and another contentedly, etc., etc. These variations in the exercise with the suggestions for introspection, which have been slightly changed, were taken from the best authority, as far as I know, along the lines of will-training, and I am positive will bring the attainment of a firm, strong will, and an intelligent use of it. 

Chapter 5 – Making Your Subjective Mind Work for You 

“The most potent force in the universe is the influence of the subconscious mind. 

The proper training of the correlation between the subliminal and the objective faculties is the ‘open sesame’ that unlocks the richest of storehouses, the fruit of remembering. 

And with remembering there follows natural reflections, vision, knowledge, culture, 

and all that tends to make of man a god, though in the germ.” 

-Dr. Edwin F Bowers 

Pupil: The subject of the subjective mind greatly interests me. I am sure that had I understood what you have said concerning it, I would have realized that all that was necessary to obtain my desires was to think out exactly what I wanted, consciously place it in my subjective mind, and it would at once begin to attract ways and means for its corresponding physical or material fulfillment. 

Sage: indeed the study of the subjective mind is an all- absorbing subject. I may be able to enlighten and help you to make working realities out of what now seems to be vague and even mysterious. But it will rest entirely with you to put vitality into these suggestions, and that can only be accomplished through using them. 

Pupil: You mean that by making practical use of your suggestions, I will be able to attain practical results which will help not only myself but others also? 

Sage: That is the idea. It has always seemed to me that the average person prefers the satisfaction of giving to another what he reclaims, rather than helping or teaching him how to attract the desired things to himself, which would give him in addition a feeling of assurance and liberty. You would unquestionably enjoy giving to others, and the recipient would likewise enjoy receiving, but, as a rule, it tends to pauperize the spirit of independence. 

Pupil: If I were to put into my subconscious mind a definite idea that all people have the same power in their subconscious minds to attract to themselves the things they desire through their own efforts, would that thought register in their subconscious minds.

Sage: That would be the intelligent way of impersonally helping others to connect with their limitless supply. 

Pupil: You have told me before that there was a definite way of impressing the subconscious mind with a particular 

thought. Would you mind explaining this again? 

Get into the Spirit of Your Desire 

Sage: The process is quite different from that of retaining an idea in the so-called intellectual mind. It is necessary, above all else, to get into the spirit of your desire, and an effort to feel relaxed and confident will help you to do this. 

“The spirit of a thing is that which is the source of its inherent movement.” For example, if you wish to impress your subconscious mind with the sense of contentment, you must meditate on the quality of contentment. See how that affects you. If in response to your meditation you feel relaxed and confident, you may be sure that your subconscious 

mind has been impressed with that thought. This is getting “into the spirit” of contentment; not bemuse of certain physical reasons, but because of your recognition of life’s action in you in this specific direction. You have the whole of Universal Mind to draw from. There is no limit to the creative power of your subjective mind once you have impressed it with your intention. This example applies to everything great or small. 

Pupil: Since my subjective mind is a part of the Universal Mind, if I impress it with an idea or desire, does this impression pass automatically into the Universal Subjective Mind? 

Sage: Your subjective mind is in essence the same as the Universal Subjective Mind with which it is inseparably connected. It should be understood that your subjective mind receives its impressions from the objective mind and never from material things. It is therefore necessary to withdraw your thought from the material or physical thing you desire, and to mentally dwell upon the spiritual symbol of it, which is the inherent source of its formation.

How to Visualize and Objectify, the Mental Image 

All this may seem somewhat involved to you, because it is the study of the intangible rather than the tangible, but it will unfold to you as we go on, and it will seem quite simple. All we know of the invisible is gained from what we see it do on the plane of the visible. Perhaps an illustration will give you a clearer idea of that interior part of your being, which is the support of all that which must naturally subsist in the universal here and the everlasting now. 

First, endeavor to realize yourself as pure spirit, the essential quality of which is good. Pure spirit is pure life, and naturally, the only thing it could desire is to manifest more and more life, without reference to the forms through which the manifestation takes place. Consequently, “the purer your intention, the more readily it is placed in your subconscious mind,” which instantly passes it into the Universal Mind. For example: If you want a house, a certain kind of a chair, a sum of money, or anything else, you should first ponder studiously on how the desired object originated. Meditating thus on the original spirit of the thing in question starts the creative power of your subjective mind (which is in touch with the creative energy which exists) operating in that specific direction. Suppose it is a house you desire. 

You will go back to the original concept of it. The idea of a house had its origin in a primary need for shelter, protection from the elements, and comfort, and out of these original desires there grew our present dwellings. So you proceed to build a house in your own consciousness first, thinking only harmonious, constructive thoughts regarding it. This kind of thinking (or building) gives your subjective mind definite material to work with, and because of its amenableness to suggestion, coupled with its native creative power, it will go ahead and eventually bring the house into manifestation. 

Pupil: If I earnestly and righteously desire a certain kind of a home, how shall I proceed? 

Sage: You should first form a clear conception in your objective mind of the sort of a house which you desire; whether one, two, or three stories; the number and size of the rooms; how many windows and doors; in short, you should mentally picture the completed house, both inside and out. Go all around the house; look over the exterior; then go indoors and examine it carefully from cellar to garret in even detail. Then drop the picture and well in the spiritual prototype of the house. 

Pupil: I do not fully understand what the spiritual prototype is. 

Sage: The simplest method of finding a spiritual prototype of any object is to ask yourself to what use it is to be put, what does it stand for, in other words, what is the reason for its being? As we have been saying, a house is a place of shelter, comfort, protection. It might be called a refuge. 

Pupil: Then if I want a house (really a home), and there seems to ordinary way of my having it, I am to impress my 

desire upon by subjective mind, by mentally picturing the type of house I want, in conjunction with the ideas of shelter, comfort, and protection, and mentally live in that state of mind, while, in order to supplement a mental atmosphere of “pure intention,” I admit no thoughts of discord, such as anger, jealousy, doubt, fear, etc., but entertain thoughts of love, joy, beauty, and harmony. Would this not be literally living in my true mental abode. And could I not expect to see it objectified in a material home? 

What the House Symbolizes 

Sage: Yes, because every physical or material thing is the result of an idea first possessed in consciousness. These ideas, which are universal by nature, are specialized by your mental picture, and your concentrated effort to inhibit thoughts 

which concern the operation of the laws of life. This habit of thought-formation, if persisted in, opens the way for the physical manifestation of the mental picture, whatever it may be, the case in point being a house. A house is an effect of 

a need for shelter, comfort, protection, and the life. 

Pupil: I have never thought before of what a house really symbolized. It seems quite natural now to think of it as an externalized object of an inward originating idea of comfort, shelter, and protection, which you have taught me is its prototype. Now, my natural impulse would be to go into the house and bolt the doors and windows, if I were afraid of some outside invasion and wanted to protect myself. Yes this might not always give me a feeling of security. From where does that sense of real protection come? 

Living in the Sense of Protection 

Sage: The first necessity would be for you to have the house to go into, before you could bolt the doors and windows 

against unwelcome intrusion or impending danger. After having acquired this refuge, it alone would not insure complete protection. The feeling of protection is established within yourself through your knowledge that you are protected by the Almighty, Ever-Present, Intelligent Power of Life. Surely you know you are alive, and this understanding brings a sense of security which locked doors or barred windows cannot give. 

Pupil: It would be wonderful if one could constantly live in that thought of protection! 

Sage: It is to this end we are journeying. As we have seen, in the mind of man there is a power which enables him to contact the unlimited universal Power of God, Spirit, and thereby envelop himself in it. One of the most satisfying and comforting feelings possible is this one of being protected from within oneself. 

Pupil: I see. One should endeavor to keep the suggestion of one’s real self; which is one’s real protection, constantly in mind; that self which is one with all Life and all Intelligence, which not only preserves but provides for all. To return to the subject of the house. It being, then, the outward fulfillment or manifestation of a desire or need for shelter and protection, the mode of procedure necessary to procure it would be to get into the spirit of Life’s intelligent protection, and it in turn would attract the necessary conditions to bring into tangible being a house, or whatever form of refuge was most required, and visualized? 

Sage: Mentally entering into the spirit of Life’s amenable creative force, it will take any special form your desire gives it, which is mentally pictured or visualized. The house is only an illustration. 

Pupil: I understand. Now suppose one wanted more money or better health. What would be the prototype for these? 

Sage: It is always best to find one’s own prototype. Let us refer to the suggestions I have already given you. What does money symbolize? For what is it to be used? For myself, I find that the prototype for money is Substance, and my method for manifesting more money is to mentally picture the sum I require for a particular purpose, either in bank- notes, check, or draft, whichever seems the most natural. After making a clear, distinct picture, I enlarge my vision of money as the symbol of life’s substance, as applied to the use I intend to put it to. I believe that money is the greatest factor for constructive exchange that we have today. 

How to Develop Health and Harmony 

In the case of money, you would hold firmly in your mind the fact that the Substance of life fills all space. It is, indeed, the starting point of all things, whether it takes the form of desired sums of money or of something else. For physical health you would endeavor to keep your thought as harmonious as possible, and mentally picture yourself as well and 

doing the useful, happy things in your daily life that a healthy person would naturally do, always understanding that the originating Life Principle in you must act harmoniously upon itself in order to produce harmonious physical results. 

Pupil: Then the most important point in demonstrating health is not so much the mental picture, as the control of thought in a definite center, irrespective of conditions or symptoms- really living in the prototype, a wholly perfect and harmonious expression of God the Father Spirit, the source of health and life. 

Sage: Exactly, and this is where your trained will comes in to help you to hold your picture and to steadfastly live in your prototype. The mental picture is the seed you plant, so to speak, and the quality of thought which you entertain most persistently impresses itself upon the subconscious mind and starts the creative energy molding itself into the form of your mental picture. 

Pupil: Then Life’s only creative power is Subjective Mind, which reproduces on the outward or physical plan the idea with which it has been impressed. What a field of possibilities this stupendous fact opens up if one could only prove it! 

Sage: To obtain continuous good results it is a necessity to properly understand your relation to this great unformed, highly impressionable power you are dealing with. “Never try to make yourself believe what you know is not true.” Unless your faith is built upon the solid foundation of absolute conviction, you will never be able to make practical use of it. 

Pupil: This solid foundation of conviction – how can it be established permanently? One day I feel sure of it, and the next my assurance seems to have turned to stone, and nothing I can do will bring it to life again! 

Use Your Creative Power Constructively, Never Destructively 

Sage: You give your unqualified consent that you possess this creative power when you use it constructively instead of destructively. Remember, that the creative energy has only one method of operating, which is its reciprocal action from the Universal Mind to your subjective mind, and then from your subjective mind back into the Universal Subjective Mind which IS its SOURCE, and which unfailingly corresponds to the thought which originally generated it. Your greatest aim should be to irrevocably convince yourself that the Originating Spirit which brought the whole world into existence is the 

root of Your individuality. “Therefore, it is the “ever ready to continue its creative action through you.” Just as soon and just as fast as YOU provide these thought channels, you will find yourself the possessor of an unfailing reproductive power. 

Pupil: I suppose I am not unlike others, in that I am always willing to take all the credit for the good which comes to me, and unwilling to take the credit for my miseries, placing the blame on somebody or some condition over which I believe I have no control. How can I overcome this wretched tendency? 

Sage: I can only repeat, by endeavoring steadfastly to remember that the only creative power there is has but one way of working, which is that of reciprocal action. There is only one primary cause; the Universal Subjective Mind, of which your own subjective mind is a part. To gain in understanding, it is necessary to be persistent in impression your subconscious mind with the fact of its relationship to the unlimited whole. Bring your every thought and feeling into obedient connection with the best there is in you. This old saying has a world of truth in it: “What thou seest, that thou be’st; dust if thou seest dust; God if thou seest God.” 

Hold the Thought of What You Are, to Guide You into What You Want to Be. 

Pupil: Which means, I suppose, that the law is always the same. The thought I maintain becomes a fact in my mental as well as in my physical plane, so I must hold the thought of what I really am in order to become what I would like to be? 

Sage: Yes, endeavor never to lose sight of this fact. 

Pupil: like the illustration you gave of the house, it has its birth in the idea of protection, irrespective of any physical form? 

Sage: Protection is an inherent quality of life; consequently it fills all space, ever ready to be called into any form of expression. If you get into the spirit of that idea, you will see how quickly corresponding results will appear. Because the quality of the subject mind is the same in you as it is “throughout the universe, giving rise to the multitude of natural 

forms with which you are surrounded, also giving rise to yourself?” It really is the supporter of your individuality. Your individual subjective mind is your part in the great whole, as I have declared before. The realization of this will enable you to produce physical results through the power of your own thought. 

Pupil: That reveals to me your meaning in “The Edinburgh Lectures.” Page 33, where you say, “One should regard his individual subjective mind as the organ of the absolute, and his objective mind as the organ of the relative.” I will never forget that fact again. 

Cultivate the Idea of Protection 

Sage: The idea in the absolute is the very beginning (or nucleus) of the thing, regardless of the form through which it expresses. For instance, the pure idea of protection exists in life itself (is one of its innate qualities) and has no relation 

to a house or any building erected for that purpose. 

Pupil: Then it is my objective mind or intellect which suggests to this self-existing, absolute power the idea of this relationship? 

Sage: Quite so, and if you will pattern the thought you have just expressed, telling your subconscious mind over and over again that it is the one and only creative power, which always brings into physical manifestation corresponding forms of the ideas with which it is impressed, you will realize the joys of success, 

Pupil: I “see through a glass darkly.” Is there no way to develop a keener sense of just how to awaken the subconscious mind so that it will respond more quickly? 

Sage: I will be happy to give you a copy of a letter I once wrote in response to a question similar to yours. This letter was considered so helpful that the men to whom it was written had it put into pamphlet form, now out of print. It seems to me that the main thing that I said in that letter was “Don’t try!” 

Pupil: Why! I thought that trying was to be my main endeavor, even though it was difficult? 

A Letter of Golden Leaves The Sage’s Letter 

To answer your question as to how a “Keener sense of the subjective mind may be awakened,” the answer is “Don’t try. Don’t try to make thing what they are not.” 

Subjective mind is subjective just because it lies below the threshold of consciousness. It is the Builder of the Body, but we can neither see, hear, nor feel it building. Just keep in your conscious mind a quiet, calm expectation that subjective mind is always at work in accordance with the habitual thought of your objective mind. ..and then subjective mind will take care of itself. 

Then the question is, how to keep the conscious thought in a life-enjoying and life-giving current. My answer to this is very simple, thought perhaps old-fashioned. It is, keep looking at God. Don’t trouble about theology, but try to realize the Universal Divine Spirit as perpetually flowing through all things; through insensible things as atomic energy; through animals as instinct; through man as thought. If this be so, then your manifestation of God will correspond with your habitual thought of God. 

Quietly contemplate the Divine Spirit as a continual flowing of Life, Light, Intelligence, Love and Power, and you will find this current flowing through you and manifesting in a hundred ways, both mentally and physically, in your affairs. You do not make this 

current, but you prepare the conditions which will either cause it to trickle through thinly and weakly, or flow through strongly. 

You prepare the conditions on the interior side by a mental attitude of looking into the light (God is Light) with the expectancy of thence receiving life and Illumination, and on the exterior side by not denying in your work what you are trying to hold in your thought, -for yourself the simple Law of Enjoyment of all that you can enjoy, ruled by moderation, and toward others equally simple Law of Honesty and Kindness. I know you have heard these things ever since you were a child, but what we all want is to realize our connection with the building power within. The connection is this: that the Spirit, as it flows through you, becomes you, and it becomes in you just what you take it fork, just as water takes the shape of the pipe it flows through. It takes shape from your thought. It is exceedingly sensitive- how much more, then, must the pure Life Principle itself be sensitive? 

Think over this. Think it over and then think. Think of it kindly, lovingly, trustfully, and as a welcome companion. It will respond exactly. Think of it as a Living light, continually 

flowing through and vivifying you, and it will respond exactly. If you ask why it does this, the answer is because IT is the Infinite of your Real Self. Let this answer suffice you. You will only darken the Light by trying to analyze the Divine Spirit. 

You cannot dissect God. This doesn’t mean being impractical, but getting to the very not of truly practical. We have our ordinary business to do, but, believe me, it is the scientific method to bring everything into the Divine light. Then let your ideas be desires to see it in the Divine light, let your ideas regarding it grow quietly of themselves, and you will see it in its proper and true light whatever the thing may be. Then when you have seen what the thing really is, go on and handle it in accordance with the four principles of Cheerfulness, Moderation, Honestly and Kindness. Don’t worry, and don’t try to force things; let them grow, because, by recognizing the continual flow of the Spirit, you are providing the conditions, for Life is the light which will make than grow the right way. Don’t bother about subjective mind and objective mind, or theories of any sort, or description, either mine or anyone else’s; but just do what I have said and try it for six months, and I think you will find you have got hold of the Power that Works, and, after all, that is what we want. It is all summed up in this: Live naturally with the Spirit and don’t worry. Remember, you and your Spirit are One, and it is all quite natural. You will perhaps say that this is too simple. Well, we don’t want to introduce unnecessary complications. Try practicing and leave the theory to take care of itself. “Living Spirit is not to be found in a book.” 

Sage: Many have written me from all parts of the world voicing you expression. Once a lady in New York City wrote asking me to explain to her exactly what I mean in the pamphlet about Spirit becoming you. Thinking you might like to see a copy of my reply, I brought it along for you. 

Pupil: Thank you so much. Am I at liberty to keep these letters? 

Sage: Quite. 

The Letter of the Master 

With regard to the sentence in the pamphlet on the Subjective Mind about the Spirit becoming you, I really don’t see how to express my meaning any more clearly. What I mean is that in a cat it becomes a cat; and in a cabbage it becomes a cabbage; but in man, who is conscious, living intelligence, it becomes conscious, living intelligence. 

And if so, then since the Spirit is Infinite you can by prayer and meditation draw upon it for increased living intelligence, i.e., all depends on your mode of recognition of it. In the sentence you quote, ‘It is exceedingly sensitive,’ etc,. I am not referring to the water, but the Spirit. I mean that if the subconscious mind in ourselves is sensitive to suggestion, the creative principle is sensitive to suggestion, the creative principle from which it springs must be still more so, and takes shape from your thought accordingly. 

But you must remember that the pamphlet was not written for publication. It was merely a private letter, and I was never consulted on the subject of publishing it, or perhaps I should have worded it more carefully. Supply and demand is a very large subject, but eventually you will always have to come back to the teaching of Jesus, “Ask and ye shall receive.” We may write volumes on the subject, but in the end it always comes to this, and we have gained nothing by going a long way around. I am coming more and more to see that the teaching of Jesus is the final embodiment of all that writers on those subjects are trying to teach. In the end we have to drop all our paraphernalia of 

argument and come back to his statement of the working method. 

All the Bible premises are based on the divine knowledge of your mental constitution, and by simple reliance on it we therefore afford centers through which the Creative Power of the Universe can act in correspondence with our recognition of it. “According to your faith so be it unto you.” Our faith is our real thought. If our real thought is expectation of disease and poverty, and so open the door to it. The whole purpose of the Bible is to direct our thought (which is our faith) in the right way, instead of leaving us to form it invertedly. 

Therefore, as the basis for our faith, the Bible gives us Promises. Pin your faith to the Promises, and you need not bother your brains to argue about it. The more you argue, the more you will pin your faith to your own argument and your understanding of the law; and as a logical sequence you make the fulfillment of your desire depend on your correct arguing and exact knowledge, so that the result is you are depending entirely upon yourself- and so you are ‘no forwarder’ and are just simply where you were. On the other hand by simply believing the Divine Promises, you transfer the whole operation to the Divine Spirit (your subjective mind), and so you have a good ground of expectation, and by your mental receptive attitude you become a ‘fellow worker’ with God. You allow the All Creating Spirit to work in, for, and through you. This is the conception of St. Paul always had in his epistles, in all of them showing the weakness of 

relying on Law, and the strength of Faith in Promises. 

This also, I think, was Jesus’ meaning when He said: ‘Blessed is he that hath not seen and yet hath believed.’ Well, I hope that these few remarks will be useful to you, but I am wondering how this point of view will appeal to an American audience, and that is another reason why I am rather doubtful about coming over. The more I think of this subject, the less see in trying to make ‘Supply,’ ‘Health.’ and all the usual New Thought topics the subject of a set of mechanical rules like the rules of arithmetic. It throws the burden back on yourself, while your whole object is to get rid of it. It is the old temptation of Eden over again-the Tree of Knowledge, reliance on our own acquisition of Knowledge; on the Tree of Life, -reliance of God’s own nature and His desire for expression in us  and through us, which is the meaning of all the promises. The former looks clever but isn’t. The latter looks childish but  is the fulfillment of all law, and is life. If you see things in this light, which I am sure is the true one, the model you will  have to take for the ‘School of the Builders’ is The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner.’  The reference is to the heat pyramid and the topmost stone-also to our crowning stone in Westminster Abbey-and of course it refers superlatively to Christ. But properly instructed builders do not reject this stone. On the contrary, they  recognize it as both the Foundation and the apex of the Building of the Temple. You remember how St. Paul calls himself  a wise master-builder. Is it any use for me to come to America to teach these things, which is some form or another 

have been taught there ever since the arrival of the Mayflower? Of course, I can talk about Vibration, Nervous System, the Pyramid, and the like, and the working of Natural Laws; but the Creating Principle is apart. ‘A. worshiper of God and a student of Nature; is what one of our old thinkers called himself. The Power is of God and is received by Man and Man exercises it upon nature. That is the true order. One meaning of the Masonic symbol of the five pointed star is that everything returns to its starting point. Start from the apex of the triangle and trace the line around and you come back to the apex. If, then, your starting point is in Heaven, you go back to Heaven and the Divine Power, and so get rid of the burden; but if your starting point is on earth (i.e., your own acquisition of knowledge of laws), you get back to earth, which is indicated by the inverted triangle. You will find the Promises of man’s power over Nature, Conditions, etc., fully stated in Mark 11: 22-25, and no teaching can promise more than this.” 

God Has Ripened a Great Mind 

Pupil: No words can express what a privilege I feel it to have you thus unfold and make clear to me the truths I have struggled so hard to understand. God has surely blessed you with one of the greatest minds of the present generation. 

Sage: Not at all. There are many who know much more than I along these lines. For myself, however, I am certain that there is but one God, that God and man are one, and that my mind is a center of Divine Operation; this in itself is a blessing. Much has already been written on these subjects; it is all so simple. 

Pupil: I know it is simple to you, but to us, who are struggling between certainty and uncertainty, it is a rare benefit to be able to sit and listen at the feet of certainty. 

Sage: I am happy indeed that these lessons have been helpful. It has been a great pleasure for me to have exchanged ideas with you, and I know that you will pass them on to others whenever you feel they will be helpful. It seems to me that you now have all the material necessary to build for yourself a foundation and superstructure of absolute faith in God and of the power of God in you, which is your subjective mind. This knowledge, well established, gives you dominion over every adverse circumstance and condition, because you are in conscious touch with your limitless supply. “Only believe in the God within, and all things are possible unto you.” 

Chapter 6 – Hourly Helps 

A Spiritual practice is composed of one or more of the 7 tools of transformation 

Sage: I want in this lesson to give you, in the most practical form, the means whereby you may meet the disquieting things of life-the things which wear soul, spirit, and body almost to the snapping point. I want you to take these admonitions and instructions into your most intimate life and keep them bright and shining by daily use. They will help 

you hourly in overcoming destructive elements, and in attracting constrictive ones. 


When anger begins to stir you, take deep breaths; hold your thought on the inflow of breath as being rays of light, breathing deeper and deeper. Continue the deep breaths until you have taken twenty-five inhalations; hold each one while you count to seven. Then expel slowly, keeping your thought steadily on the inhalation, mentally seeing it go all through your lungs, and penetrating every part of your body s rays of light. Then meditate upon any real live thought about yourself, such as being one with all life and good. A little practice in this way will soon relieve you of the tendency to anger. 


When conditions are not to your liking and you find yourself thinking more and more about how unhappy you are because of than, stay out of doors in the open all you possibly an. Endeavor to walk at least two miles every day,  breathing deeply of the fresh air with this thought: “I am breathing in the life, the Love and the Power of the universe, right now.” Do not permit your thought to slip back into the old groove. Fill your mind with this declaration about yourself. You have been given dominion over every adverse condition through your power of thought. Persist in your steady recognition of this fact. Tell yourself over and over again that all is well right now in your thought and feeling consequently outside conditions must and will correspond. 


If your body is the expression of thought, then disease must be the result of a belief that your body is subject to disease. Tell yourself many times a day that all physical disease is the result of discordant thoughts, and when you have actually accepted this statement as a truth, you will be careful to entertain only healthy, harmonious thoughts for yourself or another. For example, if you feel a headache coming on, begin at once to take deep breaths, and repeat with each breath that breath is Life, and that life is perfect health. “I am alive, so the health of life is manifesting in me right now.” 


This subtle destructive power should be shut out at all times by the recognition of your direct contact with all the joy there is, because you are one with its Source, Universal Good. If the joyous life does not express itself through the exact channels which you expect, know that it will do so through others. Life wants to express joy through you, for it made you an instrument in which and through which to do it. Because you are here for that purpose. You can and do enjoy all the good which Life has to give. Take some physical exercises while holding that thought. A good one is to sit on a chair and 

take a deep breath; then slowly exhale, and as you exhale, gradually bend at the hips until you can touch the floor with the tips of our fingers. Repeat this seven times with the affirmation: “The joy of God is flowing in me and through me right now.” 


When this enemy to peace and happiness begins to advance, sing, sing sing, right out loud if you can, or else do it mentally. Sing anything you like. Watch your breath control, and every night put into your subconscious mind the thought that God brought you into existence for the purpose of expressing all of Life’s harmonies, both in you and through you, and it is your divine right to BE harmony and to be harmonious in your daily experience. Meditate upon the harmony you see expressed in nature and endeavor to apply it in your thought, and then express it. 


This is failure on your part to recognize the Almighty limitless Source of Supply (God) as your never-failing, co-operative partner. When you are assailed with the thought of discouragement, immediately ask yourself, “What kind of a power was it that brought me into existence, and for what purpose?” Then repeat slowly and thinkingly, “I do believe and I am persuaded that God is an ever-present, never-failing source of protection and supply.” Watch your thoughts lest any contrary to this affirmation be lurking around in the corners of your mind, and stick to it with all the will that you have, 

and you will break down the suggestion that there is any power in discouragement. 


Envy is due to a sense of separation from God, Good. Endeavor to realize that where there is life, that life has to give is present in its entirety at all times and in all places, and will come into visible expression through the persistent recognition of this grand fact. 


One writer has said that fear is the only devil there is. Certainly it is the most destructive power one can entertain. When fear comes to assail you, close the door of your mind against it with this positive thought: “The only creative power there is, is thought. All things are possible to him who believes that the God which brought man into existence did so for the purpose of expressing His Fatherly love and protection in His cilia. I believe in God, the Father almighty, as my life, my intelligence, manifesting in my consciousness now.” As you think this, walk briskly or take strenuous exercise. Whenever you sense fear returning, inhibit it instantly by substituting any thought which affirms the power of God in you. I n short, fear is absolutely overcome by withdrawing your thought from the physical reason or argument which would cause you to believe in a power other than God, and the spirit of Life and Love as your birthright. 


This is a lack of the realization that your intelligence is the instrument through which the Intelligence of the universe takes specific form. An effort to realize this fact should be a habit of mind, rather than spasmodic attempts made only with the necessity for decision arises. 


This is love’s greatest enemy, and if permitted to dwell within your consciousness, will ultimately destroy your ability to enjoy your life. It is the reaction of the fear of loss and can be overcome through prayer and watchfulness. Reason along these lines: “God is Life and God is Love. I am life and I am love. I cannot lose Love any more than I can lose Life.” When You are tempted to feel jealous, walk long distances as frequently as possible and keep your thought on Love itself, not on any one person whom you love, but just Love and its attributes. Think of God as Love. Keep all thought of personality out of mind, and you will find that love will spring up in you as a fountain of everlasting love and life and fill your consciousness through and through. 


The instant you begin to blame yourself to having done the wrong thing or for not having done the right thing, put this thought into your consciousness to the exclusion of every other: “Infinite Intelligence and Wisdom are expressing themselves in me more and more right now.” Take the exercise of bending the body from the hips (without bending the knees) so that you can touch the floor with the tips of your fingers, inhaling as you lift the body, and exhaling every time you bend. Repeat this exercise sixteen times, accompanied by the affirmation just given. 


This is brought about by lack of will-power: an evidence of a weak will. It means failure, because you have no thought- power to give the unformed energy of life the particular thought- material necessary to produce desired results. Absolute mental (thought) control is the one and only thing which is necessary for you to do, to be, or to have what you want. Without it, you scatter your forces. If you permit your thoughts to run riot without restraint, the conditions of your life will become chaotic. For example: A friend does something of which you do not approve, or perhaps your present circumstances are undesirable. Refuse to let your thought dwell on the injustice of your friend, for dwelling on it would only produce greater unhappiness for you. Control your thoughts and do not think of our friend in this connection. 

Instead, consider the many fine attributes of friendship, and this will restore harmony. Do the same in regard to your unpleasant circumstances. Don’t picture them mentally and say to yourself, “How dreadful they are!” But repeat the glorious truth which I have previously referred to: “My mind is a center of divine operation.” etc., and divine operation is always for greater advancement and better things. You will experience this if you cling faithfully to this line of reasoning. 


A highly sensitive mind is simply a “self-mind,” a form of unadulterated selfishness. Your feelings are hurt because someone says something which you do not life, or dos something which displeases you. Or conversely, he fails to say or to do what you think he should. To eradicate this baneful though-habit, use the same method of argument as for self- indulgence, and if faithful in your mental work, your efforts will be rewarded, and you will free yourself. 


A continually unhappy state of mind is the direct result of constantly viewing life from the physical standpoint as though that were life’s only reality. Every night, before you go to sleep, put well into your subconscious mind this thought: “There is but One Mind to think about me or to make laws over me, and that is the Mind of Divine Love and Divine 

Power.” Even morning meditate upon this thought. Use it as your shield and buckler at the first suggestion of any sense of unhappiness. You will soon find that the tendency to be discontented and unhappy will vanish, and happier conditions will come into your experience. 

Chapter 7 – Putting Your Lessons Into Practice 

Just as I am completing this manuscript for the printer, the idea suggests itself that it will also be helpful to give a definite idea, in formula form, of how to be and have what you want. First, you should endeavor to learn to be as near the perfect reflection of your own idea of God as possible, in thought and action. It may seem impossible at first thought, 

to even approach such a goal, but reflection upon the thought that God made you out of Himself, because He wised to see and feel Himself in you, will help you to persevere. When you first began to learn to read, no doubt you felt in your childish way that it would be wonderful to read as well as the grown-ups could; you kept on trying and then you read. 

Perhaps you have a big desire which you would give your life to have fulfilled. In reality it is only necessary for you to give a few moments each day to earnest effort, in getting into the spirit of this idea of God and living in it every waking hour. Then endeavor to find the Spiritual Prototype for your desire. By this I mean inhibit all thought of the physical side of your desire. If you desire a true companion, close your mind entirely to all personality and physical being, and dwell in thought and feeling on the spirit of love and true comradeship, without reference to any physical person. 

The person is the instrument through which these particular qualities manifest, and not the qualities themselves, as we often learn too late. Or you may desire improved financial condition. Here again it is not mere money you desire. It is that which money symbolizes: Substance, liberty, Freedom from lack. Therefore, you should go alone night and morning (or any time when you are certain you will not be disturbed) and meditate first upon your own true relation to God. After your feeling has been stimulated to the point of certainty, then meditate upon the ever- present, never-failing substance and freedom of God. 

Try not to lose sight of the fact that the greatest magnet for acquiring money is Ideas. There is every reason that you should capture one of these big money ideas, if you will persistently follow the suggestions given. If you do this, you will not only capture the idea, but also the courage to put the idea into practical application. This courage, put to positive uses, will bring you to the goal of your desire- substance, love, friends, health, happiness, and the peace that passeth all understanding. May all these come to you in the richest measure. 

manifest magazine

What you desire is already created, it is within, you do not have to create it | creation is finished

What you desire is already created, it is within you, and you do not have to create it | Creation is finished

We are not “creating”, all is already created, we are merely organizing creation.

It is not either or:

The idea of desires being caused by either the ego or the spiritual is a misconception in the law of assumption. In truth, every desire is rooted in the ego and is also influenced by the spirit. It’s not an either/or scenario; it’s both. Everything that appears in the dual world, the world of illusion and separation, is anchored in consciousness, spirit, or the divine. Without this anchoring, it would cease to exist. Pure consciousness itself does not possess desires; it simply exists as awareness. And since it is inherently Bliss, it represents the fulfillment of desires.

A desire can not be “spiritual”

Desires only exist in the dualistic realm, serving as an intrinsic part of our being to guide us back to consciousness, unity, and oneness. The presence of desires signifies our yearning for our divine nature, for experiencing Bliss. These desires are planted within us by our divine spirit. Rather than battling against the ego, we should welcome our desires with open arms. Instead of questioning whether we are allowed to want something better, more, or different in life, we should seek perfect clarity, asking ourselves in which desires will makes us grow in a direction we want. We should aks ourselves what we need to create fulfilment.

Creation is finished

Another important aspect to understand in the process of manifestation is that what you desire is already created. It exists within you, waiting to be discovered and brought into your experience. The act of manifestation is not about creating something entirely new; rather, it is about uncovering and aligning with what already exists within your consciousness.

Discover that embodying the state, and assuming your natural born Bliss is your birthright. The state of the wish-fulfilled!  Trust that all is  already present and available to you. 


The key lies in finding your CLEAR fulfilment within yourself.  Not your confusion.  Not your doubts and fears. Your fulfilment, undiluted by your mind’s incessant and useless opinions, and thoughts. This involves some introspection, and self-reflection. Take the time to connect with your heart. Only by turning inward, will you gain access to what will actually create fulfilment for you.

The state of the wish fulfilled

Rather than imagining that whatever you desire is outside of yourself, like a mirage, or a vacation poser, somewhere out there, imagine feeling fulfilment, and discover what that means for you. This is the method of “The state of the wish fulfilled”. 

What you desire is not something you have to create from scratch.

It is already a part of you

You are the vessel through which the universe manifests itself.

In conclusion, desires arise from the ego but are intricately connected to consiousness. They serve as a guiding force leading us back to our divine nature and consciousness. 

Rather than battling against the ego, seek internal fulfilment and articulate your desires within yourself.

Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption!

Neville Goddard

manifest magazine

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Awakened Imagination And The Search | Neville Goddard | Book & Audiobook

Awakened Imagination And The Search | Neville Goddard | Book & Audiobook

Awakened Imagination And The Search:

Awakened Imagination & The Search


To Bill

“Imagination, the real and eternal world of which this Vegetable Universe is but a faint shadow. What is the life of Man but Art and Science?”


“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”


Chapter One 


I rest not from my great task

To open the Eternal Worlds,

to open the immortal Eyes

Of Man inwards into the Worlds of Thought: into Eternity

Ever expanding in the Bosom of God,

The Human Imagination.

-Blake, Jerusalem 5:18-20

CERTAIN WORDS in the course of long use gather so many strange connotations that they almost cease to mean anything at all. Such a word is imagination. This word is made to serve all manner of ideas, some of them directly opposed to one another. Fancy, thought, hallucination, suspicion: indeed, so wide is its use and so varied its meanings, the word imagination has no status nor fixed significance.

For example, we ask a man to “use his imagination”, meaning that his present outlook is too restricted and therefore not equal to the task. In the next breath, we tell him that his ideas are “pure imagination”, thereby implying that his ideas are unsound. We speak of a jealous or suspicious person as a “victim of his own imagination”, meaning that his thoughts are untrue. A minute later we pay a man the highest tribute by describing him as a “man of imagination”.

Thus the word imagination has no definite meaning. Even the dictionary gives us no help. It defines imagination as (1) the picturing power or act of the mind, the constructive or creative principle; (2) a phantasm; (3) an irrational notion or belief; (4) planning, plotting or scheming as involving mental construction.

I identify the central figure of the Gospels with human imagination, the power which makes the forgiveness of sins, the achievement of our goals, inevitable.

All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. John 1:3

There is only one thing in the world, Imagination, and all our deformations of it.

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Isaiah 53:3

Imagination is the very gateway of reality.

“Man”, said Blake, “is either the ark of God or a phantom of the earth and of the water”. “Naturally he is only a natural organ subject to Sense”. “The Eternal Body of Man is The Imagination: that is God himself, The Divine Body. [yod, shin, ayin; from right to the left]: Jesus: we are His Members”.

I know of no greater and truer definition of the Imagination than that of Blake. By imagination we have the power to be anything we desire to be.

Through imagination, we disarm and transform the violence of the world. Our most intimate as well as our most casual relationships become imaginative, as we awaken to “the mystery hid from the ages” [Colossians 1:26], that Christ in us is our imagination.

We then realize that only as we live by imagination can we truly be said to live at all.

I want this book to be the simplest, clearest, frankest work I have the power to make it, that I may encourage you to function imaginatively, that you may open your “Immortal Eyes inwards into the Worlds of Thought” [William Blake], where you behold every desire of your heart as ripe grain “white already to harvest” [John 4:35].

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

The abundant life that Christ promised us is ours to experience now, but not until we have the sense of Christ as our imagination can we experience it.

The mystery hid from the ages… Christ in you, the hope of glory, Colossians 1:26,27, is your imagination.

This is the mystery which I am ever striving to realize more keenly myself and to urge upon others.

Imagination is our redeemer, “the Lord from Heaven” born of man but not begotten of man [The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed or the Symbol of Faith, 325/381 A.D.].

Every man is Mary and birth to Christ must give.

If the story of the immaculate conception and birth of Christ appears irrational to man, it is only because it is misread as biography, history, and cosmology, and the modern explorers of the imagination do not help by calling It the unconscious or subconscious mind.

Imagination’s birth and growth is the gradual transition from a God of tradition to a God of experience. If the birth of Christ in man seems slow, it is only because man is unwilling to let go the comfortable but false anchorage of tradition.

When imagination is discovered as the first principle of religion, the stone of literal understanding will have felt the rod of Moses and, like the rock of Zion [Isaiah 28:16; Romans 9:33], issue forth the water of psychological meaning to quench the thirst of humanity; and all who take the proffered cup and live a life according to this truth will transform the water of psychological meaning into the wine of forgiveness. Then, like the good Samaritan [Luke 10:33-35], they will pour it on the wounds of all.

The Son of God is not to be found in history, nor in any external form. He can only be found as the imagination of him in whom His presence becomes manifest.

O, would thy heart but be a manger for His birth! God would once more become a child on earth.

[Angelus Silesius, a 17th century poet]

Man is the garden in which this only-begotten Son of God sleeps. He awakens this Son by lifting his imagination up to heaven and clothing men in godlike stature. We must go on imagining better than the best we know.

Man in the moment of his awakening to the imaginative life must meet the test of Sonship.

“Father, reveal Thy Son in me” [James Montgomery]

and “It pleased God to reveal His Son in me”. Galatians 1:15,16

The supreme test of Sonship is the forgiveness of sin. The test that your imagination is Christ Jesus, the Son of God, is your ability to forgive sin. Sin means missing one’s mark in life, falling short of one’s ideal, failing to achieve one’s aim. Forgiveness means identification of man with his ideal or aim in life. This is the work of awakened imagination, the supreme work, for it tests man’s ability to enter into and partake of the nature of his opposite.

Let the weak man say, I am strong. Joel 3:10

Reasonably, this is impossible. Only awakened imagination can enter into and partake of the nature of its opposite.

This conception of Christ Jesus as human imagination raises these fundamental questions: Is imagination a power sufficient, not merely to enable me to assume that I am strong, but is it also of itself capable of executing the idea?

Suppose that I desire to be in some other place or situation. Could I, by imagining myself into such a state and place, bring about their physical realization? Suppose I could not afford the journey and suppose my present social and financial status oppose the idea that I want to realize. Would imagination be sufficient of itself to incarnate these desires? Does imagination comprehend reason? By reason, I mean deductions from the observations of the senses.

Does it recognize the external world of facts? In the practical way of everyday life is imagination a complete guide to behavior?

Suppose I am capable of acting with continuous imagination, that is, suppose I am capable of sustaining the feeling of my wish fulfilled, will my assumption harden into fact?

And, if it does harden into fact, shall I on reflection find that my actions through the period of incubation have been reasonable? Is my imagination a power sufficient, not merely to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, but is it also of itself capable of incarnating the idea?

After assuming that I am already what I want to be, must I continually guide myself by reasonable ideas and actions in order to bring about the fulfillment of my assumption?

Experience has convinced me that an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact, that continuous imagination is sufficient for all things, and all my reasonable plans and actions will never make up for my lack of continuous imagination.

Is it not true that the teachings of the Gospels can only be received in terms of faith and that the Son of God is constantly looking for signs of faith in people – that is, faith in their own imagination?

Is not the promise

Believe that ye receive and ye shall receive, Mark 11:24,

the same as “Imagine that you are and you shall be”? Was it not an imaginary state in which Moses “Endured, as seeing Him who is invisible” [Hebrews 11:27]?

Was it not by the power of his own imagination that he endured?

Truth depends upon the intensity of the imagination, not upon external facts. Facts are the fruit bearing witness of the use or misuse of the imagination.

Man becomes what he imagines. He has a self-determined history. Imagination is the way, the truth, the life revealed.

We cannot get hold of truth with the logical mind. Where the natural man of sense sees a bud, imagination sees a rose full-blown.

Truth cannot be encompassed by facts.

As we awaken to the imaginative life, we discover that to imagine a thing is to make it so, that a true judgment need not conform to the external reality to which it relates.

The imaginative man does not deny the reality of the sensuous outer world of Becoming, but he knows that it is the inner world of continuous Imagination that is the force by which the sensuous outer world of Becoming is brought to pass. He sees the outer world and all its happenings as projections of the inner world of Imagination.

To him, everything is a manifestation of the mental activity which goes on in man’s imagination, without the sensuous reasonable man being aware of it.

But he realizes that every man must become conscious of this inner activity and see the relationship between the inner causal world of imagination and the sensuous outer world of effects.

It is a marvelous thing to find that you can imagine yourself into the state of your fulfilled desire and escape from the jails which ignorance built.

The Real Man is a Magnificent Imagination.

It is this self that must be awakened.

Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Ephesians 5:14

The moment man discovers that his imagination is Christ, he accomplishes acts which on this level can only be called miraculous. But until man has the sense of Christ as his imagination,

“You did not choose me, I have chosen you”, John 15:16,

he will see everything in pure objectivity without any subjective relationship.

Not realizing that all that he encounters is part of himself, he rebels at the thought that he has chosen the conditions of his life, that they are related by affinity to his own mental activity.

Man must firmly come to believe that reality lies within him and not without.

Although others have bodies, a life of their own, their reality is rooted in you, ends in you, as yours ends in God.

Chapter Two


The first power that meets us at the threshold of the soul’s domain is the power of imagination.

-Dr. Franz Hartmann

I WAS FIRST made conscious of the power, nature, and redemptive function of imagination through the teachings of my friend Abdullah; and through subsequent experiences, I learned that Jesus was a symbol of the coming of imagination to man, that the test of His birth in man was the individual’s ability to forgive sin; that is, his ability to identify himself or another with his aim in life.

Without the identification of man with his aim, the forgiveness of sin is an impossibility, and only the Son of God can forgive sin.

Therefore, man’s ability to identify himself with his aim, though reason and his senses deny it, is proof of the birth of Christ in him.

To passively surrender to appearances and bow before the evidence of facts is to confess that Christ is not yet born in you.

Although this teaching shocked and repelled me at first – for I was a convinced and earnest Christian, and did not then know that Christianity could not be inherited by the mere accident of birth but must be consciously adopted as a way of life – it stole later on, through visions, mystical revelations, and practical experiences, into my understanding and found its interpretation in a deeper mood. But I must confess that it is a trying time when those things are shaken which one has always taken for granted.

Seest thou these great buildings? There shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. Mark 13:2

Not one stone of literal understanding will be left after one drinks the water of psychological meaning.

All that has been built up by natural religion is cast into the flames of mental fire. Yet, what better way is there to understand Christ Jesus than to identify the central character of the Gospels with human imagination – knowing that, every time you exercise your imagination lovingly on behalf of another, you are literally mediating God to man and thereby feeding and clothing Christ Jesus and that, whenever you imagine evil against another, you are literally beating and crucifying Christ Jesus?

Every imagination of man is either the cup of cold water or the sponge of vinegar to the parched lips of Christ.

Let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor, warned the prophet Zechariah [8:17].

When man heeds this advice, he will awake from the imposed sleep of Adam into the full consciousness of the Son of God. He is in the world, and the world is made by Him, and the world knows Him not [Approx., John 1:10]: Human Imagination.

I asked myself many times, “If my imagination is Christ Jesus and all things are possible to Christ Jesus, are all things possible to me?”

Through experience, I have come to know that, when I identify myself with my aim in life, then Christ is awake in me.

Christ is sufficient for all things. [“For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power”, Colossians 2:9,10; “My grace is sufficient for thee”, 2 Corinthians 12:9]

I lay down My life that I might take it again. No man taketh it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. John 10:17,18

What a comfort it is to know that all that I experience is the result of my own standard of beliefs; that I am the center of my own web of circumstances and that as I change, so must my outer world!

The world presents different appearances according as our states of consciousness differ.

What we see when we are identified with a state cannot be seen when we are no longer fused with it.

By state is meant all that man believes and consents to as true.

No idea presented to the mind can realize itself unless the mind accepts it.

It depends on the acceptance, the state with which we are identified, how things present themselves. In the fusion of imagination and states is to be found the shaping of the world as it seems. The world is a revelation of the states with which imagination is fused. It is the state from which we think that determines the objective world in which we live. The rich man, the poor man, the good man, the thief are what they are by virtue of the states from which they view the world. On the distinction between these states depends the distinction between the worlds of these men. Individually so different is this same world. It is not the actions and behaviour of the good man that should be matched but his point of view.

Outer reforms are useless if the inner state is not changed.

Success is gained not by imitating the outer actions of the successful but by right inner actions and inner talking.

If we detach ourselves from a state, and we may at any moment, the conditions and circumstances to which that union gave being vanish.

It was in the fall of 1933 in New York City that I approached Abdullah with a problem. He asked me one simple question, “What do you want?”

I told him that I would like to spend the winter in Barbados, but that I was broke. I literally did not have a nickel.

“If you will imagine yourself to be in Barbados”, said he, “thinking and viewing the world from that state of consciousness instead of thinking of Barbados, you will spend the winter there.

You must not concern yourself with the ways and means of getting there, for the state of consciousness of already being in Barbados, if occupied by your imagination, will devise the means best suited to realize itself.”

Man lives by committing himself to invisible states, by fusing his imagination with what he knows to be other than himself, and in this union he experiences the results of that fusion. No one can lose what he has, save by detachment from the state where the things experienced have their natural life.

“You must imagine yourself right into the state of your fulfilled desire”, Abdullah told me, “and fall asleep viewing the world from Barbados.”

The world which we describe from observation must be as we describe it relative to ourselves.

Our imagination connects us with the state desired.

But we must use imagination masterfully, not as an onlooker thinking of the end, but as a partaker thinking from the end.

We must actually be there in imagination.

If we do this, our subjective experience will be realized objectively.

“This is not mere fancy”, said he, “but a truth you can prove by experience.”

His appeal to enter into the wish fulfilled was the secret of thinking from the end. Every state is already there as “mere possibility” as long as you think of it, but is overpoweringly real when you think from it. Thinking from the end is the way of Christ.

I began right there and then, fixing my thoughts beyond the limits of sense, beyond that aspect to which my present state gave being, towards the feeling of already being in Barbados and viewing the world from that standpoint.

He emphasized the importance of the state from which man views the world as he falls asleep. All prophets claim that the voice of God is chiefly heard by man in dreams

In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. Job 33:15,16

That night and for several nights thereafter, I fell asleep in the assumption that I was in my father’s house in Barbados. Within a month, I received a letter from my brother, saying that he had a strong desire to have the family together at Christmas and asking me to use the enclosed steamship ticket for Barbados. I sailed two days after I received my brother’s letter and spent a wonderful winter in Barbados.

This experience has convinced me that man can be anything he pleases if he will make the conception habitual and think from the end.

It has also shown me that I can no longer excuse myself by placing the blame on the world of external things – that my good and my evil have no dependency except from myself – that it depends on the state from which I view the world how things present themselves.

Man, who is free in his choice, acts from conceptions which he freely, though not always wisely, chooses. All conceivable states are awaiting our choice and occupancy, but no amount of rationalizing will of itself yield us the state of consciousness which is the only thing worth having.

The imaginative image is the only thing to seek.

The ultimate purpose of imagination is to create in us “the spirit of Jesus”, which is continual forgiveness of sin, continual identification of man with his ideal.

Only by identifying ourselves with our aim can we forgive ourselves for having missed it. All else is labor in vain. On this path, to whatever place or state we convey our imagination, to that place or state we will gravitate physically also.

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

John 14:2,3

By sleeping in my father’s house in my imagination as though I slept there in the flesh, I fused my imagination with that state and was compelled to experience that state in the flesh also.

So vivid was this state to me, I could have been seen in my father’s house had any sensitive entered the room where in imagination I was sleeping. A man can be seen where in imagination he is, for a man must be where his imagination is, for his imagination is himself. This I know from experience, for I have been seen by a few to whom I desired to be seen, when physically I was hundreds of miles away.

I, by the intensity of my imagination and feeling, imagining and feeling myself to be in Barbados instead of merely thinking of Barbados, had spanned the vast Atlantic to influence my brother into desiring my presence to complete the family circle at Christmas.

Thinking from the end, from the feeling of my wish fulfilled, was the source of everything that happened as outer cause, such as my brother’s impulse to send me a steamship ticket; and it was also the cause of everything that appeared as results.

In Ideas of Good and Evil, W. B. Yeats, having described a few experiences similar to this experience of mine, writes:

If all who have described events like this have not dreamed, we should rewrite our histories, for all men, certainly all imaginative men, must be forever casting forth enchantments, glamour, illusions; and all men, especially tranquil men who have no powerful egotistic life, must be continually passing under their power.

Determined imagination, thinking from the end, is the beginning of all miracles.

I would like to give you an immense belief in miracles, but a miracle is only the name given by those who have no knowledge of the power and function of imagination to the works of imagination.

Imagining oneself into the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the means by which a new state is entered. This gives the state the quality of is-ness.

Hermes tells us:

That which is, is manifested; that which has been or shall be, is unmanifested, but not dead; for Soul, the eternal activity of God, animates all things.


The future must become the present in the imagination of the one who would wisely and consciously create circumstances.

We must translate vision into Being, thinking of into thinking from. Imagination must center itself in some state and view the world from that state. Thinking from the end is an intense perception of the world of fulfilled desire.

Thinking from the state desired is creative living.

Ignorance of this ability to think from the end is bondage.

It is the root of all bondage with which man is bound. To passively surrender to the evidence of the senses underestimates the capacities of the Inner Self.

Once man accepts thinking from the end as a creative principle in which he can cooperate, then he is redeemed from the absurdity of ever attempting to achieve his objective by merely thinking of it.

Construct all ends according to the pattern of fulfilled desire.

The whole of life is just the appeasement of hunger, and the infinite states of consciousness from which a man can view the world are purely a means of satisfying that hunger.

The principle upon which each state is organized is some form of hunger to lift the passion for self-gratification to ever higher and higher levels of experience.

Desire is the mainspring of the mental machinery. It is a blessed thing. It is a right and natural craving which has a state of consciousness as its right and natural satisfaction.

But one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal. Philippians 3:13,14

It is necessary to have an aim in life. Without an aim, we drift. “What wantest thou of Me?” [What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? Luke 18:41] is the implied question asked most often by the central figure of the Gospels. In defining your aim, you must want it.

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O, God. Psalms 42:1

It is lack of this passionate direction to life that makes man fail of accomplishment.

The spanning of the bridge between desire – thinking of – and satisfaction – thinking from – is all-important.

We must move mentally from thinking of the end to thinking from the end.

This, reason could never do. By its nature, it is restricted to the evidence of the senses; but imagination, having no such limitation, can.

Desire exists to be gratified in the activity of imagination.

Through imagination, man escapes from the limitation of the senses and the bondage of reason.

There is no stopping the man who can think from the end. Nothing can stop him. He creates the means and grows his way out of limitation into ever greater and greater mansions of the Lord.

It does not matter what he has been or what he is. All that matters is “what does he want?”

He knows that the world is a manifestation of the mental activity which goes on within himself, so he strives to determine and control the ends from which he thinks.

In his imagination he dwells in the end, confident that he shall dwell there in the flesh also

He puts his whole trust in the feeling of the wish fulfilled and lives by committing himself to that state, for the art of fortune is to tempt him so to do.

Like the man at the pool of Bethesda, he is ready for the moving of the waters of imagination.

Knowing that every desire is ripe grain to him who knows how to think from the end, he is indifferent to mere reasonable probability and confident that through continuous imagination his assumptions will harden into fact.

But how to persuade men everywhere that thinking from the end is the only living, how to foster it in every activity of man, how to reveal it as the plenitude of life and not the compensation of the disappointed: that is the problem.

Life is a controllable thing.

You can experience what you please once you realize that you are His Son, and that you are what you are by virtue of the state of consciousness from which you think and view the world,

Son, Thou art ever with Me, and all that I have is Thine.

-Luke 15:31

Chapter Three


And the children struggled within her… and the Lord said unto her, two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

-Genesis 25:22,23

DUALITY IS an inherent condition of life.

Everything that exists is double. Man is a dual creature with contrary principles embedded in his nature. They war within him and present attitudes to life which are antagonistic. This conflict is the eternal enterprise, the war in heaven, the never-ending struggle of the younger or inner man of imagination to assert His supremacy over the elder or outer man of sense.

The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Matthew 19:30

He it is, Who coming after me is preferred before me. John 1:27

The second Man is the Lord from heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:47

Man begins to awake to the imaginative life the moment he feels the presence of another being in himself.

In your limbs lie nations twain, rival races from their birth; one the mastery shall gain, the younger o’er the elder reign.

There are two distinct centers of thought or outlooks on the world possessed by every man. The Bible speaks of these two outlooks as natural and spiritual.

The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

1 Corinthians 2:14

Man’s inner body is as real in the world of subjective experience as his outer physical body is real in the world of external realities, but the inner body expresses a more fundamental part of reality. This existing inner body of man must be consciously exercised and directed. The inner world of thought and feeling to which the inner body is attuned has its real structure and exists in its own higher space.

There are two kinds of movement, one that is according to the inner body and another that is according to the outer body. The movement which is according to the inner body is causal, but the outer movement is under compulsion. The inner movement determines the outer which is joined to it, bringing into the outer a movement that is similar to the actions of the inner body. Inner movement is the force by which all events are brought to pass. Outer movement is subject to the compulsion applied to it by the movement of the inner body.

Whenever the actions of the inner body match the actions which the outer must take to appease desire, that desire will be realized.

Construct mentally a drama which implies that your desire is realized and make it one which involves movement of self. Immobilize your outer physical self. Act precisely as though you were going to take a nap, and start the predetermined action in imagination.

A vivid representation of the action is the beginning of that action. Then, as you are falling asleep, consciously imagine yourself into the scene. The length of the sleep is not important, a short nap is sufficient, but carrying the action into sleep thickens fancy into fact.

At first your thoughts may be like rambling sheep that have no shepherd. Don’t despair. Should your attention stray seventy times seven, bring it back seventy times seven to its predetermined course until from sheer exhaustion it follows the appointed path. The inner journey must never be without direction. When you take to the inner road, it is to do what you did mentally before you started. You go for the prize you have already seen and accepted.

In The Road to Xanadu, Professor John Livingston Lowes says:

But I have long had the feeling, which this study had matured to a conviction, that Fancy and Imagination are not two powers at all, but one. The valid distinction which exists between them lies, not in the materials with which they operate, but in the degree of intensity of the operant power itself. Working at high tension, the imaginative energy assimilates and transmutes; keyed low, the same energy aggregates and yokes together those images which at its highest pitch, it merges indissolubly into one.

Fancy assembles, imagination fuses.

Here is a practical application of this theory. A year ago, a blind girl living in the city of San Francisco found herself confronted with a transportation problem. A rerouting of buses forced her to make three transfers between her home and her office. This lengthened her trip from fifteen minutes to two hours and fifteen minutes. She thought seriously about this problem and came to the decision that a car was the solution. She knew that she could not drive a car but felt that she could be driven in one. Putting this theory to the test that “whenever the actions of the inner self correspond to the actions which the outer, physical self must take to appease desire, that desire will be realized”, she said to herself, “I will sit here and imagine that I am being driven to my office.”

Sitting in her living room, she began to imagine herself seated in a car. She felt the rhythm of the motor. She imagined that she smelled the odor of gasoline, felt the motion of the car, touched the sleeve of the driver and felt that the driver was a man. She felt the car stop, and turning to her companion, said, “Thank you very much, sir.”

To which he replied, “The pleasure is all mine.”

Then she stepped from the car and heard the door snap shut as she closed it.

She told me that she centered her imagination on being in a car and, although blind, viewed the city from her imaginary ride. She did not think of the ride. She thought from the ride and all that it implied. This controlled and subjectively directed purposive ride raised her imagination to its full potency. She kept her purpose ever before her, knowing there was cohesion in purposive inner movement. In these mental journeys an emotional continuity must be sustained – the emotion of fulfilled desire. Expectancy and desire were so intensely joined that they passed at once from a mental state into a physical act.

The inner self moves along the predetermined course best when the emotions collaborate. The inner self must be fired, and it is best fired by the thought of great deeds and personal gain. We must take pleasure in our actions.

On two successive days, the blind girl took her imaginary ride, giving it all the joy and sensory vividness of reality. A few hours after her second imaginary ride, a friend told her of a story in the evening paper. It was a story of a man who was interested in the blind. The blind girl phoned him and stated her problem. The very next day, on his way home, he stopped in at a bar and while there had the urge to tell the story of the blind girl to his friend the proprietor. A total stranger, on hearing the story, volunteered to drive the blind girl home every day. The man who told the story then said, “If you will take her home, I will take her to work.”

This was over a year ago, and since that day, this blind girl has been driven to and from her office by these two gentlemen. Now, instead of spending two hours and fifteen minutes on three buses, she is at her office in less than fifteen minutes. And on that first ride to her office, she turned to her good Samaritan and said, “Thank you very much, sir”; and he replied, “The pleasure is all mine.”

Thus, the objects of her imagination were to her the realities of which the physical manifestation was only the witness.

The determinative animating principle was the imaginative ride. Her triumph could be a surprise only to those who did not know of her inner ride. She mentally viewed the world from this imaginative ride with such a clearness of vision that every aspect of the city attained identity.

These inner movements not only produce corresponding outer movements: this is the law which operates beneath all physical appearances.

He who practices these exercises of bilocation will develop unusual powers of concentration and quiescence and will inevitably achieve waking consciousness on the inner and dimensionally larger world.

Actualizing strongly, she fulfilled her desire, for, viewing the city from the feeling of her wish fulfilled, she matched the state desired and granted that to herself which sleeping men ask of God.

To realize your desire, an action must start in your imagination, apart from the evidence of the senses, involving movement of self and implying fulfillment of your desire. Whenever it is the action which the outer self takes to appease desire, that desire will be realized.

The movement of every visible object is caused not by things outside the body, but by things within it, which operate from within outward.

The journey is in yourself. You travel along the highways of the inner world. Without inner movement, it is impossible to bring forth anything. Inner action is introverted sensation. If you will construct mentally a drama which implies that you have realized your objective, then close your eyes and drop your thoughts inward, centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action, you will become a self-determined being.

Inner action orders all things according to the nature of itself.

Try it and see whether a desirable ideal once formulated is possible, for only by this process of experiment can you realize your potentialities.

It is thus that this creative principle is being realized. So the clue to purposive living is to center your imagination in the action and feeling of fulfilled desire with such awareness, such sensitiveness, that you initiate and experience movement upon the inner world.

Ideas only act if they are felt, if they awaken inner movement. Inner movement is conditioned by self-motivation, outer movement by compulsion.

Wherever the sole of your foot shall tread, the same give I unto you. Joshua 1:3

and remember, The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty. Zephaniah 3:17

Chapter Four


The second Man is the Lord from Heaven.

1 Corinthians 15:47

“Never will he say caterpillars. He’ll say, “There’s a lot of butterflies-as-is-to-be on our cabbages, Pure.”

He won’t say, “It’s winter.”

He’ll say, “Summer’s sleeping.”

And there’s no bud little enough nor sad-coloured enough for Kester not to callen it the beginnings of the blow.”

-Mary Webb, Precious Bane

THE VERY first act of correction or cure is always “revise”. One must start with oneself. It is one’s attitude that must be changed.

What we are, that only can we see.


It is a most healthy and productive exercise to daily relive the day as you wish you had lived it, revising the scenes to make them conform to your ideals.

For instance, suppose today’s mail brought disappointing news. Revise the letter. Mentally rewrite it and make it conform to the news you wish you had received. Then, in imagination, read the revised letter over and over again. This is the essence of revision, and revision results in repeal.

The one requisite is to arouse your attention in a way and to such intensity that you become wholly absorbed in the revised action. You will experience an expansion and refinement of the senses by this imaginative exercise and eventually achieve vision.

But always remember that the ultimate purpose of this exercise is to create in you “the Spirit of Jesus”, which is continual forgiveness of sin.

Revision is of greatest importance when the motive is to change oneself, when there is a sincere desire to be something different, when the longing is to awaken the ideal active spirit of forgiveness.

Without imagination, man remains a being of sin. Man either goes forward to imagination or remains imprisoned in his senses. To go forward to imagination is to forgive. Forgiveness is the life of the imagination. The art of living is the art of forgiving

Forgiveness is, in fact, experiencing in imagination the revised version of the day, experiencing in imagination what you wish you had experienced in the flesh. Every time one really forgives – that is, every time one relives the event as it should have been lived – one is born again.

“Father, forgive them” is not the plea that comes once a year but the opportunity that comes every day. The idea of forgiving is a daily possibility, and, if it is sincerely done, it will lift man to higher and higher levels of being. He will experience a daily Easter, and Easter is the idea of rising transformed.

And that should be almost a continuous process. Freedom and forgiveness are indissolubly linked. Not to forgive is to be at war with ourselves, for we are freed according to our capacity to forgive. 

Forgive, and you shall be forgiven.

Luke 6:37

Forgive, not merely from a sense of duty or service; forgive because you want to.

Thy ways are ways of pleasantness and all thy paths are peace. Proverbs 3:17

You must take pleasure in revision. You can forgive others effectively only when you have a sincere desire to identify them with their ideal. Duty has no momentum.

Forgiveness is a matter of deliberately withdrawing attention from the unrevised day and giving it full strength, and joyously, to the revised day. If a man begins to revise even a little of the vexations and troubles of the day, then he begins to work practically on himself. Every revision is a victory over himself and therefore a victory over his enemy.

A man’s foes are those of his own household, Matthew 10:36, and his household is his state of mind. He changes his future as he revises his day.

When a man practices the art of forgiveness, of revision, however factual the scene on which sight then rests, he revises it with his imagination and gazes on one never before witnessed. The magnitude of the change which any act of revision involves makes such change appear wholly improbable to the realist – the unimaginative man; but the radical changes in the fortunes of the Prodigal [Luke 15:11-32] were all produced by a “change of heart”.

The battle man fights is fought out in his own imagination. The man who does not revise the day has lost the vision of that life, into the likeness of which it is the true labour of the “Spirit of Jesus” to transform this life.

All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, even so do ye to them: for this is the law.

Matthew 7:12

Here is the way an artist friend forgave herself and was set free from pain, annoyance and unfriendliness. Knowing that nothing but forgetfulness and forgiveness will bring us to new values, she cast herself upon her imagination and escaped from the prison of her senses. She writes:

“Thursday, I taught all day in the art school. Only one small thing marred the day. Coming into my afternoon classroom, I discovered the janitor had left all the chairs on top of the desks after cleaning the floor. As I lifted a chair down, it slipped from my grasp and struck me a sharp blow on the instep of my right foot. I immediately examined my thoughts and found that I had criticized the man for not doing his job properly. Since he had lost his helper, I realized he probably felt he had done more than enough and it was an unwanted gift that had bounced and hit me on the foot. Looking down at my foot, I saw both my skin and nylons were intact, so forgot the whole thing.

“That night, after I had been working intensely for about three hours on a drawing, I decided to make myself a cup of coffee. To my utter amazement, I couldn’t manage my right foot at all and it was giving out great bumps of pain. I hopped over to a chair and took off my slipper to look at it. The entire foot was a strange purplish pink, swollen out of shape and red hot. I tried walking on it and found that it just flapped. I had no control over it whatsoever. It looked like one of two things: either I had cracked a bone when I dropped the chair on it or something could be dislocated.

” ‘No use speculating what it is. Better get rid of it right away.’

So I became quiet, all ready to melt myself into light. To my complete bewilderment, my imagination refused to cooperate. It just said ‘No.’ This sort of thing often happens when I am painting. I just started to argue ‘Why not?’ It just kept saying ‘No.’ Finally, I gave up and said, ‘You know I am in pain. I am trying hard not to be frightened, but you are the boss. What do you want to do?’ The answer: ‘Go to bed and review the day’s events.’ So I said ‘All right. But let me tell you if my foot isn’t perfect by tomorrow morning, you have only yourself to blame.’

“After arranging the bed clothes so they didn’t touch my foot, I started to review the day. It was slow going as I had difficulty keeping my attention away from my foot. I went through the whole day, saw nothing to add to the chair incident. But when I reached the early evening, I found myself coming face to face with a man who for the past year has made a point of not speaking. The first time this happened, I thought he had grown deaf. I had known him since school days, but we had never done more than say ‘hello’ and comment on the weather. Mutual friends assured me I had done nothing, that he had said he never liked me and finally decided it was not worthwhile speaking. I had said ‘Hi!’

He hadn’t answered. I found that I thought ‘Poor guy – what a horrid state to be in. I shall do something about this ridiculous state of affairs.’ So, in my imagination, I stopped right there and re-did the scene. I said ‘Hi!’ He answered ‘Hi!’ and smiled. I now thought ‘Good old Ed.’

I ran the scene over a couple of times and went on to the next incident and finished up the day.

“‘Now what – do we do my foot or the concert?’

I had been melting and wrapping up a wonderful present of courage and success for a friend who was to make her debut the following day and I had been looking forward to giving it to her tonight. My imagination sounded a little bit solemn as it said ‘Let us do the concert. It will be more fun.’

‘But first couldn’t we just take my perfectly good imagination foot out of this physical one before we start?’ I pleaded. ‘By all means.’

“That done, I had a lovely time at the concert and my friend got a tremendous ovation.

“By now I was very, very sleepy and fell asleep doing my project. The next morning, as I was putting on my slipper, I suddenly had a quick memory picture of withdrawing a discolored and swollen foot from the same slipper. I took my foot out and looked at it. It was perfectly normal in every respect. There was a tiny pink spot on the instep where I remembered I had hit it with the chair.

‘What a vivid dream that was!’ I thought and dressed. While waiting for my coffee, I wandered over to my drafting table and saw that all my brushes were lying helter-skelter and unwashed. ‘Whatever possessed you to leave your brushes like that? ‘Don’t you remember? It was because of your foot.’ So it hadn’t been a dream after all, but a beautiful healing.” She had won by the art of revision what she would never have won by force.

In Heaven, the only Art of Living Is Forgetting & Forgiving. Especially to the Female. – Blake

We should take our life, not as it appears to be, but from the vision of this artist, from the vision of the world made perfect that is buried under all minds – buried and waiting for us to revise the day. We are led to believe a lie when we see with, not through the eye. Blake

A revision of the day, and what she held to be so stubbornly real was no longer so to her and, like a dream, had quietly faded away. You can revise the day to please yourself and by experiencing in imagination the revised speech and actions not only modify the trend of your life story but turn all its discords into harmonies.

The one who discovers the secret of revision cannot do otherwise than let himself be guided by love. Your effectiveness will increase with practice. Revision is the way by which right can find its appropriate might.

“Resist not evil” [Matthew 5:39], for all passionate conflicts result in an interchange of characteristics. To him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17

To know the truth, you must live the truth, and to live the truth, your inner actions must match the actions of your fulfilled desire. Expectancy and desire must become one. Your outer world is only actualized inner movement. Through ignorance of the law of revision, those who take to warfare are perpetually defeated. Only concepts that idealize depict the truth.

Your ideal of man is his truest self. It is because I firmly believe that whatever is most profoundly imaginative is, in reality, most directly practical that I ask you to live imaginatively and to think into, and to personally appropriate the transcendent saying

“Christ in you, the hope of glory.” [Colossians 1:27]

Don’t blame; only resolve.

It is not man and the earth at their loveliest, but you practicing the art of revision make paradise. The evidence of this truth can lie only in your own experience of it. Try revising the day. It is to the pruning shears of revision that we owe our prime fruit.

Chapter Five


“Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?”

And the prophet replied, “All poets believe that it does. And in ages of imagination, this firm persuasion removed mountains: but many are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything.”

Blake, Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Romans 14:5

PERSUASION IS an inner effort of intense attention. To listen attentively as though you heard is to evoke, to activate. By listening, you can hear what you want to hear and persuade those beyond the range of the outer ear. Speak it inwardly in your imagination only. Make your inner conversation match your fulfilled desire. What you desire to hear without, you must hear within.

Embrace the without within and become one who hears only that which implies the fulfillment of his desire, and all the external happenings in the world will become a bridge leading to the objective realization of your desire. Your inner speech is perpetually written all around you in happenings.

Learn to relate these happenings to your inner speech and you will become self-taught. By inner speech is meant those mental conversations which you carry on with yourself. They may be inaudible when you are awake because of the noise and distractions of the outer world of becoming, but they are quite audible in deep meditation and dream. But whether they be audible or inaudible, you are their author and fashion your world in their likeness.

There is a God in heaven [and heaven is within you] that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these. Daniel 2:28

Inner speech from premises of fulfilled desire is the way to create an intelligible world for yourself. Observe your inner speech for it is the cause of future action. Inner speech reveals the state of consciousness from which you view the world.

Make your inner speech match your fulfilled desire, for your inner speech is manifested all around you in happenings.

If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body. Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body. Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven by fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth. Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! -James 3:2-5

The whole manifested world goes to show us what use we have made of the Word – Inner Speech. An uncritical observation of our inner talking will reveal to us the ideas from which we view the world. Inner talking mirrors our imagination, and our imagination mirrors the state with which it is fused. If the state with which we are fused is the cause of the phenomenon of our life, then we are relieved of the burden of wondering what to do, for we have no alternative but to identify ourselves with our aim, and inasmuch as the state with which we are identified mirrors itself in our inner speech, then to change the state with which we are fused, we must first change our inner talking. It is our inner conversations which make tomorrow’s facts.

Put off the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt…

and be renewed in the spirit of your mind… put on the new man, which is created in righteousness.

-Ephesians 4:22-24

Our minds, like our stomachs, are whetted by change of food. -Quintillian

Stop all of the old mechanical negative inner talking and start a new positive and constructive inner speech from premises of fulfilled desire. Inner talking is the beginning, the sowing of the seeds of future action. To determine the action, you must consciously initiate and control your inner talking.

Construct a sentence which implies the fulfillment of your aim, such as “I have a large, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit”, or “I am happily married”, “I am wanted”, “I am contributing to the good of the world”, and repeat such a sentence over and over until you are inwardly affected by it. Our inner speech represents in various ways the world we live in.

In the beginning was the Word. -John 1:1

That which ye sow ye reap. See yonder fields! The sesamum was sesamum, the corn was corn. The Silence and the Darkness knew! So is a man’s fate born.

-The Light of Asia, Edwin Arnold

Ends run true to origins!

Those that go searching for love only make manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love, and they never have to seek for it.  -D. H. Lawrence

Man attracts what he is. The art of life is to sustain the feeling of the wish fulfilled and let things come to you, not to go after them or think they flee away.

Observe your inner talking and remember your aim.

Do they match?

Does your inner talking match what you would say audibly had you achieved your goal? The individual’s inner speech and actions attract the conditions of his life. Through uncritical self-observation of your inner talking you find where you are in the inner world, and where you are in the inner world is what you are in the outer world.

You put on the new man whenever ideals and inner speech match. In this way alone can the new man be born. Inner talking matures in the dark. From the dark it issues into the light. The right inner speech is the speech that would be yours were you to realize your ideal. In other words, it is the speech of fulfilled desire.

I am that. -Exodus 3:14.

There are two gifts which God has bestowed upon man alone, and on no other mortal creature. These two are mind and speech; and the gift of mind and speech is equivalent to that of immortality. If a man uses these two gifts rightly, he will differ in nothing from the immortals… and when he quits the body, mind and speech will be his guides, and by them he will be brought into the troop of the gods and the souls that have attained to bliss. – Hermetica, Walter Scott’s translation

The circumstances and conditions of life are out-pictured inner talking, solidified sound. Inner speech calls events into existence. In every event is the creative sound that is its life and being.

All that a man believes and consents to as true reveals itself in his inner speech. It is his Word, his life.

Try to notice what you are saying in yourself at this moment, to what thoughts and feelings you are consenting. They will be perfectly woven into your tapestry of life. To change your life, you must change your inner talking, for “life”, said Hermes, “is the union of Word and Mind”.

When imagination matches your inner speech to fulfilled desire, there will then be a straight path in yourself from within out, and the without will instantly reflect the within for you, and you will know reality is only actualized inner talking.

Receive with meekness the inborn Word which is able to save your souls.

– James 1:21

Every stage of man’s progress is made by the conscious exercise of his imagination matching his inner speech to his fulfilled desire. Because man does not perfectly match them, the results are uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain. Persistent assumption of the wish fulfilled is the means of fulfilling the intention. As we control our inner talking, matching it to our fulfilled desires, we can lay aside all other processes. Then we simply act by clear imagination and intention. We imagine the wish fulfilled and carry on mental conversations from that premise. Through controlled inner talking from premises of fulfilled desire, seeming miracles are performed. The future becomes the present and reveals itself in our inner speech.

To be held by the inner speech of fulfilled desire is to be safely anchored in life.

Our lives may seem to be broken by events, but they are never broken so long as we retain the inner speech of fulfilled desire.

All happiness depends on the active voluntary use of imagination to construct and inwardly affirm that we are what we want to be. We match ourselves to our ideals by constantly remembering our aim and identifying ourselves with it. We fuse with our aims by frequently occupying the feeling of our wish fulfilled. It is the frequency, the habitual occupancy, that is the secret of success. The oftener we do it, the more natural it is. Fancy assembles. Continuous imagination fuses It is possible to resolve every situation by the proper use of imagination.

Our task is to get the right sentence, the one which implies that our desire is realized, and fire the imagination with it. All this is intimately connected with the mystery of “the still small voice”. Inner talking reveals the activities of imagination, activities which are the causes of the circumstances of life.

As a rule, man is totally unaware of his inner talking and therefore sees himself not as the cause but the victim of circumstance. To consciously create circumstance, man must consciously direct his inner speech, matching “the still small voice” to his fulfilled desires.

He calls things not seen as though they were. -Romans 4:17

Right inner speech is essential. It is the greatest of the arts. It is the way out of limitation into freedom. Ignorance of this art has made the world a battlefield and penitentiary where blood and sweat alone are expected, when it should be a place of marveling and wondering. Right inner talking is the first step to becoming what you want to be. Speech is an image of mind, and mind is an image of God. -Hermetica, Scott translation

On the morning of April 12, 1953, my wife was awakened by the sound of a great voice of authority speaking within her and saying, “You must stop spending your thoughts, time, and money. Everything in life must be an investment.

” To spend is to waste, to squander, to layout without return. To invest is to layout for a purpose from which a profit is expected. This revelation of my wife is about the importance of the moment. It is about the transformation of the moment. What we desire does not lie in the future but in ourselves at this very moment.

At any moment in our lives, we are faced with an infinite choice: “what we are and what we want to be”. And what we want to be is already existent, but to realize it we must match our inner speech and actions to it.

If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in heaven.

-Matthew 18:19

It is only what is done now that counts. The present moment does not recede into the past. It advances into the future to confront us, spent or invested. Thought is the coin of heaven. Money is its earthly symbol. Every moment must be invested, and our inner talking reveals whether we are spending or investing.

Be more interested in what you are inwardly “saying now” than what you “have said” by choosing wisely what you think and what you feel now. Any time we feel misunderstood, misused, neglected, suspicious, afraid, we are spending our thoughts and wasting our time. Whenever we assume the feeling of being what we want to be, we are investing.

We cannot abandon the moment to negative inner talking and expect to retain command of life. Before us go the results of all that seemingly is behind. Not gone is the last moment – but oncoming.

My word shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  -Isaiah 55:11

The circumstances of life are the muffled utterances of the inner talking that made them – the word made visible.

“The Word”, said Hermes, “is Son, and the Mind is Father of the Word. They are not separate one from the other; for life is the union of Word and Mind.”

He willed us forth from Himself by the Word of Truth.  -James 1:18

Let us be imitators of God as dear children,  -Ephesians 5:1,

and use our inner speech wisely to mould an outer world in harmony with our ideal. The Lord spake by me, and His Word was in my tongue.  -2 Samuel 23:2

The mouth of God is the mind of man. Feed God only the best.

Whatsoever things are of good report… think on these things. -Philippians 4:8

The present moment is always precisely right for an investment, to inwardly speak the right word.

The word is very near to you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that you may do it. See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil, blessings and cursings. Choose life.  -Deuteronomy 30:14,15,19

You choose life and good and blessings by being that which you choose. Like is known to like alone. Make your inner speech bless and give good reports. Man’s ignorance of the future is the result of his ignorance of his inner talking. His inner talking mirrors his imagination, and his imagination is a government in which the opposition never comes into power.

If the reader ask, “What if the inner speech remains subjective and is unable to find an object for its love?”, the answer is: it will not remain subjective, for the very simple reason that inner speech is always objectifying itself.

What frustrates and festers and becomes the disease that afflicts humanity is man’s ignorance of the art of matching inner words to fulfilled desire. Inner speech mirrors imagination, and imagination is Christ.

Alter your inner speech, and your perceptual world changes. Whenever inner speech and desire are in conflict, inner speech invariably wins. Because inner speech objectifies itself, it is easy to see that if it matches desire, desire will be objectively realized. Were this not so, I would say with Blake, Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires. But I know from experience,

The tongue… setteth on fire the course of nature.

-James -3:6

Chapter Six


Rivers, Mountains, Cities, Villages,

All are Human, & when you enter into

their Bosoms you walk

In Heavens & Earths, as in your own

Bosom you bear your Heaven

And Earth & all you behold; tho’ it

appears Without, it is Within,

In your Imagination, of which this World

of Mortality is but a Shadow.

-Blake, Jerusalem

THE INNER world was as real to Blake as the outer land of waking life. He looked upon his dreams and visions as the realities of the forms of nature. Blake reduced everything to the bedrock of his own consciousness.

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

-Luke 17:21

The Real Man, the Imaginative Man, has invested the outer world with all of its properties. The apparent reality of the outer world which is so hard to dissolve is only proof of the absolute reality of the inner world of his own imagination.

No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him… I and My Father are One.

-John 6:44; 10:30

The world which is described from observation is a manifestation of the mental activity of the observer.

When man discovers that his world is his own mental activity made visible, that no man can come unto him except he draws him, and that there is no one to change but himself, his own imaginative self, his first impulse is to reshape the world in the image of his ideal.

But his ideal is not so easily incarnated. In that moment when he ceases to conform to external discipline, he must impose upon himself a far more rigorous discipline, the self-discipline upon which the realization of his ideal depends.

Imagination is not entirely untrammeled and free to move at will without any rules to constrain it. In fact, the contrary is true. Imagination travels according to habit

Imagination has choice, but it chooses according to habit. Awake or asleep, man’s imagination is constrained to follow certain definite patterns. It is this benumbing influence of habit that man must change; if he does not, his dreams will fade under the paralysis of custom.

Imagination, which is Christ in man, is not subject to the necessity to produce only that which is perfect and good. It exercises its absolute freedom from necessity by endowing the outer physical self with free will to choose to follow good or evil, order or disorder.

Choose this day whom ye will serve.

-Joshua 24:15

But after the choice is made and accepted so that it forms the individual’s habitual consciousness, then imagination manifests its infinite power and wisdom by molding the outer sensuous world of becoming in the image of the habitual inner speech and actions of the individual.

To realize his ideal, man must first change the pattern which his imagination has followed.

Habitual thought is indicative of character.

The way to change the outer world is to make the inner speech and action match the outer speech and action of fulfilled desire.

Our ideals are waiting to be incarnated, but unless we ourselves match our inner speech and action to the speech and action of fulfilled desire, they are incapable of birth.

Inner speech and action are the channels of God’s action. He cannot respond to our prayer unless these paths are offered.

The outer behavior of man is mechanical. It is subject to the compulsion applied to it by the behavior of the inner self, and old habits of the inner self hang on till replaced by new ones. It is a peculiar property of the second or inner man that he gives to the outer self something similar to his own reality of being. Any change in the behavior of the inner self will result in corresponding outer changes.

The mystic calls a change of consciousness “death”. By death he means, not the destruction of imagination and the state with which it was fused, but the dissolution of their union.

Fusion is union rather than oneness. Thus the conditions to which that union gave being vanish. “I die daily”, said Paul to the Corinthians [1 Corinthians 15:31]. Blake said to his friend Crabbe Robinson:

There is nothing like death. Death is the best thing that can happen in life; but most people die so late and take such an unmerciful time in dying. God knows, their neighbors never see them rise from the dead.

To the outer man of sense, who knows nothing of the inner man of Being, this is sheer nonsense. But Blake made the above quite clear when he wrote in the year before he died:

William Blake – one who is very much delighted with being in good company. Born 28 November 1757 in London and has died several times since.

When man has the sense of Christ as his imagination, he sees why Christ must die and rise again from the dead to save man – why he must detach his imagination from his present state and match it to a higher concept of himself if he would rise above his present limitations and thereby save himself.

Here is a lovely story of a mystical death which was witnessed by a “neighbor”.

“Last week”, writes the one “who rose from the dead”, “a friend offered me her home in the mountains for the Christmas holidays as she thought she might go east. She said that she would let me know this week. We had a very pleasant conversation and I mentioned you and your teaching in connection with a discussion of Dunne’s ‘Experiment with Time’ which she had been reading.

“Her letter arrived Monday. As I picked it up, I had a sudden sense of depression.

However, when I read it, she said I could have the house and told me where to get the keys. Instead of being cheerful, I grew still more depressed, so much so I decided there must have been something between the lines which I was getting intuitively. I unfolded the letter and read the first page through and as I turned to the second page, I noticed she had written a postscript on the back of the first sheet. It consisted of an extremely blunt and heavy-handed description of an unlovely trait in my character which I had struggled for years to overcome, and for the past two years I thought I had succeeded.

Yet here it was again, described with clinical exactitude.

“I was stunned and desolated. I thought to myself, ‘What is this letter trying to tell me? In the first place, she invited me to use her house, as I have been seeing myself in some lovely home during the holidays. In the second place, nothing comes to me except I draw it. And thirdly I have been hearing nothing but good news. So the obvious conclusion is that something in me corresponds to this letter and no matter what it looks like it is good news.’ I reread the letter and as I did so, I asked, ‘What is there here for me to see?’

And then I saw. It started out, ‘After our conversation of last week, I feel I can tell you…’ and the rest of the page was as studded with ‘weres’ and ‘wases’ as currants in a seed cake. A great feeling of elation swept over me.

It was all in the past. The thing I had labored so long to correct was done. I suddenly realized that my friend was a witness to my resurrection. I whirled around the studio, chanting, ‘It’s all in the past! It is done. Thank you, it is done!’

I gathered all my gratitude up in a big ball of light and shot it straight to you and if you saw a flash of lightning Monday evening shortly after six your time, that was it.

“Now, instead of writing a polite letter because it is the correct thing to do, I can write giving sincere thanks for her frankness and thanking her for the loan of her house.

Thank you so much for your teaching, which has made my beloved imagination truly my Savior.”

And now, if any man shall say unto her “Lo, here is Christ, or there”  -Matthew 24:23, she will believe it not, for she knows that the Kingdom of God is within her and that she herself must assume full responsibility for the incarnation of her ideal and that nothing but death and resurrection will bring her to it.

She has found her Savior, her beloved Imagination, forever expanding in the bosom of God.

There is only one reality, and that is Christ – Human Imagination, the inheritance and final achievement of the whole of Humanity,

That we… speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ. -Ephesians 4:14,15

Chapter Seven


I am the beginning and the end, there is nothing to come that has not been, and is. – Ecclesiastes 3:15 ERV

BLAKE SAW all possible human situations as “already-made” states. He saw every aspect, every plot and drama as already worked out as “mere possibilities” as long as we are not in them, but as overpowering realities when we are in them.

He described these states as “Sculptures of Los’s Halls”.

Distinguish therefore states from Individuals in those States. States change but Individual Identities never change nor cease… The Imagination is not a State. Said Blake,

It is the Human Existence itself. Affection or Love becomes a State when divided from imagination.

Just how important this is to remember is almost impossible to say, but the moment the individual realizes this for the first time is the most momentous in his life, and to be encouraged to feel this is the highest form of encouragement it is possible to give.

This truth is common to all men, but the consciousness of it – and much more, the self-consciousness of it – is another matter. The day I realized this great truth – that everything in my world is a manifestation of the mental activity which goes on within me, and that the conditions and circumstances of my life only reflect the state of consciousness with which I am fused – is the most momentous in my life.

But the experience that brought me to this certainty is so remote from ordinary existence, I have long hesitated to tell it, for my reason refused to admit the conclusions to which the experience impelled me. Nevertheless, this experience revealed to me that I am supreme within the circle of my own state of consciousness and that it is the state with which I am identified that determines what I experience.

Therefore it should be shared with all, for to know this is to become free from the world’s greatest tyranny, the belief in a second cause.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8

Blessed are they whose imagination has been so purged of the beliefs in second causes they know that imagination is all, and all is imagination.

One day I quietly slipped from my apartment in New York City into some remote yesteryear’s countryside. As I entered the dining room of a large inn, I became fully conscious. I knew that my physical body was immobilized on my bed back in New York.

Yet here I was as awake and as conscious as I have ever been. I intuitively knew that if I could stop the activity of my mind, everything before me would freeze. No sooner was the thought born than the urge to try it possessed me. I felt my head tighten, then thicken to a stillness. My attention concentrated into a crystal-clear focus, and the waitress walking, walked not. And I looked through the window and the leaves falling, fell not. And the family of four eating, ate not. And they lifting the food, lifted it not. Then my attention relaxed, the tightness eased, and of a sudden all moved onward in their course. The leaves fell, the waitress walked and the family ate. Then I understood Blake’s vision of the “Sculptures of Los’s Halls”.

I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor. John 4:38

Creation is finished.

I am the beginning and the end, there is nothing to come that has not been, and is. Ecclesiastes 3:15, ERV

The world of creation is finished and its original is within us

. We saw it before we set forth, and have since been trying to remember it and to activate sections of it. There are infinite views of it. Our task is to get the right view and by determined direction of our attention make it pass in procession before the inner eye. If we assemble the right sequence and experience it in imagination until it has the tone of reality, then we consciously create circumstances.

This inner procession is the activity of imagination that must be consciously directed. We, by a series of mental transformations, become aware of increasing portions of that which already is, and by matching our own mental activity to that portion of creation which we desire to experience, we activate it, resurrect it, and give it life.

This experience of mine not only shows the world as a manifestation of the mental activity of the individual observer, but it also reveals our course of time as jumps of attention between eternal moments. An infinite abyss separates any two moments of ours.

We, by the movements of our attention, give life to the “Sculptures of Los’s Halls”.

Think of the world as containing an infinite number of states of consciousness from which it could be viewed. Think of these states as rooms or mansions in the House of God [John 14:2], and like the rooms of any house, they are fixed relative to one another.

But think of yourself, the Real Self, the Imaginative You, as the living, moving occupant of God’s House.

Each room contains some of Los’s Sculptures, with infinite plots and dramas and situations already worked out but not activated.

They are activated as soon as Human Imagination enters and fuses with them. Each represents certain mental and emotional activities. To enter a state, man must consent to the ideas and feelings which it represents.

These states represent an infinite number of possible mental transformations which man can experience. To move into another state or mansion necessitates a change of beliefs.

All that you could ever desire is already present and only waits to be matched by your beliefs.

But it must be matched, for that is the necessary condition by which alone it can be activated and objectified.

Matching the beliefs of a state is the seeking that finds, the knocking to which it is opened, the asking that receives [Matthew 7:8; Luke 11:10]. Go in and possess the land [Exodus 6:4;8].

The moment man matches the beliefs of any state, he fuses with it, and this union results in the activation and projection of its plots, plans, dramas, and situations.

It becomes the individual’s home from which he views the world. It is his workshop, and, if he is observant, he will see outer reality shaping itself upon the model of his… Imagination.

It is for this purpose of training us in image-making that we were made subject to the limitations of the senses and clothed in bodies of flesh.

It is the awakening of the imagination, the returning of His Son, that our Father waits for.

The creature was made subject to vanity not willingly, but by reason of him who subjected it. Romans 8:20

But the victory of the Son, the return of the prodigal, assures us that

the creature shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sons [children] of God. Romans 8:21

We were subjected to this biological experience because no one can know of imagination who has not been subjected to the vanities and limitations of the flesh, who has not taken his share of Sonship and gone prodigal, who has not experimented and tasted this cup of experience; and confusion will continue until man awakes and a fundamentally imaginative view of life has been reestablished and acknowledged as basic.

I should preach… the unsearchable riches of Christ and make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God, Who created all things by Jesus Christ. Ephesians 3:8,9

Bear in mind that Christ in you is your imagination.

As the appearance of our world is determined by the particular state with which we are fused, so may we determine our fate as individuals by fusing our imaginations with ideals we seek to realize. On the distinction between our states of consciousness depends the distinction between the circumstances and conditions of our lives.

Man, who is free in his choice of state, often cries out to be saved from the state of his choice.

And ye shall cry out in that day, because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the Lord will not hear you in that day. Nevertheless, the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us. 1Samuel 8:18,19

Choose wisely the state that you will serve. All states are lifeless until imagination fuses with them.

All things when they are admitted are made manifest by the light: for everything that is made manifest is light, Ephesians 5:13,

and Ye are the light of the world, Matthew 5:14,

by which those ideas to which you have consented are made manifest.

Hold fast to your ideal. Nothing can take it from you but your imagination.

Don’t think of your ideal, think from it. It is only the ideals from which you think that are ever realized.

Man lives not by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, Matthew 4:4, and “the mouth of God” is the mind of man.

Become a drinker and an eater of the ideals you wish to realize. Have a set, definite aim or your mind will wander, and wandering it eats every negative suggestion.

If you live right mentally, everything else will be right.

By a change of mental diet, you can alter the course of observed events.

But unless there is a change of mental diet, your personal history remains the same.

You illuminate or darken your life by the ideas to which you consent.

Nothing is more important to you than the ideas on which you feed. And you feed on the ideas from which you think. If you find the world unchanged, it is a sure sign that you are wanting in fidelity to the new mental diet, which you neglect in order to condemn your environment. You are in need of a new and sustained attitude.

You can be anything you please if you will make the conception habitual, for any idea which excludes all others from the field of attention discharges in action.

The ideas and moods to which you constantly return define the state with which you are fused.

Therefore train yourself to occupy more frequently the feeling of your wish fulfilled. This is creative magic. It is the way to work toward fusion with the desired state.

If you would assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled more frequently, you would be master of your fate, but unfortunately you shut out your assumption for all but the occasional hour. Practice making real to yourself the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

After you have assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled, do not close the experience as you would a book, but carry it around like a fragrant odor.

Instead of being completely forgotten, let it remain in the atmosphere communicating its influence automatically to your actions and reactions. A mood, often repeated, gains a momentum that is hard to break or check. So be careful of the feelings you entertain. Habitual moods reveal the state with which you are fused.

It is always possible to pass from thinking of the end you desire to realize, to thinking from the end.

But the crucial matter is thinking from the end, for thinking from means unification or fusion with the idea: whereas in thinking of the end, there is always subject and object – the thinking individual and the thing thought. You must imagine yourself into the state of your wish fulfilled, in your love for that state, and in so doing, live and think from it and no more of it. You pass from thinking of to thinking from by centering your imagination in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Chapter Eight


What think ye of the Christ? Whose Son is He?

-Matthew 22:42

WHEN THIS question is asked of you, let your answer be, “Christ is my imagination”, and, though I

See not yet all things put under him, -Hebrews 2:8,

yet I know that I am Mary from whom sooner or later He shall be born, and eventually

Do all things through Christ  -Philippians 4:13.

The birth of Christ is the awakening of the inner or Second man. It is becoming conscious of the mental activity within oneself, which activity continues whether we are conscious of it or not.

The birth of Christ does not bring any person from a distance, or make anything to be that was not there before. It is the unveiling of the Son of God in man. The Lord “cometh in clouds” [Mark 13:26, Luke 21:27] is the prophet’s description of the pulsating rings of golden liquid light on the head of him in whom He awakes. The coming is from within and not from without, as Christ is in us  -Romans 8:10; 2 Corinthians 13:3; Galatians 2:20; Galatians 4:19; Colossians 1:27.

This great mystery

God was manifest in the flesh  -1 Timothy 3:16

begins with Advent, and it is appropriate that the cleansing of the Temple,

Which temple ye are, -1 Corinthians 3:17,

stands in the forefront of the Christian mysteries:

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. -Luke 17:21

Advent is unveiling the mystery of your being. If you will practice the art of revision by a life lived according to the wise, imaginative use of your inner speech and inner actions, in confidence that by the conscious use of “the power that worketh in us” [Ephesians 3:20], Christ will awake in you; if you believe it, trust it, act upon it; Christ will awake in you. This is Advent.

Great is the mystery, God was manifest in the flesh. -1 Timothy 3:16

From Advent on, He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of God’s eye. -Zechariah 2:8

Chapter Nine

The Search

ONCE IN an idle interval at sea, I meditated on “the perfect state”, and wondered what I would be, were I of too pure eyes to behold iniquity, if to me all things were pure and were I without condemnation. As I became lost in this fiery brooding, I found myself lifted above the dark environment of the senses. So intense was the feeling, I felt myself a being of fire dwelling in a body of air. Voices as from a heavenly chorus, with the exaltation of those who had been conquerors in a conflict with death, were singing “He is risen – He is risen”, and intuitively I knew they meant me.

Then I seemed to be walking in the night. I soon came upon a scene that might have been the ancient Pool of Bethesda, for in this place lay a great multitude of impotent folk – blind, halt, withered – waiting not for the moving of the water as of tradition, but waiting for me. As I came near, without thought or effort on my part they were, one after the other, molded as by the Magician of the Beautiful. Eyes, hands, feet – all missing members – were drawn from some invisible reservoir and molded in harmony with that perfection which I felt springing within me. When all were made perfect, the chorus exulted, “It is finished”. Then the scene dissolved and I awoke.

I know this vision was the result of my intense meditation upon the idea of perfection, for my meditations invariably bring about union with the state contemplated. I had been so completely absorbed within the idea that for a while I had become what I contemplated, and the high purpose with which I had for that moment identified myself drew the companionship of high things and fashioned the vision in harmony with my inner nature. The ideal with which we are united works by association of ideas to awaken a thousand moods to create a drama in keeping with the central idea.

I first discovered this close relationship of moods to vision when I was aged about seven. I became aware of a mysterious life quickening within me like a stormy ocean of frightening might. I always knew when I would be united with this hidden identity, for my senses were expectant on the nights of these visitations and I knew beyond all doubt that before morning I would be alone with immensity. I so dreaded these visitations that I would lie awake until my eyes from sheer exhaustion closed. As my eyes closed in sleep, I was no longer solitary but smitten through and through with another being, and yet I knew it to be myself. It seemed older than life, yet nearer to me than my boyhood. If I tell what I discovered on these nights, I do so not to impose my ideas on others but that I may give hope to those who seek the law of life.

I discovered that my expectant mood worked as a magnet to unite me with this Greater Me, while my fears made It appear as a stormy sea. As a boy, I conceived of this mysterious self as might, and in my union with It I felt its majesty as a stormy sea which drenched me, then rolled and tossed me as a helpless wave.

As a man I conceived of It as love and myself the son of It, and in my union with It, now, what a love enfolds me! It is a mirror to all. Whatever we conceive It as being, that It is to us.

I believe It to be the center through which all the threads of the universe are drawn; therefore I have altered my values and changed my ideas so that they now depend upon and are in harmony with this sole cause of all that is. It is to me that changeless reality which fashions circumstances in harmony with our concepts of ourselves.

My mystical experiences have convinced me that there is no way to bring about the outer perfection we seek other than by the transformation of ourselves.

As soon as we succeed in transforming ourselves, the world will melt magically before our eyes and reshape itself in harmony with that which our transformation affirms.

Two other visions I will tell because they bear out the truth of my assertion that we, by intensity of love and hate, become what we contemplate.

Once, with closed eyes made radiant from brooding, I meditated on the eternal question, “Who Am I?” and felt myself gradually dissolve into a shoreless sea of vibrant light, imagination passing beyond all fear of death. In this state nothing existed but myself, a boundless ocean of liquid light. Never have I felt more intimate with Being.

How long this experience lasted I do not know, but my return to earth was accompanied by a distinct feeling of crystallizing again into human shape.

At another time, I lay on my bed and with my eyes shut as in sleep I brooded on the mystery of Buddha. In a little while, the dark caverns of my brain began to grow luminous.

I seemed to be surrounded by luminous clouds which emanated from my head as fiery, pulsating rings. I saw nothing but these luminous rings for a time. Then there appeared before my eyes a rock of quartz crystal. While I gazed upon it, the crystal broke into pieces which invisible hands quickly shaped into the living Buddha. As I looked on this meditative figure, I saw that it was myself. I was the living Buddha whom I contemplated. A light like the sun glowed from this living image of myself with increasing intensity until it exploded. Then the light gradually faded and once more I was back within the blackness of my room.

Out of what sphere or treasury of design came this being mightier than human, his garments, the crystal, the light? If I saw, heard and moved in a world of real beings when I seemed to myself to be walking in the night, when the lame, the halt, the blind were transformed in harmony with my inner nature, then I am justified in assuming that I have a more subtile body than the physical, a body that can be detached from the physical and used in other spheres; for to see, to hear, to move are functions of an organism however ethereal. If I brood over the alternative that my psychic experiences were self-begotten fantasy, no less am I moved to wonder at this mightier self who flashes on my mind a drama as real as those I experience when I am fully awake.

On these fiery meditations I have entered again and again, and I know beyond all doubt that both assumptions are true. Housed within this form of earth is a body attuned to a world of light, and I have, by intense meditation, lifted it as with a magnet through the skull of this dark house of flesh.

The first time I awoke the fires within me I thought my head would explode. There was intense vibration at the base of my skull, then sudden oblivion of all. Then I found myself clothed in a garment of light and attached by a silvery elastic cord to the slumbering body on the bed. So exalted were my feelings, I felt related to the stars. In this garment I roamed spheres more familiar than earth, but found that, as on earth, conditions were molded in harmony with my nature. “Self-begotten fantasy”, I hear you say. No more so than the things of earth.

I am an immortal being conceiving myself as man and forming worlds in the likeness and image of my concept of self.

What we imagine, that we are. By our imagination, we have created this dream of life, and by our imagination we will re-enter that eternal world of light, becoming that which we were before we imagined the world.

In the divine economy nothing is lost. We cannot lose anything save by descent from the sphere where the thing has its natural life.

There is no transforming power in death and, whether we are here or there, we fashion the world that surrounds us by the intensity of our imagination and feeling, and we illuminate or darken our lives by the concepts we hold of ourselves. Nothing is more important to us than our conception of ourselves, and especially is this true of our concept of the deep, hidden One within us.

Those that help or hinder us, whether they know it or not, are the servants of that law which shapes outward circumstances in harmony with our inner nature.

It is our conception of ourselves which frees or constrains us, though it may use material agencies to achieve its purpose.

Because life molds the outer world to reflect the inner arrangement of our minds, there is no way of bringing about the outer perfection we seek other than by the transformation of ourselves.

No help cometh from without; the hills to which we lift our eyes are those of an inner range.

It is thus to our own consciousness that we must turn as to the only reality, the only foundation on which all phenomena can be explained. We can rely absolutely on the justice of this law to give us only that which is of the nature of ourselves

To attempt to change the world before we change our concept of ourselves is to struggle against the nature of things. There can be no outer change until there is first an inner change. As within, so without. I am not advocating philosophical indifference when I suggest that we should imagine ourselves as already that which we want to be, living in a mental atmosphere of greatness, rather than using physical means and arguments to bring about the desired change.

Everything we do, unaccompanied by a change of consciousness, is but futile readjustment of surfaces. However we toil or struggle, we can receive no more than our subconscious assumptions affirm.

To protest against anything which happens to us is to protest against the law of our being and our rulership over our own destiny.

The circumstances of my life are too closely related to my conception of myself not to have been launched by my own spirit from some magical storehouse of my being.

If there is pain to me in these happenings, I should look within myself for the cause, for I am moved here and there and made to live in a world in harmony with my concept of myself.

Intense meditation brings about a union with the state contemplated, and during this union we see visions, have experiences, and behave in keeping with our change of consciousness. This shows us that a transformation of consciousness will result in a change of environment and behavior.

However, our ordinary alterations of consciousness, as we pass from one state to another, are not transformations, because each of them is so rapidly succeeded by another in the reverse direction; but whenever one state grows so stable as to definitely expel its rivals, then that central habitual state defines the character and is a true transformation. To say that we are transformed means that ideas previously peripheral in our consciousness now take a central place and form the habitual center of our energy.

All wars prove that violent emotions are extremely potent in precipitating mental rearrangements. Every great conflict has been followed by an era of materialism and greed in which the ideals for which the conflict ostensibly was waged are submerged.

This is inevitable because war evokes hate, which impels a descent in consciousness from the plane of the ideal to the level where the conflict is waged.

If we would become as emotionally aroused over our ideals as we become over our dislikes, we would ascend to the plane of our ideals as easily as we now descend to the level of our hates.

Love and hate have a magical transforming power, and we grow through their exercise into the likeness of what we contemplate. By intensity of hatred we create in ourselves the character we imagine in our enemies. Qualities die for want of attention, so the unlovely states might best be rubbed out by imagining “beauty for ashes and joy for mourning” [Isaiah 61:3] rather than by direct attacks on the state from which we would be free.

“Whatsoever things are lovely and of good report, think on these things” [Philippians 4:8], for we become that with which we are en rapport.

There is nothing to change but our concept of self.

Humanity is a single being in spite of its many forms and faces, and there is in it only such seeming separation as we find in our own being when we are dreaming.

The pictures and circumstances we see in dreams are creations of our own imagination and have no existence save in ourselves. The same is true of the pictures and circumstances we see in this dream of life. They reveal our concepts of ourselves. As soon as we succeed in transforming self, our world will dissolve and reshape itself in harmony with that which our change affirms.

The universe which we study with such care is a dream, and we the dreamers of the dream, eternal dreamers dreaming non-eternal dreams. One day, like Nebuchadnezzar, we shall awaken from the dream, from the nightmare in which we fought with demons, to find that we really never left our eternal home; that we were never born and have never died save in our dream.


Neville Goddard Collection Of Books

Neville Goddard was born in Barbados on February 19, 1905, to Joseph Nathaniel and Wilhelmina Goddard. He immigrated to New York City c. 1922, where he initially worked as a ballet and ballroom dancer.In 1931, he began to study under an Ethiopian rabbi named Abdullah, who introduced him to Kabbalah

Neville Goddard teaches us that the human creates reality just by imagining rather than trying to change outside circumstances, that it is only the creation of the mind of what you desire, as well as everything you see, is created by the mind first whether you are conscious of it or not. IMAGINATION IS YOUR PERSONAL GOD.