Make it across the Bridge without incidence!

Make it across the Bridge without incidence!

You will Cross A bridge

A bridge of incidents wil appear in your world….

“If you tell them it came to pass because you simply imagined it – no, they will point to the series of events that led up to it, and they will give credit to the bridge of incidents, across which you walked towards the fulfillment of that state, and they will point out some physical thing that was the cause.

No, the cause is invisible, for the cause is God, and God is invisible to mortal eye.”

Neville Goddard

Faith will get you across the bridge, but can you mess uop your manifestation?

Neville Goodard on FAILIURE:

The Power Of Awareness Chapter 24 Failiure

This book would not be complete without some discussion of failure in the attempted use of the law of assumption. It is entirely possible that you either have had or will have a number of failures in this respect – many of them in really important matters.

If, having read this book, having a thorough knowledge of the application and working of the law of assumption, you faithfully apply it in an effort to attain some intense desire and fail, what is the reason? If, to the question “Did you persist enough?”, you can answer “Yes” – and still the attainment of your desire was not realized, what is the reason for failure?

The answer to this is the most important factor in the successful use of the law of assumption. The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of already having what you desire.

The fact that it does not feel natural to you to be what you imagine yourself to be is the secret of your failure. Regardless of your desire, regardless of how faithfully and intelligently you follow the law, if you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it. If it does not feel natural to you to get a better job, you will not get a better job. The whole principle is vividly expressed by the Bible phrase “you die in your sins” – you do not transcend from your present level to the state desired.

How can this feeling of naturalness be achieved?

The secret lies in one word – imagination. For example, this is a very simple illustration: assume that you are securely chained to a large heavy iron bench. You could not possibly run, in fact you could not even walk. In these circumstances, it would not be natural for you to run. You could not even feel that it was natural for you to run. But you could easily imagine yourself running. In that instant, while your consciousness is filled with your imagined running, you have forgotten that you are bound. In imagination, your running was completely natural.

The essential feeling of naturalness can be achieved by persistently filling your consciousness with imagination – imagining yourself being what you want to be or having what you desire.

Progress can spring only from your imagination, from your desire to transcend your present level.

What you truly and literally must feel is that with your imagination, all things are possible. You must realize that changes are not caused by caprice, but by a change of consciousness. You may fail to achieve or sustain the particular state of consciousness necessary to produce the effect you desire.

But, once you know that consciousness is the only reality and is the sole creator of your particular world and have burnt this truth into your whole being, then you know that success or failure is entirely in your own hands. Whether or not you are disciplined enough to sustain the required state of consciousness in specific instances has no bearing on the truth of the law itself – that an assumption, if persisted in, will harden into fact. The certainty of the truth of this law must remain despite great disappointment and tragedy – even when you “see the light of life go out and all the world go on as though it were still day”. You must not believe that because your assumption failed to materialize, the truth that assumptions do materialize is a lie. If your assumptions are not fulfilled, it is because of some error or weakness in your consciousness.

However, these errors and weaknesses can be overcome.

Therefore, press on to the attainment of ever higher levels by feeling that you already are the person you want to be. And remember that the time it takes your assumption to become reality is proportionate to the naturalness of being it.

Neville Goddard

Don’t remove the planks in the bridge:

Walk across a bridge that is strong, solid, and straight by maintaining faith, by rebuking doubts, and by revoking indecision. Anytime you allow fear doubt or indecision it is as if you are removing the planks out of the bridge, and suddenly it gets hard to cross.

You’ll get tempted to give up and turn back around.

-“It’s not working” you’ll say, but it is, it is working, your fear is working against you isn’t it?

You assumed a feeling of, let’s say, smelling roses. You are consious of smelling roses, but you don’t see any roses, then doubt creeps in. One plank romoved from your bridge.

TRUST your decision to smell roses. CHANGE the word MANIFEST, to the word DECISION. Or AWARENESS. “I decided to smell roses”. “I am aware of smelling roses”.

But you trust your senses instead of your DECISION, instead of your AWARENESS, and you say “I don’t smell any roses”. One MORE plank removed from your bridge.

The more FEAR, DOUB, or Indescision you let in, the more planks you remove from the bridge.

Decide that you will walk across a SOLID bridge, and keep your awareness of smelling roses. Decide, keep the faith, and be confident in your awareness of smelling roses.

Bridge of events:

“Who knows what you are imagining? No one knows, but you can sit down and imagine, and no one can stop you from doing it, but can you give reality to the imagined state?

If you do, yes, a bridge of incidents will appear in your world, and you’ll walk across some series of events leading up to the fulfillment of the imaginal state.

But don’t give causation to any physical step that you took towards the fulfillment of it.”

– Neville Goddard

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11 Steps to Perfect Manifesting

11 Steps to Perfect Manifesting

How can you manifest when everything has gone wrong?

Manifesting requires us to have faith when we don’t yet see our manifestation, and to keep going. 

We are artists, sculpting a desired outcome. 

Because we are conscious creators, we have decided that we want to take charge of the direction of our evolution, and also,  of the rate of speed. Bacteria evolved into human mitochondria but it took millions of years.  Evolution pushes us along towards a homeostatic harmonious goal,  that is nature’s way, but we don’t have millions of years.  Still, we DO know that harmony is the goal.  Our goal, nature’s goal, and the creator’s goal.   So we can  decide to go for harmony faster, and for this we have  to have faith  when we don’t see anything manifested yet, just like an artist who is in the middle of their creation has to believe in the final product.  

Everything that I have manifested, in some way or another, I had to persist through times when it looked pretty bleak.  Looking back, I am so glad that I kept going, always, towards all my goals, and looking back at times that were so difficult or confusing, I can say, I remember when…

And that is exactly what “I remember when” technique is…

  1. “I remember when “, always makes me feel better. You can do something like  “I remember when I was a single woman and now I’m happily married”  or  “I remember when _____ was struggling with their health and now they are so healthy”, or “I remember when I was struggling to get my career on track, and now I am in the perfect job”.  This is “prospection” , you are creating a future memory. It is an intention, that this memory is yours, you DO remember when things were different, but look at you now, how far you have come, and how good that feels. The creator doesn’t need us to create, because he already created everything, he just needs us to intend. That is all.  

This is the creative process, all you do is intend, and the creator is the one who creates, your job is done with intending this memory. 

S.A.T.S. State akin to sleep

  1. SATS, state akin to sleep, find a scene, a short and easy scene to run through your mind.  Fall asleep with a wedding ring next to them, make it simple, and involve your senses. Feel the ring on your finger, and feel them next to you, or your arms around them. Or see yourself in the garden, and see them coming out to ask if you want some tea, hear the sound of the door open, and the sound of their voice, this involves the senses.  Or imagine the two of you out for a walk in the neighborhood, feel their hand in yours, your shoulder against theirs or their arm around you, inhale the scent of fresh air or the scent of roses  in a garden, hear birds chirping or a car  drive by, this involves touch, sight, smell, and hearing.  That is a short, easy scene, and that is all that is needed.  Feeling is the secret, meaning to feel it with the physical senses, the touch, taste, smell, hearing. Make it normal, not outlandish.  Be sure to include sensory input from your imaginal scene, and take a few minutes each day to relax into the SATS. 


  1. Revision is your new best friend, and this is something that you will use for life, in all situations, you will never regret making this part of your routine. This is just good practice, it is sweeping your own front porch, it is keeping your own internal space clearly geared towards the positive in all situations. It works in ways that you don’t need to understand, just know that miracles happen before your eyes when you use this.  Whenever  there is any negative circumstance or interaction, use this, always  revise it to work in your favo. At the end of each day, revise your day to be perfect. You can use it for things that happened right now, and for things that happened ten years ago. Understand that all of us evolve and change, we all seek for our own harmonious happiness, and this includes your sp, this is a gift of faith that you can give to someone that you love. Faith in their happiness, their harmonious and stable personality. If they have anger issues, revise them to be emotionally stable, if they have commitment issues, revise them to be completely secure in their commitment and attachment. If they are selfish or narcissistic, revise them to be emotionally available and empathetic. This is the correct path, the inevitable path, you are just speeding it up because you have become conscious.

Be adoer of the word, not just a hearer of the word:

  1. Use the methods, use them when you believe in yourself, and use them when you don’t. Just keep at it. It is like learning anything new, you just keep plugging away at it until you are finished. Especially when it seems hard, just persist in ur wish fulfilled, and play and feel really good imagining, that is the creative process.  Have fun with it, make it a game!

Stop taking inventory of circumstances:

5. Never ever check their social media  (or the social media of a real or imagined 3rd party)  If you are in a relationship and you are doing this, the end is near. Always go to the end, and live in the end, the end of a HAPPY and HEALTHY relationship, and if you would not be doing what you are doing in a happy healthy relationship, then don’t do it now. This includes other obsessive or addictive behaviors as well. Stop all of it immediately.  Some people get tarot readings or psychic readings, this is the same category of obsessiveness, please stop that. You will never learn how to be a happy person if you think that checking tarot is okay to do. This is obsessive and toxic, it is living from the end of total failure, betrayal, or at least the end of insecurity.

You get what you prepare for:

  1. Keep  your home ready, ready for guests, and also ready for you specific person to sleep in the bed next to you. Keep that space welcoming, some people say playing pretend is NOT manifesting but I beg to differ, playing is the strongest indicator that you are about to level up. Play is always nature’s sign that growth is coming. When children play, nature knows that they are ready for the next stage in their development. Play because it indicates an ease, a readiness, and nature sees this as a cue that this is the time for you to level up. Start playing that your home needs to be ready for your love. Florence Scovel Schinn says this, that creating this space will be welcoming a new guest, your sp!   This is Neville’s wish fulfilled!

Go and tell no one!

7. stop talking about it with your friends! I used to always complain about things regarding my husband to my friends, and this is the most detrimental thing you can do. It just encourages all of our fears, or our anger or sense of rejection. We have to learn how to stop venting to our friends. 

 The bible says: say “go and tell no one”, why,  because they mirror your fears. Talking about it can cause a “miscarriage” to ur desires as Neville says.  

I had an early innate sense of this, and remember when me and my husband had been married for about a year, I had a very concrete example of the two different attitudes of mind, or states of mind.  My husband would always overthink things, and he had a bit of a negative expectation or worst case scenario, and the reason for this came from his parents. They were negative and always had an underlying expectation that he would fail, and if this is true for you, you have to learn how to use that negativity to your advantage.  (You can learn how to use all your negative circumstances for your own benefit)  Anyway, we were visiting our summer cabin,  and he and I had  decided that a very large shed in the back of the property would be perfect to make our own, small cabin, since the family was growing and growing, and the cabin only had so many rooms.   We talked about what we needed to do,  the shed  needed french doors, a new floor, and some other things.  We had to take the boat to town to buy the material, because there was no road, and the boat belonged to his parents, and even though my husband was an adult they treated him like a child and wouldn’t let him use the boat.  I knew that they would also say no to fixing the shed to be a liveable cabin, but he insisted on asking them. I told him that we would simply do it in secret and then present it as a surprise to them, the finished beautiful product. I knew they would simply love a gorgeous little cabin, it is just that they completely lacked a creative vision.  Eventually we finagled it so that we could use the boat for the day, came back with everything that we needed, and pretty quickly fixed up the shed, and voila, it was a total gem!   His parents were just beaming with joy when they saw it. 

THIS is the difference between TELLING NO ONE, and asking for permission, asking for advice, and asking a tarot reader, or telling everyone of your intent.

You KNOW that you create ALL circumstances, so WHY are you going to tell people? Why? You know that you will be standing face to face with all of your fears. It should be clear by now, the mirror mirrors only your own consciousness back to you, so why do you want to cause yourself to be indecisive this way? You already decided on a course of action, now go and tell no one.

(Our  relationship  with his parents improved so much when we  stopped talking about any hopes and dreams. They were always happy for any good news, but they couldn’t handle the visionary process.) 

If anyone asks you how things are going, well you know what to say, things are going great. If you were truly in the state state of the wish fulfilled, you wouldn’t be asking those questions!

What you have created already by accident:

8. Regarding 3rd parties,  always just ignore them.  There shouldn’t be more to say about this.  You have to believe in your love, if you don’t believe in your love no one else will either, including your sp.  I remember seeing a social media question from a woman who was asking how to manifest her boyfriend to “not have female friends”, because she was jealous. Jealousy is a state, and it in turn manifests a lot of negative energies, so she should have been manifesting herself to change, to change so that she not be the slightest bit jealous, and over time she would be so confident that she has nothing to be jealous about.  Always go to the end, and jealousy has no home in your end result, nor does it belong in a healthy relationship. 

If you are jealous, work on it, and always remember that you are always on their mind, especially if they are talking to someone of the opposite sex, why, because you create your reality, and this is what you want, there is only one of you, and you are always on their mind. This is the end state, always go to the end state.

Mental diet and inner conversations

9)  Be on top of your mental diet. Involve  your inner conversations, and never let your mind run rampant with undesirable thoughts. Your mind is a pack of wild dogs that you have to put on a leash. It serves no purpose to allow the mind to ruminate or spiral, just have tools ready to go to stop a useless thought pattern immediately. I use autosuggestions, it is a combination of revision and intentions, and this is an instant mind soother, and it hands the doership squarely back to the creator, and we can go back to using our minds for constructive purposes. The biggest obstacle that people face is their own minds, and the reason is that they haven’t understood how destructive it is to let it go down rabbit holes.. Don’t let yourself go into fear or  doubts, there is no one there to put a stop to this negative thinking but yourself, and you actively have to stop it. It doesn’t stop itself. Stop allowing your mind to worry  about undesired outcomes. Always  keep your thoughts perfectly aligned with your wish fulfilled, yes this is hard at first, but it is necessary.   It gets easier.  You’re stopping  your manifestation if you  let  your mind wander freely into any spiral, or rabbit hole, or into fearful or hateful imaginations. 


10) Play! Laughing and having fun is like pressing the turbo speed button. Like I mentioned, play is nature’s sign that it is time to level up, time to evolve and grow! When you are manifesting, you  are changing and evolving yourself, you are increasingly becoming a better and better person, more and more aligned with harmony, and nature is always going in the direction of harmony, you can observe this in the synchronization of fireflies, or in the synchronization of metronomes,  it is nature’s phenomenon to desire harmony. It happens naturally, but sometimes we get in the way of nature. When we play, we are aligning with nature ‘s intended synchronization.  

There  is a great energy in play, play is creative and generative. It is what the artist does when he chips away at his sculpture, it is serious but at the same time, it is play.  This is a forgotten aspect of LOA, but a massively important point in other spiritual teachings. Take the seriousness out, and reduce importance, align with the desired end by incorporating fun.

Go to the END

11. Bonus point. You have to imagine the whole shebang, the whole enchilada, get into the total perfection and harmony of the end state, this means that no messing with the middle and no playing it small. Just go ahead and throw yourself into the most magical imagination that you can. Playing it small doesn’t help you, it doesn’t make it more plausible that you will get your manifestation, remember that natures way is towards harmony and perfection, and inside of you you already have a sense of what that feels like, and looks like, so make the path straight there.  “I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight”.  

Trust in the power of the creators finished work, and set your sight only on that.

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Revision 101 | Change even the worst situation into the best situation | Neville Goddard

Revision 101 | Change even the worst situation into the best situation

Nothing more brilliant than Neville’s  revision techniques has crossed my path. Well, almost anyway. 

This is a technique I vaguely knew about in a slightly different format with less faith in its seemingly miraculous outcomes.

Prior to testing revision in the way that Neville presented it, I used it to change my mood. That is it. I thought that it was only possible to change your mood about something, using this technique,  but I had no idea that you could actually change the something, and to stop worrying about your mood! Just using this technique to micromanage your mood and reaction to every encounter is definitely selling this technique short. This is meant to give you your perfect desire on a silver platter.

Sincerely, this is pure miracles in a tiny technique that only takes a few minutes to work through. 

There are DAILY questions on Facebook, asking about if “it works”, my advice is this. Try it!

As with all LOA, get out of your own way, stop applying time to the equation, and stop asking  “Can I manifest this” and stop asking if it works. Try it and come back and tell your story later.

The key to this and with all of your desires in general is to let go of the importance you might have built around the topic, find other things to entertain yourself with to stop obsessing, but for real, just give the techniques a shot.

Sometimes I share my personal stories, but I don’t always want to put things out there publicly, and I understand that hearing about other people’s success stories is soothing, but get this….You don’t need to be soothed to manifest!

This is a rewrite of history, and the result is a new reality where your revised memory created the trajectory of your life. Imagine the best and imagine that after you have done the revision you walk by faith not by sight for a little while.

This technique will find its way into mainstream psychiatry before long, nothing is as life changing, healing and transformative as revision.

This technique means that you can bypass a bunch of steps that feel weird, untrue or difficult , like surrendering your desire, or letting go. You can keep your desire, never worry about needing to let go of the resistance, because resistance is completely removed when you have finished the revision.

My favorite method for revision is in writing, using pen and paper, but if you are more of a visualizer you can visualize the revision. The goal is a perfect memory.  A memory that is so wonderful, heartwarming, uplifting and empowering. Don’t abandon the revision until it is perfect, Only do it once per memory! I keep saying that but DON”T DIG UP THE SEED. It is done, so be done with it, there is nothing further to do. 

Now, you don’t bring time into the equation, time does not exist here, so never wonder if it worked. It did. It worked, so chill now and do something else. Maybe manifest a million dollar business, or some random fun. But don’t return to revise the same thing over and over again, that is kicking a dead horse and we don’t do that, that is not manifesting.

If this revision involved a relationship, then the feeling you were left with at the endpoint of revision is the feeling you should keep with you if you think about it going forward if you can, but it isn’t necessary! You can think anything you want really. The best thing is you can let go of all anger and fear at this point, but if you haven’t let go of fear or anger, you can find another memory to revise.

The other thing you should consider if you are revising a relationship is to go back to the earliest memory that felt wrong, or went wrong. The original event is often enough to revise, but if there are a lot of things that went wrong you can walk through them one by one.  Limit the amount of revisions you do in one sitting to one to three revisions. Remember that you need to land on perfection, and the memory of everything that you ever dreamed of. Do not take any action steps to finagle this into place, don’t DO anything, the doing is done in the revision so there are no more steps to take from here.

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The Neville Goddard, Most Important Manifesting Tools

The Neville Goddard, Most Important Manifesting Tools

If you find that you keep falling into undesired states, and it just seems impossible to remain in the state of the wish fulfilled, or even to get into the desired state, or to understand what it at all even means. Have you been on the internet and now you have come down with a case of method-madness? The 369 method? The 555 Method? The Water Method, or full moon spells, or vision boards and scripting and you just don’t know what method is the best?

The only way to transform reality around you is by the methods.

Learn the methods, but don’t make the method the destination!

If you are going to Las Vegas you can go by plane, bus or car. Either way you’ll get there. If you have method madness, you are spending your days wondering if you should take a plan, bus or a car. But you forgot that you are going to Vegas….

This isn’t about how you get there, it is about ACTUALLY getting there. This is the famous door slam. You are in Barbados! Slams door!

So not asking how to get there anymore implies that you are already there. “With all the vividness of the senses” BE THERE.

If you just can’t make the leap, to the state, or you just “don’t get it”, then follow the techniques that are most likely to put you in the state of the wish fulfilled. Use the right tool at the right time. You don’t use a hammer on a screw. And the method isn’t a magic spell, it is a toll meant to put you in the state of the wish fulfilled. I’m saying that the method DOESN’T MATTER. Don’t have “method madness”, just relax, BE STILL, and KNOW.

Neville’s best manifesting techniques!


This is the most surprising of all techniques in that the results seem to change the past. there are DAILY questions from people regarding this method. -Can revision change that I stumbled on a branch and fell in front of my the girl I liked in 3rd grade, and embarrassed myself and she never talked to me again, and now I feel like all girls, or women laugh at me behind my back?

  • Yes.
  • Revision changes everything.

In Daoism, and Tantric Buddhism, the place of change is “emptiness”, and if you can reach emptiness you can change the reality source and if you have changed the reality source the progression of events also change. That is the most esoteric and ancient description of Neville Goddard’s revision method that I can find. This isn’t even a new concept. Revision is a spiritual concept, it is a psychological tool, and it is a ingenious manifesting tool.

Before you ask one more time “Can revision change….” TRY IT. There is nothing any single method can do for you unless you try it. You have to do it.

I personally prefer to do revision in writing, using old fashioned pen and paper, but others like to use their imagination. Whatever way you choose to do it, the important part is “all the sensory vividness of reality”. Be there in person and experience the revision first hand, imagine the touch, the smells, the sounds.

Work through the “original situation” as much as you need to, the situation you wish didn’t happen in that way. If it is a trauma situation, now you have a chance to work through it here, without spiritual bypass, but from here on, leave the original event behind, because you are creating a new memory. If you have a lot to work through it could take more than one time of revision, and that is fine. There is no outside force here judging you. Whatever time you perceive that you need i fine.

Revision is the method for any unwanted memory, no matter how bad, and no matter when it happened, if it was earlier today, or 90 years ago, it works the same.

blog continues below video….

Prune the vine (Pruning shears)

Prune the vine. Is it the same as revision? How do I do it?

“Remember: you don’t have to abide by anything you dislike. It is but a vessel in your hand which is not properly shaped.”

Neville Goddard

“Become aware of the thoughts you are thinking and you will know a more pleasant life. It makes no difference what others do.”

Neville Goddard

“Every orthodox religious group would enslave you for the rest of eternity if they could; but when you leave that belief, its personification will curse your leaving, but their curse means nothing.“

Neville Goddard

“Have you imagined something and it hasn’t come to pass? Then what are you imagining right now? “

Neville Goddard

“When you imagined being secure did you forget the feeling? Are you imagining you are secure now? “

Neville Goddard

All of the above Neville quotes indicate the great benefits of “pruning the vine”. Imagine a rose bush the gets cut back in the fall, and how beneficial the pruning is to the blossoms that will come in the spring. The same is true for fruit trees. If you want fruit on you tree, you HAVE to prune the tree back. If you want the fruits of your labor, that is if you want your manifestation, the fruit of your imaginal scenes, to see the light of day, you have to prune back your unnecessary and disruptive thoughts. Those thoughts are like the obnoxious kid in the class room that ruins it for everyone else. Trim the thoughts out of your existence.

Actions that you take are experienced as a cause of an effect. ( cause and effect)

Cause of what effect?

You are the author and you are the cause of what happens to you.

Your thoughts are the cause.

Your habitual thoughts that is, and your thoughts are the cause of your habitual thoughts.

Lets break it down fully:

Action is preceded by a motivation.

Motivation preceded by your habitual thoughts.

Adopt a mental diet, or a religious or spiritual practice for THIS reason. This is the reason you want to force your thoughts by sheer will power, into a groove of uplifting and positive neural pathways.

If you can’t stop ruminating about everything that you don’t want.

If your thoughts are chronically negative and dwells on failure or disasters.

Use this method. There is no other thinker in your mind but you, so you have to use your will power to put a stop to this. Prune the vine.

If you diligently prune the vine, the rose blossom, the fruits on your tree will be abundant.

Pruning the vine is for everyone who is an over thinker or worry wart.

Imaginal Scene (Shifting / Quantum Jump)

The easiest and most well known of Nevilles methods, and if you have a generally easy disposition, if you don’t have a ton of trauma to heal, if you don’t tend to over thinking and rumination, then this is all you need. Skip everything else, because there is no benefit to over complicating this.

One imaginal scene that “clicks”, that feels done, IS done.

Inner conversations

You and I have had this experience, — I know I have many times. You have gone to a party, and many people you do not know, you meet them and the usual greetings: “Nice to know you,” “What a joy to know you,” “Pleased to meet you,” and the usual clichés; and then you have drinks and your little hors d’oeuvre, and then the party breaks up and they all separate. And you hear someone say, “What a creep,” “What a bore”; yet they were so pleased to meet them: “What a joy to know you.” The outer words did not conform whatsoever with what they were really thinking on the inside. And God sees, not the outer man; He sees the inner Man.

Neville Goddard

It’s the inner speech that is frozen in the world round about us.

Neville Goddard

“And some said, he is a good man; and others said, no, he is leading people astray. Others said, why, he is mad, and he has a. devil.” When he fed them with the loaves and the fish, — oh, they loved it, — getting things in the world. As long as they could have things and things and things, it was marvelous; and then he tells them of something entirely different: that they would go through “furnaces”, but the end would justify all the “furnaces” through which they would pass. The end would be God; they would awaken in the end, and they would awaken as God the Father. He didn’t tell them of the nature of the “furnaces.” He told them only of the end and that they would pass through “furnaces”; and passing through, they faltered. They could tell exactly what they were really doing on the inside. As we are told in the 50th Psalms: “If a man orders his conversations aright, I will show him the salvation of God.”

Neville Goddard

This method is necessary if you keep arguments alive by your very thoughts alone. If you have a lot of relationships that are difficult, strained, or if people avoid you and every interaction you have there is an issue of some sort, then start to change your inner conversations. With every thought that you have that upholds an argument, have two more thoughts that indicate how great the other person is doing. See their beautiful smile as they interact with you, indicating friendship and ease. Listen to them tell you how well they are doing, how healthy they are and how successful they are, and how loved they are. Hear them say how fulfilled they feel. Set some time aside a few time a day to create a deliberate mental conversation with your most strained relationships and watch the magic unfold. This method benefits the whole world in a domino effect of well being, so don’t underestimate the amount of good this will do beyond your own relationships. Your relationships will improve and even heal as soon as you decide to use this method.

Congratulatory conversation

This method is the one to use if you are manifesting a specific thing or event. Examples can be a raise, a promotion, the purchase of a home or car, a graduation, an engagement or marriage.

It doesn’t really matter what you think stands in your way, there is nothing that stands in your way. If you have imagined that there is distance or lack f money, or lack of opportunity somehow, use this method a stop imagining the problem or obstacle. Every time that you find yourself imagining the obstacle more, reach immediately for the congratulatory conversation.

An example of how a congratulatory conversation can be imagining sending a text message to a friend, about your success, and imagining them answering your text back with excitement. Neville Goddard used a handshake as the imaginary congratulatory conversation, but this might feel totally foreign to you, so use a mode of communication that is actually normal to you. Instead of a handshake, you can be on facetime, or if you like, have a face to face cup of tea with your friend, and replay the congratulatory conversation over a cup of tea, Whatever is a normal way to communicate for you, use that.

Neville uses examples where an AQUAINTANCE contratulates him, not a close friend. Remember you probably tell your closest people all your good news immediately, so let the person congratulating you be someone you know, that would have heard the good news through someone else! Boom!

manifest magazine

sensual woman with apple lying on bed

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