The important secret of Kabbalah that Law Of Assumption FORGETS

The important secret of Kabbalah that Law Of Assumption FORGETS:

The big Kabbalah secret that often gets lost in the shuffle, especially in the world of Law of Assumption, is simple yet profound: You must be receptive.

The Receptive Mode & Abraham Hicks?

While Abraham Hicks talks a lot about the receptive mode, it’s something that Neville Goddard enthusiasts often shy away from, as it may sound too much like ‘woo-woo’ or ‘Law of Attraction’ jargon. But let me tell you, Law of Assumption takes a page straight out of Kabbalah’s playbook, and receptivity is an important aspect of Kabbah.

You are God’s vessel, he wants to pour blessings into you:

Think of it this way: Kabbalah teaches us about the importance of the ‘vessels’ – vessels for receiving blessings. We are vessels, for example. But we also create other vessels to receive for us, for example our job is one vessel to receive money. However, These ‘vessels’ can be anything that you have created – situations, opportunities, people, or simply your own mindset. You can have as many vessels as you want, and we do not know all of the vessels that exist. The key is not to limit yourself by anticipating exactly how these blessings will come to you; instead, be ready to receive in whatever form they may arrive.

Picture these ‘vessels’ as avenues to receive blessings. You don’t need to have the entire roadmap of how your blessings will reach you – you just need to believe that they can and will. Get ready by removing any ‘lids’ from your vessels – these lids prevent your blessings from entering in, lids can be your doubts, fears, or limiting beliefs. Being receptive means embracing a mindset of sensitivity, cheerfulness, and most of all, a sense of gratitude for what you already have.

Arrogance and ego is a lid blocking your vessels

An attitude of humility opens your vessels wide. A giant ego can act like a tight-fitting lid on your vessel, hindering the flow of blessings. Fear, on the other hand, is like turning your vessels upside down and spilling out the goodness you already possess. A Big Ego is NOT receptive mode. It si NOT Law of Assumption mode. Do you want to experience something greater? Remove your ego, and humble yourself, expect something greater than you could have imagined. You are NOT the giver here, you are the…..receiver of blessings.

Gratitude & Humility opens your vessels

To be truly receptive is to understand that the Creator of the universe desires nothing more than to shower you with abundant blessings. It’s about suspending your doership, your own belief in the actions of self, stepping aside, and making room for the divine to flow through. In this state of openness and receptivity, you’ll find that blessings pour in from every direction.

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Make it across the Bridge without incidence!

Make it across the Bridge without incidence!

You will Cross A bridge

A bridge of incidents wil appear in your world….

“If you tell them it came to pass because you simply imagined it – no, they will point to the series of events that led up to it, and they will give credit to the bridge of incidents, across which you walked towards the fulfillment of that state, and they will point out some physical thing that was the cause.

No, the cause is invisible, for the cause is God, and God is invisible to mortal eye.”

Neville Goddard

Faith will get you across the bridge, but can you mess uop your manifestation?

Neville Goodard on FAILIURE:

The Power Of Awareness Chapter 24 Failiure

This book would not be complete without some discussion of failure in the attempted use of the law of assumption. It is entirely possible that you either have had or will have a number of failures in this respect – many of them in really important matters.

If, having read this book, having a thorough knowledge of the application and working of the law of assumption, you faithfully apply it in an effort to attain some intense desire and fail, what is the reason? If, to the question “Did you persist enough?”, you can answer “Yes” – and still the attainment of your desire was not realized, what is the reason for failure?

The answer to this is the most important factor in the successful use of the law of assumption. The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of already having what you desire.

The fact that it does not feel natural to you to be what you imagine yourself to be is the secret of your failure. Regardless of your desire, regardless of how faithfully and intelligently you follow the law, if you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it. If it does not feel natural to you to get a better job, you will not get a better job. The whole principle is vividly expressed by the Bible phrase “you die in your sins” – you do not transcend from your present level to the state desired.

How can this feeling of naturalness be achieved?

The secret lies in one word – imagination. For example, this is a very simple illustration: assume that you are securely chained to a large heavy iron bench. You could not possibly run, in fact you could not even walk. In these circumstances, it would not be natural for you to run. You could not even feel that it was natural for you to run. But you could easily imagine yourself running. In that instant, while your consciousness is filled with your imagined running, you have forgotten that you are bound. In imagination, your running was completely natural.

The essential feeling of naturalness can be achieved by persistently filling your consciousness with imagination – imagining yourself being what you want to be or having what you desire.

Progress can spring only from your imagination, from your desire to transcend your present level.

What you truly and literally must feel is that with your imagination, all things are possible. You must realize that changes are not caused by caprice, but by a change of consciousness. You may fail to achieve or sustain the particular state of consciousness necessary to produce the effect you desire.

But, once you know that consciousness is the only reality and is the sole creator of your particular world and have burnt this truth into your whole being, then you know that success or failure is entirely in your own hands. Whether or not you are disciplined enough to sustain the required state of consciousness in specific instances has no bearing on the truth of the law itself – that an assumption, if persisted in, will harden into fact. The certainty of the truth of this law must remain despite great disappointment and tragedy – even when you “see the light of life go out and all the world go on as though it were still day”. You must not believe that because your assumption failed to materialize, the truth that assumptions do materialize is a lie. If your assumptions are not fulfilled, it is because of some error or weakness in your consciousness.

However, these errors and weaknesses can be overcome.

Therefore, press on to the attainment of ever higher levels by feeling that you already are the person you want to be. And remember that the time it takes your assumption to become reality is proportionate to the naturalness of being it.

Neville Goddard

Don’t remove the planks in the bridge:

Walk across a bridge that is strong, solid, and straight by maintaining faith, by rebuking doubts, and by revoking indecision. Anytime you allow fear doubt or indecision it is as if you are removing the planks out of the bridge, and suddenly it gets hard to cross.

You’ll get tempted to give up and turn back around.

-“It’s not working” you’ll say, but it is, it is working, your fear is working against you isn’t it?

You assumed a feeling of, let’s say, smelling roses. You are consious of smelling roses, but you don’t see any roses, then doubt creeps in. One plank romoved from your bridge.

TRUST your decision to smell roses. CHANGE the word MANIFEST, to the word DECISION. Or AWARENESS. “I decided to smell roses”. “I am aware of smelling roses”.

But you trust your senses instead of your DECISION, instead of your AWARENESS, and you say “I don’t smell any roses”. One MORE plank removed from your bridge.

The more FEAR, DOUB, or Indescision you let in, the more planks you remove from the bridge.

Decide that you will walk across a SOLID bridge, and keep your awareness of smelling roses. Decide, keep the faith, and be confident in your awareness of smelling roses.

Bridge of events:

“Who knows what you are imagining? No one knows, but you can sit down and imagine, and no one can stop you from doing it, but can you give reality to the imagined state?

If you do, yes, a bridge of incidents will appear in your world, and you’ll walk across some series of events leading up to the fulfillment of the imaginal state.

But don’t give causation to any physical step that you took towards the fulfillment of it.”

– Neville Goddard

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The Law and The Promise

The lineage of Abraham and his descendants bears a dual significance. While it undeniably holds a place in secular history, laying the groundwork for the eventual emergence of the Israeli and Arab peoples, the crux lies in the allegorical interpretation, often expounded by Neville Goddard—the PROMISE that transcends mere historical accounts.

Neville Goddard, known for his interpretations of the Bible and teachings on imagination and creating your reality, presents ideas that can be quite different from mainstream Christian teachings. Goddard stands out as one of the most spiritually inclined Bible teachers I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve crossed paths with quite a few in my journey. His teachings, however, are not easily embraced; in fact, the first time I encountered them, I struggled to comprehend and accept what he was saying. It wasn’t until I took a detour, explored his ideas more deeply, and returned with an open mind that I began to appreciate their profound significance. I highly recommend going to the Bible, to read his source for yoursellf.

To some, Neville Goddard may well be regarded as the most exceptional Bible teacher to have ever graced this world, but to the average Christian, his teachings can appear not only bewildering but also threatening, even leading some to question whether he might be perceived as a figure at odds with their religious beliefs, perhaps even akin to Satan himself.

The core principles of the Law and the Promise and mainstream Christian thought are at odds., just like the average Neville cultist is at odds with the core teachings of Jesus.

As said by Paul, Jesus’s very own apostle, whom wrote in his letters to The Galatians, read it in your Bible. Read it yourself, don’t take my word for it!

The Law and the Promise | Galatians 3

Brothers and sisters, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed, meaning one person, who is Christ.  What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise. For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on the promise; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise.

Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator. A mediator, however, implies more than one party; but God is one.

Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law.  But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.

St Paul, The Apostle. Galatians 3

The Bible, as Neville Goddard suggests, is a treasury of allegory, symbolism, and spiritual truth. It opens the door to interpretations that extend far beyond the historical or ethical and into the realm of personal transformation, manifestation, and the realization of the divine within each individual. This perspective sheds light on the profound depth and significance of the scriptures, revealing a narrative far richer and more meaningful than mere historical or moral guidance. But don’t take my word for it, or even Neville’s, read it for yourself:

John 3

Jesus Teaches Nicodemus:

 “Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council.  He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

“How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.  Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[ gives birth to spirit.  You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

How can this be?  Nicodemus asked.

“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things?  Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.  I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?  No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,  that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.   Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.  This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.  But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

Being Christ-like to others

Neville Goddard is undeniably enlightened in his understanding. However, it’s crucial to recognize that he didn’t create these principles; they are God’s work. Neville merely grasped these concepts

Jesus teachings exemplify living by God’s will, emphasizing the importance of embodying God’s word, spreading love, and practicing kindness to all, mirroring Christ’s ways in our interactions. God granted us free will, offering an unlimited array of choices in life. Manifestation, when aligned with God’s principles finds support and examples within the Bible.

We are created in God’s image and God bestowed upon us the gift to shape the life we desire; we are co-creators with Him. God, the creator of everything, even encompasses what Neville taught. Creating alternative man-made religions or governing bodies goes against His intentions. God’s purpose is our happiness, and He stands by us. Praying and manifesting concurrently is possible, as I practice in my life. No other divine being exists beside God;

The Promise: Galatians 4

“Children who are under age are no better off than slaves, even though everything their parents own will someday be theirs. This is because children are placed in the care of guardians and teachers until the time their parents have set. This is how it was with us. We were like children ruled by the powers of this world.

But when the time was right, God sent his Son, and a woman gave birth to him. His Son obeyed the Law,  so he could set us free from the Law, and we could become God’s children.  Now that we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts. And his Spirit tells us that God is our Father. You are no longer slaves. You are God’s children, and you will be given what he has promised.

Paul’s Concern for the Galatians

Before you knew God, you were slaves of gods that are not real. But now you know God, or better still, God knows you. How can you turn back and become the slaves of those weak and pitiful powers? You even celebrate certain days, months, seasons, and years. I am afraid I have wasted my time working with you.

My friends, I beg you to be like me, just as I once tried to be like you. Did you mistreat me when I first preached to you? No you didn’t, even though you knew I had come there because I was sick. My illness must have caused you some trouble, but you didn’t hate me or turn me away because of it. You welcomed me as though I were one of God’s angels or even Christ Jesus himself. Where is that good feeling now? I am sure if it had been possible, you would have taken out your own eyes and given them to me.  Am I now your enemy, just because I told you the truth?

Those people may be paying you a lot of attention, but it isn’t for your good. They only want to keep you away from me, so you will pay them a lot of attention. It is always good to give your attention to something worthwhile, even when I am not with you. My children, I am in terrible pain until Christ may be seen living in you. I wish I were with you now. Then I would not have to talk this way. You really have me puzzled.

Hagar and Sarah

Some of you would like to be under the rule of the Law of Moses. But do you know what the Law says?  In the Scriptures we learn that Abraham had two sons. The mother of one of them was a slave, while the mother of the other one had always been free. The son of the slave woman was born in the usual way. But the son of the free woman was born because of God’s promise.

All of this has another meaning as well.

Each of the two women stands for one of the agreements God made with his people. Hagar, the slave woman, stands for the agreement that was made at Mount Sinai. Everyone born into her family is a slave. Hagar also stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and for the present city of Jerusalem. She and her children are slaves.

But our mother is the city of Jerusalem in heaven above, and she isn’t a slave.  The Scriptures say about her,

“You have never had children,

but now you can be glad.

You have never given birth,

but now you can shout.

Once you had no children,

but now you will have

more children than a woman

who has been married

for a long time.”

My friends, you were born because of this promise, just as Isaac was.  But the child who was born in the natural way made trouble for the child who was born because of the Spirit.

The same thing is happening today.

 The Scriptures say, “Get rid of the slave woman and her son! He won’t be given anything. The son of the free woman will receive everything.” 

My friends, we are children of the free woman and not of the slave.

-St Paul, The Apostle. Galatians 4

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There Are No Circumstances!

Are you manifesting your desires? Are your circumstances showing up oppisite?

If you are trying to overcome challenges, or struggling to ignore circumstances, here are two core principles to remember:

  • Awareness of Being
    Your awareness of being—the essence of your existence—is tied to holding onto God above all. Embrace the understanding of “I am that I am,” emphasizing your connection to the divine. THIS has to be primary for you. Hold on tighter to your “I am” than you do to anything else. Feeling is the secret, not the “thing”. JUST the feeling.
  • Letting Go and Manifesting
    There isn’t a problem you need to fix. Instead, focus on fixing your thinking. Understanding the art of letting go and releasing the need for control is key. Let go and let God take the lead—this is the core of manifesting desires. The problem is already solved, so why are you trying to fix it?

Nothing about vibration or attracting, this awarenss of being, is the only thing that matters. Go there and hold on to that. Let go of the problem and hold on to The Feeling.

Reflection Questions

What was your #1 takeaway from the post?

Why is it important that you hold on tighter to your I am than to anything else?

Knowing that your problems have already been solved, and your circumstances have already been defeated, how does that change how you approach obstacles?

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Does “Self-Concept” Make You Happy? LOA

The comparison between self-concept and Bhakti (devotionl love, Krishna Radha as an example) in terms of which makes us happier is a matter of experiencing growth from a childish mind, to a more mature and altruistic mind. Human nature doesn’t stay the same for life, and this shift in our minds usually make a shift towards thinking of others more in our teens, but for some it happens earlier or later.

Self Concept:

Self-concept relates to how we perceive ourselves, our beliefs about our abilities, worth, and roles in life. Having a positive self-concept can contribute to a sense of self-worth, confidence, and overall well-being. When we believe in ourselves and have a positive outlook on our abilities, it can lead to increased happiness and life satisfaction. It is narcisissm in its healthy expression. Imagine an infant, who needs food and dry diapers. It is not altruistic, but neither would you call it selfish. Now imaging a 30 year old acting as an infant, and you can immediately see that this journey towards thinking about others is natural, and should be encouraged.


Bhakti, or devotion, involves a deep sense of love, adoration, and surrender to a higher power, spiritual figure such as a Guru, or the God, Jesus, Krishna, in short; The Divine. For those who find solace, purpose, and joy in devotional practices, Bhakti can provide a profound sense of connection, peace, and fulfillment. This happiness is usually described as “Bliss.”

Has Happiness Eluded You?

Happiness is a complex and multi-dimensional emotion influenced by various factors, including one’s spiritual beliefs, relationships, personal growth, self-esteem, and mental and physical well-being. Some individuals may find happiness and fulfillment through a strong sense of self-concept, self-esteem, andw others may derive it from service to others, or from deep spiritual devotion or a combination of all.

ALL Manifesting is the Same?

I say that manifesting is “all the same”, however, people are not. The manifesting journey needs to be approached from your own perspective, not from a cookie cutter place.

Metaphorically Speaking…

Certainly, the metaphor of the sinking boat and the concept of “heaven” and “hell” provide a valuable perspective on how the way we use our spoken words and intentions can influence our happiness and the well-being of those around us.

In the sinking boat metaphor, when individuals collectively focus on speaking words and intentions that align with goodness, cooperation, and the well-being of all, they work together to plug the holes in the boat and keep it afloat. This collaborative effort leads to the safety and happiness of everyone on board. It illustrates the idea that when we use our words and intentions to benefit others and the collective, it often results in a happier and harmonious environment.

A group of people were sitting in a boat. One person pulled out a hand-drill and proceeded to drill a hole beneath their seat. The fellow passengers screamed at the incredulous sight and asked, “What do you think you’re doing?!”

The hole-driller dismissed the question and responded, “What do you care? Am I not drilling under my seat?”

They replied: “Because you are sinking the boat with us in it!’”

In the metaphor of “heaven,” people feeding each other with long spoons signifies a sense of selflessness and mutual care. When we prioritize the well-being of others and speak words of kindness, compassion, and love, it fosters a harmonious and joyous atmosphere. The act of feeding each other emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals and the idea that by helping others, we, in turn, help ourselves.

Conversely, in the metaphor of “hell,” people struggling to feed themselves with long spoons highlight the self-centered approach. When individuals prioritize their selfish desires, they may find it challenging to reach their own happiness, just as they struggle to feed themselves with long spoons. It implies that a self-centered focus can lead to isolation and discontent.

The allegory can be summarized as follows: In each location, the inhabitants are given access to food, but the utensils are too unwieldy to serve oneself with. In hell, the people cannot cooperate, and consequently starve. In heaven, the diners feed one another across the table and are sated.

In essence, the metaphors suggest that speaking words and intentions that reflect a spirit of cooperation, empathy, and goodwill ( The golden rule, etc) can create an environment of happiness and well-being for all. Selflessness and collective benefit often lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence, while selfishness and self-centeredness can result in dissatisfaction and discord. The choice in how we use our spoken words and intentions plays a significant role in shaping our world and our happiness.

For Law of Assumption purposes the deal is this:

You start where you are. Right here an now. This acceptance allows you to work from a place of truth and authenticity. You see, whatever you are facing right now, whatever youare desiring right now, no matter how it seems to others, is actually your path forward. It is never a path backwards, no matter how it seems.

The idea that there are as many paths to God as there are people emphasizes the individual and diverse nature of life. It acknowledges that each person’s journey towards understanding or connecting with the divine is unique and personal. The phrase also suggests that the path to God is an internal one. This inner exploration and understanding of one’s beliefs, values, creates our reality, INCLUDING our relationship with God

Neville Goddard:

Now we turn to the story. It’s an old man, a hundred years old, and a wife ninety years old; and it is said “it had ceased to be with her after the manner of women.” In other words, it would be impossible for her to have a child. And the promise was made that she would have a child, and that child would be “your heir, and you will call him Isaac, which means he laughs.” Abraham had, from a slave, a son called Ishmael. It was said of him that his hand was against every man, and every man’s hand was against him.

This same story repeats itself all the way through. It begins with Abraham, and then the two – Ishmael who came first and then Isaac. Isaac was the promise. Then the grandchildren: Esau and Jacob, and God said, “Jacob I love; Esau I have hated” – the same pattern following all through Scripture coming into the New Testament. And in man it erupted – the story.

Now we find a wonderful story in the book of John, the 3rd chapter of John. It is not repeated in the Bible, it is only in John. It is not mentioned in Matthew, Mark, or Luke – where a member of the Sanhedrin – a Pharisee by the name of Nicodemus – a member of the Sanhedrin is the highest body of a religious order. And Israel was a theocracy, it was ruled by the Rabbis, and here was the highest of the Rabbis. He identified something from what he knew of his own scripture, but couldn’t quite put the pieces together. So, he sought Jesus “in the night,” we are told. He came during the night, seemingly in a furtive manner – not to be identified or recognized by other members of the Sanhedrin.

He addressed him as Rabbi, whence the fact that the man knows what others seemingly are not aware of. The conversation takes place in this manner: He said, “I know that you are one that is sent, for no one who is not sent by God could do the things that you do,” and then a sudden break takes place in the conversation, and Jesus said to him:

“Unless one is born from above, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” Nicodemus answered, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”

And Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say unto you, unless one is born from above, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I have said unto you that you must be born from above, for I tell you that the wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell whence it comes nor whither it goes. So is everyone who is born of the spirit.”

Nicodemus answered, “How can this be?”

And then Jesus answered him and said, “Are you a teacher of Israel and you do not understand this? I tell you – I tell you what I know, and I bear witness to what I have seen, but you do not receive my testimony.”

That is the story in essence. Man was looking for it to take place, as Nicodemus did, as all births take place, never having heard of an entirely different kind of a birth. Here, that which is born of the flesh is flesh; that which is born of the spirit is spirit; but he never heard before that Isaac represented that which is born of the spirit.

-Neville Goddard

Manifest real love

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Manifesting: Beyond “I Am God of My Reality'”

Manifesting: Beyond “I Am God of My Reality'”

Manifesting and the belief of being the “God of our reality” often stir discussions about the true nature of our connection with the divine. Some believe they are the sole creators of their reality, while others perceive themselves as sparks of the divine essence. The crux lies in experiencing the presence of God, or merely reading something.

Conveying the certain concepts, especially the concept of devotion, particularly the depth of love it entails, can pose a significant challenge to students of the Law of Assumption or anyone from a Western cultural background. Devotion represents a complete and profound love that is a crucial aspect of religion, spirituality, and manifesting miracles. However, it’s a topic that often finds resistance or avoidance, especially within the realm of the Law of Attraction (LOA), where discussions about devotion are relatively scarce or overlooked.

During the years that I worked in addiction medicine and detox, I came to understand that each and every person has an internalized concept of God already. This is their lifeline, their path to salvation, to recovery and strenght. We call it “God of your understanding”. What Law of Assumption coaches often seem to be lacking is first of all, any undertsanding at all, and secondly, any kind of respect for the individual that they are working with. The shallow approach that I am talking about “God of my reality” can mean different things to different people. For some, it just means megalomania, and nothing else, and for others, it means that we all have our own connection to God. What does it mean for Neville Goddard? What does it mean forthe Sufi, or for the Bhakta? For you?

“I and my Father are one, but my Father is greater than I. “My awareness and that which I AM Aware of being are one, but I AM greater than that which I AM aware of being. The conceiver will ever be greater than his conception. The Father (Consciousness) is greater than his SON (conception of himself).

Now your eyes are opened. Your Father, God Almighty, has been revealed to you as your awareness of being.

Neville Goddard

Truth 1: You Are a Spark of God (Awareness of being)

“God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

Romans 5:5 

You are intimately connected to God, an unbreakable bond that goes beyond your ego and thoughts. While some believe they are the ultimate creators of their reality, the truth is that you are also a spark of the divine. Recognizing this connection is the key to experiencing something much greater than the confines of our limited understanding. There are many Bible verses discussing the heart because it is clear that the condition of your heart is critical in your walk with the The Divine. Memorize these important verses, and they will always available to you when you doubt!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

Proverbs 3.5

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4.23

My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways,

Proverbs 23.26

Can you feel the love?… Seek it…try to taste it…become curious…. Love is a vehicle, and devotion and love of God is the vehicle that you travel in to merge into oneness.

How many coaches do you hear talk about the Biblical verses that challenge their limited megalomania version of “God of my reality”? Cherry picking the Biblke is something that cult leaders do. Let’s not be cult leaders. Instead, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 5.10

Realize YOU do in fact have direct access to the divine, but have you called on it? Did you ask for the divinity in you to lead the way? Or are you busy with vain repetitions?

Istead of reacting with repulsion at the idea of God, or the mention of God, imagine God and you in an intimate conversation, close your eyes in a prayer, and imagine as if laying face to face with a lover speaking intimate confessions and allow for love to fill your heart. Why do you have to beat it into youself that “there is no outer God”, it makes no difference, the only thing that will make a difference truly and fundamentally in YOUR life is YOUR experience. Give yourself this gift. Your life WILL transform, and you will never think of spouting nonsens that you read in a book or in a community group again. NOTHING trumps expereince. Nothing.

Truth 2: God Can Do Anything, but can you?

God’s power transcends our imagination. From stopping a bullet midair to speaking through your voice, God’s abilities are beyond comprehension. Neville Goddard tought from the Kabbalah, and LOA teachings barely scratch the surface of these extraordinary teachings. In addition, Neville Goddard used the New Testament, to make our transformation complete. Embracing this belief is essential, for God’s potential is not limited to OUR imagination, it actually goes BEYOND our imagination. WAY beyond. You won’t grasp this by ignorantly sticking to “I am God of My relaity”. Your material manifestations or reunions with exes is a bleak comparison to what the teachings REALLY offer. Can you go there? Understand that miracles can unfold, leaving no doubt of divine intervention. You can not EVEN imagine all the greatness, open yourself up to this.

If you seek to comprehend the essence of the Law and Promise by Neville Goddard, consider putting aside your ego and negative thoughts. Seek instead for a firsthand experience of the divine pouring into your heart. Discover “the promise” .

To those who’ve never encountered God intimately, who haven’t witnessed miracles firsthand, refrain from defining God based on limited beliefs. Your version of God may be confined to material desires, but the true understanding of God’s magnitude goes beyond our comprehension.

Anything is possible when you believe in the infinite power of God. Anything. But have you asked for the divine to take the lead? Or are you busy with vain repetitions?

Truth 3: Biblical Interpretations and the LOA

Law of Assumption coaches LOVE to do what some pastors also do, that is to cherry-pick verses from the Bible and SUT DOWN doubers with the guilt and shame game. The Bible is a complex and rich text, and cherry-picking verses to align with personal beliefs oversimplifies its profound teachings. Just beacuse they haven’t taken time to learn more, they oversimplify, and thus, they lose the magic. The mystical and the divine. This is called; “The blind leading the blind”. Cherry picking is what cults do, let’s not be a cult. There is ALWAYS more to learn. Open yourself up for expansion, for going beyond the mind.

Manifestation and the Law of Assumption stuck in second gear:

When we discover Law Of Assumption, our journey often begins with empowerment, excitement and wonder, but without a clear understanding of the underlying truths, so seekers can find themselves lost. Following are the essential truths that often remain overlooked, even after a significant amou t of learning and practicing.

Truth 1: LOA Coaches: Bridging the Gap Between Claim and Capability

Manifestation, an art of shaping reality through belief and intention, requires both expertise and experience. Of course, many LOA coaches lack comprehensive training because there IS no training for Law of Assumption coaching. This is why many lack the readiness for the task they undertake. Manifestation is as complex as the individual seeking help. LOA is always the saeme, but humans are not. Working with people demands an understanding of human psychology, belief systems, and spirituality. Without a solid foundation in ANY type of coaching or counseling, many coaches may inadvertently misguide seekers, unable to effectively navigate them through their manifestation journeys. I have seen some their clients in practice, and the outcome is sometimes dangerous. Golda Meir said:

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.

Golda Meir

But there are times when in your desperation you DON’T trust yourself, when you need someone to steer you away from your your fears, away from desparate delusions, and those are the times that people reach out for coaching. Trust then, and surrender, to the divine in you guiding you to the right coach, teacher, counselor or whatever you may need. Try to trust your gut.

Truth 2: Delusions in LOA: Recognizing Reality Beyond Assumptions

Delusions within the LOA coaching-community can affect how individuals perceive life, their clients, and even themselves. The notion of being the “God of one’s reality” sometimes leads to an overestimation of personal power and understanding and a disconnect between ones own heart and the people you are supposed to love.. It’s vital to recognize the boundaries of human capabilities and acknowledge that life is complex, relationships are a source of growth and expansion, and this is where all the love is. Clients may face challenges that extend beyond “getting”.


If you do nothing but focus on your desires, day after day after day. Your affirmations. Your imaginal scenes. Your FIR (feel it real), and you never once make an effort to find your self, your divinity, your peace, your zen, your hearts connection to God. If you NEVER try to find a place where your mental chatter ceases and the walls of your ego come crumling down, you are guilty of VAIN REPETITIONS. This behavior, is exactly what Neville Goddard warns agains. There IS a space of utter love and peace, and it is within you, it is within reach, now, today and always.

“You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has decreed himself to be.”

-Neville Goddard

Let me explain what “vain repetitions REALLY mean, because SOME coaches belive that it mean sthat you should not do affirmations. This WRONG. This is what it means:

If there is a fear that is interfering with an individuals life, and instead of SEEKING FIRST FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD, meaning, instead of seeking for your divine center, your hearts connection to God, your ego is TERRIFIED, and every manifestation method that you use is actually making THE FEAR become stronger and more destructive.

Any fear that is hard-wired in the body, (read The Body Keeps The Score) has been there for the most part of that person’s life, and THEY DON’T KNOW THAT. But as a coach, you should be able to see this..

Can you successfully use affirmations? Yes. It is NOT what vain repetitions mean:

“Can man decree a thing and have it come to pass? Most decidedly he can! Man has always decreed that which has appeared in his world and is today decreeing that which is appearing in his world and shall continue to do so as long as man is conscious of being man. Not one thing has ever appeared in man’s world but what man decreed that it should. This you may deny, but try as you will you cannot disprove it, for this decreeing is based upon a changeless principle.”

Neville Goddard

“Now the fun of that is that when you end up, the beautiful game of realization, is that the playmate turns out to be real and you turn out to be imaginary.”

Ram Dass (On awakening)

Don’t end up a manifester, just be. Don’t sell yourself short. Gice yourself the fullness of what your life has to offer.

Bhakti, known as the path of devotion, illustrates profound love and connection, akin to the relationships of Krishna and Radha, Mary and Jesus, or Hanuman and Ram. These bonds, whether of lovers, mother and son, friends, devotee and guru, or servant and master, serve as gateways to awakening and enlightenment. Each form of love presents a unique path, with love being at its core. When this love manifests consciously, we recognize it as a soulmate connection—a deep, soulful marriage.

However, Bhakti, or devotional love, is often absent in the teachings of the Law of Assumption, which primarily focuses on material acquisition. Yet, true spiritual growth transcends mere acquisition—it embodies love and devotion. The commandment “Thou shalt not have any idols” urges us to directly embrace love in all its forms, reminding us that the form is simply a guise—God in disguise.

“Love covers all transgressions” conveys the idea that love has the power to forgive and overlook faults or wrongdoings. When love is present in a relationship or situation, it can bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring understanding and compassion, ultimately fostering harmony and resolution despite any shortcomings or mistakes. This can not be understood by LOA and “God of my own reality”, this love requires another. A bhakti knows this and savors the dual love, just like one savors love making. The aquisition of enlightenment can wait, the savoring is so enjoyable.

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Manifesting: Channeled Entities, Ascended Masters, Angels & Demons Within Our Consciousness

Manifesting: Channeled Entities, Ascended Masters, Angels & Demons Within Our Consciousness

Let’s dive into a new topic today

We’re going to adress  channeled entities (like “Seth” and “Abraham,”) angels, demons, and ascended masters today. Let’s explore whether they’re just part of consiousness, or if there’s more to it. What is Neville Goddard’s perspective?

All in This Together?

Alright, before we jump into the whole channeled entities and angels thing, let’s talk about oneness. If the assumption of a nondual (oneness) practice such as the law of assumption is that one is everything, then do channeled entities and angels really have their own separate existence?  If all is one and one is all…then what?

Channeling: Your Mind’s Phone Call

About channeling. Picture this: you’re chatting with these higher-level entities like “Seth” or “Abraham,” getting some wisdom. But here’s the thing – that conversation is happening within your own consciousness. You’re clearly tuning into your own radio station and listening to the depths of your own mind.

So, are these entities really hanging out in another dimension? Out there? Or are they part of a collective conscious mind? Are they manifested by you, and being received also by you?

Angels and Demons?

What about angels and demons? Angels are usually considered good vibes but they can also be evil. They’ve been a part of our stories since forever, spreading love and wisdom, and also fear. We have imagined them for thousands of years.

Now, demons on the other hand, they feed off negativity and fear. But  where do  they come from? The universe? Or your own consciousness?

  They not only feed off of fear, they come from fear.

So he became as far superior to the angels
    as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

Hebrews 1.1.4

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who were once humans and have undergone a series of spiritual transformations, eventually reaching a state of higher consciousness and wisdom. They are thought to have transcended the cycle of reincarnation and remain accessible to guide and help humanity from higher realms.

The concept of Ascended Masters has roots in various spiritual and mystical traditions throughout history, but it became more prominent in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Theosophical Society, founded by Helena Blavatsky in the late 19th century, played a significant role in popularizing the idea of Ascended Masters. Blavatsky and other Theosophists claimed that these enlightened beings were guiding human evolution and that they could impart spiritual teachings to those willing to receive them.

Law of Assumption: You’re the Director

If you view this exclusively from the perspective of the Law of Assumption, then, what you assume to be true becomes your reality. So, if you assume that angels are guiding you, you’ll see signs of that guidance everywhere. And if you’re convinced that demons are lurking around, you’ll find evidence of that too.If you believe that channeled entities can deliver deeper truths, then that can become true for you. By your DISBLIEF in oneness, in One singular power that is love, consiousness, awareness and bliss, you give space for fear to take root, and your assumptions “manifest”.

Think of it like being the director of your own movie. Your assumptions are the script, and the universe is the stage. You’re not just the director, or a player – you’re calling ALL the shots, you are the  director, producer, writer, and actor. It’s all you.

Creation is finished

To recap a little right here, what he have discussed is this: Every thought, word, and action carries the power to shape an accompanying energy structure—a felt experience of an angelic presence,  or a shadowy entity exuding dark energy, a channeled entity, or the inspiration of an ascended master. The creation of these energies is an internal process, emanating from our own being. 

Bhagavad Gita:

BG 7.22: Endowed with faith, the devotee worships a particular celestial god and obtains the objects of desire. But in reality, I alone arrange these benefits.

BG 7.23: But the fruit gained by these people of little understanding is perishable. Those who worship the celestial gods go to the celestial abodes, while My devotees come to Me.

BG 7.24: The less intelligent think that I, the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna, was formless earlier and have now assumed this personality. They do not understand the imperishable exalted nature of My personal form.

BG 7.25: I am not manifest to everyone, being veiled by My divine Yogmaya energy. Hence, those without knowledge do not know that I am without birth and changeless.

These SUTRA’S are from The Bhagavad Gits, and it is the CREATOR of the universe speaking.

According to these verses, God is revealed in the form that resonates with an individual’s needs or readiness. This may contradict prevailing beliefs, as even a person inclined towards a different faith may have an experience with a different deity or spiritual figure, such as a follower of a different religion experiencing the presence of Jesus.

We Are All Unique

The religious experience is deeply personal. Some may perceive the divine in apparitions like Jesus, Mother Mary, or Lord Krishna. Others might witness the divine presence in the beauty of nature, like trees, fields, and meadows. Not everyone perceives this presence; however, the potential to perceive God exists within everyone. The intensity and depth of this experience may vary based on individual desire and readiness. Saint Bernadette’s visions of Mother Mary serve as a powerful reminder of the profound spiritual experiences and dedication to faith.

Someone dabbling in the occult will see demons or have experiences of “haunting”, such as nightmares and hallucinations of evil

The creator of the universe in the BG Sutra’s also let us know that if we are focused solely on God we skip all that, he brings us to him without stopping at go. We have a choice, it is called free will.

Neville Goddard, the Law of Assumption and Ascended Masters 

This  won’t be complete with Neville Goddard’s words on the matter, so what did he  think? Do we even know? Well, here is a transcript from one of his lectures:

 “No! No masters, elder brothers and all this nonsense. All through the world you have these isms glorifying the little individual who started it. No, you can’t meet anyone in this world, not anyone, who potentially is greater than you are.” 

-Neville Goddard

Q & A:


Neville, are there masters?


No! No masters, elder brothers and all this nonsense. All through the world you have these isms glorifying the little individual who started it. No, you can’t meet anyone in this world, not anyone, who potentially is greater than you are. You can’t, because you are God. You can’t meet anyone that he loved more than he loves you because he chose you. That’s what I said tonight of Paul. He rubbed out completely anything between himself and God. It has been my misfortune…and yet in a way I learned from it…but I have had the dubious pleasure of meeting “masters” and “holy people.” Had I known then I’d have turned right around and started running. Don’t believe in them. Yet there are people who insist on believing in them and are willing to pay for it. If I would tell them I’m a master, yes—I have no credentials to prove it but I’m a master—then you could charge $1,000…he’s a master! “

“Why, there are phonies all over the world and you can’t stop them. They thrive like the weeds. Read any Saturday morning’s paper advertising their little isms. They come down from heaven on a white horse and they come down on all kinds of things, blowing trumpets. When you read it, and see my little ad which comes out once a month on that same page, I’m embarrassed. I’m embarrassed to see that my little ad is on the same page with this monstrous thing. But you can’t help it; you can’t choose where you’re going to put it. They put it on that page, so you’re stuck. There aren’t any masters. You will find yourself one day the recipient of his bounty and the whole thing unfolds in you…and there was no master.”

“I know the book Masters of the Far East…I think he’s written five…he’s gone now. He never left America, Spalding never left this country, but he tells a beautiful story of how when I was in India and these masters and how the birds came and nested in his hair. His body was there, incapacitated for six months, just vegetating, when he, the spirit, returned to the body it was all cataleptic, and the birds had nested in the hair, and he simply moved back into the body and woke the body up. Spaulding was about that big, with a huge, big growth on his nose. I can see him now at my meetings at the Ebell. One day he simply stepped off the car and dropped…that was his exit. 

Maybe he has gone to India now… never saw India…but all these are the masters of the Far East. He wrote one just to boil the pot, as so many writers do. It caught on, so he wrote a second and a third. If he were still alive, he’d have a sixth now…he has five. I hope he is successful, because my publisher is his publisher.”

I think we get the picture… Nevile did NOT ascribe reality to ascended masters. But what about negative energioes or demons?

What does Neville say about dark energies?


In Luke, regarding the “unclean spirit” that comes out of a man, I don’t understand it.


When the unclean spirit has been caste out of a man? This is a disembodied idea. For a demon is not some disembodied spirit; it’s a prejudice, a superstition, a false pride. All these bedevil man. And so you entertain one and you’re going to get two, you get seven, and they never stop there. You start with one superstition and all of a sudden you have a thousand of them, but they have to have a man as the agent to express themselves. They can’t express themselves without a man. Man is the agent that expresses all the unlovely things in the world…these unclean spirits.

When you go outside and turn to a false god, you’ll never find him.

When you start with one idol, you multiply it.

So these are the demons spoken of in scripture. You have a superstition, you can’t stop at one. Were you ever in the theater? There you find them by the millions. Can’t whistle in your own room, you can’t put your shoe above where your head would be, can’t open an umbrella inside.

Talk about the superstitions, go into the theater, and I’m not fooling. They make you go outside and do all kinds of nonsense if you absent mindedly whistle in your own dressing room or do any of these silly little things. But they really believe it brings bad luck and to the degree that they are self-convinced that it does, it does.

So these are the demons that possess the mind of man. And certainly false pride is a frightful demon: I must be seen with what I call the proper people, and I can’t be seen in certain areas, certain restaurants, and certain this, that and the other, because it isn’t the thing to do. Well, that’s false pride.

What does Neville say about channeling?


Like Jean Dixon? You know who she is?


Yes, I’ve heard of her.


Ok. She prophesizes…like she gets these messages. Don’t you think it’s her Imagination that when she thinks something dire is going to happen and says it that that’s why it happens…because she has imagined it? Is that the way it works?


First of all, she’s not a woman of vision. She’s not a woman who actually has the vision of scripture, but she can become self-persuaded using any little technique. She can use cards, use the stars, use monkey bones, and to the degree that she is self-persuaded that these things mean what she thinks they do, well, to that degree they’ll come to pass. But you never hear them tell you of their mistakes. For instance, we had two candidates running for the presidency. All right, you can tell them both secretly that you’re going to be president. One has to be, so you’re fifty percent right. Well, that’s such a major thing, but you’re also fifty percent wrong. But you don’t talk about that…only talk about that which has been publicized ……?.

Let me explain more, because for the LOA student, this is CRUCIAL, for anyone else, it doesn’t matter, have your belief and enjoy it, I am not here to stop you from that, I am just going to explain what happens when people experience these things, channeled entities, angels, demons and such but if you listen from here on, be prepared to take full responsibility for your stuff….I warned you. 

So let’s talk about it:

Neville Goddard, emphasizing the immense power of our own imagination and intention, underscores the principle that our thoughts, whether consciously or unconsciously focused, will materialize into our reality, whether seen or unseen, whether tangible or ethereal. 

Beyond Neville:

In essence, we can imagine anything we desire, but drawing from Kabbalah, (the origin of the law of assumption,) we learn that Angels are our own creation—emanating from our actions and our being.

Our general disposition shapes a specific “type” of angel, and not all angels are inherently benevolent. This depends entirely on who we are. This explanation enlightens us; it highlights our ability to create “good angels” who operate in our favor. In this context, we can assert that angels are entities lesser than ourselves since they are created by us. They cease to exist without the canvas of our minds.

“The son is greater than the angels”

Hebrews 1.1.4

Why is the son greater? Isn’t he also just an “apparition”?

No. The son is Jesus, and Jesus is God.

The term “angel” stems from the Greek word for “messenger”. A messenger is not God. Meeting an angel, therefore, implies encountering a messenger. In our spiritual and religious discourse, an angel embodies a “messenger of God.” Jesus IS God. The same as God. The same as the creator.

In Kabbalistic literature, angels are described as forces that convey information and sensations between mankind and the Tetragrammaton. They are likened to atoms, wavelengths, or channels assisting God in His creation. (The Tretragrammaton is YHWH, Yod He Vau He, The I AM, God)

Consequently, they shouldn’t be venerated, prayed to, or invoked. They aren’t physical but spiritual entities, akin to spiritual atoms. Therefore, when they manifest in the Hebrew Bible, their portrayal is from the perspective of the recipient of the vision, prophecy, or event, often anthropomorphized. They’re not corporeal beings but are likened to a single emotion, feeling, or material, all controlled by God for His purpose of creation.

Each time you perform a benevolent act, act in a way that resonates with what’s right and humane, extending help without hidden motives, you create a positive energy field around yourself. These energy fields transmute into angelic energies among other things. It’s akin to stepping into a beam of light and suddenly perceiving it. An angel may manifest in the vision of individuals within this energy field.

Everyone can have these experiences!

If you are Catholic and your deeds are virtuous, your faith strong, and your subconscious dwells on goodness, you may witness the presence of Mother Mary.

If you pray to Lord Krishna or Hanuman, you may encounter a vision of Lord Hanuman. There are numerous accounts of Lord Hanuman manifesting alongside Ram Dass’ guru. People have seen a giant monkey, over 10 feet tall, in place of the where the Guru was.

Mother Mary embodies a profoundly healing energetic field. Similarly, Lord Hanuman emanates humility, healing, and the energy of bestowing grace—unearned gifts, blessings, and good fortune. Only a person who has a humility stronger than ego will begin to experience these divine energies in awesome visions.

Alongside with channeled entities, ascended masters and angels, of course we also have the idea of a negative spectrum. Dark energies and demons….

In Kabbalah, demons are energies we create within ourselves. The Zohar, a significant Kabbalistic text, connects these energies to a part of our consciousness linked to impurity. Understanding this sheds light on how we generate and interact with these energies. Impuruity can mean deciet, rage, hate, cheating, stealing, betraying, self pity etc. The more impurity you engage in, the more negative energies you generate around yourself.

Fading Energies

You have probably heard children’s stories in where the kids are told that because people don’t believe in say, Santa anymore, he is fading from existence. This is correct, in a manifestational sense, because without us sustaining these ideas and concepts, they do infact fade and die for you.

Counsiousness Creates, at Our Command:

This exploration prompts us to confront the profound role of our consciousness in shaping the energies that envelop us. If you perceive it outside of self, it originated within self, that is the simplest take away. If you perpetuate the outside cirumstances as being MORE true, than the Divine Connection within you, you manifest a world where you are at the mercy of unpredictable forces.

It’s a reminder of the significant responsibility we hold to cultivate positivity, love, and compassion within ourselves if we want to experience these things.

The energies we manifest, can not exist without us, whether it be angels, demons, ascended masters or anything in between. It is ourselves that create the dark or the light energies around ourseves, the entities that some people channel are created by themselves, and ALL angels and other deities are created by ourselves, and most importantly,  they are LESSER than us, and cannot sustain without us.  

Channeling is essentially tapping into a source of wisdom beyond our immediate understanding. It’s like tuning into a radio station that broadcasts insights from the universe, or from the recesses of our own minds . People have been doing this for ages, seeking guidance and knowledge that goes beyond what our regular senses can grasp.

Angels and dark entities might sound mysterious, but let’s simplify. Think of them as energetic reflections of our emotions and intentions. Angels might represent positivity, compassion, and support. On the flip side, dark entities embody negativity, often created out of our own fears, anger, or other heavy emotions. They’re like the clouds that temporarily block the sun.

And just for fun, imagine that for every good thing that you do, a personal angel is created, that acts as a messenger between your divine self and your physical self, that protects you and guides you, that does your bidding, just the way you want it to!

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The Mundaka Upanishad by Swami Krishnananda

The Mundaka Upanishad by Swami Krishnananda

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Mundaka Upanishad interpretation

The Third Mundaka: First Khanda


Two birds living together, each the friend of the other, perch upon the same tree. Of these two, one eats the sweet fruit of the tree, but the other simply looks on without eating.

The two birds are the Jiva and Isvara, both existing in an individual compared to a tree. They exist together as the reflection and the original. They both manifest themselves in different ways in every individual. From the characteristics of the Jiva it is possible to infer the nature of Isvara, and from the nature of Isvara it is possible to determine the potentialities of the Jiva. Both the Jiva and Isvara have a common substratum which is Brahman and which is the reality of both. The body is compared to a tree because it can be cut down like a tree. This tree is also called the Kshetra or the field of manifestation and action of the Kshetrajna or the knower of the field. The body is the field of action and experience and it is the fruit of actions done already.

That which distinguishes the Jiva from Isvara is the mind only. In fact, the mind itself constitutes the Jiva. It is the Jiva that is affected by Avidya, Kama and Karma. Because of the conjunction of consciousness with these limiting factors, it has to experience the results of its actions; but Isvara, who is not limited to any adjunct, has no actions whatsoever to perform, and so, no experience of the results of actions. The fruits enjoyed by the Jiva are of the nature of pleasure and pain, i.e., they are all relative experiences born of non-discrimination. The experience of Isvara is eternal and is of the nature of purity, knowledge and freedom. Relative experience is the effect of the presence of Rajas, but the character of Isvara is Sattva and, hence, there is no phenomenal experience for Him. He is in fact the director of both the agent of actions and the results of actions. Isvara’s activity consists in His mere existence. The value of His existence is greater than that of the activity of the whole universe. It is His existence that actuates the whole universe of manifestation.

Oneness and duality in Mundaka Upanishad


In the self-same tree the individual (bird) is drowned in grief because of delusion and impotency. When it beholds the other (bird), viz., the adorable Lord, it realises its own glory and gets freed from sorrow.

The grief of the Jiva is the result of its inability to live in conformity with the forms of the effects of unwise actions done in the past. Such thoughtless actions, no doubt, lead to their corresponding results and as they are not in tune with the law of Truth, they torment the individual in the form of unpleasant experiences. Without a relative experience the individual cannot live, and with every relative experience produced by unwisdom, fresh misery is added to the pre-existing lot. Thus, from the highest standpoint, the entirety of the experience of the individual consists of grief alone. Because of its confinement to the forms of its desires and actions, the Jiva feels itself to be impotent, confused and helpless. It is even made to feel that a particular experience to which it is connected is alone real and that there is no reality beyond it. Due to this, it is now and then connected with and separated from the objects of its desire. It is born and it dies, passing through several kinds of wombs in accordance with the kinds of its actions.

The freedom of the individual consists in the vision of the Lord Supreme Who is co-existent with it, in fact inseparable from it as its very Self. The realisation of Isvara is the same as the raising of the individual consciousness to the consciousness of Isvara. The Jiva ceases to exist the moment it realises Isvara. The glory of the real essence of the individual is known only when the veil covering it is removed. This is achieved in the realisation of God. The ultimate realisation is in the form of the identity of the Self with the Supreme Being. Here, the whole universe is realised to be the same as the essence of the spiritual infinite. This realisation puts an end to all kinds of imperfections and sorrows.

Spiritual teachings of Jiva and Isvara


When the knowing individual has the vision of the intelligent creator, the Lord, the Purusha, the Brahman which is the source of all, then it shakes off both merit and demerit, and having become taintless, attains to supreme equality with the Lord.

In this Mantra, the Lord is designated as having a golden hue, which means that His nature of Knowledge is eternally inherent in Him even as the colour of gold is something inherent in it. It points to the self-luminous nature of God, whose characteristics are imperishable, which fact is hinted at by the unaffected colour of gold. It is also said that the individual should have the fit perception, i.e., it should have the ability to perceive the universal Being. To the individual is attributed the quality of knowingness which is the knowledge of the Supreme Being achieved after the acquisition of the power of correct discrimination.

Divine knowledge is free from the conception of good and bad, because this knowledge is non-relative. It is an all-consuming wisdom in which relative natures or conceptions can have no value. Distinctions like virtue, vice, good, bad, high, low, etc., are made only as long as the all-comprehensive knowledge, which underlies all these distinctions, is not realised. The effects of merit and demerit are burnt up by the fire of knowledge, because these effects are only conceptual and not spiritual. They exist only as long as the mind exists. When the mind is transcended, they too are transcended. The whole universe stands transfigured in the Absolute. The Jiva becomes free from blemishes, attachments and sorrows, and gets unified with the Supreme Being. Equality with the Infinite is the same as identity with the Infinite, which is of the nature of non-duality, limitless and unsurpassable. Equality of objects which have different characteristics is only a mental imagination and not a fact. But the equality of identical natures encompassing the whole existence is the experience of an indivisible unified whole.

Transcending suffering in Mundaka Upanishad


In all beings this one supreme life manifests itself. Knowing this, the wise one does not speak of anything else. Having his sport in the Self, bliss in the Self, and action in the Self, he is the best among the knowers of Brahman.

One who realises this Supreme Being as one’s own Self, ceases from his natural sense-functions and puts an end to all speech unconnected with the Self. Rather, he does not speak at all. Speech is a manner of connecting one thing with another thing. In Self-realisation, the relationship of the subject with the object is transcended and all things become the Self Itself. Whenever there is a perception of duality, speech has got a value, but in non-duality all such relationships lose their value. Instead of the experiences of the external relationships, the knower has the experience of Self-identity. This experience of the Self is described in the form of finding everything that is found externally, in one’s own Self Itself. The statements regarding sporting in the Self or finding all bliss in the Self make it clear that the highest form of happiness is realised without any contact with any object or any condition. Real bliss is not the effect of either mental or physical contact, but is the result of the absence of all contacts. In short, bliss consists in the resolution of the very sense of objectivity into the conscious subject. The action of the knower consists in the knowledge of the Self. Self-delight itself is action for him. It is a simple mass of bliss that he experiences, unhampered by any function alien to the nature of the Self. Sankara points out that the action of the knower is of the nature of renunciation, meditation and wisdom.

The Mantra does not imply that the knower performs any function. It only glorifies the state of the realisation of the Self by resorting to figurative descriptions of his greatness. The possibility of the combination of action with knowledge is denied by the fact of his being the highest among the knowers of Brahman. The Brahma Varishtha is the one who is in the seventh state of knowledge where his ego is totally merged in the Absolute. It is quite evident that external bodily action with personal consciousness cannot be in conformity with Absolute Knowledge. It is not possible for a person to sport in the Self or have delight in the Self and at the same time concern himself with relative action. Self-Knowledge is possible only after withdrawing oneself from all external functions, physical as well as mental. The consciousness of externality and internality cannot be simultaneous, even as darkness and light do not exist in the same place.

Therefore, the contention that it is possible to combine action with Absolute Knowledge is only the prattle of the ignorant. The Upanishads have constantly declared that true Knowledge is obtained through renunciation of all external functions and through meditation on the Absolute. The Brahma Varishtha, therefore, is one who has realised Brahman and whose action consists in Self-Knowledge preceded by renunciation of external consciousness.

Divine unity in Vedanta philosophy


The Atman is attained through truth, penance, correct knowledge and Brahmacharya (self-control), observed continuously without break. The Atman is beheld within in the form of light and purity by the austere ones who are freed from all kinds of sins.

Truth is adherence to fact, whether absolute or relative. It is proceeding along the way of the unity of existence. Relatively, it takes the form of acting in conformity with facts that are experienced through the process of individual knowledge. Absolutely, it is living in the light of the fact that Existence is absolute and indivisible. Falsehood is the opposite of truth, and is the result of clinging to the falsehood of individuality. Truth is the way of disintegrating the individual personality through presentation of the good and not the pleasant. Truth is that which is universally good, but falsehood, when it is deliberately resorted to for the fulfilment of a definite purpose, appears pleasant only to an individual or certain individuals. Falsehood, therefore, fattens the individuality, whereas truth breaks open the individuality and enables one to realise the Atman.

Tapas, or penance, in its true sense, consists in the withdrawal of senses and concentration of the mind. Austerity, or penance, is only a means to the end and not the end itself. It is a means inasmuch as it disciplines the individual functions and directs them to meditation, which leads to wisdom and realisation. By Tapas what is meant is not merely bodily mortification, because bondage does not consist in the body but the mind that animates the body. The cause of bondage is the mind alone and, therefore, the discipline of the mind is Tapas.

Proper knowledge is equal vision, or perception of the one Atman in all. This is a function deeper than that of speaking truth or practising Tapas. It is a function of the spirit which realises itself in every form of existence.

Brahmacharya is the method of the abstraction of sense-energy from the externals and the conservation of the same for the sake of steadying the mind and giving it the energy necessary for the practice of concentration and meditation, though the popular meaning of Brahmacharya is continence. It really means leading a life befitting the nature of Brahman. It is, in other words, Charya or moving or acting or conducting oneself in accordance with the law of Brahman, which is the unity of existence. Such control is not merely the abandonment of objects but is the absence of the taste for objects. Bondage is not caused by the existence of objects but by the connection of the mind with those objects. In short, self-control is absence of sense-experience, giving rise to mental equilibrium, light, consciousness and joy.

These observances should be practised continuously without exceptions to the rules, and not for sometime alone and with certain exceptions. These should be practised until the realisation of the Self, because the stoppage of such practices may lead to the assertion of individuality and impede the process of Self-realisation. The Upanishad has said that “the Atman is attained by those in whom there is no crookedness, no falsehood and no play of tricks”.

This Atman is realised within oneself and not outside oneself. Though the process of realisation is an inward one, the goal that is attained includes the outward also. Sadhana starts with an introversion of the mind in the beginning, but in the end the result achieved is not simply internal but is infinite. From the point of view of the individual, it is said that this Atman is realised in one’s own heart, in the form of a splendid effulgence, perfectly pure and limitless in its nature, which is realised only by those who are free from attachments and sins, desires and all kinds of greed. This realisation is effected through the practice of virtues like truth, enumerated above. Sankara is of the opinion that only a Sannyasin, i.e., a person of complete renunciation, will be able to achieve this Supreme End which requires of the aspirant a total transcendence of the universe.


Truth alone triumphs; not falsehood. Through truth the divine path is spread out by which the sages whose desires have been completely fulfilled, reach to where is that supreme treasure of Truth.

Truth is more than truth-speaking. Truth is the symbol of perfection, a representation of the Divine Being. Adherence to truth means embracing the universal nature of the Reality. Therefore, truth wins victory everywhere. Truth is the essence of the Universal movement consisting of evolution and involution. Untruth is negative, whereas truth is positive. Through Truth the consciousness blossoms into more expanded experience, but untruth attempts to stifle consciousness altogether and disallows the expansion of consciousness causing, at the same time, the hardening of individuality.

It is Truth through which the divine way or the life of spiritual striving is spread before the aspiring individuals. The universe as a spiritual organism to be striven for, is brought into the consciousness of the individual through the practice of Truth. Truth is in fact the eye of the individual aspiring for the realisation of its Absolute nature. The sages got a vision of this Truth because they were absolutely free from such defects as deceit, delusion, fraud, pride, vanity and falsehood. They found the consummation of their desires and aspirations in this Absolute Truth. They became first desireless and then sought the Truth. Desire breeds falsehood, and desirelessness gives rise to Truth. Truth enables one to attain the Supreme Treasure which is the Absolute Truth.


That which is supremely expansive, divine, of unthinkable form, subtler than the subtle, much farther than that which is far, and at the same time very near, shines and is seated in the Central Being of those who have the consciousness of That.


It is not grasped by the eye, not even by speech, nor by the other senses. It is not possible to know it through mortifications or deeds. He who meditates upon it with absolute purity (Sattva) of mind, as the partless Being, beholds it through the serenity attained in knowledge.

The serenity of knowledge is that state where nothing is experienced other than simple awareness. In ordinary human beings, this knowledge is not manifest, since it is not connected with the tranquillity of mind and also since it is polluted by the defects of love and hatred for external things. As a mirror covered over by dust is not able to reflect an object, knowledge, though it is present within, is not experienced, as the mind is disturbed by objectivity. When the dirt of the mind consisting of love, etc., in connection with the sense-objects, is removed and the mind is rendered calm, pure and peaceful, then one is said to have attained the serenity of knowledge in which condition alone one becomes fit for the experience of Brahman. Further, meditation should be practised on Brahman as the partless indivisible being and not as a partial or limited aspect of the whole. The quality of meditation is dependent upon the character of the object of meditation. When the mind contemplates upon the divisionless Being, it itself becomes divisionless and vanishes into the Absolute. But, for all this, in the beginning, practice of virtues like truth is absolutely necessary, to be followed by the withdrawal of the senses and concentration of mind, leading to Tadatmyata, or absorption in the object of meditation.


This subtle Atman should be known with the purified mind into which the Prana with its fivefold aspect has entered. The mind is pervaded completely by the functions of the Pranas together with the powers of the senses. In this purified mind this Atman is revealed.


Whichever region is thought of by the mind and whatever desires the man of purified mind desires, that region and those desires he obtains. Therefore, one who wishes to have prosperity should worship the knower of the Self.

The realisation of the Self is a simultaneous fulfilment of the deepest aspirations together with all the desires, internal or external, unmanifested or manifested, subtle or gross, of the individual. The state of Sattva, or absolute purity of mind, is not an individualistic experience but a universal one. Sattva is free from Rajas and, therefore, the experiences of the individualities are denied in it. Complete fulfilment of all one’s wishes is not possible except in the state of universal Being, which is the same as Suddha-Sattva-Anubhava.

Because of the omniscience and omnipotence of the knower of Self, whoever worships him becomes prosperous. The Sankalpa of the Knower is rooted in Satya or Truth, and his influence upon those who adore and worship him, is great. Wherever this Knower of the Self moves, there he exercises his influence automatically. Whoever comes in contact with him gets completely transformed.

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The Neville Goddard, Most Important Manifesting Tools

The Neville Goddard, Most Important Manifesting Tools

If you find that you keep falling into undesired states, and it just seems impossible to remain in the state of the wish fulfilled, or even to get into the desired state, or to understand what it at all even means. Have you been on the internet and now you have come down with a case of method-madness? The 369 method? The 555 Method? The Water Method, or full moon spells, or vision boards and scripting and you just don’t know what method is the best?

The only way to transform reality around you is by the methods.

Learn the methods, but don’t make the method the destination!

If you are going to Las Vegas you can go by plane, bus or car. Either way you’ll get there. If you have method madness, you are spending your days wondering if you should take a plan, bus or a car. But you forgot that you are going to Vegas….

This isn’t about how you get there, it is about ACTUALLY getting there. This is the famous door slam. You are in Barbados! Slams door!

So not asking how to get there anymore implies that you are already there. “With all the vividness of the senses” BE THERE.

If you just can’t make the leap, to the state, or you just “don’t get it”, then follow the techniques that are most likely to put you in the state of the wish fulfilled. Use the right tool at the right time. You don’t use a hammer on a screw. And the method isn’t a magic spell, it is a toll meant to put you in the state of the wish fulfilled. I’m saying that the method DOESN’T MATTER. Don’t have “method madness”, just relax, BE STILL, and KNOW.

Neville’s best manifesting techniques!


This is the most surprising of all techniques in that the results seem to change the past. there are DAILY questions from people regarding this method. -Can revision change that I stumbled on a branch and fell in front of my the girl I liked in 3rd grade, and embarrassed myself and she never talked to me again, and now I feel like all girls, or women laugh at me behind my back?

  • Yes.
  • Revision changes everything.

In Daoism, and Tantric Buddhism, the place of change is “emptiness”, and if you can reach emptiness you can change the reality source and if you have changed the reality source the progression of events also change. That is the most esoteric and ancient description of Neville Goddard’s revision method that I can find. This isn’t even a new concept. Revision is a spiritual concept, it is a psychological tool, and it is a ingenious manifesting tool.

Before you ask one more time “Can revision change….” TRY IT. There is nothing any single method can do for you unless you try it. You have to do it.

I personally prefer to do revision in writing, using old fashioned pen and paper, but others like to use their imagination. Whatever way you choose to do it, the important part is “all the sensory vividness of reality”. Be there in person and experience the revision first hand, imagine the touch, the smells, the sounds.

Work through the “original situation” as much as you need to, the situation you wish didn’t happen in that way. If it is a trauma situation, now you have a chance to work through it here, without spiritual bypass, but from here on, leave the original event behind, because you are creating a new memory. If you have a lot to work through it could take more than one time of revision, and that is fine. There is no outside force here judging you. Whatever time you perceive that you need i fine.

Revision is the method for any unwanted memory, no matter how bad, and no matter when it happened, if it was earlier today, or 90 years ago, it works the same.

blog continues below video….

Prune the vine (Pruning shears)

Prune the vine. Is it the same as revision? How do I do it?

“Remember: you don’t have to abide by anything you dislike. It is but a vessel in your hand which is not properly shaped.”

Neville Goddard

“Become aware of the thoughts you are thinking and you will know a more pleasant life. It makes no difference what others do.”

Neville Goddard

“Every orthodox religious group would enslave you for the rest of eternity if they could; but when you leave that belief, its personification will curse your leaving, but their curse means nothing.“

Neville Goddard

“Have you imagined something and it hasn’t come to pass? Then what are you imagining right now? “

Neville Goddard

“When you imagined being secure did you forget the feeling? Are you imagining you are secure now? “

Neville Goddard

All of the above Neville quotes indicate the great benefits of “pruning the vine”. Imagine a rose bush the gets cut back in the fall, and how beneficial the pruning is to the blossoms that will come in the spring. The same is true for fruit trees. If you want fruit on you tree, you HAVE to prune the tree back. If you want the fruits of your labor, that is if you want your manifestation, the fruit of your imaginal scenes, to see the light of day, you have to prune back your unnecessary and disruptive thoughts. Those thoughts are like the obnoxious kid in the class room that ruins it for everyone else. Trim the thoughts out of your existence.

Actions that you take are experienced as a cause of an effect. ( cause and effect)

Cause of what effect?

You are the author and you are the cause of what happens to you.

Your thoughts are the cause.

Your habitual thoughts that is, and your thoughts are the cause of your habitual thoughts.

Lets break it down fully:

Action is preceded by a motivation.

Motivation preceded by your habitual thoughts.

Adopt a mental diet, or a religious or spiritual practice for THIS reason. This is the reason you want to force your thoughts by sheer will power, into a groove of uplifting and positive neural pathways.

If you can’t stop ruminating about everything that you don’t want.

If your thoughts are chronically negative and dwells on failure or disasters.

Use this method. There is no other thinker in your mind but you, so you have to use your will power to put a stop to this. Prune the vine.

If you diligently prune the vine, the rose blossom, the fruits on your tree will be abundant.

Pruning the vine is for everyone who is an over thinker or worry wart.

Imaginal Scene (Shifting / Quantum Jump)

The easiest and most well known of Nevilles methods, and if you have a generally easy disposition, if you don’t have a ton of trauma to heal, if you don’t tend to over thinking and rumination, then this is all you need. Skip everything else, because there is no benefit to over complicating this.

One imaginal scene that “clicks”, that feels done, IS done.

Inner conversations

You and I have had this experience, — I know I have many times. You have gone to a party, and many people you do not know, you meet them and the usual greetings: “Nice to know you,” “What a joy to know you,” “Pleased to meet you,” and the usual clichés; and then you have drinks and your little hors d’oeuvre, and then the party breaks up and they all separate. And you hear someone say, “What a creep,” “What a bore”; yet they were so pleased to meet them: “What a joy to know you.” The outer words did not conform whatsoever with what they were really thinking on the inside. And God sees, not the outer man; He sees the inner Man.

Neville Goddard

It’s the inner speech that is frozen in the world round about us.

Neville Goddard

“And some said, he is a good man; and others said, no, he is leading people astray. Others said, why, he is mad, and he has a. devil.” When he fed them with the loaves and the fish, — oh, they loved it, — getting things in the world. As long as they could have things and things and things, it was marvelous; and then he tells them of something entirely different: that they would go through “furnaces”, but the end would justify all the “furnaces” through which they would pass. The end would be God; they would awaken in the end, and they would awaken as God the Father. He didn’t tell them of the nature of the “furnaces.” He told them only of the end and that they would pass through “furnaces”; and passing through, they faltered. They could tell exactly what they were really doing on the inside. As we are told in the 50th Psalms: “If a man orders his conversations aright, I will show him the salvation of God.”

Neville Goddard

This method is necessary if you keep arguments alive by your very thoughts alone. If you have a lot of relationships that are difficult, strained, or if people avoid you and every interaction you have there is an issue of some sort, then start to change your inner conversations. With every thought that you have that upholds an argument, have two more thoughts that indicate how great the other person is doing. See their beautiful smile as they interact with you, indicating friendship and ease. Listen to them tell you how well they are doing, how healthy they are and how successful they are, and how loved they are. Hear them say how fulfilled they feel. Set some time aside a few time a day to create a deliberate mental conversation with your most strained relationships and watch the magic unfold. This method benefits the whole world in a domino effect of well being, so don’t underestimate the amount of good this will do beyond your own relationships. Your relationships will improve and even heal as soon as you decide to use this method.

Congratulatory conversation

This method is the one to use if you are manifesting a specific thing or event. Examples can be a raise, a promotion, the purchase of a home or car, a graduation, an engagement or marriage.

It doesn’t really matter what you think stands in your way, there is nothing that stands in your way. If you have imagined that there is distance or lack f money, or lack of opportunity somehow, use this method a stop imagining the problem or obstacle. Every time that you find yourself imagining the obstacle more, reach immediately for the congratulatory conversation.

An example of how a congratulatory conversation can be imagining sending a text message to a friend, about your success, and imagining them answering your text back with excitement. Neville Goddard used a handshake as the imaginary congratulatory conversation, but this might feel totally foreign to you, so use a mode of communication that is actually normal to you. Instead of a handshake, you can be on facetime, or if you like, have a face to face cup of tea with your friend, and replay the congratulatory conversation over a cup of tea, Whatever is a normal way to communicate for you, use that.

Neville uses examples where an AQUAINTANCE contratulates him, not a close friend. Remember you probably tell your closest people all your good news immediately, so let the person congratulating you be someone you know, that would have heard the good news through someone else! Boom!

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