Prioritizing Self-Care and Family: The True Measure of Success

Prioritizing Self-Care and Family: The True Measure of Success

Work culture in the United States often emphasizes a sense of “work family” where employees are encouraged to invest deeply in their professional roles to the point that it can sometimes overshadow their personal and familial responsibilities. This ethos is deeply ingrained and supported by several factors deeply rooted in American society.

Firstly, the culture of ambition and achievement is a fundamental pillar of American society. Success is often measured by one’s professional accomplishments, financial status, and career progression. In this pursuit of success, individuals often find themselves dedicating an extensive amount of time and energy to their work. The relentless pursuit of career goals, even if it by all stretches f the imagination, not truly a career, can lead people to believe that their work is not just a job but an integral part of their identity and purpose.

Secondly, the work environment in the U.S. often promotes a strong sense of community and camaraderie among employees. Employers encourage team bonding, teamwork, and a sense of belonging within the organization. This sense of unity can sometimes be equated to a familial bond, where colleagues are seen as a supportive network akin to family members. Employers may use phrases like “work family” to foster a strong sense of connection and loyalty among employees, encouraging them to prioritize work and the team over personal commitments.

Additionally, American work culture tends to reward and recognize dedication and commitment. Long work hours, staying late, working weekends, and going above and beyond the call of duty are often celebrated and can be linked to promotions, salary raises, and career advancement. This positive reinforcement further encourages individuals to prioritize work over personal life, blurring the boundaries between work and family.

Many people enter the workforce with a genuine desire to make a positive impact on their organization, society, or the world at large. They are driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to contribute meaningfully. However, the work culture can sometimes twist these noble intentions, pushing individuals to sacrifice personal time, family engagements, and even self-care in the pursuit of career success.

It’s essential to acknowledge that while this work culture can foster dedication and high levels of productivity, it can also have detrimental effects on individuals and their personal lives. The emphasis on work-family can lead to burnout, strained personal relationships, and neglect of one’s own well-being. Striking a balance between work and personal life is crucial for overall happiness and fulfillment, and organizations should strive to create a culture that supports this balance rather than perpetuating the idea that work should take precedence over all else, including family.

In contrast to the work-centric culture prevalent in the United States, there are numerous cultures worldwide where home life, familial relationships, and personal well-being take precedence over professional achievements. These cultures often emphasize a different set of values and priorities that shape the way individuals approach work and life.

As a contrast, in Scandinavia, work-life balance is highly esteemed. Employees are encouraged to take regular breaks, utilize vacation time, and enjoy family activities. The workweek is often shorter, and there are strict labor laws in place to protect employees from overworking.

Latin American and Mediterranean cultures also emphasize family, relationships, and leisure time. Extended family gatherings and communal meals are vital aspects of life, fostering strong familial bonds and a sense of community. Work is seen as a means to sustain and support this important social and familial structure.

Work, Family, and Mental Well-Being

Engaging in and sustaining cognitive dissonance, such as pretending that work is family or genuinely believing in this perception, can potentially contribute to the development or exacerbation of various mental health challenges. Here are some mental health conditions that are frequently addressed in a mentla health setting that can be caused by a cultural yet fraudulent work-first message. These conditions may arise or be exacerbated in such situations:

  1. Anxiety Disorders:
    The strain of constantly maintaining conflicting beliefs (e.g., work as family vs. acknowledging it isn’t) can lead to high levels of anxiety. Anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder may manifest due to the stress and pressure to conform to a work culture that contradicts personal beliefs.
  2. Depressive Disorders:
    The dissonance between personal values, genuine emotions, and the need to comply with a specific work culture can contribute to depressive feelings. Over time, this dissonance can worsen and lead to depression, including major depressive disorder (MDD) or persistent depressive disorder (PDD).
  3. Burnout:
    The pressure to maintain the facade of work as family can lead to chronic stress and emotional exhaustion. Over time, this can result in burnout, characterized by feelings of detachment, cynicism, and a decreased sense of accomplishment in one’s job.
  4. Identity Crisis:
    The constant struggle between one’s true beliefs and the pressure to align with a distorted work culture can create an identity crisis. Individuals may grapple with their true selves versus the persona they portray at work, potentially leading to identity-related challenges.
  5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
    In extreme cases, where the pressure to conform and sustain cognitive dissonance is severe and long-lasting, individuals may experience symptoms resembling PTSD. This can arise from a prolonged and distressing psychological experience associated with the workplace.
  6. Dissociative Disorders:
    The psychological strain of maintaining two contradictory beliefs or realities (work as family vs. personal understanding) might contribute to dissociative symptoms, where individuals feel disconnected from their thoughts, identity, consciousness, or memory.
  7. Substance Abuse Disorders:
    Some individuals might resort to substance use (alcohol, drugs) as a way to cope with the stress and emotional turmoil resulting from the dissonance between their true beliefs and the required beliefs at work.

Prioritizing self-care and placing family at the forefront of one’s priorities is a fundamental aspect of recovering, and maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life. Recognizing that family and personal well-being should never take a back seat to work or societal expectations is a crucial realization. Here’s why this approach is essential:

  1. Sustained Well-Being:
    Placing self-care at the top of the list ensures that an individual’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being are nurtured and maintained. This, in turn, allows for a more sustainable and enriching life in the long run.
  2. Healthy Relationships:
    Fostering strong connections and spending quality time with family creates a supportive and nurturing environment. Healthy relationships contribute significantly to overall happiness and life satisfaction.
  3. Work-Life Balance:
    Prioritizing family reinforces the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It encourages setting boundaries and allocating time for both personal and professional responsibilities, promoting a more fulfilling lifestyle.
  4. Resilience and Coping:
    A solid foundation of family support provides resilience during challenging times. Knowing that one can rely on loved ones fosters effective coping mechanisms and emotional strength.
  5. Value Alignment:
    Aligning actions and choices with personal values, especially valuing family, ensures living an authentic and meaningful life. It’s a reminder to stay true to oneself amidst societal pressures and expectations.
  6. Legacy and Relationships:
    Investing time and effort in family relationships builds a meaningful legacy. The memories and experiences shared with loved ones become cherished stories that endure for generations.
  7. Mental Health and Fulfillment:
    Prioritizing self-care and family often leads to improved mental health, greater life satisfaction, and an increased sense of fulfillment. This approach encourages a holistic view of life where personal happiness and meaningful relationships are paramount.

Valuing Every Job

Additionally, if you have been gaslit by your huslte and grind culture, it’s crucial to recognize that no job should be deemed as inherently lesser, or deserving of less pay, than what enables a family to thrive comfortably.

Every job holds its own value, and the compensation should adequately support a decent standard of living for the individual or family.

Here’s why acknowledging this is important:

  1. Dignity of Labor:
    All jobs, regardless of their nature or perceived societal status, deserve respect and fair compensation. Each role contributes to the smooth functioning of society and the economy.
  2. Basic Needs and Living Wage:
    Every job should provide a wage that allows individuals and families to meet their basic needs, including housing, food, healthcare, education, and transportation. This is essential for a dignified and fulfilling life.
  3. Socioeconomic Equality:
    Fair compensation for all jobs contributes to reducing socioeconomic disparities and promotes a more equitable society. It helps bridge the gap between different professions and ensures that no one is left struggling financially.
  4. Motivation and Productivity:
    Offering fair pay for all jobs enhances employee motivation and productivity. When individuals feel valued and compensated appropriately, they are more likely to be engaged and contribute effectively in their roles.
  5. Quality of Life:
    Adequate compensation for every job directly impacts the quality of life for individuals and their families. It allows for financial security, improved well-being, and the ability to plan for the future.
  6. Social Well-Being:
    Ensuring fair compensation for all jobs positively impacts society as a whole. It reduces the strain on social welfare systems and promotes self-sufficiency, enhancing the overall well-being of communities.
  7. Education and Skills Development:
    Recognizing the importance of all jobs helps promote education and skill development across various sectors. It encourages individuals to pursue a diverse range of professions without the fear of financial instability.

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Make it across the Bridge without incidence!

Make it across the Bridge without incidence!

You will Cross A bridge

A bridge of incidents wil appear in your world….

“If you tell them it came to pass because you simply imagined it – no, they will point to the series of events that led up to it, and they will give credit to the bridge of incidents, across which you walked towards the fulfillment of that state, and they will point out some physical thing that was the cause.

No, the cause is invisible, for the cause is God, and God is invisible to mortal eye.”

Neville Goddard

Faith will get you across the bridge, but can you mess uop your manifestation?

Neville Goodard on FAILIURE:

The Power Of Awareness Chapter 24 Failiure

This book would not be complete without some discussion of failure in the attempted use of the law of assumption. It is entirely possible that you either have had or will have a number of failures in this respect – many of them in really important matters.

If, having read this book, having a thorough knowledge of the application and working of the law of assumption, you faithfully apply it in an effort to attain some intense desire and fail, what is the reason? If, to the question “Did you persist enough?”, you can answer “Yes” – and still the attainment of your desire was not realized, what is the reason for failure?

The answer to this is the most important factor in the successful use of the law of assumption. The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of already having what you desire.

The fact that it does not feel natural to you to be what you imagine yourself to be is the secret of your failure. Regardless of your desire, regardless of how faithfully and intelligently you follow the law, if you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it. If it does not feel natural to you to get a better job, you will not get a better job. The whole principle is vividly expressed by the Bible phrase “you die in your sins” – you do not transcend from your present level to the state desired.

How can this feeling of naturalness be achieved?

The secret lies in one word – imagination. For example, this is a very simple illustration: assume that you are securely chained to a large heavy iron bench. You could not possibly run, in fact you could not even walk. In these circumstances, it would not be natural for you to run. You could not even feel that it was natural for you to run. But you could easily imagine yourself running. In that instant, while your consciousness is filled with your imagined running, you have forgotten that you are bound. In imagination, your running was completely natural.

The essential feeling of naturalness can be achieved by persistently filling your consciousness with imagination – imagining yourself being what you want to be or having what you desire.

Progress can spring only from your imagination, from your desire to transcend your present level.

What you truly and literally must feel is that with your imagination, all things are possible. You must realize that changes are not caused by caprice, but by a change of consciousness. You may fail to achieve or sustain the particular state of consciousness necessary to produce the effect you desire.

But, once you know that consciousness is the only reality and is the sole creator of your particular world and have burnt this truth into your whole being, then you know that success or failure is entirely in your own hands. Whether or not you are disciplined enough to sustain the required state of consciousness in specific instances has no bearing on the truth of the law itself – that an assumption, if persisted in, will harden into fact. The certainty of the truth of this law must remain despite great disappointment and tragedy – even when you “see the light of life go out and all the world go on as though it were still day”. You must not believe that because your assumption failed to materialize, the truth that assumptions do materialize is a lie. If your assumptions are not fulfilled, it is because of some error or weakness in your consciousness.

However, these errors and weaknesses can be overcome.

Therefore, press on to the attainment of ever higher levels by feeling that you already are the person you want to be. And remember that the time it takes your assumption to become reality is proportionate to the naturalness of being it.

Neville Goddard

Don’t remove the planks in the bridge:

Walk across a bridge that is strong, solid, and straight by maintaining faith, by rebuking doubts, and by revoking indecision. Anytime you allow fear doubt or indecision it is as if you are removing the planks out of the bridge, and suddenly it gets hard to cross.

You’ll get tempted to give up and turn back around.

-“It’s not working” you’ll say, but it is, it is working, your fear is working against you isn’t it?

You assumed a feeling of, let’s say, smelling roses. You are consious of smelling roses, but you don’t see any roses, then doubt creeps in. One plank romoved from your bridge.

TRUST your decision to smell roses. CHANGE the word MANIFEST, to the word DECISION. Or AWARENESS. “I decided to smell roses”. “I am aware of smelling roses”.

But you trust your senses instead of your DECISION, instead of your AWARENESS, and you say “I don’t smell any roses”. One MORE plank removed from your bridge.

The more FEAR, DOUB, or Indescision you let in, the more planks you remove from the bridge.

Decide that you will walk across a SOLID bridge, and keep your awareness of smelling roses. Decide, keep the faith, and be confident in your awareness of smelling roses.

Bridge of events:

“Who knows what you are imagining? No one knows, but you can sit down and imagine, and no one can stop you from doing it, but can you give reality to the imagined state?

If you do, yes, a bridge of incidents will appear in your world, and you’ll walk across some series of events leading up to the fulfillment of the imaginal state.

But don’t give causation to any physical step that you took towards the fulfillment of it.”

– Neville Goddard

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The FALSE Teachings of Neville Goddard

Why Understanding Who Jesus Is Matters

Welcome to a blogpost, where we are about to embark on a journey to unveil one of the most significant revelations known to humanity. This revelation lies at the heart of the Christian faith, drawing from the texts of the Bible. So, before we dive into the depths of this life-altering truth, it’s essential that we reflect on a pivotal question: Why is it crucial to understand who Jesus is according to the scriptures if all you want is the Law Of Assumption?

In this discussion, we’ll explore the dynamics of how some LOA coaches cherry-pick and reinterpret the Bible, drawing from Neville Goddard’s teachings, manipulating the content of the Bible, encompassing the Old and New Testaments. This blog unambiguously supports the notion that Jesus was a genuine, historical figure who existed as both fully human and fully divine concurrently.

Furthermore, it emphasizes the eternal nature of Jesus’ existence. This perspective is firmly grounded in the Bible, which serves as the primary source for Neville Goddard. Here we go.

The Bible’s Text:

New Testament:

Manuscript copying was a meticulous process, ensuring remarkable accuracy. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating back over 1,000 years before later copies, showcased the consistency of this process. Textual criticism reveals that we know with certainty about 99.5 percent of the original Bible content in its original languages. The remaining 0.5 percent pertains to minor details, with no impact on fundamental Christian beliefs in Jesus as the son of God..

Old Testament:

Science has at one point disproved the factual accuracy of the Jewish scriptures, and thus, the stories contained in them have been largely ignored. This is true of the story of Adam and Eve for example. However, A scripture expert contends that archaeological evidence supports the historical reliability of the Bible’s accounts of Abraham. Despite debates over whether Abraham was a historical or literary figure, these discoveries are seen as corroborating the Bible’s historical accuracy regarding him. The expert’s argument rests on the belief that the archaeological findings provide evidence in favor of the Bible’s portrayal of Abraham as a Bronze Age nomad who played a key role in the birth of Israel and is considered a patriarch of the Jewish nation.

The False statements

Some Law of Attraction/Assumption coaches have been eager to claim that science disproves the Bible. However evidence is emerging to support the historical accuracy of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). This challenges the notion that science automatically contradicts the Bible.

Archaeological discoveries have provided evidence supporting the historical reliability of the Bible, particularly in regard to the genealogy of Abraham. These findings include inscriptions of places named after Abraham’s ancestors, as mentioned in the Bible.

The Allure of LOA and Coaches

LOA, like many spiritual paths, has the power to captivate and inspire individuals looking for change, hope, and transformation. It promises ease and guaranteed results, attracting those who desire a quick solution to life’s challenges. Many coaches offer guidance on manifesting desires and improving one’s life. It is a new religion. However, we must examine the motivations behind these pursuits and whether they lead to genuine transformation.

Spiritual Scamming

I shed light on the concerning trend of what could be described as “spiritual scamming..” While many LOA coaches genuinely aim to help, there is a growing number who may prioritize financial gain over authentic guidance. We discuss the importance of discernment and seeking ethical, credible sources.

Neville Goddard and the Bible

Neville Goddard asserts that the Bible lacks historical accuracy, but evidence suggests otherwise.

Despite his frequent integration of biblical references in his teachings, many in the “manifestation” community are reluctant to discuss the Bible. The mere mention of God tends to stir debate among Law of Assumption enthusiasts.

The TRUE Teachings Of Neville Goddard

I know, I talk about Neville Goddard all the time, why am I making this post?

The truth or lack of truth of Jesus’s identity, his references to God, and the Biblical portrayal of God’s identity, has no bearing on Neville Goddard’s “Law Of Assumption .‘’

The Law Of Assumption can be taught and explained without reference to the Bible.

Let’s look at Neville’s interpretations alongside direct Bible sources, examining the importance of these beliefs in Law of Assumption practices.

It’s worth noting that Neville Goddard received teachings from a Rabbi rooted in the Jewish tradition, which traditionally denies the divinity of Jesus. However, some argue that Isaiah 53, often considered a “ forbidden chapter”, unequivocally prophesies Jesus and identifies him as the Messiah.

Jesus Christ Is God.

This confusion, about the identity of Christ is widespread, but our focus here is the LOA community, and of course Neville. Neville Goddard heavily relies on references from both the Old Testament and the New Testament in all of his books and lectures. While some may find his approach uncomfortable, many resonate with his core message that you can manifest your desires, including interpersonal relationships. It’s essential to recognize that Neville’s claims are closely tied to these biblical sources. If you accept his claims, it’s logical to consider his sources as well, fact-checking the coherence and validity of his teachings within the framework of these biblical references.

Believing is seeing.

In the early days of Law of Attraction (LOA) teachings, there was a wide range of interpretations regarding God and spirituality. Some teachers, such as Helena Blavatsky, employed unconventional language, drawing comparisons between God and a serpent, her influences being mostly a bastardization of teachings from the East. . This unconventional approach led to diverse interpretations and beliefs. These teachings often constituted a mixture of fabricated spirituality, emerging New Age religions, and a multitude of deceptive claims, primarily aimed at exploiting people for financial gain.

Neville Goddard incorporated biblical references into his LOA teachings. However, because he was influenced by a Rabbi who did not recognize the divinity of Jesus, Neville’s interpretation of the New Testament appears to be based on a Kabbalistic model rather than historical documentation, which results in his denial of the Bible’s historical accuracy. Despite these variations, some argue that the Bible, along with other ancient texts from different parts of the world, remains one of the most reliable historical references available.

Neville Goddard, unlike most of his contemporary new thought teachers who employed a concoction of Eastern spiritual insights mixed with Christian mysticism, was influenced by a rabbi, and he did not initially align with the traditional Christian belief that Jesus was a real, historical figure. He also does not veer into magical rituals or other occult “secrets” or initiation rites. Neville is clearly trained in kabbalah.

Rabbis typically do not embrace the New Testament, often not even having read it. The New Testament being a Christian corner stone, is rarely, if ever read by Jewish people. This seems obvious, but I want to be overly clear here. With this in mind, Neville’s own incorporation of teachings from the New Testament are inconsistent, a point I’ve noticed for some time but haven’t raised before. Hence the the reasons for this post.

While Jesus is recognized as a metaphor for enlightened, compassionate, and blissful love, often referred to as Christ consciousness, traditional Christian doctrine regards Jesus as the Son of God, historical figure, and the embodiment of God. This is where Neville’s teachings may be perceived as misleading, and it’s important to clarify these differences.

The idea that you are the “god of your reality,” a term Neville Goddard did not use, is not a necessary element of these teachings. Instead, the core of his teachings involve assuming a particular identity without necessarily involving ANY mystical aspects. The most practical of the teachings of kabbalah. It is however perfectly acceptable to believe in God and Jesus AND assume your identity. In fact, you can freely worship your chosen deity without the need for added complexity, practicing the law of assumption while retaining your faith. The denial of God is a religion in and of itself.

Various spiritual and philosophical traditions allow individuals to view themselves as divine aspects of God or divine souls. The diversity of beliefs and interpretations within the LOA and spiritual communities underscores the individuality of each person’s spiritual journey and quest for self-discovery. In my response, I focus only on the Biblical aspects of LOA, following Neville’s path.

Jesus is both real and metaphorical; contemplate this concept.

God is the creator of the world, and in the realm of God’s time, there is no distinction between past and future; everything exists in the eternal NOW. Do you understand this concept?

Your success has always been predetermined from the very outset. Your favor with God is eternal. You have perpetually encompassed everything, possessed all that you desire, and existed in all conceivable realities, all simultaneously.

You are already all that you’ve ever aspired to become, and you possess everything you desire at this very moment. The only step required is to choose the version of yourself with which you wish to identify. It’s as straightforward as that. THIS is the law of assumption. Denial of God has nothing to do with it. Is it perhaps these coaches own ASSUMPTION that creates a false beleif that you have to deny God in order to manifest?

The law of assumption states: There is no way to fail in achieving your desires because you already possess them across all planes of existence, beyond imagination. All that’s left is to confidently claim every aspect of it with pride, free from fear and doubt. You have it all — it’s real, and it’s absolute. THIS is the law of assumption. Importantly, this perspective does not conflict with a belief in the Bible as a historical document.

Take a moment to contemplate the idea that CREATION is finished, rendering the concepts of free will versus destiny null and void. Everything is unfolding in the present, as God’s time encompasses the past, present, and future all as one eternal NOW.

God is everything, everywhere, all at once.

Are you genuinely seeking the Truth? Will you believe in the identity of Jesus as described in the scriptures?

The moment you discover the law of attraction or the law of assumption, you’re often told to set aside your existing beliefs. However, the truth is that you don’t have to discard them. Instead, you can make them work for you rather than against you, you can deepen your knwoledge of Jeuss rather than deny him. Sadly, many people end up falling into the trap of a new religion, often fostered by scammy LOA coaches. Yes, they create a religion out of their beliefs.

If you already believe in Jesus as the savior, continue to hold onto that belief. Don’t let a coach lead you astray.

What you may not realize is that it doesn’t matter if your belief aligns exactly with Neville’s, especially since he is inconsistent, and also wrong sometimes..

Now, why do some coaches insist that Jesus is solely a representation of your mind and discourage other beliefs? Why do they react strongly if you hold different views about Jesus, even believing He was a real historical figure and the Messiah?

This is a significant question, and the answer may be that they don’t wholeheartedly believe their own claims. They learned it from Neville and never fact checked him, or t hey might be running a sort of cult.

Many LOA coaches cherry-pick and selectively interpret specific Bible verses to support their agenda without considering the full context of biblical texts. One verse commonly used by LOA coaches to disprove Jesus’s divinity is the statement “I am that I am.” However, it’s crucial to recognize that this statement appears long before Jesus’s presence in the New Testament when God spoke to Moses. In the book of Exodus, it marked a pivotal moment when God identified Himself as “I Am That I Am” (Exodus 3:7–8, 13–14). “I am that I am” refers to Lord Yahweh, the name for the God of the Israelites, and represents the biblical pronunciation of “YHWH,” the name revealed to Moses. This name, YHWH, is often written in Hebrew as the tetragrammaton, comprising the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh. When Jesus used these words, He was identifying Himself as God.

Do you believe that he is God?

What does the Bible really say, let’s go straight to the source.

John 8:24

“I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”

That scripture says you will die in your sins if you do NOT believe Jesus is the “I AM”.

But who is the “I am”?

Reason 1:

Jesus is the I AM

In Exodus 3:13–14

God says to Moses that his name is I am. “I AM that I AM”

Why is this important? Because in the book of Moses, Jesus is not yet born. This is a very important qualifying statement. It is not possible to isolate and cherry pick the statement without understanding that it has ALREADY been qualified.

Where does it claim that Jesus is the “I AM”?

John 8:58 “ Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

GOD’s name = I AM.

JESUS’s name = I AM

Exodus 3:14 + John 8:24,58

Therefore, JESUS = GOD.

2nd reason:

Jesus accepts worship.(Devotional love)

In Hebrews 1:6 it says: “Let all the angels of God worship him (Jesus)”

If Jesus is worshiped, and he accepts it, this makes him GOD.

3rd reason:

Jesus tells us to honor him and God the Father equally.

The Bible says in John 5:23 it says

“That all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father.”

Do you pray to, love, obey the Father? Do you likewise with the Son?

Do you honor the Father as God? Should not you then also honor the Son equally as God?

4th reason:

Jesus shares his Name with God the Father and Holy Spirit

In Matthew 28:19, the Bible says:

“baptizing them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:”

This Bible verse uses the word “NAME” not “names”.

This shows that it is shared with the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost. This shows that Jesus Christ is God, just like how the Father is God.

5th reason:

The Greek word SON for Jesus means the “same nature as”.

There are 2 Greek words translated to the English word “Son”. These are:

1) TEKNON (Son) = little boy, offspring
derived from is never used of Jesus

2) UIOS (Son) = same nature as (hooios)

Therefore, when it calls Jesus:

Son of God: it means he is the same nature as God.

Son of Man: it means he is the same nature as Man .

This shows that Jesus is 100% God, and 100% man at the same time.

6th reason:

Jesus is from everlasting

Micah 5:2

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Jesus is from everlasting, therefore he wasn’t created, therefore he’s God.

Jesus Christ is from everlasting … Who else is from everlasting other than God?

7th reason:

God the Father calls Jesus “O God”

In Hebrews 1:8, the Bible says: To the Son he says “Thy throne O God”

God the Father calls the Son (Jesus Christ) “O God”

8th reason:

There is no Savior other than Jehovah

The Bible says in Isaiah 43:11: “I, even I, am the LORD (Jehovah); and beside me there is no savior.

Therefore Jehovah = ONLY SAVIOR.

2nd Peter 1:11 says

“For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

Jesus Christ = SAVIOUR

Therefore, Jesus Christ is Jehovah



AND Jesus is God, the Son.

Neville Goddard’s transformation

Expanding on the exploration of Neville Goddard’s evolving perspective, it becomes evident that his teachings underwent significant transformations over the years, leading to various interpretations among his followers. There appears to be a noticeable division between adherents of “pre-Promise Neville” and those who align with “post-Promise Neville,” highlighting the evolution of his ideas and beliefs.


During the early stages of his teachings, Neville’s philosophy resonated closely with the interpretations of Abdullah and jewish mysticism. In this phase, he discussed concepts such as free will, the Golden Rule, and the idea that we live in a singular reality. This version of Neville is often favored by many Law of Attraction enthusiasts and other teachers who have followed in his footsteps. While there are valuable lessons to be gleaned from this phase, Neville was still in the process of refining his understanding of his own teachings.


Neville’s beliefs experienced a profound shift after he received what he referred to as “the Promise.” This transformation brought about a new and distinct perspective. In this later stage of his teachings, Neville departed from many of his prior limiting beliefs and diverged from mainstream interpretations. Notably, he distinguished himself by emphasizing that the Law is the gateway to unlocking the Promise, which, in his view, extended beyond mere life enhancements. The Promise, according to Neville, was reserved for those who wholeheartedly embraced their desires, viewing them as attainable. Whereas he previously stated that God is your imagination, he started making statements like “God is love”.

This dichotomy in Neville’s teachings and evolving beliefs has led to differing understandings and approaches among his followers, with some gravitating towards his early teachings and others embracing the transformative shift he underwent.

Knowing that Neville Goddard is inconsistent, and the Bible is not, I ask you, who do you trust?

YES, you can trust that there is a law that states that you are who you assume that you are, but that is all that Neville can provide you. Assume your state, this is your free will. Choose your state of mind.

Ultimately, all paths DO lead to God, I believe Neville’s life proves that, and it doesn’t matter if your journey starts by disproving god, or focusing exclusively on material gains or fame or manifesting an sp, you too, will find that God is calling you. God has always been calling you. God was with you before you were born, and he was with you when you were blind to him.

Notably, once “The Promise” version of Neville Goddard emerged, he was met with considerably less popularity during his lifetime. His audience began to dwindle. His managers urged him to refrain from discussing the Promise, warning that such discourse might lead to a loss of followers. In response, Neville remained steadfast in his commitment, expressing his willingness to preach about it even to empty rooms. Could this same reason be why LOA coaches are unwilling to tell you the truth? That it doesn’t sell?

Realizing that you can’t earn your way to “heaven” with good works:

“By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast”

Ephesians 2:8,9

People often find themselves drawn to the idea of practicing numerous techniques daily and meticulously controlling every aspect of their lives. However, later in his teachings, Neville emphasized the importance of letting go and allowing your desires to manifest naturally. This shift reflects the difference between attempting to fulfill the law, as in the Old Testament, and falling short due to human limitations. In our humanity, we often fall short, but Jesus serves as a solution to our inherent imperfections. With trust in Jesus, we can find resolution, and this concept aligns with the same underlying principle.

This is why Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. He endured excruciating pain on the cross, with nails piercing His hands and feet for six agonizing hours, so that our sins could be atoned for by His divine blood. Your sins are forgiven and remain on the cross because of Jesus Christ’s selfless act.

He took a bullet for us.

In essence, He took the burden upon Himself, sparing us from the heavy price of our sins. He acted as the atonement for our transgressions. Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it because we, as humans, always fall short in upholding the law’s demands. Not one of us is perfect.

What should you do?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9,10:

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Ask him by prayer: To be your LORD (GOD) and SAVIOR

Let go of doership, trust his grace.

This is understanding doership in a nutshell. You do nothing, you ask, and that is IT. Ask in the NAME of Jesus.

You don’t have to affirm, you don’t have to do imaginal scenes or revise. It is done. (But you can do them if you want to)

It is done.

To get a grasp of the sheer magnitude of answered prayers in Jesus name, start to search for videos on testimonies from people who came to meet Jesus. Look for people who report miraculous healing. You will realize that the people who have insisted that you don’t use the word God, or Jesus before have no experience of what they are talking about, they have not read scriptures for themselves, and they have only read the bare minimum of Neville Goddard references. Iit isn’t enough to use as evidence to deny Jesus, and I assure you that they have never experienced an outright miracle. Do your due diligence and at least read the source (The Bible) for yourself first.

In that hour was Jesus glad in the Spirit, and said, `I do confess to thee, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that Thou didst hide these things from wise men and understanding, and didst reveal them to babes; yes, Father, because so it became good pleasure before Thee. -Luke 10.21

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Let’s take a moment to shift our perspective to “Godtime.”

God is pure consciousness, ultimate awareness, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. In God’s realm, time as we understand it doesn’t exist. Everything occurs simultaneously. When God appears to prophesy or predict, it’s not about foretelling the future, how can you predict when it is now? Rather recognizing that all events are unfolding in the present. In God’s domain, free will and destiny are not concepts. There’s no birth or death; there’s only God, and God is everything. In this perspective, the notion of free will or destiny loses its relevance.

There is no free will and no destiny.

So when coaches say no one has free will, it is only half truth.

There is no birth and no death.

There is only God, and God is all

Since all is now, free will or destiny does not exist

What we commonly identify as our “self” or persona — our body, ego, and mind — is essentially a construct. It’s a fabrication that creates the illusion of individual identity.

The true reality is God, and the world, including ourselves, is but an appearance. It’s not God that’s unreal; as Neville states, it’s our perceived separation from God that’s illusory. We live under the spell of this illusion, and the actual reality is God. And God created us in his image. In HIS image.

Everything you desire or need is already within you at this very moment. There’s no need to ask, do, or want because everything is within the eternal now. The holy name of Jesus serves as your entry into Godtime. Knock, and the door will open for you.

“When we really wake, we will not be God and man. It will just be you; and you will be God, who was the Dreamer. The whole will simply awaken within you. it will not be a twin. The wall of separation will be broken down. It will only be God; and God-and-you will be the One”. — Neville Goddard

This is “post-promise” Neville Goddard speaking. The awakened state desires nothing, it is a completion, no beginning, no end, no separation, nothing to want and nothing to have. What else happens? You realize that all is God, and treating anyone bad is like treating God bad, you can only love.

The separation increases when we have false Gods (Things, money, manifestations ect)

To further this thought, when we manifest solely for selfish reasons, it boosts our ego. When our ego grows, our spiritual connection diminishes. However, when we manifest for the well-being of others, the ego’s expansion is less likely. The surefire way to reduce ego and increase the awareness of God’s presence is to focus on pleasing God. It is a fact. The intent of Thou shalt no other Gods have beside me is this. For closeness to God, ask.

To diminish the ego, share the wisdom of God, however you perceive the divine, and by sharing this connection, you deepen your bond with God.

A coach who encourages you to fulfill your desires while denying the existence of God is likely inflating both their own ego and yours. The result can be a weakened connection to God.

If your desire is to experience the bliss of God, then your primary focus should be on God, not just on acquiring material things.

Remember the wisdom of “Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Everything exists within you NOW! There’s nothing you need to ASK for, nothing you need to DO, nothing to WANT.

Nothing is at the end of the journey, there is only an irreducible entirety of the universe.

Only the false fabrication thinks that you MUSt manifest something. Life is not at the end of a journey it is only ever in the present moment, it is the fabrication that lives in “time”, God is always in the eternal now, and your ultimate state is with God.

So you see when coaches teach you that you are God of your imagination they have it backwards, you are God’s imagination. I and the father are one but the father is greater.

The name of Jesus is your doorway to Godtime. knock, and he will open.

This is the truth of the New Testament.

Make a decision, about who you are, God’s beloved child, open the door called Jesus, and he will let you in.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”Matt 7:7–8

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

Jesus Prays for All Believers:

John 17:20

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

Remember when Neville Goddard switched gears and said that God is love?

“We are told, “He who has not loved does not know God, for God is love.” This is not a conclusion that the prophet reached after years of philosophic study, but an act of God in self revelation. If God never revealed himself to man, I doubt that man would ever know that God is love. But, in spite of all the horror of the world, I know from experience that God is love.” — Neville Goddard

I maintain that Neville Goddard’s use of the Bible as a source is highly contradictory, inconsistent, unnecessary and most importantly, misleading. To apply the Law of Assumption to your life, you simply make assumptions about who you are, and enter into a new and improved state of mind.

If you took a poll of all the individuals who enjoy success in life you would not find a commonality in lack of religion. It is a false belief held by Neville Goddard, that has been ignorantly absorbed by a fanatical group of coaches who have created a new religion. A new and inferior religion in place of an authentic devotional religion that leads to and open devotional heart… Ponder this.

From duality to oneness through devotion and worship, is a transformative journey that Jesus’ teachings emphasize. This path lead us to transcend dualistic thinking and experience unity with the divine through love, devotion, and trust. Devotion through Jesus’ message, can be likened to spiritual heart surgery. It involves opening our hardened hearts to the love of the divine, allowing us to transition from a state of duality to oneness with the divine, just as a skilled surgeon mends a heart to restore its full capacity. THIS is the power of Jesus.

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”

Tell me again WHY you believed that you had to deny God to manifest your dreams?

The date of creation

The date of Abraham’s birth is estimated to be around 1813 BCE. According to the Jewish calendar, Abraham was born in the year 1948 AM (Anno Mundi), which means “from creation.”

The Jewish calendar calculates dates from the biblical creation of the world, which is estimated to have occurred around 3760 BCE. The date of creation, that is when God created mankind…

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.

God created mankind…

Millenia into this, mankind is struggling, fighting and hating. Jesus was sent to give us what we can’t achieve on our own, and he will come again.

Let’s create a greater perspective…

Lord Krishna appeared at the beginning of the Kali Yuga, which started 5,000 ( 3,102 BCE. ) years ago. His appearance is described as a historical event. During his appearance, Lord Krishna delivered the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text that contains profound spiritual teachings and guidance for humanity.

This event is considered a pivotal moment in the transition to the Kali Yuga, a time of spiritual decline and moral degradation, as it provided essential spiritual wisdom to guide people through the challenges of this age. At the time of Lord Krishna’s appearance, the archer Arjuna was 86 years old.

In this new yuga, the Kali Yuga, God created mankind…God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. But hold on a minute, mankind already existed before? Didn’t it?

King Rama, a central figure in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana. King Rama is considered an incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu. An avatar is God who takes on the body of a human. He is venerated for his virtuous and righteous nature and is often seen as a symbol of righteousness. Rama’s life and adventures, including the rescue of his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana, are depicted in the epic Ramayana, which narrates his divinity. King Rama lived 7100 years ago, during the Treta Yuga, which is a more spiritually elevated age compared to the current Kali Yuga, that age that Lord Krishna ushered in.

Kali Yuga is marked by a decline in righteousness and values, our connection to God is replaced by material pursuits and manipulations for power, general degradation and perversion.

The Yugas are not measured in the same way as our calendar years, there are many interpretations and calculations, but what stands out to me is that the theory of relativity appears to be altered in the previous Yugas, years longer, mankind taller and lifespans MUCH longer. We have limited knowledge about time, space and consciousness relativity, and how this played out before the kali Yuga is impossible to imagine….

Before mankind was…

Lord Vishnu is the God who appears again and again, as Krishna, as Rama, and before that his first incarnation according to the Puranic accounts was Matsaya. Matsya appeared in the form of a fish when the world was submerged in a cosmic ocean during the Satya Yuga 62,801 BCE….

Lord Visnu has sent many avatars and he will send another one…Kalki, to usher back in a new Satya Yuga.

Unfathomable Awesomeness

Oneness is not limited to a single perspective or a single religion, rather oneness means one has experienced existence from the primordial fish to a simple leaf on a tree, and simultaneously the experience of mankind, enlightened sage, and the divine itself. We are one consciousness. This unity transcends individual experiences, and together, we are one, the divine or God.

I am that I am.

“All the manifested world of things and beings are projected by imagination upon the substratum which is the Eternal All-pervading Vishnu, whose nature is Existence-Intelligence; just as the different ornaments are all made out of the same gold.” -Shankaracharya

“The entire universe is truly the Self. There exists nothing at all other than the Self. The enlightened person sees everything in the world as his own Self, just as one views earthenware jars and pots as nothing but clay.” -Shankaracharya

“I and the Father are one, but the Father is greater.”

Abraham emerged as a guiding light during humanity’s initial encounter with the Kali Yuga some 5000 years ago. Moses received the commandments from God to lead us, yet we struggled to uphold them. As prophesied, Jesus was sent by God, representing God Himself, to atone for our inherent sins that often elude our comprehension. Jesus took a bullet for us. We even venture into moral relativism, asserting that “there is no good or bad, only thinking makes it so,” we simply do NOT understand WHY we should love our enemies, or why we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We fail to see that we are ONE AND THE SAME AS our enemies….”

In John 14.1, we find the words: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Find solace in knowing that God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. You are never alone, and as you have faith in God, have faith in Jesus, for He too is God, and you can turn to Him.

I hope that I have dispelled some of Neville Goddard’s mistakes. Using Nevllie Goddard to point the way to the Bible is like using a flashlight to point to the sun.

With that being said; Take what resonates, and leave the rest, but please, do your own research into his sources.

In summary:

Neville Goddard most likely denies the divinity of Jesus because he was taught by a Rabbi,and the jewish faith denies Jesus as the Messiah, but it does NOT deny the existence of a creator, Yahweh, beyond human comprehension. (Yod He Vau He) Rabbi’s do not read the New Testament. The forbidden chapter, Isaiah 53, proves that Jesus is the Messiah in his first coming, and thus Jesus is the Son of God. “I and the father are one, but the father is greater.”


Humanity can strive to become more Christlike and enlightened while simultaneously recognizing the existence of divinity in others. If the assertion that we create our own world, by manifesting outwardly what we are on the inside, then it follows that the recognition of God and Jesus on the outside hints to a more Christlike inner, as Neville Goddard’s EIYPO dictates. Meditate on this.

If you desire to learn more about Jesus, consider going to the source: The Bible.

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

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What is The Law of Assumption?

Understanding the Law of Assumption

The Law of Assumption revolves around manifesting desires by assuming you already possess them. It advocates creating your reality by feeling as if your wishes have already come true. This internal shift influences your external reality, demonstrating the power of assumption. Nothing could be easier than this method.

Effortless Assumption: Embodying Your Desires

The beauty of the Law of Assumption lies in its ability to effortlessly attract your desires. Rather than chasing what you want, assuming the feeling that your desire is already realized allows the universe to smoothly manifest it in your life. Embrace this approach to welcome your desired reality with ease.

The Law of Assumption: Akin to Method Acting

Much like Method Acting used by performers to portray characters authentically, the Law of Assumption requires immersing yourself in the feeling of your desire’s reality. Just as an actor fully embodies a character, assume the state of mind and emotions of your desire, believing it’s already a part of your reality. This approach bridges imagination and belief to manifest your desires.

Origin and Foundation of the Law of Assumption

The teachings of Neville Lancelot Goddard, an American philosopher, form the bedrock of the Law of Assumption. Goddard emphasized the influence of ssumptions and imagination on shaping our reality. Central to his teachings is the subconscious mind’s role in manifesting desires, emphasizing that assuming the feeling of having our desires already impresses the subconscious mind, paving the way for their physical manifestation. The subconsious mind is constantly causeing assumptions, hence the name: The Law of Assumption.

Understanding the Distinction Between the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction

The Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction are both methods meant for manifesting desires and shaping our lives, are often discussed together. They are not the same. Although they share common ground, they differ in fundamental ways.

The Law of Attraction: Magnetizing Desires Through Thoughts and Emotions

The Law of Attraction centers on the belief that our thoughts and emotions possess a magnetic force, attracting corresponding experiences into our lives. Positivity is a core principle of the law of attra ction, as is “vibration”.

The Law of Assumption: Embodying Desired Reality Through Belief and Action

In contrast, the Law of Assumption extends this principle further. It proposes that assuming we already possess exactly what we desire empowers us to create our reality. This means that there is nothing to attract, because you have it. And just like when you actually DO have that thing, you have good days and bad days, you can skip the positivity and the vibration too! Rather than vibrations and attracting, your work is to imagining and feel the reality you wish to bring forth .

Be Bleesed! Here are 10 affirmations just because:

  • I am capable of manifesting the life of my dreams.
  • My imagination is a powerful tool for creating my reality.
  • I trust in the power of the Law of Assumption to bring my desires to life.
  • I am worthy of all the good things in life.
  • I attract positive experiences into my life with ease.
  • I am filled with joy and abundance.
  • I release all negative thoughts and beliefs that do not serve me.
  • I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.
  • I am constantly expanding and growing in all areas of my life.
  • My thoughts and emotions create my reality.

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The Mystery of Imagination | A Neville Goddard Lecture

The Mystery of Imagination | A Neville Goddard Lecture


Tonight’s subject is “The Mystery of Imagination.” I could have titled it “The Mystery of God, the Mystery of Man, the Mystery of Christ.” It would have been the same thing. But I took for tonight the use of the word Imagination—it would not offend. But these three are interchangeable words.

So here, I imagine as do you. We cannot imagine differently. All the differences lie in content.

And so, we ask the little question “Who am I?” and our response to that question determines content…and there we differ. The whole vast world differs based upon their response to that enormous question, which we find in scripture. Who am I? I could tell you that you are God. You wouldn’t believe it. You can read it in scripture: “Be still and know that I am God.” You’ll read it in the 46th Psalm, but you won’t believe it. If I told you that you are Christ, you might be offended; you may have some external concept of a being and you call him Christ. When I say that you do imagine, that wouldn’t offend you because you know we do imagine. And you may not believe for one moment that this power of imagining is the power of God, but, nevertheless, you do imagine. That wouldn’t offend anybody.

So tonight we’ll take…first of all, we’ll start with Blake’s Jerusalem. Now Blake claimed this entire poem was dictated by the Spirit of Prophesy or the Savior of the world. He said, “Morning after morning, when I return I’ve found the spirit of the Savior spreading his beams of love over me and dictating the words of this mild song.” And in this he said, “Babel mocks, saying there is no God nor Son of God, that thou, O Human Imagination, O Divine Body, art all a delusion; but I know thee, O Lord, when thou arisest upon my weary eyes, even in this dungeon and this iron mill…for thou also sufferest with me.” And then the Divine Voice replied: “Fear not! Lo, I am with thee always, only believe in me, that I have power to raise from death thy Brother who sleepeth in Albion” (Plate 60). Now could you honestly believe to that point that you would say, “But I know thee, O Lord” meaning your own wonderful human Imagination, no other being, your Imagination, the eternal you. Could you say with him that “Man is all Imagination and God is man and he in us and we in him. The Eternal Body of man is the Imagination and that is God himself” (Laocoon/Annot. to Berkeley). Could you believe it?

Well now, let us show you. We’re told in scripture that all things were made through Christ and without him was not anything made that was made, but all things, good, bad and indifferent (Jn. 1:2). Now who made this? The year is 1951—my brother-in-law because he is married to my wife’s sister—called and asked if I would see him that evening…it was very important. He knew that we were sailing for Barbados in about two weeks and he wanted to see me before we sailed. So he came home and this was his problem. First, I’ll give you his background. He graduated from Harvard and then remained on and took the business course at Harvard, Harvard Business School’s graduate course. Came out of college and went straight into the bank, the Bank of New York. Well, as you know banks have different departments and some departments do not advance rapidly. He was in the Trust Dept. That is almost a service; that is not a money making section of the bank. So he was in the Trust Dept. and after eighteen years he concluded that traveling as he’s traveling now at the bank he couldn’t see how he could possibly put his two children through college. He went through college and his wife went through Smith, and he couldn’t see how he could possibly put these two children through college. They were bright, desired to go to college but with that fixed salary he couldn’t see how he could do it. So he went to the president and the manager of the bank and explained the facts of life.

They in turn reminded him that that department did not allow any further increases in salary, that eventually someone would resign or someone would retire, someone would leave the bank, or they may die. In that event, he would be promoted, but without this, he had to remain and move forward just as they all do in banks. They made it very, very clear to him that if he didn’t like it he could quit.

Now he said, “That’s my problem.” I said, “All right.” First of all, I’ll tell you he was at that time and still is the head usher of a very prominent 5th Avenue church, the Church of the Ascension. He was on the financial board because he was a banker and could advise them on how to invest their funds and to raise funds.

But he couldn’t find any comfort in an interview with his minister. The minister didn’t know what to say to him, how to solve this problem. I said to Sam, “You know Sam that I’m leaving in a couple of weeks and we’ll be gone for about three months. Will you do this? I assure you it will work. It will not fail you if you do it.

You are the operant power, it doesn’t operate itself.

I can tell you from now to the ends of time, but if you don’t operate it by becoming the operant power, it won’t work. But if you actually do what I’m going to ask you to do, I tell you that it will work.” Well, he said, “Tell me.” I said, “When you go to bed tonight—I don’t mean tomorrow night or the next night—I mean tonight and every night thereafter, you feel as though you had the most heavenly day in business, that you invested fantastic funds.” By the by, I must tell you that I asked him, what would you like to do? Well, he said, “I’m trained to invest funds. I know the money market. I would like to handle the funds of a great foundation like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, the Rockefellers or the Fords. That’s the kind of a thing I would like.” I said, alright, as you sleep tonight you feel this is the most heavenly day, the most wonderful day! What a portfolio and what I did with it, this enormous sum of money that you invested, and feel that you’ve never known such a wonderful day in your business. He started that night.

We sailed to Barbados and returned three months later. As is our custom, that very first day they always came home for dinner. So the wife came first and we had a round of drinks and she said, “Let’s wait for Sam. I want Sam to be here before we have any drinks.” I said, “All right, we’ll wait for Sam.” So Sam came in straight from the bank and when he came in I made a round of Martinis, and Sam rose and said, “Dear, did you tell them?” She said, “No, it’s your story. I want you to tell them.” Well, this is the story. Being a member of the financial board of the church this meeting was held two weeks after we sailed.

At the end of the meeting when they came to the sidewalk this man who handles all the funds of the Rockefeller brothers, not the Rockefeller Foundation, it’s something entirely different, the five brothers and their sisters and then their wives and children. The fund runs well in excess of a billion dollars…it’s just their private funds. The man said, “Sam, I’ve been thinking of this for the last couple of weeks.” Right on the heels of Sam beginning to put this into practice he entertains the thought and said to Sam, “Would you consider quitting the bank? I know you have to lose all the seniority, lose all that you’ve built up in the bank, I can’t give you that. I’ll start you at a much, much bigger salary and guarantee you an increase in salary every year. But what an opportunity! Here you have a portfolio well in excess of a billion dollars, and I’m asking you to quit the bank and join me and help me with the Rockefeller money.” He said, “I can’t say yes to it now, but I’ll go home and discuss it with my wife.”

Well, they agreed that it was quite a challenge…and so they would do it. The bank was thrilled beyond measure that the Rockefellers would see in one of their men that they trained one with that ability, and they were just all smiles, all love. When one broke forth they almost offered him to quit. Now they’re thrilled beyond measure because he could throw some business in their direction, handling one portfolio one day, $394 million. At the same time, a $4,000 investment…some grandchild just got an A or B or something in school, and he was given $4,000. He had to take that $4,000 and be just as careful with that investment as the $394 million that he was one day switching in a certain portfolio.

Well, that was Sam. I wrote a book a year later 1952 in which I told this story. I did it without Sam’s consent or knowledge. Knowing the story I wrote the story myself and simply signed his initials. As is my custom, I bring out a new book and I always give Sam a copy. Sam took the book and he saw his story. Now he’s entranced, mind you, in this. He still is a powerhouse in his church. He knows exactly what he did and he knows how it works…but that book was hidden. When I called on Sam the next time there was no discussion of this theory and the book was not available. All my other books were put away. You couldn’t find one of my books in Sam’s house today, because to him this is irrational. Some friend of his in the social world may come to his apartment and see a book, and ___(??) by the title, or take it from the library, see Sam’s story in the book, and that would embarrass him. He’s very prominent in his own minds eye in the social world and in the banking world and these worlds.

So he denied I introduced him to Christ.

He goes to church every Sunday morning, is the head usher…doesn’t know Christ. I introduced him to Christ and proved to him the existence of Christ in him. For all things are made by Christ and without him is not anything made that is made. And who made it? He dared to imagine himself returning from a job where everything was perfect, just as he wanted it. In two weeks the offer came out of the blue. The man began to entertain the thought of suggesting it to Sam soon after Sam began to go to bed night after night imagining that he had such a job. Now he buries the evidence: The old, old story, “he denies the ladder by which he did ascend.” Oh no, that’s not…so I introduced him to Christ, he met Christ and did not recognize him, and did what you’re told in scripture, he denied him.

He rejected Christ although he goes every Sunday and ushers them down the aisle. There he is in his cutaway, leading in that manner.

Now, I’ll tell you the story in scripture that is related to it. “He who is not with me is against me” (Luke 11:23). There is no room for neutrality, none whatsoever, in this conflict. You are either with me or against me. Now, he makes that bold statement and then it seems irrelevant what follows. And this is what he states in the Book of Luke, the 11th chapter:

“When an evil spirit, an unclean spirit goes out of a man, it wanders through waterless places seeking rest; and finding none it says, ‘I’ll return to the house from which I came.’ When he comes to the house he finds it swept and put in order (verse 24).

He goes and gets seven other spirits more evil than itself; and they come and they enter and dwell in that house; and the last state of that man is worse than the first” (verse 26). “Now a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said, ‘Blessed is the womb that bore you and blessed the breasts you sucked.’ He replied, ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!’”

Here is a man brought into the very presence of the only creative power in the world, his own wonderful human Imagination, his eternal being, who is Christ Jesus in him.

He tests him and proves his creative power to the full satisfaction. He tests him and Christ proved himself in performance, and then he buries the evidence. He wants no part of it, none whatsoever; it isn’t socially prominent. It will do nothing for him in the social world to have that story heard concerning him. So, having turned his back upon Christ, he’ll be confronted tomorrow, next year…I use the word loosely…and he will forget what he did to get the job with the Rockefellers.

He held it for eight years and then his boss quit, and as is the custom when the new boss came in he brought his own personnel so Sam was out. But because of eight years service in that capacity, he was offered all kinds of jobs and he took a junior partnership in a brokerage house. So now he’s a partner in a brokerage house doing remarkably well…a man my age, in fact, the same month in the same year. We never discuss this principle at all. He wants his own archaic concept of a man he calls Jesus Christ.

He doesn’t want a living Christ within himself that is his own wonderful human Imagination. He doesn’t want that, no, he wants something that is historical, something that happened 2,000 years ago, and that to him is Christ.

I introduce you to Christ. I can’t make that ___(?). It is customary that you reject him. I can tell you it’s not the easiest thing in the world having once been trained in an orthodox manner to believe in an eternal Christ to suddenly find that he’s your own wonderful human Imagination; that this is the eternal you, the immortal you, the one that cannot die, and the one that you can put to the test every moment of time. So when Blake said, “Thou also sufferest with me although I do not behold thee” you never behold him as another. He will one day through a series of events reveal himself as you. Because these events are only related to Christ Jesus and only as these events are experienced by you and you are cast in the central role will you know who you are. So you never see him as another as told us in scripture: “It does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appears we shall know him because we shall be like him” (1 Jn. 3:2). So when he appears, I am he. So you’ll know by a series of events which you will experience who you really are. Until then, you will know him, but you will not behold him because you don’t behold him. He is God the Father and you can only behold him in the face of his Son. You beholding the Son, knowing the Son is your son, then you know who you are…that you are God the Father.

But long before you know and behold yourself as God the Father, you can know him. So I can bring you this night as I have…I’ve brought you this night and introduced you to Jesus Christ. You can call him Jesus Christ, I do. You can call him, as Blake in Jerusalem calls him, the Lord: “But I know thee, O Lord, when thou arisest upon my weary eyes.” Here yesterday morning, Sunday morning, I returned after a full night of instruction to ethnic groups. When I was addressing Negroes, I was a Negro, as black as the ace of spades, and I’m talking to Negroes. When I addressed the Oriental, I was an Oriental. When I addressed the Caucasian, I was a Caucasian. And yet I am not white, yellow or black; I am Spirit. But to be seen, I had to wear the form of man and wear a pigment acceptable to those I addressed, so here I am, black as the ace of spades speaking to Negroes, and then I am a blond speaking to Caucasians, and again I am the Oriental speaking to Orientals. I came back as gently upon the eyelids as Blake in that 60th Plate tells us: “I know thee, O Lord, when thou arisest upon my weary eyes.” I could actually feel the contact upon this dungeon, this iron mill. And then I spent maybe five minutes just reveling in all that I knew I brought back and what I had done, and then I got up and went about my chores for the day.

So these words are not idle words with Blake. One day you’ll experience them. One day you’ll awaken from the dream of life, and you’ll know that you are God the Father. You will know it by a set series of events. You can’t alter them, don’t try to change them, they will actually unfold in you. They will erupt like a flower erupting on the bush, and the whole thing will reveal you as the being that you’ve been seeking throughout the ages, the being called Jesus Christ or God the Father. But it does not offend man when you speak of the human Imagination, because all admit they do imagine. They may never be that courageous to identify their own wonderful human Imagination with God, but I tell you the day will come when you’ll be forced to identify him and actually interchange a term…that God and your own wonderful human Imagination are one and the same, they’re not two.

You put it to the test. Well, all right, you put it to the test. You know what you want? Well, dare this night to assume that you have it, and sleep in the assumption that you have it, and that assumption will slowly harden into fact. That will harden into fact just as Sam’s hardened into fact. For God is emerging in the direct line of descent from us. When we read the genealogy of Christ that is a direct line of descent from us. Slowly, painfully but surely he is weaving himself on us. And who is he? Your wonderful human Imagination, my wonderful human Imagination, that’s the immortal you that comes out, comes right out of this strange, wonderful line of descent. When it comes out, it’s not anything that you see here; it’s an immortal being, a body that is altogether different.

You are then Spirit, “For flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 15:50). So that which comes out can inherit the kingdom of God, but this cannot, for this is a corruptible body, this is a body that is excrementitious. I certainly don’t want a body of this nature forever of bondage and slavery. For here is a body that no matter how much I have in this world, I could have all the wealth in the world, and I cannot command any slave of mine to perform the normal functions of this body for me, I’ve got to do them all by myself. No money in the world can buy that service. The man who wears such a body has to perform the normal natural functions of that body all by himself or simply give it up. If he ceases to perform them, well then, it means his exit from this world, for he can’t command anyone to perform them for him.

So these bodies are certainly not bodies that you think of that you’d want to have throughout eternity. For the body you’ll have, the immortal body is your own wonderful human Imagination. And you can’t describe it. It is Spirit. It’s a protean being and by that I mean it can assume any shape as I did all through Saturday night. I woke on Sunday morning knowing that I’d played the part of the Caucasian, the Oriental and the Negro teaching the word of God. I was just that body; that was the mask that I wore, and was received by these ethnic groups as their teacher clothed in a garment just like theirs. But the being that was masked by the body, no one saw him, for that one was Spirit, pure Spirit.

Now, a friend of mine wrote me this letter. He says, “I came back from a vast, vast section of space and time, and for one short interval I encountered a fish, and the fish was standing erect on its tail. In what you would call a hand, its flipper, its right flipper or the right fin, it held a fishing rod, and it looked at me so intently. It conveyed the thought to me, ‘I never lose a man that I go after…I catch everyone that I see.’ Then I had a flash that it was all past history, as though through the ages he had been fishing for me and I had been ___(??) the hound of heaven. I had been running, running, running away, but he was infinitely patient, and he the great fish would one day catch him.” Well, this being who wrote the letter, I must tell him that the fish has always been the symbol of Jesus Christ. To this day, you will find it on the crown of the pope, the sign of Pisces, always on the crown of the pope. The “great fish” he is called. So a protean being…it was he clothed as the fish speaking to himself; for he really is in search of self, not in search of another. Everyone is in search of self and that self is God the Father. That being that appeared before him clothed as the fish symbolized what he is searching for. But he got the impression no matter how he tries to escape he will never escape this one, he will always get him. So in the end you get him. And I would say from this vision he isn’t far from being caught.

Now a lady wrote, she said, “You were supposed to close on Friday the 30th,” and she sent this lovely Christmas card from both she and her husband, she said, “On Thursday morning on the 19th I heard your voice distinctly and you were calling to everyone who comes to your meetings on Mondays and Fridays telling them not to come on Friday the 20th for you would not be there. You kept on calling to all the regulars and I was so impressed I went to the telephone and picked up that receiver to call. ‘You know,’ I said, ‘this is stupid. Neville will think me insane’ and I put down the receiver. I still heard the voice, I could not shut it out, and you were eager to call the regulars.

Again I went to the telephone and again I restrained the impulse, thinking you might think me stupid. So again I didn’t do it. Just imagine my chagrin when I came on Friday and was told you would not be there, that you were unwell, that you had the flu. And so you didn’t come the closing night and I knew all day Thursday that you would not be there because I heard your voice calling all the regulars not to come.” If you could only test and trust, completely trust this Inner Being. One day you will. One day you will trust it…you will need no phone. You will be so intuitive your every thought that radiates from a seeming other…for in the end you will know that “All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, in your Imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow” (Blake, Jerusalem, Plt.71).

So here, this mystery of imagining as Fawcett said, “It is the greatest of all problems to the solution of which the mystic aspires; for supreme power, supreme wisdom, supreme delight lie in the far off solution of this mystery.” Now notice he uses three definitions, power, wisdom and delight and these are the three defined in scripture that define Christ.

Paul speaks of Christ as the power of God and the wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24). In the 8th chapter of Proverbs they speak of Christ as the delight of God: “He was with him constantly, delighting before him always, delighting in the affairs of men” (verse 30). “He who finds me finds life; he who misses me injures himself; all who hate me love death” (verse 35). So this that you heard this night if it is denied by you or ignored, it’s because you’re in love with the world of death. Everything here dies…but everything in the world begins and ends, it all dies, but Christ lives forever! Those who hate him it’s because they’re in love with death and they’ll build up enormous fortunes, bigger and bigger, and have to leave it behind them. They haven’t found a way yet of taking it. They’ll leave their little garment and leave their funds no matter what size it is, but this you can’t leave behind. If you find him here, you’ve found him, and death means nothing to you then for you are one with what the world speaks of as Christ.

One day you will know him, you will have all the experiences recorded in scripture concerning Jesus Christ. You’ll be cast in the central role and then you will know beyond all doubt who you really are. You will have found him not as another; you will have found him as yourself. So some find him because they seek him; others find him because they’re brought to him by one who found him. And so, some here this night you didn’t seek him but you’ve been exposed to him. You may not accept it. You may go out and think that’s blasphemy what that man said tonight, because it’s in conflict with your concept of what you think it ought to be. But I tell you from experience. I am not speculating, I am not theorizing, for I’m telling you I know what I know from experience. I have experienced the entire drama as recorded in scripture concerning Jesus Christ, from the resurrection, through the birth, up to the very descent of the dove, the grand baptism.

So everything recorded and all the outstanding events of his life I have experienced while walking in this little mortal frame. The frame is not exempt from all the bugs of the world. So a hundred million Americans got it, I was one of them. And so they burned and so did I…five days of intense fever where you melt…so you take off twelve pounds and you do it certainly the hard way. You can consume all the liquids of the world, weight still isn’t going to remain on you…off it goes. At the end of your little episode you’re weak, physically weak, and someone will say, “Well, if you are really the one that you claim and you’ve had all these experiences, then why?” They do not realize that “I do not consider the sufferings of the present time worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in me” (Rom.8:18). I am not exempt from anything that man is heir to, and man is heir to all the nonsense of the world. It’s all within us, I know.

So here this night, the mystery of Imagination is simply the mystery of your own being. It’s the mystery of God. The more you discover the workings of your own Imagination, the more you discover the secret of God. So don’t put it aside. When you go home tonight be perfectly honest with yourself. Do you know what you want either for yourself or for another, do you really know? Well then, do what Sam did, persuade yourself that things are as you desire them to be. To the degree that you’re self-persuaded that they are so, to that degree they will become so and they will externalize themselves in your world. For these assumptions though at the moment that I make them are denied by my senses if persisted in will harden into fact. So, before you say no to it, test it! When you prove it in performance, you have found Christ. Now, do not do what my brother-in-law did; he buried the book, and forgot it.

The same family…a friend of mine, who is now gone from this world, said to me, “Neville, wouldn’t you like me to put Vicki in the social register in New York City?” I said, “Certainly not.” Well, she said, “It’s the most marvelous thing for her.” I said, “Let Vicki make that decision. She’s a child now and so she can’t possibly make that decision and I might be doing her a great injustice.” So I said, “No, Helen, thank you very much. I presume you’re in it.” She said, “Well, when I was born I was registered in it and all my children, three of them, and my husband. My second husband, he came over, and I got him into it. So we’re all in the social register…my entire background. So it’s easy for me to get Vicki in the social register.” So I declined. Well, casually I said it to Cynthia, Sam’s wife, I think a month later, and she said, “You think she would sponsor me?” I said, “Why not? I’ll ask her.” So I called Helen and said, “Helen, my sister-in-law, Bill’s sister, would like to be in the social register.” She said, “Certainly, Neville, I’ll get her in.” That book is so prominently displayed in her living room that you can’t miss it. They leave it ___(??). It’s all over the living room and quite casually open at the page. She loves that sort of life. Naturally, she’s not going to take the story which is the true story. For that thing in the social register isn’t true at all. Yes that she graduated from Smith, that her husband graduated from Harvard these are true. But I mean the phoniness surrounding the whole thing. But the story I told concerning his use of Christ, that’s the true story, and you’ll find it if the book is not out of print called The Power of Awareness. That’s where I tell this story.

So when you go to bed tonight, instead of just sleeping as you do normally, dare to assume things are as you desire them to be and try to catch the mood that would be your mood were it so. Try to catch the feeling of the wish fulfilled…and then sleep. Tomorrow night do the same thing. The next night do the same. And while you are sleeping, this immortal you will be pulling every wire in the world that is necessary to bring to birth your assumption.

Now let us go into the Silence.


In Luke regarding the unclean spirit that comes out of a man, I don’t understand it.


When the unclean spirit has been caste out of a man? This is a disembodied idea. For a demon is not some disembodied spirit; it’s a prejudice, a superstition, a false pride. All these bedevil man. And so you entertain one and you’re going to get two, you get seven, and they never stop there. You start with one superstition and all of a sudden you have a thousand of them, but they have to have a man as the agent to express themselves. They can’t express themselves without a man. Man is the agent that expresses all the unlovely things in the world…these unclean spirits. So in my brother-in-law’s case it was a false pride, and so he entertained this false pride that he went to Harvard. All right, so what! And then he was a banker…alright, wonderful…and now he’s in the social register. He won’t tell you that I got him there at the same time I declined for my daughter. She’s never expressed any opinion since that she wanted it. I told her afterwards that I said no to it, that you, when you get old enough to know what’s what in this world, you may decide you want it and it’s always there for you if you want it.

So the water displaces it, it passes through and it must go back to a man. So the idea goes back to Sam. He got the job, he knows exactly how he did it, and now he puts it behind him and denies the ladder by which he did ascend. So the demons returned…all the false pride. He will think he’s doing a wonderful job for God on Sunday morning and there he is every Sunday morning, regardless of weather, as the head usher ushering all the ladies and gentlemen down to their pews, and he thinks he’s doing God a service. He knows nothing of God. They’ll sing all the hymns, get on their knees, and pray to what? Certainly not to any God, for the only one that you could ever know is the God that you know in the first-person, present tense. You’ll know him within yourself and his name is I AM. That’s his eternal, immortal being. So you’ll know him.

When you go outside and turn to a false god, you’ll never find him. When you start with one idol, you multiply it. So these are the demons spoken of in scripture. You have a superstition, you can’t stop at one. Were you ever in the theater? There you find them by the millions. Can’t whistle in your own room, you can’t put your shoe above where your head would be, can’t open an umbrella in the place, and multiply them. Talk about the superstitions, go into the theater, and I’m not fooling. They make you go outside and do all kinds of nonsense if you absent mindedly whistle in your own dressing room or do any of these silly little things. But they really believe it brings bad luck and to the degree that they are self-convinced that it does, it does.

So these are the demons that possess the mind of man. And certainly false pride is a frightful demon: I must be seen with what I call the proper people, and I can’t be seen in certain areas, certain restaurants, and certain this, that and the other, because it isn’t the thing to do. Well, that’s false pride.


Like Jean Dixon? You know who she is?


Yes, I’ve heard of her.


Ok. She prophesizes…like she gets these messages. Don’t you think it’s her Imagination that when she thinks something dire is going to happen and says it that that’s why it happens…because she has imagined it? Is that the way it works?


First of all, she’s not a woman of vision. She’s not a woman who actually has the vision of scripture, but she can become self-persuaded using any little technique. She can use cards, use the stars, use monkey bones, and to the degree that she is self-persuaded that these things mean what she thinks they do, well, to that degree they’ll come to pass. But you never hear them tell you of their mistakes. For instance, we had two candidates running for the presidency. All right, you can tell them both secretly that you’re going to be president. One has to be, so you’re fifty percent right. Well, that’s such a major thing, but you’re also fifty percent wrong. But you don’t talk about that…only talk about that which has been publicized ……?.


……….? how to shorten the time period?


I would call it intensity of feeling. If you can feel the mood and become possessed by that mood. If I could only catch the mood…what would the feeling be like if it were true? Just what would it be like? Well, dwell upon just what it would be like…and suddenly you’re bathed in that mood. Now sleep in it. Your own wonderful human Imagination is doing it, and one day when you least expect it that same being is doing it. That same being that you exercised without beholding him will be beheld because you won’t see him as another. You will see the events related only to him, and this time they are related to you. And then you will know who you are.




When you find him, you are not in this dimension at all. It is not in this world at all. One day you’ll discover that the story of scripture is true, that in the end there is only one man, and all are gathered into one man and you are that one man. God is not a ….?; God is a person…one man as told us in Ephesians: “There’s only one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all” . So in the end there is really only one. Here is a universally-diffused individuality gradually being gathered together one by one by one into one body, one Spirit, one Lord. So you will not be some little thing; you will be the actual body after the journey. And it’s a terrible journey. 

No one denies the journey in this world is a horrible journey. No matter how luscious a life may be, there must come in the lives of all those moments when you are sad. You must say goodbye to your mother, your father, your husband or wife or child through the gate of death and you are left behind to mourn. Well, if you don’t have a heart then you can take it. When you love someone dearly it’s difficult to say goodbye, because clothed as you are in these garments of flesh and blood you miss the physical contact, you miss the voice, you miss the touch, you miss everything about the one you loved dearly. And you’re kidding yourself if you say ….?..that. You don’t do it that way…not if you have a heart.




I have Your Faith is Your Fortune coming out in about two weeks. That’s been out of print for years. Now I have one with five books in it called Resurrection and they are out of print, four of them, for years. Well, my friend brought it back and I added one chapter…rather long…I call it a book, a small book, and it bears the title of that new one, called Resurrection. So there are four that are out of print plus the one that’s new. And now Your Faith is Your Fortune will be in, I think the publication is the 16th, and DeVorss tells me that it will be ready by the 16th of this month.

No, it is not revised. They couldn’t use the old plates because they’re worn out. That book has gone way beyond what I thought. I always thought that it went 70,000. It’s well over a hundred thousand that it sold and they use the same plates. But the plates are so completely worn he had to set it from the beginning to the very end, so he has placed it differently and it’s not such a crowded page. It has wider spaces so it’s a much bigger book in appearance but the identical content.

Well, until the next time. We will be here Monday and Friday nights. Thank you. Good night.

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Do bad thoughts manifest? Law Of Assumption

Do bad thoughts manifest? Law of Assumption

I stumbled upon a perplexing question in a Facebook group that sheds light on common misconceptions about the law of assumption. Let’s delve into this query and discover why delving into the source material, rather than relying solely on YouTubers and coaches, can lead to greater clarity.

The original question sparked a flurry of responses, showcasing how our state of mind seeks confirmation from like-minded individuals. This phenomenon isn’t confined to misery; it extends to all emotional states that crave reinforcement. Whether it’s anger or joy, we find solace in finding those who share our sentiments. This tendency often becomes an obstacle to healing and growth, fostering the persistence of a given state.

The question that ignited this discussion was:

“Do bad thoughts manifest?

Whenever I follow LOA teachers (likely Law of Attraction, not Law of Assumption), they caution that negative thoughts can manifest just like positive ones. It’s like being told not to think of a pink elephant – suddenly, that’s all you can think about. The fear of bad thoughts creates a loop of negativity. I feel trapped in this cycle, unable to escape. If the tiniest doubt can disrupt manifestation, then it seems impossible. It’s as if manifesting anything is doomed because it’s impossible to not doubt the existence of something that isn’t there. These bad thoughts even trigger physical pain almost instantly. Maybe it’s best for me to step back until I regain control. Any suggestions apart from ‘stop thinking that way’?”

This individual is seeking validation for her struggle to break free from consuming negative thoughts. Remember this: This isn’t a permanent personality trait but a state of mind that thrives on justification.(It’s worth noting that the pain triggered by these thoughts mirrors a pattern observed in prolonged structural dissociation.)

Law of Assumption Vs Law Of Attraction

Now, let’s dissect the concept of law of assumption versus law of attraction. While the latter emphasizes affirmations and steering clear of negative thoughts, the former is rooted in nondual principles. The law of assumption isn’t focused on specific techniques like the 555 method or water method. It’s about embracing a state of consciousness without attempting to attract anything. It’s about shifting one’s state to transform their circumstances.

Complex Human Minds

Every individual experiences a unique and complex world of circumstances, relationships, financial situations, health statuses, and more. Our consciousness nurtures the soil for these circumstances – this is the very essence of the law of assumption. Just like soil, water, and sunlight is for a seed, our state of mind is the nurturing force behind our experiences.

Buying the Pearl:

When we have decided to shift state, the mind has to dare to dwell on the fulfillment and completion of the desires.

(Yes the desires themselves are also generated from that old state, but it is like the lighthouse guiding you forward, on into greater states.)

Neville Goddard talks about  “buying the pearl”  (and selling our contradictory beliefs.) It is taken from a Bible verse, like all of Neville’s teachings:

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.”

The pearl represents what you want, and selling everything that he has represents every last contradictory belief that you have, the reasons that you have stacked against yourself. Neville puts it this way:

“If you think for one moment you can hold on to one little thing in the event this doesn’t work, you can’t buy the pearl. And so when I buy the pearl, I go all out and live by it. And there is no other being in this world, just this pearl, and I live by it.  This pearl is your own wonderful human Imagination.”

It’a about the intensity of focus:

But let’s address the core question: Do negative thoughts manifest in the same way as positive ones? The answer lies in understanding that thoughts contribute to our state of mind, which eventually manifests. However, thoughts aren’t replicated like a 3D printer producing identical results. Instead, they blend, creating a unique state that manifests. It’s like baking a cake – individual ingredients merge to form the final product.

Negative thoughts are addictive, reinforcing their own state. They’re designed to alert us to our current state and guide us toward transformation. The manifestation we seek demands a new version of ourselves – one that sells all beliefs contradicting our desires.

Now, some real talk about negative thoughts….

I manifested a lump sum of a hundred grand once, I did an imaginal scene, and I created a meditative trance-like state when I did it. It took two years for that money to actually come in, but number one, I thought MANY bad thoughts in those two years, and furthermore, I did not believe. I actually didn’t think about it again at all, but I was a very negative person in many ways back then. I often took inventory of what was bad in my life, and I liked to talk about it with my friends too. I mention this because I want to show proof that thinking bad thoughts does not stop a manifestation, it just colors the quality of your life. I have made videos already explaining that you don’t have to believe either. The power of though depend on their intensity of focus. Most of the time, negative thoughts don’t generate enough intensity to make or break a manifestation, but sometimes, negative thoughts take on intensity as in hatred, anger or obsession and in this case the manifestation takes a new direction. A negative direction.

So, in the grand scheme of things, negative thoughts play a role in shaping our state, which in turn influences our manifestations. It’s all a game of consciousness projecting onto the canvas of reality. Remember, it’s your consciousness that illuminates the object, creating your experiences. Change the object (thoughts) and a different experience unfolds.

Thoughts and beliefs are generated by the state that you are in, and your manifestation will come to you  in accordance with your state. So the manifestation comes, but how does it come? It comes in a way that you can believe according to your state. You don’t have to change your thoughts or your beliefs to get your manifestation, but if you want to change state, your thoughts and beliefs will change along with the state.

Let’s explain this from a nondual perspective.

All you do is manifest, there is nothing else happening, but you, here, made manifest by your consciousness, there is literally nothing but us, manifesting, so why bother being so anxious about bad thoughts? Does it matter if you thought a “bad” thought and it threw a wrench in the machinery for a second?  This is the spice of life that we are a bit addicted to. That is why we like scary movies and the thrill of fast roller coasters.  Becoming more and more Zen is a gradual process, and you get to choose your own path there, and your own pace there. If you like to think negative thoughts, then yes, it contributes to your overall life experience, but they do NOT prevent your manifestations.

Everything manifests there is nothing else. What thoughts do is contribute to the state that you are in, but you can choose not to worry about them and let them go, or you can choose to think only about the pain of bad thoughts, it is a choice. All that good or bad thoughts do is  they contribute to the “cake batter” of your state, that you are mixing, the “cake” is your state.  Your state  is a manifestation of its own, the state is a parallel reality, in an endless universe of parallel realities. 

 The state is a universe of its own where you think certain thoughts and feel different feelings and experience different circumstances and people. All of life, every last thing is nothing but consciousness, from our waking sensing experiences to our sleep, it is all consciousness. Different experiences, sure, but still all experiences are just consciousness. Consciousness, plus an object, is experience. Object without consciousness equals no experience.  The objects change, but the consciousness is the same. 

Changing objects equals different experiences. No matter what the object is, it is an object in your awareness, in your consciousness, even a mountain is still in your consciousness,  the whole universe is just an object in your consciousness. Now, The mind is also an object. The brain is an object and the mind is an object, and as such it arises from your consciousness. The thoughts without consciousness equals no experience. It is YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS that is like a projector light shining on the object, which reflects onto the screen of space that is your circumstances.  Change the object (thoughts) and a different experience will project out. That is how it works. There is no other way.

In summary:

Your state manifests the thoughts, not the other way around. Your thoughts can help you shift state if you understand this.

Law of assumption means that your assumed sense of self manifests.

Currently, you are living in your assumed reality, and you are playing with your own projection, and you are sorting, attracting and repelling the stuff of your own projection. 

You CAN manipulate the projection by deciding consciously what you will assume, but you can also relinquish all of your power and just go along the way everyone else does too. It doesn’t mean that you “stopped manifesting” it just means that you are not conscious of your own projection.

manifest magazine

The Neville Goddard, Most Important Manifesting Tools

The Neville Goddard, Most Important Manifesting Tools

If you find that you keep falling into undesired states, and it just seems impossible to remain in the state of the wish fulfilled, or even to get into the desired state, or to understand what it at all even means. Have you been on the internet and now you have come down with a case of method-madness? The 369 method? The 555 Method? The Water Method, or full moon spells, or vision boards and scripting and you just don’t know what method is the best?

The only way to transform reality around you is by the methods.

Learn the methods, but don’t make the method the destination!

If you are going to Las Vegas you can go by plane, bus or car. Either way you’ll get there. If you have method madness, you are spending your days wondering if you should take a plan, bus or a car. But you forgot that you are going to Vegas….

This isn’t about how you get there, it is about ACTUALLY getting there. This is the famous door slam. You are in Barbados! Slams door!

So not asking how to get there anymore implies that you are already there. “With all the vividness of the senses” BE THERE.

If you just can’t make the leap, to the state, or you just “don’t get it”, then follow the techniques that are most likely to put you in the state of the wish fulfilled. Use the right tool at the right time. You don’t use a hammer on a screw. And the method isn’t a magic spell, it is a toll meant to put you in the state of the wish fulfilled. I’m saying that the method DOESN’T MATTER. Don’t have “method madness”, just relax, BE STILL, and KNOW.

Neville’s best manifesting techniques!


This is the most surprising of all techniques in that the results seem to change the past. there are DAILY questions from people regarding this method. -Can revision change that I stumbled on a branch and fell in front of my the girl I liked in 3rd grade, and embarrassed myself and she never talked to me again, and now I feel like all girls, or women laugh at me behind my back?

  • Yes.
  • Revision changes everything.

In Daoism, and Tantric Buddhism, the place of change is “emptiness”, and if you can reach emptiness you can change the reality source and if you have changed the reality source the progression of events also change. That is the most esoteric and ancient description of Neville Goddard’s revision method that I can find. This isn’t even a new concept. Revision is a spiritual concept, it is a psychological tool, and it is a ingenious manifesting tool.

Before you ask one more time “Can revision change….” TRY IT. There is nothing any single method can do for you unless you try it. You have to do it.

I personally prefer to do revision in writing, using old fashioned pen and paper, but others like to use their imagination. Whatever way you choose to do it, the important part is “all the sensory vividness of reality”. Be there in person and experience the revision first hand, imagine the touch, the smells, the sounds.

Work through the “original situation” as much as you need to, the situation you wish didn’t happen in that way. If it is a trauma situation, now you have a chance to work through it here, without spiritual bypass, but from here on, leave the original event behind, because you are creating a new memory. If you have a lot to work through it could take more than one time of revision, and that is fine. There is no outside force here judging you. Whatever time you perceive that you need i fine.

Revision is the method for any unwanted memory, no matter how bad, and no matter when it happened, if it was earlier today, or 90 years ago, it works the same.

blog continues below video….

Prune the vine (Pruning shears)

Prune the vine. Is it the same as revision? How do I do it?

“Remember: you don’t have to abide by anything you dislike. It is but a vessel in your hand which is not properly shaped.”

Neville Goddard

“Become aware of the thoughts you are thinking and you will know a more pleasant life. It makes no difference what others do.”

Neville Goddard

“Every orthodox religious group would enslave you for the rest of eternity if they could; but when you leave that belief, its personification will curse your leaving, but their curse means nothing.“

Neville Goddard

“Have you imagined something and it hasn’t come to pass? Then what are you imagining right now? “

Neville Goddard

“When you imagined being secure did you forget the feeling? Are you imagining you are secure now? “

Neville Goddard

All of the above Neville quotes indicate the great benefits of “pruning the vine”. Imagine a rose bush the gets cut back in the fall, and how beneficial the pruning is to the blossoms that will come in the spring. The same is true for fruit trees. If you want fruit on you tree, you HAVE to prune the tree back. If you want the fruits of your labor, that is if you want your manifestation, the fruit of your imaginal scenes, to see the light of day, you have to prune back your unnecessary and disruptive thoughts. Those thoughts are like the obnoxious kid in the class room that ruins it for everyone else. Trim the thoughts out of your existence.

Actions that you take are experienced as a cause of an effect. ( cause and effect)

Cause of what effect?

You are the author and you are the cause of what happens to you.

Your thoughts are the cause.

Your habitual thoughts that is, and your thoughts are the cause of your habitual thoughts.

Lets break it down fully:

Action is preceded by a motivation.

Motivation preceded by your habitual thoughts.

Adopt a mental diet, or a religious or spiritual practice for THIS reason. This is the reason you want to force your thoughts by sheer will power, into a groove of uplifting and positive neural pathways.

If you can’t stop ruminating about everything that you don’t want.

If your thoughts are chronically negative and dwells on failure or disasters.

Use this method. There is no other thinker in your mind but you, so you have to use your will power to put a stop to this. Prune the vine.

If you diligently prune the vine, the rose blossom, the fruits on your tree will be abundant.

Pruning the vine is for everyone who is an over thinker or worry wart.

Imaginal Scene (Shifting / Quantum Jump)

The easiest and most well known of Nevilles methods, and if you have a generally easy disposition, if you don’t have a ton of trauma to heal, if you don’t tend to over thinking and rumination, then this is all you need. Skip everything else, because there is no benefit to over complicating this.

One imaginal scene that “clicks”, that feels done, IS done.

Inner conversations

You and I have had this experience, — I know I have many times. You have gone to a party, and many people you do not know, you meet them and the usual greetings: “Nice to know you,” “What a joy to know you,” “Pleased to meet you,” and the usual clichés; and then you have drinks and your little hors d’oeuvre, and then the party breaks up and they all separate. And you hear someone say, “What a creep,” “What a bore”; yet they were so pleased to meet them: “What a joy to know you.” The outer words did not conform whatsoever with what they were really thinking on the inside. And God sees, not the outer man; He sees the inner Man.

Neville Goddard

It’s the inner speech that is frozen in the world round about us.

Neville Goddard

“And some said, he is a good man; and others said, no, he is leading people astray. Others said, why, he is mad, and he has a. devil.” When he fed them with the loaves and the fish, — oh, they loved it, — getting things in the world. As long as they could have things and things and things, it was marvelous; and then he tells them of something entirely different: that they would go through “furnaces”, but the end would justify all the “furnaces” through which they would pass. The end would be God; they would awaken in the end, and they would awaken as God the Father. He didn’t tell them of the nature of the “furnaces.” He told them only of the end and that they would pass through “furnaces”; and passing through, they faltered. They could tell exactly what they were really doing on the inside. As we are told in the 50th Psalms: “If a man orders his conversations aright, I will show him the salvation of God.”

Neville Goddard

This method is necessary if you keep arguments alive by your very thoughts alone. If you have a lot of relationships that are difficult, strained, or if people avoid you and every interaction you have there is an issue of some sort, then start to change your inner conversations. With every thought that you have that upholds an argument, have two more thoughts that indicate how great the other person is doing. See their beautiful smile as they interact with you, indicating friendship and ease. Listen to them tell you how well they are doing, how healthy they are and how successful they are, and how loved they are. Hear them say how fulfilled they feel. Set some time aside a few time a day to create a deliberate mental conversation with your most strained relationships and watch the magic unfold. This method benefits the whole world in a domino effect of well being, so don’t underestimate the amount of good this will do beyond your own relationships. Your relationships will improve and even heal as soon as you decide to use this method.

Congratulatory conversation

This method is the one to use if you are manifesting a specific thing or event. Examples can be a raise, a promotion, the purchase of a home or car, a graduation, an engagement or marriage.

It doesn’t really matter what you think stands in your way, there is nothing that stands in your way. If you have imagined that there is distance or lack f money, or lack of opportunity somehow, use this method a stop imagining the problem or obstacle. Every time that you find yourself imagining the obstacle more, reach immediately for the congratulatory conversation.

An example of how a congratulatory conversation can be imagining sending a text message to a friend, about your success, and imagining them answering your text back with excitement. Neville Goddard used a handshake as the imaginary congratulatory conversation, but this might feel totally foreign to you, so use a mode of communication that is actually normal to you. Instead of a handshake, you can be on facetime, or if you like, have a face to face cup of tea with your friend, and replay the congratulatory conversation over a cup of tea, Whatever is a normal way to communicate for you, use that.

Neville uses examples where an AQUAINTANCE contratulates him, not a close friend. Remember you probably tell your closest people all your good news immediately, so let the person congratulating you be someone you know, that would have heard the good news through someone else! Boom!

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