Discerning God’s Voice: Is it my ego or is it God?

The wisdom to “lean not on your own understanding” holds much significance. It can be hard to know what voice to listen to, and this is an invitation to transcend the limitations of rational thinking and embrace a deeper connection with the mysteries of creation. Discerning “how to hear God’s voice versus your own voice” is a question many individuals have. To know God’s voice, we first need to know God’s words.

Like many people, I have asked myself this question: Is it my ego, or is it God’s will for me?

It is not exactly easy to answer that is it? However, I know that whenever I think that I have divine intuition, or what some people call “dowloads” of mystical information, I reach for the scriptures to find out if my inner voice coincides with God’s word for us, and Ithink this is a solid and real way to understand where the difference lies.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

God’s Voice

God’s voice, consistent, stable, and peaceful, is as a guiding beacon while our own voice is the ever-changing narrative , one day it’s this and another day it’s that. A signature trademark of God’s voice is stability, calm, consistency, peacefulness. If one day you want to climb mount everest, the next you want to join a monastery in the Himalayas, and on the thrird day you want to get married settle down and have children, and every day keeps changing, you are likely not intune with God’s word. The changing narrative is a telltale sign of the ego chasing one pipedrem after the next. It is a pipdream because it vanishes as soon as it comes, and perhaps, later it reappears again. God’s voice is consistent.

“All things come to those who believe“, is an affirmatiion that is the Lords’s affirmation. Use God’s written words as the measure of wich voice to listen to. Discerning God’s unwavering voice amidst the flux of your own thoughts is a skill. “And who is a rock, besides our God

He only is my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken

You might have heard the negative doubting voice called “the enemy”, and this is precisely how you should think of it. The negative voice, the fearful voice, this is “the enemy” and the stable, consistent, and peaceful voice, that is God’s voice.

The changing narrative, and the negative doubter, that is not God’s voice.


The caution against the “fear of man brings a snare to the soul” should be your reminder that fear is not God’s voice, and this reminder for a conscious creators means to release all societal expectations and judgments. Recognize the entrapment of limiting beliefs, understand that God’s voice provides clarity beyond the influence of external pressures. God’s voice is unwavering steady guidance and the ever-changing, fear-based chatter is your own voice. God’s word say: ” For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and love and of a sound mind”.

The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him–the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD.

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid.

But truly I am full of power by the spirit of the LORD, and of judgment, and of might

All these things shall be added unto you

Drawing a parallel between pursuing materialistic dreams and simultaneously discovering their emptiness mirrors a common realization among manifesters. The pursuit of external goals often unveils a sense of emptiness, prompting a shift toward the deeper exploration of spiritual purpose and conscious creation. Recognizing the consistency of God’s voice in this exploration is the anchor, guiding you beyond the ephemeral nature of personal desires. All material desires lead to this discovery, be it changing your marriage for the better, or creating order in your finances. God’s voice is steady. “Seek first the kingdom, and all these things shall be added unto you”, and there is no sense of emptiness at the end of this, only a deeper love.

Looking for the rational

Similarly, the pursuit of knowledge may lead to the understanding that answers are found not only in intellectual pursuits but in the intuitive knowing of the heart.

Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.

The divine heart

The invitation to make a deliberate shift from head to heart, from thoughts to senses, It is a call to embody the desired reality, to feel the essence of manifested desires at a profound level. Recognizing the stable and peaceful nature of God’s voice within this embodiment eliminates the minds desire to manipulate and finagle, to intimidate with superior intelligence, and to dominate, none of wich are qualities needed for law of assumption, in fact they are a hindrance. “Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts

Who creates?

Individuals have the innate ability to shape their reality through assumption (Law Of Assumption) and conscious manifestation. But we do not create anything, God creates, and it is already created. It is finished. We merely arrange and organize the creation. Understanding that you are co-creating with a divine force, and know that God’s voice is orderly, harmonious and organized, our voice can be chaotic, dramatic, inharmonious, disturpitve, and destructive.

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Listen to your heart

God is found in the heart. Discerning God’s voice from the myriad of internal narratives is a sacred practice, leading you towards the heart’s intuitive wisdom. God’s voice is not found in confusion, or in a delusional mind, it is a “still small voice” in our hearts.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

But I am confused about…

Discerning God’s voice can be the compass, you need when you ask yourself “can I manifest this”, is this just my ego talking’, or “is it wrong to manifest…xyz…”, just look into what God’s words are, and lean on that, and not on your own understanding.

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

Limiting beliefs

Remember, as an old saying goes, “the beggar must leave his staff, and the king must leave his castle.” you sometimes have to leave your beliefs behind, and accept that the truth is different from what you believe. Our beliefs about who we are can never enter the kingdom of God since beliefs are not truth; they must be abandoned.

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.

I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one

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Manifesters Dictionary (LOA Dictionary)

Terminology dictionary to lift LOA up, into a the spiritual field, and a functional practice.


Definition: Doership refers to the belief or tendency of individuals to take on the role of God or ultimate creator, attempting to exert direct control over every aspect of manifestation or desired outcomes. Aka micromanaging.

Example 1:

Client: “I’ve been trying to breathe my lungs and make it happen, but it’s not working!”

Me: “It seems like you’re caught in a state of doership, where you’re trying to micromanage the process. Remember, manifestation involves a partnership between your intentions and the natural flow of the universe, your job is simply done after the inhale, and then the molecules exchange themselves.”

Example 2:

Me: “I’ve been working tirelessly to force my desires into existence, but nothing seems to be happening!”

Coach: “It appears that you’re stuck in a state of doership, trying to play the role of God. Instead, focus on setting intentions, taking inspired actions, and allowing the universe to co-create with you.”

The term “doership” is used here in the context of understanding the tendency to micromanage the manifestation process.

Fulfillment Bias.

Definition: Fulfillment bias refers to intentionally training the brain to adopt a biased perspective that aligns with the desired manifestation or goal, focusing on thoughts, information, and experiences that support the fulfillment of that goal while avoiding negative or limiting beliefs.

Example 1:

Person A: “I’ve been struggling with manifesting financial abundance. Every time I search online, I end up reading articles about financial hardships and scarcity.”

Person B: “It sounds like you’re experiencing a lack bias. Instead of seeking out information that reinforces lack, shift your focus to thoughts, resources, and success stories that align with financial abundance. Train your brain to be fulfillment biased, towards wealth and prosperity.”

Example 2:

Person A: “I want to manifest optimal health, but I keep getting influenced by negative health news and stories about illnesses.”

Person B: “You might be falling into an illness bias trap. Instead of seeking confirmation of illness and limitations, rewire your brain to be fulfillment biased towards wellness and vibrant health. Surround yourself with positive information, practices, and examples of individuals who have achieved optimal health.”

The term “fulfillment bias” is a manifestation concept. It is used here to describe the intentional training of the brain to focus on thoughts and information that support the desired manifestation, while avoiding negative or limiting information and beliefs.

And in contrast of course:

  1. Anxiety Bias: Anxiety bias refers to the tendency of the mind to prioritize and amplify potential threats or negative outcomes, leading to an increased focus on anxious thoughts and feelings. Individuals with anxiety bias often perceive situations as more dangerous or threatening than they actually are, which can result in heightened anxiety and fear-based responses.

Example: Sarah has an anxiety bias, and as a result, she constantly anticipates negative outcomes and worries excessively about potential dangers in everyday situations. This bias leads her to interpret neutral or ambiguous situations as threatening, causing heightened anxiety levels.

  1. Negativity Bias: Negativity bias is the psychological phenomenon where the mind gives more weight and attention to negative information or experiences compared to positive ones. It is the tendency to remember negative events more vividly and for longer periods, and to be more influenced by negative feedback or criticism.

Example: John has a strong negativity bias, which means he tends to dwell on past failures and rejections, often overlooking his accomplishments and positive experiences. This bias influences his self-perception and can contribute to feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem.

Both anxiety bias and negativity bias can impact our thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

Manifestation Vertigo.

Definition: Manifestation vertigo refers to the state of experiencing fear, panic, or anxiety when one shifts their focus from the state of the wish fulfilled to the perceived limitations of their current reality or circumstances.

Example 1:

Person A: “I was so excited about manifesting my dream job, but when I saw the rejection email, I started doubting myself and feeling anxious.”

Person B: “It seems like you’re experiencing manifestation vertigo. Remember, staying focused on the state of the wish fulfilled is essential. Don’t let temporary setbacks or external circumstances shake your belief. Keep your gaze fixed on your desired outcome and trust that it will manifest.”

Example 2:

Person A: “I’ve been visualizing my ideal relationship, but whenever I see couples going through a rough patch, I start questioning if it’s possible for me.”

Person B: “It sounds like you’re encountering manifestation vertigo. Don’t let external examples of relationship challenges deter you. Stay fully focused on the state of the wish fulfilled, visualizing the love, harmony, and fulfillment you desire. Keep your faith strong and continue aligning your thoughts and actions with your desired relationship.”

The term “manifestation vertigo” is used here to describe the state of fear or anxiety that arises when one shifts their focus from the desired outcome to the perceived limitations of their current reality.

Divine Perception.

Definition: Divine perception refers to the ability to see beyond the illusions of duality and perceive the underlying fabric of oneness, guided by the all-encompassing perspective of the divine or higher consciousness.

Example 1:

Person A: “I used to get caught up in the appearances of separation and limitation, but now I practice divine perception. It allows me to see beyond the illusions and recognize the interconnectedness of all things.”

Person B: “That’s incredible! How does divine perception influence your manifestations?”

Person A: “By perceiving from the eye of God, I align my thoughts and actions with the truth of oneness. Instead of being swayed by external circumstances, I focus on the inherent unity and abundance, which empowers my manifestations to unfold effortlessly.”

Example 2:

Person A: “I’ve been struggling to manifest my desired financial abundance. Sometimes, it feels like the world is against me.”

Person B: “Have you considered practicing divine perception? It can shift your perspective and help you align with the infinite abundance of the universe.”

Person A: “Tell me more about it.”

Person B: “Divine perception allows you to see beyond the limited appearances of lack and recognize the abundant nature of the universe. By perceiving with the eye of God, you tap into the truth of oneness and open yourself to receive the blessings and opportunities that are already present.”

The term “divine perception” is created here to capture the essence of seeing beyond the veil of illusion and perceiving the underlying unity and abundance. It represents a spiritual perspective that guides one’s manifestations with the understanding of oneness.

Divine Projection.

Definition: Divine projection refers to the understanding that everything in the external world is a reflection of the divine consciousness within oneself. It emphasizes the recognition that the outer reality is an expression of God or the divine source, and one’s own consciousness plays a role in shaping and manifesting that external reality.

Example 1:

Person A: “I’ve been exploring different manifestation teachings, and I’ve come across this concept of divine projection. It suggests that everything we perceive in the world is a reflection of God or the divine source.”

Person B: “That’s fascinating! How does divine projection differ from other perspectives?”

Person A: “Instead of seeing everything as merely a reflection of myself, I tap into the deeper understanding that everything is an expression of God. It allows me to connect with the divine consciousness within myself and recognize the divine essence in all aspects of life.”

Example 2:

Person A: “I used to struggle with taking full responsibility for my manifestations based on the idea of ‘everything is yourself pushed out.’ But now, I’ve embraced the concept of divine projection.”

Person B: “What does divine projection entail?”

Person A: “Divine projection acknowledges that everything in the outer world is a projection of the divine consciousness. It shifts my perspective from solely focusing on myself to recognizing the divine presence and influence in all situations and individuals. This understanding deepens my connection with the divine and expands the possibilities for manifestation.”

The term “divine projection” is created here to capture the concept of perceiving the outer reality as a manifestation of the divine consciousness or God. It offers an alternative perspective to the idea of “everything is yourself pushed out” (EIYPO) by emphasizing the divine essence within oneself and its role in shaping the external world.

Sensory Embodiment.

Definition: Sensory embodiment refers to the practice of engaging all four senses of sight, smell, touch, and sound to create a vivid and immersive imaginal scene during the manifestation process. It emphasizes the active participation of the senses in the imaginative visualization, enhancing the first-person experience and deepening the manifestation potential.

Example 1:

Person A: “I’ve been exploring different techniques for manifesting, and I came across the concept of sensory embodiment. It emphasizes the importance of engaging all our senses in the imaginal scene.”

Person B: “That sounds interesting! How does sensory embodiment differ from traditional visualization?”

Person A: “With sensory embodiment, we go beyond just visualizing images in our mind. We actively involve all our senses – sight, smell, touch, and sound – to create a fully immersive experience. It’s like stepping into a movie scene and feeling the reality of it in our whole being. It adds a deeper level of engagement and makes the manifestation process more powerful.”

Example 2:

Person A: “I used to struggle with visualizing my desired manifestations. It felt distant and disconnected from my actual experience.”

Person B: “So, how did you overcome that?”

Person A: “I discovered the power of sensory embodiment. Instead of just relying on visualization, I started incorporating all my senses into the process. I would imagine the scene not only visually but also engage my sense of smell, touch, and sound. This made the experience more real and alive in my mind. It brought me closer to the feeling of already having what I desired, and the results were remarkable.”

The term “sensory embodiment” is coined here to capture the essence of engaging all four senses in the imaginal scene during the manifestation process. It emphasizes the active participation of the senses to create a more immersive and realistic experience, moving beyond traditional visualization.

Stay tuned for more

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EIYPO is a easy as THIS:

EIYPO is a easy as THIS:

Get Out of Your Own Way

EIYPO stands for “Everything Is You Pushed Out”. It is a concept that Neville Goddard coined, but did NOT invent, it is a concept as old as time, and as real as gravity. It is the very BASIS for the law of assumption, and getting this, truly GETTING what EIYPO means changes your whole life.

The Power of Your Thoughts and Beliefs

EIYPO suggests that the external world that you experience is simply a reflection of your internal thoughts and beliefs.

How EIYPO Shapes Your External Experiences

In other words, the people, events, and circumstances you encounter in your life are a reflection of your own thoughts and beliefs, whether positive or negative. This means that if you have a positive outlook on life and believe in yourself, you are more likely to attract positive experiences and people.

Conversely, if you have negative thoughts and beliefs, you may attract negative experiences and people.

The Unending Influence of EIYPO in Your Life

The concept of EIYPO is used as a tool for personal growth and self-improvement. By recognizing that your external experiences are a reflection of your internal world, you can work on improving your thoughts and beliefs to create a more positive and fulfilling life. HOWEVER, whether you “use” EIYPO or not, it is always in use. Just like gravity, it never stops.

This is why EIYPO is the basis for LOA. It just is, it never stops, and if you are unaware of EIYPO, it STILL is happening. Become aware of your inner world, to change your outer.

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Neville Goddard’s Library Of Books

Neville Goddard was born in Barbados on February 19, 1905, to Joseph Nathaniel and Wilhelmina Goddard. He immigrated to New York City c. 1922, where he initially worked as a ballet and ballroom dancer. In 1931, he began to study under an Ethiopian rabbi named Abdullah, who introduced him to Kabbalah  

Neville Goddard teaches us that the human creates reality just by imagining rather than trying to change outside circumstances, that it is only the creation of the mind of what you desire, as well as everything you see, is created by the mind first whether you are conscious of it or not.  IMAGINATION IS YOUR PERSONAL GOD.

Manifest it!

Stay on track with your manifesting, keep a journal and a daily log, you will be amazed at the incredible progress that you can make in just a short amount of time.

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Do you have Manifesting Blocks? Two main blocks and how to remove them

Do you have manifesting Blocks?

Two main blocks and how to remove them

Blocks are never what we think, and at the same time, we know exactly what they are(AND…There are NO SUCH thing as blocks…)

Hidden from view from us, and that is why we call them blocks! There are two main types of blocks to manifesting our dreams, and this is how to easily identify them.

It is a fascinating human behavior to, try to avoid learning exactly where we need to learn! 

The reason why we are lacking in some areas is obviously because we have been neglecting that area, or we have been avoiding dealing with it. It shouldn’t be that strange then that there needs to be a little work in a particular area of our life, but we still try to avoid the work instead. It’s pretty normal. But this creates blocks…

This behavior is much easier to observe in another person, than in ourselves, but just because we can’t see it in ourselves doesn’t mean that we are not doing it. This is why it is called a block.

We see reality through a very distorted lens, all of us do. Imagine reality as a large vast universe, and our view of it is basically what you can see  in front of you right now and not a whole lot more. Whatever we have experienced, and whatever is within our consciousness is basically all of our view of reality, but there is an unimaginable amount of MORE reality that we never think about. Our view of other people is equally distorted, we see a tiny fraction of who they truly are, and the same truth is true for ourselves. We view ourselves through a tiny lens, and we are often afraid to see a bigger picture than that. In our tiny view of reality, we sometimes add in blocks, without realizing it.

People so often ask what their blocks are, in manifesting, and they can’t for the life of them figure out what it is!

The first block:

Sometimes we know for certain that we are avoiding an area of our own development. It is a paradox, but it is a paradox that we are creating and we are free to stop creating this block any time. 

This type of block is a nagging voice in the back of your mind, even in the back of your mind, that says “I should”. Bring the spotlight to that voice, and shine it brightly. Take a good look at that voice. Is it true that you should, is it just a handed down voice from someone else and there is no need to do it, or is it something that you want but are afraid to try? The voice in the back of your mind will stay there nagging you until you get a good look at it, it is like a monster under the bed, and just like the monster under the bed there is a chance that it has no truth to it. Like I said, after you get a good look at it, it is possible that it is something important that you actually should do, but as it relates to manifesting, the only thing that matters is that you look at it, recognize it for what it actually is, and then either start working on what you should, or recategorized it as something that you don’t need to do, or as something that you actually want to do but are afraid to do. From there on, it is no longer a block. Blocks are subconscious, and now it has been brought to the conscious mind, and that is enough to release it.

The second type of block:

The second type of block is what is called messing with the middle, and in psychology it can be related to a double bind, and this is where you have falsey qualified two mental messages on each other, that is two conflicting messages, so there is no possible way forward. Let’s say that you are manifesting a happy relationship, but you believe that you have to lose 20 pounds first. This is your own creation, and you have to either lose that weight before you can manifest a relationship, or you can realize that there are a lot of people in all shapes and sizes that are in happy relationships right now. 

Neville Goddard says to not worry about the how, and this is what he is talking about. To remove this block the only thing that is needed is to realize that you have been creating a double bind, and then decide what you want to do about the obstacle that you had created. Do you want to lose 20 pounds? If yes, then make that its own goal, unrelated to relationships, and if not, then reinforce your new concept that many couples are happy regardless of size and shape.

“Accept the facts of life and you are stepping down on stone. Change the facts in your imagination, and you have turned them into psychological truth, which then becomes a spiritual experience. When you live by this principle, you are walking on water” – Neville Goddard. Basically, what this means is that YOU are creating those unwanted facts, and by your belief you are turning those conflicting messages into fact. In other words: We create the blocks!

The most important part of either one of these types of blocks is to see it. This is all you really need to do. If there is a process that truly needs to be done, from there on you just need to get started on that, it doesn’t have to be finished, because it is now a conscious process and no longer a block. ” I used to think that I had to lose weight to be loved, but now I have realized that lots of people are loved in any size and shape”

Usually, when the block is made conscious, both desires are feed up from this double bind, and both relationships AND weight loss becomes easy!

If you need help identifying blocks, sign up for coaching! 

Photo by Jonathan Borba

Awakening conscious creation consciousness empowerment healing law of assumption law of attraction manifest manifestation MANIFESTING manifest love Manifest your dreams mindfulness neville goddard personal growth self-discovery self-improvement specific person

Manifesting | Circumstances are created by you, for you, for you to level up to your desire | Split reality and CREATE Perfect Love.

Manifesting | Circumstances are created by you, for you, for you to level up to your desire | Split reality and CREATE Perfect Love.

Leveling up is the same as quantum jumping. Every time that we don’t react to circumstances we level up. Every time we level up we quantum jump and become closer to being the person that we have always desired to be.

When I FINALLY understood that I have created the circumstances of 3d myself, by myself, for myself, so that I can see clearly where I need to LEVEL UP, It changed everything, and now I am purely GRATEFUL for every time I can see clearly what the mirror shows.

Everytime that you find yourself in undesired circumstances, and you don’t give into the egos false ideas of “bad” or “unpleasant” etc and we use the circumstance for personal advances, we split our reality in two, and the old reality, is left behind and you rise into a new reality where you have leveled up, quantum jumped, and this goes on and on thousands and thousands of times through out life until we have reached our perfect desire which is pleasure and an easy life.

The easiest way to level up fast is to feel pleasure and feel the state of an easy life NOW. Immediately, and get started on the leveling up today.

Abraham Hicks describes exactly this, and in the Law of Assumption this is known as EIYPO, which means that the world is our mirror. The mirror shows us ourselves, and where we need to improve.

The reason why that works is because an perfect life is everyone’s trues desire. An easy life, and a pleasurable life with minimum amount of effort exerted, and we can straight there by skipping all the middle states, by just embracing the feeling of pleasure.

Everyone wants true love in their life, but not everyone knows how to go about having that true love, and the reason is so simple, we haven’t been taught how to experience true love, and yet, by our very nature, love is created by our nature and it is our connection to another that causes us to level up and quantum jump. It is like using love to build a new reality, above the old reality, a quantum jump!

To to this we have to learn how to rise above situations.

Let’s get back to the world is our mirror. Our partner is a perfect mirror for us and that means that we have endless opportunities to practice leveling up and quantum jumping again and again, to practice empathy when we feel rejected, or anger, and make an effort to see them in a positive light. Every time we succeed, our reality splits in two again, and again we level up and rise above and find ourselves in a new time line of more perfection.

These are not lessons, this is not caused by the universe, this is cause by ourselves and it doesn’t stop until we have the perfection that is our natural desire, until we have revealed our entire ego, and until we have corrected it and made room for love instead. Love is a higher connection. Eventually both parties in a relationship has to participate int is but not every step of leveling up is taken together, that wouldn’t be rising above, that would be tit for tat. If the connection stays, eventually it has to be mutual, otherwise it ends. All relationships have ups and downs but rather than judging those down, we can use that time to deepen our love. true love is the ability to self reflect, to grow, to level up, and to build more empathy for our partner when thins are NOT perfect. This kind of love has depth, a truly deep connection, because every time we had a problem, we used it to strengthen the connection. Everytime we used circumstances to level up, we split reality again and build stronger love above that old love, and eventually this leads us to our own true love which we experience within

This works for all relationships, I learned this from my Grandmother, but it is especially perfect to practice on our romantic partner. The relationship changes this way, and they appear to change but in reality you both stay as you, true to you, but now even more true, and the result is that they seem to have changed.

Dr Anna Bäck

manifest magazine

abundance abundance mindset affirmations Awakening belief system Belief Systems best law of assumption coach best loa coach bliss conscious creation Conscious Living consciousness creative power Creative visualization dr anna back Dream Manifestation EIYPO Emotional well-being empowerment Faith florence scovel shinn goal setting Goddess gratitude Gratitude Practice Growth Mindset Happiness healing higher consciousness I am Imagination Inner Harmony Inner Peace Inner power Inner Strength Inner Transformation Inspiration Intention Setting Jesus kabbalah law of assumption lawofassumption law of attraction lawofattraction living wellness coaching love manifest manifestation manifestation techniques MANIFESTING manifesting desires manifest love manifest your desires Manifest your dreams meditation mind-body connection mindfulness Mind Over Matter Mind power Mindset mindset shift neville goddard new thought oneness personal development personal growth positive affirmations positive mindset PositiveMindset positive thinking positivity power of imagination Reality Creation Reality Shaping revision self-awareness self-belief Self-Concept self-discovery self-empowerment self-improvement Self-realization self-reflection self-transformation SelfDiscovery specific person Spiritual awakening spiritual connection Spiritual Enlightenment Spiritual growth spirituality spiritual journey Spiritual Wisdom Subconscious Mind Success Tantra Transformation Universal Laws Visualization

Is there even such a thing as “friends with benefits”? Manifesting love the right way.

Is there even such a thing as “friends with benefits”? Manifesting love the right way.

Let’s get clarity on your situation, and manifest what you ACTUALLY want! Find your state of being truly valued.

Is the label “friends with benefits” even possible?

Free yourself from negative energy “states” that don’t serve you. The state of authenticity, of unapologetically “you”, that is your purpose, don’t miss your purpose by agreeing to arrangements that make you unhappy.

abundance abundance mindset affirmations Awakening belief system Belief Systems best law of assumption coach best loa coach bliss conscious creation Conscious Living consciousness creative power Creative visualization dr anna back Dream Manifestation EIYPO Emotional well-being empowerment Faith florence scovel shinn goal setting Goddess gratitude Gratitude Practice Growth Mindset Happiness healing higher consciousness I am Imagination Inner Harmony Inner Peace Inner power Inner Strength Inner Transformation Inspiration Intention Setting Jesus kabbalah law of assumption lawofassumption law of attraction lawofattraction living wellness coaching love manifest manifestation manifestation techniques MANIFESTING manifesting desires manifest love manifest your desires Manifest your dreams meditation mind-body connection mindfulness Mind Over Matter Mind power Mindset mindset shift neville goddard new thought oneness personal development personal growth positive affirmations positive mindset PositiveMindset positive thinking positivity power of imagination Reality Creation Reality Shaping revision self-awareness self-belief Self-Concept self-discovery self-empowerment self-improvement Self-realization self-reflection self-transformation SelfDiscovery specific person Spiritual awakening spiritual connection Spiritual Enlightenment Spiritual growth spirituality spiritual journey Spiritual Wisdom Subconscious Mind Success Tantra Transformation Universal Laws Visualization