Effortlessness in Manifestation: Understanding Doership

Effortlessness in Manifestation: Understanding Doership

In  manifestation, the concept of effortlessness, or FLOW STATE,  is a profound yet often misunderstood aspect. It doesn’t mean avoiding action altogether but rather recognizing the roles of faith, grace, and the unknown in the creation  process. Let’s dive into the essence of effortlessness and how it aligns with a mindset of manifestation.


1. Understanding Faith-Based Manifestation:

   – Faith-based manifestation, as advocated by teachers like Neville and Abraham Hicks, emphasizes the power of belief and alignment with your higher self/source/the vortex/consciousness, the creator…

   – It’s about recognizing that consciousness  or the creator is the ultimate “doer” that upholds and orchestrates every aspect of existence.

2. Clarity in Mindset:

   – Effortlessness begins with a clear mindset. Understand that your role is really only to align your thoughts, beliefs, and desires with the universe’s flow.

   – It doesn’t mean sitting idle; instead, it’s about engaging in inspired and purposeful actions.Acting with wisdom.

3. The Illusion of Doership:

   – Acknowledge the illusion of complete doership. The world was here before you, and natural processes occur effortlessly without your conscious intervention.Do you flow the blood in your veins consciously No? Think of manifesting the same way, and learn how to let go. Trust.

4. Effortlessness in Action:

   – Effortlessness doesn’t negate action; rather, it transforms the way you approach it. Actions become inspired, flowing from a place of alignment rather than mere effort. You can also think of it as wisdom in action.

5. Relinquishing the Need to Control:

   – Effortlessness involves letting go of the need to control every aspect of life. Trust the process and allow the universe to unfold its plan.Set any tendency to micromanage down, and back away slowly.

6. Lean into the Flow:

   – Imagine yourself leaning into a river of abundance and possibilities. Effortlessness is about riding the flow rather than struggling against it, trying to trick the water into flow differently, or forcing it to flow faster. Learn how to appreciate and the flow will meld and yield itself to you.

7. Clarity of Roles:

   – Recognize your role as a co-creator. Your thoughts, beliefs, and actions contribute to the manifestation process, but the creator holds the ultimate creative power. Your intentional state of mind, that is your doing, beyond that, well it’s not in your job description.

8. Balance of Inspired Action:

   – Embrace inspired action—actions that align with your vision and feel natural. This kind of action is propelled by a sense of purpose and passion.Action from wisdom.Not from panic, despair, helplessness or desperation.Not from force, will power or ego. Just wisdom and ease.

   – Relinquish unnecessary doership, and you wil find that you open yourself to a more  fulfilling manifestation journey.

Support the mindset of letting go of doership and embracing effortlessness in manifestation:

1. I trust in the natural flow of the universe to guide and support me.

2. My role is to align my thoughts and beliefs with the abundant energy of the cosmos.

3. I release the illusion of complete doership, understanding that the world existed before my birth.

4. The universe effortlessly orchestrates every detail of my existence.

5. I let go of the need to control every aspect of my life; I trust in the unfolding of divine plans.

6. Effortlessness is my mindset; inspired action is my path.

7. I am a co-creator with the universe, contributing my thoughts and intentions to the creative process.

8. My actions flow naturally from a place of alignment and inspiration.

9. I release the illusion that meditation is effort; I effortlessly connect with the present moment.

10. Mindfulness is my practice of being, allowing thoughts to flow without attachment.

11. The river of abundance is always flowing; I lean into its current with trust and surrender.

12. I acknowledge that the universe is the ultimate “doer” that upholds and sustains every bit of matter.

13. My desires are known to the universe, and it conspires to bring them into reality effortlessly.

14. I am in harmony with the rhythm of life, allowing things to unfold in perfect timing.

15. Letting go is my superpower; I release resistance and welcome the ease of manifestation.

16. I am a vessel for inspired ideas and actions that align with my vision.

17. The more I let go, the more I allow the universe to work its magic in my life.

18. My clarity of roles empowers me to contribute positively to the creative dance of existence.

19. I surrender to the divine flow, trusting that it carries me towards my highest good.

20. Effortlessness is my birthright; I release the need to strive and welcome the joy of co-creation.

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No Belief No Problem | The Law of Assumption Works Anyway

No Belief No Problem | The Law of Assumption Works Anyway

When you find yourself in a state of disbelief, there’s no need to worry. Instead, try this approach:

Efforting occurs when we attempt to accomplish something solely through our own efforts, disregarding the power of nature or a higher force.

Allow me to illustrate this with an example:

Instead of manifesting your dreams, imagine that you are learning to play the piano. You dedicate years to practicing scales, playing each note slowly, exerting excessive force on every key. Each note is treated as if it were not part of a harmonious melody.

Gradually, through perseverance, your brain and fingers establish a connection—a neural pathway. And then, one day, if you have practiced diligently, a beautiful melody emerges from the piano. Each note is gently touched, with the perfect amount of pressure, emphasizing only where it is intended. Most notes flow effortlessly, resembling a cascade of pearls falling from a necklace and gracefully dancing across the floor. They roll, dance, and sing.

Before this moment, there was effort. This effort is known as practice. However, in this moment, it becomes a dance—a flowing expression of the pianist’s heart to yours. It transcends the mere mechanics of fingers and eardrums, and breathes life into the melody.

The process of manifesting and believing follows a similar trajectory. You diligently work and employ various methods, mindfully practicing each day. You replace unwanted thoughts with your own specific imaginal scenes or ideal self-images. You reframe spiraling thoughts, interrupting them with tailored autosuggestions and engaging in inspired inner dialogues.

It requires daily commitment. There will be moments when you don’t believe and doubt creeps in. But then, one day, unexpectedly, it all flows effortlessly, like a dance or a melodious piano tune. You tap into your inner communication with your divine self, becoming aware of how your mind muddles the waters. You repeatedly sweep away limiting beliefs, like an organized and persistent secretary tidying up a cluttered inbox.

No more. You no longer invest belief in fleeting thoughts. You no longer force yourself to believe in an external god, force, or universe. Suddenly, you believe because you recognize that the only thing you ever needed to believe in was yourself.

And so, you enter a state of flow. You have arrived.

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