My Three Favorite Things About Being Christian

My Three Favorite Things About Being Christian

In several parts of the world, Christians face severe persecution. In Western societies, where freedom of religion has been a protected right, Christianity faces different kinds of challenges. Christianity is often critiqued in the media and academia as being outdated or intolerant. For example, arguing that interpretations of Christian doctrine are at odds with modern values of inclusivity and equality, particularly concerning issues of gender and sexuality. The portrayal of Christianity as inherently bigoted or intolerant is a concern. Christianity emphasizes love, compassion, and forgiveness. The message of Jesus centers on self-sacrifice, loving one’s neighbor, and caring for the marginalized and oppressed.

Christianity faces challenges globally, yet it is a faith grounded in profound teachings of love, mercy, and grace. The ture message of Christianity, focuses on love. These are my three favorite things about Christianity:

1. Free Will

Christianity emphasizes the concept of free will. God grants humans the freedom to make their own choices. This autonomy is pivotal because it respects human dignity and allows for genuine love and commitment towards God. There is no real love without free will. The idea that God lovingly guides us, regardless of the paths we choose, shows us His omnipresence and eternal love and support. It is humbling to recognize that, despite our missteps, His guidance and love is always there. This freedom to choose and the assurance of that he was there even during our mistakes reflects a relationship built on trust and respect rather than coercion.

2. Mercy and Forgiveness of Sins

The mercy and forgiveness offered by God in Christianity are central to its message. The concept that confessing and repenting can cleanse one’s sins without the need for additional works or sacrifices is liberating. He died on the cross for OUR sins, His freedom is our freedom. This grace is God’s boundless compassion and love in action. We are forgiven when we genuinely seek forgivness, and this removes the burden of guilt and fear of divine retribution, it removes a cycle of honor vs shame, often being mostly shame, and lets us to experience a profound sense of peace and renewal. The simplicity and accessibility of forgiveness and God’s desire for a restored relationship with His creation is awesomly Christian.

3. The Grace of Finding God

The idea of grace, especially in the context of finding and experiencing God, is a core tenet of Christianity. It’s not through intellectual effort or human striving that one comes to know God, but through a personal, transformative experience, described as being “born again.” This rebirth is a direct encounter with God’s love and presence, which transcends words and intellectual understanding. The grace of being drawn to God BY God emphasizes that faith is a gift FROM God, rather than an achievement that we made. This inward transformation is a divine act that changes the us from within.

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