The ONE Thing That Neville Goddard Got Right

The ONE Thing That Neville Goddard Got Right

(And That Almost Nobody, and I mean NOBODY gets this right.)

Understanding States: Simply Manifestating

Manifestation, as understood by Neville Goddard, revolves around one of the most misunderstood concepts: the idea of “states.” Unlike many other teachings on manifestation, including popular ones like “The Secret,” Goddard’s approach focuses on the critical role of states. Unfortunately, a variety of methods from witchcraft to simple self-empowerment often muddle the SIMPLE essence which is merely a FACT OF LIFE, nothing else. Beware of false messages that offer little to no value. Despite some of his controversial assertions, (Which I adress in my CORRECTING NEVILLE blogs) In spite of his heretical understanding of God, Neville Goddard emphasized the importance of states. Let’s clarify what a state is since this seems to elude most people. It is the only important thing that you out to take away from Neville, and it is the simplest concept as well as the most overlooked.

What is a State?

A state is a psychological condition or mindset that embodies a particular way of life, or set of beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. It’s not about thinking positive thoughts nor is it about visualizing your desires; NONE of that. It’s about fully internalizing who you ARE. OR…. fully internalizing the NEW person, the person who already has or is what you seek. A state has certain behaviors that naturally go with it, but even more importantly, it has a LOT of behavior that does NOT belong there. Let go of those behaviours and you are good to go!

The Example of the Queen of England

Let’s use blatant and obviosus examples, such as the late Queen of England. Her whole demeanor was: Composed, dispassionate, secure, unfazed, and strong. Her state of being a queen wasn’t just a title; it was a way of life. She was DIFFERENT from everybody else, not the SAME AS. She WAS queen. Fully internalized. She didn’t waste time complaining on facebook, seeking validation on Reddit, watching Youtubes about “why it’s not working”, (In fact GIVE UP figuring out WHY, because it doesn’t matter) or engaging in petty disputes. Instead, she embodied the qualities of a queen every day, which reinforced her state of royalty. Pay extra attention to the word “dispassionate” that I threw in there….it is a necessary disposition. Be calm, be chill!

Imagine instead if she (The Queen) had behaved like many manifesters do: throwing fits, crying about injustices, asking why why why in every support group she could find, or endlessly mulling over her circumstances online. She might still have held the title of queen, but she wouldn’t have commanded the same respect or efficacy. Her state of being a queen helped her be a successful queen. In fact, her not-successor Megan Markle is doing exactly that, and there is your differenc ebetween states. (For those who need to hear this: Get out of TOXIC teachings, and TOXIC social media groups! It is poisoning you.)

The PROBLEM of Manifestation Practices

  1. Many people trying to manifest their desires get tripped up by the simplicity of embodying a state.
  2. They think that they can cling to old behaviors and mindsets while somehow achieving a new reality.

This second point is fundamentally flawed. To manifest a new state, you must give up aspects of your current state that don’t align with your desired reality. (To be queen of England you must give up being a needy on Facebook), in fact you have to give up being like everybody else entirely. You have to give up “being like everybody else” becuase misery loves company, and misery will lie to keep you down. (metaphorically speaking) . Be secure. Be unfazed. Be DISPASSIONATE and have equanimity. Have strenght. Stop asking the masses for their opinion and their advice. just be it already, you’ve got this and you know it. Have confidence.

Let’s use another OBVIOUS example, so that you understand: If you are an addict wanting to live a life free from addiction, you must give up the addiction. SEE how SIMPLE this is? You can’t justify the behaviors associated with addiction and expect to live as a non-addict. The same principle applies to any desired state. You have to let go of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that are inconsistent with your new state. Have to.

You have to let go of behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that are inconsistent with your new state. Have to.

The Challenge of Letting Go

Letting go of old behaviors and mindsets can be challenging because they are often deeply ingrained and justified. Not only that, but the world has changed since Neville lived, and it has changed since I was young. This world is more and more narcisistic, needy, it more and more justifies BAD behavior, and ALL OF THIS is opposite of JUST finding a STATE and internalizing that. You MUST stop the bad habit of justifying everything.

The current culture is this: People justify their bad behavior, their endless complaining, and their negative attitudes, their low self esteem, their mental crisies, there emotional immaturity, you name it, because they believe they are right. You must let go of being right. This type behavior was ALWAYS recognized as “a problem personality”, but currently it is NOT recognized for the problem that it is. Thus, you will be part of a group of people who don’t understand that YOU are YOUR OWN worst enemy. Remeber: You must dare to be DIFFERENT from everybody else, not the SAME AS…. If You are justifying, you must give up this justifying. This justification is part of your current state, which you must relinquish to move into a new state.

For instance, those who are enmeshed in unhealthy relationships or obsessions over specific people (often referred to as Specific Persons or SPs in manifestation circles) usually need to give up their lack of boundaries, their unforgiveness, and their reliance on superficial attributes like looks, sex, or status. They HAVE TO abandon the notion that they can manipulate others to conform to their desires, which is a form of witchcraft and ultimately leads to negative consequences.

Embracing the New State

To successfully internalize a new state, you need to fully embody the qualities and behaviors of that state. If you want to be the queen, you must act like the queen, not like everyone else. What everyone else does means nothing anymore. If you want to be free from addiction, you must act as a non-addict, not justify addictive behaviors. What all your old buddies do makes no difference anymore, you have moved on, it is in your past, gone and forgotten. If you want a healthy relationship, you must embody healthy relationship behaviors, not manipulative ones.

The Simplicity of the STATE

Manifestation is not about: Controlling others, visualizing, doing techniques, withcraft, or forcing outcomes. It’s about internalizing the state of the person who already has what you desire. Something that we naturally do. Right now, you are internalizing a state anyway. What do you have to let go of from your current state? Is it constant negativity? Unforgivness? Passionate obsessive opinions? What is it, identify it and stop it. By giving up behaviors and mindsets that don’t belong with your desired state, you make the new reality a real reality. The simplicity of embodying a state can be deceptive, you probably are conditioned to think that it has to be more complicated, but it’s the only important step in the so called “manifestation” process. Everything else doesn’t matter. If it doesn’t matter let it go.

manifest magazine

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