Unconscious beliefs and behaviors block your good | 7 things to stop now!

Eliminating Blocks and Manifesting with Clarity and Power: Skip these beliefs and behaviors.


Recognize that astrology is not a determinant of your life’s trajectory. You are the operant power… Not the stars. There is nothing outside of your own mindset that can influence your destiny, not even a set of thoroughly bad circumstances, the world is full of people who overcame the odds, so why would you just hand over power to THESTARS? Our God is the creator, and you have been given “dominion” over your own portion of creation, your life, your world, and you do have the ability to transcend the influence of the stars. Instead of being governed by external forces, focus your whole being on God’s love and power. First commandment stuff… Your own mind, your emotions, your choices good or bad, your desires, assumptions and intentions shape your reality, completely independent of astrological influences. Let it go, and just say “NEVER AGAIN”.


Tarot readings or any external divination tools do not possess power over your life. Unless YOU give it that power. In fact, IF you give power to Tarot cards, you open the door for a potentially very unstable emotional life. Have you noticed how unhinged “spiritual” people can be? Are you one of those people? Just stop it with the divination tools and start to believe in the only power that has any true power, God’s power, and you will find that you become regulated again. You are the only one who can open the door for emotional dysregulation, and you are the one who can close it. There is NO answer out there, in “the universe”, absolutely not a single bit of information that can predict your future. You might believe that it does, and so it does, like a self fulfilling prophesy, but how about you meditate on the word of God instead? Then you will know that he has given you a spirit of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND. What else do you need to know? Shift your focus from seeking guidance from divination tools to recognizing the word of God.

Rituals or Spells:

Why did this ever get lumped in with LOA? No 369 methods or 555 methods needed. No, not the water method either. That this ritual stuff means nothing. If there is a creator of this universe, which there is, then why would you think that the creation has any power of the creator, or that you can manipulate the creator with some ritual spell?

Meant to Be (or not meant to be):

Reject the notion that circumstances are predestined or meant to be. It is meant to be if you want it to be. IF you show up to do the work. It is meant to be if you do the work to make it yours. Genesis 1:26-31 : “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” If you hand your power over to “meant to be” you are giving up your dominion. Embrace the understanding that you are the creator of your experiences and that you can rule over your life, by understanding who created you, and what it means to be made in God’s image.


Transcend victimhood by take responsibility for your lack of focus. Remove your focus on others, on problems, illness or injustice, and circumstances, recognizing that you have free will to focus on God’s mighty power instead.

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten— the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm — my great army that I sent among you. You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the LORD your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed.” -Joel

Trust in the only power, God, and know that He’s got this.

Belief in the Virtue of Poverty:

This is a fasle doctrine that sits at the opposite end of GREED. Imagine a scale of MONEY and STUFF, and greed is at the HOT end, then a POVERT FETISH is on the cold end. Challenge the belief that there is an inherent virtue in poverty. The virtue is in your love for God, and in allowing His word to abide in your heart. He meant for your good, believe in His word, and don’t be like other people who believe in GREED OR IN POVERTY. Understand that your worthiness and goodness are not determined by financial circumstances. There is no virtu in wealth either. It is just a “thing”, and if you place your faith in it you have made a “graven image”. . The virtue, if you seek virtue, is within you when the word of God is within you. The word of God of course is written, so you must read it for it to indwell you. Being a wholesome human being embodies healthy finances. Disordered finances is unhealthy. Accept that is is just and virtuous to be financially stable, and remember that if you abide in the word you will also embrace generosity.

Toxic Relationships treated as Twin Flame Connections?

In the modern western world nothing is as disordered as RELATIONSHIPS. How did we get here??? The most toxic mindset of the west involves relationships and spirituality, especially the concept of twin flames. It is often believed that a toxic relationship is a sign of a deep and transformative connection between twin flames. God is ordered, harmonious, constructive and healthy. If it is chaotic, disorderly, destructive, and SICK, it is not God’s way. If you want to assume that someone is your twin flame, check first to see that they are connected to the word of God, and let the word of God lead the way, not the dysregulated highs and lows of a toxic relationship.

Labeling a toxic relationship as a twin flame connection ise dangerously misleading. Toxic relationships are characterized by emotional, mental, or physical harm, manipulation, and imbalance. They can be draining, damaging to your self-esteem, and hinder your personal growth and happiness. They may be “spiritual” but it is the wrong spirit. It is the spirit of destruction. The only spirit you should have anything to do with is really the Holy Spirit of God, and HIS spirit takes you to a genuine love connection if you ask. Ask and you shall receive.

By clinging to the belief that a toxic relationship is somehow a sacred or destined connection, you just manifest more of the same. Leave the sacred label for a harmonious, lasting, and loving marriage, otherwise you will always manifest more of the toxic ups and downs, when deep down, what you wanted was the holy and the sacred. Call things by their true name, so instead of calling a toxic relationship “twin flame” just call it toxic. Call on the Holy Spirit to heal your broken heart, and to remove this spirit of toxicity from you.

manifest magazine

faceless soothsayer reading tarot cards near glowing candles