Manifestation: Leveling Up During Circumstances

“If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.”


When we have decided that we will be manifesting a better life, whether it be in terms of money, love, or success, there is a concept that transcends religious boundaries and speaks to the core of our human experience. This concept is the idea of “leveling up” and its relationship with our circumstances.

Leveling up can be seen as a continuous process of personal growth and transformation. It involves expanding our consciousness, enhancing our skills and abilities, and aligning ourselves with the energy of abundance and success. It is about recognizing that we have the power to create our own reality and consciously manifest the life we desire. This is not “leveling up” in the manipulative, action based sense, this a pure mindset of ongoing alignment with consiousness. (Bhav, Bliss, Spirit of God)

However, leveling up is not about achieving external goals. It is equally, or more, important to maintain equilibrium within ourselves as we navigate the journey of reality creation. This means finding balance and harmony in all aspects of our lives – mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The key element is all about how we respond, or how we don’t respond to a trigger-prompt. Have you overcome yourself? You might have notice that certain circumstances seems to repeat, maybe with different people, in different places, but there seems to be a lesson in there somewhere….If only you could learn, it grasp it….

When it comes to manifesting money, love, or success, maintaining equilibrium becomes crucial for that very reason. It is about recognizing that our responsibility lies only in how we react, not in what happens outside of ourselves. If we are constantly chasing after the next thing, material wealth or seeking validation from others, believing that our happiness comes from outside, then we may find ourselves in a perpetual state of imbalance and dissatisfaction. When inner fulfilment is mistakenly placed on outer circumstances, we become dependent on everything being perfect. Try instead to place emphasize on HOW YOU MIGHT GROW from this. What direction do you wish to grow and develop? This is an internal focus that actually leads to deeper fulfilment than chasing only the external goal.

This is the essence of “living in the end”. Living “from the end, or in the end’ is not a ga,e of delusional pretend. It is in a way method acting, but more than that, it is seeking for and discovering an inner state of satisfaction. Remarkably, people who are successful by all standrads do not necessarily have inner satisfaction. By working towards maintaining an emotional equilibrium, and a state of satisfaction even before we have achieved our goals, we create a solid foundation for our goals to arrive in a harmonious and sustainable way. This means A) You get to keep what you created because y mastering the REAL “living from the end” method, your manifestations are built on solid ground, and B) You will achieve your goals AND feel fulfilled at the same time.

This is a fruit grown on a tree planted in good soil, to use a Biblical metaphor.

Remember, manifesting a better life is a journey, not a destination.  It is a new way of existing.  It requires patience, perseverance, and self-reflection, a non-reactions to triggers.

“The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.” 

Neville Goddard

manifest magazine

macro photography of butterflies perched on lavender flower

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