The Power of Instant Revision

The Power of Instant Revision

Transformative Perspectives

Have you heard about revision? It’s one of Neville Goddard’s meat and potato techniques, and when it comes to the Law of Assumption and reshaping our reality, it is a game changer .

Imagine this scenario: you’re hanging out with someone who keeps venting about how tough life is. Now, instead of simply nodding along or politely listening, there’s another approach you can take. Choose to mentally shower them with love.

When they keep venting, try imagining them saying something more beautiful, more empowering, something more uplifting and loving. Picture them speaking words of positivity and hope. By doing this, you’re inviting them into a whole new realm of thinking and experiencing reality. They of course, have no idea that you are doing this!

In this process, we’re essentially swapping out their tales of struggle and limitation for stories that exude love, joy, and endless possibilities. It’s like giving them a backstage pass to a reality filled with greater compassion, kindness, and pure potential. Yes, it works! Try it.

But wait, there’s more! Instant revision isn’t just about elevating others—it also sparks a remarkable transformation within ourselves. As we witness the shift in their perspective, it’s a powerful reminder of our own ability to shape our reality. Love and intentional revision become our superpowers, allowing us to manifest a world where harmony, understanding, and boundless opportunities thrive. There IS a boomerang effect, and you will experience karma in a way that you actually want to.

Put it to the test: Be Ye Doers of the word!

So, let’s try on this amazing technique together. Picture the mundane turning into the extraordinary, and limitations dissolving into infinite possibilities. We’re conscious creators after all!

In those situations when you don’t receive the news you wanted or face rejection for a position, or when you encounter someone with a chip on their shoulder, it’s easy to get caught up in negativity or feel discouraged. Instead of passively listening to the negative thoughts and stories, try a different approach.

Imagine hearing something more positive, and loving from them. Invite them into a more positive state and reality. Embrace the power of instant revision, where you consciously edit your inner dialogue to align with the assumed perfection that exists within oneness, consciousness, and bliss. It is like a mental smile!

manifest magazine

woman in multicolored floral coat while holding plant

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