Resolve your blocks, the heart knows the way! Manifesting, Neville Goddard and the Tao

Resolve your blocks, the heart knows the way

You don’t need a reading!

I get questions about doing readings for people,and I understand where you are coming from, I also used to think that a reading can give me the answers that I need. However, once you understand how to make practical applications of the law of assumption, you will never want another reading again, because you will know how you create your own future. Just like you understand that physical actions lead to certain results, for example if I get in my car, I start it, and I press the gas pedal and drive towards the post office, I will eventually arrive at the post office. This is predictable, and you understand that no reading is necessary to know where you are going. The law of assumption should give the same exact certainty. Will you get your desires? The moment you change the quality of your desire into a choice, an intention and a decision, and use your inner state of mind, you will know where you are headed and you don’t need to ask anyone.

1. States, spirits, and pendulums. YOU are greater, stop fearing the world.

Secret knowledge has been clouded in so much esoteric mumbo jumbo for so long, so obscure, and so mysterious, but everything you need to know has ALSO been documented, in black and white, thousands of years ago, and there is nothing mysterious about it, there is nothing secret about it anymore than gravity is a secret knowledge, there is nothing complicated about using and understanding the law of assumption to achieve goals, nothing particularly difficult is required to “use” this law, in fact you are always using it, just like you are “using” gravity to stand on the ground. 

Neville Goddard talks about states of mind, this is taken  from his lecture “Infinite states”: “As a son of the Most High you can, in the twinkle of an eye, move into any state, but the chances are you will not remain there, for a state is made up of a body of beliefs! If you spend the day thinking from a certain base, a certain body of beliefs, the chances are you will fall asleep that night in the same belief. Knowing you can move into another state, another body of beliefs, you may try to move, but you must persist in staying in the new state until it becomes natural.” 

Vadim Zeland calls the same thing a “pendulum”, and the Bible calls this a “spirit.

The problem with naming the state that you are in, is really only related to the sense of powerlessness  that it can cause. A state of mind has no power over you, and it is gone the moment you decide to leave it mentally. Thinking that your state of mind is subject to the whims of pendulums,  or the delusion of spirits is disempowering.  The metaphors of the Bible are meant to be empowering, but we have to understand that it is not literal.

The “spirits” are not an outer force, but are rather a mood, a state of mind that has a hold on you, and that is internally generated, sustained and maintained.  If you have understood Vadim Zeland correctly, you know that you are in control of whether you get hooked by a “pendulum” or not. Vadim Zeland describes cultures, wars, political and religious movements, charities, activism, teenage peer pressure and other outer circumstances as pendulums, literally everything is a pendulum, but just like a state of mind and a spirit, the actual experience is our reaction to the circumstance. It is consciousness plus an object, and the meaning that we attribute to that object and experience.  Although it sounds like something external it is not. A spirit is nothing other than a state of mind, and a pendulum is also just a state of mind, and you are the only one who can give life to a state. Nothing else and no one else. This is what we mean by circumstances don’t matter, in a nutshell. YOU have to make the circumstances not matter, otherwise they turn to matter. 

The change of states is the step you need in order to expand your experience to include the fulfillment of your desire, otherwise you stay stuck in longing for your desire, or hoping, wishing, and dreaming of it. The change of state has to be to the completion, the desire changes quality, and becomes an intent, a choice, and you find that you are mentally now at a point in time after you have been fulfilled, where longing and desire is already gone and forgotten, your intent to receive is an indication that you are on your way now. 

2. Stay out of pendulum swings, mind gets corrupted, human OS gets hijacked. Don’t get hooked.

Realizing what you truly are, divinity made manifest, or as Neville Goddard just expressed it above, “the son (or daughter) of the most high” and discovering that if you are determined to stay in your desired state,  you can move into it, and nothing can keep you our, unless you give your power away.   The is no state of mind that is outside of  yourself, every single state is 100% dependent on you to stay alive, there is not one single pendulum, no matter how important, looming, or scary it seems, that has any power over you, your choice is completely in your hands, or in your mind, an you can choose to see only your desired “home state” of mind. There is no Biblical spirit that is greater than you, no state of fear that can not be dispelled by a simple remembrance  that you have the choice to redirect your own mind right here and now. 

You are operating on consciousness alone, and this experience, produced by illusion, expressed and made manifest at your direction, is powerless when held against the light of consciousness.

It is true that all circumstances exist, however, you are not obligated to experience negative circumstances just because they exist. 

“This is what is meant by creation and the statement that creation is finished means that nothing is ever to be created, it is only to be manifested. What is called creativeness is only becoming aware of what already is. You simply become aware of increasing portions of that which already exists. The fact that you can never be anything that you are not already or experience anything not already existing explains the experience of having an acute feeling of having heard before what is being said, or having met before the person being met for the first time, or having seen before a place or thing being seen for the first time.”

Neville, The Power of Awareness

Knowing that all things already exist, your only job then becomes to identify what you desire to experience, and to choose.

3.  Listen to your heart. 

The mind is not capable of communicating your inner hopes and dreams to you, the mind creates problems out of thin air, it thinks of confrontations that have never happened, it ruminates on all the things that can go wrong, and it comes up with plans for revenge and egoistic ways to show off, but it dances around true desires ….fully incapable of accessing them….The reason for this is that the brain-mind is created  out of reactions to our environment. The brain-mind consists of mostly reactions, and also in great part the ego, the identifying mechanism that says “I am this”, “I am that” ,“I am John the man who struggles with poverty, and can’t handle wealth for fear of no knowing how to manage it” . The mind also houses our intellect,  but this is usually a very underdeveloped part of the brain-mind. The intellect develops if we are actively working on developing it, otherwise it is mostly dormant.

your heart knows the way
Photo by Hernan Pauccara

The heart-mind, called the Shen in Taoism. Taoism is the only teaching that explains that the true mind is in our hearts.Shen is the numen/spirit of  Heart. Even the word for heart, in Chinese,  Xin, is sometimes translated as mind.  The spirit of the heart is just one such governing spirit, there are several such numens, or governing spirits, each representing a different aspect of the mind, and I’ll get to more of those later, because we need this to manifest effortlessly.

Shen Mind Heart Numen Spirit

Daoism  is the only teaching that goes this deep with the description of the division from the nondual state of mind, Daoism recognizes the different  paths that we take to create direct access with our Godself, and so we can derive a lot of understanding from Daoism as it applies to the law of assumption. 

The different aspects of mind are like a river delta that joins at the sea. 

The Dao IS manifestation,  The Dao is also unmanifest. 

The Shen of the heart  means mind, or consciousness, so The mind and consciousness is located in the heart, not the brain. The Chinese character for “Shen” is composed of two characters that give the deeper meaning of the word (as well as the pronunciation) It roughly translates to: Influence from heaven, expressed (or extended). Another  way of expressing this meaning is:  From consciousness, made manifest.

Just by understanding this little tiny bit of Taoism, so much confusion and weirdness advised by the law of attraction and new age religion can be dismissed. Your heart is the hub. Your heart is the human call center. Let your heart guide the way.

The heart, which we now know  is your mind, knows the most intricate details of your desires, your heart knows what makes you smile and what gives you butterflies, your heart knows how to make you feel blissed out and in excastay, your heart knows what makes you feel zen.

Your brain-mind created all the circumstances around you as it sank into the illusion of separation, then the brain-mind continues to  react to the same circumstances, and then it tries to create solutions using the same faulty mind that created the problems to begin with.

A Christian sometimes very easily gets around this problem of overcoming circumstances, because as they say: God created the solution to the problems long before you were born, so trust him to solve them. This way of thinking instantly reduces the chaos that the brain creates when it reacts to problems. Evangelical Christians create and manifest miracles regularly thanks to this belief system. The problem with not receiving prayers only happens to all those people who believe that God’s will is different from their own will, which unfortunately is the vast majority of believers. For everyone else, a Taoist way of saying the same exact thing is that the heart (shen-mind) knows the answer. Your heart is innocent of the nonsense that your brain can think up, it is an undiluted truthful doorway to your own fulfilled desires.

Imagine your perfect fulfillment, your desire complete, and create a relationship to that experience inside your mind, play with this image, feel into it, touch with your fingers what you will touch when your intention has come true, and look through the eyes of fulfillment,and inhale, what would you smell, how does it feel inside? The heart-mind calls for you to feel only good and natural, not over the top, not uncomfortable, and not afraid that you can’t handle what you have imagined. John, who is used to poverty might feel uncomfortable as he fears that he will lose all the money because he doesn’t know how to handle it. The heart reveals your blocks to you instantly.   Mary who is used to childhood abuse, and has seen her parents’ marriage end in violence and divorce, and then a series of bad relationships with stepparents, who is manifesting a marriage might reveal her fear of repeating the same mistake as her parents. The heart knows exactly what and how far you can take your manifestation, before you build problems into your desired outcome

The brain-mind has no clue, John’s mind might be obsessed with wealth, and Mary’s brain might be obsessed with a specific person. The mind seeks to solve this problem in all the wrong ways, and continues to manifest the obsession, and Mary tries to figure out what is wrong with him, and John tries to solve the world’s problems of inequality,  but all the while, the heart knows that it isn’t quite ready yet. There is your time delay. The heart knows the way, the heart knows your fears, and the heart knows your next comfortable landing page, the heart knows the pace you can go at. Trust your heart.

If up until now, you have insisted on manifesting from your brain only, without diving into the true desires of your heart, you might find that as your manifestations come through, you don’t feel satisfied, or you feel out of place, or even depressed, then you can start to explore what your heart actually wants. Either you are completely off course, or you have gone too fast,or you have manifested things that you have no actual desire for.  Either way is no big deal, just notice.  An example would be trying to “get love”  from becoming famous, the mind thinks it wants fame, but the heart didn’t want that, it wanted love. (I’m not saying that wanting fame is not your true desire, it is different for all people, but I have treated enough people in that exact position, that either sought after fame or financial success,  and they tied that in with love and appreciation). 

The brain-mind is capable of an infinite number of delusions.  Course correct by inviting your real desres into your creation. If you discover that you have gone off down a path that was not what you actually wanted, don’t place any importance on this, just remember that any success has many failures behind it and it is better to make a mistake than to not try anything at all. Continue to go towards the imaginal scene of your fulfilled desires, and continue to develop the experience of it in your heart a  little more, and then a little more.

The mind is in the heart, so seek for the heart’s agreement, always, when you are manifesting, and you will  know for sure if you are on the right path, or if you need to slow down, or if you need to shift focus, or if you need to segment intend your way towards your goal.  

Your desire might take you way out of your comfort zone, because your comfort zone is part and parcel of your current dwelling  state, it is  part of the “pendulum that you are currently hooked into”, it is part of a “spirit that you are infatuated by”.   Just like you are currently bound by the laws of gravity, and you are using the law of gravity all the time, whether you want it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you believe in it or not. However, if you want to travel into outer space you will need a spaceship to propel you out of the atmosphere, and a space suit and maybe heavy moon boots to keep you down. 

Maybe changing states for you it’s so far out of your comfort zone. It is like moving to a different part of the universe, where the laws of gravity are completely different when you have to travel through no gravity zones to get there. The laws that you are bound by, are specific to the state that you are in specific to your personal set of beliefs, if you aren’t ready right now, for a big change in your life,  you’ll have to find a way to operate on a different belief system, and that  is a bit like traveling to different part of the universe in a spacesuit and a rocket.

When the fulfillment of the desire is far outside of your current mind-matrix, you need stability and courage to continue believing in yourself, so that you can stay confident  even when things start to shift and change. The bridge of events has to be crossed. The bridge takes you from your current state to the new state, and whatever you have to do to cross it will be revealed as you go, but the whole path might not be revealed, perhaps only step by step. You have to dare to take the steps.

Remember that your brain is going to want to create solutions to problems, the problems it itself has caused, and don’t let your brain in on this, don’t let it create chaos, don’t let it talk you out of the fulfillment of your desire, your heart already know the answer, it knows and feels the experience of the fulfillment of your desire. God already created all the solutions long before you were born so just relax and let the problems solve themselves as you honor your heart.

4. Reconnect human OS

Inspiration plus consciousness made manifest.

For this there are two more aspects of the mind that you have to receive, and it is inspiration and willpower.

The aspect of the mind, a Godmind, inspiration,  is called Hun in Taoism, and it is a free spirit kind of mind.  

hun inspiration free roaming immortal

The Hun mind  goes off in the night when we dream,  it is completely unbound by rational and logical thinking, it is direct inspiration from “thin air”, and all you can do is to  allow and receive this, because the Hun-mind can not be forced or coerced, it needs freedom to roam, but it also needs to be anchored in the heart- mind. It is a relationship of authentic desires (heart-shen= consciousness made manifest)  and inspired thought.  

Your heart is the anchor that expresses the inspiration, and these two “minds” need to be in a healthy relationship. The heart is the human OS, the human operating system, and it needs to be online, hooked up and connected to wifi, the Hun.  

The Heart is connected to inspiration through intuition, planning, hopes and dreams, ideas, and artistic inspiration. The Hun-mind, inspiration is equal to  movement, it is always moving, always searching and exploring ideas and nurturing those  life dreams.  Without the input of the Hun-inspiration-mind  the heart-Shen-mind  would be an inert and unchanging  consciousness. Inspiration  and heartmind are inseparably linked and together they form our consciousness. Inspiration provides movement in the following ways:

1) movement of the soul out of the body as in dreaming, and out of body experiences.

2) movement out of one’s everyday life, or state of mind,  as in life dreams and ideas.

3) movement towards the other people, as  in human relationships

4) movement in terms of plans, projects, visions.

5) Movement in terms of artistic creativity, that is: inspiration.

The Hun is not only important for the inspired insights, but also the movement inward and outward, it gives us the  capacity of insight and introspection,  as well as the ability to project outwards and relate to other people. The intentional outward projection is essential for your manifestation. Manifestation is in part The law of assumption, you assume your state of mind and your identity, and then you deliberately project that onto the screen of space: Inspiration plus consciousness made manifest.

Irritability, anger and rage are direct blocks to inspiration, intuition and movement towards your own goal.

5.  Willpower that wills itself

Zhi is the numen/spirit in Taoism, .that is responsible for will power, and if healthy, it is a that wills itself.

If Hun is inspisation that inspires itself, then  Zhi is willpower that wills itself, that is why you need to learn to  receive. 

Willpower  and desire needs to communicate.

This is the same as  mind and heart being connected and  online.  

When willpower is imbalanced, the result can be one of two.  Either you experience a  lack of drive, or you experience a hyper overdrive. A natural flow state is steady and strong and  calm.  The willpower that will itself feels like it is divinely powered and propelled , and you can accomplish seemingly impossible feats.

If this part of the mind is not at its best, you  can experience indifference, or passivity, weakness, withdrawal or even  despair, or on the opposite end of the spectrum you might  become restless, agitated, and hyperactivite and hyper-determine or stubborn. You might not know if you are in a healthy state of flow, or if you are imbalanced, but look for signs of excessive efforting, or signs of listlessness.

Other willpower imbalances are forgetfulness and memory lapses, or the overuse of stimulants, like coffee,  to provide false fuel for activity, and be on the lookout for addictive patterns or insomnia.  When this aspect of the mind is allowed to be in balance,you move forward without seemingly any effort, as if you are propelled by an  invisible force. 

This is what manifesting taps into. It is an easy and effortless state. This is a going with the flow, and a complete trust in the next step and the next. 

Willpower is affected by experiences, so if it has memory of negative experiences, those have to be overcome or recreated. Shock for example negatively affects willpower, and repetition of a new and desired habit positively affects willpower.

Some ideas to nurture, foster, cultivate and strengthen a healthy Zhi – the willpower aspect of the mind, and for practicing  staying stable in a chosen state are: 

  1. Doing something you’ve never done before
  2. Doing something for five minutes longer when you would rather stop
  3. Doing something very very slowly
  4. Doing something no one would expect you to do
  5. Postponing  an action you want to do now
  6. Doing something now that you would prefer to postpone
  7. Doing a practice every day for a month

Earlier I mentioned the unease that you might experience when you leave your current dwelling state, what Neville Goddard and the Bible calls “the old man, and this aspect of your mind, Zhi, willpower that wills itself will usher you out of your comfort zone in a way that you might not be able to do on your own. Zhi allows you to accomplish the impossible, and if you can dream it you can experience it, but just like the Hun or inspiration part of the mind, you can not force it, you have to learn how to receive it.  Try being mindful of the seven steps I just mentioned daily, so that you develop your receptivity of effortless willpower. 

Fear and shock are direct blocks to your effortless movement towards your own goals.

“When will and imagination are in conflict, imagination invariably wins.”

Neville Goddard, Be What You Wish

志 will willpower numen


Everything said in this blog/video, is meant to guide you towards your life’s purpose, and your own unique set of abilities, and your own hopes and dreams. If you get tired and drained on your path, then you might be headed in a direction away from your heart’s desire, but if you find that doors that were previously closed to you are now opening, and you find an effortless energy, and an invisible force propelling you forward, you know that you have tapped into your own personal life purpose. Nothing and no one can stop you when you tap into this, life becomes a vacation, even the work that you do feels like a holiday, no obstacle is too big

Remember these things the next time you panic and want to get a “reading”, Take a moment to pause and remember that fear is a direct block to your willpower, use the movement of your inspiration to introspect. Feel into your heart and really feel into your dream, and experience the fulfillment of your desire, then again use the movement of the inspiration aspect of mind to project your imaginal scene onto the screen of space, and watch calmly as doors open and close before you..Walk through the open doors. Completely ignore pendulums and unwanted states of mine as you continue letting yourself be guided forward by your willpower that wills itself.

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Limiting beliefs: Are beliefs real or are they unreal?

Are beliefs real or unreal?

Are some beliefs false, and other beliefs real and true?

We are told that to be a “master manifester”  we need to get over our “limiting beliefs”, or suspend our beliefs, or disbeliefs (aka rational mind)

But how do you know what beliefs are limiting beliefs, and which ones are not. How do you know what is real belief vs a belief that you keep thinking? 

What is the deal?

Let’s dive in and sort this out once and for all.

Let’s start by going as far back in time/space  as we can:

Let’s visit some of the earliest known texts of all time.

The Ashtavakra Gita defines ourselves for us:

“Have faith my child, have faith,  never confuse yourself in this. You are consciousness itself, you are the Lord, you are the self, and you are beyond nature.

(A second translation, same thing said slightly differently:)

“Have faith my child have faith,  do not be bewildered, for you are beyond all things, the heart of all knowing,  you are the self,  you are God

This is who we are.

(The Ashtavakra Gita is an ancient Sanskrit test, it is a dialogue between the 12 year old sage “Ashtavakra”, and the king Janaka of Mithil.  King Janaka is mentioned in The Bhagavad Gita as a king who has attained liberation. The Bhagavad Gita is part of the Mahahbarata, which was compiled beginning in the 3rd century BCE, but the oldest preserved parts from around 400 BCE. Late Vedic literature such as Brihadaranyaka Upanishad also mention King Janaka, and dates his life to ca. 8th or 7th century BCE.)

I share this because the inner knowledge that we are God, we are self, and we are beyond this body is as old as time.   It dates back  AT LEAST  to the 700 BCE as we just saw.   So Neville Goddard didn’t make this up, out of the blue, and also, this awareness existed LONG before even the Bible was written, but you probably knew that.  This is one of the hardest ideas to swallow though,  for newbies to Neville. 

“I am God.”

It feels so blasphemous!  Is it really okay to believe something like that?

I had my own personal experience meeting this God, Self, Higher self, in a mystical experience (sans hallucinogens, I never do drugs) and it was a life changing meeting, Without this I guess I would have to take everyone’s word for the existence of a self that is so blissful, and  all-knowing. A self that is fully unbound by earthly attachments and this body. Different story for a different post.

Beliefs vs disbelief.

“I want things, but they are unattainable, I am separate from all things including my hopes and dreams, it is so far away…. How do I bridge this gap?”

This ancient knowledge which predates Neville Goddard by several thousand years, tells us that we are already that. Asking “How do I get this thing into my life? “ is like sitting in a chair, and asking  “How do I get to this chair to sit in it?”  The answer is that you are already sitting in it.

You are already sitting in that chair, don’t ask for instructions on how to get to the chair to sit in it, because you are already sitting.

Basically, to wake up to the understanding that all of our beliefs are false, is like discovering that we are already sitting in the chair.  You are everything, and you are beyond “nature ,” you are God and you are self.  The discovery is that you are already all things, all things that are currently within your consciousness are already yours.  They belong to you because you “dreamed it up.” 

You are already sitting in the chair, and you are already one with everything.

So how does that make “all beliefs false”?

“It is not what you want that you attract, you attract what you believe to be true.”

– Neville Goddard

“Most of us are reflecting life and not affecting it. Your inner speech mirrors your mind, and your mind mirrors God.  If you do not change your thoughts, you haven’t changed their activity.  And if you do not change their activity, the conditions of your life cannot change, for they are only bearing witness to the inner action of your mind.” 

~ Neville Goddard

In Daoist thought models, there is a mind that is called “Shen” that pertains to the conscious mind. This Shen-mind is self aware, it is conscious of being conscious. Basically, this is the prefrontal cortex, reasoning, and logical mind.  Now, there is another mind as well, and it is called “Hun”. The Hun-mind is inspiration,  it is creative, it is the subconscious, it is the mind that journeys in our dreams, and in our visions. This mind is in contact with the divine mind.  Divine inspiration. The healthier the balance between the Shen-mind and the Hun-mind, the greater our life is. The Hun-mind can expand our horizons beyond what our Shen-minds are capable of thinking of or hoping for. Beyond horizons, beyond belief, and beyond disbelief.

A Shen-mind without the Hun-mind goes nowhere fast, is stuck in a restricted lifestyle, and it can only reflect back responses and reactions to what already is, and a Hun-mind without  the anchor of the Shen-mind, hallucinates, dissociates, and is unable to materialize all the wild dreams that it dreams. Strike a balance by having a healthy lifestyle and  nurturing both minds.

A Hun-mind is the creative force that provides direction for the Shen-mind, and the Shen-mind is the will to focus exclusively on what the Hun-mind has imagined, or is capable of imagining. The greater the balance in your life, the more connected to divine inspiration. The more connected to divine inspiration, the greater the possibilities for expansion of our life. 

Life begins on the edge of your comfort zone.

Taking the step into understanding that the logical mind is not capable of fathoming this truth is step one.  It simply is not capable.  You can take the most brilliant mind on the planet today,  and that reasoning mind is still not capable of fathoming this truth, only the unbound creative mind can fathom this.  Conversely, the unbound creative mind does not depend on a brilliant reasoning mind.  You can be the dumbest person on the planet, and still be able to intuit this divine truth through the creative mind. 

Belief vs disbelief.

The creative mind expands the reasoning mind beyond its comfort zone.

“We are all born with an infinite power, against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.” 

~ Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard now goes a step beyond by suggesting that the creative mind is also a creative force.  Neville Goddard’s thought model argues that the creative, inspired, divine mind is the generative, creative force behind all that is manifest in this world, and I supposed that that means that it is also the generative force behind the rational mind as well.

“Through your ability to think and feel, you have dominion over all creation.” 

~ Neville Goddard

Our minds are in fact part of that creation.

“Each person is born with an infinite power,  against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.” 

~ Neville Goddard

He separates the generative force of the divine mind from the reasoning limited thoughts of the rational mind.

“There is no limit to your creative power.” 

~ Neville Goddard

  • HUN-mind = Inspiration. Creative. Imagination. Dreams.  Visions.
  • SHEN-mind = Rational thought. Logic. Reasoning.

There is a limit to the reasoning mind and it is responsible for the construction and maintenance of all of our beliefs, all of our disbeliefs and all of our “limiting beliefs”

This is how we know that ALL beliefs are false and limiting.  Beliefs belong to the rational mind, not the creative mind. 

To manifest your dreams, your desires, your hopes and wishes, you must tap into the creative mind, and you must temporarily disengage the logical mind.

ALL beliefs are false.

All beliefs belong to the reasoning SHEN-mind, and all creation belongs to the HUN-mind.  ALL beliefs. Not some beliefs. Not just the limiting beliefs, but all beliefs, and the HUN-mind has within it the power to expand the SHEN-mind, and the SHEN- mind has the power to give a desired direction to the HUN-mind, which is the only creative force in the universe.  Because you are God, you are self, you are beyond nature, and are unbound by space and time.

So what should you believe?

The answer is, “Anything you want.”

Anything that you think serves your life goals, your purpose and your hopes and dreams. 

And someday when the logical reasoning mind is completely still, completely suspended, without a single ripple in that still lake of mind, the creative mind, the Hun-mind, will reflect back to you God’s mind completely undiluted by belief. That is  “The Promise” from Neville Goddard’s “The Law and The Promise”

There are NO limitations to the creative mind, absolutely none, not even the sky is the limit.

Anna Bäck