Is There A “Divine Selection”?

Is There A Divine Selection?

Divine Selection is a term used to describe ” a destined partner”. The funny thing is, the people who use the term have more often than not REJECTED the idea of God, and are manifesting a SPECIFIC PERSON. Let’s fix the misunderstandings.

When you send out real love, will real love will return to you?

Let me start off by saying this:

YES there is a divine selection and it is up to you to make the selection. You are God’s choice for the very life you are ordained to live. Don’t DOUBT yourself. Don’t doubt God’s love for you. You are PERFECTLY capable of making the choice. It comes down to discerment.

“Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own; it does not need to seek or demand. Scarcely anyone has the faintest conception of real love.”

Florence Scovel Shinn

Ahead of Neville Goddard, is another author who blazed trails in America; Florence Scovel Shinn’s book, The Game Of Life and How To Play it was published in 1925, 

The Game of Life and How to Play It was a pioneer  of self-help literature mostly based on  positive thinking and a brand new mind tool called “demonstrations”, which we now call “affirmations”. but what she is really addressing is self confidence. Florence Scovel Shinn’s style of affirmations were highly Specific, containing all necessary changes in mindset for the specific situation, and  they were detailed, and often rhyming. Scovel Shinn did not emphasize any other “manifesting tools”. Just affirmations, and faith in God. She does talk about an idea of a “Divine Selection”, meaning, a person who is in a way destined to be your spouse.  

Florence Scovel Shinn belongs to a group of New Thought teachers who were informed by the Bible, others at the time, were informed by Eastern mysticism and you can see the traces and evidence of that in various teachings. Neville Goddard was taught by a Rabbi, and this is why he has such a unique approach compared to the vast majority of New Thought teachers. 

Florence Scovel Shinn was as an illustrator, but he became known for her abilities in creating effective affirmations for people, informed by passages from the Bible and theories of human nature and the power of the subconscious mind to do our work for us.

Let’s into her concept of a true and real love connection. I want to share this with you,  because Florence Scovel Shinn, because she addresses this phenomenon of “divine selection”.

Florence Scovel Shinn gives an easy recipe for ensuring that you feel that you are with the right partner, the one that was made just for you. This is a refreshing take on love and a much needed perspective for anyone who feels obsessive, addicted or desperate for the specific person. 

Her “demonstration” stories have a miraculous feel to them, and in truth, a feeling that our love was brought to us in some miraculous way, by the hand of God, makes us believe more strongly in the divinity of the love connection. 

If you are caught in a mindset that has you question if it is “meant to be”, or if this is your soulmate, divine selection or divinely appointed partner, then this chapter can help you release worry, and come to an understanding that you get to have a say in what is meant or not meant to be. Chances are if you are asking this question, something is bothering you about the situation. Can a simple mindset shift give you clarity? Let’s read:

The Divine Design – The Word is Your Wand – Florence Scovel Shinn


There is a Divine Design for each man!

Just as the perfect picture of the oak is in the acorn, the divine pattern of his life is in the super-conscious mind of man. (Florence uses the term “super conscious” to indicate God’s voice)

In the Divine Design there is no limitation, only health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression.

So on man’s pathway there is always a Divine Selection. Each day he must live according to the Divine Plan or have unhappy reactions.

For example: A woman moved into a new apartment which she had almost furnished, when the thought came to her: “On that side of the room should stand a Chinese cabinet!

Not long after, she was walking by an antique shop. She glanced in and there stood a magnificent Chinese cabinet about eight feet high, elaborately carved.

She entered and asked the price. The salesman said it was worth a thousand dollars but the woman who owned it was willing to take less. The man added: “What will you offer for it?” The woman paused and the price “Two hundred dollars” came into her mind, so she answered: “Two hundred dollars.” The man said he would let her know if the offer were satisfactory.

She did not want to cheat anyone or get anything which was not rightfully hers, so going home she said repeatedly: “If it’s mine I can’t lose it and of it isn’t mine, I don’t want it.” It was a snowy day and she said she emphasized her words by kicking the snow from right to left, clearing a pathway to her apartment.

Several days had lapsed when she was notified that the woman was willing to sell the cabinet for two hundred dollars.

There is a supply for every demand, from Chinese cabinets to millions of dollars.

“Before ye call I shall answer,” but, unless it is the Divinely Selected cabinet or millions they would never bring happiness.

“Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” (Psalm 127-1.)

AFFIRMATIONS (Florence Scovel Shinn)

  1. I let go of everything not divinely designed for me, and the perfect plan of my life now comes to pass.
  2. What is mine by Divine Right can never be taken from me.
  3. God’s perfect plan for me is built upon a rock.
  4. I follow the magic path of intuition and find myself in my Promised Land, under grace.
  5. My mind, body, and affairs are now molded according to the Divine pattern within.
  6. “God is the only power, and that power is within me. There is only one plan, God’s plan, and that plan now comes to pass.”
  7. “I give thanks that I now bring forth from the Universal Substance everything that satisfies all the righteous desires of my heart.”
  8. The divine Design of my life now comes to pass. I now fill the place that I can fill, and no one else can fill. I now do the things which I can do, and no one else can do.
  9. I am fully equipped for the Divine Plan of my life; I am more than equal to the situation.
  10. All doors now open for happy surprises, and the Divine Plan of my life is speeded up under grace.

Excerpt from: The Game Of Life And How To Play It.

“Real love is selfless and free from fear. It pours itself out upon the object of its affection, without demanding any return. Its joy is in the joy of giving.

Love is God in manifestation, and the strongest magnetic force in the universe. Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own; it does not need to seek or demand.

Scarcely anyone has the faintest conception of real love. Man is selfish, tyrannical or fearful in his affections, thereby losing the thing he loves.

Jealousy is the worst enemy of love, for the imagination runs riot, seeing the loved one attracted to another, and invariably these fears objectify if they are not neutralized.

For example: A woman came to me in deep distress. The man she loved had left her for other woman, and said he never intended to marry her.

She was torn with jealousy and resentment and said she hoped he would suffer as he had made her suffer; and added, “How could he leave me when I loved him so much?”

I replied, “You are not loving that man, you are hating him,” and added, “You can never receive what you have never given. Give a perfect love and you will receive a perfect love.

Perfect yourself on this man. Give him a perfect, unselfish love, demanding nothing in return, do not criticise or condemn, and bless him wherever he is.”

She replied, “No, I won’t bless him unless I know where he is!” “Well,” I said, “that is not real love.”

When you send out real love, real love will return to you, either from this man or his equivalent, for if this man is not the divine selection, you will not want him. As you are one with God, you are one with the love which belongs to you by divine right.”

Several months passed, and matters remained about the same, but she was working conscientiously with herself. I said, “When you are no longer disturbed by his cruelty, he will cease to be cruel, as you are attracting it through your own emotions.”

Then I told her of a brotherhood in India, who never said, “Good morning” to each other. They used these words: “I salute the Divinity in you.” They saluted the divinity in every man, and in the wild animals in the jungle, and they were never harmed, for they saw only God in every living thing. I said, “Salute the divinity in this man, and say, ‘I see your divine self only. I see you as God sees you, perfect, made in His image and likeness.’”

She found she was becoming more poised, and gradually losing her resentment. He was a Captain, and she always called him “The Cap.”

One day, she said, suddenly, “God bless the Cap wherever he is.”

I replied: “Now, that is real love, and when you have become a ‘complete circle,’ and are no longer disturbed by the situation, you will have his love, or attract its equivalent.”

I was moving at this time, and did not have a telephone, so was out of touch with her for a few weeks, when one morning I received a letter saying, “We are married.”

At the earliest opportunity, I paid her a call. My first words were, “What happened?”

“Oh,” she exclaimed, “a miracle! One day I woke up and all suffering had ceased. I saw him that evening and he asked me to marry him. We were married in about a week, and I have never seen a more devoted man.”

There is an old saying: “No man is your enemy, no man is your friend, every man is your teacher.”

So one should become impersonal and learn what each man has to teach him, and soon he would learn his lessons and be free.

The woman’s lover was teaching her selfless love, which every man, sooner or later, must learn.”


The Law of Assumption does not operate on a belief that life is predestined or fated. To believe that something “is or isn’t meant for us” removes our free will completely from the equation. Rather, the Law of Assumption states that we ourselves determine these things by our conscious or unconscious imagination. Notice the importance of imagination, Florence brings it up above in the context of jealousy. Imagination has a way of running rampant in unwanted directions, and this ultimately can create a feeling of “it wasn’t meant to be’, when truly, we ruined something good by continuously imagining the worst possible scenarios. Imagination is not something that you should give over to destructive thoughts. Be clear on what you are imagining, and makes sure this is not a tool you have let destructive thoughts take control over.

So many people want to hold onto this idea of a divine selection, because it is a great relief to be able to assign divine selection to our desires. ”It is God’s will” then I don’t have to do the necessary work to be a good partner…..ummm…yes you still have to……But this is really what is at the core of the idea of “Divine selction”. We don’t want to do the work of being good partners, OR the work of choosing someone who as ACTUALLY good for us. We go with what our unresolved childhood trauma drives us towards, and call that person a soulmate… have you ever done this? It is a refusal to grow up, more or less. We can and should choose our own partner, with clarity. Not with our trauma.

So…WHO decides if it is” meant to be”?

No matter what your manifestation is, be it a love interest, a new career choice, a cross-country move, a certain amount of money, you name it, there is only you who that can ever determine if it is “meant to be” for you, or if it is your “divine selection”.

YOU can easily determine if you want this to be meant for you or not.

Making the decision to have, is the same as creating that something to be meant for you. And if it is a love interest? A “specific person” that you have fixated on? The same applies. Just use Florence Scovel Shinn’s example from above, and use your “sp” as a practice person to explore the feeling of love, even if in their absence as in the case so “The Cap”. She loved him and set him free, and in the process she freed herself from hatred. She could have met someone else and she would have been just as happy.

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The important secret of Kabbalah that Law Of Assumption FORGETS

The important secret of Kabbalah that Law Of Assumption FORGETS:

The big Kabbalah secret that often gets lost in the shuffle, especially in the world of Law of Assumption, is simple yet profound: You must be receptive.

The Receptive Mode & Abraham Hicks?

While Abraham Hicks talks a lot about the receptive mode, it’s something that Neville Goddard enthusiasts often shy away from, as it may sound too much like ‘woo-woo’ or ‘Law of Attraction’ jargon. But let me tell you, Law of Assumption takes a page straight out of Kabbalah’s playbook, and receptivity is an important aspect of Kabbah.

You are God’s vessel, he wants to pour blessings into you:

Think of it this way: Kabbalah teaches us about the importance of the ‘vessels’ – vessels for receiving blessings. We are vessels, for example. But we also create other vessels to receive for us, for example our job is one vessel to receive money. However, These ‘vessels’ can be anything that you have created – situations, opportunities, people, or simply your own mindset. You can have as many vessels as you want, and we do not know all of the vessels that exist. The key is not to limit yourself by anticipating exactly how these blessings will come to you; instead, be ready to receive in whatever form they may arrive.

Picture these ‘vessels’ as avenues to receive blessings. You don’t need to have the entire roadmap of how your blessings will reach you – you just need to believe that they can and will. Get ready by removing any ‘lids’ from your vessels – these lids prevent your blessings from entering in, lids can be your doubts, fears, or limiting beliefs. Being receptive means embracing a mindset of sensitivity, cheerfulness, and most of all, a sense of gratitude for what you already have.

Arrogance and ego is a lid blocking your vessels

An attitude of humility opens your vessels wide. A giant ego can act like a tight-fitting lid on your vessel, hindering the flow of blessings. Fear, on the other hand, is like turning your vessels upside down and spilling out the goodness you already possess. A Big Ego is NOT receptive mode. It si NOT Law of Assumption mode. Do you want to experience something greater? Remove your ego, and humble yourself, expect something greater than you could have imagined. You are NOT the giver here, you are the…..receiver of blessings.

Gratitude & Humility opens your vessels

To be truly receptive is to understand that the Creator of the universe desires nothing more than to shower you with abundant blessings. It’s about suspending your doership, your own belief in the actions of self, stepping aside, and making room for the divine to flow through. In this state of openness and receptivity, you’ll find that blessings pour in from every direction.

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Stop Manifesting So Desperatly!

Manifesting insecurely?

WHat should you do? Affirmations? Imaginal scnes?


STOP being insecure and remember that YOU are manifesing YOU first, not them. If you see this from a religious standpoint you are currently “having another God beside God.” You have to remember what comes fist when you manifest.

Desparate for an sp?

To me, this is an addiction.

People manifesting their sp is always coming to me desperate, in the same eneergetic state as someone at an addiction detox. We used to call this “JONESING”….Look it up… ALL clients who need helo with an sp are JONESING for the sp… You have to stopt this, it manifests exactly like a repellant. Read my post on repelling energy. NOW, Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and tell yourself that NO MORE are you going to be an addict.

Who DO YOU Say You Are?

what is attractive about you?

NOT that you think that you suck or that you are ugly, or fat or a looser and someone else is better than you. Stop manifeting your sp from your current desparate state and instead focus on these things:

1. Stop Manifesting Them; Start Being Comfortable in Your Skin

The focus should shift from desperately manifesting a specific person to becoming completely comfortable in your own skin. LEARN about self-acceptance and self-confidence is the cornerstone of a healthy manifestation process. This is about you after all.

2. Make Others Feel Good, Not Just Your SP

The key to attractiveness isn’t fixating exclusively on your desperate obsession, but extending kindness and making others feel good. This shift of focus from self-centeredness to genuine care for others holds an incredible attraction. It also takes your mind off your selfishness, and selfishness and a fragile ego not only makes you repelling, it makes you MISERABLY UNHAPPY!

3. Know Your Worth; Don’t Seek Constant Validation

Stop relying on external validation to affirm your self-worth. Understand your inherent value and worth, freeing yourself from the constant need for someone else to affirm your importance. I know you are desperate for text messages. If you don’t knwo your worth you are stuck in a loop where your dopamine hits come fro YOUR SP SENDING A TEXT MESSAGE. This is not sustainable. Let me be your psychic for a moment, and tell you your future of misery: You end up with a cheater who is desperate for ATTENTION from instagram or whatever newfangled places exist for desparate people. Whatever the “bar” or “pub” is nowadays. It is the same. YOUR constant validation-desperation will manifest itesef in your sp, and they will seek attention from anyone BUT you. GET this.

4. Enjoy Your Life; Have Fun and Discover Yourself

Manifesting can feel overly serious; like it’s a JOB. This is repelling, it is the OPPOSITE of receiving. Go ahead and discover your sense of humour, the manifesting sp clients are VERY serious. Have more fun! The manifestation won’t break if you stop thinking about it for a second and laugh a little…

5. .Have more courage to be vulnerable!

Recognize that manifesting your authentic self involves embracing vulnerability. It’s not about acting like “you don’t want your SP” but understanding your life’s truth. YESit is okay that you are a flawed human, it what makes you approacheable and trustworty.

Imahine if you were manifesting a new car AS INSECURELY as you are manifesting an sp! Can you see how ridicuolous that would be? YOU have to be the main course of your manifestation NOT the car.

Not the sp.


Reflection Questions:

What should you do if you are desperate?

Why is it important that you manifest YOURSELF first?

How does the desparation manifest repelling instead of receiving?

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There Are No Circumstances!

Are you manifesting your desires? Are your circumstances showing up oppisite?

If you are trying to overcome challenges, or struggling to ignore circumstances, here are two core principles to remember:

  • Awareness of Being
    Your awareness of being—the essence of your existence—is tied to holding onto God above all. Embrace the understanding of “I am that I am,” emphasizing your connection to the divine. THIS has to be primary for you. Hold on tighter to your “I am” than you do to anything else. Feeling is the secret, not the “thing”. JUST the feeling.
  • Letting Go and Manifesting
    There isn’t a problem you need to fix. Instead, focus on fixing your thinking. Understanding the art of letting go and releasing the need for control is key. Let go and let God take the lead—this is the core of manifesting desires. The problem is already solved, so why are you trying to fix it?

Nothing about vibration or attracting, this awarenss of being, is the only thing that matters. Go there and hold on to that. Let go of the problem and hold on to The Feeling.

Reflection Questions

What was your #1 takeaway from the post?

Why is it important that you hold on tighter to your I am than to anything else?

Knowing that your problems have already been solved, and your circumstances have already been defeated, how does that change how you approach obstacles?

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Hear  Your Good news Announced! A Neville Goddard Method

Hear  Your Good news Announced!

Imagine this: You’re chatting with an aquaintance, someone you know and who knows you but NOT your best friend. Why not your best friend? Because your best friend already knows everything! You tell your best friend everything first, so imagine a person who maybe knows you both, but you don’t usually confide in them. In other words; An acquaintance!

Hear them say this to you: 

“I heard through the grapevine……”

“Someone told me that…….”

“[Name of best friend] told me that……”

“I heard a rumor that……” 

(Using the phrase of language that they ACTUALLY would use.) 

Follow this up with them telling you that they heard your GOOD NEWS, whether it’s “I heard a rumor that you got married,” “Congratulations on your successful business,” or “I heard you bought a new house,” you can insert any desire you have in mind.

When you imagine this casual conversation, you’re assuming that your desire has already come true. You’re not hoping or wishing; you’re confidently accepting it as reality. 

You can follow their statement with a confirmation if you like, tell them “Yes, it is so nice“, but you can also drop off the imagination immediately. It is so simple!

How to Use This Technique

1. Choose Your Desire: Start by pinpointing what you want to manifest

2. Imagine the Conversation:  Imagine the selected person you know but who wouldn’t already know your good news. Hear them saying the above statement in a way that fits with your language style.

3. Repeat a few times.

4. Done.

YOu can do it anytime during the day, when you wake up, or before bed. It DOESN’T matter.

Where does this method come from?

This story is from Neville Goddard’s “Freedom For all.” 

It is an UNDERUSED method, please make use of THIS more often. It is easy, and it is quick!

This also overlaps with an NLP technique that is used with huge success to quit addictions!

Just for all the folks who DO NOT like Neville Goddard’s constant referencing of the Bible, and even more importantly for all of us who are followers of Jesus Christ, I have made a post about that HERE, where I address this.

Let’s now allow Neville to use his Biblical analogies, and remember that his Biblical beliefs should have no impact on YOURS.

Freedom For All, Chapter Nine

The Annunciation:

The use of a friend’s voice to impregnate one’s self with a desirable state is beautifully told in the story of the Immaculate Conception.

It is recorded that God sent an angel to Mary to announce the birth of His son. “And the angel said unto her… thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son… Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall over-shadow thee; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of God. For with God nothing shall be impossible”. [Luke 1:30-37]

This is the story that has been told for centuries the world over, but man was not told that it was written about himself so he has failed to receive the benefit it was intended to give him.

The story reveals the method by which the idea or Word was made flesh. God, we are told, germinated or begat an idea, a son, without the aid of another. Then He placed His germinal idea in the womb of Mary with the help of an angel who made the announcement to her and impregnated her with the idea.

No simpler method was ever recorded of consciousness impregnating itself than is found in the story of the Immaculate Conception.

The four characters in this drama of creation are the Father, the Son, Mary and the Angel.

The Father symbolizes your consciousness; the Son symbolizes your desire; Mary symbolizes your receptive attitude of mind; and the Angel symbolizes the method used to make the impregnation.

The drama unfolds in this manner. The Father begets a Son without the aid of another.

You define your objective – you clarify your desire without the help or suggestion of another.

Then the Father selects that angel who is best qualified to bear this message or germinal possibility to Mary.

You select the person in your world who would be sincerely thrilled in witnessing the fulfillment of your desire.

Then Mary learns through the angel that she has already conceived a Son without the aid of man.

You assume a receptive attitude of mind, a listening attitude, and imagine you are hearing the voice of the one you have chosen to tell you what you desire to know. Imagine that you hear him tell you that you are and have that which you desire to be and to have. You remain in this receptive state until you feel the thrill of having heard the good and wonderful news. Then like Mary of the story, you go about your business in secret telling no one of this wonderful and immaculate self-impregnation, confident that in due season you will express this impression.

The Father generates the seed or germinal possibility of a Son but in a eugenic impregnation; He does not convey the spermatozoa from Himself to the womb. He has it borne through another medium.

Consciousness desiring is the Father generating the seed or idea. A clarified desire is the perfectly formed seed or the only begotten Son. This seed is then carried from the Father (consciousness desiring) to the Mother (consciousness of being and having the state desired).

This change in consciousness is accomplished by the angel or imaginary voice of a friend telling you that you have already achieved your objective.

The use of an angel or friend’s voice to make a conscious impression is the shortest, safest and surest way to be self-impregnated.

With your desire properly defined, you assume an attitude of listening. Imagine you are hearing the voice of a friend; then make him tell you (imagine he is telling you) how lucky and fortunate you are to have fully realized your desire.

In this receptive attitude of mind you are receiving the message of an angel; you are receiving the impression that you are and have that which you desire to be and to have. The emotional thrill of having heard that which you desire to hear is the moment of conception. It is the moment you become self-impregnated, the moment you actually feel you are now that or have that which heretofore you but desired to be or to possess.

As you emerge from this subjective experience, you, like Mary of the story, will know by your changed attitude of mind that you have conceived a Son; that you have fixed a definite subjective state and will in a little while express or objectify this state.

Neville Goddard

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Breaking the Myth: You’re Already Enough to Start Manifesting!

Breaking the Myth: You’re Already Enough to Start Manifesting!

In life, we often hold ourselves back, convinced we’re not “healed enough” to pursue our desires. But here’s the truth: this belief is a myth, not a reality. A belief is just an opinion that we developed without noticing, usually in childhood, either way. It is false!

Imagine thinking you have to be in perfect shape to step into a gym. It’s like saying you need to be flawlessly healed to start living your dreams. That’s simply not true. Feeling not “healed enough” is a common belief, especially for those with trauma backgrounds, but it’s holding you back. If you have asked “Do I have to heal to manifest my SP”, please try to understand that healing is done for yourself, not to catch someone.

The myth of being “healed enough” implies a specific way of being, as if you’re inadequate until you reach a certain point. But life doesn’t work in such neat compartments. Healing is a journey, not a destination.

So, ask yourself: What are you dreaming about that you’re not pursuing because you think you’re not “healed enough”? Challenge these beliefs. Are they helpful or harmful? Are they holding you back or pushing you forward? That is all you need to know.

The truth is, starting before you feel “healed enough” can be the most healing thing you do! It’s about changing states and taking bold steps, following Neville Goddard’s approach. You’re already enough to begin today.


  • Belief that you need to be completely healed to pursue desires is a common myth.
  • Trauma survivors may feel inadequate, believing they need complete healing before pursuing goals.
  • Feeling “not healed enough” can deter people from pursuing relationships, career goals, or personal aspirations.
  • The belief in being “healed enough” is like thinking you need to be perfectly fit to start working out.
  • Empirically, there’s no defined level of healing needed to pursue desires or take action.
  • “Healed enough” implies a specific way of being, discouraging other valid paths.
  • It suggests there’s an endpoint to healing, after which good and fulfilling things become possible.
  • Starting before feeling “healed enough” can actually be a healing process in itself.
  • Asking oneself critical questions about desires, beliefs, and possible outcomes is crucial to move forward.
  • Emulating those who’ve “started before they were ready” and had positive outcomes can provide motivation to take bold steps.

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Does “Self-Concept” Make You Happy? LOA

The comparison between self-concept and Bhakti (devotionl love, Krishna Radha as an example) in terms of which makes us happier is a matter of experiencing growth from a childish mind, to a more mature and altruistic mind. Human nature doesn’t stay the same for life, and this shift in our minds usually make a shift towards thinking of others more in our teens, but for some it happens earlier or later.

Self Concept:

Self-concept relates to how we perceive ourselves, our beliefs about our abilities, worth, and roles in life. Having a positive self-concept can contribute to a sense of self-worth, confidence, and overall well-being. When we believe in ourselves and have a positive outlook on our abilities, it can lead to increased happiness and life satisfaction. It is narcisissm in its healthy expression. Imagine an infant, who needs food and dry diapers. It is not altruistic, but neither would you call it selfish. Now imaging a 30 year old acting as an infant, and you can immediately see that this journey towards thinking about others is natural, and should be encouraged.


Bhakti, or devotion, involves a deep sense of love, adoration, and surrender to a higher power, spiritual figure such as a Guru, or the God, Jesus, Krishna, in short; The Divine. For those who find solace, purpose, and joy in devotional practices, Bhakti can provide a profound sense of connection, peace, and fulfillment. This happiness is usually described as “Bliss.”

Has Happiness Eluded You?

Happiness is a complex and multi-dimensional emotion influenced by various factors, including one’s spiritual beliefs, relationships, personal growth, self-esteem, and mental and physical well-being. Some individuals may find happiness and fulfillment through a strong sense of self-concept, self-esteem, andw others may derive it from service to others, or from deep spiritual devotion or a combination of all.

ALL Manifesting is the Same?

I say that manifesting is “all the same”, however, people are not. The manifesting journey needs to be approached from your own perspective, not from a cookie cutter place.

Metaphorically Speaking…

Certainly, the metaphor of the sinking boat and the concept of “heaven” and “hell” provide a valuable perspective on how the way we use our spoken words and intentions can influence our happiness and the well-being of those around us.

In the sinking boat metaphor, when individuals collectively focus on speaking words and intentions that align with goodness, cooperation, and the well-being of all, they work together to plug the holes in the boat and keep it afloat. This collaborative effort leads to the safety and happiness of everyone on board. It illustrates the idea that when we use our words and intentions to benefit others and the collective, it often results in a happier and harmonious environment.

A group of people were sitting in a boat. One person pulled out a hand-drill and proceeded to drill a hole beneath their seat. The fellow passengers screamed at the incredulous sight and asked, “What do you think you’re doing?!”

The hole-driller dismissed the question and responded, “What do you care? Am I not drilling under my seat?”

They replied: “Because you are sinking the boat with us in it!’”

In the metaphor of “heaven,” people feeding each other with long spoons signifies a sense of selflessness and mutual care. When we prioritize the well-being of others and speak words of kindness, compassion, and love, it fosters a harmonious and joyous atmosphere. The act of feeding each other emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals and the idea that by helping others, we, in turn, help ourselves.

Conversely, in the metaphor of “hell,” people struggling to feed themselves with long spoons highlight the self-centered approach. When individuals prioritize their selfish desires, they may find it challenging to reach their own happiness, just as they struggle to feed themselves with long spoons. It implies that a self-centered focus can lead to isolation and discontent.

The allegory can be summarized as follows: In each location, the inhabitants are given access to food, but the utensils are too unwieldy to serve oneself with. In hell, the people cannot cooperate, and consequently starve. In heaven, the diners feed one another across the table and are sated.

In essence, the metaphors suggest that speaking words and intentions that reflect a spirit of cooperation, empathy, and goodwill ( The golden rule, etc) can create an environment of happiness and well-being for all. Selflessness and collective benefit often lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence, while selfishness and self-centeredness can result in dissatisfaction and discord. The choice in how we use our spoken words and intentions plays a significant role in shaping our world and our happiness.

For Law of Assumption purposes the deal is this:

You start where you are. Right here an now. This acceptance allows you to work from a place of truth and authenticity. You see, whatever you are facing right now, whatever youare desiring right now, no matter how it seems to others, is actually your path forward. It is never a path backwards, no matter how it seems.

The idea that there are as many paths to God as there are people emphasizes the individual and diverse nature of life. It acknowledges that each person’s journey towards understanding or connecting with the divine is unique and personal. The phrase also suggests that the path to God is an internal one. This inner exploration and understanding of one’s beliefs, values, creates our reality, INCLUDING our relationship with God

Neville Goddard:

Now we turn to the story. It’s an old man, a hundred years old, and a wife ninety years old; and it is said “it had ceased to be with her after the manner of women.” In other words, it would be impossible for her to have a child. And the promise was made that she would have a child, and that child would be “your heir, and you will call him Isaac, which means he laughs.” Abraham had, from a slave, a son called Ishmael. It was said of him that his hand was against every man, and every man’s hand was against him.

This same story repeats itself all the way through. It begins with Abraham, and then the two – Ishmael who came first and then Isaac. Isaac was the promise. Then the grandchildren: Esau and Jacob, and God said, “Jacob I love; Esau I have hated” – the same pattern following all through Scripture coming into the New Testament. And in man it erupted – the story.

Now we find a wonderful story in the book of John, the 3rd chapter of John. It is not repeated in the Bible, it is only in John. It is not mentioned in Matthew, Mark, or Luke – where a member of the Sanhedrin – a Pharisee by the name of Nicodemus – a member of the Sanhedrin is the highest body of a religious order. And Israel was a theocracy, it was ruled by the Rabbis, and here was the highest of the Rabbis. He identified something from what he knew of his own scripture, but couldn’t quite put the pieces together. So, he sought Jesus “in the night,” we are told. He came during the night, seemingly in a furtive manner – not to be identified or recognized by other members of the Sanhedrin.

He addressed him as Rabbi, whence the fact that the man knows what others seemingly are not aware of. The conversation takes place in this manner: He said, “I know that you are one that is sent, for no one who is not sent by God could do the things that you do,” and then a sudden break takes place in the conversation, and Jesus said to him:

“Unless one is born from above, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” Nicodemus answered, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”

And Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say unto you, unless one is born from above, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I have said unto you that you must be born from above, for I tell you that the wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell whence it comes nor whither it goes. So is everyone who is born of the spirit.”

Nicodemus answered, “How can this be?”

And then Jesus answered him and said, “Are you a teacher of Israel and you do not understand this? I tell you – I tell you what I know, and I bear witness to what I have seen, but you do not receive my testimony.”

That is the story in essence. Man was looking for it to take place, as Nicodemus did, as all births take place, never having heard of an entirely different kind of a birth. Here, that which is born of the flesh is flesh; that which is born of the spirit is spirit; but he never heard before that Isaac represented that which is born of the spirit.

-Neville Goddard

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Manifesting: Beyond “I Am God of My Reality'”

Manifesting: Beyond “I Am God of My Reality'”

Manifesting and the belief of being the “God of our reality” often stir discussions about the true nature of our connection with the divine. Some believe they are the sole creators of their reality, while others perceive themselves as sparks of the divine essence. The crux lies in experiencing the presence of God, or merely reading something.

Conveying the certain concepts, especially the concept of devotion, particularly the depth of love it entails, can pose a significant challenge to students of the Law of Assumption or anyone from a Western cultural background. Devotion represents a complete and profound love that is a crucial aspect of religion, spirituality, and manifesting miracles. However, it’s a topic that often finds resistance or avoidance, especially within the realm of the Law of Attraction (LOA), where discussions about devotion are relatively scarce or overlooked.

During the years that I worked in addiction medicine and detox, I came to understand that each and every person has an internalized concept of God already. This is their lifeline, their path to salvation, to recovery and strenght. We call it “God of your understanding”. What Law of Assumption coaches often seem to be lacking is first of all, any undertsanding at all, and secondly, any kind of respect for the individual that they are working with. The shallow approach that I am talking about “God of my reality” can mean different things to different people. For some, it just means megalomania, and nothing else, and for others, it means that we all have our own connection to God. What does it mean for Neville Goddard? What does it mean forthe Sufi, or for the Bhakta? For you?

“I and my Father are one, but my Father is greater than I. “My awareness and that which I AM Aware of being are one, but I AM greater than that which I AM aware of being. The conceiver will ever be greater than his conception. The Father (Consciousness) is greater than his SON (conception of himself).

Now your eyes are opened. Your Father, God Almighty, has been revealed to you as your awareness of being.

Neville Goddard

Truth 1: You Are a Spark of God (Awareness of being)

“God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

Romans 5:5 

You are intimately connected to God, an unbreakable bond that goes beyond your ego and thoughts. While some believe they are the ultimate creators of their reality, the truth is that you are also a spark of the divine. Recognizing this connection is the key to experiencing something much greater than the confines of our limited understanding. There are many Bible verses discussing the heart because it is clear that the condition of your heart is critical in your walk with the The Divine. Memorize these important verses, and they will always available to you when you doubt!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

Proverbs 3.5

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4.23

My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways,

Proverbs 23.26

Can you feel the love?… Seek it…try to taste it…become curious…. Love is a vehicle, and devotion and love of God is the vehicle that you travel in to merge into oneness.

How many coaches do you hear talk about the Biblical verses that challenge their limited megalomania version of “God of my reality”? Cherry picking the Biblke is something that cult leaders do. Let’s not be cult leaders. Instead, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 5.10

Realize YOU do in fact have direct access to the divine, but have you called on it? Did you ask for the divinity in you to lead the way? Or are you busy with vain repetitions?

Istead of reacting with repulsion at the idea of God, or the mention of God, imagine God and you in an intimate conversation, close your eyes in a prayer, and imagine as if laying face to face with a lover speaking intimate confessions and allow for love to fill your heart. Why do you have to beat it into youself that “there is no outer God”, it makes no difference, the only thing that will make a difference truly and fundamentally in YOUR life is YOUR experience. Give yourself this gift. Your life WILL transform, and you will never think of spouting nonsens that you read in a book or in a community group again. NOTHING trumps expereince. Nothing.

Truth 2: God Can Do Anything, but can you?

God’s power transcends our imagination. From stopping a bullet midair to speaking through your voice, God’s abilities are beyond comprehension. Neville Goddard tought from the Kabbalah, and LOA teachings barely scratch the surface of these extraordinary teachings. In addition, Neville Goddard used the New Testament, to make our transformation complete. Embracing this belief is essential, for God’s potential is not limited to OUR imagination, it actually goes BEYOND our imagination. WAY beyond. You won’t grasp this by ignorantly sticking to “I am God of My relaity”. Your material manifestations or reunions with exes is a bleak comparison to what the teachings REALLY offer. Can you go there? Understand that miracles can unfold, leaving no doubt of divine intervention. You can not EVEN imagine all the greatness, open yourself up to this.

If you seek to comprehend the essence of the Law and Promise by Neville Goddard, consider putting aside your ego and negative thoughts. Seek instead for a firsthand experience of the divine pouring into your heart. Discover “the promise” .

To those who’ve never encountered God intimately, who haven’t witnessed miracles firsthand, refrain from defining God based on limited beliefs. Your version of God may be confined to material desires, but the true understanding of God’s magnitude goes beyond our comprehension.

Anything is possible when you believe in the infinite power of God. Anything. But have you asked for the divine to take the lead? Or are you busy with vain repetitions?

Truth 3: Biblical Interpretations and the LOA

Law of Assumption coaches LOVE to do what some pastors also do, that is to cherry-pick verses from the Bible and SUT DOWN doubers with the guilt and shame game. The Bible is a complex and rich text, and cherry-picking verses to align with personal beliefs oversimplifies its profound teachings. Just beacuse they haven’t taken time to learn more, they oversimplify, and thus, they lose the magic. The mystical and the divine. This is called; “The blind leading the blind”. Cherry picking is what cults do, let’s not be a cult. There is ALWAYS more to learn. Open yourself up for expansion, for going beyond the mind.

Manifestation and the Law of Assumption stuck in second gear:

When we discover Law Of Assumption, our journey often begins with empowerment, excitement and wonder, but without a clear understanding of the underlying truths, so seekers can find themselves lost. Following are the essential truths that often remain overlooked, even after a significant amou t of learning and practicing.

Truth 1: LOA Coaches: Bridging the Gap Between Claim and Capability

Manifestation, an art of shaping reality through belief and intention, requires both expertise and experience. Of course, many LOA coaches lack comprehensive training because there IS no training for Law of Assumption coaching. This is why many lack the readiness for the task they undertake. Manifestation is as complex as the individual seeking help. LOA is always the saeme, but humans are not. Working with people demands an understanding of human psychology, belief systems, and spirituality. Without a solid foundation in ANY type of coaching or counseling, many coaches may inadvertently misguide seekers, unable to effectively navigate them through their manifestation journeys. I have seen some their clients in practice, and the outcome is sometimes dangerous. Golda Meir said:

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.

Golda Meir

But there are times when in your desperation you DON’T trust yourself, when you need someone to steer you away from your your fears, away from desparate delusions, and those are the times that people reach out for coaching. Trust then, and surrender, to the divine in you guiding you to the right coach, teacher, counselor or whatever you may need. Try to trust your gut.

Truth 2: Delusions in LOA: Recognizing Reality Beyond Assumptions

Delusions within the LOA coaching-community can affect how individuals perceive life, their clients, and even themselves. The notion of being the “God of one’s reality” sometimes leads to an overestimation of personal power and understanding and a disconnect between ones own heart and the people you are supposed to love.. It’s vital to recognize the boundaries of human capabilities and acknowledge that life is complex, relationships are a source of growth and expansion, and this is where all the love is. Clients may face challenges that extend beyond “getting”.


If you do nothing but focus on your desires, day after day after day. Your affirmations. Your imaginal scenes. Your FIR (feel it real), and you never once make an effort to find your self, your divinity, your peace, your zen, your hearts connection to God. If you NEVER try to find a place where your mental chatter ceases and the walls of your ego come crumling down, you are guilty of VAIN REPETITIONS. This behavior, is exactly what Neville Goddard warns agains. There IS a space of utter love and peace, and it is within you, it is within reach, now, today and always.

“You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has decreed himself to be.”

-Neville Goddard

Let me explain what “vain repetitions REALLY mean, because SOME coaches belive that it mean sthat you should not do affirmations. This WRONG. This is what it means:

If there is a fear that is interfering with an individuals life, and instead of SEEKING FIRST FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD, meaning, instead of seeking for your divine center, your hearts connection to God, your ego is TERRIFIED, and every manifestation method that you use is actually making THE FEAR become stronger and more destructive.

Any fear that is hard-wired in the body, (read The Body Keeps The Score) has been there for the most part of that person’s life, and THEY DON’T KNOW THAT. But as a coach, you should be able to see this..

Can you successfully use affirmations? Yes. It is NOT what vain repetitions mean:

“Can man decree a thing and have it come to pass? Most decidedly he can! Man has always decreed that which has appeared in his world and is today decreeing that which is appearing in his world and shall continue to do so as long as man is conscious of being man. Not one thing has ever appeared in man’s world but what man decreed that it should. This you may deny, but try as you will you cannot disprove it, for this decreeing is based upon a changeless principle.”

Neville Goddard

“Now the fun of that is that when you end up, the beautiful game of realization, is that the playmate turns out to be real and you turn out to be imaginary.”

Ram Dass (On awakening)

Don’t end up a manifester, just be. Don’t sell yourself short. Gice yourself the fullness of what your life has to offer.

Bhakti, known as the path of devotion, illustrates profound love and connection, akin to the relationships of Krishna and Radha, Mary and Jesus, or Hanuman and Ram. These bonds, whether of lovers, mother and son, friends, devotee and guru, or servant and master, serve as gateways to awakening and enlightenment. Each form of love presents a unique path, with love being at its core. When this love manifests consciously, we recognize it as a soulmate connection—a deep, soulful marriage.

However, Bhakti, or devotional love, is often absent in the teachings of the Law of Assumption, which primarily focuses on material acquisition. Yet, true spiritual growth transcends mere acquisition—it embodies love and devotion. The commandment “Thou shalt not have any idols” urges us to directly embrace love in all its forms, reminding us that the form is simply a guise—God in disguise.

“Love covers all transgressions” conveys the idea that love has the power to forgive and overlook faults or wrongdoings. When love is present in a relationship or situation, it can bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring understanding and compassion, ultimately fostering harmony and resolution despite any shortcomings or mistakes. This can not be understood by LOA and “God of my own reality”, this love requires another. A bhakti knows this and savors the dual love, just like one savors love making. The aquisition of enlightenment can wait, the savoring is so enjoyable.

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What is The Law of Assumption?

Understanding the Law of Assumption

The Law of Assumption revolves around manifesting desires by assuming you already possess them. It advocates creating your reality by feeling as if your wishes have already come true. This internal shift influences your external reality, demonstrating the power of assumption. Nothing could be easier than this method.

Effortless Assumption: Embodying Your Desires

The beauty of the Law of Assumption lies in its ability to effortlessly attract your desires. Rather than chasing what you want, assuming the feeling that your desire is already realized allows the universe to smoothly manifest it in your life. Embrace this approach to welcome your desired reality with ease.

The Law of Assumption: Akin to Method Acting

Much like Method Acting used by performers to portray characters authentically, the Law of Assumption requires immersing yourself in the feeling of your desire’s reality. Just as an actor fully embodies a character, assume the state of mind and emotions of your desire, believing it’s already a part of your reality. This approach bridges imagination and belief to manifest your desires.

Origin and Foundation of the Law of Assumption

The teachings of Neville Lancelot Goddard, an American philosopher, form the bedrock of the Law of Assumption. Goddard emphasized the influence of ssumptions and imagination on shaping our reality. Central to his teachings is the subconscious mind’s role in manifesting desires, emphasizing that assuming the feeling of having our desires already impresses the subconscious mind, paving the way for their physical manifestation. The subconsious mind is constantly causeing assumptions, hence the name: The Law of Assumption.

Understanding the Distinction Between the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction

The Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction are both methods meant for manifesting desires and shaping our lives, are often discussed together. They are not the same. Although they share common ground, they differ in fundamental ways.

The Law of Attraction: Magnetizing Desires Through Thoughts and Emotions

The Law of Attraction centers on the belief that our thoughts and emotions possess a magnetic force, attracting corresponding experiences into our lives. Positivity is a core principle of the law of attra ction, as is “vibration”.

The Law of Assumption: Embodying Desired Reality Through Belief and Action

In contrast, the Law of Assumption extends this principle further. It proposes that assuming we already possess exactly what we desire empowers us to create our reality. This means that there is nothing to attract, because you have it. And just like when you actually DO have that thing, you have good days and bad days, you can skip the positivity and the vibration too! Rather than vibrations and attracting, your work is to imagining and feel the reality you wish to bring forth .

Be Bleesed! Here are 10 affirmations just because:

  • I am capable of manifesting the life of my dreams.
  • My imagination is a powerful tool for creating my reality.
  • I trust in the power of the Law of Assumption to bring my desires to life.
  • I am worthy of all the good things in life.
  • I attract positive experiences into my life with ease.
  • I am filled with joy and abundance.
  • I release all negative thoughts and beliefs that do not serve me.
  • I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.
  • I am constantly expanding and growing in all areas of my life.
  • My thoughts and emotions create my reality.

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Revision: Neville Goddard’s Approach

Revision: Neville Goddard’s Approach

Neville Goddard’s technique of revision offers a practical way to reframe, forgive, forget or heal past events and promote a new vision for ourselves. Envision and imagine, a different starting point, by revision.

A Trauma Healing Revision Meditation

A Practical Overview

Revision allows us to revisit past events and modify them to match our desired outcomes. It’s about choosing the emotional and mental responses we want to carry forward, similar to editing a story to have a happier ending.

“If, for instance, you had gone to an interview for a job you truly wanted but later learned that someone else was hired, you can revise that news to make it conform to what you wish you had heard.”

– Neville Goddard

How to Use Revision

  1. Identify a Situation: NOTICE what you are imagining / thinking. Either about a past event or something that is happing right now, that has left you with negative feelings.
  2. Relive / Revise the Event: Take a moment to name and distance yourself from the thoughts and feelings, and mentally revisit the event, but as an observer. Push the event or thoughts away (imagine them pushed away from you)
  3. Rewrite the Script: Picture the event unfolding in a way that aligns perfectly with your desires. See and feel the joy, success, or positive emotions , give vivid colors, and bring this close to you (See it come towards you). Identify with this.
  4. Embed the New Memory: Practice this revised version more than once, run it through a few times in your mind. Allow the positive emotions associated with the new version to become a part of you.

Practical Example

Let’s say you had a job interview that didn’t go well, leaving you feeling discouraged. With revision, you can replay the interview in your mind, but this time, visualize confidently answering each question. Picture the interviewers impressed with your responses, and feel the confidence within you growing. (A typical Neville example, career and promotions were some of his most comon stories, but you can apply it towards anything you like)

Why would you EVEN bother with this?

By embracing revision, we take charge of your narrative, otherwise your limbic systems survival brain leads your narrative without your consent.

“If you react by feeling depressed or assume any other negative attitude, you will then experience the same type of rejection in the future.” 

-Neville Goddard

We revise our past (or present) to create a new neural pathway, and to reinforce the frontal lobe connetion to our CHOSEN narratives.

When we engage in revision, we’re not altering the actual events of the past, but rather transforming our interpretation and emotional response to those events. You change your REACTION to the past. This, in turn, affects how we perceive and act in the present moment, which is the appointed hour. Now is where we have the power to shape our thoughts, emotions, and our reality.

What should you expect from your revision?

 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”

– Galatians

If it is not a changed past, then what should you expect? There is a saying, “The proof is in the pudding”, or as it is phrased in the Bible: “By their fruits shall you know them”:

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits:

 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.  You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?  Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Matthew 7:15-20

In our case, it is our thoughts that are “the fasle prohpets“, the thoughts come to us, appearing as truth. The fruits of those thoughts are the fruits of fear, victimhood, anger or insecurity etc. So know that your revision is complete when your thoughts become those of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Imagine that the negativity was cut down and thrown into the fire, and can no longer produce its bad fruit, the fruits of fear, victimhood, anger or insecurity. With this tree cut down, your tree of good fruit grows, and develops. This opens your eyes to goodnes, opportunities, strenghts and joy.


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