A response to the question: “Is Law Of Assumption ONLY for Christians”?

The question regarding the Law of Assumption in the context of different religious beliefs. It’s a great question that touches upon the intersection of spirituality, faith, and personal growth. The question: -“Can Only Christians use the Law of Assumption”?

My Answer is as follows:

First off, this “LAW” of assumption is just based on psychology, it is not a “LAW” the way that gravity is a universal law, rather it is a theory: “We assume ourselves to be someone and thus we become”. It is also not a religion, but rather, psychology. Mind over matter you might say. Law of Assumption is not a religion, it is a mindset theory. Everyone supposedly always assumes SOMETHING whether aware or unaware.

While I appreciate this question, I believe it’s important to approach such matters with respect for the diverse beliefs and traditions that people hold. This specific question though, is from a Muslim individual, and it would best be asked of their own authority, such as an Imam. I can not answer this question for them.

The Law of Assumption, as elucidated by Neville Goddard, primarily draws upon Christian scripture, the Old and New Testaments.

However, interpretations and applications of universal principles like assumptions transcends specific religious affiliations. you could say that any universal law is inadvertently practiced by everyone anyway, wither we are aware or unaware.

In the case of this question, his query was about whether only Christians can utilize the Law of Assumption, it’s understandable that they might wonder this, but they might instead want to seek clarification from their own religious authorities, since Neville uses Biblical quotes and narratives, and this might be a problem. If it is, I do not know, so ask the right person. This is not possible for me to answer, so seek answers from your own sources, regardless of religious affiliation.

That being said, it’s essential to recognize that the wisdom contained in these sacred texts, whether it’s the Torah, or the Bible, or others, carries profound messages that can resonate with people from diverse backgrounds. You can certainly read the Bible regardless of background. Of course you can. You can read the Bhagavad Gita from any background as well. Of course you can. We can learn from each other, this way we understand each other better, that is my own perspective.

The invitation to engage with these texts and draw inspiration from them is indeed open to all who seek spiritual growth and understanding. They serve as guides for navigating life and also, for deepening our connection with God.

Furthermore, the principles espoused in these texts transcend religious boundaries and speak to universal truths about the human experience and our relationship with God.

Concepts like faith, manifestation, and personal transformation are not exclusive to any particular faith but rather speak to fundamental aspects of our shared humanity.

So while the concepts of Law of Assumption as expressed by Neville Goddard, has its roots in Christian scripture, its underlying principles of faith and manifestation are universal and can be appreciated and applied by individuals of various backgrounds. At the end of the day, EVERYONE is assuming themselves to be something….

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