The Law of Assumption: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Law of Assumption: Using The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (What the Vagus Nerve!)

The Interaction of Conscious and Subconscious Mind

The conscious and subconscious minds play a vital role in shaping our experiences and realities. Judge Troward’s beautiful analogy highlights how these two aspects of our mind are intertwined. The cerebro-spinal system, centered in the brain, is the seat of our conscious mind, while the sympathetic system, located in the Solar Plexus, serves as the organ of our subconscious mind. Together, they form the channel through which our thoughts and perceptions impact our physical and emotional well-being.

The Sympathetic System and the Solar Plexus

Often referred to as the “sun of the body,” the Solar Plexus is a crucial center for distributing the energy generated by our body. Our mental actions, especially those that unconsciously support vital bodily functions, find their channel through the sympathetic system. Understanding the significance of the Solar Plexus allows us to tap into the immense power it holds over our physical and emotional health.

The Vagus Nerve: Bridging the Two Systems

The vagus nerve serves as a vital bridge connecting the conscious and subconscious realms. As it passes from the cerebral region to the thorax and further into the diaphragm, it merges with the sympathetic system. This connection reinforces the idea of man being a single entity, both physically and mentally.

The Power of Thought: From Conscious to Subconscious

Every thought that enters our conscious mind is subjected to our power of reasoning. Once our objective mind verifies the thought’s truth, it is then sent to the Solar Plexus, the brain of our subconscious mind. There, thoughts are transformed into reality, becoming impervious to any counter-arguments. Our subconscious mind doesn’t engage in debates; instead, it acts and accepts the conclusions set by our conscious mind.

The Solar Plexus: The Sun of Your Body

Visualizing the Solar Plexus as the sun of our body helps us grasp its significance better. It radiates energy throughout our entire being, enveloping us in an atmosphere of life force. When this radiation is strong, we become magnetic, exuding personal magnetism that influences those around us positively.

Personal Magnetism and Energy Radiance

When the Solar Plexus is in active operation and radiates life, energy, and vitality to every part of our body and everyone we encounter, it generates pleasant sensations. People are drawn to our presence, finding comfort and peace in our company.

Active Solar Plexus, Active Well-Being

However, any interruption in this energy radiation leads to unpleasant sensations, hindering the flow of life force to various parts of the body. This interruption can manifest as physical, mental, or environmental ailments, emphasizing the importance of keeping the Solar Plexus active and vibrant.

Understanding the Impact of Interruptions

Physical conditions may arise when the sun of our body fails to generate sufficient energy for a particular part. Mental and emotional well-being are also tied to the vitality provided by the subconscious mind to support conscious thoughts. Moreover, interruptions can disturb the connection between the subconscious and Universal mind.

Physical, Mental, and Environmental Effects

The Solar Plexus serves as the point where the individual meets the Universal, the finite converges with the Infinite, and the Invisible transforms into the visible. This limitless reservoir of life force allows us to generate boundless energy, intelligence, and creativity from within.

The Solar Plexus: Where the Infinite Meets the Finite

The Solar Plexus holds an omnipotent position as it connects with all life and intelligence. By directing our conscious mind, we can determine the outcomes we desire, and our subconscious mind will carry out these plans with unwavering commitment.

Conscious Thought: Mastering Your Solar Center

The conscious mind acts as the master of the Solar Plexus, controlling the quality of thoughts that it radiates. Positive, courageous, and confident thoughts produce a corresponding state, allowing us to make use of our personal sun to its fullest potential.

Let Your Light Shine: Transmuting Conditions into Success

By allowing our light to shine brightly, we can transmute undesirable conditions into sources of pleasure and profit. Embracing the Law of Assumption empowers us to radiate positive energy and attract abundance and prosperity into our lives.

The Role of Non-Resistant Thought

Non-resistant thoughts expand the Solar Plexus, promoting mental peace and clarity. Conversely, resistant thoughts contract it, causing mental unrest, anxiety, and worry. Cultivating thoughts of courage, power, and hope amplifies our inner radiance.

Fear: The Enemy to Be Destroyed

Fear emerges as the primary impediment to letting our light shine. It clouds our judgment, making us fearful of the past, present, and future, and hinders our potential for growth and success.

Embracing Your Oneness with Infinite Power

Overcoming fear and embracing our oneness with the Infinite power empowers us to shine our light brightly. This newfound connection with Universal strength dispels all gloom and brings forth boundless power, energy, and life.

When You Are One with Infinite Power

Realizing our oneness with Infinite power allows us to consciously overcome adversities through the sheer power of thought. Fear loses its grip, and we unlock our true birthright.

Attitude of Mind: Shaping Your Experiences

Our attitude towards life shapes the experiences we encounter. Expecting nothing leads to receiving nothing, while expecting great things leads to abundant rewards. Asserting ourselves and believing in our ideas help us navigate harsh critiques and bring our visions to fruition.

Overcoming Criticism with Inner Power

A person who acknowledges their Solar Plexus and radiates courage, confidence, and power has no fear of criticism or judgment. They are too preoccupied with their inner energy to be deterred by external negativity.

Radiate Health, Strength, and Harmony

Realizing our ability to consciously radiate health, strength, and harmony connects us with Infinite Strength. This knowledge fosters fearlessness and empowers us to navigate life’s challenges with grace.

The Practical Application of Infinite Strength

Putting the Law of Assumption into practical application solidifies our understanding of this principle. Through practice and exercises, we become adept at harnessing the power of our subconscious mind.

Impressing the Subconscious Mind

Mentally concentrating on our desires impresses our subconscious mind, initiating the process of transformation. This simple yet powerful technique sets causes in motion to bring about the results we seek.

Extraordinary Results, Miracles

As we impress our subconscious mind with our desires, we witness extraordinary results that seem nothing short of miraculous. Explore the miracles that transpire when our conscious thoughts align with the limitless potential of the subconscious.

Converting Desire, Faith, and Confidence into Reality:

Discover the key to converting desire, faith, and confidence into tangible reality. Observe how great inventors, financiers, and statesmen have harnessed this force for transformative creations.

The Unlimited Creative Power of the Subconscious:

Unlock the truth of the subconscious mind’s limitless creative power. Grasp the boundless potential that defies all limitations and creates new pathways to success.

Conscious Mind in Control of the Universal Mind:

Realize the pivotal role of your conscious mind as the controller of the Universal Mind. Learn to direct your thoughts to unlock the vast reservoir of creative energy within you.


Allowing Causes to Set in Motion: The concept of recognition, where you allow the causes to set in motion the effects you desire. Understand how this simple act of recognition brings your dreams closer to reality.

The Value of Physical Relaxation:

Appreciate the significance of physical relaxation in achieving mental clarity and inner peace. Learn how to relax your body to foster a free flow of energy.

Removing Tension for Mental Freedom:

Break free from mental unrest and stress by consciously removing tension. Witness the transformative effects of a calm and relaxed state of mind.

Thorough Relaxation for Inner Peace:

Explore the art of thorough relaxation, allowing your body and mind to find peace and tranquility. Experience the profound benefits of aligning with your inner self.

The Necessity of Relaxation for Mental Clarity:

Understand the necessity of relaxation in achieving mental clarity and focus. Experience the profound impact of a relaxed state on your thought processes.

Empowering the Solar Plexus for Transformation:

Empower your Solar Plexus for transformative change in your life. Tap into its role in finding and using your hidden potential and tapping into your divine power.

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