The Path of Grace: Karma, Imagination, and the Law of Assumption

The Path of Grace: Karma, Imagination, and the Law of Assumption

The concept of Karma, in relation to the Law of Assumption, is often misunderstood. While the Law of Assumption is a smaller part of broader spiritual-scientific teachings, Karma falls under the umbrella of personal growth and spiritual liberation. For manifesters who feel controlled by Karma, there is a path to follow, which involves tapping into God’s grace or the concept of Kripa, particularly for those who follow Hinduism, where it represents an undeserved blessing.

To navigate this path, manifesters should first explore their personal experience of God. Whether they perceive God as an inner presence or a conceptual idea, there are no right or wrong answers. The important aspect is to seek this understanding within oneself, which can evolve and change over time. In the Law of Assumption, popularized by Neville Goddard, the notion is that God is synonymous with imagination.

However, the word “imagination” can have different meanings for different people. Some view imagination as simply the mind, while others associate it with creativity or pure fantasy. To gain a deeper understanding of imagination as God, we can turn to Taoism and the concept of the Hun. The Hun represents a facet of the mind that can detach itself from the body and experience freedom. It encompasses inspiration, creative thought, dreaming, and even astral projection. By utilizing symbolism and visions, the Hun taps into the subconscious mind, transcending rational and cognitive thinking. It is free.

When the Hun-imagination is unhealthy, it may lead to dissociation, triggered flashbacks, or uncontrolled mood swings as seen in bipolar disorder. Conversely, when it is healthy, it can align with the conscious mind’s desires. It is important to note that the Hun remains constant and unchanging; it is the rest of the body-mind that can be either healthy or sick. The Hun flourishes when it has a secure body and heart as an anchor. Without this safe anchor, it disconnects from the body, resulting in unhealthy symptoms. Keeping a healthy open heart with healthy boundaries becomes extra important when you think of it in this context. If your walls are up, or you constantly let yourself be violated your heart will be injured and in turn, your imagination will be affected.

So, what does all this have to do with Karma? It is everything. By consistently imagining positive outcomes and the best possible scenarios in every situation, one manifests a life free from the constraints of Karma. This assumption is grounded in the belief that GRACE is always at work, even if not explicitly articulated in one’s mind. By living with the assumption that only good can come, grace unfolds as if delivered by mail. Manifesters who maintain purity of heart and see good in everyone and everything attract this grace into their lives.

In summary, Karma and the Law of Assumption are intertwined within the broader context of personal growth and spiritual liberation. By tapping into God’s grace, understanding imagination as a powerful tool, and maintaining a pure heart, one can manifest a karma-free life and experience the constant presence of goodness.

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