Law Versus Promise? Circumstantially motivated?

Law Versus Promise? Circumstantially motivated?

These following statements convey a shared theme regarding the resilience of the soul or consciousness.

The Bhagavad Gita verse emphasizes the soul’s indestructibility against external elements. The biblical passage in Romans contrasts attaining righteousness through faith versus works, suggesting that true fulfillment comes from faith or an inner connection rather than external practices.

Both highlight the significance of faith over external actions in spiritual attainment.

“Neither weapons can shred the soul, nor fire burn it. Water cannot wet it, nor wind dry it.”

The sentence from the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by Lord Krishna, aligns with another concept:

“Consciousness is never traumatized by trauma.”

The soul (consciousness) or God is eternally the same, it does not matter what your circumstances are.

Circumstances DON’T matter.

“What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. As it is written:”

“See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame”

This passage is from the book of Romans in the New Testament of the Bible, explaining that Gentiles, though not originally seeking righteousness, attained it through faith. However, the people of Israel, who sought righteousness through the law, did not achieve it because they pursued it through works and stumbled over the stumbling stone. The text speaks of a stone in Zion that causes people to stumble, yet those who believe in it will never be ashamed.

The take away here is that although you can do the works, and practice the law, but no matter how much work you do of your own accord, it is not until you give up doesrship to God that the works is done for you. Faith delivers. Every time.

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Stop Manifesting So Desperatly!

Manifesting insecurely?

WHat should you do? Affirmations? Imaginal scnes?


STOP being insecure and remember that YOU are manifesing YOU first, not them. If you see this from a religious standpoint you are currently “having another God beside God.” You have to remember what comes fist when you manifest.

Desparate for an sp?

To me, this is an addiction.

People manifesting their sp is always coming to me desperate, in the same eneergetic state as someone at an addiction detox. We used to call this “JONESING”….Look it up… ALL clients who need helo with an sp are JONESING for the sp… You have to stopt this, it manifests exactly like a repellant. Read my post on repelling energy. NOW, Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and tell yourself that NO MORE are you going to be an addict.

Who DO YOU Say You Are?

what is attractive about you?

NOT that you think that you suck or that you are ugly, or fat or a looser and someone else is better than you. Stop manifeting your sp from your current desparate state and instead focus on these things:

1. Stop Manifesting Them; Start Being Comfortable in Your Skin

The focus should shift from desperately manifesting a specific person to becoming completely comfortable in your own skin. LEARN about self-acceptance and self-confidence is the cornerstone of a healthy manifestation process. This is about you after all.

2. Make Others Feel Good, Not Just Your SP

The key to attractiveness isn’t fixating exclusively on your desperate obsession, but extending kindness and making others feel good. This shift of focus from self-centeredness to genuine care for others holds an incredible attraction. It also takes your mind off your selfishness, and selfishness and a fragile ego not only makes you repelling, it makes you MISERABLY UNHAPPY!

3. Know Your Worth; Don’t Seek Constant Validation

Stop relying on external validation to affirm your self-worth. Understand your inherent value and worth, freeing yourself from the constant need for someone else to affirm your importance. I know you are desperate for text messages. If you don’t knwo your worth you are stuck in a loop where your dopamine hits come fro YOUR SP SENDING A TEXT MESSAGE. This is not sustainable. Let me be your psychic for a moment, and tell you your future of misery: You end up with a cheater who is desperate for ATTENTION from instagram or whatever newfangled places exist for desparate people. Whatever the “bar” or “pub” is nowadays. It is the same. YOUR constant validation-desperation will manifest itesef in your sp, and they will seek attention from anyone BUT you. GET this.

4. Enjoy Your Life; Have Fun and Discover Yourself

Manifesting can feel overly serious; like it’s a JOB. This is repelling, it is the OPPOSITE of receiving. Go ahead and discover your sense of humour, the manifesting sp clients are VERY serious. Have more fun! The manifestation won’t break if you stop thinking about it for a second and laugh a little…

5. .Have more courage to be vulnerable!

Recognize that manifesting your authentic self involves embracing vulnerability. It’s not about acting like “you don’t want your SP” but understanding your life’s truth. YESit is okay that you are a flawed human, it what makes you approacheable and trustworty.

Imahine if you were manifesting a new car AS INSECURELY as you are manifesting an sp! Can you see how ridicuolous that would be? YOU have to be the main course of your manifestation NOT the car.

Not the sp.


Reflection Questions:

What should you do if you are desperate?

Why is it important that you manifest YOURSELF first?

How does the desparation manifest repelling instead of receiving?

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The FALSE Teachings of Neville Goddard

Why Understanding Who Jesus Is Matters

Welcome to a blogpost, where we are about to embark on a journey to unveil one of the most significant revelations known to humanity. This revelation lies at the heart of the Christian faith, drawing from the texts of the Bible. So, before we dive into the depths of this life-altering truth, it’s essential that we reflect on a pivotal question: Why is it crucial to understand who Jesus is according to the scriptures if all you want is the Law Of Assumption?

In this discussion, we’ll explore the dynamics of how some LOA coaches cherry-pick and reinterpret the Bible, drawing from Neville Goddard’s teachings, manipulating the content of the Bible, encompassing the Old and New Testaments. This blog unambiguously supports the notion that Jesus was a genuine, historical figure who existed as both fully human and fully divine concurrently.

Furthermore, it emphasizes the eternal nature of Jesus’ existence. This perspective is firmly grounded in the Bible, which serves as the primary source for Neville Goddard. Here we go.

The Bible’s Text:

New Testament:

Manuscript copying was a meticulous process, ensuring remarkable accuracy. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating back over 1,000 years before later copies, showcased the consistency of this process. Textual criticism reveals that we know with certainty about 99.5 percent of the original Bible content in its original languages. The remaining 0.5 percent pertains to minor details, with no impact on fundamental Christian beliefs in Jesus as the son of God..

Old Testament:

Science has at one point disproved the factual accuracy of the Jewish scriptures, and thus, the stories contained in them have been largely ignored. This is true of the story of Adam and Eve for example. However, A scripture expert contends that archaeological evidence supports the historical reliability of the Bible’s accounts of Abraham. Despite debates over whether Abraham was a historical or literary figure, these discoveries are seen as corroborating the Bible’s historical accuracy regarding him. The expert’s argument rests on the belief that the archaeological findings provide evidence in favor of the Bible’s portrayal of Abraham as a Bronze Age nomad who played a key role in the birth of Israel and is considered a patriarch of the Jewish nation.

The False statements

Some Law of Attraction/Assumption coaches have been eager to claim that science disproves the Bible. However evidence is emerging to support the historical accuracy of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). This challenges the notion that science automatically contradicts the Bible.

Archaeological discoveries have provided evidence supporting the historical reliability of the Bible, particularly in regard to the genealogy of Abraham. These findings include inscriptions of places named after Abraham’s ancestors, as mentioned in the Bible.

The Allure of LOA and Coaches

LOA, like many spiritual paths, has the power to captivate and inspire individuals looking for change, hope, and transformation. It promises ease and guaranteed results, attracting those who desire a quick solution to life’s challenges. Many coaches offer guidance on manifesting desires and improving one’s life. It is a new religion. However, we must examine the motivations behind these pursuits and whether they lead to genuine transformation.

Spiritual Scamming

I shed light on the concerning trend of what could be described as “spiritual scamming..” While many LOA coaches genuinely aim to help, there is a growing number who may prioritize financial gain over authentic guidance. We discuss the importance of discernment and seeking ethical, credible sources.

Neville Goddard and the Bible

Neville Goddard asserts that the Bible lacks historical accuracy, but evidence suggests otherwise.

Despite his frequent integration of biblical references in his teachings, many in the “manifestation” community are reluctant to discuss the Bible. The mere mention of God tends to stir debate among Law of Assumption enthusiasts.

The TRUE Teachings Of Neville Goddard

I know, I talk about Neville Goddard all the time, why am I making this post?

The truth or lack of truth of Jesus’s identity, his references to God, and the Biblical portrayal of God’s identity, has no bearing on Neville Goddard’s “Law Of Assumption .‘’

The Law Of Assumption can be taught and explained without reference to the Bible.

Let’s look at Neville’s interpretations alongside direct Bible sources, examining the importance of these beliefs in Law of Assumption practices.

It’s worth noting that Neville Goddard received teachings from a Rabbi rooted in the Jewish tradition, which traditionally denies the divinity of Jesus. However, some argue that Isaiah 53, often considered a “ forbidden chapter”, unequivocally prophesies Jesus and identifies him as the Messiah.

Jesus Christ Is God.

This confusion, about the identity of Christ is widespread, but our focus here is the LOA community, and of course Neville. Neville Goddard heavily relies on references from both the Old Testament and the New Testament in all of his books and lectures. While some may find his approach uncomfortable, many resonate with his core message that you can manifest your desires, including interpersonal relationships. It’s essential to recognize that Neville’s claims are closely tied to these biblical sources. If you accept his claims, it’s logical to consider his sources as well, fact-checking the coherence and validity of his teachings within the framework of these biblical references.

Believing is seeing.

In the early days of Law of Attraction (LOA) teachings, there was a wide range of interpretations regarding God and spirituality. Some teachers, such as Helena Blavatsky, employed unconventional language, drawing comparisons between God and a serpent, her influences being mostly a bastardization of teachings from the East. . This unconventional approach led to diverse interpretations and beliefs. These teachings often constituted a mixture of fabricated spirituality, emerging New Age religions, and a multitude of deceptive claims, primarily aimed at exploiting people for financial gain.

Neville Goddard incorporated biblical references into his LOA teachings. However, because he was influenced by a Rabbi who did not recognize the divinity of Jesus, Neville’s interpretation of the New Testament appears to be based on a Kabbalistic model rather than historical documentation, which results in his denial of the Bible’s historical accuracy. Despite these variations, some argue that the Bible, along with other ancient texts from different parts of the world, remains one of the most reliable historical references available.

Neville Goddard, unlike most of his contemporary new thought teachers who employed a concoction of Eastern spiritual insights mixed with Christian mysticism, was influenced by a rabbi, and he did not initially align with the traditional Christian belief that Jesus was a real, historical figure. He also does not veer into magical rituals or other occult “secrets” or initiation rites. Neville is clearly trained in kabbalah.

Rabbis typically do not embrace the New Testament, often not even having read it. The New Testament being a Christian corner stone, is rarely, if ever read by Jewish people. This seems obvious, but I want to be overly clear here. With this in mind, Neville’s own incorporation of teachings from the New Testament are inconsistent, a point I’ve noticed for some time but haven’t raised before. Hence the the reasons for this post.

While Jesus is recognized as a metaphor for enlightened, compassionate, and blissful love, often referred to as Christ consciousness, traditional Christian doctrine regards Jesus as the Son of God, historical figure, and the embodiment of God. This is where Neville’s teachings may be perceived as misleading, and it’s important to clarify these differences.

The idea that you are the “god of your reality,” a term Neville Goddard did not use, is not a necessary element of these teachings. Instead, the core of his teachings involve assuming a particular identity without necessarily involving ANY mystical aspects. The most practical of the teachings of kabbalah. It is however perfectly acceptable to believe in God and Jesus AND assume your identity. In fact, you can freely worship your chosen deity without the need for added complexity, practicing the law of assumption while retaining your faith. The denial of God is a religion in and of itself.

Various spiritual and philosophical traditions allow individuals to view themselves as divine aspects of God or divine souls. The diversity of beliefs and interpretations within the LOA and spiritual communities underscores the individuality of each person’s spiritual journey and quest for self-discovery. In my response, I focus only on the Biblical aspects of LOA, following Neville’s path.

Jesus is both real and metaphorical; contemplate this concept.

God is the creator of the world, and in the realm of God’s time, there is no distinction between past and future; everything exists in the eternal NOW. Do you understand this concept?

Your success has always been predetermined from the very outset. Your favor with God is eternal. You have perpetually encompassed everything, possessed all that you desire, and existed in all conceivable realities, all simultaneously.

You are already all that you’ve ever aspired to become, and you possess everything you desire at this very moment. The only step required is to choose the version of yourself with which you wish to identify. It’s as straightforward as that. THIS is the law of assumption. Denial of God has nothing to do with it. Is it perhaps these coaches own ASSUMPTION that creates a false beleif that you have to deny God in order to manifest?

The law of assumption states: There is no way to fail in achieving your desires because you already possess them across all planes of existence, beyond imagination. All that’s left is to confidently claim every aspect of it with pride, free from fear and doubt. You have it all — it’s real, and it’s absolute. THIS is the law of assumption. Importantly, this perspective does not conflict with a belief in the Bible as a historical document.

Take a moment to contemplate the idea that CREATION is finished, rendering the concepts of free will versus destiny null and void. Everything is unfolding in the present, as God’s time encompasses the past, present, and future all as one eternal NOW.

God is everything, everywhere, all at once.

Are you genuinely seeking the Truth? Will you believe in the identity of Jesus as described in the scriptures?

The moment you discover the law of attraction or the law of assumption, you’re often told to set aside your existing beliefs. However, the truth is that you don’t have to discard them. Instead, you can make them work for you rather than against you, you can deepen your knwoledge of Jeuss rather than deny him. Sadly, many people end up falling into the trap of a new religion, often fostered by scammy LOA coaches. Yes, they create a religion out of their beliefs.

If you already believe in Jesus as the savior, continue to hold onto that belief. Don’t let a coach lead you astray.

What you may not realize is that it doesn’t matter if your belief aligns exactly with Neville’s, especially since he is inconsistent, and also wrong sometimes..

Now, why do some coaches insist that Jesus is solely a representation of your mind and discourage other beliefs? Why do they react strongly if you hold different views about Jesus, even believing He was a real historical figure and the Messiah?

This is a significant question, and the answer may be that they don’t wholeheartedly believe their own claims. They learned it from Neville and never fact checked him, or t hey might be running a sort of cult.

Many LOA coaches cherry-pick and selectively interpret specific Bible verses to support their agenda without considering the full context of biblical texts. One verse commonly used by LOA coaches to disprove Jesus’s divinity is the statement “I am that I am.” However, it’s crucial to recognize that this statement appears long before Jesus’s presence in the New Testament when God spoke to Moses. In the book of Exodus, it marked a pivotal moment when God identified Himself as “I Am That I Am” (Exodus 3:7–8, 13–14). “I am that I am” refers to Lord Yahweh, the name for the God of the Israelites, and represents the biblical pronunciation of “YHWH,” the name revealed to Moses. This name, YHWH, is often written in Hebrew as the tetragrammaton, comprising the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh. When Jesus used these words, He was identifying Himself as God.

Do you believe that he is God?

What does the Bible really say, let’s go straight to the source.

John 8:24

“I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”

That scripture says you will die in your sins if you do NOT believe Jesus is the “I AM”.

But who is the “I am”?

Reason 1:

Jesus is the I AM

In Exodus 3:13–14

God says to Moses that his name is I am. “I AM that I AM”

Why is this important? Because in the book of Moses, Jesus is not yet born. This is a very important qualifying statement. It is not possible to isolate and cherry pick the statement without understanding that it has ALREADY been qualified.

Where does it claim that Jesus is the “I AM”?

John 8:58 “ Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

GOD’s name = I AM.

JESUS’s name = I AM

Exodus 3:14 + John 8:24,58

Therefore, JESUS = GOD.

2nd reason:

Jesus accepts worship.(Devotional love)

In Hebrews 1:6 it says: “Let all the angels of God worship him (Jesus)”

If Jesus is worshiped, and he accepts it, this makes him GOD.

3rd reason:

Jesus tells us to honor him and God the Father equally.

The Bible says in John 5:23 it says

“That all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father.”

Do you pray to, love, obey the Father? Do you likewise with the Son?

Do you honor the Father as God? Should not you then also honor the Son equally as God?

4th reason:

Jesus shares his Name with God the Father and Holy Spirit

In Matthew 28:19, the Bible says:

“baptizing them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:”

This Bible verse uses the word “NAME” not “names”.

This shows that it is shared with the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost. This shows that Jesus Christ is God, just like how the Father is God.

5th reason:

The Greek word SON for Jesus means the “same nature as”.

There are 2 Greek words translated to the English word “Son”. These are:

1) TEKNON (Son) = little boy, offspring
derived from is never used of Jesus

2) UIOS (Son) = same nature as (hooios)

Therefore, when it calls Jesus:

Son of God: it means he is the same nature as God.

Son of Man: it means he is the same nature as Man .

This shows that Jesus is 100% God, and 100% man at the same time.

6th reason:

Jesus is from everlasting

Micah 5:2

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Jesus is from everlasting, therefore he wasn’t created, therefore he’s God.

Jesus Christ is from everlasting … Who else is from everlasting other than God?

7th reason:

God the Father calls Jesus “O God”

In Hebrews 1:8, the Bible says: To the Son he says “Thy throne O God”

God the Father calls the Son (Jesus Christ) “O God”

8th reason:

There is no Savior other than Jehovah

The Bible says in Isaiah 43:11: “I, even I, am the LORD (Jehovah); and beside me there is no savior.

Therefore Jehovah = ONLY SAVIOR.

2nd Peter 1:11 says

“For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

Jesus Christ = SAVIOUR

Therefore, Jesus Christ is Jehovah



AND Jesus is God, the Son.

Neville Goddard’s transformation

Expanding on the exploration of Neville Goddard’s evolving perspective, it becomes evident that his teachings underwent significant transformations over the years, leading to various interpretations among his followers. There appears to be a noticeable division between adherents of “pre-Promise Neville” and those who align with “post-Promise Neville,” highlighting the evolution of his ideas and beliefs.


During the early stages of his teachings, Neville’s philosophy resonated closely with the interpretations of Abdullah and jewish mysticism. In this phase, he discussed concepts such as free will, the Golden Rule, and the idea that we live in a singular reality. This version of Neville is often favored by many Law of Attraction enthusiasts and other teachers who have followed in his footsteps. While there are valuable lessons to be gleaned from this phase, Neville was still in the process of refining his understanding of his own teachings.


Neville’s beliefs experienced a profound shift after he received what he referred to as “the Promise.” This transformation brought about a new and distinct perspective. In this later stage of his teachings, Neville departed from many of his prior limiting beliefs and diverged from mainstream interpretations. Notably, he distinguished himself by emphasizing that the Law is the gateway to unlocking the Promise, which, in his view, extended beyond mere life enhancements. The Promise, according to Neville, was reserved for those who wholeheartedly embraced their desires, viewing them as attainable. Whereas he previously stated that God is your imagination, he started making statements like “God is love”.

This dichotomy in Neville’s teachings and evolving beliefs has led to differing understandings and approaches among his followers, with some gravitating towards his early teachings and others embracing the transformative shift he underwent.

Knowing that Neville Goddard is inconsistent, and the Bible is not, I ask you, who do you trust?

YES, you can trust that there is a law that states that you are who you assume that you are, but that is all that Neville can provide you. Assume your state, this is your free will. Choose your state of mind.

Ultimately, all paths DO lead to God, I believe Neville’s life proves that, and it doesn’t matter if your journey starts by disproving god, or focusing exclusively on material gains or fame or manifesting an sp, you too, will find that God is calling you. God has always been calling you. God was with you before you were born, and he was with you when you were blind to him.

Notably, once “The Promise” version of Neville Goddard emerged, he was met with considerably less popularity during his lifetime. His audience began to dwindle. His managers urged him to refrain from discussing the Promise, warning that such discourse might lead to a loss of followers. In response, Neville remained steadfast in his commitment, expressing his willingness to preach about it even to empty rooms. Could this same reason be why LOA coaches are unwilling to tell you the truth? That it doesn’t sell?

Realizing that you can’t earn your way to “heaven” with good works:

“By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast”

Ephesians 2:8,9

People often find themselves drawn to the idea of practicing numerous techniques daily and meticulously controlling every aspect of their lives. However, later in his teachings, Neville emphasized the importance of letting go and allowing your desires to manifest naturally. This shift reflects the difference between attempting to fulfill the law, as in the Old Testament, and falling short due to human limitations. In our humanity, we often fall short, but Jesus serves as a solution to our inherent imperfections. With trust in Jesus, we can find resolution, and this concept aligns with the same underlying principle.

This is why Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. He endured excruciating pain on the cross, with nails piercing His hands and feet for six agonizing hours, so that our sins could be atoned for by His divine blood. Your sins are forgiven and remain on the cross because of Jesus Christ’s selfless act.

He took a bullet for us.

In essence, He took the burden upon Himself, sparing us from the heavy price of our sins. He acted as the atonement for our transgressions. Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it because we, as humans, always fall short in upholding the law’s demands. Not one of us is perfect.

What should you do?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9,10:

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Ask him by prayer: To be your LORD (GOD) and SAVIOR

Let go of doership, trust his grace.

This is understanding doership in a nutshell. You do nothing, you ask, and that is IT. Ask in the NAME of Jesus.

You don’t have to affirm, you don’t have to do imaginal scenes or revise. It is done. (But you can do them if you want to)

It is done.

To get a grasp of the sheer magnitude of answered prayers in Jesus name, start to search for videos on testimonies from people who came to meet Jesus. Look for people who report miraculous healing. You will realize that the people who have insisted that you don’t use the word God, or Jesus before have no experience of what they are talking about, they have not read scriptures for themselves, and they have only read the bare minimum of Neville Goddard references. Iit isn’t enough to use as evidence to deny Jesus, and I assure you that they have never experienced an outright miracle. Do your due diligence and at least read the source (The Bible) for yourself first.

In that hour was Jesus glad in the Spirit, and said, `I do confess to thee, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that Thou didst hide these things from wise men and understanding, and didst reveal them to babes; yes, Father, because so it became good pleasure before Thee. -Luke 10.21

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Let’s take a moment to shift our perspective to “Godtime.”

God is pure consciousness, ultimate awareness, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. In God’s realm, time as we understand it doesn’t exist. Everything occurs simultaneously. When God appears to prophesy or predict, it’s not about foretelling the future, how can you predict when it is now? Rather recognizing that all events are unfolding in the present. In God’s domain, free will and destiny are not concepts. There’s no birth or death; there’s only God, and God is everything. In this perspective, the notion of free will or destiny loses its relevance.

There is no free will and no destiny.

So when coaches say no one has free will, it is only half truth.

There is no birth and no death.

There is only God, and God is all

Since all is now, free will or destiny does not exist

What we commonly identify as our “self” or persona — our body, ego, and mind — is essentially a construct. It’s a fabrication that creates the illusion of individual identity.

The true reality is God, and the world, including ourselves, is but an appearance. It’s not God that’s unreal; as Neville states, it’s our perceived separation from God that’s illusory. We live under the spell of this illusion, and the actual reality is God. And God created us in his image. In HIS image.

Everything you desire or need is already within you at this very moment. There’s no need to ask, do, or want because everything is within the eternal now. The holy name of Jesus serves as your entry into Godtime. Knock, and the door will open for you.

“When we really wake, we will not be God and man. It will just be you; and you will be God, who was the Dreamer. The whole will simply awaken within you. it will not be a twin. The wall of separation will be broken down. It will only be God; and God-and-you will be the One”. — Neville Goddard

This is “post-promise” Neville Goddard speaking. The awakened state desires nothing, it is a completion, no beginning, no end, no separation, nothing to want and nothing to have. What else happens? You realize that all is God, and treating anyone bad is like treating God bad, you can only love.

The separation increases when we have false Gods (Things, money, manifestations ect)

To further this thought, when we manifest solely for selfish reasons, it boosts our ego. When our ego grows, our spiritual connection diminishes. However, when we manifest for the well-being of others, the ego’s expansion is less likely. The surefire way to reduce ego and increase the awareness of God’s presence is to focus on pleasing God. It is a fact. The intent of Thou shalt no other Gods have beside me is this. For closeness to God, ask.

To diminish the ego, share the wisdom of God, however you perceive the divine, and by sharing this connection, you deepen your bond with God.

A coach who encourages you to fulfill your desires while denying the existence of God is likely inflating both their own ego and yours. The result can be a weakened connection to God.

If your desire is to experience the bliss of God, then your primary focus should be on God, not just on acquiring material things.

Remember the wisdom of “Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Everything exists within you NOW! There’s nothing you need to ASK for, nothing you need to DO, nothing to WANT.

Nothing is at the end of the journey, there is only an irreducible entirety of the universe.

Only the false fabrication thinks that you MUSt manifest something. Life is not at the end of a journey it is only ever in the present moment, it is the fabrication that lives in “time”, God is always in the eternal now, and your ultimate state is with God.

So you see when coaches teach you that you are God of your imagination they have it backwards, you are God’s imagination. I and the father are one but the father is greater.

The name of Jesus is your doorway to Godtime. knock, and he will open.

This is the truth of the New Testament.

Make a decision, about who you are, God’s beloved child, open the door called Jesus, and he will let you in.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”Matt 7:7–8

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

Jesus Prays for All Believers:

John 17:20

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

Remember when Neville Goddard switched gears and said that God is love?

“We are told, “He who has not loved does not know God, for God is love.” This is not a conclusion that the prophet reached after years of philosophic study, but an act of God in self revelation. If God never revealed himself to man, I doubt that man would ever know that God is love. But, in spite of all the horror of the world, I know from experience that God is love.” — Neville Goddard

I maintain that Neville Goddard’s use of the Bible as a source is highly contradictory, inconsistent, unnecessary and most importantly, misleading. To apply the Law of Assumption to your life, you simply make assumptions about who you are, and enter into a new and improved state of mind.

If you took a poll of all the individuals who enjoy success in life you would not find a commonality in lack of religion. It is a false belief held by Neville Goddard, that has been ignorantly absorbed by a fanatical group of coaches who have created a new religion. A new and inferior religion in place of an authentic devotional religion that leads to and open devotional heart… Ponder this.

From duality to oneness through devotion and worship, is a transformative journey that Jesus’ teachings emphasize. This path lead us to transcend dualistic thinking and experience unity with the divine through love, devotion, and trust. Devotion through Jesus’ message, can be likened to spiritual heart surgery. It involves opening our hardened hearts to the love of the divine, allowing us to transition from a state of duality to oneness with the divine, just as a skilled surgeon mends a heart to restore its full capacity. THIS is the power of Jesus.

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”

Tell me again WHY you believed that you had to deny God to manifest your dreams?

The date of creation

The date of Abraham’s birth is estimated to be around 1813 BCE. According to the Jewish calendar, Abraham was born in the year 1948 AM (Anno Mundi), which means “from creation.”

The Jewish calendar calculates dates from the biblical creation of the world, which is estimated to have occurred around 3760 BCE. The date of creation, that is when God created mankind…

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.

God created mankind…

Millenia into this, mankind is struggling, fighting and hating. Jesus was sent to give us what we can’t achieve on our own, and he will come again.

Let’s create a greater perspective…

Lord Krishna appeared at the beginning of the Kali Yuga, which started 5,000 ( 3,102 BCE. ) years ago. His appearance is described as a historical event. During his appearance, Lord Krishna delivered the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text that contains profound spiritual teachings and guidance for humanity.

This event is considered a pivotal moment in the transition to the Kali Yuga, a time of spiritual decline and moral degradation, as it provided essential spiritual wisdom to guide people through the challenges of this age. At the time of Lord Krishna’s appearance, the archer Arjuna was 86 years old.

In this new yuga, the Kali Yuga, God created mankind…God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. But hold on a minute, mankind already existed before? Didn’t it?

King Rama, a central figure in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana. King Rama is considered an incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu. An avatar is God who takes on the body of a human. He is venerated for his virtuous and righteous nature and is often seen as a symbol of righteousness. Rama’s life and adventures, including the rescue of his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana, are depicted in the epic Ramayana, which narrates his divinity. King Rama lived 7100 years ago, during the Treta Yuga, which is a more spiritually elevated age compared to the current Kali Yuga, that age that Lord Krishna ushered in.

Kali Yuga is marked by a decline in righteousness and values, our connection to God is replaced by material pursuits and manipulations for power, general degradation and perversion.

The Yugas are not measured in the same way as our calendar years, there are many interpretations and calculations, but what stands out to me is that the theory of relativity appears to be altered in the previous Yugas, years longer, mankind taller and lifespans MUCH longer. We have limited knowledge about time, space and consciousness relativity, and how this played out before the kali Yuga is impossible to imagine….

Before mankind was…

Lord Vishnu is the God who appears again and again, as Krishna, as Rama, and before that his first incarnation according to the Puranic accounts was Matsaya. Matsya appeared in the form of a fish when the world was submerged in a cosmic ocean during the Satya Yuga 62,801 BCE….

Lord Visnu has sent many avatars and he will send another one…Kalki, to usher back in a new Satya Yuga.

Unfathomable Awesomeness

Oneness is not limited to a single perspective or a single religion, rather oneness means one has experienced existence from the primordial fish to a simple leaf on a tree, and simultaneously the experience of mankind, enlightened sage, and the divine itself. We are one consciousness. This unity transcends individual experiences, and together, we are one, the divine or God.

I am that I am.

“All the manifested world of things and beings are projected by imagination upon the substratum which is the Eternal All-pervading Vishnu, whose nature is Existence-Intelligence; just as the different ornaments are all made out of the same gold.” -Shankaracharya

“The entire universe is truly the Self. There exists nothing at all other than the Self. The enlightened person sees everything in the world as his own Self, just as one views earthenware jars and pots as nothing but clay.” -Shankaracharya

“I and the Father are one, but the Father is greater.”

Abraham emerged as a guiding light during humanity’s initial encounter with the Kali Yuga some 5000 years ago. Moses received the commandments from God to lead us, yet we struggled to uphold them. As prophesied, Jesus was sent by God, representing God Himself, to atone for our inherent sins that often elude our comprehension. Jesus took a bullet for us. We even venture into moral relativism, asserting that “there is no good or bad, only thinking makes it so,” we simply do NOT understand WHY we should love our enemies, or why we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We fail to see that we are ONE AND THE SAME AS our enemies….”

In John 14.1, we find the words: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Find solace in knowing that God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. You are never alone, and as you have faith in God, have faith in Jesus, for He too is God, and you can turn to Him.

I hope that I have dispelled some of Neville Goddard’s mistakes. Using Nevllie Goddard to point the way to the Bible is like using a flashlight to point to the sun.

With that being said; Take what resonates, and leave the rest, but please, do your own research into his sources.

In summary:

Neville Goddard most likely denies the divinity of Jesus because he was taught by a Rabbi,and the jewish faith denies Jesus as the Messiah, but it does NOT deny the existence of a creator, Yahweh, beyond human comprehension. (Yod He Vau He) Rabbi’s do not read the New Testament. The forbidden chapter, Isaiah 53, proves that Jesus is the Messiah in his first coming, and thus Jesus is the Son of God. “I and the father are one, but the father is greater.”


Humanity can strive to become more Christlike and enlightened while simultaneously recognizing the existence of divinity in others. If the assertion that we create our own world, by manifesting outwardly what we are on the inside, then it follows that the recognition of God and Jesus on the outside hints to a more Christlike inner, as Neville Goddard’s EIYPO dictates. Meditate on this.

If you desire to learn more about Jesus, consider going to the source: The Bible.

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

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Godtime, The Mirror and Manifestation

In Godtime, all things happen simultaneously, and mirroring reflects how our inner world shapes our external experiences. When our internal state is filled with rage, we encounter anger and hatred in the world, surrounded by what we perceive as filth and unworthy individuals. Conversely, an inner state of calm and serenity projects a world filled with smiles and benevolent people. Who are you on the inside? Inside your mind? Inside your heart? Is your heart open to wonderful experiences or is closed off in anger? Your mirror will tell you the turth, so look into the world and tell me what you see….


God, the embodiment of consciousness, awareness, omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience, resides in a dimension beyond time. For God, past, present, and future are all unfolding simultaneously. When God prophesies or predicts, it’s not foreseeing but a recognition of the eternal “now.” Now, it is time to be calm. The appointed hour is NOW,

Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself. Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach!

Parmahansa Yogananda

Everything exists within you NOW:

Within your being, you already possess all that you need. There’s no need to request, to act a certain way, or even to desire, for everything you seek is already present within you. Experience gratitude to discover the feeling of having.

The holy name of I AM:

The name of I AM serves as your portal to access the timeless consciousness of God. By simply knocking on this door, making a conscious decision about who you are and what you desire, it will swing open, granting you access to boundless possibilities. It’s a profound yet simple journey into a higher understanding of yourself and the world.

You may walk in water and live in fire; But control of the mind is better and more difficult. You have come to earth to entertain and to be entertained. Stillness is the altar of spirit.

Parmahansa Yogananda

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The Art of Manifesting Total Losers: A Tongue-in-Cheek Guide

The Art of Manifesting Total Losers: A Tongue-in-Cheek Guide


So, you’ve decided to try your hand at manifesting, huh? Well, forget about attracting success, abundance, or happiness! Let’s take a cheeky detour and explore the art of manifesting total losers. Because, why not? After all, life is all about balance, and sometimes, attracting a complete and utter mess into your life can be oddly satisfying. Buckle up, folks! This guide will show you how to manifest that special someone who’s a true champion of chaos.

1. Embrace Your Inner Chaos Conductor:

To manifest a total loser, you’ve got to embrace your inner chaos conductor. Throw out all those positive affirmations and replace them with self-sabotaging thoughts. Tell yourself that you’re destined for failure, and watch the magic unfold!

2. Focus on All the Wrong Things:

Forget about setting meaningful goals or working towards self-improvement. Instead, obsess over trivial matters and let your life revolve around drama and gossip. Remember, attracting a total loser requires a laser focus on all the wrong things.

3. Embody the Energy of Desperation:

The key to manifesting a total loser lies in desperation. Act like you can’t survive without them, even if they bring nothing but chaos and drama. Cling onto their every word and ignore all red flags.

4. Run from Self-Love and Acceptance:

To manifest a total loser, self-love and acceptance must be banished from your life. Be your own worst critic, constantly compare yourself to others, and let imposter syndrome reign supreme.

5. Seek Validation from External Sources:

Don’t waste your time seeking internal validation; go all out for external validation. Rely on others to determine your worth and let their opinions dictate your every move.

6. Attract Drama with Drama:

They say like attracts like, so it’s time to unleash the drama queen within you. Stir up conflicts, overreact to the smallest issues, and watch how drama magnetically draws in your total loser.

7. Set Unrealistic Expectations:

To manifest a total loser, set the bar impossibly high for others while having low expectations for yourself. After all, nothing says “loser magnet” like being unreasonably demanding.

8. Ignore All Warning Signs:

Red flags? What red flags? Turn a blind eye to any signs of trouble and convince yourself that everything will magically work out. Denial is your best friend!

9. Put Others on a Pedestal:

Idealize the person you want to attract, placing them on a pedestal while ignoring their flaws and toxic traits. Because, who needs a healthy dose of reality anyway?

10. Believe You Don’t Deserve Better:

Above all, believe that you don’t deserve better. Tell yourself that a total loser is the best you can do, and settling for less is the way to go.


So there you have it – the ultimate guide to manifesting a total loser. Remember, life is all about balance, and sometimes, embracing a little chaos can be oddly entertaining. However, as you’ve probably guessed, this blog post is all in good fun. In reality, I encourage you to focus on attracting positivity, growth, and healthy relationships into your life. Manifest wisely and remember that you deserve the best, not the worst! Happy manifesting, or should we say, happy unmanifesting of total losers!

Are you ready for a soulmate partner instead?

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The TRUE Power of Gratitude

Gratitude serves as the key that unlocks the door to a world of conscious manifestation. By understanding and embracing the art of receptivity and gratitude, we open ourselves to the flow of abundance that surrounds us. Just as tuning a radio to a specific frequency allows us to catch a particular station, gratitude tunes our hearts to the frequency of positivity and blessings, attracting more of the same into our lives.

Within the pages of this enlightening book, we come to understand that we are manifesting machines, constantly co-creating our reality through our desires and aversions, knowingly or unknowingly. The energy we emit through our thoughts and emotions acts as a powerful magnet, drawing in similar frequencies from the cosmos. Gratitude becomes the guiding light that aligns us with the divine flow of life, allowing us to wait patiently for the fullness and maximum results of our manifestations, rather than rushing impulsively.

Your Invisible Power | Genevieve Behrend 

Your Invisible Power 


Genevieve Behrend 

Published in 1921, now in the public domain

This content is published to LivingWellnessCoaching.Com and may distributed freely


These pages have been written with purpose and hope that their suggestions may furnish you a key to open up the way to the attainment of your desires, and to explain that Fear should be entirely banished from your effort to obtain possession of the things you desire. 

This presupposes, of course, that your desire for possession is based upon your aspiration for greater liberty. For example, you feel that the possession of more money, lands or friends will make you happier, and your desire for possession of these things arises from a conviction that their possession will bring you liberty and happiness. In your effort to possess you will discover that the thing you most and ultimately need is to “Be,” always (not spasmodically) your best self -that self which understands that the mistakes of those you love are simply misunderstandings. 

Your feeling that greater possessions, no matter of what kind they may be, will, of themselves bring you contentment or happiness, is a misunderstanding. 

No person, place or thing can give you happiness. 

They may give you cause for happiness and a feeling of contentment, but the joy of Living comes from within. Therefore, it is here recommended, rather than otherwise, that you should make the effort to obtain the things which you feel will bring you joy, provided, as previously stated, that your desires are in accord with the joy of Living. 

It is also desired, in this volume, to suggest the possibilities in store for all who make persistent effort to understand the Law of Imagination and make practical application of this knowledge on whatever plane he or she may be. 

The word “effort,” as here employed, is not intended to convey the idea of strain. All study and meditation should be without strain or tension. It has been my endeavor to show that by starting at the beginning of the creative action or the mental picture, certain corresponding results are sure to follow. “While the laws of the Universe cannot be altered, they can be made to work under specific conditions, thereby producing results for individual advancement which cannot be obtained under the spontaneous working of the law provided by Nature.” However far the suggestions I have given you of the possibilities in store for you through imagining may carry you beyond your past experience, they nowhere break the continuity of the law of cause and effect. 

If through the suggestions here given anyone is brought to realize that their mind is a center through and in which “all power there is” is in operation, simply waiting to be given direction in the one and only way through which it can take specific action (and this means reaction in concrete or physical form), then the mission to which this book is dedicated has been fulfilled. 

Try to remember that the picture you think, feel and see is reflected into the Universal Mind, and by the natural law of reciprocal action must return to you in either spiritual or physical form. Knowledge of this law of reciprocal action between the individual and the Universal Mind opens to you free access to all you may wish to possess or to be. It must be steadfastly borne in mind that all this can only be true for the individual who recognizes that they derive their power to make an abiding mental picture from the All-Originating Universal Spirit of Life (God), and can be used constructively only so long as it is employed and retained in harmony with the Nature of the Spirit which originated it. 

To insure this there must be no inversion of the thought of the individual regarding their relationship to this Universal Originating Spirit which is that of a son or daughter, through which the parent mind acts and reacts. Thus conditioned, whatever you think and feel yourself to be; the Creative Spirit of Life is bound to faithfully reproduce in a corresponding reaction. This is the great reason for picturing yourself and your affairs as you wish them to be as existing facts (though invisible to the physical eye), and live in your picture. An honest endeavor to do this, always recognizing that your own mind is a projection of the Originating Spirit, will prove to you that the best there is, is yours in all your ways

Chapter 1 

Order of Visualization 

The exercise of the imagining faculty keeps your mind in order, and attracts to you the things you need to make life more enjoyable in an orderly way. If you train yourself in the practice of deliberately picturing your desire and carefully examining it, you will soon find your thoughts and desires come and proceed in a more orderly procession than ever before. 

Having reached a state of ordered mentality you are no longer in a constant state of mental hurry. Hurry is Fear and consequently destructive. In other words, when your understanding grasps the power to visualize your heart’s desire and hold it with your will, it attracts to you all things requisite to the fulfillment of that picture by the harmonious vibrations of the law of attraction. 

You realize that since Order is Heaven’s first law, and visualization places things in their natural element, then it must be a heavenly thing to visualize.

Everyone imagines, whether they know it or not. Imagining is the great secret of Success. The conscious use of this great power attracts to you greatly multiplied resources, intensifies your wisdom, and enables you to make use of advantages which you formerly failed to recognize. We now fly through the air, not because anyone has been able to change the laws of Nature, but because the inventor of the flying machine learned how to apply Nature’s laws and, by making orderly use of them, produced the desired result. 

So far as natural forces are concerned, nothing has changed since the beginning. There were no airplanes in “the Year One,” because those of that generation could not conceive the idea as a practical working possibility. “It has not yet been done” was the argument, “and it cannot be done.” Yet the laws and materials for practical flying machines existed then as now. 

Troward tells us that the great lesson he learned from the airplane and wireless telegraphy is the triumph of principle over precedent, and the working of an idea to its logical conclusion in spite of accumulated testimony of all past experience.

With such an example before you, can you not realize that still greater secrets may be disclosed? Also “That you hold the key within yourself, with which to unlock the secret chamber that contains your heart’s desire? All that is necessary in order that you may use this key and make your life exactly what you wish it to be, is a careful inquiry into the unseen causes which stand back of every external and visible condition. Then bring these unseen causes into harmony with your conception, and you will find that you can make practical working realities of possibilities which at present seem but fantastic dreams.” We all know that the balloon was the forefather of the airplane. 

In 1766 Henry Cavendish, an English nobleman, proved that hydrogen gas was seven times lighter than atmospheric air. From that discovery the balloon came into existence, and from the ordinary balloon the dirigible, a cigar-shaped airship, was evolved. Study of aeronautics and the laws of aerial locomotion of birds and projectiles led to the belief that mechanism could be evolved by which heavier-than-air machines could be made to travel from place to place and remain in the air by the maintenance of great speed which would overcome by propulsive force the ordinary law of gravitation. 

Professor Langley of Washington who developed much of the theory which others afterward improved was subjected to much derision when he sent a model airplane up only to have it bury its nose in the muddy water of the Potomac. But the Wright Brothers, who experimented in the latter part of the Nineteenth Century, realized the possibility of traveling through the air in a machine that had no gas bag. They saw themselves enjoying this mode of transportation with great facility. It is said that one of the brothers would tell the other (when their varied experiments did not turn out as they expected): “It’s all right, brother, I can see myself riding in that machine, and it travels easily and steadily.” Those Wright Brothers knew what they wanted, and kept their pictures constantly before them. 

In imagining, or making a mental picture, you are not endeavoring to change the laws of Nature. You are fulfilling them. 

Your object in imagining is to bring things into regular order both mentally and physically. When you realize that this method of employing the creative power brings your desires, one after another, into practical material accomplishment, your confidence in the mysterious but unfailing law of attraction, which has its central power station in the very heart of your word/picture, becomes supreme. Nothing can shake it. You never feel that it is necessary to take anything from anybody else. You have learned that asking and seeking have receiving and finding as their correlatives. 

You know that all you have to do is to start the plastic substance of the Universe flowing into the thought-molds your picture desire provides. 

Chapter 2 

How To Attract To Yourself The Things You Desire 

The power within you which enables you to form a thought picture is the starting point of all there is. In its original state it is the undifferentiated formless substance of life. 

Your thought picture forms the mold (so to speak) into which this formless substance takes shape. Imagining, or mentally seeing things and conditions as you wish them to be, is the condensing, the specializing power in you that might be illustrated by the lens of a magic lantern. 

The magic lantern is one of the best symbols of this imaging faculty. It illustrates the working of the Creative Spirit on the plane of the initiative and selection (or in its concentrated specializing form) in a remarkably clear manner. 

This picture slide illustrates your own mental picture -invisible in the lantern of your mind until you turn on the light of your will. That is to say, you light up your desire with absolute faith that the Creative Spirit of Life, in you, is doing the work. By the steady flow of light of the will on the Spirit, your desired picture is projected upon the screen of the physical world, an exact reproduction of the pictured slide in your mind. 

Imagining without a will sufficiently steady to inhibit every thought and feeling contrary to your picture would be as useless as a magic lantern without the light. On the other hand, if your will is sufficiently developed to hold your picture in thought and feeling, without any “ifs,” simply realizing that your thought is the great attracting power, then your mental picture is as certain to be projected upon the screen of your physical world as any pictured slide put into the best magic lantern ever made. 

Try projecting the picture in a magic lantern with a light that is constantly shifting from one side to the other, and you will have the effect of an uncertain will. It is as necessary that you should always stand back of your picture with a strong, steady will, as it is to have a strong steady light back of a picture slide. 

 The joyous assurance with which you make your picture is the very powerful magnet of Faith, and nothing can obliterate it. 

You are happier than you ever were, because you have learned to know where your source of supply is, and you rely upon its never-failing response to your given direction. When all is said and done, happiness is the one thing which every human being wants, and the study of visualization enables you to get more out of life than you ever enjoyed before. Increasing possibilities keep opening out, more and more, before you.

 A business man once told me that since practicing visualization and forming the habit of devoting a few minutes each day to thinking about his work as he desired it to be in a large, broad way, his business had more than doubled in six months. 

His method was to go into a room every morning before breakfast and take a mental inventory of his business as he had left it the evening before, and then enlarge upon it. He said he expanded and expanded in this way until his affairs were in remarkably successful condition. He would see himself in his office doing everything that he wanted done. His occupation required him to meet many strangers every day. In his mental picture he saw himself meeting these people, understanding their needs and supplying them in just the way they wished. This habit, he said, had strengthened and steadied his will in an almost inconceivable manner. Furthermore, by thus mentally seeing things as he wished them to be, he had acquired the confident feeling that a certain creative power was exercising itself, for him and through him, for the purpose of improving his little world. When you first begin to visualize seriously, you may feel, as many others do, that someone else may be forming the same picture you are, and that naturally would not suit your purpose. Do not give yourself any unnecessary concern about this. Simply try to realize that your picture is an orderly exercise of the Universal Creative Power specifically applied. Then you may be sure that no one can work in opposition to you. The universal law of harmony prevents this. Endeavor to bear in mind that your mental picture is Universal Mind exercising its inherent powers of initiative and selection specifically. God, or Universal Mind, made man for the special purpose of differentiating Himself through him. Everything that is, came into existence in this same way, by this self-same law of self-differentiation, and for the same purpose. First the idea, the mental picture or the prototype of the thing, which is the thing itself in its incipiency or plastic form. 

The Great Architect of the Universe contemplated Himself as manifesting through His polar opposite, matter, and the idea expanded and projected itself until we have a world -many worlds. Many people ask, “But why should we have a physical world at all?” The answer is: Because it is the nature of originating substance to solidify, under directivity rather than activity, just as it is the nature of wax to harden when it becomes cold, or plaster of paris to become firm and solid when exposed to the air. Your picture in this same Divine substance in its fluent state taking shape through the individualized center of Divine operation, your mind; and there is no power to prevent this combination of spiritual substance from becoming physical form. It is the nature of Spirit to complete its work and an idea is not complete until it has made for itself a vehicle. Nothing can prevent your picture from coming into concrete form except the same power that gave it birth – yourself. 

Suppose you wish to have a more orderly room. You look about your room and the idea of order suggests boxes, closets, shelves, hooks and so forth. The box, the closet, the hooks, all are concrete ideas of order. Vehicles through which order and harmony suggest themselves. 

Chapter 3 

Relation Between Mental And Physical Form 

Some persons feel that it is not quite proper to visualize for things. “It’s too material” they say. But material form is necessary for the self-recognition of spirit from the individual standpoint. And this is the means through which the creative process is carried forward. Therefore, far from matter being an illusion and something that ought not to be (as some metaphysical teachers have taught), matter is the necessary channel for the self-differentiation of spirit. However, it is not my desire to lead you into lengthy and tiresome scientific reasoning in order to remove the mystery of visualization and to put it upon a logical foundation. Naturally, each individual will do this in his own way. My only wish is to point out to you the smoothest way I know, which is the road on which Troward guides me. I feel sure you will conclude as I have, that the only mystery in connection with imagining is the mystery of life taking form, governed by unchangeable and easily understood laws. 12 We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and imagining is one of the greatest of these powers. It brings other possibilities to our observation. When we pause to think for a moment, we realize that for a cosmos to exist at all, it must be the outcome of a cosmic mind, which binds “all individual minds to a certain generic unities of action, thereby producing all things as realities and nothing as illusions.” If you will take this thought of Troward’s and meditate upon it without prejudice, you will surely realize that concrete material form is an absolute necessity of the creative process, also “that matter is not an illusion but a necessary channel through which life differentiates itself.” If you consider matter in its right order as the polar opposite to Spirit, you will not find any antagonism between them. On the contrary, together they constitute one harmonious whole. And when you realize this you feel, in your practice of imagining, that you are working from cause to effect, from beginning to finish. In reality your mental picture is the specialized working of the originating spirit. One could talk for hours on purely scientific lines, showing, as Troward says, “that raw material for the formation of the solar systems is universally distributed throughout all space. Yet investigation shows that while the Heavens are studded with millions of suns, there are spaces that show no signs of cosmic activity. This being true, there must be something which started cosmic activity in certain places, while passing over others in which the raw material was equally available. At first thought one might attribute the development of cosmic energy to the etheric particles themselves. Upon investigation, however, we find this to be mathematically impossible in a medium which is equally distributed throughout space, for all its particles are in equilibrium, therefore no one particle possesses in itself a greater power of originating motion than the other. Thus we find that the initial movement, though working in and through the particles of primary substance, is not the particles themselves. It is this something we mean when we speak of Spirit. The same power that brought universal substance into existence will bring your individual thought or mental picture into physical form. There is no difference of kind in the power. The only difference is a difference of scale. The power and the substance themselves are the same. Only in working out your mental picture it has transferred its creative energy from the universal to the scale of the particular, and is working in the same unfailing manner from its specific center, your mind.

 Chapter 4

 Operation Of Your Mental Picture 

THE operation of a large telephone system may be used as a simile. The main or head central subdivides itself into many branch centrals, every branch being in direct connection with its source and each individual branch recognizing the source of its existence, reports all things to its central head. Therefore, when assistance of any nature is required, new supplies, difficult repairs to be done or what not, the branch in need goes at once to its central head. It would not think of referring its difficulties (or its successes) to the main central of a telegraph system (though they belong to the same organization). 

These different branch centrals know that the only remedy for any difficulty must come from the central out of which they were projected. If we, as individual branches of the Universal Mind, would refer our difficulties in the same confident manner to the source from which we were projected, and use the remedies that it has provided, we would realize what Jesus meant when he said, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Our every equipment would be met. Surely the Father must supply the child. The trunk of the tree cannot fail to provide for its branches. Everything animate or inanimate is called into existence or outstandingness by a power which itself does not stand out. 

The power that creates the mental picture, the originating spirit substance of your pictured desire does not stand out. It projects the substance of itself that is a solidified counterpart of itself, while it remains invisible to the physical eye. Only those will ever appreciate the value of imagining who are able to realize Paul’s meaning when he said “The worlds were formed by the word of God. Things which are seen are not made of things which do appear.” 

There is nothing unusual or mysterious in the idea of your pictured desire coming into material evidence. It is the working of a universal natural Law. The world was projected by the self-contemplation of the Universal Mind, and this same action is taking place in its individualized branch which is the Mind of Man. Everything in the whole world has its beginning in mind and comes into existence in exactly the same manner from the hat on your head to the boots on your feet. All are projected thoughts, solidified.

 Your personal advance in evolution depends upon your right use of the power of imagining, and your use of it depends on whether you recognize that you, yourself, are a particular center through and in which the originating spirit is finding ever new expression for potentialities already existing within itself. This is evolution; this continual unfolding of existing though outwardly invisible things. 

Your mental picture is the force of attraction that evolves and combines the originating substance into specific shape. Your picture is the combining and evolving powerhouse, so to speak, through which the originating Creative Spirit expressed itself. Its creative action is limitless, without beginning and without end, and always progressive and orderly. “It proceeds stage by stage, each stage being a necessary preparation for the one to follow.” Now let us see if we can get an idea of the different stages by which the things in the world have come to be. Troward says, “If we can get at the working principle which is producing these results, we can very quickly and easily give it personal application. 

First, we find that the thought of originating life or Spirit about itself is its simple awareness of its own being and this produced a primary ether, a universal substance out of which everything in the world must grow. Troward also tells us that “though this awareness of being is a necessary foundation for any further possibilities, it is not much to talk about.” 

It is the same with individualized spirit, which is yourself. Before you would entertain the idea of making a mental picture of your desire as being at all practical, you must have some idea of your being, of your “I am,” and just as soon as you are conscious of your “I-am-ness” you begin to wish to enjoy the freedom which this consciousness suggests. 

You want to do more and be more, and as you fulfill this desire within yourself, localized spirit begins conscious activities in you. The thing you are most concerned with is the specific action of the creative spirit of life, universal mind specialized. The localized God-germ in you is your personality, your individuality, and since the joy of absolute freedom is the inherent nature of this God-germ, it is natural that it should endeavor to enjoy itself through its specific center. And as you grow in the comprehension that your being, your individuality, is God particularizing Himself, you naturally develop Divine tendencies. 

You want to enjoy life and liberty. You want freedom in your affairs as well as in your consciousness, and it is natural that you should. Always with this progressive wish there is a faint thought-picture. As your wish and your recognition grow into an intense desire, this desire becomes a clear mental picture. 

For example, a young lady studying music wishes she had a piano in order to practice at home. She wants the piano so much that she can mentally see it in one of the rooms. She holds the picture of the piano and indulges in the mental reflection of the pleasure and advantage it will be to have the piano in the corner of the living room. One day she finds it there just as she had pictured it. 

As you grow in understanding as to who you are, where you came from, and what the purpose of your being is, how you are to fulfill the purpose for which you are intended, you will more and more afford a center through which the creative spirit of life can enjoy itself. And you will realize that there can be but one creative process filling all space, which is the same in its potentiality whether universal or individual. Furthermore, all that there is, whether on the plane of the visible or invisible, had its origin in the localized action of thought or a mental picture, and this includes yourself, because you are universal spirit localized, and the same creative action is taking place through you. 

Now you are no doubt asking yourself why there is so much sickness and misery in the world. If the same power and intelligence which brought the world into existence is in operation in the mind of man, why does it not manifest itself as strength, joy, health and plenty? If one can have one’s desires fulfilled by simply making a mental picture of that desire, holding on to it with the will, and doing without anxiety, on the outward plane, whatever seems necessary to bring the desire into fulfillment, then there seems no reason for the existence of sickness and poverty. Surely no one desires either. The first reason is that few persons will take the trouble to inquire into the working principle of the laws of life. If they did they would soon convince themselves that there is no necessity for the sickness and poverty that we see about us. They would realize that imagining is a principle and not a fallacy. There are a few who have found it worthwhile to study this simple, though absolutely unfailing law that will deliver them from bondage. However, the race as a whole is not willing to give the time required for this study. It is either too simple, or too difficult. They may make a picture of their desire with some little understanding of imagining for a day or two, but more frequently it is for an hour or so. But if you will insist upon mentally seeing yourself surrounded by things and conditions as you wish them to be, you will understand that the creative energy sends its plastic substance in the direction indicated by the tendency of your thoughts. Herein lies the advantage of holding your thought in the form of a mental picture. 

The more enthusiasm and faith you are able to put into your picture, the more quickly it will come into visible form, and your enthusiasm is increased by keeping your desire secret. The moment you speak it to any living soul, that moment your power is weakened. 

Your power, your magnet of attraction is not so strong, and consequently cannot reach so far. The more perfectly a secret between your mind and outer self is guarded, the more vitality you give your power of attraction. 

One tells one’s troubles to weaken them, to get them off one’s mind, and when a thought is given out, its power is dissipated. Talk it over with yourself, and even write it down and at once destroy the paper. However, this does not mean that you should strenuously endeavor to compel the power to work out your picture on the special lines that you think it should. That method would soon exhaust you and hinder the fulfillment of your purpose. 

A wealthy relative need not necessarily die or someone lose a fortune on the street to materialize the $10,000 that you are mentally picturing. One of the doormen in the building in which I live heard much of the mental picturing of desires from visitors passing out of my rooms. The average desire was for $500. He considered that five dollars was more in his line and began to visualize it, without the slightest idea of where or how he was to get it. My parrot flew out of the window, and I telephoned to the men in the courtyard to get it for me. One caught it and it bit him on the finger. The doorman, who had gloves on, and did not fear a similar hurt, took hold of it and brought it up to me. I gave him five one-dollar bills for the service. This sudden reward surprised him. He enthusiastically told me that he had been imagining for just $5, merely from hearing that others visualized. He was delighted at the unexpected realization of his mental picture.

All you have to do is to make such a mental picture of your heart’s desire, hold it cheerfully in place with your will, always conscious that the  same Infinite Power which brought the universe into existence brought you into form for the purpose of enjoying itself in and through you. And since it is all life, love, light, power, peace, beauty and joy, and is the only creative power there is, the form it takes in and through you depends upon the direction given it by your thought indicator. In you it is undifferentiated, waiting to take any direction given it as it passes through the instrument that it has made for the purpose of self-distribution. 

It is this power which enables you to transfer your thoughts from one form to another. The power to change your mind is the individualized universal power taking the initiative, giving direction to the fluent substance contained in every thought. It is the simplest thing in the world to give this highly sensitive plastic substance any form you will through imagining. 

Anyone can do it with a small expenditure of effort. Once you really believe that your mind is a center through which the plastic substance of all there is in your world, takes involuntary form, the only reason why your picture does not always materialize is because you have introduced something antagonistic to the fundamental principle. Very often this destructive element is caused by the frequency with which you change your pictures. 

After many such changes you decide that your original desire is what you want after all. Upon this conclusion you begin to wonder why, “being your first picture,” it hasn’t materialized. The plastic substance with which you are mentally dealing is more sensitive than the most sensitive photographer’s film. If, in taking a picture, you suddenly remembered you had already taken a picture on that same plate, you would not expect a perfect result of either picture. 

On the other hand, you may have taken two pictures on the same plate unconsciously. When the plate has been developed, and the picture comes into physical view, you do not condemn the principle of photography, nor are you puzzled to understand why your picture has turned out so unsatisfactorily. You do not feel that it is impossible for you to obtain a good, clear picture of the subject in question. You know that you can do so, by simply starting at the beginning, putting in a new plate, and determining to be more careful while taking your picture next time. 

These lines followed out, you are sure of a satisfactory result. If you will proceed in the same manner with your mental picture, doing your part in a correspondingly confident frame of mind, the result will be just as perfect. The laws of imagining are as infallible as the laws governing photography. In fact, photography is the outcome of imagining. Again, your results in imagining and your desires may be imperfect or delayed through the misuse of this power, owing to the thought that the fulfillment of your desire is contingent upon certain persons or conditions. 

The originating principle is not in any way dependent upon any person, place or thing. It has no past and knows no future. The law is that the originating creative principle of life is “the universal here and everlasting now.” It creates its own vehicles through which to operate. Therefore, past experience has no bearing upon your present picture. So do not try to obtain your desire through a channel that may not be natural for it, even though it may seem reasonable to you. 

Your feeling should be that the thing, or the consciousness which you so much desire, is normal and natural, a part of yourself, a form for your evolution. If you can do this, there is no power to prevent your enjoying the fulfillment of the picture you have in hand, or any other. 

Chapter 5 

Expressions from Beginners 

HUNDREDS of people have realized that “imagining is an Aladdin’s lamp to him with a mighty will.” General Foch says that his feelings were so outraged during the Franco Prussian war in 1870 that he visualized himself leading a French army against the Germans to victory. He said he made his picture, smoked his pipe and waited. This is one result of imagining we are all familiar with. 

A famous actress wrote a long article in one of the leading Sunday papers last winter, describing how she rid herself of excessive body fat and weight by seeing her figure constantly as she wished to be. A very interesting letter came to me from a doctor’s wife while I was lecturing in New York. She began with the hope that I would never discontinue my lectures on visualization, making humanity realize the wonderful fact that they possess the method of liberation within themselves. 

Relating her own experience, she said that she had been born on the East Side of New York in the poorest quarter. From earliest girlhood she had cherished a dream of marrying a physician some day. This dream gradually formed a stationary mental picture. The first position she obtained was in the capacity of a nursemaid in a physician’s family. Leaving this place she entered the family of another doctor. The wife of her employer died, and in time the doctor married her, the result of her long pictured yearning. After that both she and her husband conceived the idea of owning a fruit farm in the South. They formed a mental picture of the idea and put their faith in its eventual fulfillment. The letter she sent me came from their fruit farm in the South. 

It was while at the farm that the doctor’s wife wrote me. Her second mental picture had seen the light of materialization. Many letters of a similar nature come to me every day. 

The following is a case that was printed in the New York Herald last May: Atlantic City, May 5 She was an old woman, and when she was arraigned before Judge Clarence Goldenberg in the police court today she was so weak and tired she could hardly stand. The judge asked the court attendant what she was charged with. “Stealing a bottle of milk, Your Honor,” repeated the officer. “She took it from the doorstep of a downtown cottage before daybreak this morning.” “Why did you do that?” Judge Goldenberg asked her. “I was hungry,” the old woman said. “I didn’t have a cent in the world and no way to get anything to eat except to steal it. I didn’t think anybody would mind if I took a bottle of milk.” “What’s your name?” asked the judge. “Weinberg,” said the old woman, “Elizabeth Weinberg.” Judge Goldenberg asked her a few questions about herself. Then he said: “Well, you’re not very wealthy now, but you’re no longer poor. I’ve been searching for you for months. I’ve got $500 belonging to you from the estate of a relative. I am the executor of the estate.” Judge Goldenberg paid the woman’s fine out of his own pocket, and then escorted her into his office, where he turned her legacy over to her and sent a policeman out to find her a lodging place. 

I learned later that this little woman had been desiring and mentally picturing $500, while all the time ignorant of how it could possibly come to her. But she kept her vision and strengthened it with her faith. 

In a recent issue of Good Housekeeping there was an article by Addington Bruce entitled “Stiffening Your Mental Backbone.” It is very instructive, and would benefit anyone to read it. He says, in part: “Form the habit of devoting a few moments every day to thinking about your work in a large, broad imaginative way, as a vital necessity to yourself and a useful service to society.” Huntington, the great railway magnate, before he started building his road from coast to coast, said that he took hundreds of trips all along the line before there was a rail laid. It is said that he would sit for hours with a map of the United States before him and mentally travel from coast to coast just as we do now over his fulfilled mental picture. 

It would be possible to call your attention to hundreds of similar cases. The best method of picturing to yourself that which you may desire is both simple and enjoyable, if you once understand the principle back of it well enough to believe it. First and above everything else, be sure of what it is you really want. Then specialize your desire along these lines. 

Chapter 6 

Suggestions for Making Your Mental Picture 

Perhaps you want to feel that you’ve lived to some purpose. You want to be content and happy, and you feel that with good health and with successful business you could enjoy this state of mind. After you have decided once and for all that this is what you want, you proceed to picture yourself healthy, and your business just as great a success as you can naturally conceive it growing into. The best time for making your definite picture is just before breakfast and before retiring at night. 

As it is necessary to give yourself plenty of time, it may be necessary to rise earlier than is your usual habit. Go into a room where you will not be disturbed, meditate for a few moments upon the practical working of the law of imagining, and ask yourself, “How did the things about me first come into existence? How may I find it helpful to get more quickly in touch with the invisible supply?” 

Someone felt that comfort would be better expressed and experienced by sitting on a chair than on the floor. The very beginning of the meditation, the chair, was the desire to be at ease. With this came the picture of some sort of a chair. The same principle applies to the hat and the clothes that you wear. 

Go carefully into this thought of the principle back of the thing. Establish it as a personal experience; make it a fact to your consciousness. If you are thorough in this, you will find yourself in the deep consciousness beneath the surface of your own thought-power. Then open a window, take about ten deep breaths, and during the time draw a large imaginary circle of light around you. 

As you inhale (keeping yourself in the center of this circle of light) see great rays of light coming from the circle and entering your body at all points, centralizing itself at your solar plexus. Hold the breath a few moments at this central light of your body (the solar plexus) then slowly exhale. As you do this mentally, see imaginary rays, or sprays, of light going up through the body and down and out through the feet. Mentally spray your entire body with this imaginary light. When you have finished the breathing exercise, sit in a comfortable upright chair and mentally know there is but one life, one substance, and this life substance of the universe is finding pleasure in self-recognition in you. 

Repeat some affirmation of this kind, until you feel the truth and reality of the words that you are affirming. Then begin your picture. Whether your desire is for a state of consciousness or a possession, large or small, begin at the beginning. If you want a house, begin by seeing yourself in the kind of house you desire. Go all through it, taking careful note of the rooms, where the windows are situated, and such other details as help you to feel the reality of your concept. You might change some of the furniture and look into some of the mirrors just to see how healthy, wealthy and happy you look. 

Go over your picture again and again until you feel the reality of it, then write it all down just as you have seen it, with the feeling that, “The best there is, is mine. There is no limit to me, because my mind is a center of divine operation” and your picture is as certain to come true, in your physical world, as the sun is to shine. 

Chapter 7 

Things to Remember In Using Your Thought Power for the Production of New Conditions, 

1. Be sure to know what conditions you wish to produce. Then weigh carefully to what further results the accomplishment of your desire will lead. 

2. By letting your thoughts dwell upon a mental picture, you are concentrating the creative spirit to this center, where all its forces are equally balanced. 

3. Imagining brings your objective mind into a state of equilibrium which enables you to consciously direct the flow of spirit to a definitely recognized purpose and to carefully guide your thought from including a flow in the opposite direction. 

4. You must always bear in mind that you are dealing with a wonderful potential energy -which is not yet differentiated into any particular mold, and that by the action of your mind you can differentiate it into any specific mold that you will. Your picture assists you to keep your mind fixed on the fact that the inflow of this creative energy is taking place. Also by your mental picture you are determining the direction you wish the sensitive creative power to take, and by doing this the externalization of your picture is a certainty. 

5. Remember when you are imagining properly that there is no strenuous effort on your thoughts to hold your thought-forms in place. Strenuous effort defeats your purpose, and suggests the consciousness of an adverse force to be fought against, and this creates conditions adverse to your picture. 

6. By holding your picture in a cheerful frame of mind, you shut out all thoughts that would disperse the spiritual nucleus of your picture. Because the law is creative in its action, your pictured desire is certain of accomplishment. 

7. The seventh and great thing to remember in imagining is that you are making a mental picture for the purpose of determining the quality you are giving to the previously undifferentiated substance and energy rather than to arrange the specific circumstances for its manifestation. That is the work of creative power itself. It will build its own forms of expression quite naturally, if you will allow it, and save you a great deal of needless anxiety. What you really want is expansion in a certain direction, whether of health, wealth, or whatnot, and so long as you get it (as you surely will, if you confidently hold to your picture) what does it matter whether it reaches you by some channel which you thought you could count upon, or through some other of whose existence you had no idea. You are concentrating energy of a particular kind for a particular purpose. Bear this in mind and let specific details take care of themselves, and never mention your intention to anyone. Remember always, that Nature from her clearly visible surface to her most arcane depths is one vast storehouse of light and good entirely devoted to your individual use. 

Your conscious Oneness with the great Whole is the secret of success and when once you have fathomed this you can enjoy your possession of the whole or a part of it at will, because by your recognition you have made it, and can increasingly make it yours. Never forget that every physical thing, whether for you or against you, was a sustained thought before it was a thing. Thought as thought is neither good nor bad, it is creative action and always takes physical form. Therefore, the thoughts you dwell upon become the things you possess or do not possess. 

Chapter 8 

Why I Took Up The Study Of Mental Science 

I have frequently been questioned about my reasons for taking up the study of Mental Science, and as to the results of my search, not only in knowledge of principles, but also in the application of that knowledge to the development of my own life and experience. Such inquiries are justifiable, because one who essays the role of a messenger and teacher of psychological truths can only be effective and convincing as he or she has tested them in the laboratory of mental experience. 

This is particularly true in my case, as the only personal pupil of Thomas Troward, the greatest Master of Mental Science of the present day, whose teaching is based upon the relation borne by the Individual Mind toward the Universal Creative Mind which is the Giver of Life, and the manner in which that relation may be invoked to secure expansion and fuller expression in the individual life. The initial impulse toward the study of Mental Science was an overwhelming sense of loneliness. In every life there must come some such experiences of spiritual isolations as, at that period, pervaded my life. Notwithstanding the fact that each day found me in the midst of friends, surrounded by mirth and gaiety, there was a persistent feeling that I was alone in the world. I had been a widow for about three years, wandering from country to country, seeking for peace of mind. The circumstances and surroundings of my life were such that my friends looked upon me as an unusually fortunate young woman. Although they recognized that I had sustained a great loss when my husband died, they knew that he had left me well provided for, free to go anywhere at pleasure, and having many friends. Yet, if my friends could have penetrated my innermost emotions, they would have found a deep sense of emptiness and isolation. 

This feeling inspired a spirit of unrest that drove me on and on in fruitless search upon the outside for that which I later learned could only be obtained from within. 

I studied Christian Science, but it gave me no solace, though fully realizing the great work the Scientists were doing, and even having the pleasure and privilege of meeting Mrs. Eddy personally. But it was impossible for me to accept the fundamental teachings of Christian Science and make practical application of it. 

When about to abandon the search for contentment and resign myself to resume a life of apparent amusement, a friend invited me to visit the great Seer and Teacher, Abdul Baha. After my interview with this most wonderful of men, my search for contentment began to take a change. 

He had told me that I would travel the world seeking the truth, and when I had found it would speak it out. The fulfillment of the statement of this Great Seer then seemed to be impossible. But it carried a measure of encouragement, and at least indicated that my former seeking had been in the wrong direction. I began in a feeble and groping way to find contentment within myself, for had he not intimated that I should find the truth. That was the big thing, and about the only thing I remember of our interview. A few days later, upon visiting the office of a New Thought practitioner, my attention was attracted to a book on his table entitled “The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science,” by Thomas Troward. It interested me to see that Troward was a retired Divisional judge from Punjab, India. I purchased the book, thinking I would read it through that evening. 

Many have endeavored to do the same thing, only to find, as I did, that the book must be studied in order to be understood, and hundreds have decided, just as I did, to give it their undivided attention. After finding this treasure book I went to the country for a few days, and while there studied the volume as thoroughly as I could. It seemed extremely difficult, and I decided to purchase another book of Troward’s, in the hope that its study might not require so much of an effort. Upon inquiry I was told that a subsequent volume, “The Dore Lectures,” was much the simpler and better of the two books. When I procured it, I found that it must also be studied. It took me weeks and months to get even a vague conception of the meaning of the first chapter of Dore, which is entitled “Entering Into the Spirit of It.” I mean by this that it took me months to enter into the spirit of what I was reading. But in the meantime a paragraph from page 26 arrested my attention, as seeming the greatest thing I had ever read. I memorized it and endeavored with all my soul to enter into the spirit of Troward’s words. The paragraph reads: “My mind is a center of Divine operation. 

The Divine operation is always for expansion and fuller expression, and this means the production of something beyond what has gone before, something entirely new, not included in the past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly sequence of growth. Therefore, since the Divine cannot change its inherent nature, it must operate in the same manner with me; consequently, in my own special world, of which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before.” It took an effort on my part to memorize this paragraph, but in the endeavor toward this end the words seemed to carry with them a certain stimulus. Each repetition of the paragraph made it easier for me to enter into the spirit of it. The words expressed exactly what I had been seeking for. 

My one desire was for peace of mind. I found it comforting to believe that the Divine operation in me could expand to fuller expression and produce more and more contentment -in fact, a peace of mind and a degree of contentment greater than I had ever known. The paragraph further inspired me with deep interest to feel that the life-spark in me could bring into my life something entirely new. I did not wish to obliterate my past experience, but that was exactly what Troward said it would not do. The Divine operation would not exclude my past experience, but proceeding out of them would bring some new thing that would transcend anything that I had ever experienced before. Meditation on these statements brought with it a certain joyous feeling. What a wonderful thing it would be if I could accept and sincerely believe, beyond all doubt, that this one statement of Troward’s was true. Surely the Divine could not change its inherent nature, and since Divine life is operating in me, I must be Divinely inhabited, and the Divine in me must operate just as it operates upon the Universal plane. This meant that my whole world of circumstances, friends and conditions would ultimately become a world of contentment and enjoyment of which “I am the center.” This would all happen just as soon as I was able to control my mind and thereby provide concrete center around which the Divine energies could play. Surely it was worth trying for. If Troward had found this truth, why not I? 

The idea held me to my task. Later I determined to study with the man who had realized and given to the world so great a statement. It had lifted me from my state of despondency. The immediate difficulty was the need for increased finances. 

Chapter 9 

How I Attracted To Myself Twenty Thousand Dollars 

In the laboratory of experience in which my newly revealed relation to Divine operation was to be tested, the first problem was a financial one.

My income was a stipulated one, quite enough for my everyday needs. But it did not seem sufficient to enable me to go comfortably to England where Troward lived, and remain for an indefinite period to study with so great a teacher as he must be. So before inquiring whether Troward took pupils or whether I would be eligible in case he did, I began to use the paragraph I had memorized. Daily, in fact, almost hourly, the words were in my mind: “My mind is a center of Divine operation, and Divine operation means expansion into something better than has gone before.” 

From the Edinburgh Lectures I had read something about the Law of Attraction, and from the Chapter of “Causes and Conditions” I had gleaned a vague idea of imagining. So every night, before going to sleep, I made a mental picture of the desired $20,000. Twenty $1,000 bills were counted over each night in my bedroom, and then, with the idea of more emphatically impressing my mind with the fact that this twenty thousand dollars was for the purpose of going to England and studying with Troward, I wrote out my picture, saw myself buying my steamer ticket, walking up and down the ship’s deck from New York to London, and, finally, saw myself accepted as Troward’s pupil. 

This process was repeated every morning and every evening, always impressing more and more fully upon my mind Troward’s memorized statement: “My mind is a center of Divine operations.” I endeavored to keep this statement in the back part of my consciousness all the time with no thought in mind as how the money might be obtained. 

Probably the reason why there was no thought of the avenues through which the money might reach me was because I could not possibly imagine where the $20,000 would come from. So I simply held my thought steady and let the power of attraction find its own ways and means. One day while walking on the street, taking deep breathing exercises, the thought came:

 “My mind is surely a center of Divine operation. If God fills all space, then God must be in my mind also; if I want this money to study with Troward that I may know the truth of Life, then both the money and the truth must be mine, though I am unable to feel or see the physical manifestations of either; still,”

 I declared, 

“It must be mine.” 

While these reflections were going on in my mind, there seemed to come up from within me the thought: “I am all the substance there is.” Then, from another channel in my brain the answer seemed to come, “Of course, that’s it; everything must have its beginning in mind. The “I” the Idea, must be the only one and primary substance there is, and this means money as well as everything else. My mind accepted this idea, and immediately all the tension of mind and body was relaxed. There was a feeling of absolute certainty of being in touch with all the power Life has to give. All thought of money, teacher, or even my own personality, vanished in the great wave of joy which swept over my entire being. I walked on and on with this feeling of joy steadily increasing and expanding until everything about me seemed aglow with resplendent light. Every person I passed was illuminated as I was. 

All consciousness of personality had disappeared, and in its place there came that great and almost overwhelming sense of joy and contentment. That night when I made my picture of the twenty thousand dollars it was with an entirely changed aspect. 

On previous occasions, when making my mental picture, I had felt that I was waking up something within myself. This time there was no sensation of effort. I simply counted over twenty thousand dollars. Then, in a most unexpected manner, from a source of which I had no consciousness at the time, there seemed to open a possible avenue through which the money might reach me. At first it took great effort not to be excited. It all seemed so wonderful, so glorious to be in touch with supply. But had not Troward cautioned his readers to keep all excitement out of their minds in the first flush of realization of union with Infinite supply, and to treat this fact as a perfectly natural result that had been reached through our demand? This was even more difficult for me than it was to hold the thought that “all the substance there is, I am; I (idea) am the beginning of all form, visible or invisible.” Just as soon as there appeared a circumstance which indicated the direction through which the twenty thousand dollars might come, I not only made a supreme effort to regard the indicated direction calmly as the first sprout of the seed I had sown in the absolute, but left no stone unturned to follow up that direction by fulfilling my part. By so doing one circumstance seemed naturally to lead to another, until, step-by-step, my desired twenty thousand dollars was secured. 

To keep my mind poised and free from excitement was my greatest effort. This first concrete fruition of my study of Mental Science as expounded by Troward’s book had come by a careful following of the methods he had outlined. In this connection, therefore, I can offer to the reader no better gift than to quote Troward’s book, “The Edinburgh Lectures,” from which may be derived a complete idea of the line of action I was endeavoring to follow. In the chapter on Causes and Conditions he says: “To get good results we must properly understand our relation to the great impersonal power we are using. It is intelligent, and we are intelligent, and the two intelligences must cooperate. 

We must not fly in the face of the Law expecting it to do for us what it can only do through us; and we must therefore use our intelligence with the knowledge that it is acting as the instrument of a greater intelligence; and because we have this knowledge we may and should cease from all anxiety as to the final result. In actual practice we must first form the ideal conception of our object with the definite intention of impressing it upon the universal mind -it is this thought that takes such thought out of the region of mere casual fancies -and then affirm that our knowledge of the Law is sufficient reason for a calm expectation of a corresponding result, and that therefore all necessary conditions will come to us in due order. 

We can then turn to the affairs of our daily life with the calm assurance that the initial conditions are either there already or will soon come into view. If we do not at once see them, let us rest content with the knowledge that the spiritual prototype is already in existence and wait till some circumstance pointing in the desired direction begins to show itself. It may be a very small circumstance, but it is the direction and not the magnitude that is to be taken into consideration. 

As soon as we see it we should regard it as the first sprouting of the seed sown in the Absolute, and do calmly, and without excitement, whatever the circumstances seem to require, and then later on we shall see that this doing will in turn lead to a further circumstance in the same direction, until we find ourselves conducted, step by step, to the accomplishment of our object. In this way the understanding of the great principle of the Law of Supply will, by repeated experiences, deliver us more and more completely out of the region of anxious thought and toilsome labor and bring us into a new world where the useful employment of all our powers, whether mental or physical, will only be an unfolding of our individuality upon the lines of its own nature, and therefore a perpetual source of health and happiness; a sufficient inducement, surely, to the careful study of the laws governing the relation between the individual and the Universal Mind. To my mind, then as now, this quotation outlines the core and center of the method and manner of approach necessary for coming in touch with Infinite supply. At least it, together with the previously quoted statement, “My mind is a center of Divine operation,” etc., constituted the only apparent means of attracting to myself the twenty thousand dollars. 

My constant endeavor to get into the spirit of these statements, and to attract to myself this needed sum, was about six weeks, at the end of which time I had in my bank the required twenty thousand dollars. 

This could be made into a long story, giving all the details, but the facts, as already narrated, will give you a definite idea of the magnetic condition of my mind while the twenty thousand dollars was finding its way to me. 

Chapter 10

How I Became The Only Personal Pupil Of The Greatest Mental Scientist Of The Present Day 

As soon as the idea of studying with Troward came to me, I asked a friend to write to him for me, feeling that perhaps my friend could put my desire in better or more persuasive terms than I could employ. To all the letters written by this friend I received not one reply. This was so discouraging that I would have completely abandoned the idea of becoming Troward’s pupil except for the experience I had that day on the street when my whole world was illuminated, and I remembered the promise “All things whatsoever thou wilt, believe thou hast received, and thou shalt receive.” With this experience in my mind, my passage to England was arranged, notwithstanding the fact that apparently my letters were ignored. We wrote again, however, and finally received a reply, very courteous though very positive.

Troward did not take pupils; he had no time to devote to a pupil. Notwithstanding this definite decision, I declined to be discouraged because of the memory of my experience upon the day when the light and the thought came to me, “I am all the Substance there is.” I seemed to be able to live that experience over at will, and with it there always came a flood of courage and renewed energy. We journeyed on to London, and from there telegraphed Troward, asking for an interview. The telegram was promptly answered by Troward setting a date when he could see us this time Troward was living in Ruan Manor, a little-out-of-the-way place in the southern part of England, about twenty miles from a railway station. We could not find it on the map, and with great difficulty Cook’s Touring Agency in London, located the place for us.

There was very little speculation in my mind as to what Troward would say to me in this interview. There always remained the feeling that the truth was mine; also that it would grow and expand in my consciousness until peace and contentment were outward as well as inward manifestations of my individual life. We arrived at Troward’s house in a terrific rainstorm, and were cordially received by Troward himself, whom I found, much to my surprise, to be more the type of a Frenchman than an Englishman (I afterward learned that he was a descendant of the Huguenot race), a man of medium stature, with rather a large head, big nose, and eyes that fairly danced with merriment.

After we had been introduced to the other members of the family and given a hot cup of tea, we were invited into the living room where Troward talked very freely of everything except my proposed studies. It seemed quite impossible to bring him to that subject. Just before we were leaving, however, I asked quite boldly: “Will you not reconsider your decision to take a personal pupil? I wish so much to study with you,” to which he replied with a very indifferent manner that he did not feel he could give the time it would require for personal instruction, but that he would be glad to give me the names of two or three books which he felt would not only be interesting but instructive to me. He said he felt much flattered and pleased that I had come all the way from America to study with him, and as we walked out through the lane from his house to our automobile his manner became less indifferent, a feeling of sympathy seemed to touch his heart, and he turned to me with the remark: “You might write to me, if so inclined, after you get to Paris, and perhaps, if I have time in the autumn, we could arrange something, though it does not seem possible now.” I lost no time in following up his very kind invitation to write.

My letters were all promptly and courteously answered, but there was never a word of encouragement as to my proposed studies. Finally, about two months later, there came a letter with the question in it: “What do you suppose is the meaning of this verse in the 21st Chapter of Revelation?” “16. And the city lieth foursquare and the length is as large as the breadth; and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.” Instinctively I knew that my chance to study with Troward hung upon my giving the correct answer to that question. The definition of the verse seemed utterly beyond my reach.

Naturally, answers came to my mind, but I knew intuitively that none was correct. I began bombarding my scholarly friends and acquaintances with the same question. Lawyers, doctors, priests, nuns and clergymen, all over the world, received letters from me with this question in them. Later answers began to return to me, but intuition told me that none was correct. All the while I was endeavoring to find the answer for myself, but none seemed to come. I memorized the verse in order that I might meditate upon it. I began a search of Paris for the books Troward had recommended to me, and after two or three days’ search we crossed the River Seine to the Ile de Cite to go into some of the old bookstores there. They were out of print, and these were the best places to find them in. Finally we came upon a little shop that had the books there. These were the last copies the man had, consequently the price was high. While remonstrating with the clerk, my eye rested upon the work of an astrologer, which I laughingly picked up and asked: “Do you think Prof. would read my horoscope?” The clerk looked aghast at the suggestion, and responded, “Why, no, Madame, this is one of France’s greatest astrologers. He does not read horoscopes.” In spite of this answer, there was a persistent impulse within me to go to the man. The friend who had accompanied me in my search for the books remonstrated with me, and tried in every way to dissuade me from going to the famous astrologer, but I insisted, and she went with me. When we came to his office I found it somewhat embarrassing to ask him to read my horoscope. Nevertheless, there was nothing to do but put the question.

Reluctantly, the Professor invited us into his paper-strewn study, and reluctantly, and also impatiently, asked us to be seated. Very courteously and coldly he told me that he did not read horoscopes. His whole manner said, more clearly than words could, that he wished we would take our departure. My friend stood up. I was at a great loss what to do next, because I felt that I was not quite ready to go. Intuition seemed to tell me there was something for me to gain there. Just what it was I was unable to define, so I paused a moment, much to my friend’s displeasure, when one of the Professor’s enormous Persian cats jumped into my lap. “Get down, Jack!” the Professor shouted. “What does it mean?” he seemed to ask himself. Then with a greater interest than he had hitherto shown in me, the Professor said with a smile: “Have never known that cat to go to a stranger before, Madame; my cat pleads for you.” I, also, now feel an interest in your horoscope, and if you will give me the data it will give me pleasure to write it out for you.” There was a great feeling of happiness in me when he made this statement. He concluded by saying: “I do not feel that you really care for your horoscope.” The truth of this statement shocked me, because I did not care about a horoscope, and could not give any reason why I was letting him do it. “However,” he said, “May I call for your data next Sunday afternoon?” On Sunday afternoon at the appointed time, the Professor arrived, and I was handing him the slip of paper with all the data of my birth, etc., when the idea came to me to ask the Professor for the answer to the question about the 16th verse of the 21st Chapter of Revelation. The thought was instantly carried into effect, and I found myself asking this man what he thought this verse meant. Without pausing to think it over he immediately replied “it means: The city signifies the truth, and the truth is non-invertible; every side from which you approach it is exactly the same.” Intuitively and undoubtingly I recognized this answer as the true one, and my joy knew no bounds, because I felt sure that with this correct answer in my possession, Troward would accept me as his pupil in the fall.

As the great astrologer was leaving, I explained to him all about my desire to study with Troward, how I had come from New York City for that express purpose, seemingly to no avail, until the answer to this test question had been given to me by him.

He was greatly interested and asked many questions about Troward, and when asked if he would please send me his bill, he smilingly replied, “Let me know if the great Troward accepts you as his pupil,” and bade me good afternoon. I hastened to my room to send a telegram to Troward giving my answer to the question about the 16th verse of the 21st Chapter of Revelation. There was an immediate response from Troward that said: “Your answer is correct. Am beginning a course of lectures on The Great Pyramid In London. If you wish to attend them, will be pleased to have you, and afterward, if you still wish to study with me, I think it can be arranged.” On receipt of this reply preparations were at once made to leave Paris for London.

I attended all the lectures, receiving much instruction from them, after which arrangements were made for my studying with Troward. Two days before leaving for Cornwall I received the following letter from Troward clearly indicating the line of study he gave me: 

31 Stanwick Road, W. Kensington, England, 

November 8, 1912. 

Dear Mrs. Behrend, I think I had better write you a few lines with regard to your proposed studies with me, as I should be sorry for you to be under any misapprehension and so to suffer any disappointment. I have studied the subject now for several years, and have a general acquaintance with the leading features of most of the systems which, unfortunately, occupy attention in many circles at the present time, such as Theosophy, The Tarot, The Kabala, and the like, and I have no hesitation in saying that, to the best of my judgment, all sorts and descriptions of so called occult study are in direct opposition to the real life-giving Truth, and, therefore, you must not expect any teaching on such lines as these. 

We hear a great deal these days about Initiation; but, believe me, the more you try to become a so-called “Initiate ” the further you will put yourself from living life. I speak after many years of careful study and consideration when I say that the Bible and its Revelation of Christ is the one thing really worth studying, and that is a subject large enough in all conscience, embracing, as it does, our outward life and of everyday concerns, and also the inner springs of our life and all that we can in general terms conceive of the life in the unseen after putting off the body at death. You have expressed a very great degree of confidence in my teaching, and if your confidence is such that you wish, as you say, to put yourself entirely under my guidance, I can only accept it as a very serious responsibility, and should have to ask you to exhibit that confidence by refusing to look into such so-called “Mysteries” as I would forbid you to look into.

I am speaking from experience; but the result will be that much of my teaching will appear to be very simple, perhaps to some extent dogmatic, and you will say you have heard much of it before. Faith in God, Prayer and Worship, approach to the Father through Christ – all this is in a certain sense familiar to you; and all I can hope to do is perhaps to throw a little more light on these subjects, that they may become to you, not merely traditional words, but present living facts. I have been thus explicit as I do not want you to have any disappointment, and also I should say that our so-called course of study will be only friendly conversations at such times as we can fit them in, either you coming to our house, or I to yours, as may be most convenient at the time.

Also, I will lend you some books that will be helpful, but they are very few, and in no sense occult. Now, if all this falls in with your ideas, we shall, I am sure, be very glad to see you at Ruan Manor, and you will find that the residents there, though few, are very friendly and the neighborhood very pretty. But, on the other hand, if you feel that you want some other source of learning, do not mind saying so, only you will never find any substitute for Christ. I trust you will not mind my writing you like this, but I do not want you to come all the way down to Cornwall, and then be disappointed. With kindest regards, Yours sincerely, (Signed) T. TROWARD. This copy of Troward’s letter, to my mind, is the greatest thing I can give you.

Chapter 11 

How To Bring The Power In Your Word Into Action 

In your every word there is the power germ that expands and projects itself in the direction your word indicates, and ultimately develops into physical expression. For example, you wish to establish joy in your consciousness. Just repeat the word “joy” secretly, persistently and emphatically. 

The joy germ begins to expand and project itself until your whole being is filled with joy. This is not a mere fancy, but a truth. Once you experience this power, you will “daily prove that these facts have not been fabricated to fit a theory, but the theory has been built up by careful observation of facts.” 

Everyone knows that joy comes from within. Another may give you cause for joy, but no one can be joyous for you. Joy is a state of consciousness, and consciousness is purely Troward says, “Mental.” Mental faculties always work under something which stimulates them, and this stimulus may come either from without, through the external senses, or from within by the consciousness of something not perceptible on the physical plane. 

The recognition of this interior source of stimulus enables you to bring into your consciousness any state you “desire.” Once a thing seems normal to you, it is as surely yours, through the law of growth and attraction, as it is yours to know addition after you have the conscious use of figures. 

This method of repeating the word makes the word in all of its limitless meaning yours, because words are the embodiment of thoughts, and thought is creative, neither good nor bad, simply creative. This is the reason why Faith builds up and Fear destroys. “Only believe, and all things are possible unto you.” It is Faith that gives you dominion over every adverse circumstance or condition. It is your word of faith that sets you free, not faith in any specific thing or act, but simple Faith in your best self in all ways. It is because of this ever-present creative power within the heart of the word that makes your health, your peace of mind and your financial condition a reproduction of your most habitual thought. 

Try to believe and understand this, and you will find yourself Master of every adverse circumstance or condition, a Prince of Power.

Chapter 12 

How To Increase Your Faith 

But, you ask – How can I speak the word of Faith when I have little or no faith? 

Every living thing has faith in something or somebody. 

It is the quality of the creative energy in the positive Faith thought which gives it vitality, not the form it takes. Even intense fear is alive with faith. You fear smallpox because you believe it possible for you to contract it. You fear poverty and loneliness because you believe them possible for you. 

It is your habitual tendency of thought that reappears in your mind, your body and your affairs, not the occasional thought upon some specific line or desire. It is the Faith which understands that every creation had its birth in the womb of thought -words that gives you dominion over all things, your lesser self included, and this feeling of faith is increased and intensified through observing what it does. 

This observation is the observation of your state of consciousness when you did, not when you hoped you might, but feared it was too good to be true. How did you feel that time when you simply had to bring yourself into a better frame of mind and did, or you had to have a certain thing and got it? Live these experiences over again and again (mentally) until you really feel in touch with the self that knows and does, and the best there is, is yours. 

Chapter 13 

The Reward Of Increased Faith 

Because you have expanded your faith into the faith and laws of the universe that know no failure, your faith in the best of yourself (the principle of life in you) has brought you into conscious realization that you are not a victim of the universe, but a part of it. 

Consequently, there is that within yourself which is able to make conscious contact with the universal principle of law and power, and enables you to press all the particular laws of nature, whether visible or invisible, into serving your particular demand or desire, and thereby you find yourself Master, not a slave of any situation. 

Troward tells us that this Mastering is to be “accomplished by knowledge, and the only knowledge which will afford this purpose in all its measureless immensity is the knowledge of the personal element in universal spirit” and its reciprocity to our own personality. In other words, the words you think, the personality you feel yourself to be, are all reproductions in miniature or specialized God “or universal spirit.” All your word-thoughts were God word-forms before they were yours. The words you use are the instruments, channels, through which the creative energy takes shape. Naturally, this sensitive creative power can only reproduce in accordance with the instrument through which it passes. 

All disappointments and failures are the result of endeavoring to think one thing and produce another. This is just as impossible as it would be for an electric fan to be used for lighting purposes, or for water to flow through a crooked pipe in a straight line. The water must take the shape of the pipe through which it flows. Even more truly this sensitive, invisible, fluent substance must reproduce outwardly the shape of the thought-word through which it passes. This is the law of its nature; therefore, it logically follows, “As a man thinketh, so is he.” Hence, when your thought or word-form is in correspondence with the Eternal constructive and forward movement of the Universal Law, then your mind is the mirror in which the infinite power and intelligence of the universe sees itself reproduced, and your individual life becomes one of harmony. 

Chapter 14 

How To Make Nature Respond To You 

It should be steadily borne in mind that there is an intelligence and power in all nature and all space that is always creative and infinitely sensitive and responsive. 

The responsiveness of its nature is two-fold: it is creative and amenable to suggestion. Once the human understanding grasps this all-important fact, it realizes the simplicity of the law of life. All that is necessary is to realize that your mind is a center of Divine operation, and consequently contains that within itself which accepts suggestions, and expect all life to respond to your call, and you will find suggestions which tend to the fulfillment of your desire coming to you, not only from your fellowmen, but also from the flowers, the grass, the trees and the rocks which will enable you to fulfill your heart’s desire, if you act upon them in confidence on this physical plane. 

“Faith without works is dead,” but Faith with Works sets you absolutely free. 

Chapter 15 

Faith With Works – What It Has Accomplished 

It is said of Tyson, the great Australian millionaire, that the suggestion to “make the desert land of Australia blossom as the rose” came to him from a modest little Australian violet while he was working as a bushman for something like three shillings a day. He used to find these friendly little violets growing in certain places in the woods, and something in the flower touched something akin to itself in the mind of Tyson, and he would sit on the side of his bunk at night and wonder how flowers and vegetable life could be given an opportunity to express itself in the desert land of Australia. 

No doubt he realized that it would take a long time to save enough money to put irrigation ditches in the desert lands, but his thought and feeling were sure it could be accomplished, and if it could be done, he could do it. If there was a power within himself that was able to capture the idea, then there must be a responsive power within the idea itself that could bring itself into a practical physical manifestation. He resolutely put aside all questions as to the specific ways and means which would be employed in bringing his desire into physical manifestation, and simply kept his thought centered upon the idea of making fences and seeing flowers and grass where none existed. Since the responsiveness of reproductive creative power is not limited to any local condition of mind, his habitual meditation and mental picture set his ideas free to roam in an infinitude, and attract to themselves other ideas of a kindred nature. Therefore, it was not necessary for Tyson to wait and see his ideas and desires fulfilled, until he had saved from his three shillings a day enough money to irrigate the land, for his ideas found other ideas in the financial world which were attuned in sympathy with themselves, and doors of finance were quickly opened. All charitable institutions are maintained upon the principle of the responsiveness of life. If this were not true, no one would care to give, simply because another needed. 

The law of demand and supply, cause and effect, can never be broken. Ideas attract to themselves kindred ideas. Sometimes they come from a flower, a book or out of the invisible. You are sitting or walking, intent upon an idea not quite complete as to the ways and means of fulfillment, and behold along comes another idea, from no one can tell where, and finds friendly lodging with your idea, one idea attracting another, and so on until your desires are physical facts. You may feel the necessity for an improvement in your finances, and wonder how this increase is to be brought about, when there seems suddenly to come from within the idea that everything had its birth in thought, even money, and your thoughts turn their course. 

You simply hold to the statement or affirmation that the best, and all there is, is yours. 

Since you are able to capture ideas from the Infinite through the instrument of your intuition, you let your mind rest upon that thought knowing full well that this very thought will respond to itself. 

Your inhibition of the thought of doubt and feeling of anxiety enables the reassuring ideas to establish themselves and attract to themselves “I can ” and “I will ” ideas, which gradually grow into physical form of the desire in mind. In the conscious use of the universal power to reproduce your desires in physical form, three facts should be borne in mind: 

First – All space is filled with a creative power. 

Second – This creative power is amenable to suggestion. 

Third – It can only work by deductive methods. 

As Troward tells us, this last is an exceedingly important point, for it implies that the action of the ever-present creative power is in no way limited by precedent. It works according to the essence of the spirit of the principle. In other words, this universal power takes its creative direction from the word you give it. Once man realizes this great truth, it becomes the most important of all his consideration with what character this sensitive reproductive power is invested. It is the unvarying law of this creative life principle that “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” If you realize the truth that the only creative power can be to you only what you feel and think it to be, it is willing and able to meet your demands. 

Troward says, “If you think your thought is Powerful, then your Thought is Powerful.”

 “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” is the law of life, and the creative power can no more change this law than an ordinary mirror can reflect back to you a different image than the object you hold before it. 

“As you think so are you” does not mean “as you tell people you think” or “as you would wish the world to believe you think.” It means your innermost thoughts, that place where no one but you knows. “None can know the Father save the son” and “No one can know the son but the Father.” Only the reproductive creative spirit of life knows what you think until your thoughts become physical facts and manifest themselves in your body, your brain or your affairs. 

Then everyone with whom you come into contact may know, because the Father, the intelligent creative energy which heareth in secret, hears your most secret thoughts, rewards you openly, reproduces your thoughts in physical form. “As you think you know that is what you become” should be kept in the background of your mind constantly. This is watching and praying without ceasing, and when you are not feeling quite up to par to physically pray. 

 Chapter 16 

Suggestions As To How To Pray Or Ask, Believing You Have Already Received

 Scientific Thinking – Positive Thought Suggestions for Practical Application: 

Try, through careful, positive, enthusiastic (though not strenuous) thought, to realize that the indescribable, invisible substance of life fills all space; that its nature is intelligent, plastic, subjective substance. 

Five o’clock in the morning is the best time to go into this sort of meditation. 

If you will retire early every night for one month, before falling asleep impress firmly upon your subjective mind the affirmation “My Father is the ruler of all the world, and is expressing His directing power through me,” you will find that the substance of life takes form in the molds of your thoughts. 

Do not accept the above suggestion simply because it is given to you. Think it over carefully until the impression is made upon your own subconscious mind understandingly. 

Rise every morning, as was suggested before, at five o’clock, sit in a quiet room in a straight-backed chair, and think out the affirmation of the previous evening, and you will realize and be able to put into practice your princely power with the realization to some extent, at least, that your mind really is a center through which all the creative energy and power there is taking form. 

Scientific Prayer: 

The Principle Underlying Scientific Prayer In prayer for a change in condition, physical, mental or financial for yourself or another, bear in mind that the fundamental necessity for the answer to prayer is the understanding of the scientific statement: “Ask, BELIEVING YOU HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED and you shall receive” This is not as difficult as it appears on the surface, once you realize that everything has its origin in the mind, and that which you seek outwardly, you already possess. 

No one can think in the future. 

Your thought of a thing constitutes its origin. THEREFORE The Thought Form of the Thing is already Yours as soon as you think it. Your steady recognition of this Thought Possession causes the thought to concentrate, to condense, to project itself and to assume physical form. 

To Get Rich Through Creation:

The recognition or conception of new forces of wealth is the loftiest aspiration you can take into your heart, for it assumes and implies the furtherance of all noble aims. Items to be remembered about 

Prayer for Yourself or Another: 

Remember that that which you call treatment or prayer is not, in any sense, hypnotism. It should never be your endeavor to take possession of the mind of another. Remember that it should never be your intention to make yourself believe that which you know to be untrue. You are simply thinking into God or First Cause with the understanding that – “If a thing is true at all, there is a way in which it is true throughout the Universe.” Remember that the Power of Thought works by absolutely scientific principles. These principles are expressed in the language of the statement: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” This statement contains a world of wisdom, but man’s steady recognition and careful application of the statement itself is required to bring it into practical use. Remember that the principles involved in being as we think in our heart are elucidated and revealed by the law “As you sow, you shall reap.” Remember that your Freedom to choose just what you will think, just what thought possession you will affirm and claim constitutes God’s gift to you. It shows; How:

First Cause has endowed every man with the Power and Ability to bring into his personal environment whatever he chooses. 

Cause and Effect in reference to Getting: 

If you plant an ACORN, you get an OAK. If you sow a GRAIN OF CORN, you reap a stalk and MANY Kernels of Corn. 

You always get the manifestation of that which you consciously or unconsciously AFFIRM and CLAIM, habitually declare and expect, or in other words “AS YOU SOW” Therefore, sow the seeds of I AM…I OUGHT….I CAN…I WILL REALIZE that because you ARE you OUGHT, that because you OUGHT, you CAN, that because you CAN, you DO. 

The manifestation of this Truth, even in a small degree, gives you the indisputable understanding that DOMINION IS YOUR CHARTER RIGHT You are an Heir of First Cause, endowed with all the power He has. 

God has given you everything. ALL is yours, and you know that all you have to do is to reach out your mental hand and take it. This Formula may serve as a pattern to shape your own Prayer or Affirmation into God for the benefit of another or yourself. If for another, you speak the Christian name of the person you wish to help, then dismiss their personality entirely from your consciousness. Intensify your thought by meditating upon the fact that there is that in you which finds the way, which is the Truth and is the Life. You are affirming this fact, believing that since you are thinking this, it is already yours. Having lifted up your feeling to the central idea of this meditation, you examine your own consciousness to see if there is ought which is unlike God. If there is any feeling of fear, worry, malice, envy, hatred, or jealousy, turn back in your meditation to Cleanse your Thought through the affirmation that God’s Love and Purity fill all space including your heart and soul. Reconcile your thoughts with the Love of God, always remembering that You are made in the Image and Likeness of Love. Keep this Cleansing thought in mind until you feel that you have freed your consciousness entirely of all thoughts and feelings other than Love and Unity with all Humanity 

Then if denials do not disturb you, deny all that is unlike your desired manifestation. This accomplished, you almost overlay your denial with the affirmative thought that: You are made in the Image and Likeness of God and that you already have your desire fulfilled in its first, its original spiritual or thought-form. 

Closing of Prayer: 

Prayer as a method of thought is a deliberate use of the Law which gives you the Power of Dominion over everything which tends in any way to hamper your perfect liberty. YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN LIFE THAT YOU MAY ENJOY IT MORE AND MORE FULLY The steady recognition of this Truth makes you declare yourself a PRINCE OF POWER. 

You recognize, accept and use this power as A CHILD OF A KING AND HENCE DOMINION IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT Then when you feel the light of this great Truth flooding your consciousness -open the flood-gates of your soul in Heartfelt Praise that you have the understanding that….THE CREATOR AND HIS CREATION ARE ONE. 

Also that the Creator is continually creating through his creation. Close your treatment in the happy assurance that the Prayer which is fulfilled is not a form of supplication but a steady habitual affirming that The Creator of all Creation is operating Specifically through you, therefore THE WORK MUST BE PERFECTLY DONE – YOUR MIND IS A CENTER OF DIVINE OPERATION. 

Hints for Application and Practice: 

For every five minutes given to reading and study of the theories of Mental Science, spend fifteen minutes in the use and application of the knowledge acquired. 

1. Spend one minute in every twenty-four hours in conscientiously thinking over the specification that must be observed in order to have your prayers answered. 

2. Practice the steady recognition of desirable thought possession for two periods of fifteen minutes each every day. Not only time yourself each period to see how long you can keep a given conception before your mental vision, but also keep a written record of the vividness with which you experience your mental image. Remember that your mental senses are just as varied and trainable as your physical ones. 

3. Spend five minutes every day between 12 noon and 1 o’clock with a mental search for new sources of wealth. 

Chapter 17 

Things to Remember 

Remember that the greatest Mental Scientist the world has ever known (Jesus Christ, the Man) said all things are possible unto you. 

Also the “things I do you can do.” 

Did he tell the truth? 

Jesus did not claim to be more divine than you are. He declared the whole human race children of God. By birth he was no exception to this rule. The power he possessed was developed through His personal effort. He said you could do the same if you would only believe in yourself. 

A great idea is valueless unless accompanied by physical action. God gives the idea; man works it out upon the physical plane. 

All that is really worthwhile is contentment. Self-command alone can produce it. The soul and body are one. Contentment of mind is contentment of soul, and contentment of soul means contentment of body. 

If you wish health, watch your thoughts, not only of your physical being, but your thoughts about everything and everybody. With your will keep them in line with your desire, and outwardly act in accordance with your thoughts, and you will soon realize that all power both over thoughts and conditions has been given to you. 

You believe in God. Believe in yourself as the physical instrument through which God operates. 

Absolute dominion is yours when you have sufficient self-mastery to conquer the negative tendency of thoughts and actions. 

Ask yourself daily: “What is the purpose of the power which put me here?” “How can I work with the purpose for life and liberty in me?” Upon having decided these questions, endeavor hourly to fulfill them. 

You are a law unto yourself. If you have a tendency to overdo anything, eat, drink or blame circumstances for your misfortunes, conquer that tendency with the inward conviction that all power is yours outwardly. 

Eat less, drink less, blame circumstances less, and the best there is will gradually grow in the place where the worst seemed to be. 

Always remember that all is yours to use, as you will. 

You can if you will: if you will you do. 

God the Father blesses you with all He has to give. Make good Godly use of it. 

The reason for greater success when you first began your studies and demonstrations in Mental Science is that your joy and enthusiasm at the simple discovery of the power within was greater than you have been able to put into your understanding later. 

With increased understanding put increasing joy and enthusiasm, and the results will correspond.

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Never believe in IMPOSSIBLE again!

When you understand the redemptive function of imagination, you hold in your hands the key to the solution of all your problems.

Scenario ONE:

You’re a teacher and one of the kids in class WON’T stop tapping his hands and drumming on the desk. He is constantly in trouble, he won’t stop and it disrupts the class. He ruins everybody’s class. He gets sent to the principal’s office again and again, nothing helps. He grows up to be angry, rebellious and constantly battling the world.

Scenario TWO:

You’re a teacher, and one of the kids won’t stop tapping his hands on the desk, class after class, tap tap tap, constantly drumming on the desk. You buy him a drum set, and tell him that he is not a problem, that he has a GIFT!  He doesnät have a behavior problem but he is a DRUMMER. Kid grows up to become a world famous drummer. True story.

THIS is how our self concept is formed, one childhood moment at a time.

EVERYONE is subject to being shaped and formed throughout childhood, for good or bad. We come into the world with a mission to overcome, and harmonize further, to finetune our understanding of our divine nature, and this might sound strange to you, but we do. 

We are consciousness before we are born into this costume called a body, and return to consciousness after. This is not something that takes place in time or space, we don’t have the ability to see WHAT time-space is, when we put on  these eyes that blind us. 

This is why a conscious creator has to MAKE A DECISION to see with the eyes of God. Divine perception. 

Because of this, when we are born we have vastly different circumstances, and your circumstances are pressingly real and important to you,  but not to everyone else. When we say, circumstances don’t matter, that means that your mission here, should you choose to accept it, is to OVERCOME. It doesn’t mean that your circumstances don’t FEEL important to you, that’s the whole crux of the matter, To YOU, the circumstances do in fact matter. The more you believe in them, the more they solidify, and turn to matter. No Matter what it is, no matter AT ALL, the more you think it matters, the more it is solidly seeming matter. Real. Unchangeable. The very day that you realize that you are here ONLY to overcome these difficulties, you are ONLY here to recognize oneness, and harmonize with the divine, that is the day that the solidity of your circumstances dissolve, and a new reality can begin to form.

The child who grew up in a harsh and dangerous family, who’s love and affection is never recognized, who is treated with alternating violence, abuse, and neglect, perhaps grows up with cPTSD, or maybe even a BPD diagnosis. This person spends their life desperately looking for love in every person who resembles the abusive parents. Every love story ends the same, and at the break up they are suicidal. Heartbroken again, believing that to feel loved and whole love has to come from only THAT person.


The same child grows up in the most harmonious loving home, where she is seen, heard, and validated on a regular basis, her love is seen and received with joy. The mirror that parents provide shows her only goodness. This person grows up to hit the relationship jackpot right away, she is wired to see love in herself, and the one who is a match to her love, is a man who is generous with his emotional availability, he is intimate on a fundamental soul to soul level, and she sees this with eyes of comfort, whereas the other child would see emotional intimacy with eyes of suspicion and fear. 

You do NOT have to examine every corner of your life, or know what events caused you to become you, you just have to know that the formation of your beliefs either serve you or hinder you.

It can certainly seem that you MUST know what caused the limiting beliefs, but as I will explain, this is just part of that state. It is a limiting belief in and of itself. You don’t have to know every detail of the cause anymore than an emergency doctor has to know the exact cause of your broken leg in order to put a cast on it. But similarly, you do have to cocoon the limiting belief and the old state that it arises out of in a mental cast, and stop walking on it. Don’t touch those limiting beliefs again, unless you want to resurrect that old pain.

If you are constantly running into the same obstacle, the world is against you or you believe that you are a hoodlum, the cause of problems everywhere you go, or if you believe that every partner that you have ever been with has left you because there is something wrong with you, even though there seemed to be love, then you have not YET learned how to overcome your circumstances, you have not YET mastered leaving the old state behind. So. You still try and try and try to manifest FROM the broken state. Living FROM the end means that you take off the comforts of that old state, and venture into the new state with absolute fearlessness. YES, people who are trapped here are VERY attached to the old state believing THAT crazy intense and broken love to be more, stronger, more passionate etcetera. Or whatever false belief that gives you comfort and dopamine hits. No. This IS the false belief.


The love from the new and wholesome state is even better, but since your dopamine hit has been hardwired into you during childhood and adolescence, you are addicted to your particular method of getting those dopamine hits. THAT is all that YOUR reaction to circumstances is. An ADDICTION.  You made it into your very identity. It is not your identity because you can take that old identity OFF, put it down, never pick it up again, and walk forward in life, a success. A world renowned drummer. A loved and needed wife or husband whose spouse would rather amputate a limb than LOSE YOU. Daring to leave your old state behind is what scares you the most, but it is EXACTLY what gives you the keys to your kingdom. The kingdom of EXACTLY what you want.

YES your circumstances MATTER to you. And yes you have to overcome them. You are here by your own choice, and by your own beliefs, once you reach adulthood, you can change your circumstances by changing your beliefs. If you examined your thoughts daily for just one week, you would see that all of your thoughts arise from one state or another. You might be in a state of anxiety one day, and write down your thoughts, then a few days later you might be at ease completely going with the flow and enjoying life, if you then look back on what you wrote a few days earlier while in a state of anxiety you would think “How silly I was”. Your state brings along all the limiting beliefs, and all the negative thoughts. This then becomes the soil in which you plant your seeds, and this is poisoned soil.  

Our first order of business should always be to know that your state gives rise to your limiting beliefs, AND your negative thoughts.

The second order of business is to always KNOW that even though the state seems REAL, you are still the only thing that is keeping THAT state alive. Without your attention, the whole state dies, and you are free.

The THIRD order of business is to know that YOU and YOU alone blows life into the state, and NO TEACHER, priest, LOA coach, NO CHANNELER, no psychic, no tarot reader, no destiny, no karma, no fate, no psychologist, NO OUTSIDE GOD, literally nobody but YOU, have the power to change your state. YOU. 

(Remember that anyone who believes themselves to be special enough to be a spiritual leader for anyone else has massive ego problems, and don’t get a fake guru, don’t get into a cult like following based on law of attraction OR anyone other cult for that matter. You are the one who controls and directs your state.) A woman recently asked a question about changing a specific person, and said that “Bashar” had said that it is impossible in one of his “channeled” lectures. I will repeat, Nobody, including Bashar, is the master of YOUR state. 

When people say “You can not manifest” they are talking about themselves. They can not. From the state that THEY are in, they see only their limiting beliefs. Let me assure you that GOD can do anything.  Neville Goddard says:

“You become according to your resigned will, and your resigned will is your concept of yourself and all that you consent to and accept as true.”

If God wants to create a miracle, he will create a miracle. If he wants to send an angel he will send an angel, if he wants to raise a man from the dead, he will raise a man from the dead. 

Yes, YOU, in your state of limiting beliefs can not. But you CAN change state. What can you do from your new state? Only you can tel,l once you have given life to that state. Save your This or that can’t be done for yourself, and let everyone who is changing their life go about their trailblazing business. Man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it”

“You, assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled and continuing therein, take upon yourself the results of that state; not assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you are ever free of the results.”

Change your state and THEN talk about what is possible from that state. 

Become the world’s most renowned drummer, and THEN talk about what is possible. Become the person who is a wife or a husband, and THEN talk about how your spouse would never leave you. Bashar does NOT hold the keys to your kingdom, only YOU DO. Become the STATE first, and you will feel a whole universe of possibilities open up for you, THEN you will know what is possible. It does not matter what it is that you desire, if you desire it, this is your path forward. The new state will give rise to yet other desires, desires that you currently have not even smelled the scent of yet. Let life surprise you by learning how to enter the state first, and follow its magical path of expansion. Neville goddard says:

“Since your life is determined by your assumptions, you are forced to recognize the fact that you are either a slave to your assumptions or their master.

To become the master of your assumptions is the key to undreamed of freedom and happiness.

You can attain this mastery by deliberate conscious control of your imagination.

You determine your assumptions in this way: Form a mental image, a picture of the state desired, of the person you want to be. Concentrate your attention upon the feeling that you are already that person.

First, visualize the picture in your consciousness. Then feel yourself to be in that state as though it actually formed your surrounding world.

By your imagination that which was a mere mental image is changed into a seemingly solid reality.

The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.

It cannot be emphasized too much that, by creating an ideal within your mental sphere, by assuming that you are already that ideal, you identify yourself with it and thereby transform yourself into its image, thinking from the ideal instead of thinking of the ideal.

Every state is already there as “mere possibilities” as long as we think of them, but as overpoweringly real when we think from them.”

The steps of manifesting are the same as the steps in life:

  1. Have a desire
  2. Intend
  3. Receive

Rinse and repeat.

woman in blue dress walking in the mountains

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