Hear  Your Good news Announced! A Neville Goddard Method

Hear  Your Good news Announced!

Imagine this: You’re chatting with an aquaintance, someone you know and who knows you but NOT your best friend. Why not your best friend? Because your best friend already knows everything! You tell your best friend everything first, so imagine a person who maybe knows you both, but you don’t usually confide in them. In other words; An acquaintance!

Hear them say this to you: 

“I heard through the grapevine……”

“Someone told me that…….”

“[Name of best friend] told me that……”

“I heard a rumor that……” 

(Using the phrase of language that they ACTUALLY would use.) 

Follow this up with them telling you that they heard your GOOD NEWS, whether it’s “I heard a rumor that you got married,” “Congratulations on your successful business,” or “I heard you bought a new house,” you can insert any desire you have in mind.

When you imagine this casual conversation, you’re assuming that your desire has already come true. You’re not hoping or wishing; you’re confidently accepting it as reality. 

You can follow their statement with a confirmation if you like, tell them “Yes, it is so nice“, but you can also drop off the imagination immediately. It is so simple!

How to Use This Technique

1. Choose Your Desire: Start by pinpointing what you want to manifest

2. Imagine the Conversation:  Imagine the selected person you know but who wouldn’t already know your good news. Hear them saying the above statement in a way that fits with your language style.

3. Repeat a few times.

4. Done.

YOu can do it anytime during the day, when you wake up, or before bed. It DOESN’T matter.

Where does this method come from?

This story is from Neville Goddard’s “Freedom For all.” 

It is an UNDERUSED method, please make use of THIS more often. It is easy, and it is quick!

This also overlaps with an NLP technique that is used with huge success to quit addictions!

Just for all the folks who DO NOT like Neville Goddard’s constant referencing of the Bible, and even more importantly for all of us who are followers of Jesus Christ, I have made a post about that HERE, where I address this.

Let’s now allow Neville to use his Biblical analogies, and remember that his Biblical beliefs should have no impact on YOURS.

Freedom For All, Chapter Nine

The Annunciation:

The use of a friend’s voice to impregnate one’s self with a desirable state is beautifully told in the story of the Immaculate Conception.

It is recorded that God sent an angel to Mary to announce the birth of His son. “And the angel said unto her… thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son… Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall over-shadow thee; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of God. For with God nothing shall be impossible”. [Luke 1:30-37]

This is the story that has been told for centuries the world over, but man was not told that it was written about himself so he has failed to receive the benefit it was intended to give him.

The story reveals the method by which the idea or Word was made flesh. God, we are told, germinated or begat an idea, a son, without the aid of another. Then He placed His germinal idea in the womb of Mary with the help of an angel who made the announcement to her and impregnated her with the idea.

No simpler method was ever recorded of consciousness impregnating itself than is found in the story of the Immaculate Conception.

The four characters in this drama of creation are the Father, the Son, Mary and the Angel.

The Father symbolizes your consciousness; the Son symbolizes your desire; Mary symbolizes your receptive attitude of mind; and the Angel symbolizes the method used to make the impregnation.

The drama unfolds in this manner. The Father begets a Son without the aid of another.

You define your objective – you clarify your desire without the help or suggestion of another.

Then the Father selects that angel who is best qualified to bear this message or germinal possibility to Mary.

You select the person in your world who would be sincerely thrilled in witnessing the fulfillment of your desire.

Then Mary learns through the angel that she has already conceived a Son without the aid of man.

You assume a receptive attitude of mind, a listening attitude, and imagine you are hearing the voice of the one you have chosen to tell you what you desire to know. Imagine that you hear him tell you that you are and have that which you desire to be and to have. You remain in this receptive state until you feel the thrill of having heard the good and wonderful news. Then like Mary of the story, you go about your business in secret telling no one of this wonderful and immaculate self-impregnation, confident that in due season you will express this impression.

The Father generates the seed or germinal possibility of a Son but in a eugenic impregnation; He does not convey the spermatozoa from Himself to the womb. He has it borne through another medium.

Consciousness desiring is the Father generating the seed or idea. A clarified desire is the perfectly formed seed or the only begotten Son. This seed is then carried from the Father (consciousness desiring) to the Mother (consciousness of being and having the state desired).

This change in consciousness is accomplished by the angel or imaginary voice of a friend telling you that you have already achieved your objective.

The use of an angel or friend’s voice to make a conscious impression is the shortest, safest and surest way to be self-impregnated.

With your desire properly defined, you assume an attitude of listening. Imagine you are hearing the voice of a friend; then make him tell you (imagine he is telling you) how lucky and fortunate you are to have fully realized your desire.

In this receptive attitude of mind you are receiving the message of an angel; you are receiving the impression that you are and have that which you desire to be and to have. The emotional thrill of having heard that which you desire to hear is the moment of conception. It is the moment you become self-impregnated, the moment you actually feel you are now that or have that which heretofore you but desired to be or to possess.

As you emerge from this subjective experience, you, like Mary of the story, will know by your changed attitude of mind that you have conceived a Son; that you have fixed a definite subjective state and will in a little while express or objectify this state.

Neville Goddard

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Revision: Neville Goddard’s Approach

Revision: Neville Goddard’s Approach

Neville Goddard’s technique of revision offers a practical way to reframe, forgive, forget or heal past events and promote a new vision for ourselves. Envision and imagine, a different starting point, by revision.

A Trauma Healing Revision Meditation

A Practical Overview

Revision allows us to revisit past events and modify them to match our desired outcomes. It’s about choosing the emotional and mental responses we want to carry forward, similar to editing a story to have a happier ending.

“If, for instance, you had gone to an interview for a job you truly wanted but later learned that someone else was hired, you can revise that news to make it conform to what you wish you had heard.”

– Neville Goddard

How to Use Revision

  1. Identify a Situation: NOTICE what you are imagining / thinking. Either about a past event or something that is happing right now, that has left you with negative feelings.
  2. Relive / Revise the Event: Take a moment to name and distance yourself from the thoughts and feelings, and mentally revisit the event, but as an observer. Push the event or thoughts away (imagine them pushed away from you)
  3. Rewrite the Script: Picture the event unfolding in a way that aligns perfectly with your desires. See and feel the joy, success, or positive emotions , give vivid colors, and bring this close to you (See it come towards you). Identify with this.
  4. Embed the New Memory: Practice this revised version more than once, run it through a few times in your mind. Allow the positive emotions associated with the new version to become a part of you.

Practical Example

Let’s say you had a job interview that didn’t go well, leaving you feeling discouraged. With revision, you can replay the interview in your mind, but this time, visualize confidently answering each question. Picture the interviewers impressed with your responses, and feel the confidence within you growing. (A typical Neville example, career and promotions were some of his most comon stories, but you can apply it towards anything you like)

Why would you EVEN bother with this?

By embracing revision, we take charge of your narrative, otherwise your limbic systems survival brain leads your narrative without your consent.

“If you react by feeling depressed or assume any other negative attitude, you will then experience the same type of rejection in the future.” 

-Neville Goddard

We revise our past (or present) to create a new neural pathway, and to reinforce the frontal lobe connetion to our CHOSEN narratives.

When we engage in revision, we’re not altering the actual events of the past, but rather transforming our interpretation and emotional response to those events. You change your REACTION to the past. This, in turn, affects how we perceive and act in the present moment, which is the appointed hour. Now is where we have the power to shape our thoughts, emotions, and our reality.

What should you expect from your revision?

 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”

– Galatians

If it is not a changed past, then what should you expect? There is a saying, “The proof is in the pudding”, or as it is phrased in the Bible: “By their fruits shall you know them”:

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits:

 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.  You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?  Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Matthew 7:15-20

In our case, it is our thoughts that are “the fasle prohpets“, the thoughts come to us, appearing as truth. The fruits of those thoughts are the fruits of fear, victimhood, anger or insecurity etc. So know that your revision is complete when your thoughts become those of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Imagine that the negativity was cut down and thrown into the fire, and can no longer produce its bad fruit, the fruits of fear, victimhood, anger or insecurity. With this tree cut down, your tree of good fruit grows, and develops. This opens your eyes to goodnes, opportunities, strenghts and joy.


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