WHY are you wired to react to circumstance, and why you are wrong | A Sequel to the “Meaning Making Series”

Don’t react to 3d?

It is not just a catch phrase from LOA, and here is why:

As human beings, we tend to react negatively to unknown circumstances due to our built-in survival instinct, which is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history. Throughout our evolution, our ancestors faced numerous threats and challenges in their environment, and those who were more cautious and skeptical of the unknown had a better chance of survival. This survival instinct has been passed down to us.

Brain Wiring:

When faced with uncertainty, our brain’s amygdala, which is responsible for processing emotions, particularly fear, becomes highly active. This activation triggers a stress response and prepares us for potential dangers or threats. This response is often referred to as the “fight-or-flightresponse, as it prepares us to either confront the threat or escape from it.

Survival Instincts:

Negative emotions, such as fear, anxiety, and skepticism, are closely linked to this survival instinct. When confronted with an unknown circumstance, we may experience a heightened sense of vulnerability and perceive the situation as a potential threat to our well-being. This triggers negative emotions as a way to keep us vigilant and cautious in order to protect ourselves.

What is Negativity Bias?

Moreover, uncertainty itself can be uncomfortable and unsettling. As human beings, we have a natural desire for stability, predictability, and control. Uncertainty disrupts these desires, leaving us feeling unsettled and anxious. Our brains strive to make sense of the world and create a coherent narrative, we are meaning making machines, but when faced with unknown circumstances, our brain lacks the necessary information to do so, leading to a sense of unease and negativity. The built n negativity bias is a remnant from the survival brain.

What is Cognitive Bias?

Additionally, our cognitive biases also play a role in our negative reactions to uncertainty. We have a tendency to focus more on potential losses rather than gains, known as loss aversion. This bias makes unknown circumstances more threatening, as we tend to magnify the potential negative outcomes and downplay the positive ones.

Meaning Making:

Furthermore, our brains are wired to seek patterns and familiarity. When faced with uncertainty, we lack these familiar patterns, leading to cognitive dissonance and discomfort. Our brains prefer certainty and familiarity because they require less cognitive effort and energy. Therefore, the absence of clear information or known patterns can result in negative emotions and a preference for certainty.

Tolerance For Ambiguity:

It is important to note that not all individuals react the same way to uncertainty. Some people may have a higher tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty, while others may be more prone to negative reactions. Factors such as individual personality traits, past experiences, and cultural influences can also shape our responses to unknown circumstances.

Overcoming Yourself:

Overcoming the knee-jerk reactions of our survival instinct takes practice. Similar to how a Navy SEAL must practice to overcome their fight-or-flight response to be an effective warrior, we too need to exert effort to overcome our inherent biases. Practice makes perfect. Wiring our brains towards a positivity bias or, as in the Law of Assumption, a fulfillment bias (a state of the wish fulfilled) requires conscious effort and diligent mindfulness. Since everyone is different, YOUR efforts must be tailored to overcome your cognitive biases.

Don’t React To Circumstance:

In summary, our negative reactions to unknown circumstances stem from our evolutionary survival instinct, which is naturally inclined towards negativity and triggers fear and skepticism. The uncertainty disrupts our desire for stability and control, resulting in discomfort and anxiety. Additionally, cognitive biases and the brain’s preference for familiarity contribute to our negative responses.

Understanding these underlying factors can assist us in navigating uncertainty more effectively and training our minds to embrace a positivity bias. Unless we are in a genuine life-or-death situation, there is no need for the brain to activate the cascade of survival chemicals. There is NO need to react to 3D. You are simply making up the most negative scenario without any basis.

Imagination creates.

Therefore, it is important to train our brains towards a fulfillment bias, also known as the state of the wish fulfilled. (Neville Goddard) By consciously practicing and redirecting our thoughts, we can rewire our brains to focus on positive outcomes and experiences. Like navy seals we can retrain our reactions, and by learning how to expect positive outcomes we manifest positive outcomes!

woman in pink dress sitting on brown wooden chair reading braille

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