As You Assume, So you Are

Our assumptions are the basis for the reality we inhabit. The power of our thoughts, and beliefs, expressed through assumptions, can either work for us or against us. Some people are raised with empowering words, and others are treated with shaming or disempowering attitudes. If we are not proactive, the assumptions that we make about ourselves work against us. We become our own worst enemy. This is literally how simple the law of assumption is. there is nothing else really. Our assumptions about ourselves create our experience of reality.

Most of the time our negative assumptions are hiding, we might think that we are positive, or go-getters, or just telling it like it is. It is worth it to examine your own beliefs and assumptions. Some of the common negative assumptions that I see are the following:

Assumptions of Negativity:

  1. Hard Work Hurdle: “I have to work really hard to succeed.”
  2. Business Blues: “No one wants to buy from me.”
  3. Client Conundrum: “Clients are hard to get.”
  4. Social Media Stranglehold: “Social media sucks the life out of me.”
  5. Pervasive Negativity: “Everyone is so negative.”
  6. Life’s Lament: “My life sucks!”
  7. Fulfillment Fiasco: “I can’t find a job that excites or fulfills me.”
  8. Respect Residue: “My boss does not respect me.”
  9. Career Ceiling: “I’ll never make it up the career ladder.”
  10. Love Lament: “I can’t find the right person to love me.”
  11. Generosity Gripes: “I try to be loving and giving all the time, but no one loves or appreciates me.”
  12. Family Fiasco: “My family is a burden to me.”
  13. Energy Drain: “My family (spouse, mother, father, children) drains me.”
  14. Debt Dilemma: “I feel like I’m drowning in debt.”
  15. Financial Frustration: “It’s hard to make a decent living.”
  16. Money Misconceptions: “Money is at the root of all evil.”
  17. Wealthy Woes: “People with money are not nice, ruthless and uncaring.”
  18. Spiritual Money Taboo: “Money is not spiritual.”
  19. Financial Limits: “I can never make enough money.”
  20. Desire Drought: “I can never have what I wish for.”
  21. Dream Dismissal: “My dreams are just that! Dreams and not reality.”
  22. Time Tangle: “Time is always against me.”
  23. Circumventing Circles: “I feel like I’m always going around in circles and never getting anywhere fast.”
  24. Energy Ebb: “I never have the energy to do anything.”
  25. Health Hindrance: “My health problems are holding me back.”
  26. Sickness Spiral: “I’m always getting sick.”
  27. Immune Insecurity: “I don’t have a strong immune system.”
  28. Cancer Concerns: “I’m worried that I will get cancer because it’s in my family.”

The Power of Positivity:

Now, let’s flip the script and infuse these assumptions with empowering alternatives:

  1. Success is a Journey: “I find joy and success in my endeavors.”
  2. In-Demand Products: “My products and services are valuable, and people are eager to embrace them.”
  3. Client Magnetism: “I attract clients effortlessly.”
  4. Social Media Boost: “Social media is a tool for connection and inspiration.”
  5. Positivity Prevails: “I choose to surround myself with positivity.”
  6. Life’s Abundance: “My life is filled with opportunities and blessings.”
  7. Job Excitement: “I am excited about the fulfilling job that awaits me.”
  8. Respected and Valued: “My boss respects and values my contributions.”
  9. Climbing with Confidence: “I climb the career ladder with confidence and competence.”
  10. Love Attraction: “I attract love and meaningful connections.”
  11. Appreciation Abounds: “My generosity is reciprocated with love and appreciation.”
  12. Family Support: “My family is my support system, adding richness to my life.”
  13. Energizing Bonds: “I build energizing connections with my family (spouse/partner, mother, father, children).”
  14. Debt-Free Future: “I am actively managing my finances and moving toward financial freedom.”
  15. Thriving Finances: “I effortlessly make a decent living.”
  16. Money as a Force for Good: “Money is a tool for good, and it flows abundantly into my life.”
  17. Compassionate Wealth: “Wealthy individuals are compassionate and generous.”
  18. Spiritual Prosperity: “Spirituality and financial success coexist harmoniously.”
  19. Financial Mastery: “I am more than capable of achieving my financial goals.”
  20. Manifestation Mastery: “I manifest my desires into reality.”
  21. Dreams Materialize: “My dreams are a powerful driving force toward my success.”
  22. Time is on My Side: “I have all the time I need to accomplish my goals.”
  23. Navigating with Purpose: “I navigate life’s journey with purpose and direction.”
  24. Energetic Dynamo: “I am energized and ready for anything.”
  25. Vibrant Health: “My health is vibrant, and I am resilient.”
  26. Wellness Warrior: “I nurture my well-being and take proactive steps to maintain good health.”
  27. Immune Powerhouse: “I have a robust immune system.”
  28. Health Confidence: “I confidently embrace my health, knowing that I am well.”

It is in the narratives we construct that we find the key to the reality we manifest. It takes some amount of resilience to refuse negative assumptions and to persist in positive ones, but anyone can do it.

The choice is ours – what is your assumption? It is already done, creation is finished, the battle is won, and the desire fulfilled, so what is really left to do but to mop up the rest of those disempowering assumptions?

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The FALSE Teachings of Neville Goddard

Why Understanding Who Jesus Is Matters

Welcome to a blogpost, where we are about to embark on a journey to unveil one of the most significant revelations known to humanity. This revelation lies at the heart of the Christian faith, drawing from the texts of the Bible. So, before we dive into the depths of this life-altering truth, it’s essential that we reflect on a pivotal question: Why is it crucial to understand who Jesus is according to the scriptures if all you want is the Law Of Assumption?

In this discussion, we’ll explore the dynamics of how some LOA coaches cherry-pick and reinterpret the Bible, drawing from Neville Goddard’s teachings, manipulating the content of the Bible, encompassing the Old and New Testaments. This blog unambiguously supports the notion that Jesus was a genuine, historical figure who existed as both fully human and fully divine concurrently.

Furthermore, it emphasizes the eternal nature of Jesus’ existence. This perspective is firmly grounded in the Bible, which serves as the primary source for Neville Goddard. Here we go.

The Bible’s Text:

New Testament:

Manuscript copying was a meticulous process, ensuring remarkable accuracy. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating back over 1,000 years before later copies, showcased the consistency of this process. Textual criticism reveals that we know with certainty about 99.5 percent of the original Bible content in its original languages. The remaining 0.5 percent pertains to minor details, with no impact on fundamental Christian beliefs in Jesus as the son of God..

Old Testament:

Science has at one point disproved the factual accuracy of the Jewish scriptures, and thus, the stories contained in them have been largely ignored. This is true of the story of Adam and Eve for example. However, A scripture expert contends that archaeological evidence supports the historical reliability of the Bible’s accounts of Abraham. Despite debates over whether Abraham was a historical or literary figure, these discoveries are seen as corroborating the Bible’s historical accuracy regarding him. The expert’s argument rests on the belief that the archaeological findings provide evidence in favor of the Bible’s portrayal of Abraham as a Bronze Age nomad who played a key role in the birth of Israel and is considered a patriarch of the Jewish nation.

The False statements

Some Law of Attraction/Assumption coaches have been eager to claim that science disproves the Bible. However evidence is emerging to support the historical accuracy of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). This challenges the notion that science automatically contradicts the Bible.

Archaeological discoveries have provided evidence supporting the historical reliability of the Bible, particularly in regard to the genealogy of Abraham. These findings include inscriptions of places named after Abraham’s ancestors, as mentioned in the Bible.

The Allure of LOA and Coaches

LOA, like many spiritual paths, has the power to captivate and inspire individuals looking for change, hope, and transformation. It promises ease and guaranteed results, attracting those who desire a quick solution to life’s challenges. Many coaches offer guidance on manifesting desires and improving one’s life. It is a new religion. However, we must examine the motivations behind these pursuits and whether they lead to genuine transformation.

Spiritual Scamming

I shed light on the concerning trend of what could be described as “spiritual scamming..” While many LOA coaches genuinely aim to help, there is a growing number who may prioritize financial gain over authentic guidance. We discuss the importance of discernment and seeking ethical, credible sources.

Neville Goddard and the Bible

Neville Goddard asserts that the Bible lacks historical accuracy, but evidence suggests otherwise.

Despite his frequent integration of biblical references in his teachings, many in the “manifestation” community are reluctant to discuss the Bible. The mere mention of God tends to stir debate among Law of Assumption enthusiasts.

The TRUE Teachings Of Neville Goddard

I know, I talk about Neville Goddard all the time, why am I making this post?

The truth or lack of truth of Jesus’s identity, his references to God, and the Biblical portrayal of God’s identity, has no bearing on Neville Goddard’s “Law Of Assumption .‘’

The Law Of Assumption can be taught and explained without reference to the Bible.

Let’s look at Neville’s interpretations alongside direct Bible sources, examining the importance of these beliefs in Law of Assumption practices.

It’s worth noting that Neville Goddard received teachings from a Rabbi rooted in the Jewish tradition, which traditionally denies the divinity of Jesus. However, some argue that Isaiah 53, often considered a “ forbidden chapter”, unequivocally prophesies Jesus and identifies him as the Messiah.

Jesus Christ Is God.

This confusion, about the identity of Christ is widespread, but our focus here is the LOA community, and of course Neville. Neville Goddard heavily relies on references from both the Old Testament and the New Testament in all of his books and lectures. While some may find his approach uncomfortable, many resonate with his core message that you can manifest your desires, including interpersonal relationships. It’s essential to recognize that Neville’s claims are closely tied to these biblical sources. If you accept his claims, it’s logical to consider his sources as well, fact-checking the coherence and validity of his teachings within the framework of these biblical references.

Believing is seeing.

In the early days of Law of Attraction (LOA) teachings, there was a wide range of interpretations regarding God and spirituality. Some teachers, such as Helena Blavatsky, employed unconventional language, drawing comparisons between God and a serpent, her influences being mostly a bastardization of teachings from the East. . This unconventional approach led to diverse interpretations and beliefs. These teachings often constituted a mixture of fabricated spirituality, emerging New Age religions, and a multitude of deceptive claims, primarily aimed at exploiting people for financial gain.

Neville Goddard incorporated biblical references into his LOA teachings. However, because he was influenced by a Rabbi who did not recognize the divinity of Jesus, Neville’s interpretation of the New Testament appears to be based on a Kabbalistic model rather than historical documentation, which results in his denial of the Bible’s historical accuracy. Despite these variations, some argue that the Bible, along with other ancient texts from different parts of the world, remains one of the most reliable historical references available.

Neville Goddard, unlike most of his contemporary new thought teachers who employed a concoction of Eastern spiritual insights mixed with Christian mysticism, was influenced by a rabbi, and he did not initially align with the traditional Christian belief that Jesus was a real, historical figure. He also does not veer into magical rituals or other occult “secrets” or initiation rites. Neville is clearly trained in kabbalah.

Rabbis typically do not embrace the New Testament, often not even having read it. The New Testament being a Christian corner stone, is rarely, if ever read by Jewish people. This seems obvious, but I want to be overly clear here. With this in mind, Neville’s own incorporation of teachings from the New Testament are inconsistent, a point I’ve noticed for some time but haven’t raised before. Hence the the reasons for this post.

While Jesus is recognized as a metaphor for enlightened, compassionate, and blissful love, often referred to as Christ consciousness, traditional Christian doctrine regards Jesus as the Son of God, historical figure, and the embodiment of God. This is where Neville’s teachings may be perceived as misleading, and it’s important to clarify these differences.

The idea that you are the “god of your reality,” a term Neville Goddard did not use, is not a necessary element of these teachings. Instead, the core of his teachings involve assuming a particular identity without necessarily involving ANY mystical aspects. The most practical of the teachings of kabbalah. It is however perfectly acceptable to believe in God and Jesus AND assume your identity. In fact, you can freely worship your chosen deity without the need for added complexity, practicing the law of assumption while retaining your faith. The denial of God is a religion in and of itself.

Various spiritual and philosophical traditions allow individuals to view themselves as divine aspects of God or divine souls. The diversity of beliefs and interpretations within the LOA and spiritual communities underscores the individuality of each person’s spiritual journey and quest for self-discovery. In my response, I focus only on the Biblical aspects of LOA, following Neville’s path.

Jesus is both real and metaphorical; contemplate this concept.

God is the creator of the world, and in the realm of God’s time, there is no distinction between past and future; everything exists in the eternal NOW. Do you understand this concept?

Your success has always been predetermined from the very outset. Your favor with God is eternal. You have perpetually encompassed everything, possessed all that you desire, and existed in all conceivable realities, all simultaneously.

You are already all that you’ve ever aspired to become, and you possess everything you desire at this very moment. The only step required is to choose the version of yourself with which you wish to identify. It’s as straightforward as that. THIS is the law of assumption. Denial of God has nothing to do with it. Is it perhaps these coaches own ASSUMPTION that creates a false beleif that you have to deny God in order to manifest?

The law of assumption states: There is no way to fail in achieving your desires because you already possess them across all planes of existence, beyond imagination. All that’s left is to confidently claim every aspect of it with pride, free from fear and doubt. You have it all — it’s real, and it’s absolute. THIS is the law of assumption. Importantly, this perspective does not conflict with a belief in the Bible as a historical document.

Take a moment to contemplate the idea that CREATION is finished, rendering the concepts of free will versus destiny null and void. Everything is unfolding in the present, as God’s time encompasses the past, present, and future all as one eternal NOW.

God is everything, everywhere, all at once.

Are you genuinely seeking the Truth? Will you believe in the identity of Jesus as described in the scriptures?

The moment you discover the law of attraction or the law of assumption, you’re often told to set aside your existing beliefs. However, the truth is that you don’t have to discard them. Instead, you can make them work for you rather than against you, you can deepen your knwoledge of Jeuss rather than deny him. Sadly, many people end up falling into the trap of a new religion, often fostered by scammy LOA coaches. Yes, they create a religion out of their beliefs.

If you already believe in Jesus as the savior, continue to hold onto that belief. Don’t let a coach lead you astray.

What you may not realize is that it doesn’t matter if your belief aligns exactly with Neville’s, especially since he is inconsistent, and also wrong sometimes..

Now, why do some coaches insist that Jesus is solely a representation of your mind and discourage other beliefs? Why do they react strongly if you hold different views about Jesus, even believing He was a real historical figure and the Messiah?

This is a significant question, and the answer may be that they don’t wholeheartedly believe their own claims. They learned it from Neville and never fact checked him, or t hey might be running a sort of cult.

Many LOA coaches cherry-pick and selectively interpret specific Bible verses to support their agenda without considering the full context of biblical texts. One verse commonly used by LOA coaches to disprove Jesus’s divinity is the statement “I am that I am.” However, it’s crucial to recognize that this statement appears long before Jesus’s presence in the New Testament when God spoke to Moses. In the book of Exodus, it marked a pivotal moment when God identified Himself as “I Am That I Am” (Exodus 3:7–8, 13–14). “I am that I am” refers to Lord Yahweh, the name for the God of the Israelites, and represents the biblical pronunciation of “YHWH,” the name revealed to Moses. This name, YHWH, is often written in Hebrew as the tetragrammaton, comprising the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh. When Jesus used these words, He was identifying Himself as God.

Do you believe that he is God?

What does the Bible really say, let’s go straight to the source.

John 8:24

“I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”

That scripture says you will die in your sins if you do NOT believe Jesus is the “I AM”.

But who is the “I am”?

Reason 1:

Jesus is the I AM

In Exodus 3:13–14

God says to Moses that his name is I am. “I AM that I AM”

Why is this important? Because in the book of Moses, Jesus is not yet born. This is a very important qualifying statement. It is not possible to isolate and cherry pick the statement without understanding that it has ALREADY been qualified.

Where does it claim that Jesus is the “I AM”?

John 8:58 “ Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

GOD’s name = I AM.

JESUS’s name = I AM

Exodus 3:14 + John 8:24,58

Therefore, JESUS = GOD.

2nd reason:

Jesus accepts worship.(Devotional love)

In Hebrews 1:6 it says: “Let all the angels of God worship him (Jesus)”

If Jesus is worshiped, and he accepts it, this makes him GOD.

3rd reason:

Jesus tells us to honor him and God the Father equally.

The Bible says in John 5:23 it says

“That all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father.”

Do you pray to, love, obey the Father? Do you likewise with the Son?

Do you honor the Father as God? Should not you then also honor the Son equally as God?

4th reason:

Jesus shares his Name with God the Father and Holy Spirit

In Matthew 28:19, the Bible says:

“baptizing them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:”

This Bible verse uses the word “NAME” not “names”.

This shows that it is shared with the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost. This shows that Jesus Christ is God, just like how the Father is God.

5th reason:

The Greek word SON for Jesus means the “same nature as”.

There are 2 Greek words translated to the English word “Son”. These are:

1) TEKNON (Son) = little boy, offspring
derived from is never used of Jesus

2) UIOS (Son) = same nature as (hooios)

Therefore, when it calls Jesus:

Son of God: it means he is the same nature as God.

Son of Man: it means he is the same nature as Man .

This shows that Jesus is 100% God, and 100% man at the same time.

6th reason:

Jesus is from everlasting

Micah 5:2

But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Jesus is from everlasting, therefore he wasn’t created, therefore he’s God.

Jesus Christ is from everlasting … Who else is from everlasting other than God?

7th reason:

God the Father calls Jesus “O God”

In Hebrews 1:8, the Bible says: To the Son he says “Thy throne O God”

God the Father calls the Son (Jesus Christ) “O God”

8th reason:

There is no Savior other than Jehovah

The Bible says in Isaiah 43:11: “I, even I, am the LORD (Jehovah); and beside me there is no savior.

Therefore Jehovah = ONLY SAVIOR.

2nd Peter 1:11 says

“For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

Jesus Christ = SAVIOUR

Therefore, Jesus Christ is Jehovah



AND Jesus is God, the Son.

Neville Goddard’s transformation

Expanding on the exploration of Neville Goddard’s evolving perspective, it becomes evident that his teachings underwent significant transformations over the years, leading to various interpretations among his followers. There appears to be a noticeable division between adherents of “pre-Promise Neville” and those who align with “post-Promise Neville,” highlighting the evolution of his ideas and beliefs.


During the early stages of his teachings, Neville’s philosophy resonated closely with the interpretations of Abdullah and jewish mysticism. In this phase, he discussed concepts such as free will, the Golden Rule, and the idea that we live in a singular reality. This version of Neville is often favored by many Law of Attraction enthusiasts and other teachers who have followed in his footsteps. While there are valuable lessons to be gleaned from this phase, Neville was still in the process of refining his understanding of his own teachings.


Neville’s beliefs experienced a profound shift after he received what he referred to as “the Promise.” This transformation brought about a new and distinct perspective. In this later stage of his teachings, Neville departed from many of his prior limiting beliefs and diverged from mainstream interpretations. Notably, he distinguished himself by emphasizing that the Law is the gateway to unlocking the Promise, which, in his view, extended beyond mere life enhancements. The Promise, according to Neville, was reserved for those who wholeheartedly embraced their desires, viewing them as attainable. Whereas he previously stated that God is your imagination, he started making statements like “God is love”.

This dichotomy in Neville’s teachings and evolving beliefs has led to differing understandings and approaches among his followers, with some gravitating towards his early teachings and others embracing the transformative shift he underwent.

Knowing that Neville Goddard is inconsistent, and the Bible is not, I ask you, who do you trust?

YES, you can trust that there is a law that states that you are who you assume that you are, but that is all that Neville can provide you. Assume your state, this is your free will. Choose your state of mind.

Ultimately, all paths DO lead to God, I believe Neville’s life proves that, and it doesn’t matter if your journey starts by disproving god, or focusing exclusively on material gains or fame or manifesting an sp, you too, will find that God is calling you. God has always been calling you. God was with you before you were born, and he was with you when you were blind to him.

Notably, once “The Promise” version of Neville Goddard emerged, he was met with considerably less popularity during his lifetime. His audience began to dwindle. His managers urged him to refrain from discussing the Promise, warning that such discourse might lead to a loss of followers. In response, Neville remained steadfast in his commitment, expressing his willingness to preach about it even to empty rooms. Could this same reason be why LOA coaches are unwilling to tell you the truth? That it doesn’t sell?

Realizing that you can’t earn your way to “heaven” with good works:

“By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast”

Ephesians 2:8,9

People often find themselves drawn to the idea of practicing numerous techniques daily and meticulously controlling every aspect of their lives. However, later in his teachings, Neville emphasized the importance of letting go and allowing your desires to manifest naturally. This shift reflects the difference between attempting to fulfill the law, as in the Old Testament, and falling short due to human limitations. In our humanity, we often fall short, but Jesus serves as a solution to our inherent imperfections. With trust in Jesus, we can find resolution, and this concept aligns with the same underlying principle.

This is why Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. He endured excruciating pain on the cross, with nails piercing His hands and feet for six agonizing hours, so that our sins could be atoned for by His divine blood. Your sins are forgiven and remain on the cross because of Jesus Christ’s selfless act.

He took a bullet for us.

In essence, He took the burden upon Himself, sparing us from the heavy price of our sins. He acted as the atonement for our transgressions. Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it because we, as humans, always fall short in upholding the law’s demands. Not one of us is perfect.

What should you do?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9,10:

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Ask him by prayer: To be your LORD (GOD) and SAVIOR

Let go of doership, trust his grace.

This is understanding doership in a nutshell. You do nothing, you ask, and that is IT. Ask in the NAME of Jesus.

You don’t have to affirm, you don’t have to do imaginal scenes or revise. It is done. (But you can do them if you want to)

It is done.

To get a grasp of the sheer magnitude of answered prayers in Jesus name, start to search for videos on testimonies from people who came to meet Jesus. Look for people who report miraculous healing. You will realize that the people who have insisted that you don’t use the word God, or Jesus before have no experience of what they are talking about, they have not read scriptures for themselves, and they have only read the bare minimum of Neville Goddard references. Iit isn’t enough to use as evidence to deny Jesus, and I assure you that they have never experienced an outright miracle. Do your due diligence and at least read the source (The Bible) for yourself first.

In that hour was Jesus glad in the Spirit, and said, `I do confess to thee, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that Thou didst hide these things from wise men and understanding, and didst reveal them to babes; yes, Father, because so it became good pleasure before Thee. -Luke 10.21

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Let’s take a moment to shift our perspective to “Godtime.”

God is pure consciousness, ultimate awareness, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. In God’s realm, time as we understand it doesn’t exist. Everything occurs simultaneously. When God appears to prophesy or predict, it’s not about foretelling the future, how can you predict when it is now? Rather recognizing that all events are unfolding in the present. In God’s domain, free will and destiny are not concepts. There’s no birth or death; there’s only God, and God is everything. In this perspective, the notion of free will or destiny loses its relevance.

There is no free will and no destiny.

So when coaches say no one has free will, it is only half truth.

There is no birth and no death.

There is only God, and God is all

Since all is now, free will or destiny does not exist

What we commonly identify as our “self” or persona — our body, ego, and mind — is essentially a construct. It’s a fabrication that creates the illusion of individual identity.

The true reality is God, and the world, including ourselves, is but an appearance. It’s not God that’s unreal; as Neville states, it’s our perceived separation from God that’s illusory. We live under the spell of this illusion, and the actual reality is God. And God created us in his image. In HIS image.

Everything you desire or need is already within you at this very moment. There’s no need to ask, do, or want because everything is within the eternal now. The holy name of Jesus serves as your entry into Godtime. Knock, and the door will open for you.

“When we really wake, we will not be God and man. It will just be you; and you will be God, who was the Dreamer. The whole will simply awaken within you. it will not be a twin. The wall of separation will be broken down. It will only be God; and God-and-you will be the One”. — Neville Goddard

This is “post-promise” Neville Goddard speaking. The awakened state desires nothing, it is a completion, no beginning, no end, no separation, nothing to want and nothing to have. What else happens? You realize that all is God, and treating anyone bad is like treating God bad, you can only love.

The separation increases when we have false Gods (Things, money, manifestations ect)

To further this thought, when we manifest solely for selfish reasons, it boosts our ego. When our ego grows, our spiritual connection diminishes. However, when we manifest for the well-being of others, the ego’s expansion is less likely. The surefire way to reduce ego and increase the awareness of God’s presence is to focus on pleasing God. It is a fact. The intent of Thou shalt no other Gods have beside me is this. For closeness to God, ask.

To diminish the ego, share the wisdom of God, however you perceive the divine, and by sharing this connection, you deepen your bond with God.

A coach who encourages you to fulfill your desires while denying the existence of God is likely inflating both their own ego and yours. The result can be a weakened connection to God.

If your desire is to experience the bliss of God, then your primary focus should be on God, not just on acquiring material things.

Remember the wisdom of “Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Everything exists within you NOW! There’s nothing you need to ASK for, nothing you need to DO, nothing to WANT.

Nothing is at the end of the journey, there is only an irreducible entirety of the universe.

Only the false fabrication thinks that you MUSt manifest something. Life is not at the end of a journey it is only ever in the present moment, it is the fabrication that lives in “time”, God is always in the eternal now, and your ultimate state is with God.

So you see when coaches teach you that you are God of your imagination they have it backwards, you are God’s imagination. I and the father are one but the father is greater.

The name of Jesus is your doorway to Godtime. knock, and he will open.

This is the truth of the New Testament.

Make a decision, about who you are, God’s beloved child, open the door called Jesus, and he will let you in.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”Matt 7:7–8

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

Jesus Prays for All Believers:

John 17:20

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

Remember when Neville Goddard switched gears and said that God is love?

“We are told, “He who has not loved does not know God, for God is love.” This is not a conclusion that the prophet reached after years of philosophic study, but an act of God in self revelation. If God never revealed himself to man, I doubt that man would ever know that God is love. But, in spite of all the horror of the world, I know from experience that God is love.” — Neville Goddard

I maintain that Neville Goddard’s use of the Bible as a source is highly contradictory, inconsistent, unnecessary and most importantly, misleading. To apply the Law of Assumption to your life, you simply make assumptions about who you are, and enter into a new and improved state of mind.

If you took a poll of all the individuals who enjoy success in life you would not find a commonality in lack of religion. It is a false belief held by Neville Goddard, that has been ignorantly absorbed by a fanatical group of coaches who have created a new religion. A new and inferior religion in place of an authentic devotional religion that leads to and open devotional heart… Ponder this.

From duality to oneness through devotion and worship, is a transformative journey that Jesus’ teachings emphasize. This path lead us to transcend dualistic thinking and experience unity with the divine through love, devotion, and trust. Devotion through Jesus’ message, can be likened to spiritual heart surgery. It involves opening our hardened hearts to the love of the divine, allowing us to transition from a state of duality to oneness with the divine, just as a skilled surgeon mends a heart to restore its full capacity. THIS is the power of Jesus.

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”

Tell me again WHY you believed that you had to deny God to manifest your dreams?

The date of creation

The date of Abraham’s birth is estimated to be around 1813 BCE. According to the Jewish calendar, Abraham was born in the year 1948 AM (Anno Mundi), which means “from creation.”

The Jewish calendar calculates dates from the biblical creation of the world, which is estimated to have occurred around 3760 BCE. The date of creation, that is when God created mankind…

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.

God created mankind…

Millenia into this, mankind is struggling, fighting and hating. Jesus was sent to give us what we can’t achieve on our own, and he will come again.

Let’s create a greater perspective…

Lord Krishna appeared at the beginning of the Kali Yuga, which started 5,000 ( 3,102 BCE. ) years ago. His appearance is described as a historical event. During his appearance, Lord Krishna delivered the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text that contains profound spiritual teachings and guidance for humanity.

This event is considered a pivotal moment in the transition to the Kali Yuga, a time of spiritual decline and moral degradation, as it provided essential spiritual wisdom to guide people through the challenges of this age. At the time of Lord Krishna’s appearance, the archer Arjuna was 86 years old.

In this new yuga, the Kali Yuga, God created mankind…God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. But hold on a minute, mankind already existed before? Didn’t it?

King Rama, a central figure in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana. King Rama is considered an incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu. An avatar is God who takes on the body of a human. He is venerated for his virtuous and righteous nature and is often seen as a symbol of righteousness. Rama’s life and adventures, including the rescue of his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana, are depicted in the epic Ramayana, which narrates his divinity. King Rama lived 7100 years ago, during the Treta Yuga, which is a more spiritually elevated age compared to the current Kali Yuga, that age that Lord Krishna ushered in.

Kali Yuga is marked by a decline in righteousness and values, our connection to God is replaced by material pursuits and manipulations for power, general degradation and perversion.

The Yugas are not measured in the same way as our calendar years, there are many interpretations and calculations, but what stands out to me is that the theory of relativity appears to be altered in the previous Yugas, years longer, mankind taller and lifespans MUCH longer. We have limited knowledge about time, space and consciousness relativity, and how this played out before the kali Yuga is impossible to imagine….

Before mankind was…

Lord Vishnu is the God who appears again and again, as Krishna, as Rama, and before that his first incarnation according to the Puranic accounts was Matsaya. Matsya appeared in the form of a fish when the world was submerged in a cosmic ocean during the Satya Yuga 62,801 BCE….

Lord Visnu has sent many avatars and he will send another one…Kalki, to usher back in a new Satya Yuga.

Unfathomable Awesomeness

Oneness is not limited to a single perspective or a single religion, rather oneness means one has experienced existence from the primordial fish to a simple leaf on a tree, and simultaneously the experience of mankind, enlightened sage, and the divine itself. We are one consciousness. This unity transcends individual experiences, and together, we are one, the divine or God.

I am that I am.

“All the manifested world of things and beings are projected by imagination upon the substratum which is the Eternal All-pervading Vishnu, whose nature is Existence-Intelligence; just as the different ornaments are all made out of the same gold.” -Shankaracharya

“The entire universe is truly the Self. There exists nothing at all other than the Self. The enlightened person sees everything in the world as his own Self, just as one views earthenware jars and pots as nothing but clay.” -Shankaracharya

“I and the Father are one, but the Father is greater.”

Abraham emerged as a guiding light during humanity’s initial encounter with the Kali Yuga some 5000 years ago. Moses received the commandments from God to lead us, yet we struggled to uphold them. As prophesied, Jesus was sent by God, representing God Himself, to atone for our inherent sins that often elude our comprehension. Jesus took a bullet for us. We even venture into moral relativism, asserting that “there is no good or bad, only thinking makes it so,” we simply do NOT understand WHY we should love our enemies, or why we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We fail to see that we are ONE AND THE SAME AS our enemies….”

In John 14.1, we find the words: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Find solace in knowing that God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. You are never alone, and as you have faith in God, have faith in Jesus, for He too is God, and you can turn to Him.

I hope that I have dispelled some of Neville Goddard’s mistakes. Using Nevllie Goddard to point the way to the Bible is like using a flashlight to point to the sun.

With that being said; Take what resonates, and leave the rest, but please, do your own research into his sources.

In summary:

Neville Goddard most likely denies the divinity of Jesus because he was taught by a Rabbi,and the jewish faith denies Jesus as the Messiah, but it does NOT deny the existence of a creator, Yahweh, beyond human comprehension. (Yod He Vau He) Rabbi’s do not read the New Testament. The forbidden chapter, Isaiah 53, proves that Jesus is the Messiah in his first coming, and thus Jesus is the Son of God. “I and the father are one, but the father is greater.”


Humanity can strive to become more Christlike and enlightened while simultaneously recognizing the existence of divinity in others. If the assertion that we create our own world, by manifesting outwardly what we are on the inside, then it follows that the recognition of God and Jesus on the outside hints to a more Christlike inner, as Neville Goddard’s EIYPO dictates. Meditate on this.

If you desire to learn more about Jesus, consider going to the source: The Bible.

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

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Godtime, The Mirror and Manifestation

In Godtime, all things happen simultaneously, and mirroring reflects how our inner world shapes our external experiences. When our internal state is filled with rage, we encounter anger and hatred in the world, surrounded by what we perceive as filth and unworthy individuals. Conversely, an inner state of calm and serenity projects a world filled with smiles and benevolent people. Who are you on the inside? Inside your mind? Inside your heart? Is your heart open to wonderful experiences or is closed off in anger? Your mirror will tell you the turth, so look into the world and tell me what you see….


God, the embodiment of consciousness, awareness, omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience, resides in a dimension beyond time. For God, past, present, and future are all unfolding simultaneously. When God prophesies or predicts, it’s not foreseeing but a recognition of the eternal “now.” Now, it is time to be calm. The appointed hour is NOW,

Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself. Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach!

Parmahansa Yogananda

Everything exists within you NOW:

Within your being, you already possess all that you need. There’s no need to request, to act a certain way, or even to desire, for everything you seek is already present within you. Experience gratitude to discover the feeling of having.

The holy name of I AM:

The name of I AM serves as your portal to access the timeless consciousness of God. By simply knocking on this door, making a conscious decision about who you are and what you desire, it will swing open, granting you access to boundless possibilities. It’s a profound yet simple journey into a higher understanding of yourself and the world.

You may walk in water and live in fire; But control of the mind is better and more difficult. You have come to earth to entertain and to be entertained. Stillness is the altar of spirit.

Parmahansa Yogananda

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Open Your Mind to Receive | Catherine Ponder

Open Your Mind to Receive 


Catherine Ponder

Catherine Ponder The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

Why should you deliberately open your mind to receive? 

Because most of us have endured a pinched, narrow existence for no good reason. We have blocked our good from getting through to us in the process. 

There’s nothing divine about a pinched existence. 

There’s nothing divine about a narrow, limited way of life. It proves nothing but the foolishness and ignorance of man who actually lives in a universe of lavish abundance. 

Anyone who lives a pinched, narrow existence is not expressing his or her true nature. 

He is only cheating himself. If this has happened to you, there is something you can do about it! The word “receive” means “to accept.” 

Psychologists tell us that we can have anything we can mentally accept, but that we must mentally accept it first. A great part of the act of receiving is to accept the good you want mentally rather than fighting it mentally. A well-meaning young businessman said to me at a book-autographing party: “Are all of those success stories in your books factual? Aren’t some of them fabricated?” “Why do you ask?” was my reply. “Because they sound too good to be true.” “

Just how long have you been reading about the power of prosperous thinking?” I inquired. “Oh, only about a month.” he said. That explained his disbelief. He was still so conditioned to the limited beliefs of the world that he had not yet learned that “nothing is too good to be true.” I explained that for every success story that gets into my books, there are scores of others that do not. 

The results of prosperous thinking are so numerous I cannot possibly relate them all. 

(And those reported to me are only a fraction of the happy experiences people have had who used the ideas suggested). This young man was still trying to open his mind to receive. He was trying to mentally accept the belief that unlimited good is his heritage. To help him do so, I suggested he speak forth this well-known statement for at least five minutes a day: “NOTHING IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. NOTHING IS TOO WONDERFUL TO HAPPEN. NOTHING IS TOO GOOD TO LAST.” 

How a Housewife Prospered 

Catherine Ponder The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

A housewife said, “Although I have studied the power of prosperous thinking for years and have had great improvement in my life from that philosophy, I recently discovered something I had been doing wrong. I had been saying I was on a ‘fixed income.’ I had been trying to bring more financial income to me in a certain way. 

I had not opened my mind to the possibility of unlimited supply coming to me in unlimited ways. “When I realized my mistake, I spoke these words over and over aloud for a long time: ‘I am receiving. I am receiving now. I am receiving all the wealth that the universe has for me now.’ “Within a few hours, I received a telephone call from the new cable television company in town, inviting me to come in and discuss the possibility of doing a number of children’s shows for them on material I had already developed for handicapped children and for slow learners.” “I went for the interview and this job is now assured. It is one that will bring a considerable income to me. 

As I continued speaking the word of receiving, my retired husband’s business quickly picked up. A number of customers appeared with furniture for him to repair. These jobs will keep him busy and happy for some time.” This word continued to daily speak the word that she was receiving. 

Later she reported “Money seems to be coming to me from all points of the universe. I have just sold a children’s film which will be shown in schools as an entertainment feature for kindergarten and for underprivileged youngsters. 

Also, a film on games for children which I made months ago has now been marketed and orders are beginning to flow into the distributor. 

All this happened after I began daily to open my mind to receive.” 

How She Made $30,000 Her First Year in Business 

Pathways To Tremendous Success

Most of us have heard a great deal about giving but not nearly enough about receiving. 

At the Christmas Season, the emphasis is usually on giving, giving, giving. The result is that many people have a hang-up about receiving. 

Giving is only one-half of the law of increase. Receiving is the other half. 

We can give and give, but we may unbalance the law unless we also expect to receive. Many people unbalance the law by not expecting to receive and so they do not. As related earlier in Open Your Mind to Prosperity, a very beautiful and fashionably-dressed lady once said to me, 

When I first took up the study of prosperous thinking, I prospered so much so quickly that it startled me. 

I had just gotten a divorce and had only a few months living expenses on hand. I decided to take a chance and use that money to go into business on a shoestring.

“I expected to make between $4,000 and $6,000 the first year from my new business. Instead I made between $4,000 and $6,000 during the first few months. I made $30,000 that first year in business, and I will probably make at least $50,000 this year.” 

My reason for repeating this lady’s story here is because of her last statement. She said “My greatest problem has been in trying not to feel guilty about receiving so much.” It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, and it should be your good pleasure to receive it. 

Why a Manufacturer Failed 

Don’t Look Back

A recent newspaper story reported on a manufacturer of T-shirts who had gone bankrupt. 

The news story showed why: Thinking it a joke, he had placed this slogan on the back of each T-shirt: Money isn’t everything.” 

This man could not mentally accept the idea of prosperity in the form of money. He had not opened his mind to receive, so of course he did not. 

Conversely, perhaps you’ve heard the other quip, “Money isn’t everything. There is also hunger, misery and poverty.” 

You must be careful what you notice, talk about, or give your attention to, because that is what you are identifying with, and that is what you will bring into your life. Whatever you notice, you are inviting into your life. 

Whatever you talk about, you are inviting into your life. Whatever you identify with in your thoughts, words and actions, you are inviting into your life. 

If you notice, talk about and identify with war, crime, disease, financial problems, inharmony, this is what you are inviting into your own life. 

Through the law of mind action it will come. 

How a Restaurateur Identified with Failure 

Activate Your Merkaba and Reach a Higher Consciousness

There once was a man who thought he was about to go broke in the restaurant business. 

He invited me to eat in his restaurant. When I walked in, I could see one obvious reason why business was not good. His restaurant had such a dismal, uninviting atmosphere. I suggested he brighten it up if he wanted people to come there to relax and to eat. 

On my way out I discovered another reason why business was not good. Near the cash register was a “joke sign” which read, “This is a non-profit business. We didn’t plan for it to be. It just worked out that way.” The joke was on that man. 

He had mentally identified with “non-profit” and that was what he had attracted. I suggested he throw away that sign and stop talking about lack if he wanted to prosper. Identification with a certain state of mind will bring that state of mind and affairs to you, so be careful. 

What you notice, give your attention to, talk about, and get all worked up over emotionally is what you are inviting into your life – whether you mean to or not. 

Open your mind to receive by noticing, giving attention to, and talking about what you want to bring into your life – nothing else. 

How One Man Made a Comeback from Illness When He Identified with Good 

I once dined with a famous metaphysician at his “hill house” overlooking Los Angeles. 

While on a lecture trip in that area, I was surprised to receive his invitation to dinner because I knew that he had undergone serious surgery just a few weeks previously. 

Many who knew him were predicting that he would be forced to retire because of his health. Nevertheless, when I arrived at his beautiful home for dinner, he greeted me pleasantly. 

Other friends soon joined us and we had a happy evening together, as we chatted and reminisced about many things. His recent surgery was never mentioned. The state of his health was not discussed. 

In spite of all the dire predictions, this man made a tremendous comeback in his health and his career. He was soon accepted by an even more prestigious church than he then served. 

Next, he wrote several books on which he lectured on a round-the-world trip. I had the pleasure of serving as one of the guest ministers in his thriving church while he was away. 

For a number of years thereafter he continued going strong. He spoke several times a week in his own church and elsewhere. He had a daily radio program, a dial-a-prayer ministry, and, on occasion and television show. He still wrote a book a year. 

Only fifteen years later did he finally retire. 

When he passed on at the age of eighty-six, he had out-lived most of his relatives, friends and co-workers of long standing. More than two decades ago, when everyone said he was through, this man deliberately opened his mind to receive an inflow of health by identifying with the good.

 He made a comeback (when “they” said it couldn’t be done) by concentrating on happy, pleasant things rather than by dwelling on the dreary operations he had just experienced. 

How to Identify with Your Source 

Activate Your Merkaba and Reach a Higher Consciousness

Open your mind to receive by telling God what you want instead of constantly telling people. 

Telling people what you want can dissipate your good because God is the source of your supply – not people.

 Although people, ideas, and opportunities are all channels of your supply, God is the source because He creates those ideas and opportunities. 

Through the law of mind action, He helps attract the appropriate people and circumstances to you to help expedite those ideas and opportunities through which your good can come to pass. 

A statement you will want to use often to help you identify with your source of good is this: “I DO NOT DEPEND ON PERSONS OR CONDITIONS FOR MY GOOD. GOD IS THE SOURCE OF MY SUPPLY AND GOD PROVIDES HIS OWN AMAZING CHANNELS OF GOOD TO ME NOW.” 

The First Kind of Giving 


Giving is the first step in receiving. When you want to receive, give! 

However, there are three kinds of giving. All three are equally necessary to your long term growth and success. 


Give to God, put him first financially. Why? As explained in Buddhism and elsewhere, this is the first quality to be developed in your character on the road to Enlightenment. Many conscientious people study self-help methods galore, yet do not receive the benefits from them that they should because they ignore this first step. Various schemes have been suggested for getting rich quick. 

Most of them fail because they are based on “getting” – not “giving.” They have no spiritual basis. The reason many people fail to receive their good in life is because they do not practice giving or returning impersonally to the universe in a systematic basis a portion of all that the universe shares with them. 

Two businessmen in Chicago once told me that they held the local franchise on one of the most famous success courses in America, one that cost thousands of dollars to take. Though they prospered for a time, they eventually went broke. 

They finally realized why: Their course had only emphasized “getting” – not “giving.” 

Their course had not taught the spiritual side of prosperity. It had not taught its students to tithe their way to prosperity by returning to the universe a tenth of all they received. It was only after these two businessman found their way into one of the local New Thought churches and began to put God first financially, that their financial affairs stabilized and they began to permanently prosper. When any person withholds that which belongs to the universe, his life is thrown out of balance, and he experiences lack in some form. It may be lack of supply, lack of health, lack of love, lack of spiritual understanding, or lack of direction in his life. It is only as we let go of our littleness that we can expand into the larger life. 

So it is not enough to say that you believe God is the source of your supply (as previously suggested). 

You must prove that you believe God is the source of your supply by first sharing with Him. This keeps you in touch with a universal source of abundance. 

The billionaire Solomon pointed out why the wise use this ancient success method and what it could mean to you when he advised: “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy vats shall overflow with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:9, 10) 

The Second Kind of Giving 

Give to yourself. 

Yes, open the mind to receive by giving to yourself, because all progress begins with self improvement. It is just as possible to over give to others as it is to under-give to yourself. 

Over-giving to others and undergiving to yourself unbalances the law and keeps your good from coming through. 

You must first give your attention to the improvement and development of yourself before you can possibly help others. You cannot possibly give to others unless you first have something to give. 

You must first have strength, wisdom, and substance before you can share these qualities with others. 

There are those misguided people who think it is selfish to emphasize self improvement first. But it is only after self- improvement that you are capable of helping others. When you do just the opposite, when you over-give to others and under-give to yourself, you feel depleted and you are. This causes within you a sense of lack which is degrading and limiting. 

Because of this, over-giving to others is self-defeating. It accomplishes nothing constructive. 

Psychologists talk about the sin of parents who over-give to their children. This suppresses their children’s talents and it overworks the parents. Such over-giving harms everyone concerned. In the recent “age of permissiveness,” we have witnessed the damaging results of overgiving parents in their confused, bewildered children. 

Conversely my own father reluctantly gave as little as possible to his children. The philosophy of under-giving had been a part of his upbringing. It caused us many hardships, and it took me years to overcome the poverty-consciousness that resulted. 

So let us seek to strike a happy balance. The philosophers of old advised “To thine own self be true.” 

Give something to yourself right away. It might be a new book you wish to read, an item of clothing or jewelry, or something for your home or office. It might be a treat of going out to dinner, to the theater, to a party, or taking a vacation. It might be the deliberate setting aside of some daily time for prayer, meditation and inspirational study. It might be something; big or small, tangible or intangible. 

The Third Kind of Giving Third. 

After giving to God and to yourself, then give something to someone else. 

After you give something to someone else, bless whatever it is that you give. 

Bless the person or persons to whom you gave it. Then release both the gift and the recipient. 

Any man, woman, or child can transform his life by transforming what he gives out – what he gives to God, what he gives to himself, and what he gives out to others. 

When you aren’t sure what to give to others, that is the time to declare, “I GIVE UNDER DIVINE DIRECTION.”

 Then watch the hunches and ideas that come. You’ll be shown what to give, where, and to whom. 

Many of the blessings you want most are within your reach! By your acts of giving, you open the way to attract the blessings you desire. These blessings have probably been waiting to reach you, but they were blocked by your own lack of giving.

 There was no free channel through which they could pass. 

By giving under divine direction, you open a channel through which these blessings are freed to arrive. 

An early prosperity teacher of mine often said, “First give to God. Then give to mankind as God directs.” 

The One Who Did Not Prepare to Receive Suffered Lack 


After you give to God, yourself and others, then get ready to receive! 

You can get ready to receive by preparing to receive. There are those who say, “I give, but I do not expect to receive.” And they do not. 

An unhappy lady explained, “I teach a private prosperity class in my home, but I do not take an offering. I give, but I do not believe I should expect to receive.” And she didn’t, but she resented not receiving. She should have resented not receiving, because she was unbalancing the law of increase by giving, giving, giving, and by not opening the way to receive. It was pointed out to this lady that it was fine to teach such a class, but that she was not only short-changing herself, she was also short-changing her students by giving them the impression they could get something for nothing. She should either have charged handsomely for her course, or opened the way right there in class for her students to prove the law of increase by extending an invitation to them to give generous tithes and offerings in appreciation for the priceless instruction they were receiving. 

She was cheating herself and she was cheating them by her fearful attitude. 

The One Who Prepared to Receive Prospered 

 It is reported that in the early days of the Unity movement, a visiting metaphysician spoke to the workers employed by the Unity School of Christianity at their headquarters then located in Kansas City, Missouri. 

The guest speaker was introduced by Unity’s co-founder, Charles Fillmore. Early in his talk, this well-meaning but somewhat self-righteous speaker said, “In my ministry, we do not pass the offering plate. 

We leave one at the back of the room and if anyone wishes to give something, the plate is available. But I do not stress giving.” According to the oft-repeated report, that’s as far as he got! 

Charles Fillmore walked up to the lecturer and said, “You may think and teach what you wish in your organization, but in this one, we believe in passing the plate because we know the law of giving and receiving. Not only do we pass the plate in our meetings, but each plate is always filled to overflowing. Students of Practical Christianity want to give so they can prosper, and so they can help this movement to prosper.“ 

It is little wonder that Mr Fillmore later became known as one of “the pioneers of positive thinking” or that the Unity movement, which he co-founded, became a successful organization which has inspired millions over the years. 

You can see how a contrast in attitudes brought a contrast in results. One teacher did not believe in teaching the universal law of giving and receiving and did not. Her students were few. The other teacher did believe in teaching the universal law of giving and receiving, and he became head of a prosperous organization that has helped countless people around the world. 

You can give up any false ideas you may have had about receiving. Your receiving doesn’t stop anyone else’s receiving. 

We live in a lavish universe and there’s plenty for all. 

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How Preparing for Wealth Attracted It 

The owner of a charm school was widowed with small children to support. 

People kept saying, “She is a lovely girl, but no one wants to marry someone with all those children. That’s too much financial responsibility to assume.” This attractive widow paid no attention to that kind of talk. 

She taught prosperity principles in her charm course. She told her students they must develop a prosperous consciousness in order to become charming and successful in every phase of their lives. She did everything that occurred to her personally to prepare to receive a better way of life. 

She bought a striking gold designer’s suit which she constantly wore. It cost $200, which was a huge sum for such an item 23 years ago. Once a week she invited me to dine with her, always in the best restaurants, though sometimes she barely had the price of our lunch. 

Did the act of preparing for greater good attract it to her? 

She married a widower of third-generation wealth. He had four children, he helped raise her three, and later they had one of their own: a total of eight children. 

While everyone around her was talking lack and limitation, she was quietly preparing for just the opposite, and what she prepared for, she got! 

I find it interesting that none of the people who tried to mentally limit her future ever attracted wealth to themselves – not through hard work, marriage, or a “windfall.” The limited thoughts they meant for her they unwittingly attached to themselves. 

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Prepare by Speaking the Word of Receiving 

Many people’s prayers are not answered because they keep asking in prayer, but they do not follow through by getting read to receive.

After you prepare to receive, you are then ready to for the next step: Speak the word of receiving (as did the housewife early in this chapter). 

When you daily declare that you are receiving, your words make a believer out of your subconscious mind which then starts working with you to help make it so. 

The way to avoid a pinched, narrow way of life is to deliberately speak the word of receiving. Declare daily: “I AM RECEIVING. I AM RECEIVING NOW. I AM RECEIVING ALL THE WEALTH THAT THE UNIVERSE HAS FOR ME NOW.” 

A businessman started doing this, and within one year his income became eight times what it had been. 

Another businessman says he has received unexpected checks of $1,000 or more every time he has consistently declared: “ALL THAT IS MINE BY DIVINE RIGHT NOW COMES TO ME SPEEDILY, RICHLY, FREELY. I AM RECEIVING NOW.” 

LOVe is all you need!

Release is the Final Step 

As a teacher of practical mysticism recently said, “Students of prosperity need to know when to release the inner work they have done, then relax, so that outer results can come.” There are resting places in mental action. “There is a time to fish and time to dry your nets.” 

On various occasions during my life, greater good has come to me – after long periods of inner work – when I felt guided to release it all to its perfect results. Several books have gotten finished after I did this. 

Happy changes in location and work, a better income, larger homes, have all appeared after I worked inwardly, then turned loose, relaxed and let go. So after speaking the word of receiving for a period, then declare that you have received, and release it. 

Assume that greater good is already yours, since you have claimed it on the inner plane. This helps that good to appear on the outer plane as visible results in rich appropriate form under divine timing. When you have reached this point of release, declare: “IT IS FINISHED. IT IS DONE. I GIVE THANKS THAT I HAVE RECEIVED, AND THAT MY GOOD APPEARS IN RICH APPROPRIATE FORM UNDER DIVINE TIMING.” 

As you relax and let go, this process can open the way for unlimited results. 


1. The word “receive” means “to accept.” Psychologists tell us we can have anything we mentally accept, but we must be able to mentally accept it first. 

2. Most of us have heard a lot about giving but not enough about receiving. Many people have a hang-up about receiving. 

3. Giving is only one-half of the law. Receiving is the other half. Many people unbalance the law by over-giving. Many people unbalance the law by not expecting to receive. 

4. It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, it should be your good pleasure to receive it. 

5. What you notice and talk about, you are inviting into your life. What you identify with in your thoughts, words and actions, you are inviting into your life. 

6. Open your mind to receive by identifying with the good. 

7. Open your mind to receive by telling God what you want, instead of telling people. Telling people what you want can dissipate your good. People are channels, but God is the source.

8. When you want to receive, give. There are three kinds of giving. All are necessary: (a) Give to God. Put Him first financially. This is the first quality to be developed on the road to Enlightenment. (b) Give to yourself. Self-improvement is necessary before you can help others improve. (c) Give something to someone else. 

9. Get ready to receive. Prepare to receive. 

10. Next, daily speak the word of receiving. This gains the cooperation of your thought and feeling nature which then begins to work for you. Finally, declare that you have received, and then release it. This causes your accumulated good to move from the invisible plane and to become visible results. 

Affirmations by Catherine Ponder

I do not depend upon persons or conditions for my prosperity. I bless persons or conditions as channels of my prosperity but, God is the source of my supply. God provides his own amazing channels of supply to me now.

I am the rich child of a loving father so I dare to prosper now.

I dissolve in my own mind and in the minds of all others, any idea that my own can be withheld from me. No person, thing or event can keep that from me which the universe has for me now.

My financial income cannot be limited now. The rich substance of the universe now frees me from all financial limitations.

I know that release is magnetic. Through the act of release, I draw to myself my own. I now fully and freely release. I loose and let go. I let go and grow. I let go and trust.

I now let go of worn-out things, worn-out conditions, and worn-out relationships. Divine order is now established and maintained in me and my world.

All that has offended me, I forgive. Within and without, I forgive. Things past, things present, things future, I forgive. I forgive everything and everybody who can possibly need forgiveness in my past and present. I forgive positively everyone. I am free, and they are free too. All things are cleared up between us, now and forever.

Vast improvement comes quickly in every phase of my life now. Every day in every way, things are getting better and better for me now.

I invite the wealth of the universe to manifest riches in my financial income now. I am rich in mind and manifestation now.

I am beautifully and appropriately supplied, clothed, housed and transported with the rich substance of the universe now.

I have a large, steady, dependable, permanent financial income now. Every day in every way I am growing more and more financially prosperous now.

Large sums of money, big happy financial surprises and rich appropriate gifts now come to me under grace in perfect ways for my personal use and I use them wisely.

I give thanks for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income now.

I use the positive power of the Christ mind with wisdom, love and good judgment in handling all my financial affairs now.

I am now rich, well and happy and every phase of my life is in divine order now.

I praise my world now. My world is full of charming people who lovingly help me in everyway.

Everything and everybody prospers me now, and I prosper everything and everybody now.

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Manifestation: Leveling Up During Circumstances

“If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.”


When we have decided that we will be manifesting a better life, whether it be in terms of money, love, or success, there is a concept that transcends religious boundaries and speaks to the core of our human experience. This concept is the idea of “leveling up” and its relationship with our circumstances.

Leveling up can be seen as a continuous process of personal growth and transformation. It involves expanding our consciousness, enhancing our skills and abilities, and aligning ourselves with the energy of abundance and success. It is about recognizing that we have the power to create our own reality and consciously manifest the life we desire. This is not “leveling up” in the manipulative, action based sense, this a pure mindset of ongoing alignment with consiousness. (Bhav, Bliss, Spirit of God)

However, leveling up is not about achieving external goals. It is equally, or more, important to maintain equilibrium within ourselves as we navigate the journey of reality creation. This means finding balance and harmony in all aspects of our lives – mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The key element is all about how we respond, or how we don’t respond to a trigger-prompt. Have you overcome yourself? You might have notice that certain circumstances seems to repeat, maybe with different people, in different places, but there seems to be a lesson in there somewhere….If only you could learn, it grasp it….

When it comes to manifesting money, love, or success, maintaining equilibrium becomes crucial for that very reason. It is about recognizing that our responsibility lies only in how we react, not in what happens outside of ourselves. If we are constantly chasing after the next thing, material wealth or seeking validation from others, believing that our happiness comes from outside, then we may find ourselves in a perpetual state of imbalance and dissatisfaction. When inner fulfilment is mistakenly placed on outer circumstances, we become dependent on everything being perfect. Try instead to place emphasize on HOW YOU MIGHT GROW from this. What direction do you wish to grow and develop? This is an internal focus that actually leads to deeper fulfilment than chasing only the external goal.

This is the essence of “living in the end”. Living “from the end, or in the end’ is not a ga,e of delusional pretend. It is in a way method acting, but more than that, it is seeking for and discovering an inner state of satisfaction. Remarkably, people who are successful by all standrads do not necessarily have inner satisfaction. By working towards maintaining an emotional equilibrium, and a state of satisfaction even before we have achieved our goals, we create a solid foundation for our goals to arrive in a harmonious and sustainable way. This means A) You get to keep what you created because y mastering the REAL “living from the end” method, your manifestations are built on solid ground, and B) You will achieve your goals AND feel fulfilled at the same time.

This is a fruit grown on a tree planted in good soil, to use a Biblical metaphor.

Remember, manifesting a better life is a journey, not a destination.  It is a new way of existing.  It requires patience, perseverance, and self-reflection, a non-reactions to triggers.

“The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.” 

Neville Goddard

manifest magazine

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