Overcoming Doubt: Using the Law of Assumption

Overcoming Doubt: Using the Law of Assumption

Doubt,, the silent saboteur of our dreams, often creeps into the minds of those attempting to manifest their desires through the Law of Assumption. Doubt is the one obstacle that can hinder, slow down, or block the manifestation.

To illustrate the destructive power of doubt, let’s look at a story from Mark 9.: A desperate father seeks Jesus’ help for his demon-possessed son, who suffers from what resembles epilepsy. The father’s plea is not the issue; it’s his doubt that draws Jesus’ rebuke. The father’s use of the word “if” reveals his uncertainty in Jesus’ ability to heal his son. In response, Jesus emphasizes that –among believers, there are no “ifs.”

Breaking Free from the “Ifs”:

The core of this message lies in understanding that doubt introduces a conditional element,Manifesting is NOT about conditions, and it is NOT about tit for tat. God is not tit for tat. This boils down to GRACE. Introducing conditions, or imposing conditions ONLY contributes to slowing down the manifestation process. If you don’t know how to “live in the end” or “live from the end” it is because you have introduce DOUBT. Remove doubt and you are INSTANTLY in the end. Faith.

When we constantly ask “when” and “how,” we inadvertently add time to our manifestation journey. Jesus, as God, in this story from Mark 9, has the power to manifest anything without limitations. Tha father of the demon possessed boy imposed limitations on jeus and he rebukes him. The universe itself is a testament to God’s creative abilities!

The Turning Point:

Mark 9:23 is actually a pivotal moment. Jesus declares the absence of “ifs” among believers. This statement is what prompts the father to acknowledge his doubt and seek help fot his doubt FIRST. It’s a turning point that tells US the significance of addressing and overcoming doubt in our own manifestations. Make your if a what if? and introduce expectation instead of conditions! What if I had NO DOUBTS? Then what?

Help with Unbelief:

Jesus responds to the father’s plea for assistance with unbelief by casting out the demon. However, the process is not without challenges. The boy experiences intense seizures, appearing lifeless. Despite the adverse reactions, Jesus intervenes, taking the boy by the hand, and he rises again. This sequence tells us about the transformative power that comes when doubt is confronted and conquered. What if you had faith the size of a mustard seed?

The mountain is you;

Doubt is the stumbling block that prevents manifestation of our desires. TFirst we need faith the size of a mustard seed, THEN we can move mountains. Mark 9 tells us that the need to confront and overcome doubt is important otherwise WE introduce CONDITIONS.

Just as the father asked first for help for his unbelief, we too need to address our doubts and, in doing so, discover what the mustard seed sized faith is really all about. -What if I had faith the size of a mustard seed?

What if:


With faith the size of a mustard seed I live from the end.

I do not introduce conditions by believing in if’s.

Tit for tat is the human mind, but God’s mind is only Grace.I do not put limitations on God.

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