Revision: Neville Goddard’s Approach

Revision: Neville Goddard’s Approach

Neville Goddard’s technique of revision offers a practical way to reframe, forgive, forget or heal past events and promote a new vision for ourselves. Envision and imagine, a different starting point, by revision.

A Trauma Healing Revision Meditation

A Practical Overview

Revision allows us to revisit past events and modify them to match our desired outcomes. It’s about choosing the emotional and mental responses we want to carry forward, similar to editing a story to have a happier ending.

“If, for instance, you had gone to an interview for a job you truly wanted but later learned that someone else was hired, you can revise that news to make it conform to what you wish you had heard.”

– Neville Goddard

How to Use Revision

  1. Identify a Situation: NOTICE what you are imagining / thinking. Either about a past event or something that is happing right now, that has left you with negative feelings.
  2. Relive / Revise the Event: Take a moment to name and distance yourself from the thoughts and feelings, and mentally revisit the event, but as an observer. Push the event or thoughts away (imagine them pushed away from you)
  3. Rewrite the Script: Picture the event unfolding in a way that aligns perfectly with your desires. See and feel the joy, success, or positive emotions , give vivid colors, and bring this close to you (See it come towards you). Identify with this.
  4. Embed the New Memory: Practice this revised version more than once, run it through a few times in your mind. Allow the positive emotions associated with the new version to become a part of you.

Practical Example

Let’s say you had a job interview that didn’t go well, leaving you feeling discouraged. With revision, you can replay the interview in your mind, but this time, visualize confidently answering each question. Picture the interviewers impressed with your responses, and feel the confidence within you growing. (A typical Neville example, career and promotions were some of his most comon stories, but you can apply it towards anything you like)

Why would you EVEN bother with this?

By embracing revision, we take charge of your narrative, otherwise your limbic systems survival brain leads your narrative without your consent.

“If you react by feeling depressed or assume any other negative attitude, you will then experience the same type of rejection in the future.” 

-Neville Goddard

We revise our past (or present) to create a new neural pathway, and to reinforce the frontal lobe connetion to our CHOSEN narratives.

When we engage in revision, we’re not altering the actual events of the past, but rather transforming our interpretation and emotional response to those events. You change your REACTION to the past. This, in turn, affects how we perceive and act in the present moment, which is the appointed hour. Now is where we have the power to shape our thoughts, emotions, and our reality.

What should you expect from your revision?

 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”

– Galatians

If it is not a changed past, then what should you expect? There is a saying, “The proof is in the pudding”, or as it is phrased in the Bible: “By their fruits shall you know them”:

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits:

 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.  You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?  Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Matthew 7:15-20

In our case, it is our thoughts that are “the fasle prohpets“, the thoughts come to us, appearing as truth. The fruits of those thoughts are the fruits of fear, victimhood, anger or insecurity etc. So know that your revision is complete when your thoughts become those of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Imagine that the negativity was cut down and thrown into the fire, and can no longer produce its bad fruit, the fruits of fear, victimhood, anger or insecurity. With this tree cut down, your tree of good fruit grows, and develops. This opens your eyes to goodnes, opportunities, strenghts and joy.


manifest magazine

Understanding the Law of Assumption “I can be what I will to be.”

Understanding the Law of Assumption “I can be what I will to be.”

1. The Essence Behind “I”

The “I” within us isn’t limited to our physical body or mind; it’s the driving force that directs our actions and decisions. Understanding this “I” unlocks a new level of power.

2. Directing Body and Mind

The “I” must control both our body and mind, guiding their actions and choices. When we grasp this, a newfound sense of power emerges, transforming our lives.

3. True Self

Our personality is a collection of habits and traits, shaped by past thinking. But it doesn’t define the authentic “I” that lies within us.

4. The Spiritual “I” in Action

Saying “I think” or “I go” is our way of tapping into the essence of the spiritual “I.” This spiritual force is the wellspring of true power, awaiting recognition.

5. The Power to Think

The greatest gift of the “I” is the power to think. However, few master constructive thinking, or correctly, consequently they achieve only indifferent results. Most people allow their thoughts to dwell on selfish purposes, the inevitable result of an infantile mind. When a mind becomes mature, it understands that the germ of defeat is in every selfish thought.

6. The Wisdom of the Trained Mind

A mature mind understands that transactions should benefit all parties involved. Profiting from others’ vulnerabilities only leads to downfall.

7. Unity in Diversity

Recognizing that each individual is part of a greater whole enhances our advantage in life. By embracing this principle, we focus on what truly matters. This is because a part cannot antagonize any other part, but, on the contrary, the welfare of each part depends upon a recognition of the interests of the whole.

8. The Advantage of the Mindful

Those who grasp this principle thrive—they conserve energy, concentrate effectively, and invest themselves where it matters most.

9. Effort and Realization

Achievement requires genuine effort. f you cannot do these things it is because you have thus far not made the necessary effort. Now is the time to make the effort. The result will be exactly in proportion to the effort expended To strengthen your will and accomplish your goals, use the affirmation “I can be what I will to be.”

10. The Power of Continuous Affirmation

Repeating the affirmation, realizing the essence of the “I,” and aligning with constructive goals makes you unbeatable, harmonizing with the universe’s creative energy.

11. Making Affirmation a Habit

For lasting change, infuse the affirmation into your daily routine until it becomes an inherent part of you. Commitment is key to success. “I can be what I will to be.”

12. Commitment and the Die Cast

Commitment is crucial. Once you set your mind on a goal, remain steadfast, unyielding to obstacles or distractions. The die is cast; there’s no debate.

13. Mastering Self-Control

Begin with small goals, gradually gaining self-mastery. Remember, controlling oneself often proves harder than controlling external circumstances. Psychology tells us that when we start something and do not complete it, or make a resolution and do not keep it, we are forming the habit of failure. If you do not intend to do a thing, do not start; if you do start, see it through even if the heavens fall; if you make up your mind to do something, do it

14. The “World Within”

Self-control opens the door to the “World Within,” shaping the external world. You become a creator, influencing your reality effortlessly. You will have found the “World Within” which controls the world without; you will have become irresistible; men and things will respond to your every wish without any apparent effort on your part

15. The Inner Connection

Recognize that the “World Within” is connected to the universal energy, an idea accepted by both science and religion. This connection holds incredible creative power.

16. Power in the Present

This inner power is your key to success. The energy is within you; utilize it through positive actions and thoughts.

17. The Vitality of Service

Power is found in service, in giving back. By becoming a channel for universal energy, you not only receive but also positively impact the world.

18. Quietude and Connectivity

Stop obsessing over plans and allow silence to reign. Connect with the boundless potential within you, accessing a universe of possibilities. Dwell in the consciousness of your unity with Omnipotence. “Still water runs deep”; contemplate the multitudinous opportunities to which you have spiritual access by the Omnipresence of power. Be still and know.

19. Visualizing and Creating

Visualize the outcomes your spiritual connections can bring about. Realize that all things possess a spiritual essence; when that essence is gone, so is life. Realize the fact that the essence and soul of all things is spiritual and that the spiritual is the real, because it is the life of all there is; when the spirit is gone, the life is gone; it is dead; it has ceased to exist.

20. The Creative Process

Your mental activities create the world around you. By understanding this cause-and-effect relationship, you become a conscious creator of your reality.

21. Cultivating Mental Strength

Just as physical strength requires exercise, mental strength is developed through practice. Repeated thoughts become habits that shape your reality.

22. From Physical Relaxation to Mental Freedom

After mastering physical relaxation, the next step is mental freedom. Let go of negative emotions by consciously deciding to release them and persistently doing so. Over-work or over-play or over-bodily activity of any kind produces conditions of mental apathy and stagnation which makes it impossible to do the more important work which results in a realization of conscious power.

23. Intellect Over Emotion

Allow your intellect, not emotions, to guide you. While it might be challenging initially, practice leads to mastery, enhancing control over your thoughts. Thought is a mode of motion and is carried by the law of vibration the same as light or electricity. It is given vitality by the emotions through the law of love; it takes form and expression by the law of growth; it is a product of the spiritual “I,” hence its Divine, spiritual, and creative nature.

24. Shaping Reality Through Thought

Your thoughts are the architects of your reality. in order to express power, abundance or any other constructive purpose, the emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the thought so that it will take form.

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