What happened when I went to see Apostle Kathryn Krick?

What happened when I went to see Apstle Kathryn Krick?

I had an oportunity to go see a real properity preacher with a full-blown deliverance ministry, so how did it go?

I was actually full of anticipation, I had seen “apostle” Kathryn on YouTube and I was intrigued. There was on video, of Katheryn commanding a demon to come out of a woman that had MANY views. I will say this; that God can do what he wants, when he wants and however he wants, and even though I beleive that ministers (such as Benny Hinn for example) are absolute crooks, I still think that if God wants to willdeliver you of pain or illness, he will do it. I have seen my share of miracles, but I have also seen my share of scams.

God is greater than any scam, that much I know! But what is the deal with Kathryn Krick,

(and why are people calling themselves apsotles?)

Where was the Holy Spirit?

The first thing I notice when I enter a sacred space, is feeling of the spirit that is or isn’t there, and in some churches the Holy Spirit is so strong! It isn’t so much that I am looking for this, it is that when it is there you can feel it, it is felt in revererence and holiness. It is hard to describe, but a noticeable sanctitiy enters over me when I am in the precense of God’s spirit.

Have you felt it? Do you know what I am talking about?

Some churches are as dry as can be, and there is no such feeling at all. Conversely, in some spiritual spaces there what seems to be different spirits there, and they do not feel anything like this sanctity that I am talking about. It can be downright gross…..

SO what was the feeling at Katheryn Kricks sermon? Well, nothing at first. It was like a pop concert during the worship portion. (This worship is added before the sermon as a normal part of the charismatic service), but truthfully it adds nothing. Well, it could potentially add to the ambiance but it depends on the music. It is a far cry from an Orthodox Liturgy….

During her sermon though? I felt uncomfortable, her message was seflserving and grossly misaligned with the core teachings of Jesus. The reasons were these:

Sowing The SEED?

In the Bible, the metaphor of sowing seeds is used in several places. Some passages include:

Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:4-15):

This parable describes a farmer sowing seeds, which fall on different types of ground, representing how different people receive and act on God’s word. The focus is on the receptiveness of the heart to God’s truth and the resulting spiritual growth or fruitfulness.

2 Corinthians 9:6-11:

Paul writes about the principles of giving, saying, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” This passage encourages generosity and explains that God loves a cheerful giver, promising that those who give will be blessed so they can continue to be generous.

Galatians 6:7-9:

Paul states, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Here, the emphasis is on living a life that aligns with God’s divine values rather than materialistic pursuits, or what is called “the world”, or “the flesh”. (The flesh is in opposition to spirit.)

Prosperity Gospel Interpretation

Prosperity preachers seem to interpret the concept of “sowing seeds” in an exclusively materialistic manner. The “world” or “the flesh” is their only concern. They suggest that giving money, particularly to their ministries, is the same as planting seeds that will grow and give to you financial blessings. This turns God into an ATM, and although the bible can be interpreted to mean that he intends our comfot, nowhere can it be interpreted that a tit for that relationship with enregies is what he wants. Look at Cain and Able. Who’s “gift” did God reject? Cains gift, because it was given with an ulterior motive. NO, you can not trick God into giving you money, nor do you have to. This lie is peddled by prosperity teachers apparently since biblical times, as the gospels warns against these preachers. “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves”.-Mtthew 7.15 A transactional relationship with God, where financial donations are expected to yield financial returns, is invented by ravenous wolves, and God hates it. Don’t be tricked into “ssowing seeds” into some wolves ministry. Give with a charitable heart if you are moved to, but don’t be pressured by this transactional manipulation. Cain already tired that and we know how that went….. Yes, apsotle Kathryn went for the manipulation BEFORE she did any deliverance. She may be asking for a seed into her bank account, but the seed that she is sowing is bitter.

The prosperity gospel’s interpretation of “sowing seeds” as giving money to receive financial blessings is a gross misrepresentation of the biblical teachings on the topic. The Bible emphasizes the condition of the heart over material wealth. It teaches that blessings can be both spiritual and material, but the primary focus is on a faithful and holy life, not on transactional giving aimed at personal financial gain.

It Was All About Katheryn Krick:

I have more to say about her sermon, a sermon which was focused only on herself, and how people are attacking her. I sat and listend to a half hour or more of her doing damage control, why was THIS he sermon? Her message to the congregation was about HER? What?

I understood that her communion with God is not true, she doen’t understand how to focus on Jesus and not on the problem. The mountain she is facing should be addressed in prayer, and not made into a lacture. The faithful congregation was obviously there, supporting her, so why take out frustration there?

There si another lesson in this, and it is that “You can’t serve two masters” This has layers of implications. In one sense, your choice to become singleminded on Jesus means that you can not simultaneously beleive that the problem you are facing is greater than Jesus, and in an other more materialistic sense, it means that you can either be focused on the fulfilment, OR you can be focused on the reasons that are stacked against the fulfilment, but not both. Not at the same time.

If she is unable to do for herself, how can she do for another? This is what Jesus meant when he spoke of the log in our eyes. We simply can not help others when we have a beam in our own eyes that block our sight. Anyone who is struggling with problems similar to ours are outside of our ability to help, until we have overcome this problem. (In a spiritual sense)

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?  How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” – Matthew 7.3-5

Kathryn’s sermon was one hundred percent devoted to ranting about her critics, and how they are jealous of her success. I will point out here, that material sucess does not equal success with God, and my critisism of her is only in regards to her methods, wich I have specifically mentioned and is not based on “jealousy” as I don’t have a ministry.

There is a big difference between wanting to speak a message of truth, and wanting success in a material sense. I have written about the false message of the posperity gospel before, but many charismatic ministers have genuine intentions, so I don’t want to paint everyone with the same brush. I have seen real miracles, and I have seen real healing and deliverance. I have also experienced real healing, and real miracles, so I know that this is legit. Still, so many wolves in sheeps clothing …. and apsotle Kathryn, in spite of her YouTube popularity, and her success, is most certainly a wolf, and a “prsoperity preacher in a healing ministry’s clothing.”

A word about making yourself an apostle

Many of the original apostles died as martyrs, for the sake of maintaining the true message of Jesus Christ the Messiah. Are the “apsotles” of 2024 ready to die for Jesus? Perhaps.

Who was originally appointed apsotle? Acts 1:21–22 states that for someone to be an apostle, they had to have been a member of the original group of of disciples, from the beginning, and to have been eyewitnesses of Christ’s resurrection. However, when Jesus called Paul to be an apostle, this had to be changed somewhat, still, Paul had what no other modern day so-called “apostle” can have: Paul had the direct approval of the other apostles. I reject the notion of anyone naming themselves apsotle, I find nothing in the bible to support giving yourself the title of “apsotle”.

But WAS There Deliverance and Healing?

So let’s talk about the real reason why people come to see Katheryn Krick. They need healing. She has a healing ministry.

Well, it is hard to say because even if there is no healing on the spot, healing could still take place later. Yes, it does happen.

Yes of course many like Benny Hinn for example would of course say that healing will happen later, to cover up the absence of healing infront of their eyes. Like I stated at the top of this post, if God wants to heal he will heal. AND if we have faith, we may well heal just by our own faith.

There is a story of a woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and she was healed. She had the faith. There are others who didn’t really have that same faith who were also healed. The people who did not beleive that he was who he said he was, they experienced no healing.

What does this tell us? That if we beleive in Jesus he can heal us. Furthermore, placebo effect states that if we beleive in a sugarpill we can heal. Many things can heal just by our faith. But some things don’t heal, and we don’t have enough faith, and even then Jesus can heal us. And sometime he can’t….hmmm….

Can Katheryn Krick or any other person heal us? No.

Only our faith, and Jesus. In fact, I saw nothing remarkeable happen during her service, some people seemed to be delivered from demons, but I couln’t tell if this was fake or not. I saw dissapointed faces of those who were hoping for physical healing, but who knows, maybe healing happened after?

For me, Katheryn Krick felt a lot like a false prophet, with a whole lot of “beams in her eyes”, and I wil not be back. If we look to a person to heal us, we are not looking at the one who CAN heal us, which is Jesus. The job of a healing ministry is to point to Jesus, not themselves.

Final thoughts

I experience more of the Holy Spirit in a small orthodox church; more peace, more healing and a much more wholesome message. Where the sacred atmosphere that is created by rich liturgical traditions exist, a profound sense of the Holy Spirit’s presence is also there. This combined with a message that addresses mind, body, and spirit, and not the bank account of the minister, gives a much deeper sense of peace, healing, and soul-nourishment.

Jesus told us that when the Comforter has come He will be with us and in us. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you” -John 14:16-17

Many healing ministries out there are genuine, and I praise them for that, and you will never hear them tell you that if you give them money, that money will multiply. God supplies, but he can not be manipulated! As always, the prosperity gospel gets a thumbs down from me. I beleive wholeheartedly that we can prosper, but there is no need to twist the gospel for that!

manifest magazine

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