Bliss Manifestation: The Power of Instant Manifestation

Bliss Manifestation: The Power of Instant Manifestation

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” -John 15.7

A state of bliss

A state of Bliss can  play a significant role in the process of manifesting desires, no matter what we are manifesting, however, it is not required.

When we are in a state of bliss, we are aligned with higher frequencies and vibrations, allowing us to attract and manifest what we desire more effortlessly.

Bliss generates a powerful energy field that radiates positivity, love, and harmony. It creates a magnetic pull that draws experiences and individuals into our lives. When we experience bliss, we are in a state of alignment with our true selves and the desires of our hearts. This alignment is magic for the manifestation process.

Specific person:

Stop doubting God by saying “If it is his will”, his Bible IS his will. His word IS his will. You KNOW his will, it is written. He says: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’- Matthew 22.37

Manifesting a specific person requires more than just desiring their presence in our lives, or aligning our intentions and focus with the essence of the desired relationship, you also need to know the word of God so that you stop doubting “if it is meant to be”. Are you breaking commandments? Cheating? Wrecking marriages? If o, it is not his will.

When we are in a state of abiding in God’s will, which is his word, which is the Holy Spirit of God, we want to love God first and foremost and he does are will as we ask it of him.

The will of God is the word of god is the Holy Spirit of God, and when you abide in him he abides in us, this means that the Holy Spirit INDWELLS us. It changes us and we BECOME more like Christ, we become by the actions of the Holy Spirit more like LOVE, more loving, more Blissful. This requires total surrender and trust.

Letting go:

When we abide in Him, we come into a state of bliss, automatically we let go of the need to control or manipulate outcomes, allowing God act, and to create the circumstances for our desires to manifest.

Godspark or manmade?

Bliss is a state of profound joy and happiness that can be experienced on various levels. It is important to distinguish between the human experience of hyped up vibes and the divine bliss that is infused by the Holy Spirit, within the human heart, which only resonates with a vibration of unconditional love. 

Human experiences of bliss are often associated with temporary moments of excitement, elation, or pleasure. These experiences can be influenced by external factors such as achievements, relationships, or sensory stimulation. They can be attained by a yoga class, or other exercises, and while they can bring moments of joy, they are fleeting and dependent on external circumstances. Gods bliss is not dependent on any circumstance or exercise or substance because it comes from Him. (Even during bad circumstances.)

Circumstantial  bliss tends to be transient, arising and subsiding with changing conditions, and may be connected to desires and attachments. This type of bliss chasing can actually cause more ups and downs rather than less. Rely on God’s love instead.

It emanates from a deep connection with the God, wich in turn comes from abiding in his word, which is written. This divine abiding in bliss arises when the heart is opened by the Holy Spirit, to the first hand experience of of God. It is not dependent on external circumstances.

Divine bliss is characterized by a sense of profound peace, serenity, and contentment that surpasses the temporary highs and lows of human emotions. It is a state of being that connects us to the infinite and eternal nature of the divine. It is an experience of oneness. “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4.7

Do I have to experience bliss to manifest?

At the end of the day, the Bliss state is NOT a requirement for manifesting, but it is better than any manifestation, and it is yours to keep forever.

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