From Seeker to Found

From Seeker to Found in the Lord

When you have Jesus in your heart, you become whole. He makes you whole. “Abide in Me, and I in you. “There is a profound peace in accepting your mistakes and being humbled, because His presence transforms us from within, without our conscious effort. You might wonder how you can be so good; with Christ, you realize it is He who is working through you.

I have explored and used the law of assumption. It’s true that manifesting works. It really does! but if I can tell you one single thing it would be this: Taking Jesus Christ out of the equation and labeling it as “Christ consciousness” ultimately leaves you feeling broken and empty. Without Him, the gap in your heart remains a gaping wound. You end up chasing one thing after another, never finding true satisfaction. Then what?

Don’t be misled by content creators who urge you to “elevate your consciousness” and “become your own god”. This path only leads to a deep, unfillable void in your heart. Jesus belongs in your heart, not yourself, not a lofty chrsit consiousness concept. Him. Jesus is not just a concept or a metaphor; He is real, He is God, He is man, and He is alive. He genuinely and profoundly saved you.

Understanding this truth changes everything. With Christ, you no longer need to strive for self-made perfection or chase fleeting desires. Instead, you find a lasting peace and fulfillment that can only come from Him. His love and grace are transformative, bringing wholeness and purpose that nothing else can.

Jesus fills the emptiness, heals the wounds, often instantly, and he brings a joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. Trust in Him, and you will find that He is the source of all goodness, the anchor for your soul, and the true fulfillment of every longing in your heart. “for apart from Me you can do nothing”

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