Law of Assumption: The Misunderstood Doctrine?

Law of Assumption: The Misunderstood Doctrine?

The Law of Assumption is one of the most grossly misunderstood aspects of New-Thought, it draws from Christianity, and is a real part of the created universe, but it is not presented as such. Similar to the presentation of kabbalah to the masses, or “practical kabbalah”, it is a distorted “practical magic” teaching that is intended for the faceless masses. Us.

Some individuals, both within and outside Christian circles, thoroughly misinterpret the Law of Assumption, attributing it to the occult. If you have understood Law of Assumption this way, throw that idea away right now. Anything occult is truly not worth knowing, it is a way for the “darkness” to make itself seem more interesting. “And the darkness comprehended it not”. The greatest secret is in the light, this is whare I want to point this article to. The light.

Many of the misconceptions of the Law Of Assumption stem from distortions of Biblical teachings by non-Christian mystics and occultists. There is a simplicity to the so called Law Of Assumption that should be interpreted like this: “You are always maintaining a mental state, be aware of this mental state because it is responsible for your experience in life“. The whole concept can be reduced to that but people take it far beyond that, and suddenly, it has veered off into spell casting and other strange behaviors. Drop all those ideas, they will not help you.

It’s New-Thought Movement Origins

The Law of Assumption gained popularity among people during the New Thought movement, especially in America, where its principles were often reinterpreted to remove Christian values. For instance, some texts like “The Power of Awareness” by Neville Goddard, attempt to draw parallels between its principles and Jesus Christ being reduced to a mental activity only.

Simultaneously, It’s important to clarify that the Law of Assumption as defined by Neville does not promote occultism or magic. It does involve the application of Biblical knowledge to influence ones life in ways that might seem magical, but they are not. Throughout Christian history, there have been accounts of remarkable feats attributed to for example the prophets, to Jesus Christ, and to the apostles, and someone who reads the Bible knows this. While some of these stories may contain elements of exaggeration and at times, symbolism, others are believed to hold truth. Biblical miracles are going on still today, many revivals have sprung up through recent history where real healing and real miracles happen. Sadly, for every real ministry there are a thousand frauds. The same is true for the Law of Assumtpion, there is more fraud than truth.

The Law of Assumption and the Nature of Christ

To grasp the essence of the Law of Assumption, it’s essential to understand its fundamental concepts, such as the nature of Christ and the principles of assumption. This explanation will provide a very simplified overview. For a deep dive, I recommend reading the Gospel of John, and the book of Acts in totality.

The true nature of Christ transcends human comprehension and description. Christ is most certainly NOT merely our own wonderful human imagination, as Neville Goddard puts it. To confine Christ to the realm of human imagination diminishes His divine nature, and it denies the fact that he was a real person, a historically factual human, who was actually crucified by the religious rulers, and who, by eyewitness testimony came back to life again. God ressurected him. If you know the Bible, you are aware that God is omnipotent, he can resurresct, he can part seas, he can bring water out of desert rocks, he can save you from burning inside furnaces, from being mauled by lions, and he can down our enemies, no matter how large, with one tiny rock. Having God gives us supernatural powers.

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

Matthew 6.22-29

Knowing Christ gives us supernatural love. Jesus Christ, is God in form, he encompasses all aspects of creation and existence, he is the word made flesh (John 1.14 “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us”). He is the embodied love our our creator, and his love transcends all human understanding. He is mercy, and he is grace. He is power, love and a sound mind. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the light of the world (Not the occult, not darkness) He is the DOOR, He is the shepard, and he is the Resurrection and Life, and he is the vine. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing“-John 15.5

I think that if the message was that Jesus Christ is “your own wonderful human imagination(Neville), it would have said so somehwere in there….BUT it doesn’t. So… This is clealry a false interpretation by Neville. How many descriptions of who he is, and not a single mention of being a mere mental activity. So, To reduce Christ to mere imagination, is to overlook His obvious claims of divinity. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” -Ephesians 2.10

Nonehteless, The Law of Assumption operates through principles that go beyond human intellect or wisdom. There are attempts to explain it through quantum physics, and perhaps we are getting close to either prove or debunk these concepts with science.

However, no matter how much explanation we can prove WITHIN the universe, it does not even touch upon God the creator, or who came BEFORE the universe. Let’s say that The Creator created quantum physics, but even if we explain quantum physics, it does not explain why it is there or where it came from. No, the Big Bang does not explain this either….

Recommended Resources

Exploring the Law of Assumption requires careful discernment and guidance. There is a plethora of literature available on the subject, but not all of it accurately represents Christian values and teachings. In fact almost none of it does. Approach all resources with discernment and seek guidance from reputable sources, the most important source of course is the Bible. Yes, it is, and the reason is that ALL Law of Assumption draws from Biblical teachings. Know your source.

No, there is nothing left out of the Bible that is hidden from you. You can choose between othodox Bibles, Catholic Bibles or Lutheran Bibles, either one is just fine. You can use the interlinear Bible online if you want to cross reference with Hebrew of Greek original, nothing is HIDDEN from you. Nothing is kept secret. Don’t worry about what chapters are in or out of the Bible unless you are actually going to challenge yousrelf to even read it.

Are you one of those people talking about “what about the book of Enoch” or other mental red herrings? Get over yourself and pick up any version of the Bible and just read it. Stop talkning and start reading.

If you’re serious about diving into the Law of Assumption, ground yourself in a thorough understanding of Christian scripture and doctrine. Only then can you begin to explore its deeper meanings, and no, there is nothing occult, nothing hidden that will be revealed in any other book besides the Bible. Let’s be honest, most people haven’t read the Bible, they discard it on their fist attempt at reading it. How do I know this? I did it too. The thing is that it is the best book I have ever read, and you will agree once you get into it. Remember what I said about there being MORE fraud than truth preached out there? Once you know the real Bible you will be able to spot the fraud so quickly.

So, How should you aproach reading it? it is such an undertaking…

Here is my way of simplifying reading the whole Bible:

  1. Read from several places all at once, so get your bookmarks or stickynotes out.
  2. Read it at a specific time every day, if you are a morning person read it in the norning.
  3. Read a managble amount daily. If you can manage one paragraph, stick to that. if you can read one page, do that. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

So what places in the Bible should you be reading at all times? Here is my suggestion:

  1. Old testament, start at the beginning (Genesis to Malachi) This is the difficult bit, go slow, it is okay.
  2. Proverbs, one proverb a day, or one page a day.
  3. Psalms. One psalm a day.
  4. New testament: The Gospels (Mtthew – John)
  5. New testament (Acts -Revaltion)

The REAL Secret: Your inheritance

This way (above) you should be able to read the entire Bible a couple of times a year. Nobody will be able to fool you with a false doctrine again, and your life will begin to change in a positive direction. You see, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word WAS God“. When you open this door, to THE WORD, the Holy Spirit of God is also reading you. He is seeing to your needs, tending to your darknees, healing your heart and your mind, and all you did was read.

The truth is that you don’t even have to try to understand what you are reading, understanding comes on its own. When you read the word of God it is as if yo have been given the password to a vault that holds your inheritance from God the Father. The word is like a password, the will of God is your inheritance from Him. Yes, it is mystical, beyond what any occult book can ever give you. Give it a go!

“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” -John 17.17

“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,  and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” -John 8.31-32

 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” -John 15.4-11