The False Jesus Created by The Nondescript “Awakening Movement”

Lie: “Christ” means “oily secretion of endogenous DMT”

If you have dabbled in the “spiritual movement” as most of us have, you most likely came across THIS lie at some point: “Christ means, secretly and unknown to anyone but a very select few, a brain chemical DMT release, which happens after for example Kundalini yoga practice.”

The God Molecule

First off, the DMT release does not really equal the natural anointing of the holy Spirit of God which Jesus Christ anointed us with. But if you don’t know that OF COURSE it can seem like it is the same…If it feels good it must be good, we think. If it is good, it must be the ULTIMATE good. No. It is not, and DMT is not God. I feel that I am 20 years late in making this argument, but better late than never.

For all the folks who are in such a thick fog of spiritual jambalaya that you recoil at “organized religion: when I say the words JESUS CHRIST, here is a sobering view point. Do you want DISORGANIZED religion? Disorganized absence of religion? Chaotic Spiritual Highs? I know, it is so easy to get caught up in these catch phrases. Resist THE MAN, and the establishment and the ORGANIZED religion. Yes, there is something that we should want to resist, but it isn’t the organized part, and it is not even the religion part, it is the lie. Resist the lie.

-But I thought that that is what I was doing?

– I know, me too.

Let’s keep looking for some facts, keep reading:


The word “Christ” originates from the Greek word “Christos,” which translates to “anointed one” or “chosen one.” In ancient Jewish tradition, kings, priests, and prophets were anointed with oil as a sign of their consecration and appointment by God for a particular role or task. The title “Christ” therefore carries significant religious and symbolic meaning, representing the belief that Jesus of Nazareth was the long-awaited Messiah prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures.

More facts:

The term “Christ” underscores Jesus’ unique role and authority in Christian theology. It does NEGATE IT. It does not MEAN THAT HE WAS MERELY AN ENLIGHTENED BUDDHA WHO RECEIVED SOME DRIPS OF DMT INSIDE OF HIS BRAIN. Have you stopped to think about how absurd it would be to change the numbering of the years, to the year ZERO for him, ot that the WHOLE world talks about him, religions all over the world talk about Him, heck even the spiritual folks who say he was JUST an enlightened dude, talk about him. That is a whole lot of hoopla for some guy. Too much ado about nothing you might say. Keep in mid also, that Jesus does not return the favor. He is not interested in the “many paths to God” slogan, he is only interested in the “to God” part of that statement. He is the Way, The Truth and Life. HE is The Resurrection. No one comes to God but Through HIM.

Naming Jesus t’he Christ”, highlights his divine mission, it does not negate it.

It identities him as the Son of God, sent to fulfill God’s plan of redemption for humanity.

Never read the Bible? Then you wouldn’t know God’s plan of redemption, or how Jesus exist from the very first page in the book of Genesis now would you?

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus is frequently referred to as “Jesus Christ,” by the apostles that KNEW him in person, emphasizing his status as the long-awaited Messiah who brings hope, salvation, and eternal life to believers. Eternal life what is that? Well, it is the same as striving for “liberation” from the karmic wheel of birth and death. Why are you trying to become more spiritual? It is to get off that hamster wheel is it not? Or is it just to get high off of DMT?

Anointed By Crism Oil?

Yeah, this is where the DMT is The God Molecule has led us. Deep into a Cul De Sac. A dead end street. There are no roads out of here.

Here is an example of where this disinformation has gone:

“What is the scientific name for Christ oil?

The Sacred Secretion, also called ‘Chrism’, ‘Christ Oil’, ‘Endogenous DMT’ and ‘The Honey And Milk’, is the title given to a natural, spiritual mechanism of rejuvenation within the human body. During the monthly cycle, when lunar energy empowers the starsign energy that clothed you at birth, the brain releases a brew of chemicals. The psychedelic concoction descends down the spine’s 33 vertebrate before ascending back up again to the place where God can be met face to face (the mind – Pineal). The secretion’s increases its vibrational potency throughout the process, changing in and out of form. Finally, after being preserved in a blissed body, the secretion is released, enhancing the senses of the individual and raising their conscious awareness.”

This might seem completely fine to you, where is the problem? Well, the discourse on GOD, (or Consciousness to borrow the God term from Vedanta which might be more palatable to you) is that God can not be confined to the brain anatomy, or brain synapses.

There ARE brain synapses, and the IS such a thing as DMT and its subsequent “high” and feelings of oneness, but that is not God, and that is not consiousness. Yes, it can seem that way, but it is not.

God does not go away just because your brain chemicals are not secreting DMT. Abiding in God’s presence give a sense of peace more than a feeling of high. Fully abiding in God, as mush as is possible for a human being, also gives the oneness with God and his creation sensation, but it feels different from the “yoga high”

Jesus Christ was indeed anointed

But his anointing was by the Holy Spirit, and this is a different experience. Jesus also gave us, through him, the anointing by the Holy Spirit, which gives us simultaneous with a sense of PEACE and Love and FAITH, also wisdom, understanding, knowledge and counsel. He (The holy spirit) has the ability to completely heal us. When you hear of miracles, this is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Worship of self or worship of God?

The striving to produce spiritual highs by our own practice is a self worship, and it will give you what us are striving for. We will feel better, and happier hopefully. We will feel oneness, and you will have an experience called Bhav or Bliss. But it IS NOT THE ANOINTING of the Holy Spirit. It is not even close. This is where the shoe doesn’t fit. It is good, but the secretions of the pineal gland, or any other brain chemical is not the same as and equal to Jesus Chrsit, or the Holy Spirit of God that he anointed us with.

There is no way to have the anointing by the Holy Spirit but though God.

When we are anointed with the Holy Spirit, it brings several significant blessings and empowerments, but no one receives this BUT THROUGH Jesus Christ:

  1. Empowerment for Service: The Holy Spirit equips us with spiritual gifts and abilities to serve God and others effectively. These gifts may include teaching, prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues, and more, which enable us to fulfill our unique roles in the body of Christ.
  2. Guidance and Wisdom: The Holy Spirit provides guidance, wisdom, and discernment aligned with God’s will. Through prayer and a yielded heart, we can rely on the Spirit’s leading to guide our paths.
  3. Spiritual Transformation: The Holy Spirit works within us to produce spiritual fruit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). We don’t actually do any of this work, the holy Spirit does it through us, it is a miraculous healing of the heart. We become more like Christ, by his help.
  4. Comfort and Strength: The Holy Spirit comforts and strengthens us. The Spirit’s presence brings assurance of God’s love, peace even in trials, and hardships.
  5. Unity with God: Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we experience a deepening intimacy with God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. The Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are children of God, fostering a close relationship marked by communion and fellowship.
  6. Boldness in Witnessing: The Holy Spirit empowers us to be bold, and to share the truth, even when people mock it. With the Spirit we overcome fear, and testify to the transforming power of Christ. Christ the PERSON, not the oily secretion in the brain….
  7. Seal of Redemption: The Holy Spirit seals believers as God’s own possession and guarantees their inheritance in Christ (Ephesians 1:13-14). This seal signifies God’s ownership, protection, and preservation of those who belong to Him, ensuring their eternal security. You might call this liberation. True and real liberation, not based on our own works….

The side effects of the anointing by the Holy Spirit

The anointing of the Holy Spirit instantly changes us, from the inside and out, and surprisingly, it leads to a transformation in our attitudes and behaviors for several reasons. You will discern the difference between Th Holy Spirit and DMT by the aversions that the Holy SPirit produces:

  1. Spiritual Awareness: The Holy Spirit brings about a heightened spiritual awareness within us. This awareness helps us recognize the areas in our lives where we fall short of God’s standards and prompts us to seek His forgiveness and guidance. When we receive the Holy Spirit, our hearts become sensitive to the presence of sin in our lives, leading to a deep sense of repentance. Repentance is a BYPRODUCT of the spirit, not a precursor.
  2. Renewed Mind: The Holy Spirit renews our minds and transforms our thinking (Romans 12:2). As we yield to the Spirit’s work, our perspectives and priorities begin to align more closely with God’s Word, leading us to view attitudes and behaviors with greater clarity and disdain. We see more and more through the eyes of God. What was fine before, is repulsive suddenly.
  3. New Heart: Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we receive a new heart and nature (Ezekiel 36:26). This is so literal, you won’t believe the change that you go though unless you’ve gone through it. No yoga practice or meditation practice does this. Nothin but the Holy Spirit of God. No DMT molecule does this. The Spirit’s anointing leads to a genuine hatred for sin and a desire to live righteously.
  4. Empowerment for Holiness: The Holy Spirit empowers us to live holy and righteous lives when before we couldn’t or didn’t want to. (Galatians 5:16). As we surrender to the Spirit’s leading, we are enabled to resist temptation, overcome bad habits. Addictions are healed.
  5. Healing and Deliverance: The anointing of the Holy Spirit brings healing and deliverance from attachment to sin and addiction (Isaiah 61:1). Through the power of the Spirit, individuals experience a supernatural freedom and transformation in a matter of moments. Nothing else heals in a moment, but the Holy spirit.
  6. Spiritual Discernment: The Holy Spirit grants us spiritual discernment to recognize the destructive nature of sin and its consequences. You can see cause and effect more with the perspective of God. (1 Corinthians 2:14). With the Spirit’s guidance, we see behaviors for what they truly are and we understand the harmful effects.
  7. Empathy and Compassion: Through the love of the Holy Spirit shed abroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5), we develop empathy and compassion towards others who are trapped in lies. Our own experiences of God’s grace and deliverance motivate us to reach out with love and understanding to those who are still struggling.

Truth about Jesus Crist

The anointing by the Holy Spirit, bestowed upon those who love Jesus Christ, is not the same as the DMT molecule or Chrism oil. The anointing by the Holy Spirit is a spiritual empowerment that brings about a significant transformation, coupled with conviction, and a deepening relationship with God, an intolerance for previous bad behavior and attitudes, and a deep love, for piety whereas DMT and Chrism oil are substances with different properties and effects, just like any other substance.

The False Spirituality Jesus

It’s such a common misconception that experiences induced by substances like DMT or practices such as yoga can equate to the presence or power of the Holy Spirit, or that Jesus Christ’s significance can be reduced to a mere state of consciousness achievable through such means.

The historical reality of Jesus, his documented life, teachings, and the profound impact he had on human history and culture make it utterly ridiculous to equate him with someone who simply pursued personal enlightenment through smoking some weed, or doing some yoga and meditation practices.

The uniqueness of Jesus Christ’s identity and his role in various religious traditions underscore the inadequacy of such comparisons. How many cool and alright dudes reset the way we number our years?

The thing is, this false Jesus, just like ALL false Jesus versions that are in circulation, only serve to block our experience with the real Jesus.

The experience with the real Jesus Christ and the anointing of the Holy Spirit far surpasses the “Yoga Jesus”, or the “DMT and Crism Oil Jesus…”

God in a Brain Scan?

The concept of God or consciousness transcends the physical and cannot be confined to brain scans or chemical reactions. If God were merely a product of biochemical processes in the brain, then His existence would be limited to the lifespan of the physical body. However, God is eternal, and exists independently of bodily functions. This understanding aligns with the notion of God as transcendent and eternal, beyond the scope of scientific measurement or physical explanation.

Haw Many False Jesuses are There?

Truly, there is no end to how many false renditions of Jesus Christ there are and they run the gamut, from “communist Jesus” to ‘republican Jesus”, from ” nonexistent only consiousness Jesus” to “just a prophet Jesus”, Hippie Jesus that encourages promiscuity” and as we just covered, The “DMT endogenous secretion Jesus” or “Crism Oil Jesus”….ever wonder why HE is so incredibly misrepresented?

Here are some bullet points to help fact-check and identify a false representation of Jesus or a false gospel:

  1. Contradiction with Scriptural Teachings: Any interpretation of Jesus or his teachings that directly contradicts scripture is a false gospel.. Example; “Hippie Jesus” or “socialist Jesus.”
  2. Denial of Core Christian Beliefs: Denial of fundamental Christian beliefs such as the divinity of Jesus, his resurrection, or the existence of sin and redemption should raise immediate red flags. Example Islam, Mormonism, Jehovas witness.
  3. Focus on Material Gain or Worldly Success: If the message emphasizes material wealth, worldly success, or personal gain rather than spiritual growth and moral integrity, is a false gospel. Example, prosperity gospel.
  4. Lack of Historical or Scriptural Support: Claims about Jesus or his teachings that lack historical or scriptural support should be approached with caution, especially if they rely solely on personal revelation or esoteric knowledge. Example, “Yoga Jesus”.
  5. Absence of Love and Compassion: True teachings of Jesus emphasize love, compassion, and forgiveness. Any message that promotes racism, sexism, discrimination, or violence is a false gospel. Example; bombing abortion clinics.
  6. Unverifiable Claims of Miracles or Divine Revelation: Claims of miraculous powers and especially CHANNELING of Jesus or other entities in His name, that cannot be verified should be approached with utmost skepticism. Example; “The I am discourses of St Germain” Jeus.
  7. Lack of Personal Transformation: The authentic Jesus brings complete transformation from within, any spiritual teachings should through prayer, lead to personal transformation, as well as fostering of qualities such as humility, kindness, and inner peace. If all the teaching gives you is a rabbit hole of conspiracies, it is a false Jesus. example; “The church hid His true identity conspiracy” Jesus.

Personal interpretation

Personal interpretation is inevitable, we are persons after all, but if we use the ACTUAL Bible as a source of accurate information, not YouTube videos, cults or social movements, we will have an easier time at approaching the truth, wich in the case of Jesus, is mind blowing exactly the way that the Bible tells it. No false rendition comes close to. it

Leave a comment if you have experienced a false Jesus.

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