To the pure ALL things are PURE | EIYPO | Neville Goddard

To the pure ALL things are PURE | EIYPO | Neville Goddard

Have you wondered if it is okay to use LOA to get revenge or to wish anything negative on someone else? (Is THAT your end?)

Do you feel justified in wishing retaliation of some sort? (Is THAT your end?)

Are you wishing that someone would get divorced so that you can marry them, or in any way shape or form trying to manifest the middle in a way that causes YOU to have negative thoughts?

If yes, then you need to read this.

What does Neville actually have to say about messing with the middle?

There is a reason why we NEVER mess with the middle, and why we NEVER try to plot the way in which your manifestation might come. Every time we try to imagine the possible ways the manifestation could come to pass, we run the risk of imagining something “unlovely” and if we do, that has suddenly opened the door for that same “unlovely” to come right back to us. KEEP THAT DOOR SHUT, by only imagining the perfect end.

(Manifesting the middle is manipulating the situation, not to be confused “segment intending”)

“Your unexpressed convictions of others are transmitted to them without their conscious knowledge or consent, and if subconsciously accepted by them will influence their behavior.

The only ideas they subconsciously reject are your ideas of them which they could not wish to be true of anyone. Whatever they could wish for others can be believed of them, and by the law of belief which governs subjective reasoning they are compelled to subjectively accept, and therefore objectively express, accordingly.

The subjective mind is completely controlled by suggestion.”

Neville Goddard

Keeping your mind only on the end, the end result being good, because goodness is everyone’s desire, we eliminate the risk of holding another in a negative place by our assumptions. The way there, the road to that end result, that is God’s business, not ours. We get to just tend to our lovely mind garden, and let’s just admit it, that that is a nice idea. No other work to be done! Just imagine wonderful things all as often as we like.

Skip the how.

Skip all moving the chess pieces around in your mind and just go straight to check mate.

Skip revenge, and skip imagining someone else getting fired, and skip imagining someone else’s divorce.

“A clear concept of the dual nature of man’s consciousness must be the basis of all true prayer. Consciousness includes a subconscious as well as a conscious part. The infinitely greater part of consciousness lies below the sphere of objective consciousness. The subconscious is the most important part of consciousness. It is the cause of voluntary action. The subconscious is what a man is. The conscious is what a man knows. “I and my Father are one but my Father is greater than I. ” The conscious and subconscious are one, but the subconscious is greater than the conscious.

Neville Goddard

The tip of the iceberg is the conscious mind, the rest of the iceberg is bigger, and hidden. Within that subconscious mind lies the making of our likes and dislikes, our opinions, and our strategies for life, but for most of us there are flaws within our subconscious programming and our plotting and planning simply isn’t as good as God’s plan. God is also hidden within our subconscious mind, but the God-seed is so rarely tended to and watered that it hardly ever gets a chance to act out its perfection. If we give that God-seed a a chance, then our circumstances will unfold according pure perfection, but as long as all the unlovely things in our subconscious mind is getting the front row seat, well then unlovely things is what will be on display on the stage of life.

“What we are conscious of is constructed out of what we are not conscious of. Not only do our subconscious assumptions influence our behavior but they also fashion the pattern of our objective existence. They alone have the power to say, “Let us make man—objective manifestations—in our image, after our likeness.”

Neville Goddard

If your conscious mind is telling you negative, ugly, or disempowered things about you or others, then just know that you have just been made aware of the contents of your subconscious programming. This is a perfect example of failing to use our free will, of relinquishing God power to unconscious programming. By being conscious, a conscious creator, you have been given the knowledge of how to take back your omnipotence, your God-power.

“The whole of creation is asleep within the deep of man and is awakened to objective existence by his subconscious assumptions

Neville Goddard

“The subconscious reasons deductively and is never concerned with the truth or falsity of the premise, but proceeds on the assumption of the correctness of the premise and objectifies results which are consistent with the premise.”

Neville Goddard

“The subjective mind is the diffused consciousness that animates the world; it is the spirit that giveth life.”

Neville Goddard

Give life to the lovely states. Breath life to your end state in your imaginal scene, and deflate the unlovely states by skipping over thinking about them entirely. The reason that anything at all exists in the world is because we uphold it in our mind, so is there REALYY a need to keep manifesting things that are sad, painful, hurtful or mean? Could you just SKIP that entirely and imagine JUST your end? Where we dwell most commonly in our mind, that is what we create and also what we re-create and maintain. What we fail to maintain only stays for a little while and then it exists our life again… This can be a conscious choice if we can direct our inner conversations, and our imagination.

Nothing happens by chance, and that includes the obstacles in our path. They were put there by our own imagination, and the way to get past the obstacles is by eliminating them completely from our mind.


Use the tools, make a conscious choice to use the tools in your toolbox.

  1. Inner conversations
  2. Imaginal scene
  3. Revise

“Ideas are best suggested when the objective mind is partly subjective, that is, when the objective senses are diminished or held in abeyance. This partly subjective state can best be described as controlled reverie, (a dream-like state) wherein the mind is passive but capable of functioning with absorption. It is a concentration of attention. There must be no conflict in your mind when you are praying. Turn from what is to what ought to be. Assume the mood of fulfilled desire, and by the universal law of reversibility you will realize your desire.”

-Neville Goddard


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