The Seed of Potential Within

In the beginning, God created mankind in His image.

“In the beginning, God created mankind in His image.” This reveals an important aspect of our existence: OUR creative power. Just as God brought forth the universe, Earth, and all living things into being, He bestowed upon us the ability to create and manifest.

The Seed of Potential Within

When we say that we are created in God’s image, it signifies that we carry within us the same creative potential as the divine. Just as an apple seed contains within it the tree it that it will become, and also, the apple that will eventually grow on the tree, so we possess the potential to manifest through the power of our thoughts. But a state of potential is just potential, nothing else.

Manifestation as Existing Potential

If I plan to travel from Sweden to Santa Monica next week and I envision myself walking on the beach, making footprints in the sand, these footprints of mine, already exist, as potential. Just like the apple seed that eventually becomes and apple. Our thoughts contain the blueprint for outcomes. Our thoughts are the cause for th effects that we see.


  • Recognize your divine heritage: YOU are created in the image of the Creator, imbued with the same creative potential. You are NOT merely an animal or plant, but rather, IN HIS IMAGE. Nothing else wich was created before mankind was created in HIS image. Just us.
  • Cultivate mindfulness: Pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs, as they are the cause of reality. Replace out of control ruminations and inner arguments with controlled states of mind.
  • Did you manage to get into a state, but then a rude guy caused you to argue for 20 minutes and now you’ve spent 3 days thinking about it? You attained it, but couldn’t maintain it.

Sustained States

The manifestation is easier than the sustaining. The ability to create and to maintain, to grow and make better is what separates the boys from the men. This is the essence of manifestation. Sustained states requires disciple. Jesus says, if your eye causes you to sin,. pluck it out. I’m not saying to gauge your eyes out, but if you seriously set y0our mind on something, then do what you have to to maintain that single pointed mind.

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While You Are Waiting

While You Are Waiting

“What should I do while I am waiting?

“While you are waiting, do what every waiter does… SERVE.”

Why is it so much easier to fully grasp the basics of what Neville Presented as a Christian, and why is it so hard for atheist and other non-believers?

That’s easy to answer.

We already have the concept of “letting God” down pat. Doing vs non-doing is not as confusing for us, because we have already accepted that we are not the “doers” of the universe, God is. Thus, most of you who ask “what should I do” simply also need to grasp this doership FACT:

There are things we can not do. Like rise the sun. Or create the universe. Of exchange oxygen atoms during inhales. The processes that belong to God, you simple let go of. You have prayed, that means that your part of the job is done. Now comes the trust part. This doesn’t meant that “you don’t take any action”,, you are confusing apples and oranges. you can’t just sit on your bum and expect to have a good life, but if you are NOT going to trust in your intention, why even bother with intending in the first place? Just go back to being wishy washy about life.

So what should you do? Not wait.

How do you “not wait

Well for one, you can exchange the feeling of waiting for expectancy.

Instead of waiting you can “expect”.

Or as the quote above says: Do what every waiter does: SERVE.

This means, take you focus off yourself and focus on others. There is TOO MUCH narcissism and self centeredness going around, and LOA naturally attracts MORE self centeredness. The trouble with is of course that you are in a state of entitlement, whininess or neediness. In other words: In a state of WAITING. In a state of “not having”. Un-fulfilment and lack of gratitude. Not the end state.

What should you do while waiting?

DON’T wait. Serve.


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Correcting Neville # 1

Correcting Neville # 1

“We have identified the Lord as your awareness of being. Therefore, to ‘magnify the Lord’ is to revalue or expand one’s present conception of one’s self to the point where this revaluation becomes natural.”.

Neville Goddard

Can we talk about how this does not cover all the things that we have identified god as being?

This will be my first post on correcting Neville. Upon realizing the amount of people who are atheist, and still have the audacity to use the bible, albeit in plagiarized form, to push their “no God but myself” agenda, I have decided to spend some time correcting Neville.

“Awareness of being” in one part true, but this does not explain the intelligent design of the universe, how every miniscule cell and electron, atom, has an end goal that it it designed to fulfill. A fruit fly cell can only become a fruit fly, not a horse fly, and certainly not a human.

Sure, “The Lord is your awareness of being” but that is far from everything that God is.

We instead think of “the creator” and “the creation”, and we think of ourselves as “created” or “creatures”. This makes more sense, and also, we can then ADD to this that we are created “in his image” so we have the same attributes as our creator, and part of His attribute is “awareness of being”. SO though Neville is right, he is also wrong.

Neville Goddard’s quote focuses ONLY on ONE aspect of the divine nature, which is the “awareness of being.” While this is an essential aspect, it doesn’t encompass the entirety of God’s attributes, such as intelligence, creativity, and omnipotence.

A revised version of the quote could be:

We have identified the Lord as the source of our awareness of being. However, the concept of God extends beyond mere awareness to encompass the intelligence and creative power behind the universe’s design. To ‘magnify the Lord’ is to expand our understanding of God to include His attributes of intelligence, creativity, and omnipotence, realizing that we are created in His image and share in these divine qualities.

A Better Neville Goddard

This revised version acknowledges Neville’s insight while broadening the perspective to encompass a more comprehensive understanding of God’s nature.

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The Neville FANATICS on Social Media

The Neville FANATICS on Social Media

  1. Neville uses scripture exclusively, as a resource for his claims
  2. He sometimes distorts what it says, because he has his own Neville Goggles on
  3. He claims that the scriptures were written for a psychological purpose
  4. They didn’ even have paper yet, still they wrote a psychology book! Dang!
  5. Imagine that there is more in the Bible than just: “HOW TO GET MORE STUFF”
  6. IF he believs that the only reason to write the Bible was so teach us how to get more stuff the a) why are there so MANY more segments to the bible that talk about other things? b) WHO is it that is providing the STUFF? c) WHO is it that MADE the stuff in the first place, and WHO is it that made us?

These are some questions that come to my mind when I read the socialmedia fanatisism, the toxicity, and the cognitive distortions that must HURT.

If you don’t beleive the Bible, why are you following auy who ONLY uses the Bible as a backup source?

Just follow some other dude or gal then. How about Abraham Hicks? Or Sadguru? They steer away from all things Biblical, and still manage to get tha “get more stuff” message out….

It’s important to understand that the Bible was not written with the primary intention of being a psychology book or a guide to understanding the mind’s power. Instead, the Bible is a collection of religious texts and literature that serves various purposes depending on one’s beliefs and interpretations.

The authors of the Bible, who lived in ancient times, wrote within the cultural and religious contexts of their societies.

They expressed their understandings of God, of moral principles and law, historical events, they even wrote songs!

The REAL intent of the Bible is to strenghten the relationship between humanity and God.

While these texts contain moral teachings, ethical guidelines, and narratives that can be applied to psychological principles, their primary aim was to convey religious, spiritual, and cultural messages.

Like a child that reads the Old Testament in a picture book, understands these stories in one way, so does Neville only seem to understand the very same Bible on his own level. His level being psychology and metaphysics is by no means the ultimate or most mature way of understanding it.

The highest level of understanding the Bible is of course, the understanding of God.

All other levels of reading and comprehending are naturally also correct, but that does not mean that it is everything that there is. The child’s level of understanding is still correct, but there is more. As we get older, this becomes more accessible for our brains.

Over time, various thinkers and philosophers, including individuals like Neville Goddard, have interpreted biblical texts through psychological lenses, finding parallels between the themes and teachings of the Bible and principles of human psychology.

This interpretive approach has led to the exploration of how biblical stories and teachings can be understood in terms of human consciousness, behavior, and inner workings of the mind. Ther is the plain and simple level that a child understands, then there is the mind over matter psychological empowerment level that Neville understands, then there is a metaphysical interpretation that seems to be mostly understood from reading the Hebrew language, this only applies to the old testament of course.

Then there is the divine level, where we finally meet and experience God. This is something that Neville never gets to, but that does not mean that it doesn’t exist.

…..Having studied multiple religions for many decades, I will also offer this for the soul that is seeking and seeking…. YES….there is SOMETHING in the New Testament that you will not find anywhere else. It is totally unique, and wonderful. I encourage you to seek there. Just begin with the first page, and see what happens.

But only if you are ready

Only if you are a seeker of ….something….deeper….a meaning of life….and….why are you here?

Yes, I have studied the Veda’s the Mahabarata, The Ramayana, The Dao, Buddhism, The Yoga Sutra’s, the Brahma Sutra’s….. still.

There is something that you can only find in one tiny little book consisting of 27 short stories.

It begins here…..

So, while the writers of the Bible may not have had modern psychological concepts in mind when they composed their texts, the richness and depth of the biblical narratives have allowed for diverse interpretations throughout history, including psychological ones.

YES Neville

Yes, Neville Goddard often referenced biblical scripture to support his teachings and claims.

Yes, he interpreted many biblical passages allegorically or metaphorically to convey his ideas about the power of the human mind and the concept of manifesting one’s desires through focused thought and imagination.

Yes, Goddard’s teachings emphasize the importance of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled and living in the end result of one’s desires as if they have already been achieved.

Yes, while he primarily drew upon biblical texts, his interpretations are unconventional and yet effective, but focused more on their symbolic and psychological meanings rather than literal or spiritual interpretations.

NO Neville:

An NO! This is not WHY the Bible was written, the Bible is STILL a much greater authority than Neville ever was.

Neville is a man, nothing else, there is a LOT of fanaticism around him. Sadly humanity can’t seem to not form cult-like mindsets, it is innate to our limbic systems to form tribal behavior. He is JUST SOME GY who was taught in the Kabbalah point of view of the Hebrew Bible, by Abdullah a Rabbi, living in New York in the 30’s.

That is all, Neville later died of complication’s of alcoholism.

If you trust Neville Goddard, then also trust his source. The Bible, Old and New Testament, and go ahead and just read THAT. Neville knew the Bible like the back of his hand, so why don’t you?

What does the Bible ACTUALLY say about being God?

“In the pride of your heart
    you say, “I am a god;
I sit on the throne of a god
    in the heart of the seas.”
But you are a mere mortal and not a god,
    though you think you are as wise as a god.”


As You Assume, So you Are

Our assumptions are the basis for the reality we inhabit. The power of our thoughts, and beliefs, expressed through assumptions, can either work for us or against us. Some people are raised with empowering words, and others are treated with shaming or disempowering attitudes. If we are not proactive, the assumptions that we make about ourselves work against us. We become our own worst enemy. This is literally how simple the law of assumption is. there is nothing else really. Our assumptions about ourselves create our experience of reality.

Most of the time our negative assumptions are hiding, we might think that we are positive, or go-getters, or just telling it like it is. It is worth it to examine your own beliefs and assumptions. Some of the common negative assumptions that I see are the following:

Assumptions of Negativity:

  1. Hard Work Hurdle: “I have to work really hard to succeed.”
  2. Business Blues: “No one wants to buy from me.”
  3. Client Conundrum: “Clients are hard to get.”
  4. Social Media Stranglehold: “Social media sucks the life out of me.”
  5. Pervasive Negativity: “Everyone is so negative.”
  6. Life’s Lament: “My life sucks!”
  7. Fulfillment Fiasco: “I can’t find a job that excites or fulfills me.”
  8. Respect Residue: “My boss does not respect me.”
  9. Career Ceiling: “I’ll never make it up the career ladder.”
  10. Love Lament: “I can’t find the right person to love me.”
  11. Generosity Gripes: “I try to be loving and giving all the time, but no one loves or appreciates me.”
  12. Family Fiasco: “My family is a burden to me.”
  13. Energy Drain: “My family (spouse, mother, father, children) drains me.”
  14. Debt Dilemma: “I feel like I’m drowning in debt.”
  15. Financial Frustration: “It’s hard to make a decent living.”
  16. Money Misconceptions: “Money is at the root of all evil.”
  17. Wealthy Woes: “People with money are not nice, ruthless and uncaring.”
  18. Spiritual Money Taboo: “Money is not spiritual.”
  19. Financial Limits: “I can never make enough money.”
  20. Desire Drought: “I can never have what I wish for.”
  21. Dream Dismissal: “My dreams are just that! Dreams and not reality.”
  22. Time Tangle: “Time is always against me.”
  23. Circumventing Circles: “I feel like I’m always going around in circles and never getting anywhere fast.”
  24. Energy Ebb: “I never have the energy to do anything.”
  25. Health Hindrance: “My health problems are holding me back.”
  26. Sickness Spiral: “I’m always getting sick.”
  27. Immune Insecurity: “I don’t have a strong immune system.”
  28. Cancer Concerns: “I’m worried that I will get cancer because it’s in my family.”

The Power of Positivity:

Now, let’s flip the script and infuse these assumptions with empowering alternatives:

  1. Success is a Journey: “I find joy and success in my endeavors.”
  2. In-Demand Products: “My products and services are valuable, and people are eager to embrace them.”
  3. Client Magnetism: “I attract clients effortlessly.”
  4. Social Media Boost: “Social media is a tool for connection and inspiration.”
  5. Positivity Prevails: “I choose to surround myself with positivity.”
  6. Life’s Abundance: “My life is filled with opportunities and blessings.”
  7. Job Excitement: “I am excited about the fulfilling job that awaits me.”
  8. Respected and Valued: “My boss respects and values my contributions.”
  9. Climbing with Confidence: “I climb the career ladder with confidence and competence.”
  10. Love Attraction: “I attract love and meaningful connections.”
  11. Appreciation Abounds: “My generosity is reciprocated with love and appreciation.”
  12. Family Support: “My family is my support system, adding richness to my life.”
  13. Energizing Bonds: “I build energizing connections with my family (spouse/partner, mother, father, children).”
  14. Debt-Free Future: “I am actively managing my finances and moving toward financial freedom.”
  15. Thriving Finances: “I effortlessly make a decent living.”
  16. Money as a Force for Good: “Money is a tool for good, and it flows abundantly into my life.”
  17. Compassionate Wealth: “Wealthy individuals are compassionate and generous.”
  18. Spiritual Prosperity: “Spirituality and financial success coexist harmoniously.”
  19. Financial Mastery: “I am more than capable of achieving my financial goals.”
  20. Manifestation Mastery: “I manifest my desires into reality.”
  21. Dreams Materialize: “My dreams are a powerful driving force toward my success.”
  22. Time is on My Side: “I have all the time I need to accomplish my goals.”
  23. Navigating with Purpose: “I navigate life’s journey with purpose and direction.”
  24. Energetic Dynamo: “I am energized and ready for anything.”
  25. Vibrant Health: “My health is vibrant, and I am resilient.”
  26. Wellness Warrior: “I nurture my well-being and take proactive steps to maintain good health.”
  27. Immune Powerhouse: “I have a robust immune system.”
  28. Health Confidence: “I confidently embrace my health, knowing that I am well.”

It is in the narratives we construct that we find the key to the reality we manifest. It takes some amount of resilience to refuse negative assumptions and to persist in positive ones, but anyone can do it.

The choice is ours – what is your assumption? It is already done, creation is finished, the battle is won, and the desire fulfilled, so what is really left to do but to mop up the rest of those disempowering assumptions?

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Are Atheist Coaches Selling You a Lie About Good and Evil?

A Universe of Design: Challenging Atheist and Law of Assumption Quotes!

The Claims:

“There is no right or wrong; only thinking makes it so.” -EVERY Law Of Assumption coach.

“The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.” – The atheist go-to quote from Richard Dawkins

The Challenge:

These perspectives demand a willful blindness to overwhelming evidence suggesting an intricately designed universe. The delicate balance, the homeostasis, required for the universe and even the human body to function defies the notion of “a blind, pitiless indifference.” Any infinitesimal disturbance could lead to instant collapse, challenging the idea of purposeless existence. You literally have to force yourself to ignore the beauty of how the smallest cell in your body exchanges a perfection of fluid, and electrolytes, or you would die. You have to blatantly ignore how your existence as a replica of your parents DNA and yet you are not AT ALL exactly like them, not even close no matter how similar, , but rather you are wholly uniquely yourself, and that is a miracle in and of itself.

To look around and see nothing but triteness in every miracle takes a special kind of deadened soul.

It is ALL a miracle, and it should blow your mind with its harmony, warmth, beauty, and absolute perfection.

HOW do you look around the universe and come to the OPPOSITE conclusion??? Might it be that you are looking at failed HUMAN creations? Ugly buildings or trashy city streets? Are you looking at our long history of violence? That is OUR creation my friend, not God’s. Is this not enough to inform you that WE are NOT God?

Let’s examine these false claims now, as we dive into the implications of denying the existence of good and evil.

The Ignored Evidence:

To accept these quotes as truth, one must disregard the overwhelming evidence suggesting intelligent design in the universe. The delicate balance required for the universe’s continued existence and the intricacies within the human body point towards a purposeful creation. Even the slightest deviation from this balance would result in catastrophic consequences.The evidence is FOR a consious creator, not against.

Objective Evils:

The assertion that there is “no objective evil” dismisses the reality of heinous acts such as theft, racism, child abuse, rape, and murder.

If morality is subjective, why condemn these actions? The philosophy of “no evil” fails to provide a satisfactory answer when faced with the stark realities of human suffering. Is rape evil if it happens to you? What if it happens to your child? Or your mother? Was Ted Bundy just fine? Why did we send him to the electric chair then? Why are there ANY prison? Why do you keep your money in a bank account, couldn’t you just leave it on the sidewalk in front of your house?

Challenge this false claim by taking inventory of your own moral compass, and the think about if every human being should just make their own moral compass, because that is what this claim means. 

There is no good or evil only thinking makes it so. Well Ted Bundy didn’t think that he was evil, he was misunderstood and he justified his actions.

WHO decides what moral code to go by?

Let me help you. It is already set, by God. You can find it for example in the noble eight fold path, and of course, in the Bible.

No, it doesn’t say that evil is up for personal interpretation, it defines it for us.

Question for the coaches who are guilty of making this claim: Why are you quoting the Bible if you leave the definition of good and evil out? Why not just stop quoting the Bible entirely then? You are quoting it by cherry picking verses out of context left and right to suit your purpose of selling yourself ….. Just wondering…Why are you quoting Neville quoting the Bible, when you yourself have never read it?

The Empty Philosophy:

Those subscribing to the idea that nothing is objectively good or evil eventually find themselves grappling with emptiness. Life has no meaning.

I have been face to face with clients who went down this path. Yes, you do feel empty, depressed, and like your abundant life is utterly meaningless.

Pursuing materialistic goals like money, fame, or love becomes a hollow endeavor if there is no inherent meaning or purpose. This raises the question: Why pursue happiness if nothing has any intrinsic value?

WHAT exactly is it that you are chasing? This is the time to come to grips with it. you have read this far, you want to know if your life has any meaning. Good. It DOES have meaning, and it does have a purpose. It is NOT contingent upon any outer acquisition. You are born with value.

The Ignored Creator and His Law:

The rejection of the obvious evidence for a loving creator leads to a disregard for the laws of love and harmony. Instead of aligning with the most loving force, usually described as Our Father, or Our Mother, Our Savior….and so on…. some choose chaos over perfection.

What causes you to NOT want to be inside of the loving spirit of God? You want independence, and you think he will restrict you freedom? The concept that every individual has free will is real, but no matter where you turn, the creator still exists, and you are still his most beloved creature. You can run but you can’t hide. You are loved.

….Who created the Law of Asumption….why is it a law that you have to obey?

Challenging Atheist Coaches:

This challenges the teachings of atheist coaches who propagate the idea that there is no good or evil. By selectively quoting the Bible out of context, they risk spreading harmful material. Why spread lies?

The call I am making, is to read the entire scripture comprehensively, stop cherry picking quotes, this way you will understand the context and avoid misinterpretations. AND you will be blown away by amazement.

The bible is NOT corrupt, it was NOT highjacked by the council of Nicaea AND The Da Vinci code was actually just fiction, and not at all based on truth….. Don’t fall for every ridiculous claim you hear anymore, simply read or listen to the Bible, and voila, all the untruths that these coaches spew out will be as clear as day.

What else is good about reading the actual source? you will not be so easily caught up in cults! Deception is mostly based on mixing a tiny amount of lies into mostly truth. You must know the truth to be able to be discerning. The truth shall set you free.

Only Thinking Makes it So?

In denying the existence of good and evil, you may find yourself wandering into an abyss of meaninglessness. The challenge to atheist coaches is to reconsider their stance, acknowledging the evidence for intelligent design and the consequences of dismissing objective morality. Where do you draw the line?

When you were born, the universe was already here waiting for you. You didn’t create it. Someone created it, flawlessly, and profoundly harmonious and loving.

In a world where chaos can arise from rejecting the laws of love, understanding that there is a Creator, a benevolent and loving creator becomes paramount. By far the most wonderful thing about our creator is that even when we make evil choices he uses it for our good. Even when another does evil to us, he know how to use it for our good.

Have you ever looked back on your life and noticed that you were once stupid and now you have grown and learned from it? If we, who are evil, can make this deduction, then how much more can God, who is all loving, and knows how to use our mistakes for our good?

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”


Pursuing desires in and of itself will eventually leave you feeling empty, as the pursuit of money, fame, or love lacks intrinsic meaning.

This is the nature of human spiritual growth, it happens to everyone.

THIS is where “only thinking makes it so” comes into play.

The outer IDOL that you are chasing, has no meaning, “only thinking made it so”. This does not mean that nothing is objectively good or evil, it means that true happiness is to be found in Him. 

“Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things wil be added unto you” HOWEVER, if you have an IDOL such as fame, or love, or money, you will never find the kingdom of God.

You have placed the idol as a big wall between you and God. ….”I will only love you if you give me what i want,” you say.

Imagine if you were loved like that…. Seek FIRST the kingdom… first…

Your life does have meaning and it does have purpose. It is not contingent upon if you have money, fame or a handsome lover in your bed. “The kingdom if God is within” (Luke 17.21 The Kingdom is not a geographical location, and it is NOT in the manifestation of your desire. It is within and this means that it is ALREADY there. It is Not in anything that you are chasing. It is within. Don’t know how to find it? Don’t worry you are not alone, many have come to this place. Begin by reading the gospel of Luke for example, which I just quoted above. Begin by asking instead to find the Kingdom Within. You have aksed for all of your desires, but have you asked for this? Have you asked for your questions to be answered? have you asked for your emptiness to be filled with a sense of peace and belonging? Try it.

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Jeremiah 33 .3

Manifesting & Creating:

Humans are “creatures” and we are bound by rules and laws. The creator is not. We are his creation, made in His image. When we manifest we are using materials provided by God. When we explore the universe, we use materials created by God, both in the instruments that we have built to investigate, and in what we are investigating, be it smaller than an atom, or greater than galaxies…..We can’t get away from that, it is ALL his creation/

Righteous desires can be fulfilled, but the caveat lies in the rejection of evil choices. In essence, humanity creates chaos out of the perfection offered by a loving creator. Look around you, you will see what I mean. Turn on the “news” for a while, see what we do with the materials provided by our Creator.

The created universe works in perfect harmony. You can create chaos for a little while. but soon enough, harmony will be restored, ven if it takes many generations to restore balance after a human error it is ultimately restored. Manifesting CAN be harmonious, and it CAN follow the laws of love. The choice is ours, we have free will.

A Challenge to Atheist Coaches:

The challenge extends to atheist coaches, I know some of you read my blog, those of you who often quote the Bible out of context listen up. Reading the entire scripture is important. This allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the theological principles that you are dismissing. Harmful teachings proliferate, and have been for a great many decades, but it is currently snowballing, and this is a call to reconsider your stance on good and evil.

For the client:

The rejection of objective good and evil by atheist law of assumption coaches may lead to a dissatisfying existence.

Embracing moral ambiguity dismisses the evidence of intelligent design, ignores the inherent value of pursuing meaningful goals, and ultimately challenges the fundamental laws set by a loving creator.

If there is a law of assumption, who created the law? 

Reassess your perspective, and acknowledge the existence of objective truths, this is in fact a world that demands moral clarity.

And sincerely, form the bottom of my heart, freedom from God is no freedom at all, it makes you more like a fugitive, constantly trying to hide your bad conscience from God…. don’t you know he knows all the bad you’ve done and he loves you anyway? Accepting God, actually gives you freedom, and it gives you strength to manifest, because you feel the intent of the creator, and his manifesting power is what we call miraculous.

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Jesus: God’s Plan of Salvation | A Neville Goddard Lecture

Jesus: God’s Plan of Salvation | A Neville Goddard Lecture

Tonight’s subject is “Jesus: God’s Plan of Salvation.” God’s plan of salvation appears so different in prospect from what it really is in retrospect. If you haven’t experienced it and you trust the one who has, do not at any time forget or ignore the out and out supernatural character of this plan of salvation and never try to interpret it in some naturalistic way. That’s what the whole vast world tries to do with the plan of salvation. It’s supernatural from beginning to end. The whole drama takes place in the inner man: The inner man is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ in you is the hope of glory, so it hasn’t a thing to do with something on the outside. The whole drama is taking place on the inside. And so, I have experienced it, and let me share with you what I have experienced.

But first of all, let me thank you for what you’ve done over the last few months in sharing with me your letters, your experiences in the use of God’s law, and in your visions, your wonderful mystical experiences. This morning’s mail brought three perfectly wonderful letters, all visions. Let me give you the highlights of two of them. One I will take at some future date, it’s too long. But, I’ve told you in the past that the entire space-time history of the world is laid out and you and I only become aware of increasing portions of it, successively. You and I did not choose it. We were made subject unto futility, not willingly but by the will of him who subjected us in hope; and that hope was that you and I would be set free from this bondage to corruption, and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God (Rom. 8:20). We find ourselves here, and we must admit we were born of the action of powers not our own, and this is the physical birth. Let us now admit that we are also born spiritually by the actions of powers beyond ourselves. We certainly didn’t do it physically; we found ourselves here. Don’t let anyone tell you that by some effort on your part that you’re going to be born spiritually into some wonderful world. It’s all being done by the one who subjected us to this wheel of futility.

Now this morning’s letter brought…this mail brought this letter. She said, “My mother died in ’53. She was, I would say, seventy years old—-she might have been seventy-one, two, but she was in her late sixties or early seventies. I met her in my vision and mother was radiantly beautiful. She looked about thirty, and the joy, I can’t describe the joy of my mother. She told me that when she left here she moved into the age or the year 3,804 at the age of twenty-one. She found herself twenty-one years old, living in the year 3,804. Then I asked her many questions. There were many interruptions by people and circumstances, but I tried to get as many questions across as I could. She seemed to be quite familiar with your teaching, although in this world where she left eleven years ago she never heard of you in any way whatsoever. But your name was not a strange thing to her in that circle where she now lives. I got the impression that she’s married. And I tried to find my father and my brother Art to share with them my experience that I met mother. She told me she is living in a part of Pennsylvania. I asked her if death to her in that world of 3,804 is like death to us in this world, and she said it was the same thing. They feared it as we fear it, and they know it is the inevitable as we know it is the inevitable. Then she said, ‘Our moral code, our ethical code is just like your code, same thing.’ But she also said, ‘We have no choice in that time sequence into which we are placed. I found myself twenty-one years old. At death being seventy, I was twenty-one in a time sequence that is the 3804th year A.D.’”

Now, in the Bible we’re taught that there is nothing new under the sun: “Is there a thing of which it is said, ‘See, this is new’? I tell you it has been already, in ages past. But there is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of things to come after, among those who will come later; for there is nothing new under the sun” (Eccles. 1:9-11). That’s difficult for man to understand. And then he reads the Book of Ezekiel, where there are wheels within wheels within wheels, all turning. Then he reads the Book of Romans where you and I, not willingly, but subjected to the will of God for a divine purpose, that we would, being subjected, one day be freed from this futility and obtain, having gone through it, the glorious liberty of the children of God. And that liberty comes; and it is inaugurated by a divine event and we call that event resurrection.

But resurrection seen from a certain angle comes seemingly at the last, and it doesn’t. The great mystery: It comes not at the end of history, it comes within history. This very night it could come to all of you, or to one of you. I do not know, no one knows. So when they asked the question, “When, O Lord?” he said, “It is not for you to know the times and the seasons that’s fixed by the authority of God” (Acts 1:7), by his own authority. But wait for the promise of the Father, just wait—he has promised to redeem you. Redeeming you is redeeming himself, he’s not redeeming another. It is God who fell asleep in the great creation called “the wheels and wheels within wheels” for educative and creative purposes. That by putting himself into the state likened unto death—-it’s not really death but it’s so still, so altogether a sound sleep that it seems like death. But the ancient scripture, the Old Testament, does not use the word “resurrection,” it implies it. But I would rather go back and use the term that is used in the Old Testament. The New uses the word “resurrection” throughout, and I love it, it’s a marvelous term, and I use it here night after night. But in the old scripture, they only speak of “waking from sleep.”

The 78th Psalm, which is a maschil, meaning special instruction, it is a recapitulation of the entire history of Israel, which is divine history. We come to almost the end, the 65th and 66th verses, it’s a very long chapter, and then suddenly we’re told that God or “the Lord God awoke as from sleep” (Psalm 78:65, 66). He awoke as from sleep and then he chose Judah and chose David. Then we come to the end of the glorious awakening of the being who was asleep, as the whole story was being told. You start in the beginning of that chapter, the 78th chapter, and he simply tells the traditions of the fathers: “I will open my mouth in a parable, and I will utter dark sayings from of old.” And he tells all the stories of Israel, the horrors of the world, and the conquering of Jehovah—how he conquers, and he overcomes and he overcomes and he overcomes. Man still falls back, but God overcomes…and then the Lord God awakes. He awakes as from sleep. When he wakes from sleep, then the whole thing comes to an end.

Now we are all told to please tell it just as it happened. Don’t embellish it, don’t add to the word of God; don’t take from the word of God. Well, the word translated word—in the New Testament the word logos—-has as a root meaning “that which is behind the thing.” That is, the sense or the meaning of the thing. So when we are told, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God” (John 1:1) that word logos, translated “word,” means “that something that is the sense or the meaning behind the event, whatever that event is.” So when you tell it, tell it clearly. So at the end of Luke we are told, “They related their own experience”; they told what had happened, not embellished, don’t add to it. And that’s why I don’t quarrel with the use of the word resurrection, for it is part of the event. But I would go back to the 78th Psalm and rather use that terminology. For in my own case, when I was taken off the wheel of recurrence but left on it to tell the story, for I must tell it until this garment comes off; and when it comes off now it comes off for the last time. I do not find myself—like my friend Larry’s mother who found herself in the year 3,804—I am through with the wheels within wheels within wheels. But I must remain on the present wheel, the year 1964, and tell it until that time when the garment is taken off, and this time for the last time; for I am not going through death any more.

But I must tell you, the night it happened to me, that force, I can’t describe it save it was the most intense force. We call it an electrical force or charge. But, every morning I wake and I feel myself coming-to into this world and I wake. But that day, four years ago, I felt myself coming-to, and I thought it would be like the normal waking here. But it wasn’t! The most intense vibration I’ve ever felt, and I’m waking alright, but I’m waking to find myself in a tomb, and the tomb, the sepulcher is my skull, an entirely different form of awakening. So they say in the 78th Psalm, “And the Lord God awoke as from sleep.” I awoke from sleep, but it was a different waking from any waking I’ve ever had, that I have any memory of. I awoke to find myself entombed. So I can see the use of the word resurrection, for how could you possibly come out of a tomb, therefore resurrected, unless you were dead? But I had no sense of being dead; I felt I was waking from sleep. That’s what the Old Testament teaches. So I was waking from sleep and I awoke to find myself in a tomb. So I could only then conclude if I am now in a tomb I must have been dead or someone thought me dead, because you don’t put anyone in a tomb and seal it, as I was sealed in that tomb, unless you were dead. And so, the only sensation of being dead was that I am now in an actual sepulcher, a tomb.

And then you come out, and you come out and you are born from above. For this is the area of the tomb; it’s your skull. So when you come out of your skull, as you’re told in the Book of 1st Peter, “We are born anew by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1:3). Only Jesus Christ is ever awakened, ever resurrected; so everyone who resurrects or who is awakened to find himself entombed, he is Jesus Christ. He is now telling the story to the world, and they can accept it or reject it, it’s entirely up to them. But he must tell the story, and it is so important that the story of Jesus and the salvation of God be told, and then let man respond to it. He will accept it, sometimes modified. Let him just reject it completely or let him in some way just toy with the idea.

But all the minds who hear the story from the one who has experienced it are like certain soils in the world, and he, the one who tells the story, is the sower who goes forth to plant, and he spreads the seed of truth. It falls sometimes on the highway. It falls on the highway and then the birds devour it (Mat. 13:3). The birds are simply all the great rumors: “After all, that man is just a normal person like yourself, he’s been married twice, he has children, he knows what it is to know a person intimately, he is a meat eater, he drinks, he does all these things, so forget it.” And so, quickly the idea is gobbled up. Another one hears it with eagerness, but the cares of the day are more than his attention can cope with, and so the seed, the idea, is choked. And then you go from one to the other and all different soils of the world. You may find in a gathering…but we’re told in scripture you will always find a remnant. The remnant is considered ten percent, told in many ways in the Bible. There is always ten percent of any gathering who would listen to you, who will be the soil on which it can fall. It falls on that soil and brings forth a hundredfold, meaning that it will come forth. When it comes forth then he will have the identical experience—while you have been detached from the wheels of recurrence.

Now let me share with you another story that comes into this, this morning. This gentleman writes, he said, “I felt myself sitting on a nest. Of course it might have been prompted, said he, by the story you told of the dove that is now in your tree outside of your window, but I felt myself sitting on a nest as a dove would sit. Then I felt something move under me, like something alive, and I raised myself slightly, and then I looked and observed an egg. As I observed the egg, I felt the egg breaking. Suddenly the egg began to break and it broke, and out came you. You were about two inches tall but you were fully proportioned, everything was perfect in proportion. As you came out you said, ‘Bill’— that’s his name. And then he said to me, ‘But Neville you are so little!’ and I said to him, ‘In God’s creation everything begins small and then it expands and expands and expands’ and at that, before my eyes you grew to immensity before my eyes. Then, relative to you I was the little one and you were this immense being standing before me. Then you went over to another nest, and there you took from this nest our mutual friend Jan Johnson and you brought her. And with your hand on Jan and your hand on me, you still remained this immensity, and Jan was my size relative to you. We are both the same little ones and you are this immense being, and you took us both, each in a hand, and together we walked up into the sky.”

Now you have a vision, don’t discard it. Go back into scripture and search diligently for something that would throw light on it. Now, let me give you, if you’re in the audience tonight, the passage: it’s the 7th chapter of Amos, the 2nd verse. So you go back and you read the ancient scripture for some foreboding, some shadow, some intimation of what you had in the depths. For are we not told, “If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and I will speak with him in a dream” (Num. 12:6). And so, you had it. Only God speaks to you in dream. There’s only one source of dream in scripture and that source is God. So he’s telling you something— go back into his word, his ancient scripture, and search. Well, in the 7th chapter you’ll find it and these are the words: “O Lord God, forgive! How can Jacob…how can Jacob stand? He is so small!” (Amos 7:2). How can Jacob stand? He is so small! And then we are told in that same chapter the Lord forgives and said, “It shall not be” and then he allowed Jacob to stand. Now, the word Jacob means, by the concordance, our biblical concordance, “to enlarge, to expand.” And there is no limit to the expansion, that’s the word Jacob. It’s called “the supplanter” on the surface, but in definition, it is “the capacity to enlarge and to expand.” So, here is the little one, “How can Jacob stand? He is so small!” and then God repented, changed an attitude towards this that is coming out, and allowed it to expand to the limit. And there is no limit to expansion, there’s only a limit to contraction; there’s no limit to translucency, there’s only a limit to opacity. So if my friend would go back into scripture and read it and search, he would find the secret of his vision, for I came out from that little egg.

Well, a few months ago, last year really, when the voice said to me, “The whole vast world is only for hatching,” that’s all that it is. The whole vast world is for hatching. And so, worlds within worlds, all turning, and so you slip from this age 1964 into 3804— and the purpose is only for hatching. At some moment in time man thinks now that this world is moving from moment to moment to moment in some linear progression. It isn’t, it’s a cycle. And so 1964 and 3804 are taking place at one and the same time. Columbus is now discovering this country for the first time on that wheel as it turns. Everything is turning at the same time…and we are inserted.

But she also said this to her son, “We have no choice in that time sequence into which we are placed, none whatsoever.” Then you go back and read the scripture. “What is that in scripture?” she said that to him. And you go back and read the 8th chapter of the Book of Romans, that “The creature was made subject unto futility, not willingly but by reason of the will of him who subjected him in hope that the creature would be set free from this bondage to corruption and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God” (verse 20). So we are subjected, but who subjected it? God, subjecting himself; it’s only God. It is God who awakes from this fantastic creation and when he wakes, he has by this strange subjection increased his capacity to create. For the only purpose of it all is to develop one’s creative power. And God is not absolute, as the world would call it, God is forever expanding. If God were absolute, the whole thing would be dead. God is potentially absolute and can create and create forever and forever. And God is man.

So to come back to this plan of salvation, the plan is in scripture. It begins…the whole thing is inaugurated with an event we call his resurrection from the dead; the first-fruits of those who slept; the first-born from the dead (Rev. 12:5). But the first-born, not the only born. So a great judgment is passed upon those who teach that the resurrection is past already. Read it in Paul’s letter, the 2nd letter to Timothy, he said: There are those who are teaching that the resurrection is past and over. They are misleading the people, and in misleading them they’re turning them from the faith (2:18). And he pronounces on them an uncompromising condemnation, for the resurrection has started. It is taking place. And moment after moment after moment you and I are being detached from this wonderful wheel where we were born out of it as it were. But being in it…if we were not in it, we could never develop beyond what we were prior to coming into it.

So we are told in scripture, the 20th of Luke: And the Sadducees—-the Sadducees are the wise people, they are the scientists of the day—-and they asked a question: Master, Moses in the law said that if a man marries leaving no offspring and has brothers, the brothers should marry the widow and raise up issue. Well, there were seven brothers; and the first one who’s married, he died leaving no offspring; and the second took her to wife and he left no offspring when he died, then the third, and finally all of them married her, and then they all died, and then she died. Whose wife is she in the resurrection (verses 27-36)? They did not believe in the resurrection, for they thought it just couldn’t be. They saw people die and that was the end of them, like all scientists of the world, or most of the scientists. And he said to this wise scientist, “You do not know the scripture. The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage; but those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age, to the resurrection from the dead, they neither marry nor are they given in marriage, for they can die no more; they are now sons of God and sons of the resurrection” (verse 34). Well, by that very statement he implies that they do, in dying, still die. So he tells you they die no more. Well, here he talks to someone who is awake, who must actually go through the experience of death, physical death, but he’s telling you he dies no more. But these who seemingly die will continue to die, like my friend Larry’s mother. She knows that they fear death as we here fear death; they experience death as we experience death. And she will slip from the year 3804, however long she lives there—it may be 3890 before she makes her exit from that wheel—-to find herself in a wheel that is behind it in so-called time. For all are moving together. So what is up and what is down if the wheel is moving? This is now the apex and this is the nadir; but if the wheel is moving, this that is now the apex becomes the nadir, and this is apex. So what is up and what is down when the wheels are moving within wheels within wheels? And it’s all for the bringing out of this turning nest. It’s a nest…for the voice said, “The whole vast universe is for hatching, only hatching.”

This morning’s mail can bring two letters from two entirely different friends of mine. They meet here socially, but only in the last few months they met each other in this room. Prior to that, my friend Larry has been coming here for years, and my friend Bill, who wrote the other letter, only came here last November. So they only met here in the last few months…and they dovetail, one bringing out the hatching story that was told me, and the other bringing out the wheels within wheels. So here, 3804 she told him as he understood it. She knows that she never heard of me here in the year 1964. When she died in ’53, she never heard of me, I was completely unknown. But my works are known to her in the year 3804 and my name is not a stranger to her.

So it was always so. That’s part of the game, that’s part of the great play. And we come out of it in the most wonderful manner. But it begins…the whole thing is inaugurated by that event that we call resurrection—his resurrection from the dead. After the resurrection comes the birth, and after the birth comes that end of the book of the 78th chapter of Psalms. For as he awakes as one from sleep and becomes one who shouts as a man filled with wine, and he puts all of his enemies to rout, all adversaries are routed and they are everlastingly put to shame. The whole vast wheel is now put to shame as far as he who has awakened from it. For it subjected him to the most horrible things in the world. Then he awakens from it. Then he calls Judah, and then he calls David, and takes David from the flocks where he was taking care of the ewes, those that were “in lamb.” And David is then the third one. You find him, and you discover him, and discovering him you know who you are. In the same chapter of Luke that we quoted earlier, when the Sadducees asked about resurrection, on the heels of his answer he then brings up the question and asks the question concerning David. And then he answers the question and tells you who David is. But no one sees it.

That’s why I said at the beginning of this message tonight that this mystery of salvation, it appears in prospect so different from what it really is in retrospect. Who by reading the story would see it in prospect as it really is? It isn’t as the world will tell you. Seeing it in prospect, it took place two thousand years ago and he is something unique on the outside, and you worship him on the outside. And that isn’t so at all. It takes place in the new man. The new man is in every man being formed. When he’s completed, when he’s formed, then it unfolds like a flower in that new man who is in every man; for every man contains Jesus Christ. Well, “Do you not know that Jesus Christ is within you?” “Test him and see” (2 Cor. 13:5). Long before he unfolds these petals—-which is simply the resurrection; and the birth; and the discovery of the fatherhood of God; and the ascent into heaven in the form of a serpent; and the descent of the dove upon him, where he’s blessed and smothered with the affection of the Holy Spirit—-long before that, test him and see if he’s not within you. For by him all things were made, and without him was not anything made that is made (John 1:3). So test him and see.

So the Jesus Christ of scripture is the Jesus Christ in you, and he is your own wonderful loving human Imagination. God and God alone became man. In becoming man he’s Jesus Christ. He now has to awaken. As he awakens, it’s nothing but God. There’s no intermediary between yourself and God, none whatsoever, as you’re told in the 43rd and the 45th chapters of Isaiah: “I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…and besides me there is no savior” (verses 3, 5). He became man that man may become God. But in becoming man he and he alone goes through all the furnaces of affliction as he turns the wheels and wheel after wheel.

What determines the jump in time between 1953 when she made her exit and 3804? Strangely enough, she said, I awoke there; I was twenty-one. When he saw her he estimated her age at thirty, within the range of thirty…that would be the growth. So they still grow. They do exactly what you do, what I do, they have all the conflicts, but the year differs and all things differ. They make their exit through a grave to find themselves awake at a certain age in a different time-slot as it were. But this world here is the very limit of contraction. I have slipped into these worlds unnumbered times. When I speak of this world, not other worlds, ___(??), when I speak of this world, they are scared to death. This world to them is hell. They can’t conceive of anyone recovering from this world, they can’t.

I stepped into a world and here was Heine, and Heine, the brilliant German poet, essayist, artist, and Heine was instructing them. Heine said to me, “You know, they don’t call this world of yours where you just came from, they don’t call it Earth, they call it Woodland. They can’t conceive that anyone could ever recover from that descent to Woodland.” Well, now search the scriptures for it. Is it called Woodland? It is, in the 8th chapter of the Book of Mark (verse 24). You go back into Mark and the eye was opened. When the blind man, born blind, had his eyes opened he was asked, “What do you see?” and he said, “I see men; like trees walking.” So they call this…if a man would ever come here, he’d become like a tree, a tree walking. So he would lose all identity, he would lose his humanity, he would lose what he is by coming here. This is the limit of contraction. No one wants to come here. And when I decided to return to this world, and had to go, for my time was come to depart from that world, and I began to say goodbye, they all rushed because they didn’t believe my story. They said, “What an imaginative being! What stories he’s talking about!” But I was telling them only the things of Earth but they wouldn’t believe me. And they came…when I began to descend and a voice said “All down for Woodland” you should have seen the fear, sheer ghastly fear on their faces when I began to descend. Only one came with me and she was the old dowager, one who belonged to a certain group who had usurped my estate in my absence when I came here. These are fantastic stories but they’re all true.

So we’re living in a world…you think, well now, this is the most real world, and tomorrow we develop the present energy into something else, to something else, and it’ll go on forever in one direction. Don’t believe it! We’re going to turn the wheel, the wheel is turning, but the wheel is so large, we can’t see around the corner. Like you can’t see…the ship goes off to sea and it disappears; it hasn’t dropped off the Earth, it’s the curvature of space. Well, time is curved just as space is curved, and so things disappear in time. We see them disappear in space by the curvature of space. Well, they disappear in time but it’s only curved, and they’re turning. But the wheels are wheels within wheels. So you see a large wheel, when will it be turned? And man has no memory. “So is there a thing of which it is said, ‘See this is new’? It has been already, in ages past. But there’s no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of things to come after among those who come later.” For there is nothing new under the sun, and how difficult that is to tell to anyone who knows in his own short little span of time that he’s never seen this before.

I say, with anyone living in this world today, born when I was born, where we had candle light, and then we had oil lamps, and we had gas lamps, these little gas mantles, and then came the day we had electricity. So I go back in my short space of time of fifty-nine years back to my grandmother’s day or your great-grandmother’s day. For your great-grandmother can’t go back beyond the time that I go back in my fifty-nine years, for I was put into a different space down the wheel. The space on which I was placed on this wheel of the same age, the 20th century, was so limited that my background would take you back, in your more marvelous way, back into the 19th century. I wasn’t born then. I was born in 1905. Well, 1905 is the space where I was placed on the wheel, goes back in the comforts of life back into, well, say 1850. Can I not see them now cleaning the chimneys and cleaning all these things and all outdoor plumbing. That was Barbados, where the kitchen was on the floor, I mean the floor, the earth; I don’t mean wood. And so, that is the space of the same wheel. So there are wheels within wheels within wheels. And then man is lifted off the wheel.

So when you have the experience, go back into the ancient scripture and seek and seek and seek. A great help is the Concordance, Strong’s Concordance, and take Strong’s Concordance, take a word and look it up. Don’t take anything for granted, just look it up and see what it means. Take the word resurrection, for instance, and you think in terms of resurrection as someone resurrected physically. Hasn’t a thing to do with that. The word, as defined in the Bible, in the Concordance, means “to rise up; to stand upright; to awake from sleep.” Read it—-to awake from sleep. Well, I know in my own case exactly what happened: I awoke from sleep. But the awakening was something entirely different: It was the inauguration of the grand unfolding of God’s plan of salvation. For, that was the first event, and on the heels of it came the child, and the men who saw the symbol called the child, and I took the child. And then, after that, came the others, one after the other.

So, resurrection as defined is “to awake from sleep.” But I didn’t know I was asleep until that moment in time. I always thought I went to bed at night and woke in the morning, so when I woke in the morning I was awake. I didn’t know that until that moment in time back in 1959 I had been sound asleep, and sound asleep in a tomb where someone placed me there because to them I must have been dead. For, you’re placed in a tomb only because you’re dead. So everyone in this world who is walking through the world, who will make their exit from this world, are just as sound asleep; and they are to those who behold this death, dead. So Blake tells us of the great eternal ones who contemplate death and say, “What seems to be to them, is, to those to whom it seems to be, and is productive of the most dreadful consequences to those to whom it seems to be, even of despair and eternal death; but divine mercy steps beyond and redeems man in the body of Jesus” (Blake,Jer.,Plt.36).

So he awakens that body, and as it awakens, then these things begin to unfold within him, and the very first act is the resurrection. That inaugurates the entire process: His resurrection from the dead; then comes his birth from above; then comes his discovery of the fatherhood of God through the son called David; then his ascent into heaven in serpentine form; and then the descent of the dove who smothers him with affection, which is he never in eternity will leave him, it smothers him and remains upon him. And everyone goes through the identical experience. So this is God’s plan of salvation. Everyone will be saved, for the simple reason everyone is now being occupied by God. God is only redeeming himself. And before he entered into the wheels that turn, he had planned his own pathway of return and his return is simply the development of his own creative power.

Now let us go into the Silence.

Q & A


I have two questions. First, on this wheel of recurrence is there any retention of spiritual progress? And, secondly, what authority is behind the Bible Concordance so that one would know that they were reading something…


Alright, first of all, take the second. James Strong’s Concordance which is called the exhaustive concordance,

I personally think of the many concordances that I have that it is the greatest, the most exact translation of the original meaning of the words. He spent forty years compiling it, it was not done overnight. And he took these ancient manuscripts and compared them and compared them and compared them, and came up, after forty years, with this fantastic work. And it is truly an exhaustive concordance.

( NOTE FROM LIVINGWELLNESS: There are MANY translations and MANY sources now. Interlinear translation, Bible Study Tools, Logos Apostolic etc . In Nevilles era, the internet did not exist, and at the time he was correct, but Strong’s concordance is no longer the only source.)

So, if you…you don’t need to know Greek or Hebrew because you simply look up the little number that is next to the word. You look the word up in English, at the extreme end of the column you find a little number; then you turn, if it’s a Hebrew word that is in the Old Testament, you look up the number in the Hebrew section; if it is in the New Testament, you look up the number in the Greek section.

And it simply defines the word for you as it was originally intended, because words change their meaning from year to year. Even in this century we have changed words; in fact, today more than ever we have what is known as newspeak. When the Russians use the word democracy they don’t mean what you and I mean, but everything is “democracy” there. You have no choice in the matter…you vote for one man, and you simply put your vote in and affirm what a very small minority will tell you the populace wants. That’s “democracy.” It’s not my concept of it, yet they use the word all day long. And so, all through the world words change their meanings, and so we go back to the original intention of the prophet when he used the word. But I find that James Strong’s Concordance gives me the best light on these words.

Now to come back to your first question again…


I asked if you’re on this wheel of recurrence is there any retention of spiritual progress?


My dear, by the vision of this gentleman and his mother, certainly there was infinite joy, beauty beyond measure. He said, “All the pictures of my mother taken of her when she was a young girl and a young lady don’t compare to the beauty of my mother today. I wanted so much to share her beauty and her joy with my brother Art and my father, but the interruptions, the people came through; and then circumstances changed and I couldn’t pump her with enough questions.” Yet she was quite willing to answer these questions. So there’s a certain retention, because God is simply not a God of retribution, he’s a God of love.

God is infinite love. And the only purpose is to go through this play and to come out as the one who is the author of the play and then the actor in the parts. God plays all the parts.


In the 65th and 66th of Psalm 78, the Lord God awakes, and chose Judah and chose David, do we hear of Judah as judgment?


Well, Judah means “praise.” But Judah—bear in mind, there are so many facets of it—-Judah is the fourth son of Jacob, and Jacob is the little one that she said he regretted and Jacob began to expand.

The word means “to expand without limit”. No limit to the expansion of the little one who comes out to expand as God. He was contracted to the limit, and now as he breaks the shell, as Blake brings out, “At length for hatching ripe he breaks the shell.” But now you can’t limit him to the little one who broke the shell. Let him expand forever and forever without limit until some future date when he conceives a new play of contraction for the purpose of developing his creative talent, and then break it once more, and then expand forever and forever. But, Judah is the fourth, and as we told you the last time, the fourth doesn’t necessarily mean the fourth child of the womb of woman. It could be the fourth in your class, the fourth that came through the door tonight, the fourth in any sense, the fourth into a restaurant. I mean four, four means “the door.” It’s the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which is Daleth.

He said, “I am the door. Anyone who comes through any other way is a thief and a robber.” One must go through simply by having the experience themselves. And so, I am…when he called me, he didn’t say “Neville is my father,” he called me Father. And I didn’t say, “So Neville is your father,” I said, “I am.” It’s “I am your Father.”

So, I am the door. He was standing against an open door, and there’s this open door, and David is looking out upon a pastoral scene. Here was the symbol of the door and he calls me Father, but he doesn’t say Neville. I don’t speak of so-and-so as his father, I am his father. You will say not “Tom is his father,” I am his father.

Everyone will say “I am his father.” So he calls us Father and that I am the door. The door is the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Daleth. He said, I am the door; anyone who comes in towards the sheepfold in any other way is a thief and a robber (John 10:9). And he was looking out on a pastoral scene, and he’s called the shepherd. For when they came to get him, they said, he’s out with his flocks and he said, “I will not sit down until you bring him in, bring him in. And as he was brought in, the voice of the Lord said, “That is he. Rise and anoint him” (1 Sam. 16:12).

The Lord’s anointed, his Son, who calls you Father, therefore, you are the Lord. He calls you Father; therefore, everyone must have it themselves. If they don’t have it themselves, then they’re still on the wheel, and they’ll make extravagant claims and all kinds of things because there are false prophets in the world, too. As told us in Ezekiel and Jeremiah:

There are those who will not feed my sheep. They’ll feed my sheep only to take from my sheep to fatten themselves. And so, they make all the false claims in the world—-that they are sent, that they are this, they are the other—-and they are all thieves and robbers, speaking without experience and not believing one word of scripture. But this is a nice little gimmick as far as they’re concerned. But that’s part of the play too. Let them go…they’ll make their little exit, and all people their exit, and then they move automatically without choice on their part into that wheel necessary for their awakening, whatever it is.


Does the word valley have any significance?




___(?) any similar word to valley?


Certainly. The Bible is full of the use of the word valley.

We go down to the valley of death. The dark convolutions of the brain are called valleys and out of that we come. I would have said of everyone here, don’t despair, don’t despair because God has planned your redemption, everyone’s redemption.

I would only plead with you to be honest, rather die than be dishonest about it. If you can’t explain it, alright, be quiet. Don’t have to explain it. If someone asks of you and you can’t explain it, don’t make up something, just, alright, be quiet.

You have your belief, you believe that this is God’s plan of redemption, well, believe it! And if some wiseacre tries to dethrone you through argument, alright, leave him alone, perfectly alright. That’s what the Sadducee tried when he said, “Master, (this is the story)…whose wife is she?” and he thought he could dethrone him. So I would say to everyone, don’t be concerned; just live in hope that this will quickly awaken within you.

I’m thrilled beyond measure, an audience of this size, when this morning’s mail could bring me three letters—-one I didn’t touch tonight it’s too long—-from three young fellas in this audience. Well, why, what percentage is that of these visions? If they enclosed in this morning’s mail a large big check, may I tell you, it couldn’t be equal to their letters. If they wrote me a letter where they thanked me for my time here and enclosed a large check, that couldn’t compensate. That would be nothing compared to the letter that they wrote in which they told me their vision and shared with me their visions. That’s wealth beyond the wildest dream of this world…that vision of three young men in an audience the size of this.

,more neville goddard!

EVEN more neville goddard!

Neville Goddard Collection Of Books

Neville Goddard’s Library Of Books: A Collection of 11 popular books

Neville Goddard was born in Barbados on February 19, 1905, to Joseph Nathaniel and Wilhelmina Goddard. He immigrated to New York City c. 1922, where he initially worked as a ballet and ballroom dancer.In 1931, he began to study under an Ethiopian rabbi named Abdullah, who introduced him to Kabbalah

Neville Goddard teaches us that the human creates reality just by imagining rather than trying to change outside circumstances, that it is only the creation of the mind of what you desire, as well as everything you see, is created by the mind first whether you are conscious of it or not. IMAGINATION IS YOUR PERSONAL GOD.

A Boy and A Guitar | Action Steps in LOA

A Boy and A Guitar

Imagine a boy who was give a guitar by his parents. For no reason. Just like that, out of the blue. It wasn’t his birthday, nor was it Christmas. This is an act of grace, The parents are “like God” in this analogy, the boy of course is you or us. You are undeserving, there is no occasion, you haven’t done any chores to earn it. Nothing. In fact you have skipped some of your chores. Nonetheless, they just decided to give you a guitar.

This happens to all people, no matter what life circumstances they are in. We receive undeserved gifts left and right, and usually we don’t notice it, because we are so used to it.

You might say that every morning starts out with a multitude of blessings ready to come to you, regardless of your situation. Ready to show up FOR NO REASON. 

boy playing guitar
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Living in a state of grace:

The boy receive much more than just a guitar. He also receives free lessons for life, and free tune ups and repairs for life. Again, he has done nothing to earn this, it isn’t a reward for having been good or gotten good grades. His parents love him and they want everything good for him.

We are always in a state of grace with our Creator too, and we always have been.

The story of the garden of Eden symbolizes a “fall” of mankind”, signifying a break in our consiousness where we loose sight of this constant bond. This Love bond. This love that we are bestowed becomes hidden by deception. You might call it ”The veil of illusion”. Because of this symbolic fall, we flip flop between seeking God’s mercy, and wanting to BE God ourselves. The Law Of Assumption community has taken an unfortunate turn, where coaches are now teaching fasle teachings, WE do NOT have to BE GOD. He already exists, and wants our best. It is US that have broken the connection in consiousness, nothing else. God never asked for your tit for tat relationship, and he never said that he will not give you perfect grace, YOU are the one who stepped away from the State Of Grace with your unbelief.

This constant pendulum swing between seeking for mercy, seeking for “getting things” and trying to be God on your own, is common, but unnecessary. A state of Grace is a place where you feel praise, devotional love, and gratitude regardless of your circumstances. You turn FROM the world, to WITHIN, to God. There is Grace. Have you mindlessly repeated the phrase “circumstances don’t matter” all the while still focusing on your what…your CIRCUMSTANCES. This is NOT a state of grace.

The Tale of the Tw Birds:

In the tale of the two birds from the Mundaka Upanishad, there are two birds perched in the same tree. One bird is situated on the lower branches of the tree, and is actively enjoying the sweet fruits of the tree, symbolizing the individual self (Jiva) immersed in the activities of life. There are many yummy fruits, but there are some sour and rotten ones too. The other bird simply observes, from the highest branches, this bird is representing the universal consciousness, the part of human consiousness that is intricately connected to God, this bird remains disinterested in eating the fruits. The bird on the higher branch, is in a state of serene observation. This bird represents Ishvara, or God, and is more peaceful due to its greater awareness and connection to the divine consciousness. The higher bird is in a State Of Grace. While the lower bird is engrossed in the ups and downs of life, the higher bird maintains a tranquil demeanor, untouched by the fluctuations of the fruits of lower branches.

The higher bird symbolizes God’s connection to us through consciousness. The peace and joy of the observing bird represent the divine perspective, which remains undisturbed by the fleeting experiences of the lower branches, good fruit or bad fruit. It suggests that God, as the higher bird, observes our journey with a serene loving awareness, offering a source of tranquility and guidance amidst the activities of life on the lower branch of the shared tree. The fruits are your circumstances. Once in a while the lower bird looks up at the higher bird, especially when he eats a sour fruit, and he thinks “I wish I was more like that”, and decides to hop up to the higher branches. But he quickly gets distracted by a good and tasty looking fruit, and begins to eat again. Good fruit and bad fruit. As long as the fruit is good he is absorbed in the world, only when the fruit tastes bad does he look uop again and spots the higher bird, and once again he thinks -“I wish I was more like that, serene, loving and peaceful”. He hops up yet one more branch to get closer to the higher bird. Once more he sees a tasty fruit and quickly forgets the higher bird….. and so it goes.

This metaphor illustrates the coexistence of the finite and infinite within each person. The joy of the observing bird, the higher bird, free from worldly engagements, is portrayed as more peaceful and even blissful, than the active bird. Notice that bird is NOT representing GOD (or Ishvara Himself) but rather OUR human consious AWARENESS of God. THIS is where La Of Assumption coaches make a mistake. You can relax my friend, YOU are not God, God is in fact God, and still is in charge, and He’s got this. YOU are free to simply receive goodness, as per your understanding and as per your focused awareness.

Two Natures

Within everyone, there exists both an involved self and a contemplative self. The story of the birds prompts reflection on the idea that the shift of focused awareness can bring ja joy that is more fulfilling than the objective involvement in life’s activities. It is the ultimate circumstances don’t matter parable. It underscores the role of emotional and imaginative aspects of the mind in perceiving the true essence of reality, and it tells us that we alone can make the decision to “look up” to see our divine consiousness, and to notice what abiding in a state of Grace will do for us. We alone can make the commitment to hop up to those higher branches. We can also deduce that getting distracted by the fruits of the world is normal, and something that everyone goes through. But we look up again, and we wish again, and we hop up a little higher….again. And so it goes. Regardless of what WE do, God is constant, He never moved, HE never stopped loving. We have to make the effort to move OUR awareness onto him. HE is always there. HIS peace is always there. An When we decide to shift our awareness, just like this higher bird, we CAN live in a State Of Grace. 

The higher bird is living in a State of Grace.

close up of a superb starling standing on a branch
Photo by William Warby

Show up for your gift

The boy in our story, he doesn’t go to his lessons.

You see, the boy also gets free lessons for life, and free repairs and tune ups for life. It is freely given, out of the loving hearts of his parents.

Everything is there, freely given to us, because God has CREATED the world and US to be able to live in a constant state fo Grace, but WE have to show up for the connection that He established.

We STILL have to show up. Showing up for our state of Grace actually DOES have action steps on our part. We have to express the gratitude, and we have to show our love for God. NOT love for God because he is like an ATM, not because if we don’t show up we won’t get our “stuff”, but simply out of our constant love.

MULTIPLE LOA hacks hint to this but for SOME REASON the divinity behind the reason for this phenomenon is removed. Abraham Hicks NOTORIOUSLY talks about “source” and how much source loves us. Source is God our creator. This rebellion against God is what caused our fall from grace, in the Eden story. Imagine the boy WANTS his guitar and his free lessons, but he wants to get rid of his parents. This is how we are. He now also wants to just know how to play it without ever picking up the guitar. It just sits there. For years its collecting dust, and he doesn’t speak to his parents anymore, since he rebelled. He feels lonely and he feels like he isn’t the famous guiter player that he had dreamed fo being. Now he says “It wasn’t meant to be”.

This is how we are with our blessings. We won’t show up for the increased responsibility (the lessons) and we rebel against God because we “manifested it on our own so we don’t need him”. 

Come Back To a State Of Grace

Noticing the state of Grace is only possible when we invite God in to ever area of our life.

If you only show up for begging and pleading prayer when something big and beyond your control is happening, or if you imagine that God is so distant that he doesn’t give a rats ass about your sad and pitiful little life, you will not experience it. Grace is still there, but you don’t see it, you are completely blind.

Many people think that God is too busy to listen to every little prayer, that if you are to pray it should only be for “world peace”, but not so fast! Didn’t we establish that He wants a CONSTANT LOVING CONNECTION? Just like your parents do?

This false beleif that God doesn’t listen to our mundane small prayers is silly, he wants nothing more for us that to always reach out to him first. Imagine if your spouse never wanted to bother you with his or her stuff, and they instead constantly went to someone else to confess their struggles. Don’t you seek for THEM first when something happens? isn’t your spouse the very first person you talk to when you are in need? God is our spouse, and he WANTS constant connection. Constant connection IS a state of grace. Pray for EVERYTHING.

God is all-encompassing, omnipresent, all loving. How can you say that he is all loving if he doesn’t show up? It is up to us to invite him in.

He is not loud like Tony Robbins, or a football coach. He is gentle and loving. Soft spoken. Whispering, just like when you have gone to bed at night, turned out the lights and you are laying face to face whispering to your spouse. He is nearer to you than your own heart. How will you hear someone so gentle and loving if you don’t try to silence yourself a little, if you don’t try to hear his voice more consistently? It is up to you to tone it down a notch and to start communicating more often. Turn to him in prayer much more often, for the littlest thing.

Doing it the wrong way

The boy learned the wrong way because he doesn’t go to his lessons, he practices daily but his hand position is off, his fingers hit the wrong places, and it doesn’t sound right…. now his muscle memory is well trained, but it is trained wrong. He can either keep powering through, even though it is difficult and the sound just doesn’ improve. OR he can FINALLY show up for his lessons. If he goes to his lessons he will discover that his muscle memory is already formed and that he not only has to learn but he has to UNLEARN as well.

For MANY of us us, in fact for MOST of us this is exactly what happens. We develop a host of false beliefs or limiting beliefs. We have NO IDEA that tjis has happened, we are so accustomed to our “muscle memory’ of our beliefs, that we keep powering though, by sheer force we keep on trying and trying. OR we give up. We should go to “our lessons” here….but by and large, we never attempt to challenge our beliefs. Letting go of a belief system is beyond challenging, for many, it is even painful. Imagine that you have been raised in a cult, and one day you find out that it was all a lie. The anger that comes up is real. This should happen for most of us, we SHOULD feel some anger that we have been spoon-fed a lie, and that we now have to take responsibility for the deprogramming that HAS to happen. what are YOUR false beliefs? Challenge yourself to undo all of this.

Just like the boy certainly can continue to play all worng, so can you continue to live your life with a false belief system, isn’t that how most of us get through life anyway? But you don’t have to, and now that you know that you can just start going to your lessons, you are well on your way to making life easier.

Showing up for your lessons of course is a metaphor for showing op to commune with God. Start talking to him everyday, seek for his love, and you will find it.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 11

Your Perception Of God:

Some parents are distant and uncaring, and give their children nothing, some parents are cruel and beat their children, some parents are abuse and harm their own children in hatred and rage, and others do even worse things than that. Some don’t feed their children. and I know a man who’s mother is in prison because she locked him in a closet and didn’t feed him. He is very lucky to have survived. Here is the thing…. we form our concept of God based on our parents…. Who is YOUR God?

This boy grew up with a very different idea of God than I did.

The way we personalize God is unconscious. It is caused not ONLY by theological teachings, and maybe we didn’t have any, but it is also shaped by how our PARENTS are.

We unwittingly form an image of God based on our own parents. This is called “God of our own understanding”. This unconscious assignment of God’s attributes based on our parents causes us to have a faulty image of God. God is not the same as your good parent or your evil parent.

There are also people who say “there is no good or evil only thinking makes it so”. These people have never seen or experienced evil. Disregard all statements like that if you are struggling with this difficult concept of God.

If you have experience evil you know that it is real. it is another false catchphrase in LOA it is used to excuse and justify all of those manifestations that will harm others. For example, someone who is lusting for a married person will use this catchphrase to justify why they should break up a marriage and soon have their “sp” in their own bed, or all of those who has made GREED their IDOL, and so on. Use the Golden Rule, and harm no-one. Making excuses like this harms everyone, just do good, manifest good things, and don’t justify your lust, greed, clinging, or whatever it is that you try to elevate into: “No good or evil, only thinking makes it so”. We’re not buying what you are selling. If you want to manifest evil things, it’s on you, but I still call it evil.

God is not like your parent. Begin to seek for him in earnest, by spending time in prayer, asking him to show you who he truly is. He will. You should only be concerned bout YOUR relationship with god first and foremost. Do not worry about what endless misconceptions are out there, just continue to seek, and ask, and pray. How can you come to know him, if you have a cold relationship with him? If you don’t seek you will not find, if you don’t knock, the door will not open.

Don’t confuse God for a cult, church congregation, or ideology either, other people are not God either. Maybe the congregation are gossips, maybe they have political agenda’s, there are all sorts of religious cults out there, this is not what I am talking about. When I say seek God. I mean to sit down, and close your eyes and go within. Contemplation. Meditation. Prayer. Who cares what those other people are up to, this is time spent in intimacy, just you and God.

Who is God?

“I am” has been highjacked by LOA to mean that the little “I” is God” but this is wrong. It is a theological mistake, and if you want to understand more about how the Biblical “I am” should be interpreted, based on reading THE WOLE Bible, not just one or two sentences, read THIS blog post….I won’t go into it here.

This idea of “I AM” is an exploration of atheism, and a deification of our own intellect. (even those whose intellect is not particularly impressive has made a God out of their own mind)

The “I am” REALLY means something like this: We are the same as God and different from God at the same time. God is near and God is far at the same time. The way that sunlight is the same as and different from the sun at the same time.

It takes exploration to know God and to know this constant state of Grace that I have talked about. Making a deity of intellect will only take you farter from experiencing this. Itheism has relaced atheism, and now we seem to think that we ARE God. 

Whether you are reading the Veda’s or the Bible, the “I AM” is MUCH greater than something that you can intellectualize to dust, these are inspired spiritual texts.

The Boy and His Guitar

Your gifts are already given.

Just like the boy already got his guitar, his free lessons for life, and all the tune ups and repairs that he will ever need. But he still has to go to the lessons, and he has to sit down everyday to practice, even if just a little bit at first. Over time, he will come to look forward to his lessons, and more and more he wants and even craves these lessons, and this time spent with the guitar. it is no longer a chore. It becomes a source of joy.

Your gifts were given at the beginning of time, and they are there within reach, but you still have to come to your moments of contemplation, your intimacy with God. Just like a boy who comes to love his guitar, and the music that he can make with it, so you will you come to love your intimate connection with God and this State Of Grace. More and more, this time spent with God will become something you long for and cherish.

In this blog, I made several points:

  1. The Gift of Grace: I used the analogy of a boy receiving a guitar as a gift for no reason to illustrate the concept of grace. The idea is that we often receive undeserved gifts from life, and these gifts come from a source analogous to God.
  2. Constant State of Grace: I emphasize that we are always in a state of grace with our Creator, but our awareness of this connection may be clouded by illusions and false teachings. The fall of mankind, as symbolized by the story of the Garden of Eden, represents a break in consciousness where we lose sight of the constant bond of love.
  3. Tale of Two Birds: The metaphor of two birds in the Mundaka Upanishad illustrates the coexistence of the finite and infinite within each person. One bird represents the individual self immersed in life’s activities, while the other represents universal consciousness connected to God. The higher bird symbolizes living in a state of grace, untouched by the fluctuations of life.
  4. Showing Up for Grace: I stress the importance of actively showing up for the connection with God. Expressing gratitude, love, and constant communion with God are seen as essential actions to maintain a state of grace.
  5. Challenging Beliefs: I discuss the need to challenge and unlearn false beliefs that may hinder personal and spiritual growth. Just as the boy learning to play the guitar needs to correct his muscle memory, individuals should challenge and correct their false beliefs.
  6. Perception of God: I addresses how our perception of God is often shaped by our experiences and relationships, especially with our parents. I Encourage individuals to seek a personal and intimate connection with God, separate from societal and familial influences.
  7. Exploration and Knowing God: I touch upon the idea that knowing God and experiencing a constant state of grace requires exploration and intimate connection through contemplation, meditation, and prayer. The concept of “I am” is explored in the context of understanding our relationship with God.
  8. Gifts Already Given: The analogy of the boy and his guitar is used to convey the idea that our gifts are already given, but we need to actively engage in practices such as contemplation and intimacy with God to realize and make use of these gifts.

I have made these points to emphasize the importance of recognizing and actively participating in the connection with the divine to live in a constant state of grace. Yes, it is agift freely given, but we must engage with it to know its full beauty.

boy playing guitar

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Creative Initiative is Inspired Action

What is “initiative”?

Initiative is part of our creativity, Just like inspiration and imagination is closely linked to the divine spark inside of ourselves, so i initiative.

Initiative can actually gove you the power to go where no one has gone before, to create what no one has created before.

Imagination and inspiration, THEN initiative.

Initiative ENGAGES your imagination because if forces you to see thing in new ways. If forces youto do things in a new way. The person who takes initiative can achive amazing things. It seem like the person who takes initiative creates something out of nothing. The seeming impossible is done by a person who takes initiative.

Impossible becomes possible.

Initiative cause you to stand on your own two feet, independent of the limitations of others.




Three divine-mind aspects for the consious creator!

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unrecognizable woman demonstrating light bulb in hands

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The Time To Sow Seeds Of Success is During Failures

The Time To Sow Seeds Of Success is During Failures | Living From The End

Even failures, or “circumstances”, should be times where your willpower is strengthened, not weakened. If you have failed in your manifestation, it is a perfect time to look at the situation from every angle.

This season of failure is the time to sow seeds of success, the circumstances might hurt you, but keep your head up! Always try ONE MORE TIME. No matter how many times you have to try, try ONE MORE TIME. When I quit smoking, I actually quite eight times. The last time it stuck and I haven’t smoked in decades and I never want to. Always try one more time, imagine if I had only quit smoking seven times….

New efforts after a failure should not be done with a mopey attitude, instead, be more determined and know that you have new information to work with. Increase attention focus and will power. Don’ give up or call it fate, but make sure that this is the right thing for you. Again, if I gave up on trying to quit smoking saying “it isn’t meant to be”, I would still be in the clutches of addiction, with stinking hair and clothes.

Supposed that so far, failing is ALL you have done. It would be even more foolish to give up and accept defeat. It would be evn more foolish to dall it “not meant to be”. Meant to be or not meant to be is not real, it only comes down to if you gave up or not. Whatever is happening right now is simply a result of what you have done in the past, plus what you are doing now.

A person who has succeeded in the area you are trying to succeed in might have struggled more than you can imagine. We don’t see that part, but they trained themselves to get throguh it. This applies to business, finances, and relationships. To all areas of life. This is why we learn how to fix our attention on the end result, Success. This is called “Living From The End”. Living from the end is obviously not ALL that you have to do, but it is what you do to reorient yourself every time you start to feal failure.

“The road to hall is paved with good intentions”, Living from the end is not enough unless you also proaktively participate in your own success. A surprising amount of people think that creating an imaginal scene is enough, a one and done, and then you sit on the couch and watch Netfilx from then on. Taking action is a necessary part of living life.

Your circumstances are not necessarily the predictor for your success, if you look at people who have succeeded in the area you are working toward, you will see that some have overcome incredibly adverse circumstances, so don’t let that become your determining factor.

Reject the thought of you failure and again focus on Living from The End. Reject your worrying and focus on calmness. Reject restless questions of “when” and focus on peace, and then go from peace and focus on divine bliss. This gives you the strength you need to keep going. Imagine that you are connected to God through a fiberoptic cable, and by connecting it you are filled with power, love and light. In short, plugging it in makes it work. Keep you peace focused on divine bliss.

The time to sow seeds of success is during failiures.


cheerful young woman with eyes closed covering mouth with turtleneck on street

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