Love, Service, Devotion and the Ultimate Surrender; God’s Redemptive Plan

All is God. Make no mistake on this, if there is a concept of oneness, and awareness of being is all, then all is one and the same God. A blade of grass. An angelic being. The sun, the clear blue sky and the clouds drifting by. God, Jesus, and Satan. Hanuman, Ravana, Ram and Sita. All one…. But where do we go from there?

The common thread between Hanuman and Jesus lies in their representation of unconditional love, humility, and complete surrender to divine will. Hanuman’s love for Lord Rama mirrors Christ’s love for God and humanity. Both figures teach us that true devotion is rooted in selflessness and service.

Love, Service, Devotion, and the Ultimate Surrender: Parallels of Hanuman and Christ

Various traditions intricately come together, and when you dive into ancient teaching you come to a whole new level of understanding. Among these stories of Hanuman from Hindu teachings, and Jesus Christ from Christianity offer the most profound insights into love, service, devotion, and the ultimate surrender.  Rama is said to have 7,100 years ago preceeding Jesus by 5100 years, but keep in mind, God time is “all time is happening at once”.

Hanuman, the devoted servant of Lord Ram in Hindu mythology, epitomizes unwavering devotion, humility and unconditional love. His life is a teaches us that boundless love and dedication Brahman (God in form of Ram) is tha path to enlightenment. Hanuman’s declaration, “When I believe I am the body, then I am your faithful servant. When I know I am the soul, I know myself to be a spark of your eternal Light. And when I have the vision of truth, you and I, my Lord, are one and the same.”” encapsulates the essence of devotion—a selfless and total love paves the way for realizing God.

Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the epitome of love, devotion and sacrifice in Christianity. His teachings emphasize love, compassion, and serving others. His proclamation, “I and the Father are one, but the Father is greater,” reflects a deep spiritual realization of unity while acknowledging the transcendental nature of divine consciousness.


In both narratives, love is the cornerstone. Love is what fuels Hanuman’s devotion to Lord Ram, and love is the foundation of Jesus Christ’s message. Love is the universal language that transcends boundaries, cultures, and beliefs. It’s the force that unites humanity in its collective journey towards the divine.

Love covers all transgressions.


Hanuman’s life is a saga of unwavering service to his Lord. His acts of courage and sacrifice are driven by an innate desire to serve the divine purpose. Similarly, Jesus Christ’s life was dedicated to serving God, by serving God appearing as humanity, by healing the sick, comforting the broken-hearted, and teaching love and compassion. Service, in both cases, exemplifies the essence of true spirituality, by unwavering focus on God. Serving God in his forms.


Hanuman’s unwavering devotion to Lord Ram symbolizes the path of surrender. His complete submission to the divine will is a demonstration of trust and love. Jesus Christ’s profound devotion to God, his unwavering obedience to the divine plan, even on the cross, mirrors Hanuman’s devotion in the Hindu epic. Devotion, in both narratives, is the powerful force that unites the individual with the divine. The idea of duality then, is a must, before the discovery of oneness, or nonduality. Devotion, while in the illusion of duality, is the path to nonduality. A paradox.

The Ultimate Surrender: Oneness with the Divine

“I am the way, the truth, and the light,” said Jesus Christ. This proclamation emphasizes the idea that aligning oneself with divine consciousness leads to enlightenment, or self realization and ultimate liberation. Hanuman, too, in his complete surrender to Lord Ram, achieves oneness with the divine, transcending the limitations of the self.

Love, Service, Devotion, and the Ultimate Surrender. These words are repeated across traditions, to remind us of the universal principle of oneness. Whether in the dedicated service of Hanuman or the compassionate teachings of Christ, the essence remains the same—an unwavering dedication to love and unity, a selfless act of service, a profound devotion, and the ultimate surrender to the divine. By understanding the message we discover that our own enlightenment is not enough. We must also love one another with complete devotion.

Seek FIRST the Divine:

“Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you” is a profound teaching that resonates with the concepts of love, service, devotion, and ultimate surrender. It reminds us not to place any other gods or material possessions above the divine. Instead, it encourages us to recognize that all is God, and God is within everything and everyone. When we understand this unity and align ourselves with it, we manifest the deepest desires of our hearts, for everything we seek is already given to us in the realm of divine love and unity.”

From Solipsism to Oneness

Many times, we identify primarily with the person—the body, mind, and ego we believe ourselves to be. During these moments, we might not fully realize our deeper purpos; to serve that higher Self within us and in all things.

As we evolve, we begin to recognize that we are not as separate from divine intelligence as we once thought. There’s a higher knowing, a divine presence, operating through us. We start to sense our interconnectedness with other beings, understanding that our very existence is an expression of the indescribable presence of God within us.

The most profound shift in our perception occurs when all veils of illusion are lifted, granting us a direct vision of truth. We come to know that we are all that exists. We are the Source; we are One.

Hanuman and Jesus, while coming from different eras, and cultural and spiritual backgrounds, both serve as powerful archetypes and embodiments of spiritual realization and devotion. From Solipsism to Oneness, from Duality to Nonduality.

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YES, Another REVISION post!

“You rise to a higher level of consciousness by taking your attention away from your present limitations and placing it upon that which you desire to be.”

Neville Goddard

YES, Another REVISION post!

Let’s accomplish two things in this short blog post.

  1. How easy is revision?
  2. The deeper purpose of practicing revision.

Let’s start with HOW EASY IS REVISION?

Neville Goddard Collection

There is one answer, it is easy. You simply flip the script in your head. Done. 

SO if it is this easy then why do we need to know more?

Good question.

Most people have a learning curve around this, myself included. I would say that the step from learning to doing is the steep part. Most people get stuck at the learning part, and then they begin to barrage the world in all its vastness, every internet group they can find. Did you try it and did it work?

That is the extent of the beginners’ work.

Guess what?

There is no “it”. No “it” is ever responsible for doing the work, it turns out that it is you who has to do the work.

The hardest part is to embrace the silly fact that you actually have to do the revision. YOU have to do it.

“Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself. Turn from appearances and assume the feeling that would be yours were you already the one you wish to be.”

Neville Goddard


  1. Bring your mind to your imagination.
  2. Imagine the situation differently
  3. Repeat a few times, until you get a feeling that everything is fine


  1. Grab a pen and paper
  2. Write the unwanted thing
  3. Recreate it on another paper to a wanted situation
  4. Read it to yourself until you get a feeling that all is well.

Those are the basic ways, or you can replay a conversation, in this case engage your sense of hearing, and instead hear what you hoped to hear.

“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”

Neville Goddard

This second part is going to go a little deeper so if you are mostly looking for information that you can apply in your specific situation, you are done reading!

For everyone who wants to know what the meaning is behind all this, let’s keep going:

“The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.”

Neville Goddard

Those of who already know me, might know that I have come to these teaching a very organic way, I always had the awareness and knowledge of the nondual teachings of the east, in spite of not hearing about even Buddhism until I was in my late teens. One day, (in my twenties now), I read a Buddhist text, and I saw that they were aligned with my mystical experiences.

This happens a number of people, and now I know so many of you who are experiencing life this way, and I am so happy to meet all of you. We know these things already, and coming upon the teachings is in a way, like coming home.

Neville Goddard Collection

Every mystical concept I have had has been confirmed by Buddhism, Nondual Vedanta, Hindu mythology, The Yoga Sutra’s, Tantra, you name it, but there was ONE powerful mystical experience in which I saw humanity as coming into being as “pieces of broken mirror”. Billions and trillions of shards of broken mirrors. The work we have before us, is to bring the jagged shards back together, and the deeper implication was that “No one, is in truth, going to “heaven”, no one is in truth “liberated”, or completely “enlightened”, until we all go.

I spent a considerable amount of time trying to find something or someone who could confirm what I was seeing as part of a spiritual teaching. I couldn’t find anything about “broken shards of mirror”, until I one day stepped outside of my Santa Monica apartment for a walk, and a few blocks away stumbled upon a small stack of books that someone had left outside. I picked them up, and they were a book series called “The Zohar”.

I have heard that The Zohar enters your life when you are ready.

If you have understood oneness consciousness, then this all makes perfect sense. I had been asking, “what or where is this mystical vision coming from”, and there was my answer, Of course it was still going to be several months until I came upon the concept of the “shattering of the vessel”. The Zohar pointed the way, and the discovery was the kabbalist creation concept of “The Shattering Of The Vessels”, and THIS, I will let you discover on your own, by doing google searches, because I am not a Kabbalist. (but I am learning as fast as I came on my own).T he Shattering Of The Vessel is the essence of the fracturing that has to happen as our consiousness enters this dimension. For the first time, I had found that there is indeed, a spiritual teaching, centered around the fragment that takes place when our consciousness enters this dimension. 

Our job here is very very simple. To overcome ourselves, and to harmonize the broken mirror.  If YOU want to deeply work with these concepts, then start today, to look for YOUR spiritual group. You will grow and thrive lightyears faster in a group rather than on your own. You can stay tuned for my group as well, it is in the development stages, and when it is ready I will post notifications.

“The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.”

Neville Goddard

WHAT does it have to do with revision?

When you decide that your path is that of the magnificent path of none other than God Himself and Herself, who came into being, and when he came into being his light was too bright, his radiance to strong, that it simply shattered, and broken into smaller portions, God Himself and Herself, now experiences “being”, through you and through me, then you will want something beyond “getting” and “having”. Your wants will change, and take more altruistic forms. 

It takes time to bring broken glass together, it’s hard for us to find where the pieces fit. It is hard to bring the light back in too, it is still too bright and radiant for us, even those moments when we have awakening experiences, the brightness overwhelms us, and still other feel like they go insane after they awaken. Imagine that an awakening experience is still like being in a very dark room, and all that happened was that someone brought in a candle, and your eyes hurt from the brightness, because you were so used to the darkness.

An awakening experience is like that, it is us, in a very dark room, and a candle is brought in. That is all we can handle right now. We can keep working on uniting our souls, it has to be done with an open and vulnerable heart, no fakery, and no political substitutions for connection will suffice. Hearts have to open. Real love has to connect.  It is not enough to say “I gave something charitable, I’m off the hook now”. That just builds another division. ”I” and “Them”.  We are still in the dark, but we are bringing in candles daily. Humanity is currently evolving exponentially. …Revision….

I STILL don’t understand what this has to do with revision, you say.

Neville Goddard Collection

Revision is the act of seeing things in their TRUE light. Divine perception. Seeing with the eye of God. Seeing through the illusion, and challenging ourselves to transmute that illusion into its truth of ONE consciousness. Divine projection. Seeing GOD in everyone.

“You rise to a higher level of consciousness by taking your attention away from your present limitations and placing it upon that which you desire to be.”

Neville Goddard

EVENTUALLY, the “higher” levels of consciousness, becomes pure self luminous radiance, a connectedness, because there was truly no separation to begin with, and pure love enters of such a kind that you never need to ask for love again. Bliss.

“The world moves with motiveless necessity. By this is meant that it has no motive of its own, but is under the necessity of manifesting your concept, the arrangement of your mind, and your mind is always arranged in the image of all you believe and consent to as true. “

Neville Goddard

There is no outer “it”, there is no thing that is in opposition to yourself, it is all a divine mirror image, reflecting back the inner work that we still have to do.

“Man’s chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.”

Neville Goddard

In this way, we can see that there is no other work to be done except for revision…

Lots of love,


So many garish lamps in the dying brain’s lamp-show,
Forget about them.
Concentrate on the essence, concentrate on the Light.
In lucid bliss, calmly smoking off its own holy fire,

The Light streams towards you from all things,
All people, all possible permutations of good, evil, thought, passion.

The lamps are different,
but the Light is the same.

One matter, one energy, one Light, one Light-mind,
Endlessly emanating all things.

One turning and burning diamond,
One, one, one.

Ground yourself, strip yourself down,
To blind loving silence.
Stay there, until you see
You are gazing at the Light
With its own ageless eyes”

smiling woman

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A Trauma Healing Revision Meditation

To the pure ALL things are PURE | EIYPO | Neville Goddard

To the pure ALL things are PURE | EIYPO | Neville Goddard

Have you wondered if it is okay to use LOA to get revenge or to wish anything negative on someone else? (Is THAT your end?)

Do you feel justified in wishing retaliation of some sort? (Is THAT your end?)

Are you wishing that someone would get divorced so that you can marry them, or in any way shape or form trying to manifest the middle in a way that causes YOU to have negative thoughts?

If yes, then you need to read this.

What does Neville actually have to say about messing with the middle?

There is a reason why we NEVER mess with the middle, and why we NEVER try to plot the way in which your manifestation might come. Every time we try to imagine the possible ways the manifestation could come to pass, we run the risk of imagining something “unlovely” and if we do, that has suddenly opened the door for that same “unlovely” to come right back to us. KEEP THAT DOOR SHUT, by only imagining the perfect end.

(Manifesting the middle is manipulating the situation, not to be confused “segment intending”)

“Your unexpressed convictions of others are transmitted to them without their conscious knowledge or consent, and if subconsciously accepted by them will influence their behavior.

The only ideas they subconsciously reject are your ideas of them which they could not wish to be true of anyone. Whatever they could wish for others can be believed of them, and by the law of belief which governs subjective reasoning they are compelled to subjectively accept, and therefore objectively express, accordingly.

The subjective mind is completely controlled by suggestion.”

Neville Goddard

Keeping your mind only on the end, the end result being good, because goodness is everyone’s desire, we eliminate the risk of holding another in a negative place by our assumptions. The way there, the road to that end result, that is God’s business, not ours. We get to just tend to our lovely mind garden, and let’s just admit it, that that is a nice idea. No other work to be done! Just imagine wonderful things all as often as we like.

Skip the how.

Skip all moving the chess pieces around in your mind and just go straight to check mate.

Skip revenge, and skip imagining someone else getting fired, and skip imagining someone else’s divorce.

“A clear concept of the dual nature of man’s consciousness must be the basis of all true prayer. Consciousness includes a subconscious as well as a conscious part. The infinitely greater part of consciousness lies below the sphere of objective consciousness. The subconscious is the most important part of consciousness. It is the cause of voluntary action. The subconscious is what a man is. The conscious is what a man knows. “I and my Father are one but my Father is greater than I. ” The conscious and subconscious are one, but the subconscious is greater than the conscious.

Neville Goddard

The tip of the iceberg is the conscious mind, the rest of the iceberg is bigger, and hidden. Within that subconscious mind lies the making of our likes and dislikes, our opinions, and our strategies for life, but for most of us there are flaws within our subconscious programming and our plotting and planning simply isn’t as good as God’s plan. God is also hidden within our subconscious mind, but the God-seed is so rarely tended to and watered that it hardly ever gets a chance to act out its perfection. If we give that God-seed a a chance, then our circumstances will unfold according pure perfection, but as long as all the unlovely things in our subconscious mind is getting the front row seat, well then unlovely things is what will be on display on the stage of life.

“What we are conscious of is constructed out of what we are not conscious of. Not only do our subconscious assumptions influence our behavior but they also fashion the pattern of our objective existence. They alone have the power to say, “Let us make man—objective manifestations—in our image, after our likeness.”

Neville Goddard

If your conscious mind is telling you negative, ugly, or disempowered things about you or others, then just know that you have just been made aware of the contents of your subconscious programming. This is a perfect example of failing to use our free will, of relinquishing God power to unconscious programming. By being conscious, a conscious creator, you have been given the knowledge of how to take back your omnipotence, your God-power.

“The whole of creation is asleep within the deep of man and is awakened to objective existence by his subconscious assumptions

Neville Goddard

“The subconscious reasons deductively and is never concerned with the truth or falsity of the premise, but proceeds on the assumption of the correctness of the premise and objectifies results which are consistent with the premise.”

Neville Goddard

“The subjective mind is the diffused consciousness that animates the world; it is the spirit that giveth life.”

Neville Goddard

Give life to the lovely states. Breath life to your end state in your imaginal scene, and deflate the unlovely states by skipping over thinking about them entirely. The reason that anything at all exists in the world is because we uphold it in our mind, so is there REALYY a need to keep manifesting things that are sad, painful, hurtful or mean? Could you just SKIP that entirely and imagine JUST your end? Where we dwell most commonly in our mind, that is what we create and also what we re-create and maintain. What we fail to maintain only stays for a little while and then it exists our life again… This can be a conscious choice if we can direct our inner conversations, and our imagination.

Nothing happens by chance, and that includes the obstacles in our path. They were put there by our own imagination, and the way to get past the obstacles is by eliminating them completely from our mind.


Use the tools, make a conscious choice to use the tools in your toolbox.

  1. Inner conversations
  2. Imaginal scene
  3. Revise

“Ideas are best suggested when the objective mind is partly subjective, that is, when the objective senses are diminished or held in abeyance. This partly subjective state can best be described as controlled reverie, (a dream-like state) wherein the mind is passive but capable of functioning with absorption. It is a concentration of attention. There must be no conflict in your mind when you are praying. Turn from what is to what ought to be. Assume the mood of fulfilled desire, and by the universal law of reversibility you will realize your desire.”

-Neville Goddard


woman spreading white textile

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QUANTUM JUMP | SHIFT INTO THE SLEEPING BODY OF THE GODDESS | Fall asleep as Vajrayogini वज्रयोगिनी

QUANTUM JUMP | SHIFT INTO THE SLEEPING BODY OF THE GODESS | Fall asleep as Vajrayogini | Oneness with divinity

Vajrayoginī is a tantric deity . She is a Dakini, a “sky-dancer and Goddess of the Absolute

Vajrayogini, is a representation of complete buddhahood in female form. 

Awakening through shifting is an ancient technique used in Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. Enjoy this meditation to fall asleep as the Goddess. The goal is to become her!

She first appeared to the siddha, Naropa, and this is how she works. She comes to you, like a cat, she invites herself into your life. This is your sign that she belongs on your path to liberation.

In this guided meditation I have used very low binaural beats, and EMDR technology to help your brain relax, and shift brainwave states. Shifting brainwave states is key to successful quantum jumps, your rational mind has be turned off and bypassed.



Because you constantly shift all the time your life ANYWAY!

“Quantum Superposition of States:

Quantum superposition is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics by which all possibilities for something in material form exist simultaneously in all possible particular states (or all possible configurations of its properties, which is clearly interconnected with the phenomena of quantum jumping)—but whenever measured or observed, the result corresponds to only one of those possible states or configurations.”

Quantum Teleportation:

Quantum teleportation is a term used to describe the instantaneous transference of properties from one quantum system to another without physical contact, which is an essential facet of quantum jumping. As for what causes such remarkable behavior at the quantum level of reality—nobody really knows for sure. The mathematical equations describing quantum behavior work beautifully well, yet the behind-the-scenes why and how of it are anything but obvious. There are numerous physics theories that each explain what’s going on in their own unique ways, and these theories are known as ‘interpretations’ since they provide us with possible explanations for what might be going on, based on sound assumptions”

Becoming one with the divine

Awakening conscious creation consciousness empowerment healing law of assumption law of attraction manifest manifestation manifestation techniques MANIFESTING manifest love Manifest your dreams mindfulness neville goddard personal growth positive thinking self-discovery self-improvement specific person Spiritual growth