Does “Self-Concept” Make You Happy? LOA

The comparison between self-concept and Bhakti (devotionl love, Krishna Radha as an example) in terms of which makes us happier is a matter of experiencing growth from a childish mind, to a more mature and altruistic mind. Human nature doesn’t stay the same for life, and this shift in our minds usually make a shift towards thinking of others more in our teens, but for some it happens earlier or later.

Self Concept:

Self-concept relates to how we perceive ourselves, our beliefs about our abilities, worth, and roles in life. Having a positive self-concept can contribute to a sense of self-worth, confidence, and overall well-being. When we believe in ourselves and have a positive outlook on our abilities, it can lead to increased happiness and life satisfaction. It is narcisissm in its healthy expression. Imagine an infant, who needs food and dry diapers. It is not altruistic, but neither would you call it selfish. Now imaging a 30 year old acting as an infant, and you can immediately see that this journey towards thinking about others is natural, and should be encouraged.


Bhakti, or devotion, involves a deep sense of love, adoration, and surrender to a higher power, spiritual figure such as a Guru, or the God, Jesus, Krishna, in short; The Divine. For those who find solace, purpose, and joy in devotional practices, Bhakti can provide a profound sense of connection, peace, and fulfillment. This happiness is usually described as “Bliss.”

Has Happiness Eluded You?

Happiness is a complex and multi-dimensional emotion influenced by various factors, including one’s spiritual beliefs, relationships, personal growth, self-esteem, and mental and physical well-being. Some individuals may find happiness and fulfillment through a strong sense of self-concept, self-esteem, andw others may derive it from service to others, or from deep spiritual devotion or a combination of all.

ALL Manifesting is the Same?

I say that manifesting is “all the same”, however, people are not. The manifesting journey needs to be approached from your own perspective, not from a cookie cutter place.

Metaphorically Speaking…

Certainly, the metaphor of the sinking boat and the concept of “heaven” and “hell” provide a valuable perspective on how the way we use our spoken words and intentions can influence our happiness and the well-being of those around us.

In the sinking boat metaphor, when individuals collectively focus on speaking words and intentions that align with goodness, cooperation, and the well-being of all, they work together to plug the holes in the boat and keep it afloat. This collaborative effort leads to the safety and happiness of everyone on board. It illustrates the idea that when we use our words and intentions to benefit others and the collective, it often results in a happier and harmonious environment.

A group of people were sitting in a boat. One person pulled out a hand-drill and proceeded to drill a hole beneath their seat. The fellow passengers screamed at the incredulous sight and asked, “What do you think you’re doing?!”

The hole-driller dismissed the question and responded, “What do you care? Am I not drilling under my seat?”

They replied: “Because you are sinking the boat with us in it!’”

In the metaphor of “heaven,” people feeding each other with long spoons signifies a sense of selflessness and mutual care. When we prioritize the well-being of others and speak words of kindness, compassion, and love, it fosters a harmonious and joyous atmosphere. The act of feeding each other emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals and the idea that by helping others, we, in turn, help ourselves.

Conversely, in the metaphor of “hell,” people struggling to feed themselves with long spoons highlight the self-centered approach. When individuals prioritize their selfish desires, they may find it challenging to reach their own happiness, just as they struggle to feed themselves with long spoons. It implies that a self-centered focus can lead to isolation and discontent.

The allegory can be summarized as follows: In each location, the inhabitants are given access to food, but the utensils are too unwieldy to serve oneself with. In hell, the people cannot cooperate, and consequently starve. In heaven, the diners feed one another across the table and are sated.

In essence, the metaphors suggest that speaking words and intentions that reflect a spirit of cooperation, empathy, and goodwill ( The golden rule, etc) can create an environment of happiness and well-being for all. Selflessness and collective benefit often lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence, while selfishness and self-centeredness can result in dissatisfaction and discord. The choice in how we use our spoken words and intentions plays a significant role in shaping our world and our happiness.

For Law of Assumption purposes the deal is this:

You start where you are. Right here an now. This acceptance allows you to work from a place of truth and authenticity. You see, whatever you are facing right now, whatever youare desiring right now, no matter how it seems to others, is actually your path forward. It is never a path backwards, no matter how it seems.

The idea that there are as many paths to God as there are people emphasizes the individual and diverse nature of life. It acknowledges that each person’s journey towards understanding or connecting with the divine is unique and personal. The phrase also suggests that the path to God is an internal one. This inner exploration and understanding of one’s beliefs, values, creates our reality, INCLUDING our relationship with God

Neville Goddard:

Now we turn to the story. It’s an old man, a hundred years old, and a wife ninety years old; and it is said “it had ceased to be with her after the manner of women.” In other words, it would be impossible for her to have a child. And the promise was made that she would have a child, and that child would be “your heir, and you will call him Isaac, which means he laughs.” Abraham had, from a slave, a son called Ishmael. It was said of him that his hand was against every man, and every man’s hand was against him.

This same story repeats itself all the way through. It begins with Abraham, and then the two – Ishmael who came first and then Isaac. Isaac was the promise. Then the grandchildren: Esau and Jacob, and God said, “Jacob I love; Esau I have hated” – the same pattern following all through Scripture coming into the New Testament. And in man it erupted – the story.

Now we find a wonderful story in the book of John, the 3rd chapter of John. It is not repeated in the Bible, it is only in John. It is not mentioned in Matthew, Mark, or Luke – where a member of the Sanhedrin – a Pharisee by the name of Nicodemus – a member of the Sanhedrin is the highest body of a religious order. And Israel was a theocracy, it was ruled by the Rabbis, and here was the highest of the Rabbis. He identified something from what he knew of his own scripture, but couldn’t quite put the pieces together. So, he sought Jesus “in the night,” we are told. He came during the night, seemingly in a furtive manner – not to be identified or recognized by other members of the Sanhedrin.

He addressed him as Rabbi, whence the fact that the man knows what others seemingly are not aware of. The conversation takes place in this manner: He said, “I know that you are one that is sent, for no one who is not sent by God could do the things that you do,” and then a sudden break takes place in the conversation, and Jesus said to him:

“Unless one is born from above, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” Nicodemus answered, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”

And Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say unto you, unless one is born from above, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I have said unto you that you must be born from above, for I tell you that the wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell whence it comes nor whither it goes. So is everyone who is born of the spirit.”

Nicodemus answered, “How can this be?”

And then Jesus answered him and said, “Are you a teacher of Israel and you do not understand this? I tell you – I tell you what I know, and I bear witness to what I have seen, but you do not receive my testimony.”

That is the story in essence. Man was looking for it to take place, as Nicodemus did, as all births take place, never having heard of an entirely different kind of a birth. Here, that which is born of the flesh is flesh; that which is born of the spirit is spirit; but he never heard before that Isaac represented that which is born of the spirit.

-Neville Goddard

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Manifesting: Beyond “I Am God of My Reality'”

Manifesting: Beyond “I Am God of My Reality'”

Manifesting and the belief of being the “God of our reality” often stir discussions about the true nature of our connection with the divine. Some believe they are the sole creators of their reality, while others perceive themselves as sparks of the divine essence. The crux lies in experiencing the presence of God, or merely reading something.

Conveying the certain concepts, especially the concept of devotion, particularly the depth of love it entails, can pose a significant challenge to students of the Law of Assumption or anyone from a Western cultural background. Devotion represents a complete and profound love that is a crucial aspect of religion, spirituality, and manifesting miracles. However, it’s a topic that often finds resistance or avoidance, especially within the realm of the Law of Attraction (LOA), where discussions about devotion are relatively scarce or overlooked.

During the years that I worked in addiction medicine and detox, I came to understand that each and every person has an internalized concept of God already. This is their lifeline, their path to salvation, to recovery and strenght. We call it “God of your understanding”. What Law of Assumption coaches often seem to be lacking is first of all, any undertsanding at all, and secondly, any kind of respect for the individual that they are working with. The shallow approach that I am talking about “God of my reality” can mean different things to different people. For some, it just means megalomania, and nothing else, and for others, it means that we all have our own connection to God. What does it mean for Neville Goddard? What does it mean forthe Sufi, or for the Bhakta? For you?

“I and my Father are one, but my Father is greater than I. “My awareness and that which I AM Aware of being are one, but I AM greater than that which I AM aware of being. The conceiver will ever be greater than his conception. The Father (Consciousness) is greater than his SON (conception of himself).

Now your eyes are opened. Your Father, God Almighty, has been revealed to you as your awareness of being.

Neville Goddard

Truth 1: You Are a Spark of God (Awareness of being)

“God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

Romans 5:5 

You are intimately connected to God, an unbreakable bond that goes beyond your ego and thoughts. While some believe they are the ultimate creators of their reality, the truth is that you are also a spark of the divine. Recognizing this connection is the key to experiencing something much greater than the confines of our limited understanding. There are many Bible verses discussing the heart because it is clear that the condition of your heart is critical in your walk with the The Divine. Memorize these important verses, and they will always available to you when you doubt!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

Proverbs 3.5

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4.23

My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways,

Proverbs 23.26

Can you feel the love?… Seek it…try to taste it…become curious…. Love is a vehicle, and devotion and love of God is the vehicle that you travel in to merge into oneness.

How many coaches do you hear talk about the Biblical verses that challenge their limited megalomania version of “God of my reality”? Cherry picking the Biblke is something that cult leaders do. Let’s not be cult leaders. Instead, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 5.10

Realize YOU do in fact have direct access to the divine, but have you called on it? Did you ask for the divinity in you to lead the way? Or are you busy with vain repetitions?

Istead of reacting with repulsion at the idea of God, or the mention of God, imagine God and you in an intimate conversation, close your eyes in a prayer, and imagine as if laying face to face with a lover speaking intimate confessions and allow for love to fill your heart. Why do you have to beat it into youself that “there is no outer God”, it makes no difference, the only thing that will make a difference truly and fundamentally in YOUR life is YOUR experience. Give yourself this gift. Your life WILL transform, and you will never think of spouting nonsens that you read in a book or in a community group again. NOTHING trumps expereince. Nothing.

Truth 2: God Can Do Anything, but can you?

God’s power transcends our imagination. From stopping a bullet midair to speaking through your voice, God’s abilities are beyond comprehension. Neville Goddard tought from the Kabbalah, and LOA teachings barely scratch the surface of these extraordinary teachings. In addition, Neville Goddard used the New Testament, to make our transformation complete. Embracing this belief is essential, for God’s potential is not limited to OUR imagination, it actually goes BEYOND our imagination. WAY beyond. You won’t grasp this by ignorantly sticking to “I am God of My relaity”. Your material manifestations or reunions with exes is a bleak comparison to what the teachings REALLY offer. Can you go there? Understand that miracles can unfold, leaving no doubt of divine intervention. You can not EVEN imagine all the greatness, open yourself up to this.

If you seek to comprehend the essence of the Law and Promise by Neville Goddard, consider putting aside your ego and negative thoughts. Seek instead for a firsthand experience of the divine pouring into your heart. Discover “the promise” .

To those who’ve never encountered God intimately, who haven’t witnessed miracles firsthand, refrain from defining God based on limited beliefs. Your version of God may be confined to material desires, but the true understanding of God’s magnitude goes beyond our comprehension.

Anything is possible when you believe in the infinite power of God. Anything. But have you asked for the divine to take the lead? Or are you busy with vain repetitions?

Truth 3: Biblical Interpretations and the LOA

Law of Assumption coaches LOVE to do what some pastors also do, that is to cherry-pick verses from the Bible and SUT DOWN doubers with the guilt and shame game. The Bible is a complex and rich text, and cherry-picking verses to align with personal beliefs oversimplifies its profound teachings. Just beacuse they haven’t taken time to learn more, they oversimplify, and thus, they lose the magic. The mystical and the divine. This is called; “The blind leading the blind”. Cherry picking is what cults do, let’s not be a cult. There is ALWAYS more to learn. Open yourself up for expansion, for going beyond the mind.

Manifestation and the Law of Assumption stuck in second gear:

When we discover Law Of Assumption, our journey often begins with empowerment, excitement and wonder, but without a clear understanding of the underlying truths, so seekers can find themselves lost. Following are the essential truths that often remain overlooked, even after a significant amou t of learning and practicing.

Truth 1: LOA Coaches: Bridging the Gap Between Claim and Capability

Manifestation, an art of shaping reality through belief and intention, requires both expertise and experience. Of course, many LOA coaches lack comprehensive training because there IS no training for Law of Assumption coaching. This is why many lack the readiness for the task they undertake. Manifestation is as complex as the individual seeking help. LOA is always the saeme, but humans are not. Working with people demands an understanding of human psychology, belief systems, and spirituality. Without a solid foundation in ANY type of coaching or counseling, many coaches may inadvertently misguide seekers, unable to effectively navigate them through their manifestation journeys. I have seen some their clients in practice, and the outcome is sometimes dangerous. Golda Meir said:

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.

Golda Meir

But there are times when in your desperation you DON’T trust yourself, when you need someone to steer you away from your your fears, away from desparate delusions, and those are the times that people reach out for coaching. Trust then, and surrender, to the divine in you guiding you to the right coach, teacher, counselor or whatever you may need. Try to trust your gut.

Truth 2: Delusions in LOA: Recognizing Reality Beyond Assumptions

Delusions within the LOA coaching-community can affect how individuals perceive life, their clients, and even themselves. The notion of being the “God of one’s reality” sometimes leads to an overestimation of personal power and understanding and a disconnect between ones own heart and the people you are supposed to love.. It’s vital to recognize the boundaries of human capabilities and acknowledge that life is complex, relationships are a source of growth and expansion, and this is where all the love is. Clients may face challenges that extend beyond “getting”.


If you do nothing but focus on your desires, day after day after day. Your affirmations. Your imaginal scenes. Your FIR (feel it real), and you never once make an effort to find your self, your divinity, your peace, your zen, your hearts connection to God. If you NEVER try to find a place where your mental chatter ceases and the walls of your ego come crumling down, you are guilty of VAIN REPETITIONS. This behavior, is exactly what Neville Goddard warns agains. There IS a space of utter love and peace, and it is within you, it is within reach, now, today and always.

“You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has decreed himself to be.”

-Neville Goddard

Let me explain what “vain repetitions REALLY mean, because SOME coaches belive that it mean sthat you should not do affirmations. This WRONG. This is what it means:

If there is a fear that is interfering with an individuals life, and instead of SEEKING FIRST FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD, meaning, instead of seeking for your divine center, your hearts connection to God, your ego is TERRIFIED, and every manifestation method that you use is actually making THE FEAR become stronger and more destructive.

Any fear that is hard-wired in the body, (read The Body Keeps The Score) has been there for the most part of that person’s life, and THEY DON’T KNOW THAT. But as a coach, you should be able to see this..

Can you successfully use affirmations? Yes. It is NOT what vain repetitions mean:

“Can man decree a thing and have it come to pass? Most decidedly he can! Man has always decreed that which has appeared in his world and is today decreeing that which is appearing in his world and shall continue to do so as long as man is conscious of being man. Not one thing has ever appeared in man’s world but what man decreed that it should. This you may deny, but try as you will you cannot disprove it, for this decreeing is based upon a changeless principle.”

Neville Goddard

“Now the fun of that is that when you end up, the beautiful game of realization, is that the playmate turns out to be real and you turn out to be imaginary.”

Ram Dass (On awakening)

Don’t end up a manifester, just be. Don’t sell yourself short. Gice yourself the fullness of what your life has to offer.

Bhakti, known as the path of devotion, illustrates profound love and connection, akin to the relationships of Krishna and Radha, Mary and Jesus, or Hanuman and Ram. These bonds, whether of lovers, mother and son, friends, devotee and guru, or servant and master, serve as gateways to awakening and enlightenment. Each form of love presents a unique path, with love being at its core. When this love manifests consciously, we recognize it as a soulmate connection—a deep, soulful marriage.

However, Bhakti, or devotional love, is often absent in the teachings of the Law of Assumption, which primarily focuses on material acquisition. Yet, true spiritual growth transcends mere acquisition—it embodies love and devotion. The commandment “Thou shalt not have any idols” urges us to directly embrace love in all its forms, reminding us that the form is simply a guise—God in disguise.

“Love covers all transgressions” conveys the idea that love has the power to forgive and overlook faults or wrongdoings. When love is present in a relationship or situation, it can bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring understanding and compassion, ultimately fostering harmony and resolution despite any shortcomings or mistakes. This can not be understood by LOA and “God of my own reality”, this love requires another. A bhakti knows this and savors the dual love, just like one savors love making. The aquisition of enlightenment can wait, the savoring is so enjoyable.

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Attract your Soulmate Relationship

Attract your Soulmate Relationship

Using the old way of creating relationships to understand how to create and maintain a soulmate love. How to create a Twin Flame love.

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