Crossing The Bridge Of Incidence Requires THIS

Crossing The Bridge Of Incidence Requires THIS

There are NOT two forces, there is only God

Inside of HUMAN, there are two forces, two opposing forces, that are summarized as God and The Devil in biblical terms. This is only a representation of our internal struggles, but NOT a factual representation of the DIVINE.

God is: Awareness, God is Love, God is Consiousness Awareness and Bliss, the Alpha and The Omega, The Wat The TRUTH, and Life… and so on. If you believ that GOD is powerless against a secondary force, you will have a hard time manifesting anything because you lack the most important ingredient for CROSSING the BRIDGE OF INCIDENTS. Thus, you become consumed with unbelief, and start taking inventory of circumstance, and you fall off.

FAITH is what gets you from here to there.

Faith in ONE force only.

Doubt and fear belong to the biblical represtation called the devil, but this only exists inside the mind of mankind, it is not a secondary iniversal power that is somhow fighting God. It is ONLY us. Belive in one power only, the I AM, and this will get you across the bridge.

You have to know that every doubt that comes up is from “the devil” that is, it is from within your own mind, you have the doubt, but God does not.

Faith includes faithfulness, it is a commtimnet of loyalty to the only power, CONSIOUSNESS, AWARENESS, BLISS and LOVE. If you fail in your committment to THIS, you do not have faith. Your actions have to be that of faithfulness to the only power: Goodness.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen


Walk by faith, not by sight, when you are on the bridge. The Bible says that when you see you don’t need to believe, it is ONLY when you DON’T see that you need to belive. The Bridge is a “dark period”, it is when you lack sight, and this is precisely when the prescription for your blindness is: FAITH.

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.


Yes, you are made in the imagae of GOD, and when you speak you create, and once you speak your command, by FAITH, what was not visible was made visible.

Therefore, when you find yourself on the bridge, and things seem dark, this is the time to apply, in action, by faithfulness and commitment; FAITH.

“By faith he left Egypt”

“I AM the Way The Tuth and Life”

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Get the PERFECT imaginal scene by using: NLP, LOA & Vedanta!

NLP, LOA or Vedanta?

The method that Neville Goddard calls “The IMAGINAL scene, is used in NLP, and is called “The image of the ideal self” and in Vedanta (a practice that I invest into daily, with a lot of love and devotion) there is something called “Bhavana” which is literally to “call into existence”, or  meaning becoming or the subjective process of arousing mental states.


Creating an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) image of your “ideal self” involves visualizing yourself as the best version of yourself, it is a content free, quick glimpse of a happy, or “ideal” self, no backdrop of sandy beaches or anything like that. Just a focused glimpse of “happy” or whatever ideal you are going for. Here are the steps to create an ideal image of self:

  1. Relax: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down and relax your mind and body. Or seize the moment, find yourself in a state of tension, and learn how to switch between “tense” and “ideal.”
  2. Visualization: Visualize yourself as the person you want to be. Imagine how you would look, feel, and behave if you were already the ideal version of yourself. Create a clear and detailed picture in your mind. Use no extra detail. No extra ingredients. JUST the ideal. No fluff.
  3. Engage your senses: Engage all your senses in this visualization. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings associated with your ideal self. Try to make this experience as real as possible. Any senses that would be a natural part of the ideal self image.
  4. Add positive emotions: As you visualize yourself as your ideal self, add positive emotions to the experience. Imagine feeling confident, happy, and fulfilled as the ideal version of yourself. Relaxed, happy, in love, whatever the “ideal” calls for.
  5. Anchor the experience: To make this visualization more powerful, anchor the experience by associating it with a physical sensation, such as pressing your thumb and forefinger together. This physical action will help you to trigger the visualization whenever you want.
  6. Repeat: Repeat this visualization regularly to reinforce the image of your ideal self in your subconscious mind. The more you practice, the more natural and effortless it will become to embody this ideal self-image. Especially repeat this image when things are rough, when you are tense, anxious, about to engage in addictive or compulsive or destructive behavior.

Creating an NLP image of your ideal self is a powerful tool for creating the best version of yourself.

Neville Goddard’s imaginal scene and the law of assumption

Creating an imaginal scene LOA’s most important tool, and the way to manifest your desires into reality, or to call into existence. Basically the steps to create an imaginal scene are as follows:

  1. Relax and clear your mind: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body and mind.
  2. Choose your desire: Decide on the specific desire you want to manifest, such as a new job, a romantic relationship, or financial abundance. Go specific.
  3. Visualize the end result, or some time after the end result, go into the future with the “end’ aka the imaginal scene. Imagine the end result of your desire as vividly and realistically as possible. Make the scene short, a few seconds. Imagine the scene as if it’s happening in the present moment, and engage all your senses in this visualization.
  4. Feel the emotions: Feel the emotions associated with the desired outcome. Feel the joy, excitement, and gratitude as if your desire has already been fulfilled. Or feel the naturalness of it having been fulfilled long since.
  5. Repeat the scene: Repeat this imaginal scene every day, before going to bed, or before getting out of bed in the morning. Make it a part of your daily routine. Practice makes perfect.
  6. Believe and trust: Believe and trust that your desire is already fulfilled. Hold the feeling of certainty and let go of any doubts or fears. let go of the how. Let go of trying to micromanage the image into being. Go about your business as you normally would.

Remember, the Law of Assumption states that you create your reality based on your assumptions and beliefs. Imagination is equal to God. Imagine wisely, and catch yourself on a daily basis to notice what unwanted things you are imagining. Putting imagination with equal footing to God means that you must become conscious of your imaginations. By creating an imaginal scene, you are assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled and manifesting it into your reality.

RelaxyesSometimes but not necessaryYes
Choose desire/ Be clearYesYesYes
Engage senses FIR / as if happening NOWYes YesYes
Generate positive emotions / ananda / BhavNot necessaryYesYes
Let go / Go about your lifeYesYesYes


In Vedanta, visualization is also a powerful tool for manifesting your goals into reality! The steps to visualize fulfilling your goals according to Vedanta:

  1. Clarify your goals: The first step is to clarify your goals and desires. Be specific about what you want to achieve and set a clear intention.
  2. Relax and focus your mind: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body and mind. Focus your attention on your goal and visualize it in your mind.
  3. Visualize the end result: Imagine the end result of your goal as vividly and realistically as possible. Imagine the scene as if it’s happening in the present moment, and engage all your senses in this visualization. Visualize yourself already having achieved your goal
  4. Feel the emotions: Feel the emotions associated with the desired outcome. Feel the joy, excitement, and gratitude as if your goal has already been fulfilled.
  5. Repeat the visualization: Repeat this visualization every day. Make it a part of your daily routine.
  6. Let go of attachment: According to Vedanta, attachment to the outcome can create unnecessary suffering and delay the manifestation of your desires. Therefore, it’s important to let go of attachment to the outcome and trust in the universe to bring you what is best for you.
  7. Take action: Finally, take inspired action towards your goal. Use the energy and motivation gained from your visualization to take steps towards manifesting your goal into reality.

Vedanta uses visualization as a tool for focusing your mind, and manifest your desires into reality. In Vedanta, visualization is often combined with other spiritual practices, such as meditation, mantra chanting, and self-inquiry, to deepen and progress faster, on one’s connection to the divine and cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life.

The practice of visualization in Vedanta is often referred to as “meditation on the object of desire” or “bhavana.” Bhavana is a Sanskrit term that means “cultivating” or “developing,” and it involves using the power of imagination to create a mental image of one’s desired outcome. This mental image is then held in the mind with a sense of positivity and expectation, as if it has already been achieved.

Through the practice of bhavana, Vedanta teaches that you can train your mind to focus on the positive and manifest Bliss, and ultimately self realization (or God realization). Bliss-focus is part of a Vedantic practice because the divine is considered to be Sat Chit Ananda, or Consciousness, Awareness and Bliss. The Bliss focus brings us closer to God realization.

Remember, Vedanta states that you are consciousness, awareness and bliss. Putting Bliss with equal footing to God means that you must become conscious of your Bliss. By focusing on Bliss , you are assuming the feeling of God-self and calling this state into being.

Is it all the same?

In one way, yes the practice of visualizing is the same. I addition the goal of God realization is also similar in Vedanta and in LOA, although the underlying understanding and goal as such may be different from person to person.

manifest magazine

Master GODSTATE and ALIGNMENT | Manifesting and The structure of the divine particle | Feeling It Real

The structure of the divine particle:

The structure of our consciousness is non material, and has nothing to do with our Physical being. 

In the spiritual perception of reality there is no separation, from Godstate there is a clear vision of oneness, a complete clarity that we are all one thing. There are only answers, and no questions.

One and the same. 

One consciousness. 

Separation is the illusion of our physical body, but our spiritual body, our consciousness,  does not suffer from this illusion, although consciousness is attached to every unit of our physical body, it is also unattached.

There is a particle of light, an illumination, or enlightenment, in every cell of our body.

There is a divine particle in everything,

 Not necessarily  of equal measure, but there IS.

This particle is not part of the manifest universe. The divine particle is attached to nature,to the world, or the manifest universe, but it is also unattached.

Everything has an illumined particle. 

Even hell, if there is such a thing, and there is because we create it, still has a particle of illumined divine particle. 


Why does this matter? 

This illumined particle is what gives desire. 

How is that though? 

Well it drives out desire to discover who we are, what our purpose is and ultimately it drives our desire for liberation. (enlightenment)

Ego driven desires, and the desire for the ego to yield to enlightenment are both desires. 

Our consciousness, the divine particle, gives our direction, the desire is the direction where we always go. 

The divine particle is  in everyone of us, in every cell,  every cell has its own consciousness,  in every fiber that makes your physical, mental , emotional, and spiritual body. 

This divine particle  is always calling us.

It is calling us to a very special place but we can not see that place, and our descent into this body is a veil. The veil obscures both the calling and the divine particle itself, and our only view to it now is through our desires. It seems like a strange route to take, but mostly because we are not used to thinking in this way, we are used to a religious doctrine that says that the opposite path is virtuous, abstinence form earthly pleasures. This causes guilt, ans is a block to our alignment and growth.

Our view from this vantage point causes the divine particle to sit exactly in our blind spot.

No matter how bad we think it is in the moment, we still have contact with this divine particle, and the only contact we have is through our desires.   

Our desire for something, anything, be it material or physical, or egoic, or sexual, or for human connection is only the next step on a path that takes all of us to the same place, which is unity consciousness.

Because we ARE one.

This is how our unity consciousness first evolves, through our desires! One day, we see oneness, and no separation at all, and at that point the love is complete, and the compassion encomapssses all offfemses that have ever been committed, there is no thought of forgiveness, because it is just self going through various stages of consciousness.

The nature of all dual reality is desire. 


There is a level of creation that is not operated by desire, non-dual, that is pure consciousness, awareness, bliss, and there is a concept of the unstruck sound, the sound of the reverberations of a  heart beat.  It is the fulfilled and satiated  desire. The vanishing of hunger after you take a bite. This is not accomplished by abstinence of the desire, but a learning of how to focus our attention.

Our  desires CHANGE depending on our level of consciousness 

Our desire CHANGES depending on our state.

Our level of consciousness  can also be expressed as our state, and our desires change depending on our state. A state is an attitude of mind, and it can also be expressed as a level of consciousness. A state of mind. The state creates our focus, and we can change states by using our focus on what we want.

So the desire drives us forward, at first only within the current state, but eventually we want more, we outgrow our comfort zone and we want out, we want to expand. We learn how to focus our attention and we have learned how to change our state.

Every state has its own set of desires.

There is no state that does not have desires, except the fulfilment of a desire!

God state follows after a willingness to focus our attention only on the fulfillment of our desire.

Our five senses communicate our desire to us.

The five senses, sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, can never sense the divine center. This is what is meant by the veil of separation. This illusion of separation is caused by our five senses, and our five senses can not detect the divine center. 

The divine center is always hidden behind the veil, but we can know its presence through our desires.

We can use our five senses to align with Godstate by removing focus from what the five senses are actually telling us, and instead giving attention to seeking internally for joy, love and bliss. This makes us discover the divine center, and this creates alignment, and this awakens us to Godstate and our creative power!

Our desire for love is also call from our divine center, and when we fall in love we get a glimpse of this divine center, we see what we look like through the eyes of the divine center,  in a powerful experience, and yet it is only a small fragment of the love that is the love of the divine center.  These loving desires are bringing us closer and closer to our divine center. If we understand this correctly, the loving encounters we experience are there to help us get closer to this bigger love. We get closer to the bigger love by beginning to become love, and leaning closer and closer to more love.

If love came and went, it is a sign from a greater part of yourself to a smaller part of yourself that you are now capable of growing this love from within, using no other tool but your own inner guide towards a sensation of joy, love, and bliss. You are now able to generate Godstate from within with only a shift in focus.

Alignment is a state of mastery.

This is forms the basis of all ancient teachings, no single teachings own this concept, rather it is a truth that runs like a red thread from the far east to near east, and eventually found its way to the west

This desire is our divine center calling us. 

It is not us calling it, it was calling us all along.

Our spiritual experience begins with a call from our divine center.

We desire to  fill our need for food and sex etc and then our other desires of wealth and power and an easy life!  We can desire rest, and a nap, or a new dress, or a sexy lover, or smarter children. Underneath it all there is still a desire to know love, to know ourselves, to understand why we are here.

We can find ourselves in hundreds of states, each with its own set of desires.

Never at any point should there be a judgment of our own inner guidance system, this is the lie of the matrix for the past couple of thousands of years but this is not longer a static matrix. You are free to level up now!

More and more people  can see through the veil, and they suddenly experience blissful love and oneness.

We can develop this ability to be in Godstate, we can begin to correct our focus and our attention, and level up, and correct it again, and focus our attention, and level up. We do this thousands of times. 

Life is NOTHING but the appeasement of hunger. And God and ONLY God gives me DIFFERENT hungers.” -Neville Goddard

Love is the path. Bliss is also the path. That is why desire is the path, the focused attention on the fulfilled desire. One is a stepping stone to the next. The object of the desire is always only a stepping stone towards the developing the skill of aligning from within.

Once we understand this we can skip and go straight to following our bliss. 

⭐ Leaning into joy. 


⭐Bliss seaking.

We DO know how to do that, just seek for a good feeling, lean a little closer to that feeling and a little closer

Manifesting our desires becomes a matter of leaning into our joy.

Following a breadcrumb trail of bliss!

We are not the doer in this, we just shift state. 

All desires are born out of the state we are in, and the fastest way to move out of an undesired state, is to be joy seeking.

This is the quantum jump. You walk from one set of desires into another. From one room to the next.  

This is done by the sixth sense, our consciousness, by our joy-seeking.

By basking in good.

In our imagination, we can pretend to be in another state, and feel as if that is real, imagine a new set of sensory input, imagine seeing what we desire to see, hearing what we desire to hear, and so on, and generate a state from our internal sense, our consciousness. 

This shifts our state, we align, and level up, and the more we learn how to do this the closer we get to know this divine particle, our consciousness. Bliss.

The state is the state of a the fulfilment of a greater love than we have ever experienced, it is fulfilment of the desire and that is why it is desireless.

The shortcut is through internally imagining yourself to be in a state of Bliss and a greater love already. 

You might not get it perfect but practice makes perfect.

 This is the path of love, and bliss.




Try this, Tonight, when you fall asleep, try falling asleep in the wish fulfilled, by imagining a greater bliss,  a greater joy, or the best news you ever  had, or the feelings of the romance of a lifetime. Create the feeling within, this night and every night, and sleep in that bliss, little by little you will find yourself in Godstate.

Awakening consciousness healing law of assumption law of attraction manifest manifestation MANIFESTING manifest love Manifest your dreams neville goddard personal growth specific person

To the pure ALL things are PURE | EIYPO | Neville Goddard

To the pure ALL things are PURE | EIYPO | Neville Goddard

Have you wondered if it is okay to use LOA to get revenge or to wish anything negative on someone else? (Is THAT your end?)

Do you feel justified in wishing retaliation of some sort? (Is THAT your end?)

Are you wishing that someone would get divorced so that you can marry them, or in any way shape or form trying to manifest the middle in a way that causes YOU to have negative thoughts?

If yes, then you need to read this.

What does Neville actually have to say about messing with the middle?

There is a reason why we NEVER mess with the middle, and why we NEVER try to plot the way in which your manifestation might come. Every time we try to imagine the possible ways the manifestation could come to pass, we run the risk of imagining something “unlovely” and if we do, that has suddenly opened the door for that same “unlovely” to come right back to us. KEEP THAT DOOR SHUT, by only imagining the perfect end.

(Manifesting the middle is manipulating the situation, not to be confused “segment intending”)

“Your unexpressed convictions of others are transmitted to them without their conscious knowledge or consent, and if subconsciously accepted by them will influence their behavior.

The only ideas they subconsciously reject are your ideas of them which they could not wish to be true of anyone. Whatever they could wish for others can be believed of them, and by the law of belief which governs subjective reasoning they are compelled to subjectively accept, and therefore objectively express, accordingly.

The subjective mind is completely controlled by suggestion.”

Neville Goddard

Keeping your mind only on the end, the end result being good, because goodness is everyone’s desire, we eliminate the risk of holding another in a negative place by our assumptions. The way there, the road to that end result, that is God’s business, not ours. We get to just tend to our lovely mind garden, and let’s just admit it, that that is a nice idea. No other work to be done! Just imagine wonderful things all as often as we like.

Skip the how.

Skip all moving the chess pieces around in your mind and just go straight to check mate.

Skip revenge, and skip imagining someone else getting fired, and skip imagining someone else’s divorce.

“A clear concept of the dual nature of man’s consciousness must be the basis of all true prayer. Consciousness includes a subconscious as well as a conscious part. The infinitely greater part of consciousness lies below the sphere of objective consciousness. The subconscious is the most important part of consciousness. It is the cause of voluntary action. The subconscious is what a man is. The conscious is what a man knows. “I and my Father are one but my Father is greater than I. ” The conscious and subconscious are one, but the subconscious is greater than the conscious.

Neville Goddard

The tip of the iceberg is the conscious mind, the rest of the iceberg is bigger, and hidden. Within that subconscious mind lies the making of our likes and dislikes, our opinions, and our strategies for life, but for most of us there are flaws within our subconscious programming and our plotting and planning simply isn’t as good as God’s plan. God is also hidden within our subconscious mind, but the God-seed is so rarely tended to and watered that it hardly ever gets a chance to act out its perfection. If we give that God-seed a a chance, then our circumstances will unfold according pure perfection, but as long as all the unlovely things in our subconscious mind is getting the front row seat, well then unlovely things is what will be on display on the stage of life.

“What we are conscious of is constructed out of what we are not conscious of. Not only do our subconscious assumptions influence our behavior but they also fashion the pattern of our objective existence. They alone have the power to say, “Let us make man—objective manifestations—in our image, after our likeness.”

Neville Goddard

If your conscious mind is telling you negative, ugly, or disempowered things about you or others, then just know that you have just been made aware of the contents of your subconscious programming. This is a perfect example of failing to use our free will, of relinquishing God power to unconscious programming. By being conscious, a conscious creator, you have been given the knowledge of how to take back your omnipotence, your God-power.

“The whole of creation is asleep within the deep of man and is awakened to objective existence by his subconscious assumptions

Neville Goddard

“The subconscious reasons deductively and is never concerned with the truth or falsity of the premise, but proceeds on the assumption of the correctness of the premise and objectifies results which are consistent with the premise.”

Neville Goddard

“The subjective mind is the diffused consciousness that animates the world; it is the spirit that giveth life.”

Neville Goddard

Give life to the lovely states. Breath life to your end state in your imaginal scene, and deflate the unlovely states by skipping over thinking about them entirely. The reason that anything at all exists in the world is because we uphold it in our mind, so is there REALYY a need to keep manifesting things that are sad, painful, hurtful or mean? Could you just SKIP that entirely and imagine JUST your end? Where we dwell most commonly in our mind, that is what we create and also what we re-create and maintain. What we fail to maintain only stays for a little while and then it exists our life again… This can be a conscious choice if we can direct our inner conversations, and our imagination.

Nothing happens by chance, and that includes the obstacles in our path. They were put there by our own imagination, and the way to get past the obstacles is by eliminating them completely from our mind.


Use the tools, make a conscious choice to use the tools in your toolbox.

  1. Inner conversations
  2. Imaginal scene
  3. Revise

“Ideas are best suggested when the objective mind is partly subjective, that is, when the objective senses are diminished or held in abeyance. This partly subjective state can best be described as controlled reverie, (a dream-like state) wherein the mind is passive but capable of functioning with absorption. It is a concentration of attention. There must be no conflict in your mind when you are praying. Turn from what is to what ought to be. Assume the mood of fulfilled desire, and by the universal law of reversibility you will realize your desire.”

-Neville Goddard


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QUANTUM JUMP | SHIFT INTO THE SLEEPING BODY OF THE GODDESS | Fall asleep as Vajrayogini वज्रयोगिनी

QUANTUM JUMP | SHIFT INTO THE SLEEPING BODY OF THE GODESS | Fall asleep as Vajrayogini | Oneness with divinity

Vajrayoginī is a tantric deity . She is a Dakini, a “sky-dancer and Goddess of the Absolute

Vajrayogini, is a representation of complete buddhahood in female form. 

Awakening through shifting is an ancient technique used in Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. Enjoy this meditation to fall asleep as the Goddess. The goal is to become her!

She first appeared to the siddha, Naropa, and this is how she works. She comes to you, like a cat, she invites herself into your life. This is your sign that she belongs on your path to liberation.

In this guided meditation I have used very low binaural beats, and EMDR technology to help your brain relax, and shift brainwave states. Shifting brainwave states is key to successful quantum jumps, your rational mind has be turned off and bypassed.



Because you constantly shift all the time your life ANYWAY!

“Quantum Superposition of States:

Quantum superposition is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics by which all possibilities for something in material form exist simultaneously in all possible particular states (or all possible configurations of its properties, which is clearly interconnected with the phenomena of quantum jumping)—but whenever measured or observed, the result corresponds to only one of those possible states or configurations.”

Quantum Teleportation:

Quantum teleportation is a term used to describe the instantaneous transference of properties from one quantum system to another without physical contact, which is an essential facet of quantum jumping. As for what causes such remarkable behavior at the quantum level of reality—nobody really knows for sure. The mathematical equations describing quantum behavior work beautifully well, yet the behind-the-scenes why and how of it are anything but obvious. There are numerous physics theories that each explain what’s going on in their own unique ways, and these theories are known as ‘interpretations’ since they provide us with possible explanations for what might be going on, based on sound assumptions”

Becoming one with the divine

Awakening conscious creation consciousness empowerment healing law of assumption law of attraction manifest manifestation manifestation techniques MANIFESTING manifest love Manifest your dreams mindfulness neville goddard personal growth positive thinking self-discovery self-improvement specific person Spiritual growth