Get the PERFECT imaginal scene by using: NLP, LOA & Vedanta!

NLP, LOA or Vedanta?

The method that Neville Goddard calls “The IMAGINAL scene, is used in NLP, and is called “The image of the ideal self” and in Vedanta (a practice that I invest into daily, with a lot of love and devotion) there is something called “Bhavana” which is literally to “call into existence”, or  meaning becoming or the subjective process of arousing mental states.


Creating an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) image of your “ideal self” involves visualizing yourself as the best version of yourself, it is a content free, quick glimpse of a happy, or “ideal” self, no backdrop of sandy beaches or anything like that. Just a focused glimpse of “happy” or whatever ideal you are going for. Here are the steps to create an ideal image of self:

  1. Relax: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down and relax your mind and body. Or seize the moment, find yourself in a state of tension, and learn how to switch between “tense” and “ideal.”
  2. Visualization: Visualize yourself as the person you want to be. Imagine how you would look, feel, and behave if you were already the ideal version of yourself. Create a clear and detailed picture in your mind. Use no extra detail. No extra ingredients. JUST the ideal. No fluff.
  3. Engage your senses: Engage all your senses in this visualization. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings associated with your ideal self. Try to make this experience as real as possible. Any senses that would be a natural part of the ideal self image.
  4. Add positive emotions: As you visualize yourself as your ideal self, add positive emotions to the experience. Imagine feeling confident, happy, and fulfilled as the ideal version of yourself. Relaxed, happy, in love, whatever the “ideal” calls for.
  5. Anchor the experience: To make this visualization more powerful, anchor the experience by associating it with a physical sensation, such as pressing your thumb and forefinger together. This physical action will help you to trigger the visualization whenever you want.
  6. Repeat: Repeat this visualization regularly to reinforce the image of your ideal self in your subconscious mind. The more you practice, the more natural and effortless it will become to embody this ideal self-image. Especially repeat this image when things are rough, when you are tense, anxious, about to engage in addictive or compulsive or destructive behavior.

Creating an NLP image of your ideal self is a powerful tool for creating the best version of yourself.

Neville Goddard’s imaginal scene and the law of assumption

Creating an imaginal scene LOA’s most important tool, and the way to manifest your desires into reality, or to call into existence. Basically the steps to create an imaginal scene are as follows:

  1. Relax and clear your mind: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body and mind.
  2. Choose your desire: Decide on the specific desire you want to manifest, such as a new job, a romantic relationship, or financial abundance. Go specific.
  3. Visualize the end result, or some time after the end result, go into the future with the “end’ aka the imaginal scene. Imagine the end result of your desire as vividly and realistically as possible. Make the scene short, a few seconds. Imagine the scene as if it’s happening in the present moment, and engage all your senses in this visualization.
  4. Feel the emotions: Feel the emotions associated with the desired outcome. Feel the joy, excitement, and gratitude as if your desire has already been fulfilled. Or feel the naturalness of it having been fulfilled long since.
  5. Repeat the scene: Repeat this imaginal scene every day, before going to bed, or before getting out of bed in the morning. Make it a part of your daily routine. Practice makes perfect.
  6. Believe and trust: Believe and trust that your desire is already fulfilled. Hold the feeling of certainty and let go of any doubts or fears. let go of the how. Let go of trying to micromanage the image into being. Go about your business as you normally would.

Remember, the Law of Assumption states that you create your reality based on your assumptions and beliefs. Imagination is equal to God. Imagine wisely, and catch yourself on a daily basis to notice what unwanted things you are imagining. Putting imagination with equal footing to God means that you must become conscious of your imaginations. By creating an imaginal scene, you are assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled and manifesting it into your reality.

RelaxyesSometimes but not necessaryYes
Choose desire/ Be clearYesYesYes
Engage senses FIR / as if happening NOWYes YesYes
Generate positive emotions / ananda / BhavNot necessaryYesYes
Let go / Go about your lifeYesYesYes


In Vedanta, visualization is also a powerful tool for manifesting your goals into reality! The steps to visualize fulfilling your goals according to Vedanta:

  1. Clarify your goals: The first step is to clarify your goals and desires. Be specific about what you want to achieve and set a clear intention.
  2. Relax and focus your mind: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body and mind. Focus your attention on your goal and visualize it in your mind.
  3. Visualize the end result: Imagine the end result of your goal as vividly and realistically as possible. Imagine the scene as if it’s happening in the present moment, and engage all your senses in this visualization. Visualize yourself already having achieved your goal
  4. Feel the emotions: Feel the emotions associated with the desired outcome. Feel the joy, excitement, and gratitude as if your goal has already been fulfilled.
  5. Repeat the visualization: Repeat this visualization every day. Make it a part of your daily routine.
  6. Let go of attachment: According to Vedanta, attachment to the outcome can create unnecessary suffering and delay the manifestation of your desires. Therefore, it’s important to let go of attachment to the outcome and trust in the universe to bring you what is best for you.
  7. Take action: Finally, take inspired action towards your goal. Use the energy and motivation gained from your visualization to take steps towards manifesting your goal into reality.

Vedanta uses visualization as a tool for focusing your mind, and manifest your desires into reality. In Vedanta, visualization is often combined with other spiritual practices, such as meditation, mantra chanting, and self-inquiry, to deepen and progress faster, on one’s connection to the divine and cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life.

The practice of visualization in Vedanta is often referred to as “meditation on the object of desire” or “bhavana.” Bhavana is a Sanskrit term that means “cultivating” or “developing,” and it involves using the power of imagination to create a mental image of one’s desired outcome. This mental image is then held in the mind with a sense of positivity and expectation, as if it has already been achieved.

Through the practice of bhavana, Vedanta teaches that you can train your mind to focus on the positive and manifest Bliss, and ultimately self realization (or God realization). Bliss-focus is part of a Vedantic practice because the divine is considered to be Sat Chit Ananda, or Consciousness, Awareness and Bliss. The Bliss focus brings us closer to God realization.

Remember, Vedanta states that you are consciousness, awareness and bliss. Putting Bliss with equal footing to God means that you must become conscious of your Bliss. By focusing on Bliss , you are assuming the feeling of God-self and calling this state into being.

Is it all the same?

In one way, yes the practice of visualizing is the same. I addition the goal of God realization is also similar in Vedanta and in LOA, although the underlying understanding and goal as such may be different from person to person.

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