Manifesting a specific person, how to think about them, the end vs the process Q & A | How to Remove a third party

Manifesting a specific person, how to think about them, the end vs the process. Removing a third party and Manifesting SP


I am struggling to imagine lovingly for the ones that have hurt me. If I do, it indicates they are happy (without me) and I am back in all I have known all my life: being not wanted, excluded, not able to have what I want etc. The pain is still agonizing and really dysregulating.

If I imagine happy loving wife….with no person there/no specific person, it keeps me in the state of being independent but with no person truly there to share what I most wanted: the closeness and intimacy, being perpetually alone even as happy loving wife.

I have found a lot of soothing of imagining inner conversations with sp’s or various versions of them, or lovely scenes, sometimes I can only shift by allowing the pain and tears and imagining an sp meeting me there lovingly, until I can reach the desired reality where I feel it is even possible to be loved, feel safe and secure with a person I love….but I get bumped out daily, waking up in panic around the ‘reality’. I get too exhausted to keep turning it around. Daily reminders through my daughter of my husband with 3p in the town I had to leave because it was too in my face, (it has all kept coming closer where ever I go) and whether to confront, divorce, ignore etc. It has been over 8 yrs of trying everything from all angles, still ultimately being stuck in the same place, no family, no partner, friends turning on me etc. I forget about it most of the time and felt content in my imagination but get bumped out when the opposite keeps showing up. I am struggling to find the end anymore and am so tired and hurt. I don’t give much life to this story anymore but for the sake of illustrating what I am coming up against daily in the background and putting some kind of words to my experience….here it is.

I really want to make the shift and stay there! Has anyone moved through this?

Sometimes it has felt best to imagine whatever the hell I want. As what I am supposed to imagine I can’t reach a lot of the time. From the pain, my desire is for them to experience what I have experienced, for balance and justice, deep understanding and then to go from there”


Manifesting has no doing steps, and you are talking a lot about doing and trying.

What are you doing that is not your burden to bear?

What can you NOT do?

Can you be happy alone?

Start by letting all the doing be done by the one who put the universe together in the first place, he does it better.

You can do other things, like have a glass of wine with a friend, or plant an herb garden, or start watching a netflix series. See what is enjoyable to do for you in the moment.

No point in manifesting a different situation if you don’t know how to enjoy this situation. Enjoyment comes from within and there isn’t a single thing that you have to do to tap into enjoyment.

Try out non-doing, and just enjoying. 

The Law of Assumption creates. There is no doing involved, there is assumption involved. The law of projection and the law of attraction does the rest, projects your assumption and brings a version back to us of a reality that we have assumed.

(Even that much information is TMI in my opinion.)

The only doing to be concerned with is what NOT to do, and that is almost everything that we are used to doing. We are used to trying things, to finagling, to force ourselves to feel better, and we are used to rely of the circumstances to inform us of what the outer world is doing.

The outer world isn’t doing anything.

You are assuming, and then you project, and the the outer world mirrors back, so it never does anything that we haven first assumed, therefore it isn’t actually doing anything. The outer world has no creative power in your life, only you do.

The biggest and most important thing that you do need to do is to prune the vine because everything that you are thinking is about what to do. Prune that thought, drop it everything you think it. What should I do? Drop that thought. I have developed an auto suggestion system for checking the mind when it tries to take over doership from the creator.

What should you let your mind dwell on?

Only the end.

(I’ll insert a meditation here for those who have walls like this up against love and letting love in, this can be part of a process of dwelling in LOVE. A state of loved, loveable, loving…. Follow the link to try out the magnetic to love meditation.)

So let’s go over this question in segments.

“I am struggling to imagine lovingly for the ones that have hurt me. If I do, it indicates they are happy (without me) and I am back in all I have known all my life: being not wanted, excluded, not able to have what I want etc. The pain is still agonizing and really dysregulating.

Yes, I TOTALLY get that what you are doing is dysregulating and painful. The idea is not to imagine them at all, that is getting specific, and specific manifestations about a specific person is ONLY for when you are in alignment, or if you have perfectly happy feelings about them, otherwise you are doing what is called “manifesting the middle”. You are trying to use the means to get to the end. You are using the benevolence of you, seeing them happy, as the means with which the universe might ever so kindly bestow this manifestation upon you, but only…. if you fool the universe long enough to make it belive that you are sincere. But you are not sincere. You want him to be happy because he is with you and that is all. Basically, this is not love, but we are not going to worry about how to love him right now, because you will automatically learn to love more unconditionally once you learn how to love yourself. Let’s start there instead.

Manifesting is NOT:

Finagling, manipulation, convincing or cajoling.

You are trying to manipulate the universe. Drop that, and feel the relief of no longer having to do that.

Manifesting IS:

Being in the wish fulfilled.

Who is happy when YOUR wish is fulfilled?

You are.

Imagine YOU happy.

IF and only if, you imagine them happy, it is because they are looking at your beautiful face beaming with joy at the sight of you.

Big difference from imagining them happy without you.


Imagine you happy, and don’t imagine them at all.

Pick a substitute man for your imagination, one that doesn’t fill you with agonizing pain and dysregulation. Could be your favorite celebrity, or pick a couple that you admire their love for one another, and insert you into that imagination instead.

You are also imaging the horrible way that you have always been treated, and this requires revision. The revision technique is a MUST for ever serious manifester, don’t leave home without it. People have different opinions about revision, but unless their opinion is that you should use revision every day, they are wrong. Pretty blunt, so I must really mean it… Revise your whole childhood if you have to. Why? Because your happiness is at stake. This is an easy fix, so start right away. Revise away, and your life will change! Read these pages: The Meaning Making series, post one, post two, and post three. This will help you hijack your subconscious programming and take back your life. And another important post is my video on how the subconscious mind actually works, before we understand this we believe in all sorts of lies that the mind tells us.

“If I imagine happy loving wife….with no person there/no specific person, it keeps me in the state of being independent but with no person truly there to share what I most wanted: the closeness and intimacy, being perpetually alone even as happy loving wife.”

So imagine intimacy and closeness!

Whoever said that you should imagine “Happy wife” if intimacy and closeness is what you most want? You are supposed to imagine exactly what you want, and nothing less. Imagine intimacy, imagine closeness, imagine the intimacy of friendship and sensuality, imagine close snuggles and spooning at night. Change it up, not everyone is satisfied with just a title of wife, some people want more, and you are the creator of your desires, so like a sculptor going for perfection, go for perfection, that is what manifesting is all about.

“I have found a lot of soothing of imagining inner conversations with sp’s or various versions of them, or lovely scenes, sometimes I can only shift by allowing the pain and tears and imagining an sp meeting me there lovingly, until I can reach the desired reality where I feel it is even possible to be loved, feel safe and secure with a person I love….”

PERFECT!!! Do more of exactly this.

but I get bumped out daily, waking up in panic around the ‘reality’. I get too exhausted to keep turning it around. Daily reminders through my daughter of my husband with 3p in the town I had to leave because it was too in my face, (it has all kept coming closer where ever I go) and whether to confront, divorce, ignore etc. It has been over 8 yrs of trying everything from all angles, still ultimately being stuck in the same place, no family, no partner, friends turning on me etc.

Take a moment, and love yourself through the panic, it is not real, and neither is the reality you are noticing. It can change in ten minutes. You are doing what is very common, you are using the circumstances to validate what is real. You have to learn how to do the opposite, because that is what the Law of Assumption is all about. Think of a sculptor, who looks at the slab of marble, upset that it is just a slab of marble. Maybe he has chipped away for a bit, and then he looks at “reality” feels despair at his lack of progress, and throws in the towel and walks away. You have to finish your sculpture, so the inner conversations that you use to help you, bring them in here. Also, learn about auto suggestions MY way, because they clear this kind of subconscious nonsense out quickly. YOU inform reality, not the other way around, because YOU are a sculptor. Reality does NOT inform you, it is just a slab of stone.

Don’t be stuck on manifesting just one thing, and sp, manifest that everyone you meet is your soulmate, your new friends, your old friends.

This is a practice that you MUST learn.

YOU decide what is what.

You decide who you want to be your soulmate friend your soulmate acquaintance, your soulmate cashier, your soulmate bank teller, soulmate children. instead of reducing this concept of a soul partner to one single person whom you are unable to view in a positive and loving light, whom you have decides rejects you, expand this concept to include more and more people. This will increase your own sense of being absolutely loved.

Turn everything around with instant revision, deny everything negative and don’t care about the outcome.

You haven’t learned how to live in the world, you have only learned how to use manifesting in your head, now out need to bring into real life, make everything a walking talking manifestation. Everything that you currently perceive as negative, is a stepping stone that you yourself has placed there for your own elevation to perfection. You never wanted to be mediocre, you wanted intimacy and closeness. Now climb on those circumstances by denying them power, speak perfection and soulmates into your life.

I forget about it most of the time and felt content in my imagination but get bumped out when the opposite keeps showing up. I am struggling to find the end anymore and am so tired and hurt. I don’t give much life to this story anymore but for the sake of illustrating what I am coming up against daily in the background and putting some kind of words to my experience….here it is.

Yup. Again. You are believe that you are “only” manifesting when you are imagining, totally forgetting that you are manifesting all the time. Well, now, The time has come to grow into the big girl shoes and to not fall for someone else’s version of reality because your version is nothing but perfection. Because you want more, you have placed stepping stones in the way, and all you have to do is to use those circumstances to grow and get better, but you keep believing that something has gone wrong. Nothing has gone wrong. you put that there so that you can level yourself up mentally.

Nothing has gone wrong!

The only doing you should be doing:

  1. Use revision
  2. Instant revision
  3. Autosuggestions
  4. Quick prayers throughout the day to set yourself straight about doersip. You are not doing anything, and make sure that you check in with your creator (Successions, God, Allah, etc) several times a day, and tell him/her/it that you are having some negativity in your head, ask him/her/it to remove that negativity, and thank him/her/it for perfecting the situation,. This releases doership. remember, you are not DOING, you are not the one growing the grass or raising the sun in the morning, let go of the clinging need to do do and do.
  5. See what is enjoyable to do for you in the moment.

The outer world has no creative power in your life, only you do.

What should you let your mind dwell on?

Only the end.

In situations where your specific person has left you for third-party, think about what you believe about why they left you, what your opinion is and what they need that you cannot provide about you. Whatever answer you come up with, turn it around toward yourself, this is what you want and need for yourself, this is your block, this is what you are denying your soul, your manifestation should be that and not just a specific person. That what you are desiring is what they have.

instead of manifesting them, Manifest that, and the person is a natural byproduct of that manifestation. This is your magic.

Law of assumption.

Dr Anna Bäck

manifest magazine

healing law of assumption manifest manifestation MANIFESTING manifest love Manifest your dreams neville goddard personal growth specific person

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