THE SECRET DOOR TO SUCCESS | Florence Scovel Shinn

THE SECRET DOOR TO SUCCESS | Florence Scovel Shinn

“So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.” -Joshua 6:20. 

A successful man is always asked—”What is the secret of your success?” People never ask a man who is a failure, “What is the secret of your failure?” It is quite easy to see and they are not interested. People all want to know how to open the secret door of success. 

For each man there is success, but it seems to be behind a door or wall. In the Bible reading, we have heard the wonderful story of the falling of the walls of Jericho. Of course all biblical stories have a metaphysical interpretation. We will talk now about your wall of Jericho: the wall separating you from success. 

Nearly everyone has built a wall around his own Jericho. This city you are not able to enter, contains great treasures; your divinely designed success, your heart’s desire! What kind of wall have you built around your Jericho? 

Often, it is a wall of resentment—resenting someone, or resenting a situation, shuts off your good. 

If you are a failure and resent the success of someone else, you are keeping away your own success. I have given the following statement to neutralize envy and resentment: What God has done for others, He now does for me and more. 

A woman was filled with envy because a friend had received a gift, she made this statement, and an exact duplicate of the gift was given her—plus another present. It was when the children of Israel shouted, that the walls of Jericho fell down. When you make an affirmation of Truth, your wall of Jericho totters. 

I gave the following statement to a woman: The walls of lack and delay now crumble away, and I enter my Promised Land, under grace. She had a vivid picture of stepping over a fallen wall, and received the demonstration of her good, almost immediately. It is the word of realization which brings about a change in your affairs; for words and thoughts are a form of radio-activity. Taking an interest in your work, enjoying what you are doing opens the secret door to success. 

A number of years ago I went to California to speak at the different centers, by way of the Panama Canal, and on the boat I met a man named Jim Tully. For years he had been a tramp. He called himself The King of the Hoboes. He was ambitious and picked up an education. He had a vivid imagination and commenced writing stories about his experiences. He dramatized tramp life, he enjoyed what he was doing, and became a very successful author. I remember one book called “Outside Looking In.” It was made into a motion picture. He is now famous and prosperous and lives in Hollywood. What opened the secret door to success for Jim Tully? Dramatizing his life—being interested in what he was doing, he made the most of being a tramp. 

On the boat, we all sat at the captain’s table, which gave us a chance to talk. Mrs. Grace Stone was also a passenger on the boat; she had written the “Bitter Tea of General Yen,” and was going to Hollywood to have it made into a moving-picture: she had lived in China and was inspired to write the book. That is the Secret of Success, to make what you are doing interesting to other people. Be interested yourself, and others will find you interesting. A good disposition, a smile, often opens the secret door; the Chinese say, “A man without a smiling face, must not open a shop.” The success of a smile was brought out in a French moving-picture in which Chevalier took the lead, the picture was called, “With a Smile.” One of the characters had become poor, dreary and almost a derelict; He said to Chevalier “What good has my honesty done me?” Chevalier replied, “Even honesty won’t help you, without a smile:” so the man changes on the spot, cheers up, and becomes very successful. Living in the past, complaining of your misfortunes, builds a thick wall around your Jericho. Talking too much about your affairs, scattering your forces, brings you up against a high wall. I knew a man of brains and ability, who was a complete failure. He lived with his mother and aunt, and I found that every night when he went home to dinner, he told them all that had taken place during the day at the office; he discussed his hopes, his fears, and his failures. I said to him, “You scatter your forces by talking about your affairs. Don’t discuss your business with your family. Silence is Golden!” He took my lead. During dinner he refused to talk about business, His mother and aunt were in despair: They loved to hear all about everything; but his silence proved golden! Not long after, he was given a position at one hundred dollars a week, and in a few years, he had a salary of three hundred dollars a week. Success is not a secret, it is a System.  

Many people are up against the wall of discouragement. Courage and endurance are part of the system. We read this in lives of all successful men and women. I had an amusing experience which brought this to my notice. I went to a moving picture theater to meet a friend. While waiting, I stood near a young boy, selling programs. He called to people passing, “Buy a complete program of the picture, containing photographs of the actors and a sketch of their lives.” Most people passed by without buying. To my great surprise, he suddenly turned to me, and said—”Say, this ain’t no racket for a guy with ambition!” Then he gave a discourse on success. He said, “Most people give up just before something big is coming to them. A successful man never gives up. Of course I was interested and said, “I’ll bring you a book the next time I come. It is called The Game of Life and How to Play It. You will agree with a lot of the ideas.” A week or two later I went back with the book. The girl at the ticket office said to him—”Let me read it, Eddie, while you are selling programs.” The man who took tickets leaned over to see what it was about. “The Game of Life” always gets people’s interest. I returned to the theater in about three weeks, Eddie had gone. He had expanded into a new job that he liked. His wall of Jericho had crumbled, he had refused to be discouraged. Only twice, is the word success mentioned in the Bible—both times in the Book of Joshua. “Only be strong and very courageous to observe to do according to all the law which Moses, my servant, commanded thee: “turn not from it to the right nor to the left, that thou mayest have good success with her soever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do all that is written therein, for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous and thou shalt have good success. Turn not to the right nor to the left.” “The road to success is a straight and narrow path; it is a road of loving absorption, of undivided attention. “You attract the things you give a great deal of thought to.” So if you give a great deal of thought to lack, you attract lack, if you give a great deal of thought to injustice, you attract more injustice. Joshua said, “And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout: and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up, every man straight before him.” The inner meaning of this story is the power of the word, your word which dissolves obstacles, and removes barriers. When the people shouted the walls fell down. 

We find in folk-lore and fairy stories, which come down from legends founded on Truth, the same idea—a word opens a door or cleaves a rock. We have it again in the Arabian Nights Story, “Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves.” I saw it made into a moving picture. Ali Baba has a secret hiding place, hidden somewhere behind rocks and mountains, the entrance may only be gained by speaking a secret word. -It is “Open Sesame!” Ali Baba faces the mountain and cries  -“Open Sesame!” and the rocks slide apart. It is very inspiring, for it gives you the realization of how YOUR own rocks and barriers will part at the right word. So let us now take the statement: The walls of lack and delay now crumble away, and I enter my Promised Land, under grace. 


“There shall no straw be given you, yet ye shall make bricks without straw.” -Exodus 5:18. 

In the 5th chapter of Exodus, we have a picture of everyday life, when giving a metaphysical interpretation. The Children of Israel were in bondage to Pharaoh, the cruel taskmaster, ruler of Egypt. They were kept in slavery, making bricks, and were hated and despised. Moses had orders from the Lord to deliver his people from bondage  “Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh.  Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.”  He not only refused to let them go, but told them he would make their tasks even more difficult: they must make bricks without straw being provided for them. “And the task-masters of the people went out, and their officers, and they spake to the people, saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not give you straw.” “Go ye, get you straw where ye can find it: yet not ought of your work shall be diminished.” It was impossible to make bricks without straw. The Children of Israel were completely crushed by Pharaoh, they were beaten for not producing the bricks. Then came the message from Jehovah. “Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tale (number) of bricks.” Working with Spiritual law they could make bricks without straw, which means to accomplish the seemingly impossible. How often in life people are confronted with this situation.  Agnes M. Lawson in her “Hints to Bible Students”  says “The Life in Egypt under foreign oppression is the symbol of man under the hard taskmasters of Destructive thinking, Pride, Fear, Resentment, Ill-will, etc. 

The deliverance under Moses is the freedom man gains from the taskmasters, as he learns the law of life, for we can never come under grace, except we first know the law. The law must be made known in order to be fulfilled.” In the 111th Psalm we read in the final verse, “The fear of the Lord (law) is the beginning of Wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever.” 

Now if we read the word Lord (law) it will give us the key to the statement. The fear of the law (Karmic law) is the beginning of wisdom (not the fear of the Lord). When we know that whatever we send out comes back, we begin to be afraid of our own boomerangs. 

I read in a medical journal the following facts telling of the Boomerang this great Pharaoh received. “It would appear that flesh is indeed heir to a long and ancient line of ills, when, as was revealed by Lord Monyahan at a lecture at Leeds, that the Pharaoh of the oppression suffered from hardening of the heart in a literal sense; Lord Monyahan showed some remarkable photographic slides of results of surgical operations a thousand years before Christ, and among these was a slide of the actual anatomical remains of the Pharaoh of the Oppression. “The large vessel springing from the heart was in such a well-preserved state, as to enable sections of it to be made and compared with those made recently from the lantern slide. It was impossible to distinguish between the ancient and modern vessel. Both hearts had been attacked by Atheroma, a condition in which calcium salts are deposited in the walls of the vessel, making it rigid and inelastic. “Inadequate expanse to the stream of blood from the heart caused the vessel to give way; with this condition went the mental changes that occur with a rigid arterial system: A narrowness of outlook; restriction and dread of enterprise, a literal hardening of the heart.” So Pharaoh’s hardness of heart hardened his own heart. 

This is as true today as it was several thousand years ago, we are all coming out of the Land of Egypt, out of the House of Bondage. Your doubts and fears keep you in slavery; you face a situation which seems hopeless; What can you do? It is a case of making bricks without straw. But remember the words of Jehovah, “Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tale (number) of bricks.” You shall make bricks without straw. God makes a way where there is no way! 

I was told the story of a woman who needed money for her rent: it was necessary to have it at once, she knew of no channel, she had exhausted every avenue. However, she was a Truth student, and kept making her affirmations. Her dog whined and wanted to go out, she put on his leash and walked down the street, in the accustomed direction. However, the dog pulled at his leash and wanted to go in another direction. She followed, and in the middle of the block, opposite an open park, she looked down, and picked up a roll of bills, which exactly covered her rent. She looked for ads, but never found the owner. There were no houses near where she found it. 

The reasoning mind, the intellect, takes the throne of Pharaoh in your consciousness. It says continually, “It can’t be done. What’s the use!” We must drown out these dreary suggestions with a vital affirmation! 

For example take this statement: “The unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass.” This stops all argument from the army of the aliens (the reasoning mind). “The unexpected happens!” That is an idea it cannot cope with. “Thou hast made me wiser than mine enemies.” Your enemy thoughts, your doubts, fears and apprehensions! 

Think of the joy of really being free forever, from the Pharaoh of the oppression. To have the idea of security, health, happiness and abundance established in the subconscious. It would mean a life free from all limitation! It would be the Kingdom which Jesus Christ spoke of, where all things are automatically added unto us. I say automatically added unto us, because all life is vibration; and when we vibrate to success, happiness and abundance, the things which symbolize these states of consciousness will attach themselves to us. 

Feel rich and successful, and suddenly you receive a large cheque or a beautiful gift. I tell the story showing the working of this law. I went to a party where people played games, and whoever won, received a gift. The prize was a beautiful fan. Among those present, was a very rich woman, who had everything. Her name was Clara. The poorer and resentful ones got together and whispered: “We hope Clara doesn’t get the fan.” Of course Clara won the fan. She was care-free and vibrating to abundance. 

Envy and resentment short circuit your good and keep away your fans. If you should happen to be resentful and envious, take the statement; What God has done for others He now does for me and more! Then all the fans and things will come your way. No man gives to himself but himself, and no man takes away from himself but himself: the “Game of Life” is a game of solitaire; as you change, all conditions will change. 

Now to go back to Pharaoh the oppressor; no one loves an oppressor. 

I remember a friend I had many years ago, her name was Lettie; her father had plenty of money and supplied her mother and herself with food and clothes, but no luxuries. We went to Art School together, and all the students would buy reproductions of the “Winged Victory,” “Whistler’s Mother” or something to bring art into their homes. My friend’s father called all these things “plunder.” He would say, “Don’t bring home any plunder.” So she lived a colorless life without a “Winged Victory” on her bureau or “Whistler’s Mother” on the wall. He would say often to my friend and her mother, “When I die, you’ll both be well off.” One day someone said to Lettie, “When are you going abroad?” (all art students went abroad.) She replied, cheerfully, “Not ’till Papa dies.” So people always look forward to being free from lack and oppression. 

Let us now free ourselves from the tyrants of negative thinking: we have been slaves to doubts, fears and apprehension and let us be delivered as Moses delivered the Children of Israel; and come out of the Land of Egypt, out of the House of Bondage. Find the thought which is your great oppressor; find the King-Pin. In the logging camps in the Spring, the logs are sent down the rivers in great numbers. Sometimes the logs become crossed and cause a jam; the men look for the log causing the jam (they call it the King-Pin), straighten it, and the logs rush down the river again. Maybe your King-Pin is resentment, resentment holds back your good.  The more you resent, the more you will have to resent; you grow a resentment track in your brain, and your expression will be one of habitual resentment. 

You will be avoided and miss the golden opportunities which await you each day. I remember a few years ago, the streets were filled with men selling apples. They got up early to get the good corners. I passed one several times on Park Avenue, he had the most disagreeable expression I have ever seen. As people passed he said, “Apples! Apples!” but no one stopped to buy. I invested in an apple and said, “You’ll never sell apples unless you change your expression.” He replied, “Well that guy over there took my corner.” I said, “Never mind about the corner, you can sell apples right here if you’ll look pleasant.” He said “O. K. lady,” and I went on. The next day I saw him, his whole expression had changed; he was doing a big business, selling apples with a smile. So find your King-Pin—(you may have more than one); and your logs of success, happiness and abundance will go rushing down your river. “Go therefore now and work, for there shall no straw be given you, yet ye shall make bricks without straw.”


“And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them”—Math. 25:2:3. 

My subject is the parable of the Wise and the Foolish Virgins. “And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.” The parable teaches that true prayer means preparation. 

Jesus Christ said, “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive” (Math. 21:22). “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24). In this parable he shows that only those who have prepared for their good (thereby showing active faith) will bring the manifestation to pass. We might paraphrase the scriptures and say: When ye pray believe ye have it. When ye pray ACT as if you have already received. 

Armchair faith or rocking chair faith, will never move mountains. In the armchair, in the silence, or meditation, you are filled with the wonder of this Truth, and feel that your faith will never waver. You know that The Lord is your Shepherd, you shall never want. You feel that your God of Plenty will wipe out all burdens of debt or limitations. Then you leave your armchair and step out into the arena of Life. It is only what you do in the arena that counts. 

I will give you an illustration showing how the law works; for faith without action is dead. A man, one of my students, had a great desire to go abroad. He took the statement: I give thanks for my divinely designed trip, divinely financed, under grace, in a perfect way. He had very little money, but knowing the law of preparation, he bought a trunk. It was a very gay and happy trunk with a big red band around its waist. Whenever he looked at it it gave him a realization of a trip. One day he seemed to feel his room moving. He felt the motion of a ship. He went to the window to breathe the fresh air, and it smelt like the aroma of the docks. With his inner ear he heard the shriek of a sea-gull and the creaking of the gangplank. The trunk had commenced to work. It had put him in the vibration of his trip. Soon after that, a large sum of money came to him and he took the trip. He said afterwards that it was perfect in every detail. 

In the arena of Life we must keep ourselves tuned-up to concert pitch. Are we acting from motives of fear or faith? Watch your motives with all diligence, for out of them are the issues of life. If your problem is a financial one (and it usually is), you must know how to wind yourself up financially, and keep wound up by always acting on your faith. 

The material attitude towards money is to trust in your salary, your income and investments, which can shrink overnight. The spiritual attitude toward money is to trust in God for your supply. To keep your possessions, always realize that they are God in manifestation. “What Allah has given cannot be diminished,” then if one door shuts another door, immediately, opens. Never voice lack or limitation for “by your words you are condemned.” You combine with what you notice, and if you are always noticing failure and hard times, you will combine with failure and hard times. 

You must form the habit of living in the fourth dimension, “The World of the Wondrous.” It is the world where you do not judge by appearances. You have trained your inner eye to see through failure into success, to see through sickness into health to see through limitation into plenty. I will give you the land which your inner eye sees. “I will give to you the land which thou seest.” The man who achieves success has the fixed idea of success. If it is founded on a rock of truth and rightness it will stand. If not, it is built upon sand and washed into the sea, returning to its native nothingness. 

Only divine ideas can endure. Evil destroys itself, for it is a cross current against universal order, and the way of the transgressor is hard.

 “They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.” The lamp symbolizes man’s consciousness. The oil is what brings Light or understanding. “While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us your oil; for our lamps are gone out.” The foolish virgins were without wisdom or understanding, which is oil for the consciousness, and when they were confronted with a serious situation, they had no way of handling it. And when they said to the wise “give us of your oil,” the wise answered saying, “Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.” 

That means that the foolish virgins could not receive more than was in their consciousness, or what they were vibrating to. 

The man received the trip because it was in his consciousness, as a reality. He believed that he had already received. As he prepared for the trip he was taking oil for his lamps. 

With realization comes manifestation. The law of preparation works both ways. If you prepare for what you fear or don’t want, you begin to attract it. David said, “The thing I feared has come upon me.” We hear people say, “I must put away money in case of illness.” They are deliberately preparing to be ill. Or, “I’m saving for a rainy day.” The rainy day is sure to come, at a most inconvenient time. The divine idea for every man is plenty. 

Your barns should be full, and your cup should flow over, but we must learn to ask aright. For example take this statement: I call on the law of accumulation. My supply comes from God, and now pours in and piles up, under grace. This statement does not give any picture of stint or saving or sickness. It gives a fourth dimensional feeling of abundance, leaving the channels to Infinite Intelligence. 

Every day you must make a choice, will you be wise or foolish? Will you prepare for your good? Will you take the giant swing into faith? Or serve doubt and fear and bring no oil for your lamps? “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.” You may feel that the foolish virgins paid very dearly for neglecting to bring oil for their lamps, but we are dealing with the law of Karma (or the law of come back). It has been called the “judgment day,” which people usually associate with the end of the world. Your judgment day comes, they say, in sevens—seven hours, seven days, seven weeks, seven months, or seven years. It might even come in seven minutes. Then you pay some Karmic debt; the price for having violated spiritual law. You failed to trust God, you took no oil for your lamps. 

Every day examine your consciousness and see just what you are preparing for. You are fearful of lack and hang on to every cent, thereby attracting more lack. Use what you have with wisdom and it opens the way for more to come to you. 

In my book, “Your Word Is Your Wand,” I tell about the Magic Purse. In the Arabian Nights they tell the story of a man who had a Magic Purse. As money went out, immediately money appeared in it again. So I made the statement: My supply comes from God—I have the magic purse of the spirit. It can never be depleted. As money goes out, immediately money comes in. It is always crammed, jammed with abundance, under grace, in perfect ways. This brings a vivid picture to mind: You are drawing on the bank of the imagination. 

A woman who did not have much money was afraid to pay any bills and see her bank account dwindle. It came to her with great conviction: “I have the magic purse of the spirit. It can never be depleted. As money goes out, immediately, money comes in.” She fearlessly paid her bills, and several large cheques came to her that she did not expect. “Watch and pray lest ye enter into the temptation” of preparing for something destructive instead of something constructive. I knew a woman who told me she always kept a long crepe veil handy in case of funerals. I said to her, “You are a menace to your relatives, and are preparing to hurry them all off, so that you can wear the veil.” She destroyed it. 

Another woman who had no money decided to send her two daughters to college. Her husband scorned the idea and said, “Who will pay their tuition? I have no money for it.” She replied, “I know some unforeseen good will come to us.” She kept on preparing her daughters for college. Her husband laughed heartily and told all their friends that his wife was sending the girls to college on “some unforeseen good.” A rich relative suddenly sent her a large sum of money. “Some unforeseen good” did arrive, for she had shown active faith. I asked what she had said to her husband when the cheque arrived. She replied, “Oh, I never antagonize George by telling him I am in the right.” So prepare for your “unforeseen good.” Let every thought and every act express your unwavering faith. 

Every event in your life is a crystallized idea. Something you have invited through either fear or faith. Something you have prepared for. So let us be wise and bring oil for our lamps—and when we least expect it, we shall reap the fruits of our faith. My lamps are now filled with the oil of faith and fulfillment. 


According to your faith be it unto you.—Matt. 9:29 

Faith is expectancy, “According to your faith, be it unto you.” We might say, according to your expectancies be it done unto you; so, what are you expecting? We hear people say: “We expect the worst to happen,” or “The worst is yet to come.” They are deliberately inviting the worst to come. We hear others say: “I expect a change for the better.” They are inviting better conditions into their lives. 

Change your expectancies and you change your conditions. How can you change your expectancies, when you have formed the habit of expecting loss, lack or failure? Begin to act as if you expected success, happiness and abundance; prepare for your good. Do something to show you expect it to come. 

Active faith alone, will impress the subconscious. If you have spoken the word for a home, prepare for it immediately, as if you hadn’t a moment to lose. Collect little ornaments, table-cloths, etc. etc.! 

I knew a woman who made the giant swing into faith, by buying a large armchair; a chair meant business, she bought a large and comfortable chair, for she was preparing for the right man. He came. Someone will say, “Suppose you haven’t money to buy ornaments or a chair?” Then look in shop windows and link with them in thought. Get in their vibration: I sometimes hear people say; “I don’t go into the shops because I can’t afford to buy anything.” That is just the reason you should go into the shops. Begin to make friends with the things you desire or require. 

I know a woman who wanted a ring. She went boldly to the ring department and tried on rings. It gave her such a realization of ownership, that not long after, a friend made her a gift of a ring. “You combine with what you notice.” Keep on noticing beautiful things, and you make an invisible contact. Sooner or later these things are drawn into your life, unless you say, “Poor me, too good to be true.” “My soul, wait thou only upon God: for my expectation is from Him.” This is a most important statement from the 62nd Psalm. 

The soul is the subconscious mind, and the psalmist was telling his subconscious to expect everything directly from the universal; not to depend upon doors and channels; “My expectation is from Him.” God cannot fail, for “His ways are ingenious, His methods are sure.” You can expect any seemingly impossible Good from God; if you do not limit the channels. Do not say how you want it done, or how it can’t be done. “God is the Giver and the Gift and creates His own amazing channels.” Take the following statement: I cannot be separated from God the Giver, therefore, I cannot be separated from God the Gift. The gift is God in action. Get the realization that every blessing is Good in action, and see God in every face and good in every situation: This makes you master of all conditions. 

A woman came to me saying that there was no heat in the radiators in their apartment, and that her mother was suffering from the cold. She added, “The landlord has declared that we can’t have heat until a certain date:” I replied, “God is your landlord.” She said, “That’s all I want to know,” and rushed out. That evening the heat was turned on without asking. It was because she realized that the landlord was God in manifestation. This is a wonderful age, for people are becoming Miracle Minded; it is in the air. 

Quoting from an article which I found in the New York Journal and American by John Anderson, it corroborates what I have just said. The title of the article is “Theatre Goers Make Hits of Metaphysical Plays.” If, said a cynical manager, who shall be called Brock Pemberton, with a slight accent of sarcasm in his voice, the other night, on an intermission curbside talk, you fellows, meaning the critics, know so much about what the New York public wants, why don’t you tell me what to produce? Why don’t you run me into business instead of out of it? “Why don’t you tell me what sort of play the play-goers want to see?” “I would,” I said, “But you wouldn’t believe it.” “You’re hedging,” he said, “You don’t know, and you’re trying to cover up by pretending to know more than you’re willing to say. You haven’t any more idea than I have this minute what sort of plays generally succeed.” “I have,” I said, “there is one sure fire success; one theme that works and has always worked, whether it is competing with boy meets girl, mysteries, historical tragedies, etc.; no play on the theme has ever completely failed if it had any merit at all, and a lot of poor ones have been big hits.” “You’re stalling again,” said Mr. Pemberton, “What sort of plays are they?” “Metaphysical,” I said, fouling slightly with a big word and waiting quietly for the effect. “Metaphysical,” said Mr. Pemberton, “You mean metaphysical?” I paused a moment and since Mr. Pemberton said nothing, went right on spouting such titles as “The Green Pastures,” “The Star Wagon,” “Father Malachy’s Miracle!, etc.” “Some of these,” I added, “reached the public over the heads of the critics.” But Mr. Pemberton had departed to ask probably, in every theatre in town, “Is there a metaphysician in the house?” People are beginning to realize the power of their words and thoughts. They understand why “Faith is the substance of the thing hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” We see the law of expectancy working out through superstition. If you walk under a ladder and expect it to give you bad luck, it will give you bad luck. The ladder is quite innocent; bad luck came because you expected it. 

We might say, expectancy is the substance of the things hoped for; or expectancy is the substance of the thing man fears; “The thing I expected has come upon me.” Nothing as too good to be true, nothing is too wonderful to happen, nothing is too good to last; when you look to God for your good. Now think of the blessings which seem so far off, and begin to expect them now, under grace, in an unexpected way; for God works in unexpected ways, His wonders to perform. I was told that there are three thousand promises in the Bible. Let us now expect all these blessings to come to pass. Among them we are promised Riches and Honor, Eternal Youth (“Your flesh shall become as a little child’s) and Eternal Life, “death itself shall be overcome.” Christianity as founded upon the forgiveness of sins and an empty tomb. We now know that all these things are scientifically possible. As we call on the law of forgiveness, we become free from mistakes and the consequences of mistakes. (“Though your sins be as scarlet ye shall be washed whiter than wool.”) Then our bodies will be bathed in Light, and express the “body electric,” which is incorruptible and indestructible, pure substance, expressing perfection. I expect the unexpected, my glorious good now comes to pass. 


“The Eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.”— Deut. 33:27 

In the bible, the arm of God always symbolizes protection. The writers of the bible knew the power of a symbol. It brings a picture which impresses the subconscious mind. They used the symbols of the rock, sheep, shepherds, vineyard, lamp, and hundreds of others. It would be interesting to know how many symbols are used in the bible. The arm also symbolizes strength. “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.” Who is the enemy “before thee.” The negative thought-forms which you have built up in your subconscious mind. A man’s enemies are only those of his own household. The everlasting arms thrust out these enemy thoughts and destroy them. Have you ever felt the relief of getting out some negative thought-form? Perhaps you have built up a thought-form of resentment, until you are always boiling with anger about something. You resent people you know, people you don’t know—people in the past and people in the present; and you may be sure that the people in the future won’t escape your wrath. 

All the organs of the body are affected by resentment—for when you resent, you resent with every organ of the body. You pay the penalty with rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, etc., for acid thoughts produce acid in the blood. 

All this trouble comes because you are fighting the battle, not leaving it to the long arm of God. I have given the following statement to many of my students. The long arm of God reaches out over people and conditions, controlling this situation and protecting my interests. 

This brings a picture of a long arm symbolizing strength and protection. With the realization of the power of the long arm of God, you would no longer resist or resent. You would relax and let go. The enemy thoughts within you would be destroyed, therefore, the adverse conditions would disappear. 

Spiritual development means the ability to stand still, or stand aside, and let Infinite Intelligence lift your burdens and fight your battles. When the burden of resentment is lifted, you experience a sense of relief! You have a kindly feeling for everyone, and all the organs of your body begin to function properly. A clipping quoting Albert Edward Day, D.D. reads, “That loving our enemies is good for our spiritual health is widely known and accepted. But that negation and poisonous emotions destroy physical health, is a relatively new discovery. 

The problem of health is often an emotional one. Wrong emotions entertained and repeated are potent causes of illness. When the preacher talks about loving your enemies, the man on the street is apt to dismiss the idea as unendurable and pious. But the fact is, the preacher is telling you something which is one of the first laws of hygiene, as well as ethics. No man even for his body’s sake can afford to indulge in hatred. It is like repeated doses of poison. When you are urged to get rid of fear, you are not listening to a moon-struck idealist; rather you are hearing counsel that is as significant for health as advice about diet.” We hear so much about a balanced diet, but without a balanced mind you can’t digest what you eat, calories or no calories. 

Non-resistance is an art. When acquired, The World is Yours! So many people are trying to force situations. Your lasting good will never come through forcing personal will. “Flee from the things which flee from thee, Seek nothing, fortune seeketh thee. Behold his shadow on the floor! Behold him standing at the door!” I do not know the author of these lines. 

Lovelock, the celebrated English athlete, was asked how to attain his speed and endurance in running. He replied, “Learn to relax.” Let us attain this rest in action. He was most relaxed when running the fastest. Your big opportunity and big success usually slide in, when you least expect it. You have to let go long enough for the great law of attraction to operate. You never saw a worried and anxious magnet. It stands up straight and hasn’t a care in the world, because it knows the needles can’t help jumping to it. The things we rightly desire come to pass when we have taken the clutch off. 

I say in my correspondence course, “Do not let your heart’s desire become a heart’s disease.” You are completely demagnetized when you desire something too intensely. You worry, fear, and agonize. There is an occult law of indifference: “None of these things move me.” Your ships come in over a don’t care sea. Many people in Truth antagonize friends, because they are too anxious for them to read the books and go to the lectures. They meet opposition. A friend took my book, “The Game of Life and How to Play It” to her brother’s house to read. The young men of the family refused to read it. No “nut stuff” for them. One of these young men drives a taxi cab. One night he drove a taxi which belonged to another man. In going over the car he found a book stuffed away somewhere. It was “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” The next day he said to his aunt, “I found Mrs. Shinn’s book in the taxi last night. I read it and it’s great! There’s a lot of good reading in it. Why doesn’t she write another book?” God works in roundabout ways, His wonders to perform. I meet unhappy people and a few grateful and contented people. 

A man said to me one day, “I have a great deal to be thankful for. I have good health, enough money and I’m still single!” The eighty-ninth psalm is very interesting, for we find that two individuals take part; the man who sings the psalm (for all psalms are songs or poems), 23 and the Lord God of Hosts answers him. It is a song of praise and thanksgiving, extolling the strong arm of God. “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever!” “O Lord God of Hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee?” “Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand.” Then the Lord of Hosts replies. “With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him.” “My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him.” We only hear the words “for evermore” in the bible and in fairy-tales. In the absolute, man is outside of time and space. His good is “from everlasting to everlasting.” The fairy-tales came down from the old Persian legends which were founded upon Truth. 

Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp is the out-picturing of the Word. Aladdin rubbed the lamp and all his desires came to pass. Your word is your lamp. Words and thoughts are a form of radioactivity and do not return void. A scientist has said that words are clothed in light. You are continually reaping the fruits of your words. A friend in one of my meetings said that she had brought a man to my class who had been out of work for a year or more. I gave the statement: Now is the appointed time. Today is the day of my amazing good fortune. It clicked in his consciousness. Soon after, he was given a position which paid him nine thousand dollars a year. 

A woman told me that when I blessed the offering I said that each offering would return a thousandfold. She had put a dollar in the collection. She said with great realization, “That dollar is blessed and returns a thousand dollars.” She received a thousand dollars a short time afterwards, in a most unexpected way. 

Why do some people demonstrate this Truth so much more quickly than others? It is because they have the ears that hear. Jesus Christ tells the parable of the man who sowed the seed and it fell upon good ground. The seed is the word. I say, “Listen for the statement that clicks; the statement that gives you realization. That statement will bear fruit.” The other day I went into a shop where I know the employer quite well. I had given one of his employees an affirmation card. I said to him, jokingly, “I wouldn’t waste an affirmation card on you. You wouldn’t use it.” He replied, “Oh, sure, give me one. I’ll use it.” The following week I gave him a card. Before I left he rushed up to me excitedly and said, “I made that statement and two new customers walked in.” It was: “Now is the appointed time; today is the day of my amazing good fortune.” It had clicked. So many people use their words in exaggerated and reckless statements. I find a great deal of material for my talks in the beauty parlor. 

A young girl wanted a magazine to read. She called to the operator, “Give me something terribly new and frightfully exciting.” All she wanted was the latest moving picture magazine. You hear people say, “I wish something terribly exciting would happen.” They are inviting some unhappy, but exciting, experience into their lives. Then they wonder why it happened to them. There should be a chair of metaphysics in all colleges. Metaphysics is the wisdom of the ages. It is the ancient wisdom taught all through the centuries in India and Egypt and Greece. 

Hermes Trismegistus was a great teacher of Egypt. His teachings were closely guarded and have come down to us over ten centuries. He lived in Egypt in the days when the present race of men was in its infancy. But if you read the “Kybalion” carefully, you will find that he taught just what we are teaching today. He said that all mental states were accompanied by vibrations. You combine with what you vibrate to, so let us all now vibrate to success, happiness and abundance. Now is the appointed time. Today is the day of my amazing good fortune. 


“Choose you this day whom ye will serve.”—Josh. 24:15. 

Every day there is a necessity of choice (a fork in the road). “Shall I do this, or shall I do that? Shall I go, or shall I stay?” Many people do not know what to do. 

They rush about letting other people make decisions for them, then regret having taken their advice. There are others who carefully reason things out. They weigh and measure the situation like dealing in groceries, and are surprised when they fail to attain their goal. There are still other people who follow the magic path of intuition and find themselves in their Promised Land in the twinkling of an eye. 

Intuition is a spiritual faculty high above the reasoning mind, but on that path is all that you desire or require. In my book “The Game of Life and How to Play It,” I give many examples of success attained through using this marvelous faculty. I say also that prayer is telephoning to God and intuition is God telephoning to you. (Correspondence Course.) So choose ye this day to follow the magic path of intuition. 

In my question and answer classes I tell you how to cultivate intuition. In most people it is a faculty which has remained dormant. So we say, “Awake thou that sleepeth. Wake up to your leads and hunches. Wake up to the divinity within!” Claude Bragdon said, “To live intuitively is to live fourth dimensionally.” Now it is necessary for you to make a decision, you face a fork in the road. Ask for a definite unmistakable lead, and you will receive it. 

We find many events to interpret metaphysically in the Book of Joshua. “After the death of Moses, the divine command came to Joshua, ‘Now therefore, arise, go over the Jordan, thou and all thy people, unto the land which I do give to them. Every place the sole of your feet shall tread upon; to you have I given it’.” The feet are the symbol of understanding, so it means metaphysically all that we understand stands under us in consciousness, and what is rooted there can never be taken from us. For, the bible goes on to say: “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life. . . . I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.” So we find we have success through being strong and very courageous in following spiritual law. 

We are back again to the “fork in the road”—the necessity of choice. “Choose you this day whom ye will serve,” the intellect or divine guidance. 

A well-known man, who has become a great power in the financial world, said to a friend, “I always follow intuition and I am luck incarnate.” Inspiration (which is divine guidance) is the most important thing in life. People come to Truth meetings for inspiration. I find the right word will start divine activity operating in their affairs. 

A woman came to me with a complication of affairs. I said to her, “Let God juggle the situation.” It clicked. She took the affirmation, “I now let God juggle this situation.” Almost immediately she rented a house, which had been vacant for a long time. Let God juggle every situation, for when you try to juggle the situation, you drop all the balls. In my question and answer classes, I would be asked, “How do you let God juggle a situation, and what do you mean when you say I should not juggle it?” 

You juggle with the intellect. The intellect would say, “Times are hard, no activity in real estate. Don’t expect anything until the Fall of 1958.” With spiritual law there is only the now. Before you call you are answered, for “time and space are but a dream,” and your blessing is there waiting for you to release it by faith and the word. “Choose you this day whom ye will serve,” fear or faith. In every act prompted by fear lies the germ of its own defeat. 

It takes much strength and courage to trust God. We often trust him in little things, but when it comes to a big situation we feel we had better attend to it ourselves; then comes defeat and failure. 

The following extract from a letter which I received from a woman in the West shows how conditions can change in the twinkling of an eye. “I’ve had the pleasure of reading your wonderful book, The Game of Life and How to Play It.’ I have four boys, ten, thirteen, fifteen and seventeen, and thought how wonderful for them to grasp it, in their early life, and be able to get things which are theirs by Divine Right. “The lady who let me read her copy gave me other things to read, but it seemed when I picked this book up it was magnetic and I could not let go of it. After reading it I realized, I was trying to live Divinely but did not understand the law, or I would have been much further advanced. “At first I thought it quite hard to find a place in the business world, after so many years of being a mother. But I got this statement, ‘God makes a way where there is no way.’ And He did that very thing for me. “I am grateful for my position, and smile when people say, ‘How do you do it, manage four growing boys, a home, after all the times you have been hospitalized with such major operations, and none of your relatives near you?’ ” I have that statement in my book, “God makes a way where there is no way.” God made a way for her in business when all her friends said it couldn’t be done. 

The average person will tell you almost anything can’t be done. I had an example of this the other day. In a shop I found a delightful little silver dripolator which would make just one cup of anything. I showed it to some friends with enthusiasm, thinking it so very cute, and one said, “It will never work.” The other said, “If it belonged to me, I’d throw it away.” I stood up for the little dripolator and said I knew it would work, which it did. My friends were simply typical of the average person who says, “It can’t be done.” All big ideas meet with opposition. Do not let other people rock your boat. Follow the path of wisdom and understanding, “and turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.” In the thirteenth verse of the twenty-fourth chapter of Joshua, we read a remarkable statement: “And I have given you a land for which ye did not labor, and cities which ye built not, and ye dwell in them; of the vineyards and olive yards which ye planted not, do ye eat.” This shows that man cannot earn anything, his blessings come as gifts. (Gifts lest any man shall boast.) With the realization of wealth, we receive the gift of wealth. With the realization of success, we receive the gift of success, for success and abundance are states of mind. “For it is the Lord our God, he it is, that brought us up, and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” The land of Egypt stands for darkness—the house of bondage, where man is a slave to his doubts and fears, and beliefs in lack and limitation, the result of having followed the wrong fork in the road. 

Misfortune is due to failure to stick to the things which spirit has revealed through intuition. All big things have been accomplished by men who stuck to their big ideas. 

Henry Ford was past middle age when the idea of the Ford car came to him. He had great difficulty in raising the money. His friends thought it was a crazy idea. His father said to him, tearfully, “Henry, why do you give up a good twenty-five dollar a week job in order to chase a crazy idea?” But no one could rock Henry Ford’s boat. So in order to come out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, we must make the right decisions. 

Follow the right fork in the road. “Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand nor to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.” So, as we reach the fork in the road today, let us fearlessly follow the voice of intuition. The bible calls it “the still small voice.” “There came a voice behind me, saying, ‘This is the way, walk ye in it’.” On this path is the good, already prepared for you. You will find the “land for which ye did not labor, and cities which ye built not, and ye dwell in them; of the vineyards and olive yards which ye planted not, do ye eat.” I am divinely led, I follow the right fork in the road. God makes a way where there is no way. 


“Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward.” Ex. 14:15 

One of the most dramatic stories in the bible is the episode of the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea. Moses was leading them out of the land of Egypt where they were kept in bondage and slavery. They were being pursued by the Egyptians. The children of Israel, like most people, did not enjoy trusting God; they did a lot of murmuring. They said to Moses: “Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness.” “And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more forever.” “The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” We might say that Moses pounded faith into the children of Israel. They preferred being slaves to their old doubts and fears (for Egypt stands for darkness), than to take the giant swing into faith, and pass through the wilderness to their Promised Land. 

There is, indeed, a wilderness to pass through before your Promised Land is reached. The old doubts and fears encamp round about you, but, there is always someone to tell you to go forward! There is always a Moses on your pathway. Sometimes it is a friend, sometimes intuition! “And the Lord said to Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward!” “But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.” “And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.” “And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.” “And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh’s horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. “And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the sea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen.” “And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea.” “And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the hosts of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them.” 

Now remember, the bible is talking about the individual. It is talking about your wilderness, your Red Sea, and your Promised Land. Each one of you has a Promised Land, a heart’s desire, but you have been so enslaved by the Egyptians (your negative thoughts), it seems very far away, and too good to be true. 

You consider trusting God a very risky proposition. The wilderness might prove worse than the Egyptians. And how do you know your Promised Land really exists? The reasoning mind will always back up the Egyptians. But sooner or later, something says, “Go forward!” It is usually the circumstances, you are driven to it. 

I give the example of a student. She is a very marvelous pianist and had great success abroad. She came back with a book full of press clippings, and a happy heart. A relative took an interest in her and said she would back her financially for a concert tour. They chose a manager who took charge of the expenses, and attended to her bookings. After a concert or two, there were no more funds. The manager had taken them. My friend was left stranded, desolate and disappointed. This was about the time that she came to me. She hated the man, and it was making her ill. She had very little money and could afford only a cheerless room where her hands were often too cold to practice. She was indeed, in bondage to the Egyptians—hate, resentment, lack and limitation. Someone brought her to one of my meetings, and she spoke to me and told her story. I said, “In the first place you must stop hating that man. When you are able to forgive him, your success will come back to you. You are taking your initiation in forgiveness.” It seemed a pretty big order, but she tried and came regularly to all my meetings. In the meantime, the relative had started a suit to recover the money. Time went on and it never came to court. My friend had a call to go to California. She was no longer disturbed by the situation, and had forgiven the man. Suddenly, after about four years, she was notified that the case had come to court. She called me upon her arrival in New York, and asked me to speak the word for rightness and justice. They went at the time appointed, and it was all settled out of court, the man restoring the money by monthly payments. She came to me overflowing with joy, for she said, “I hadn’t the least resentment toward the man. He was amazed when I greeted him cordially.” Her relative said that all the money was to go to her, so she found herself with a big bank account. Now she will soon reach her Promised Land. She came out of the house of bondage (of hate and resentment) and crossed her red sea. Her goodwill toward the man caused the waters to part, and she crossed over on dry land. 

Dry land symbolizes something substantial under your feet, the feet symbolizing understanding. 

Moses stands out as one of the greatest figures in biblical history. “It came to Moses to move from Egypt with his nation. The task before him was not only the unwillingness of Pharaoh to let go of those whom he had made into profitable slaves, but also to stimulate to open rebellion this nation which had lost its initiative under the hardships of its taskmasters.” “It required extraordinary genius to meet this condition, which Moses possessed with self abnegation and the courage of his own convictions. Self abnegation! He was called the meekest of men. We have often heard the expression, ‘As meek as Moses.’ He was so meek towards the commands of the Lord, that he became one of the strongest of men.” The Lord said to Moses, “lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.” So, never doubting, he said to the children of Israel, “Go forward.” This was a daring thing to do, to lead a multitude of people into the sea, having perfect faith they would not drown. “Behold the miracle, the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.”  

Now remember, this could happen for you this very day. Think of your problem. Maybe you have lost your initiative from living so long a slave to Pharaoh  (your doubts, fears and discouragements). Say to yourself, “Go forward.”  “The Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind.” We will think of this strong east wind as a strong affirmation. Take a vital statement of Truth. 

For example, if your problem is a financial one, say: “My supply comes from God, and big happy financial surprises now come to me, under grace, in perfect ways.” The statement is a good one, for it contains the element of mystery. We are told that God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. We might say in surprising ways. Now that you have made your statement for supply, you have caused the east wind to blow. So walk up to your Red Sea of lack or limitation. The way to walk up to your Red Sea is to do something to show your fearlessness. 

I will tell the story of a student who had an invitation to visit friends at a very fashionable summer resort. She had been living in the country for a long time, grown heavier, and nothing fitted her but her girl scout suit. Suddenly, she received the invitation. It meant evening clothes, slippers and accessories, none of which she had, and no money to buy them. She came to me. I said, “What is your hunch?” She replied, “I feel very fearless. I have the hunch to go, anyway.” So she squeezed herself into something to travel in, and went. When she arrived at her friend’s house she was greeted warmly, but her hostess said, with some embarrassment, “Maybe what I’ve done will hurt you, but there are some evening clothes and slippers I never wear which I have put in your room. Won’t you make use of them?” My friend assured her she would be delighted and everything fitted perfectly. She had, indeed, walked up to her Red Sea and passed over on dry land. 

The waters of my Red Sea part, and I pass over on dry land, I now go forward into my Promised Land. 


“Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet.”—Jeremiah 6:17? 

We must all have a watchman at the gate of our thoughts. The Watchman at the Gate is the superconscious mind. We have the power to choose our thoughts. Since we have lived in the race thought for thousands of years, it seems almost impossible to control them. They rush through our minds like stampeding cattle or sheep. But a single sheep-dog can control the frightened sheep and guide them into the sheep pen. I saw a picture in the news-reels of a shepherd-dog controlling the sheep. He had rounded up all but three. These three resisted and resented. They  baaed,and lifted their front feet in protest, but the dog simply sat down in front and never took his eyes off them. He did not bark or threaten. He just sat and looked his determination. In a little while the sheep tossed their heads and went in the pen. We can learn to control our thoughts in the same way, by gentle determination, not force. We take an affirmation and repeat it continually, while our thoughts are on the rampage. 

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then masters of the situation. In the sixth chapter of Jeremiah we read: “I set a watchman over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet.” Your success and happiness in life depend upon the watchman at the gate of your thoughts, for your thoughts, sooner or later, crystallize on the external. 

People think by running away from a negative situation, they will be rid of it, but the same situation confronts them wherever they go. They will meet the same experiences until they have learned their lessons. 

This idea is brought out in the moving picture, “The Wizard of Oz.” The little girl, Dorothy, is very unhappy because the mean woman in the village wants to take away her dog, Toto. She goes, in despair, to confide in her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, but they are too busy to listen, and tell her to “run along.” She says to Toto, “There is somewhere, a wonderful place high above the skies where everybody is happy and no one is mean.” How she would love to be there! A Kansas cyclone suddenly comes along, and she and Toto are lifted up, high in the sky, and land in the country of Oz. 

Everything seems very delightful at first, but soon she has the same old experiences. The mean old woman of the village has turned into a terrible witch, and is still trying to get Toto from her. How she wishes she were back in Kansas. She is told to find the Wizard of Oz. He is all powerful and will grant her request. She starts off to find his palace in the Emerald City. On the way she meets a scarecrow. He is so unhappy because he hasn’t a brain. She meets a man made of tin, who is so unhappy because he hasn’t a heart. Then she meets a lion who is so unhappy because he has no courage. She cheers them up by saying, “We’ll all go to the Wizard of Oz and he’ll give us what we want”—the scarecrow a brain, the tin man a heart, and the lion courage. They encounter terrible experiences, for the bad witch is determined to capture Dorothy and take away Toto and the ruby slippers which protect her. 

At last they reach the Emerald Palace of the Wizard of Oz. They ask for an audience, but are told no one has ever seen the Wizard of Oz, who lives mysteriously in the palace. But through the influence of the good witch of the North, they enter the palace. There they discover that the Wizard is just a fake magician from Dorothy’s home town in Kansas. They are all in despair because their wishes cannot be granted! But then the good witch shows them that their wishes are already granted. The scarecrow has developed a brain by having to decide what to do in the experiences he has encountered, the tin man finds he has a heart because he loves Dorothy, and the lion has become courageous because he had to show courage in his many adventures. The good witch from the North says to Dorothy, “What have you learned from your experiences?” and Dorothy replies, “I have learned that my heart’s desire is in my own home and in my own front yard.” So the good witch waves her wand, and Dorothy is at home again. She wakes up and finds that the scarecrow, the tin man, and the lion are the men who work on her uncle’s farm. They are so glad to have her back. 

This story teaches that if you run away your problems will run after you. 

Be undisturbed by a situation, and it will fall away of its own weight. There is an occult law of indifference. “None of these things moves me.” “None of these things disturbs me;” we might say in modern language. When you can no longer be disturbed, all disturbance will disappear from the external. “When your eyes have seen your teachers, your teachers disappear.” “I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet.” A trumpet is a musical instrument, used in olden times, to draw people’s attention to something; to victory, to order. 

You will form the habit of giving attention to every thought and word, when you realize their importance. The imagination, the scissors of the mind, is constantly cutting out the events to come into your life. Many people are cutting out fear-pictures. Seeing things which are not divinely planned. 

With the “single eye,” man sees only the Truth. He sees through evil, knowing that out of it comes good. He transmutes injustice into justice, and disarms his seeming enemy by sending goodwill. We read in mythology of the Cyclops, a race of giants, said to have inhabited Sicily. These giants had only one eye in the middle of the forehead. The seat of the imagining faculty is situated in the forehead (between the eyes). So these fabled giants came from this idea. You are indeed a giant when you have a single eye. Then every thought will be a constructive thought, and every word, a word of Power. 

Let the third eye be the watchman at the gate. “If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body is full of light.” With the single eye your body will be transformed into your spiritual body, the “body electric” made in God’s likeness and image (imagination). By seeing clearly the perfect plan, we could redeem the world: with our inner eye seeing a world of peace and plenty and good will. “Judge not by appearances, judge righteous judgment.” “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” 

The occult law of indifference means that you are undisturbed by adverse appearances. You hold steadily to the constructive thought, which wins out. Spiritual law transcends the law of Karma. This is the attitude of mind which must be held by the healer or practitioner towards his patient. Indifferent to appearances of lack, loss or sickness, he brings about the change in mind, body and affairs. Let me quote from the thirty-first chapter of Jeremiah. The keynote is one of rejoicing. It gives a picture of the individual freed from negative thinking. “For there shall be a day that the watchmen upon the mount Ephraim shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto the Lord our God.” The Watchman at the Gate neither slumbers nor sleeps. It is the “eye which watches over Israel.” But the individual, living in a world of negative thought, is not conscious of this inner eye. He may occasionally have flashes of intuition or illumination, then falls back into a world of chaos. It takes determination and eternal vigilance to check up on words and thoughts. Thoughts of fear, failure, resentment and ill-will must be dissolved and dissipated. 

Take the statement: “Every plant my father in heaven has not planted shall be rooted up.” This gives you a vivid picture of rooting up weeds in a garden. They are thrown aside, and dry up because they are without soil to nourish them. You nourish negative thoughts by giving them your attention. Use the occult law of indifference and refuse to be interested. Soon you will starve out the “army of the aliens.” Divine ideas will crowd your consciousness, false ideas fade away, and you will desire only that which God desires through you. The Chinese have a proverb, “The Philosopher leaves the cut of his coat to the tailor.” So leave the plan of your life to the Divine Designer, and you will find all conditions permanently perfect. The ground I am on is holy ground. I now expand rapidly into the divine plan of my life, where all conditions are permanently perfect.


“Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust.”—Job 22:24

The way of abundance is a one-way street. As the old saying is, “there are no two ways about it.”  You are either heading for lack, or heading for abundance. 

The man with a rich consciousness and the man with a poor consciousness are not walking on the same mental street. There is a lavish supply, divinely planned for each individual. The rich man is tapping it, for rich thoughts produce rich surroundings. Change your thoughts, and in the twinkling of an eye, all your conditions change. Your world is a world of crystallized ideas, crystallized words. Sooner or later, you reap the fruits of your words and thoughts. “Words are bodies or forces which move spirally and return in due season to cross the lives of their creators.” 

People who are always talking lack and limitation, reap lack and limitation. You cannot enter the Kingdom of Abundance bemoaning your lot. I know a woman who had always been limited in her ideas of prosperity. She was continually making her old clothes “do,” instead of buying new clothes. She was very careful of what money she had, and was always advising her husband not to spend so much. She said repeatedly, “I don’t want anything I can’t afford.” She couldn’t afford much, so she didn’t have much. Suddenly her whole world cracked up. Her husband left her, weary of her nagging and limited thoughts. She was in despair, when one day she came across a book on metaphysics. It explained the power of thought and words. She realized that she had invited every unhappy experience by wrong thinking. She laughed heartily at her mistakes, and decided to profit by them. She determined to prove the law of abundance. She used what money she had, fearlessly, to show her faith in her invisible supply. She relied upon God as the source of her prosperity. She no longer voiced lack and limitation. She kept herself feeling and looking prosperous. Her old friends scarcely recognized her. She had swung into the way of abundance. More money came to her than she had ever had before. Unheard-of doors opened—amazing channels were freed. She became very successful in a work she had had no training for. She found herself on miracle ground

What had happened? 

She had changed the quality of her words and thoughts. She had taken God into her confidence, and into all her affairs. She had many eleventh-hour demonstrations, but her supply always came, for she dug her ditches and gave thanks without wavering. 

Someone called me up recently and said, “I am looking desperately for a position.” I replied, “Don’t look desperately for it, look for it with praise and thanksgiving, for Jesus Christ, the greatest of metaphysicians, said to pray with praise and thanksgiving.” 

Praise and thanksgiving open the gates, for expectancy always wins. Of course, the law is impersonal, and a dishonest person with rich thoughts will attract riches—but, “a thing ill-got has ever bad success,” as Shakespeare says. It will be of short duration and will not bring happiness. We have only to read the papers to see that the way of the transgressor is hard. That is the reason it is so necessary to make your demands aright on the Universal Supply, and ask for what is yours by divine right and under grace in a perfect way. 

Some people attract prosperity, but cannot hold it. Sometimes their heads are turned, sometimes they lose it through fear and worry. A friend in one of my question and answer classes told this story. Some people in his hometown, who had always been poor, suddenly struck oil in their backyard. It brought great riches. The father joined the country club and went in for golf. He was no longer young—the exercise was too much for him and he dropped dead on the links. This filled the whole family with fear. They all decided they might have heart trouble, so they are now in bed with trained nurses watching every heartbeat. In the race-thought people must worry about something. They no longer worried about money, so they shifted their worries to health. 

The old idea was, “that you can’t have everything.” If you got one thing, you’d lose another. People were always saying, “Your luck won’t last,” “It’s too good to be true.” 

Jesus Christ said, “In the world (world thought) there is tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (thought).” In the superconscious (or Christ within), there is a lavish supply for every demand, and your good is perfect and permanent. “If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up (in consciousness), thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.” “Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.” “Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense and thou shalt have plenty of silver.” What a picture of opulence! The result of “Returning to the Almighty (in consciousness).” With the average person (who has thought in terms of lack for a long time) it is very difficult to build up a rich consciousness. 

I have a student who has attracted great success by making the statement: “I am the daughter of the King! My rich Father now pours out his abundance upon me: I am the daughter of the King! Everything makes way for me.” Many people put up with limited conditions because they are too lazy (mentally), to think themselves out of them. You must have a great desire for financial freedom, you must feel yourself rich, you must see yourself rich, you must continually prepare for riches. Become as a little child and make believe you are rich. You are then impressing the subconscious with expectancy. The imagination is man’s workshop, the scissors of the mind, where he is constantly cutting out the events of his life! The superconscious is the realm of inspiration, revelation, illumination and intuition. 

Intuition is usually known as a hunch. I do not apologize for the word “hunch” anymore. It is now in Webster’s latest dictionary. I had a hunch to look up “hunch,” and there it was. 

The superconscious is the realm of perfect ideas. The great genius captures his thoughts from the superconscious. “Without the vision (imagination) my people perish.” When people have lost the power to image their good, they “perish” (or go under). It is interesting to compare the translation of the French and English Bibles. In the 21st verse of the 22nd chapter of Job we read: “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” In the French Bible we read: “Attach thyself to God and you will have peace. Thou shalt thus enjoy happiness.” The 23rd verse: “If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.” In the French translation we read: “Thou shalt be re-established if thou returnest to the Almighty, putting iniquity far off from your dwellings.” 46 In the 24th verse we read a new and amazing translation. The English Bible reads: “Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.” The French Bible says: “Throw gold into the dust, the gold of Ophir amongst the pebbles of the torrents; and the Almighty shall be thy gold, thy silver, thy riches.” This means if people are depending entirely on their visible supply, it is even better to throw it away and trust absolutely to the Almighty for gold, silver and riches. 

I give an example in the story told to me by a friend. A priest went to visit a nunnery in France, where they fed many children. One of the nuns, in despair, told the priest they had no food; the children must go hungry. She said that they had but one piece of silver (about the value of a quarter of a dollar). They needed food and clothing. The priest said, “Give me the coin.” She handed it to him and he threw it out the window. “Now,” he said, “rely entirely upon God.” Within a short time friends arrived with plenty of food and gifts of money. This does not mean to throw away what money you have, but don’t depend upon it. Depend upon your invisible supply, the Bank of the Imagination. Let us now attach ourselves to God and have peace. For He shall be our gold, our silver and our riches. The inspiration of the Almighty shall be my defense and I shall have plenty of silver.


“The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalms 23:1 The 23rd Psalm is the best known of all the Psalms—we might say that it is the keynote to the message of the Bible. 

It tells man he shall never want, when he has the realization (or conviction) that the Lord is his Shepherd: the realization that Infinite Intelligence supplies every need. If you get this conviction today, every need will be met now and forevermore; you will draw, instantly, from the abundance of the spheres, whatever you desire or require; for what you need is already on your pathway. 

A woman suddenly had the realization: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never want.” She seemed to be touching her invisible supply, she felt outside of Time and Space, she no longer relied on the external. Her first demonstration was a small, but necessary one. She needed at once, some large paper clips, but had no time to go to a stationer’s to buy them. In looking for something else, she opened a little-used chest, and in it, she found, about a dozen large paper-clips. 

She felt that the law was working, and gave thanks; then some needed money appeared, things large and small came her way. Since then she has relied upon the statement: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never want.” We used to hear people say, “I do not think it is right to ask God for money or things.” They did not realize that this Creative Principle is within each man.—(The Father within). True Spirituality is proving God as your supply, daily—not just once in a while. 

Jesus Christ knew this law, for whatever He desired or required, appeared immediately on His pathway, the loaves and fishes and money from the fish’s mouth. With this realization, all hoarding and saving would disappear. This does not mean that you should not have a big bank account, and investments, but it does mean that you should not depend upon them, for if you had a loss in one direction, you would have a gain in another. Always “your barns would be full and your cup flow over.” Now, how does one make this contact with his invisible supply? By taking a statement of Truth which clicks and gives him realization. This is not open to a chosen few, “Whosoever calleth on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” The Lord is your shepherd and my shepherd and everybody’s shepherd. 

God is the Supreme Intelligence devoted to supplying man’s need; the explanation is that man is God in action. 

Jesus Christ said, “I and the Father are one. We might paraphrase the statement and say, I and the great Creative Principle of the Universe, are one and the same. Man only lacks when he loses his contact with this Creative Principle, which must be fully trusted, for it is Pure Intelligence and knows the way of Fulfillment. The reasoning mind and personal will, cause a short circuit. “Trust in me and I will bring it to pass.” Most people are filled with apprehension and dread, when there is nothing to cling to on the external. A woman came to a practitioner and said, “I’m only a poor little woman with no one but God back of me.” The practitioner said,—”You need not worry if you have God back of you,” for “all that the Kingdom affords is yours.” 

A woman called me on the phone and said, almost in tears, “I’m so worried about the business situation.” I replied, “The situation with God remains the same: The Lord is your Shepherd: you shall not want.” “If one door shuts, another door opens.” A very successful business-man who conducts all affairs on Truth methods, said, “The trouble with most people is, that they get to relying on certain conditions. They haven’t enough imagination to go forward—to open new channels.” Nearly every big success is built upon a failure. I was told that Edgar Bergen lost his part in a Broadway production because they did not want any more dummies. Noel Coward got him on the Rudy Vallee radio hour, and he and Charlie McCarthy became famous over night. 

I told the story, at one of my meetings, of a man who was so poor and discouraged, that he ended it all. A few days later, came a letter notifying him that he had inherited a large fortune. A man in the meeting said: “That means, when you want to be dead, your demonstration is three days off.” Yes, do not be fooled by the darkness before the dawn. It is a good thing to see the dawn once in a while, to convince you how unfailing it is. 

It reminds me of an experience of several years ago. I had a friend who lived in Brooklyn near Prospect Park. She liked to do unusual things and said to me: “Come to visit me and we’ll get up early and see the sun-rise in Prospect Park.” At first I refused, and then came the hunch that it would be an interesting experience. It was in the summer. We got up about four o’clock,—my friend, her little daughter and myself. It was pitch dark, but we sallied forth down the street, to the entrance of the Park. Some policemen eyed us curiously, but my friend said to them with dignity, “We are going to see the sun-rise;” and it seemed to satisfy them. We walked through the Park to the beautiful rose-garden. A faint pink streak appeared in the East, then suddenly, we heard a most tremendous uproar. We were near the Zoo and all the animals were greeting the dawn. The lions and tigers roared, the hyenas laughed, there were shrieks and howls: every animal had something to say, for a new day was at hand. It was indeed, most inspiring. The light slanted through the trees; everything had an unearthly aspect. Then, as it grew lighter, our shadows were in front instead of behind us. The dawn of a new day! This is the wonderful dawn which comes to each one of us, after some darkness. 

Your dawn of Success, Happiness and Abundance is sure to come. Every day is important, for we read in the wonderful Sanskrit poem, “Look well, therefore, to this day, such is the salutation of the dawn.” This day the Lord is your Shepherd! This day, you shall not want; as you and this great Creative Principle are one and the same. The 34th Psalm is also a Psalm of security. It starts with a blessing for the Lord, “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” “They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” Seeking the Lord means that man must make the first move. “Draw near to me and I will draw near to thee, saith the Lord.” You seek the Lord by making your affirmation, expecting and preparing for your good. If you ask for success and prepare for failure, you will receive the thing you have prepared for. 

I tell in my book, “The Game of Life and How to Play It,” of a man who asked me to speak the word that all his debts be wiped out. After the treatment, he said, “Now I’m thinking what I’ll say to the people when I haven’t the money to pay them.” A treatment won’t help you if you haven’t faith in it, for faith and expectancy impress the subconscious mind with the picture of fulfillment. 

In the 23rd Psalm we read, “He restoreth my soul.” Your soul is your subconscious mind and must be restored with the right ideas. Whatever you feel deeply is impressed upon the subconscious, and manifests in your affairs. If you are convinced that you are a failure, you will be a failure, until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. 

This is done by making an affirmation which “clicks.” A friend in a meeting said that I had given her the statement as she was leaving the room—”The ground you are on is harvest ground.” Things with her had been very dull; but this statement clicked. “Harvest Ground, Harvest Ground,” rang in her ears. Good things immediately commenced to come to her, and happy surprises. The reason it is necessary to make an affirmation is because repetition impresses the subconscious. 

You cannot control your thoughts at first, but you can control your words, and Jesus Christ said: “By your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned.” 

Every day, choose the right words; the right thoughts! The Imaging faculty is the creative faculty: “Out of the imaginations of the heart come the issues of life.” We have all a bank we can draw upon, the Bank of the Imagination. Let us imagine ourselves rich, well and happy: imagine all our affairs in divine order; but leave the way of fulfillment to Infinite Intelligence. “He has weapons ye know not of,” He has channels which will surprise you. 

One of the most important passages in the 23rd Psalm is—”Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.” This means that even in the presence of the enemy situation, brought on by your doubts, fears or resentments, a way out is prepared for you. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall never want. 


“I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember thy wonders of old.”—Psalms 77:11 

The words wonder and wonderful are used many times in the Bible. In the dictionary the word wonder is defined as, “a cause for surprise, astonishment, a miracle, a marvel.” 

Ouspensky, in his book, “Tertium Organum,” calls the 4th dimensional world, the “World of the Wondrous.” He has figured out mathematically that there is a realm where all conditions are perfect. 

Jesus Christ called it the Kingdom. We might say, “Seek ye first the world of the wondrous, and all things shall be added unto you.” It can only be reached through a state of consciousness. Jesus Christ said, to enter the Kingdom, we must become “as a little child.” Children are continually in a state of joy and wonder! The future holds promises of mysterious good. 

Anything can happen over night. Robert Louis Stevenson, in “A Child’s Garden of Verses” says: “The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.” So let us look with wonder at that which is before us; that statement was given me a number of years ago, I mention it in my book, “The Game of Life and How To Play It.” I had missed an opportunity and felt that I should have been more awake to my good. The next day, I took the statement early in the morning, “I look with wonder at that which is before me.”  At noon the phone rang, and the proposition was put to me again. This time I grasped it: I did indeed, look with wonder for I never expected the opportunity to come to me again. 

A friend in one of my meetings said the other day, that this statement had brought her wonderful results. It fills the consciousness with happy expectancy. 

Children are filled with happy expectancy until grown-up people, and unhappy experiences bring them out of the world of the wondrous! Let us look back and remember some of the gloomy ideas which were given us: “Eat the speckled apples first.” “Don’t expect too much, then you won’t be disappointed.” “You can’t have everything in this life.” “Childhood is your happiest time.” “No one knows what the future will bring.” What a start in life! These are some of the impressions I picked up in early childhood. At the age of six I had a great sense of responsibility. Instead of looking with wonder at that which was before me, I looked with fear and suspicion. I feel much younger now than I did when I was six. I have an early photograph taken about that time, grasping a flower, but with a careworn and hopeless expression. I had left the world of the wondrous behind me! I was now living in the world of realities, as my elders told me, and it was far from wondrous. It is a great privilege for children to live in this age, when they are taught Truth from their birth. Even if they are not taught actual metaphysics, the ethers are filled with joyous expectancy. You may become a Shirley Temple or a Freddy Bartholomew or a great pianist at the age of six, and go on a concert tour. 

We are all now back in the world of the wondrous, where anything can happen over-night, for when miracles do come, they come quickly! So let us become Miracle Conscious: prepare for miracles, expect miracles, and we are then inviting them into our lives. 

Maybe you need a financial miracle! There is a supply for every demand. Through active faith, the word, and intuition, we release this invisible supply. I will give an example: One of my students found herself almost without funds, she needed one thousand dollars, and she had had plenty of money at one time and beautiful possessions, but had nothing left but an ermine wrap. No fur dealer would give her much for it. I spoke the word that it would be sold to the right person for the right price, or that the supply would come in some other way. It was necessary that the money manifest at once, it was no time to worry or reason. She was on the street making her affirmations. It was a stormy day—She said to herself, “I’m going to show active faith in my invisible supply by taking a taxi cab:” it was a very strong hunch. As she got out of the taxi, at her destination, a woman stood waiting to get in. It was an old friend: a very very kind friend. It was the first time in her life she had ever taken a taxi, but her Rolls Royce was out of commission that afternoon. They talked, and my friend told her about the ermine wrap; “Why,” her friend said, “I will give you a thousand dollars for it.” And that afternoon she had the check. 

God’s ways are ingenious, His methods are sure. A student wrote me the other day that she was using that statement— God’s ways are ingenious, His methods are sure. A series of unexpected contacts brought about a situation she had been desiring. She looked with wonder at the working of the law. Our demonstrations usually come within a “split second.” All is timed with amazing accuracy in Divine Mind. My student left the taxi, just as her friend stopped to enter; a second later, she would have hailed another taxi. 

Man’s part is to be wide awake to his leads and hunches; for on the magic path of Intuition is all that he desires or requires. 

In Moulton’s Modern Reader’s Bible, the book of Psalms is recognized as the perfection of lyric poetry. “The musical meditation which is the essence of lyrics can find no higher field than the devout spirit which at once raises itself to the service of God, and overflows on the various sides of active and contemplative life.” The Psalms are also human documents, and I have selected the 77th Psalm because it gives the picture of a man in despair, but as he contemplates the wonders of God, faith and assurance are restored to him. “I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice; and He gave ear unto me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my soul refused to be comforted. Will the Lord cast off forever? and will he be favorable no more? Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God! Thou art the God that doest wonders. Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people.” 

This is a picture of what the average Truth student goes through, when confronted with a problem; he is assailed by thoughts of doubt, fear and despair. Then some statement of Truth will flash into his consciousness—”God’s ways are ingenious, His methods are sure!” He remembers other difficulties which have been overcome, his confidence in God returns. He thinks, “what God has done before, He will do for me and more!” 

I was talking to a friend not long ago who said: “I would be pretty dumb if I didn’t believe God could solve my problem. So many times before, wonderful things have come to me, I know they will come again!” So the summing up of the 77th Psalm is, “What God has done before, He now does for me and more!” It is a good thing to say when you think of your past success, happiness or wealth: all loss comes from your own vain imaginings, fear of loss crept into your consciousness, you carried burdens and fought battles, you reasoned instead of sticking to the magic path of intuition. But in the twinkling of an eye, all will be restored to you—for as they say in the East—”What God has given, cannot be diminished.” 

Now to go back to the child’s state of consciousness, you should be filled with wonder, but be careful not to live in your past childhood. I know people who can only think about their happy childhood days: they remember what they wore! No skies have since been so blue, or grass so green. They therefore miss the opportunities of the wonderful now. I will tell an amusing story of a friend who lived in a town when she was very young, then moved away to another city. She always looked back to the house they first lived in; to her it was an enchanted palace: large, spacious and glamorous. Many years after, when she had grown up, she had an opportunity of visiting this house. She was disillusioned: she found it small, stuffy and ugly. Her idea of beauty had entirely changed, for in the front yard was an iron dog. If you went back to your past, it would not be the same. So in this friend’s family, they called living in the past, “iron-dogging.”

Her sister told me a story of some “iron-dogging” she had done. When she was about sixteen, she met abroad, a very dashing and romantic young man, an artist. This romance didn’t last long, but she talked about it a lot to the man she afterwards married. Years rolled by, the dashing and romantic young man had become a well-known artist; and came to this country to have an exhibition of his pictures. My friend was filled with excitement, and hunted him up to renew their friendship. She went to his exhibition, and in walked a portly business man—no trace was left of the dashing romantic youth! When she told her husband, all he said was, “iron-dogging.” 

Remember, now is the appointed time! Today is the day! And your good can happen over night. Look with wonder at that which is before you! We are filled with divine expectancy: “I will restore to you the years which the locusts have eaten!” 

Now let each one think of the good which seems so difficult to attain; it may be health, wealth, happiness or perfect self-expression. Do not think how your good can be accomplished, just give thanks that you have already received on the invisible plane, “therefore the steps leading up to it are secured also.” Be wide awake to your intuitive leads, and suddenly, you find yourself in your Promised Land. “I look with wonder at that which is before me.” 


“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer: and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” —Isaiah 65:24 

Catch up with your good! This is a new way of saying, “Before they call, I will answer.” 

Your good precedes you; it gets there before you do. But how to catch up with your good? For you must have ears that hear, and eyes that see, or it will escape you. Some people never catch up with their good in life; they will say, “My life has always been one of hardship, no good luck ever comes to me.” 

They are the people who have been asleep to their opportunities; or through laziness, haven’t caught up with their good. A woman told a group of friends that she had not eaten for three days. They dashed about asking people to give her work; but she refused it. She explained that she never got up until twelve o’clock, she liked to lie in bed and read magazines. She just wanted people to support her while she read “Vogue” and “Harper’s Bazaar.” 

We must be careful not to slip into lazy states of mind. Take the affirmation, I am wide awake to my good, I never miss a trick. 

Most people are only half awake to their good. A student said to me, “If I don’t follow my hunches, I always get into a jam.” I will tell the story of a woman, one of my students, who followed her intuitive lead, which brought amazing results. She had been asked to visit friends in a nearby town. She had very little money. When she arrived at her destination, she found the house locked up, they had gone away: she was filled with despair, then commenced to pray: she said, “Infinite Intelligence, give me a definite lead, let me know just what to do!”  The name of a certain hotel flashed into her consciousness—it persisted— the name seemed to stand out in big letters. She had just enough money to get back to New York and the hotel. As she was about to enter, an old friend suddenly appeared, who greeted her warmly; and whom she hadn’t seen for years. She explained that she was living at the hotel but was going away for several months, and added, “Why don’t you live in my suite while I am away:—it won’t cost you a cent.” My friend accepted gratefully, and looked with amazement on the working of Spiritual law. 

She had caught up with her good by following intuition. .

All going forward comes from desire. Science today is going back to Lamarck and his “dint—of wishing” theory. He claims that birds do not fly because they have wings, but they have wings because they wanted to fly; result of the “Push of the emotional wish.” 

Think of the irresistible power of thought with clear vision. Many people are in a fog most of the time, making wrong decisions and going the wrong way. During the Christmas rush, my maid said to a saleswoman at one of the big shops, “I suppose this is your busiest day.” She replied, “Oh no! the day after Christmas is our busiest day, when people bring most of the things back.” 

Hundreds of people choosing the wrong gifts because they were not listening to their intuitive leads. 

No matter what you are doing, ask for guidance. It saves time and energy and often a lifetime of misery. All suffering comes from the violation of intuition. Unless intuition builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Get the habit of hunching, then you will always be on the magic path. “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer: and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Working with spiritual law, we are bringing to pass that which already is. In the Universal Mind it is there as an idea, but is crystallized on the external, by a sincere desire. 

The idea of a bird was a perfect picture in the divine mind; the fish caught the idea, and wished themselves into birds. Are your desires bringing you wings? 

We should all be bringing some seemingly impossible thing to pass. One of my affirmations is, “The unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass.” 

Do not magnify obstacles, magnify the Lord.  That means, magnify God’s power.  The average person will dwell on all the obstacles and hindrances which are there to prevent his good coming to pass. You “combine with what you notice,” so if you give obstacles and hindrances your undivided attention, they grow worse and worse. Give God your undivided attention. Keep saying silently (in the face of all obstacles), “God’s ways are ingenious, His methods are sure.” God’s power is invincible, (though invisible). “Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” In demonstrating our good, we must look away from adverse appearances, “Judge not by appearances.” Get some statement which will give you a feeling of assurance, The long arm of God reaches out over people and conditions, controlling the situation and protecting my interests! I was asked to speak the word for a man who was to have a business interview with a seemingly unscrupulous person. I used the statement, and  rightness and justice came out of the situation, at just the exact time I was speaking. We have all heard the quotation from Proverbs, “Hope deferred maketh the heart grow sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.” In desiring sincerely (without anxiety), we are catching up with the thing desired; and the desire becomes crystallized on the external. “I will give to you the righteous desires of your heart.” Selfish desires, desires which harm others, always return to harm the sender. The righteous desire might be called an echo from the Infinite. It is already a perfect idea in the divine mind. 

All inventors catch up with the ideas of the articles they invent. I say in my book, “The Game of Life and How To Play It,” the telephone was seeking Bell. Often two people discover the same inventions at the same time; they have tuned in with the same idea. The most important thing in life is to bring the divine plan to pass. Just as the picture of the oak is in the acorn, the divine design of your life is in your superconscious mind, and you must work out the perfect pattern in your affairs. You will then lead a magic life, for in the divine design, all conditions are permanently perfect. People defy the divine design when they are asleep to their good. 

Perhaps the woman who liked to lie in bed most of the day, and read magazines, should be writing for magazines, but her habits of laziness dulled all desire to go forward. The fishes who desired wings, were alert and alive, they did not spend their days on the bed of the ocean, reading “Vogue” and “Harper’s Bazaar.” Awake thou that sleepeth and catch up with your good!  “Call on me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” I now catch up with my good, for before I called I was answered


“Behold, I will do a new thing: now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”—Isaiah 43:19. 

In this 43rd chapter of Isaiah, are many wonderful statements, showing the irresistible power of Supreme Intelligence, coming to man’s rescue in times of trouble. No matter how impossible the situation seems, Infinite Intelligence knows the way out. Working with God-Power, man becomes unconditioned and absolute. Let us get a realization of this hidden power we can call upon at any moment. Make your contact with Infinite Intelligence, (the God within) and all appearance of evil evaporates, for it comes from man’s “vain imaginings.” 

In my question and answer class I would be asked, “How do you make a conscious contract with this Invincible Power?” I reply, “By your word.” “By your word you are justified.” The Centurion said to Jesus Christ, “Speak the word master and my servant shall be healed.” “Whosoever calleth on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” Notice the word, “call:” you are calling on the Lord or Law, when you make an affirmation of Truth. As I always say, take a statement which “clicks,” that means, gives you a feeling of security. People are enslaved by ideas of lack; lack of love, lack of money, lack of companionship, lack of health, and so on. They are enslaved by the ideas of interference and incompletion. They are asleep in the Adamic Dream: Adam (generic man,) ate of “Maya the tree of illusion” and saw two powers, good and evil. 

The Christ mission was to wake people up to the Truth of one Power, God. “Awake thou that sleepeth.” If you lack any good thing, you are still asleep to your good. How do you awake from the Adamic dream of opposites, after having slept soundly in the race thought for hundreds of years? Jesus Christ said, “When two of you agree, it shall be done.” It is the law of agreement. It is almost impossible to see clearly, your good, for yourself: that is where the healer, practitioner or friend is necessary. Many successful men say they have succeeded because their wives believed in them.  

I will quote from a current newspaper, giving Walter P. Chrysler’s tribute to his wife: “Nothing,” he once said, “has given me more satisfaction in life, than the way my wife had faith in me from the very first, through all those years.” 

Chrysler wrote of her, “It seemed to me I could not make anyone understand that I was ambitious except Della. I could tell her and she would nod. It seems to me I even dared to tell her that I intended, some day, to be a master mechanic.” She always backed his ambitions. 

Talk about your affairs as little as possible, and then only to the ones who will give you encouragement and inspiration. 

The world is full of “Wet blankets,” people who tell you “it can’t be done,” that you are aiming too high.  As people sit in Truth meetings and services, often a word or an idea will open a way in the wilderness. Of course the Bible is speaking of states of consciousness. You are in a wilderness or desert, when you are out of harmony—when you are angry, resentful, fearful or undecided. 

Indecision is the cause of much ill health, being unable “to make up your mind.” One day when I was on a bus, a woman stopped it and asked the conductor its destination. He told her, but she was undecided. She got half way on, and then got off, then on again: the conductor turned to her and said, “Lady, make up your mind!” So it is with so many people: “Ladies make up your minds!” The intuitive person is never undecided: he is given his leads and hunches, and goes boldly ahead, knowing he is on the magic path. In Truth, we always ask for definite leads just what to do; you will always receive one if you ask for it. Sometimes it comes as intuition, sometimes from the external. One of my students, named Ada, was walking down the street, undecided whether to go to a certain place, or not; she asked for a lead. Two women were walking in front of her. One turned to the other and said, “Why don’t you go Ada?”—The woman’s name just happened to be Ada—my friend took it as a definite lead, and went on to her destination, and the outcome was very successful. 

We really lead magic lives, guided and provided for at every step; if we have ears to hear and eyes that see. Of course we have left the plane of the intellect and are drawing from the superconscious, the God within, which says, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” 

Whatever you should know, will be revealed to you. Whatever you lack, will be provided! 

“Thus saith the Lord which maketh a way in the sea and a path in the mighty waters.” “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.” People who live in the past have severed their contact with the wonderful now. 

God knows only the now; now is the appointed time, today is the day. Many people lead lives of limitation, hoarding and saving, afraid to use what they have; which brings more lack and more limitation. 

I give the example of a woman who lived in a small country town: she could scarcely see to get about, and had very little money. A kind friend took her to an oculist, and presented her with glasses, which enabled her to see perfectly. Sometime later she met her on the street without the glasses. She exclaimed, “Where are your glasses?” The woman replied, “Well, you don’t expect me to hack ’em out by using them every day, do you? I only wear them on Sundays.”

 You must live in the now and be wide awake to your opportunities. “Behold, I will do a new thing: now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” 

This message is meant for the individual: think of your problem and know that Infinite Intelligence knows the way of fulfillment. I say the way, for before you called you were answered. The supply always precedes the demand. God is the Giver and the Gift and now creates His own amazing channels. 

When you have asked for the Divine Plan of your life to manifest, you are protected from getting the things that are not in the Divine Plan. You may think that all your happiness depends upon obtaining one particular thing in life; later on, you praise the Lord that you didn’t get it. Sometimes you are tempted to follow the reasoning mind, and argue with your intuitive leads, suddenly the Hand of Destiny pushes you into your right place; under grace, you find yourself back on the magic path again. 

You are now wide awake to your good—you have the ears that hear (your intuitive leads,) and the eyes which see the open road of fulfillment. The genius within me is released. I now fulfill my destiny.


I have been asked to give a Metaphysical interpretation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, one of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. 

It is amazing how this picture, a fairy story, swept sophisticated New York, and the whole country, due to Walt Disney’s genius. This fairy tale was supposed to be for children, but men and women have packed the theater. It is because fairy tales come down from old legends of Persia, India and Egypt, which are founded on Truth. Snow White, the little Princess, has a cruel stepmother, who is jealous of her. This cruel stepmother idea appeals also in “Cinderella.” Nearly everyone has a cruel step-mother. 

The cruel stepmother is a negative thought form you have built up in the subconscious. Snow White’s cruel step-mother is jealous of her and always keeps her in rags and in the background. All cruel thought forms do this. 

The cruel step-mother consults her magic mirror every day, saying: “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” One day the mirror replies: “Thou Queen, mayst fair and beauteous be, but Snow White is lovelier far than thee.” This enrages the Queen, so she decides to send Snow White to the forest to be killed by one of her servants. However, the servant’s heart melts when Snow White begs for her life, so he leaves her in the woods. The woods are filled with terrifying animals and many pitfalls and dangers. She falls in terror to the ground, and while there, a most unusual spectacle presents itself. Scores of the most delightful little animals and birds creep up and surround her. Rabbits, squirrels, deer, beavers, raccoons, etc. She opens her eyes and greets them with pleasure; they are so friendly and attractive. 

She tells her story and they lead her to a little house which she makes her home. 


The little house proves to be the home of the Seven Dwarfs. 

Everything is in disorder, so Snow White and her animal friends begin to clean the house. The squirrels dust with their tails, the birds hang things up, using the little deer’s horns for a hat-rack. When the seven dwarfs come home from their work of digging gold, they discover the change and at last find Snow White asleep on one of the beds. 

In the morning she tells her story, remains with them to keep house and cook their meals, and is very happy. 


In the meantime, the cruel step-mother consults her mirror and it says to her: “Over the hills in the green wood shade, where the Seven Dwarfs their dwelling have made, there Snow White is hiding her head, and she, is lovelier far, Oh, Queen than thee.” This infuriates the Queen; so she starts off disguised as an old hag, with a poisoned apple for Snow White. She finds her in the house of the Seven Dwarfs and tempts her with the big, red luscious apple. 

The birds and animals endeavor to tell her not to touch it. THEY TRY TO GIVE HER THE HUNCH NOT TO EAT IT. They rush around in dismay, but Snow White can’t resist the apple, she takes one bite and falls, apparently dead. 

Now all the little birds and animals rush off to bring the Seven Dwarfs to the rescue; but too late, Snow White lies lifeless. They all bow their little heads in grief. Then suddenly the Prince appears, kisses Snow White, and she comes to life. They are married and live happily ever after. 


This is the fairy story which has enthralled New York and the whole country. 

Find out what form of tyranny your cruel stepmother is taking in your subconscious. It is some negative conviction which works out in all your affairs. 

We hear people saying: “My good always comes to me too late.” “I’ve lost so many opportunities!” We must reverse the thought and say repeatedly: “I am wide awake to my good, I never miss a trick.” 


Nothing can hinder, nothing can delay the manifestation of the Divine Plan of my life.

The Light of Lights streams on my pathway, revealing the Open Road of Fulfillment!

more florence scovel shinn

florence scovel shinn

The Florence Scovel Shinn Collection

Florence Scovel Shinn was born September 24, 1871 in Camden, New Jersey and she was an American artist and book illustrator who became a New Thought spiritual teacher and metaphysical writer in her middle years.

In New Thought circles, Shinn is best known for her first book, The Game of Life and How to Play It (1925). She expressed her philosophy as:

“The invisible forces are ever working for man who is always “pulling the strings” himself, though he does not know it. Owing to the vibratory power of words, whatever man voices, he begins to attract.”
-The Game of Life, Florence Scovel Shinn

Her books put forward New Thought beliefs, with the use of Biblical references, all presented in short, succinct chapters.

Some of the ideas discussed in Florence Scovel Shinn’s books are:

The Law of Assumption, The Law Of Attraction, The Law of Expectancy, The Power of Words, The Divine Pattern and Intuition, The Law of Substitution, The Law of Karma, The Law of Non Resistance, The Law of Forgiveness, The Law of Use, and The Law of Love.

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YOUR WORD IS YOUR WAND  | Florence Scovel Shinn




1928 Now, in the public domain


Man’s word is his wand filled with magic and power! 

Jesus Christ emphasized the power of the word; “By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned,” and “death and life are in power of the tongue.” So man has power to change an unhappy condition by waving over it the wand of his word. In the place of sorrow appears joy, in the place of sickness appears health, in the place of lack appears plenty. 

For example: A woman came for a treatment for prosperity. She possessed just two dollars in the world. I said: “We bless the two dollars and know that you have the magic purse of the Spirit; it can never be depleted; as money goes out, immediately money comes in, under grace in perfect ways. I see it always crammed, jammed with money: yellow bills, green bills, pink checks, blue checks, white checks, gold, silver and currency. I see it bulging with abundance!” She replied: “I feel my bag heavy with money,” and was so filled with faith that she gave me one of her dollars as a love offering. I did not dare refuse it and see lack for her, as it was important that I hold the picture of plenty. Shortly afterwards she was made a gift of six thousand dollars. Fearless faith and the spoken word brought it to pass. The affirmation of the magic purse is very powerful, as it brings a vivid picture to the mind. It is impossible not to see your purse or wallet filled with money when using the words, “crammed, jammed.” The imaging faculty is the creative faculty and it is important to choose words which bring a flash of the fulfillment of the demand. 

Never force a picture by visualizing; let the Divine Idea flash into your conscious mind; then the student is working according to the Divine Design. (See The Game of Life and How to Play It) Jesus Christ said: “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” This means that man must know the Truth of every situation which confronts him. There is no Truth in lack or limitation. He waves over it the wand of His Word and the wilderness rejoices and blossoms as the rose. Fear, doubt, anxiety, anger, resentment pull down the cells of the body, shock the nervous system and are the causes of disease and disaster. Happiness and health must be earned by absolute control of the emotional nature. Power moves but is never moved. When man stands calm and serene, has a good appetite, feels content and happy when appearances are against him, he has reached mastery. Then he has power to “rebuke the winds and the waves,” to control conditions. His word is his wand and he transmutes apparent failure into success. He knows his universal supply is endless and immediate and all his needs manifest instantly on the external. For example, a woman at sea awoke in the morning hearing the foghorns blowing. A dense fog had settled on the ocean with no apparent signs of clearing. She immediately spoke the word: “There are no fogs in Divine Mind, so let the fog be lifted! I give thanks for the sun!” Soon the sun came out, for man has dominion over “the elements—over all created things.” Every man has power to lift the fog in his life. It may be a fog of lack of money, love, happiness or health.  Give thanks for the sun! 


There are certain words or pictures which impress the subconscious mind. 

For example: A man called asking me to speak the word for his right work. I gave him the statement: “Behold I have set before thee the open door of destiny and no man shall shut it!” It didn’t seem to make much impression, so I was inspired to add: “And no man shall shut it for it is nailed back!” The man was electrified and went out walking on air. Within a few weeks he was called to a distant city to fill a wonderful position which came about in a miraculous way. 

I give another example of a woman who fearlessly followed a “hunch.” She was working for a small salary when she read my book, The Game of Life and How to Play It. The thought came in a flash, to start in business for herself and open a Tearoom and Candy Shop. The idea staggered her at first, but it persisted, so she boldly went forth and procured a shop and assistants. She “spoke the word for supply,” for she did not have money to back her enterprise. It came in miraculous ways, and the shop opened! From the first day it was filled with people, and now it is “crammed jammed”; they stand in line and wait. One day, being a holiday, her assistants became gloomy and said they could not expect to do much business. My student, however, replied that God was her supply and every day was a good day. In the afternoon an old friend came in to see the shop and bought a two pound box of candy. He gave her a check and when she looked at it she found it was for a hundred dollars. So it was indeed a good day! One hundred dollars for a box of candy!  She says every morning she enters the shop with wonder and gives thanks that she had the fearless faith that wins! 


The decks are now cleared for Divine Action and my own comes to me under grace in a magical way.

I now let go of worn-out conditions and worn-out things. Divine order is established in my mind, body and affairs. “Behold, I make all things new.” 

My seemingly impossible good now comes to pass, the unexpected now happens! 

The “four winds of success” now blow to me my own. From North, South, East and West comes my endless good.

The Christ in me is risen, I now fulfill my destiny. 

Endless good now comes to me in endless ways. 

I clap my cymbals and rejoice, for Jehovah goes before me making clear, easy and successful my way! 

I give thanks for my whirlwind success. I sweep all before me for I work with the Spirit and follow the Divine Plan of my life. 

 My Spiritual Sporting blood is up! I am more than equal to this situation. 

I am awake to my good, and gather in the harvest of endless opportunities. 

I am harmonious, poised and magnetic. I now draw to myself my own. My power is God’s power and is irresistible! 

Divine order is now established in my mind, body and affairs. I see clearly and act quickly and my greatest expectations come to pass in a miraculous way.

There is no competition on the Spiritual plane. What is rightfully mine is given me under grace. 

I have within me an undiscovered country, which is revealed to me now, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Behold! I have set before thee the open door of Destiny and no man shall shut it, for it is nailed back. 

The tide of Destiny has turned and everything comes my way.

I banish the past and now live in the wonderful now, where happy surprises come to me each day. 

There are no lost opportunities in Divine Mind, as one door shut another door opened. 

I have a magical work in a magical way, I give magical service for magical pay.

The genius within me is now released. I now fulfill my destiny. 

I make friends with hindrances and every obstacle becomes a stepping stone. Every-thing in the Universe, visible and invisible, is working to bring to me my own. 

I give thanks that the walls of Jericho fall down and all lack, limitation and failure are wiped out of my consciousness in the name of Jesus Christ. 

I am now on the royal road of Success, Happiness and Abundance, all the traffic goes my way. 

I will not weary of well-doing, for when I least expect it I shall reap.

Jehovah goes before me and the battle is won! All enemy thoughts are wiped out. I am victorious in the name of Jesus Christ. 

There are no obstacles in Divine Mind, therefore, there is nothing to obstruct my good. 

All obstacles now vanish from my pathway. Doors fly open, gates are lifted and I enter the Kingdom of fulfillment, under grace. 

Rhythm, harmony and balance are now established in my mind, body and affairs. 

New fields of Divine activity now open for me and these fields are white with the harvest. 

Man’s will is powerless to interfere with God’s will. God’s will is now done in my mind, body and affairs.

God’s plan for me is permanent and cannot be budged. I am true to my heavenly vision. 

“The Divine Plan of my life now takes shape in definite, concrete experiences leading to my heart’s desire.” 

I now draw from the Universal Substance, with irresistible power and determination, that which is mine by Divine Right. 

I do not resist this situation. I put it in the hands of Infinite Love and Wisdom. Let the Divine idea now come to pass. 

My good now flows to me in a steady, unbroken, ever-increasing stream of success, happiness and abundance. 

There are no lost opportunities in the Kingdom. As one door shuts another door opens. 

“There is nothing to fear for there is no power to hurt.” I walk up to the lion on my pathway and find an angel in armor, and victory in the name of Jesus Christ. 

I am in perfect harmony with the working of the law. I stand aside and let Infinite Intelligence make easy and successful my way. 

The ground I am on is holy ground; The ground I am on is successful ground. 

New fields of Divine Activity now open for me. Unexpected doors fly open, unexpected channels are free. 

What God has done for others He can do for me and more!

I am as necessary to God as He is to me, for I am the channel to bring His plan to pass. 

I do not limit God by seeing limitation in myself. With God and myself all things are possible. 

Giving precedes receiving and my gifts to others precede God’s gifts to me.

Every man is a golden link in the chain of my good. 

My poise is built upon a rock. I see clearly and act quickly. 

God cannot fail, so I cannot fail. “The warrior within me” has already won. 

Thy Kingdom come in me, Thy will be done in me and my affairs.

florence scovel shinn

The Florence Scovel Shinn Collection

Florence Scovel Shinn was born September 24, 1871 in Camden, New Jersey and she was an American artist and book illustrator who became a New Thought spiritual teacher and metaphysical writer in her middle years.

In New Thought circles, Shinn is best known for her first book, The Game of Life and How to Play It (1925). She expressed her philosophy as:

“The invisible forces are ever working for man who is always “pulling the strings” himself, though he does not know it. Owing to the vibratory power of words, whatever man voices, he begins to attract.”
-The Game of Life, Florence Scovel Shinn

Her books put forward New Thought beliefs, with the use of Biblical references, all presented in short, succinct chapters.

Some of the ideas discussed in Florence Scovel Shinn’s books are:

The Law of Assumption, The Law Of Attraction, The Law of Expectancy, The Power of Words, The Divine Pattern and Intuition, The Law of Substitution, The Law of Karma, The Law of Non Resistance, The Law of Forgiveness, The Law of Use, and The Law of Love.


In that wonderful moving picture, “The Thief of Bagdad,” we were told in letters of light that happiness must be earned! It is earned through perfect control of the emotional nature. 

There can be no happiness where there is fear, apprehension or dread. With perfect faith in God comes a feeling of security and happiness. When man knows that there is an invincible power that protects him and all that he loves, and brings to him every righteous desire of the heart, he relaxes all nervous tension and is happy and satisfied. He is undisturbed by adverse appearances, knowing that Infinite Intelligence is protecting his interests and utilizing every situation to bring his good to pass. “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in a desert.” Uneasy lies the head that wears a frown. 

Anger, resentment, ill-will, jealousy and revenge rob man of his happiness and bring sickness, failure and poverty in their wake. Resentment has ruined more homes than drink and killed more people than war. 

For example: There was a woman who was healthy and happy and married to a man she loved. The man died and left part of his estate to a relative. The woman was filled with resentment. She lost weight, was unable to do her work, developed gall-stones and became very ill. A metaphysician called upon her one day. He said: “Woman, see what hate and resentment have done to you; they have caused hard stones to form in your body and only forgiveness and good-will can cure you.” The woman saw the Truth of the statement. She became harmonious and forgiving and regained her splendid health. 


I am now deluged with the happiness that was planned for me in the Beginning. My barns are full, my cup flows over with joy.

My endless good now comes to me in endless ways. 

I have a wonderful joy in a wonderful way, and my wonderful joy has come to stay. 

Happy surprises come to me each day. “I look with wonder at that which is before me.” 

I walk boldly up to the lion on my pathway and find it is a friendly airedale. 

I am harmonious, happy, radiant; detached from the tyranny of fear. 

My happiness is built upon a rock. It is mine now and for all eternity. 

My good now flows to me in a steady unbroken, ever-increasing stream of happiness. 

My happiness is God’s affair, therefore, no one can interfere. 

As I am one with God I am now one with my heart’s desire. 

I give thanks for my permanent happiness, my permanent health, my permanent wealth, my permanent love. 

I am harmonious, happy and Divinely magnetic, and now draw to me my ships over a calm sea. 

God’s ideas for me are perfect and permanent. 

My heart’s desire is a perfect idea in Divine Mind, incorruptible and indestructible, and now comes to pass, under grace in a magical way.


With love usually comes terrific fear. Nearly every woman comes into the world with a mythical woman in the back of her mind who is to rob her of her love. She has been called “the other woman.” Of course it comes from woman’s belief in duality. 

So long as she visualizes interference, it will come. It is usually very difficult for a woman to see herself loved by the man she loves, so these affirmations are to impress the truth of the situation upon her subconscious mind, for in reality there is only oneness. (See The Game of Life and How to Play It.) 


 As I am one with God, the Undivided One, I am one with my undivided love and undivided happiness. 

The Light of the Christ within now wipes out all fear, doubt, anger and resentment. God’s love pours through me, an irresistible magnetic current. I see only perfection and draw to myself. 

Divine Love, through me, now dissolves all seeming obstacles and makes clear, easy and successful my way. 

I love everyone and everyone loves me. My apparent enemy becomes my friend, a golden link in the chain of my good. 

I am at peace with myself and with the whole world. I love everyone and everyone loves me. The floodgates of my good now open.


Unless marriage is built upon the rock of oneness it cannot stand; “Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.” The poet understood this, for unless man and wife are living the same thoughts (or living in the same thought world), they must inevitably drift apart. 

Thought is a tremendous vibratory force and man is drawn to his thought creations. For example: A man and woman married and were apparently happy. The man became successful and his tastes improved, but the wife still lived in a limited consciousness. Whenever the man bought anything he went to the best shops and selected what he needed regardless of price. Whenever the wife went out she haunted the Five and Ten Cent Stores. He was living (in thought), on Fifth Avenue and her thought world was on Third Avenue. Eventually the break and separation came. 

We see this so often in the cases of rich and successful men who desert their faithful, hard working wives later in life. The wife must keep pace with her husband’s taste and ambitions and live in his thought world, for where a man thinketh in his heart there is he. 

There is for each person his “other half’ or divine selection. These two are one in their thought worlds. These are the two “whom God has joined together and no man shall (or can) part asunder.” “The twain shall be made one,” for in the superconscious mind of each is the same Divine Plan. 


I give thanks that the marriage made in heaven is now made manifest upon earth. “The twain shall be made one” now and for all eternity.



I forgive everyone and everyone forgives me. The gates swing open for my good. 

I call on the law of forgiveness. I am free from mistakes and the consequences of mistakes. I am under grace and not under karmic law. 

Though my mistakes be as scarlet, I shall be washed whiter than snow. 

What didn’t happen in the Kingdom never happened anywhere.


(See also The Game of Life and How to Play It.) Man comes into the world financed by God, with all that he desires or requires already on his pathway. This supply is released through faith and the Spoken Word. “If thou canst believe, all things are possible.” 

For example: A woman came to me one day, to tell me of her experience in using an affirmation she had read in my book, The Game of Life and How to Play It. She was without experience but desired a good position on the stage. She took the affirmation: “Infinite Spirit, open the way for my great abundance. I am an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to me by Divine Right.” She was given a very important part in a successful opera. She said: “It was a miracle, due to that affirmation, which I repeated hundreds of times.” 


I now draw from the abundance of the spheres my immediate and endless supply. All channels are free! All doors are open! 

I now release the gold-mine within me. I am linked with an endless golden stream of prosperity which comes to me under grace in perfect ways.

Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of abundance forever. 

My God is a God of plenty and I now receive all that I desire or require, and more.

All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways. 

My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways. 

All channels are free and all doors fly open for my immediate and endless, Divinely Designed supply. My ships come in over a calm sea, under grace in perfect ways. 

I give thanks that the millions which are mine by Divine Right, now pour in and pile up under grace in perfect ways. 

Unexpected doors fly open, unexpected channels are free, and endless avalanches of abundance are poured out upon me, under grace in perfect ways. 

I spend money under direct inspiration wisely and fearlessly, knowing my supply is endless and immediate. 

I am fearless in letting money go out, knowing God is my immediate and endless supply.



 “Faith without nerve is dead.” 

There is never a slip ’twixt the right cup and the right lip. 

Never look or you’d never leap. 

God works in unexpected places, through unexpected people, at unexpected times, His wonders to perform. 

Power moves but is never moved. 

Loving your neighbor means not to limit your neighbor in word, thought or deed

“Never argue with a hunch.” 

Christopher Columbus followed a hunch. 

The Kingdom of Heaven is the realm of perfect ideas. 

It is dark before the dawn but the dawn never fails. Trust in the dawn. 

When in doubt play trumps, do the fearless thing. 

It is the fearless things that count. 

Never do today what intuition says to do tomorrow. 

It’s a great life if you don’t reason. 

Regard your neighbor as yourself. 

Never hinder another’s hunch. 

Selfishness binds and blocks. Every loving and unselfish thought has in it the germ of success. 

Be not weary of make-believing. When you least expect it you shall reap. 

Faith is elastic. Stretch it to the end of your demonstration. 

Before you call you are answered, for the supply precedes the demand. 

What you do for others you are doing for yourself. 

Every act committed while angry or resentful brings unhappy reaction. 

Sorrow and disappointment follow in the wake of deceit and subterfuge. The way of the transgressor is hard. “No good thing will be withheld from him who walks uprightly.” 

There is no power in evil. It is nothing; therefore can only come to nothing. 

Fear and impatience demagnetize. Poise magnetizes.

Drown the reasoning mind with your affirmation. Jehoshaphat clapped his cymbals so that he wouldn’t hear himself think. 

All bondage is an illusion of the race consciousness. There is always a way out of every situation, under grace. Every man is free to do the will of God. 

Sure-ism is stronger than Optimism. 

“Divine ideas never conflict.” 

It is dangerous to stop in the middle of a hunch. Infinite Spirit is never too late.


Hope looks forward, Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly. 

In my classes I often emphasize the importance of digging ditches (or preparing for the thing asked for) which shows active faith and brings the demonstration to pass. (See The Game of Life and How to Play It.) A man in my class, whom I called “the life of the party,” because he always tried to find a question I couldn’t answer, but he never succeeded, asked: “Why is it then, a lot of women who prepare Hope Chests never get married?” I replied: “Because it is a Hope Chest and not a Faith Chest.” The prospective bride also violates law in telling others about it. Her friends come in and sit on the Hope Chest and either doubt or hope she’ll never succeed. “Pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” The student should never talk of a demonstration until it “has jelled,” or comes to pass on the external. So a Hope Chest should become a Faith Chest and be kept from the public eye, and the word spoken for the Divine Selection of a husband, under grace in a perfect way. Those whom God hath joined together no thought can put asunder. 


Adverse appearances work for my good, for God utilizes every person and every situation to bring to me my heart’s desire. “Hindrances are friendly” and obstacles spring boards! I now jump into my good!  As I am one with the Undivided One, I am one with my undivided good. 

As the needle in the compass is true to the north, what is rightfully mine is true to me. I am the North! 

“I am now linked by an invisible, unbreakable magnetic cord with all that belongs to me by Divine Right! 

Thy Kingdom is come, Thy will is done in me and my affairs. 

Every plan my Father in heaven has not planned is dissolved and obliterated and the Divine Design of my life now comes to pass. 

What God has given me can never be taken from me for His gifts are for all eternity. 

My faith is built upon a rock and my heart’s desire now comes to pass, under grace in a miraculous way.

I see my good in a golden glow of glory. I see my fields shining white with the harvest. 

God is my unfailing and immediate supply of all good. 

I am poised and powerful, my greatest expectations are realized in a miraculous way. 

I water my wilderness with faith and suddenly it blossoms as the rose. 

I now exercise my fearless faith in three ways—by thinking, speaking and acting. I am unmoved by appearances, therefore appearances move. 

I stand steadfast, immovable, giving thanks for my seeming impossible good to come to pass, for I know, with God, it is easy of accomplishment, and His time is now. 

God’s plans for me are built upon a rock. What was mine in the beginning, is mine now and ever shall be mine. 

I know there is nothing to defeat God, therefore, there is nothing to defeat me.

I wait patiently on the Lord, I trust in Him, I fret not myself because of evildoers (for every man is a golden link in the chain of my good) and He now gives to me the desires of my heart! (See 37th Psalm.) 

I have now the fearless faith of the Christ within. At my approach barriers vanish and obstacles disappear.


If man loses anything it shows there is a belief of loss in his subconscious mind. As he erases this false belief, the article, or its equivalent will appear on the external. 

For example: A woman lost a silver pencil in a theater. She made every effort to find it but it was not returned. She denied loss, taking the affirmation: “I deny loss, there is no loss in Divine Mind, therefore I cannot lose that pencil. I will receive it or its equivalent.” Several weeks elapsed. One day she was with a friend who wore about her neck on a cord, a beautiful gold pencil, who turned to her and said: “Do you want this pencil? I paid fifty dollars for it at Tiffany’s.” The woman was aghast, and replied (almost forgetting to thank her friend) “Oh! God aren’t you wonderful! The silver pencil wasn’t good enough for me!” Man can only lose what doesn’t belong to him by Divine Right, or isn’t good enough for him. 


There is no loss in Divine Mind, therefore, I cannot lose anything that is rightfully mine. Infinite Intelligence is never too late! Infinite Intelligence knows the way of recovery. 

There is no loss in Divine Mind, therefore, I cannot lose anything which belongs to me. It will be restored or I receive its equivalent.


If a man is in debt or people owe him money, it shows that a belief of debt is in his subconscious mind. This belief must be neutralized in order to change conditions. 

For example: A woman came to me saying a man had owed her a thousand dollars for years which she could not compel him to pay. I said: “You must work on yourself, not the man,” and gave her this statement: “I deny debt, there is no debt in Divine Mind, no man owes me anything, all is squared. I send that man love and forgiveness.” In a few weeks she received a letter from him saying he intended sending the money and in about a month came the thousand dollars. 

If the student owes money, change the statement: “There is no debt in Divine Mind, therefore, I owe no man anything, all is squared. All my obligations are now wiped out, under grace in a perfect way.” 


I deny debt, there is no debt in Divine Mind, therefore, I owe no man anything. All obligations are now wiped out under grace in a miraculous way. 

I deny debt, there is no debt in Divine Mind, no man owes me anything, all is squared. I send forth love and forgiveness.


A woman who lived in a country town wished to sell her house and furniture. It was in the winter with snow so deep it was almost impossible for cars or wagons to reach her door. As she had asked God to sell her furniture to the right person for the right price she was unmindful of appearances. She polished the furniture, pushed it into the middle of the room and prepared to sell it. She said: “I never looked out of the window at the blizzard, I simply trusted God’s promises.” In miraculous ways people drove up and all the furniture was sold, and the house also, without paying any commission to an agent. Faith never looks out of the window at the blizzard, it simply prepares for the blessing asked for. 


I give thanks that this article (or property) is now sold to the right person or persons for the right price, giving perfect satisfaction. 



There is no competition on the Spiritual plane. What is mine is given me, under grace. 

I am identified in love with the Spirit of this person (or persons). God protects my interests and the Divine Idea now comes out of this situation.


Always on man’s pathway is his message or his lead. 

For example: A woman was very troubled over an unhappy situation. She thought to herself, “Will it ever clear up?” Her maid was standing near and commenced to tell her of her experiences. The woman was too worried to be interested but listened patiently. The maid was saying: “I worked in a hotel once where there was a very amusing gardener, he always said such funny things. It had been raining for three days and I said to him: ‘Do you think it will ever clear up?’ And he replied, ‘My God, doesn’t it always clear up?'” The woman was amazed! It was the answer to her thoughts. She said reverently, “Yes, with my God it always clears up!” Soon after, her problem did clear up in an unexpected way. 


Infinite Spirit, give me wisdom to make the most of my opportunities. Never let me miss a trick. 

I am always under direct inspiration. I know just what to do and give instant obedience to my intuitive leads. 

My angel of destiny goes before me, keeping me in the Way. 

All power is given unto me to be meek and lowly of heart. I am willing to come last, therefore, I come first! 

I now place my personal will upon the altar. Your will, not my will; Your way not my way; Your time not my time— and in the twinkling of an eye it is done! 

There are no mysteries in the Kingdom. Whatever I should know will now be revealed to me, under grace.

I am a perfect non-resistant instrument for God to work through, and His perfect plan for me now comes to pass in a magic way.



I am surrounded by the White Light of the Christ, through which nothing negative can penetrate. 

I walk in the Light of the Christ and my fear giants dwindle into nothingness. There is nothing to oppose my good.



There is no loss of memory in Divine Mind, therefore, I recollect everything I should remember and I forget all that is not for my good.


(See also The Game of Life and How to Play It.) There is a Divine Design for each man! Just as the perfect picture of the oak is in the acorn, the divine pattern of his life is in the superconscious mind of man. 

In the Divine Design there is no limitation, only health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression. So on man’s pathway there is always a Divine Selection. Each day he must live according to the Divine Plan or have unhappy reactions. 

For example: A woman moved into a new apartment which she had almost furnished, when the thought came to her: “On that side of the room should stand a Chinese cabinet! Not long after, she was walking by an antique shop. She glanced in and there stood a magnificent Chinese cabinet about eight feet high, elaborately carved. She entered and asked the price. The salesman said it was worth a thousand dollars but the woman who owned it was willing to take less. The man added: “What will you offer for it?” The woman paused and the price “Two hundred dollars” came into her mind, so she answered: “Two hundred dollars.” The man said he would let her know if the offer were satisfactory. She did not want to cheat anyone or get anything which was not rightfully hers, so going home she said repeatedly: “If it’s mine I can’t lose it and if it isn’t mine, I don’t want it.” It was a snowy day and she said she emphasized her words by kicking the snow from right to left, clearing a pathway to her apartment. Several days elapsed when she was notified that the woman was willing to sell the cabinet for two hundred dollars. There is a supply for every demand, from Chinese cabinets to millions of dollars. “Before ye call I shall answer,” but, unless it is the Divinely Selected cabinet or millions they would never bring happiness. “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” (Psalm 127-1.) 


I let go of everything not divinely designed for me, and the perfect plan of my life now comes to pass. 

What is mine by Divine Right can never be taken from me. God’s perfect plan for me is built upon a rock. 

I follow the magic path of intuition and find myself in my Promised Land, under grace. 

My mind, body and affairs are now molded according to the Divine pattern within. 

 “God is the only power and that power is within me. There is only one plan, God’s plan, and that plan now comes to pass.” 

“I give thanks that I now bring forth from the Universal Substance everything that satisfies all the righteous desires of my heart.” 

The divine Design of my life now comes to pass. I now fill the place that I can fill and no one else can fill. I now do the things which I can do and no one else can do. 

I am fully equipped for the Divine Plan of my life; I am more than equal to the situation. 

All doors now open for happy surprises and the Divine Plan of my life is speeded up under grace.


When man is harmonious and happy he is healthy! 

All sickness comes from sin or violation of Spiritual Law. Jesus Christ said: “Be thou healed, your sins are forgiven.” Resentment, ill-will, hate, fear, etc., etc., tear down the cells of the body and poison the blood. (See The Game of Life and How to Play It.) Accidents, old age and death itself, come from holding wrong mental pictures. When man sees himself as God sees him, he will become a radiant being, timeless, birthless and deathless, for “God made man in His likeness and in His image.” 


I deny fatigue, for there is nothing to tire me. I live in the Kingdom of eternal joy and absorbing interests. My body is “the body electric,” timeless and tireless, birthless and deathless. Time and space are obliterated! 

I live in the wonderful now, birthless and deathless! I am one with The One! 

Thou in me art: Eternal joy. Eternal youth. Eternal wealth. Eternal health. Eternal love. Eternal life. 

I am a Spiritual Being—my body is perfect, made in His likeness and image. The Light of the Christ now streams through every cell. I give thanks for my radiant health. 


(Imperfect vision. Correspondences—Fear, suspicion, seeing obstacles. Watching for unhappy events to come to pass—living in the past or future—not living in the NOW.) 


The Light of the Christ now floods my eyeballs. I have the crystal clear vision of the Spirit. I see clearly and distinctly there are no obstacles on my pathway. I see clearly the fulfillment of my heart’s desire.

I have the X-ray eye of the Spirit. I see through apparent obstacles. I see clearly the miracle come to pass. 

I have the crystal clear vision of the Spirit, I see clearly the open road. There are no obstacles on my pathway. I now see miracles and wonders come to pass. I give thanks for my perfect sight. I see God in every face, I see good in every situation.

I have the crystal clear vision of the Spirit. I look up and down and all around, for my good comes from North, South, East and West. 

My eyes are God’s eyes, perfect and flawless. The Light of the Christ floods my eyeballs and streams on my pathway. I see clearly there are no lions on my way, only angels and endless blessings.


(Correspondence—Unfed desires—lack of happiness.) 


I am nourished by the Spirit within. Every cell in my body is filled with light. I give thanks for radiant health and endless happiness. (This statement may be used in the healing of any disease.)


(Deafness—Correspondence—Strong personal will, stubbornness and a desire not to hear certain things.)


My ears are the ears of Spirit. The Light of the Christ now streams through my ears dissolving all hardness or malformation. I hear clearly the voice of intuition and give instant obedience. I hear clearly glad tidings of great joy.


(Correspondence—Fault finding, criticism, etc.)


The Light of the Christ now floods my consciousness, dissolving all acid thoughts. I love everyone and everyone loves me. I give thanks for my radiant health and happiness.


(Correspondence—Jealousy, hatred, resentment, fear, etc., etc.) 


Every plant my Father in Heaven has not planted shall be rooted up. All false ideas in my consciousness are now obliterated. The Light of the Christ streams through every cell and I give thanks for my radiant health and happiness now and forevermore.


(Correspondence—Fear, Anger, etc.) 


My heart is a perfect idea in the Divine Mind and is now in its right place, doing its right work. It is a happy heart, a fearless heart and a loving heart. The Light of the Christ streams through every cell and I give thanks for my radiant health.


(Dog: for example) 


I deny any appearance of disorder. This dog is a perfect idea in the Divine Mind and now expresses God’s perfect Idea of a perfect dog. 

Infinite Intelligence illumines and directs this animal. It is a perfect idea in the Divine Mind and is always in its right place.


Man is made in God’s likeness and image (Imagination) and is given power and dominion over all created things. He has power to “rebuke the winds and the waves,” check floods or bring rain when it is needed. 

There is a tribe of American Indians who live in the desert country and depend on the power of prayer only, to bring rain to water their crops. They have a rain dance, which is a form of prayer, but no chief is allowed to take part who has any fear. They give exhibitions of courage before they are admitted to the ceremonies. A woman, who was an eye-witness, told me that out of a blue sky came a deluge of rain; the sun still shining. 


Fire is man’s friend and is always in its right place doing its right work.


There is no drought in Divine Mind. I give thanks for the right amount of rain to nourish these crops or garden. I see clearly this gentle downpour and the manifestation is now. 


The Christ within now rebukes the winds and the waves and there comes a great calm. I see clearly peace established on land and sea



I give thanks for the Divinely planned journey under Divinely planned conditions with the Divinely planned supply.


The thing you dislike or hate will surely come upon you, for when man hates, he makes a vivid picture in the subconscious mind and it objectifies. 

The only way to erase these pictures is through non-resistance. (See The Game of Life and How to Play It.) 

For example: A woman was interested in a man who told her repeatedly of his charming women cousins. She was jealous and resentful and he passed out of her life. Later on she met another man to whom she was much attracted. In the course of their conversation he mentioned some women cousins he was very fond of. She resented it, then laughed, for here were her old friends “the cousins” back again. This time she tried non-resistance. She blessed all the cousins in the Universe and sent them good-will, for she knew if she didn’t, every man she met would be stocked up with women relations. It was successful for she never heard cousins mentioned again. This is the reason so many people have unhappy experiences repeated in their lives. 

I knew a woman who bragged of her troubles. She would go about saying to people; “I know what trouble is!” and then wait for their words of sympathy. Of course, the more she mentioned her troubles, the more she had, for by her words she “was condemned.” She should have used her words to neutralize her troubles instead of to multiply them. 

For example—had she said repeatedly: “I cast every burden upon the Christ within and I go free,” and not voiced her sorrows, they would have faded from her life, for “by your words you are justified.” 

“I will give to thee the land that thou seest.” Man is ever reaping on the external what he has sown in his thought world. 

For example: A woman needed money and was walking along the street making the affirmation that God was her immediate supply. She looked down and at her feet was a two dollar bill, which she picked up. A man standing near (a watchman in a building), said to her: “Lady, did you pick up some money? I thought it was a piece of chewing-gum paper. A lot of people walked over it, but when you came it opened up like a leaf.” The others, thinking lack, had passed over it, but at her words of faith it unfurled. So with the opportunities in life—one man sees, another passes by. 

 “Faith without works (or action) is dead.” The student, in order to bring into manifestation the answer to his prayer must show active faith. 

For example: A woman came to me asking me to speak the word for the renting of a room. I gave her the statement: “I give thanks that the room is now rented to the right and perfect man for the right price, giving perfect satisfaction.” Several weeks elapsed but the room had not been rented. I asked: “Have you shown active faith? Have you followed every hunch in regard to the room?” She replied: “I had a hunch to get a lamp for the room, but I decided I couldn’t afford it.” I said: “You’ll never rent the room until you get the lamp, for in buying the lamp you are acting your faith, impressing the subconscious mind with certainty.” I asked: “What is the price of the lamp?” She answered: “Four dollars.” I exclaimed: “Four dollars standing between you and the perfect man!” She became so enthusiastic, she bought two lamps. About a week elapsed and in walked the perfect man. He did not smoke and paid the rent in advance and fulfilled her ideal in every way. 

Unless you become as a little child and dig your ditches you shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of manifestation. (See The Game of Life and How to Play It.) 

 “Without the vision my people perish.” Unless man has some objective, some Promised Land to look forward to, he begins to perish. We see it so often in small country towns, in the men who sit around a stove all winter, who “Ain’t got no ambition.” Within each one is an undiscovered country, a gold mine. I knew a man in a country town called “Magnolia Charlie,” because he always found the first magnolia in the spring. He was a shoemaker, but every afternoon left his work to go to the station to meet the four-fifteen train, from a distant city. They were the only romances in his life, the first magnolia and the fourfifteen train. He felt vaguely the call of the vision in the superconscious mind. No doubt, the Divine Design for him included travel and perhaps he was to become a genius in the plant world. Through the spoken word the Divine Design may be released and each one fulfills his destiny. “I now clearly see the perfect plan for my life. Divine enthusiasm fires me and I now fulfill my destiny.” The Spiritual attitude towards money is to know that God is man’s supply, and that he draws it from the abundance of the spheres, through his faith and spoken word. When man realizes this he loses all greed for money, and is fearless in letting it go out. With his magic purse of the Spirit, his supply is endless and immediate, and he knows also that giving precedes receiving. 

For example: “A woman came to me asking me to speak the word for five hundred dollars by the first of August. (It was then about the first of July.) I knew her very well, and said: “The trouble with you is you don’t give enough. You must open your channels of supply by giving.” She had accepted an invitation to visit a friend and did not want to go on account of the formality. She said: “Please treat me to be polite for three weeks, and I want to get away as soon as possible, and be sure to speak the word for the five hundred dollars.” She went to the friend’s house, was unhappy and restless and tried continually to leave, but was always persuaded to stay longer. She remembered my advice, however, and gave the people about her presents. Whenever possible she made a little gift. It was nearing the first of August and no signs of the five hundred dollars, and no way of escape from the visit. The last day of July she said: “Oh God! maybe I haven’t given enough!” So she tipped all the servants more than she had intended. The first of August, her hostess said to her: “My dear, I want to make you a gift,” and she handed her a check for five hundred dollars! God works in unexpected ways his wonders to perform. 


God is incapable of separation or division; therefore, my good is incapable of separation or division. I am one with my undivided good. 

All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in a perfect way under Grace. 

God’s work is finished now and must manifest. 

I serve only faith and my unlimited abundance is made manifest.

I am undisturbed by appearances. I trust in God—and He now brings to me the desires of my heart. 

My good now overtakes me in a surprising way. 

The Divine Plan of my life cannot be tampered with. It is incorruptible and indestructible. It awaits only my recognition. 

There is no there—there is only here. 

Reveal to me the way, let me see clearly the blessing which Thou hast given me. 

Let Thy blessed will be done in me this day. 

Hunches are my hounds of Heaven—they lead me in the perfect way. 

All things I seek are now seeking me. 

Divine Activity is now operating in my mind, body and affairs, whether I see it or not. 

Since I am one with the Only Presence, I am one with my heart’s desire. 

I now have the single eye of the Spirit and see only completion. 

I am a perfect idea in Divine Mind and I am always in my right place doing my right work at the right time for the right pay. 

The Columbus in you will see you through. 

I am an irresistible magnet for checks, bills and currency—for everything that belongs to me by Divine Right.

Thou in me art completion. As I have asked I must receive. 

The law of God is the law of increase and I give thanks for increase under grace in perfect ways. 

I dwell in a sea of abundance. I see clearly my inexhaustible supply. I see clearly just what to do. 

My “World of the Wondrous” now swings into manifestation and I enter my Promised Land under grace! Great peace have I who love thy law of nonresistance and nothing shall offend me. Thou in me art Inspiration, Revelation and Illumination.


Nothing is too good to be true

Nothing is too wonderful to happen 

Nothing is too good to last 

Choose the affirmation which appeals to you the most and wave it over the situation which confronts you. It is your magic wand, for your word is God in action. “It shall not return unto me void but shall accomplish that whereunto it is sent.” (Isaiah 55-11.) “But I say, have they not heard? Yes, verily, their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the end of the world.” (Romans 10-18.) 

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IMAGINATION | By A 14th Century Catholic Monk

IMAGINATION | By A 14th Century Catholic Monk

In this 14th-century text on contemplation, called “The Cloud Of Unknowing”, the author discusses the power of imagination as the first secondary faculty.

Imagination is described as the ability to depict images of both absent and present things. In the” pre-sin” era, imagination was obedient to reason and never presented disorderly images. However, after the introduction of sin (ie Humanities fall from Grace), imagination became disobedient unless restrained by the light of grace in reason.

Take a moment and appreciate the astonishing insights that this anonymous Catholic monk provided 6-700 years ago…

The author of The Cloud Of Unknowing explains that imagination, when unrestrained, constantly generates disorderly images or fanciful notions. This is particularly noticeable in individuals newly devoted to a spiritual life during their prayers. The struggle arises as the imagination continues to produce various unregulated thoughts and images, which are considered false and akin to errors.

The disobedience of imagination emphasizes the need for divine grace to restrain it and bring it into harmony with reason.

Imagination creates….

Chapter 65, The Cloud Of Unknowing:

“Of the first secondary power, Imagination by name; and of the works and the obedience of it unto Reason, before Sin and after

“IMAGINATION is a power through the which we portray all images of absent and present things, and both it and the thing that it worketh in be contained in the Memory. Before ere man sinned, was Imagination so obedient unto the Reason, to the which it is as it were servant, that it ministered never to it any unordained image of any bodily creature, or any fantasy of any ghostly creature: but now it is not so. For unless it be refrained by the light of grace in the Reason, else it will never cease, sleeping or waking, for to portray diverse unordained images of bodily creatures; or else some fantasy, the which is nought else but a bodily conceit of a ghostly thing, or else a ghostly conceit of a bodily thing. And this is evermore feigned and false, and next unto error.

This inobedience of the Imagination may clearly be conceived in them that be newlings turned from the world unto devotion, in the time of their prayer. For before the time be, that the Imagination be in great part refrained by the light of grace in the Reason, as it is in continual meditation of ghostly things—as be their own wretchedness, the passion and the kindness of our Lord God, with many such other—they may in nowise put away the won- derful and the diverse thoughts, fantasies, and images, the which be ministered and printed in their mind by the light of the curiosity of Imagination. And all this inobedience is the pain of the original sin.”

black man praying with eyes closed

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The Ego and Divine Consciousness as told by the Ramayana.

The Ego and Divine Consciousness as told by the Ramayana: How to work with the ego.

The TRUE Power Of Gratitude

by Dr Anna Bäck

The TRUE Power Of Humility

by Dr Anna Bäck

HANUMAN & the ego:

“People don’t know,  every line of the Hanuman Chalisa is a mahamantra. “

– Sri Neem Karoli Baba

In the Ramayana, the exiled Lord Rama and his wife, Sita, take refuge in the forest. They are living happily as hermits when the demon king of Lanka, Ravana, discovers them and abducts Sita, beginning a great war.

As with all great parables, the surface level of the story is the children’s version, but hiding underneath there are layers of wisdom and divine bliss to be found….in this story:

Sita represents the mind, or individual consciousness.

Rama represents Ishvara, or universal consciousness. 

Ravana is the egoic mind. 

(And later, Hanuman enters to save the mind…)

The ego is likened to Ravana who is a demon, with his ten heads and ten arms, symbolizing  the senses.

Individual Consciousness, Sita, and Universal consciousness (Ishvara), Rama, should always be united. (Sita and Rama should always be united), but Ravana, the demon, comes to separate them.  Ravana, the ego,  represents our own obstacles to achieving one-pointedness.  

(Patanjali’s list of obstacles (Yoga Sutra 1:30-1:32) includes: carelessness, inability to withdraw from sense cravings, confused understanding, and mental distractions.) 

Ravana represents these obstacles.

indian couple in traditional outfits standing in forest with cow laying on ground
Photo by Shaantanu Bhatt

This is the story:

“The exiled Lord Rama and his wife, Sita, take refuge in the forest. They are living happily as hermits when the demon king of Lanka, Ravana, discovers them and abducts Sita, beginning a great war. 

Aided by a demon disguised as an enchanting golden deer, Ravana lured Rama away from the hut. Suspicious—he knew there were demons in the forest—Rama refused at first to go after the deer. But Sita begged him, “It’s so sweet! You know I never ask for anything, but it would be such a darling pet for me here in exile.” “All right,” said Rama, “but be safe! Don’t cross this threshold until I return.” And he set off uneasily.

As soon as Rama was out of sight, Ravana appeared, standing shyly at the door in the shape of an aged holy beggar. Although Sita had been warned not to step one toe outside the door (which was protected by magical mantras), she was deceived by Ravana’s innocent appearance. She crossed the threshold and fell into his trap.

At first he tried to flatter Sita. He admitted that he was no ascetic, but a king, so smitten by her beauty, that he had resorted to this ruse in order to be near her. He swore his love and offered her a prominent place in his harem. Sita, horrified, rejected his advances. Then Ravana bared his fangs, assumed his own horrific ten-­headed form, seized Sita in his ten arms, and hauled the screaming, struggling queen up into his vimana, his flying chariot, and zoomed away like an evil meteor streaking toward Lanka.

As they flew, Sita cried desperately to the trees, the birds, and the animals: “I am Sita, wife of Rama! Bear witness, brothers and sisters, children of my mother Earth! Tell Rama! Mark my trail!” And, one by one, she flung pieces of her jewelry over the edge of the vimana.”

“The Indian epics refer to these flying machines (vimanas), and unlike the classic horse-­drawn chariots that carried warriors into battle, these multi-storied constructions flew of their own accord, like birds. 

The most famous was the Pushpaka (“flowery”) vimana designed by the divine architect Vishvakarman for the god of wealth, Kubera, but co-opted by Ravana.  Pushpaka is said to have been two stories high, not unlike Lufthansa’s super-modern A380 airbus. Its elegant exterior sheltered spacious, windowed rooms from which the occupants could view the scenery in comfort. It made a musical sound as it passed like a bright cloud through the sky. And its most special feature was this: no matter how many passengers it carried, there was always a vacant seat.”

The Vimana represents the flight our minds and ego’s take when we are seduce by all that glitters…..Not all “dreams: are perfect for us, and the true life path is always clear as long as we stay balanced in our minds, consciousness, mind, and ego.

What happens in the story?

Ravana can’t “get it on” with ShaktI, that is, unless Shakti agrees, which she of course doesn’t. 

There is only ONE MAN for Sita, and it is RAMA. This causes Ravana’s head to explode in a thousand pieces. 

THE EGO can’t GET IT ON.  This means that you will never reach one pointedness, samadhi, enlightenment, BLISS, by letting the EGO  take the lead, or take your individual mind into flights of fancy, or to inflate, (and fly off in a vimana).  If the ego takes the lead, it will take over the individual consciousness, (INTELLECT / MIND /  Nature)  and the ego will grow so large that it forms a giant wall between your mind and your divine consciousness. In a nutshell.

SHAKTI is divine feminine, but she is not “woman” as such. She is in men and women both, she represents  life giving earthly dimensional sensorial existence. Without Shakti, (Sita) we have no life, we are just divine consciousness. 

The western concept of mind is different from the Hindu concept of mind in the following way, and Patanjali gives three functions of the MIND: 

The EGO, Ahamkara, literally means the I-maker. It is not like the ego in the west. The I-maker can be inflated,  sure, just like in the west, but it also means “identification with”. This is a function that the west does not recognize, and the path to enlightenment inevitably leads through a doorway in the mind where the veil of illusion is lifted. This veil can only be lifted if we have understood the concept of the ego as the “I-maker”, the part of mind that says “I am this”.   

Behind the veil, we see, through our third eye, that identifications of the earth plane are false. This aspect is important to understand, because the ego, Ravana, although he does have his place in the forest, can not come into the abode of Lord Rama; One pointedness. Ego has its place in our mind, but it can not enter divine consciousness, it stays behind as we enter samadhi. 

Identification ceases. 

Ravana (ego) exists but there is one palace where he (it) can not go. Ravana is also unable to enter into a willing love with Sita, she is not interested in anything but one pointed consciousness, awareness and Bliss. She got carried away, by a moment of letting the MIND take over. (the three functions of mind are: EGO, MIND, INTELLECT)  

Once again: 

“Sita represents mind, or individual consciousness; Rama represents Ishvara, or universal consciousness; and Ravana represents the obstacles to one pointedness, or the ego; with his ten heads and ten arms symbolizing the claims of the senses. “

Consciousness and Ishvara should always be united. When ego, or desire for sense objects, takes over, the mind gets separated from Ishvara and carried away in a fantasy, symbolized by VIMANA, the flying vehicle. Flying off in vimana means letting your thoughts and ego run rampant. “I will do this, I will have that, I will be rich, successful, envied…” There is always room for one more seat in Pushpaka, (Vimana) just as there is no end to uncontrolled thoughts.  There is ALWAYS just one more useless thought waiting…

Can you recall a time when you were swept off your feet by a person, a train of thought, or a set of circumstances which appeared compelling but proved to be false and dangerous? 

Has a “golden deer” or someone, or something, appeared in your life, too beautiful to be real but too attractive to ignore?  Too enticing. Maybe your gut instinct said no, but it was quickly covered by lust or greed. 

Do you ever catch yourself engaging in addictive thinking or behavior? Of course you do; we all do. 

What helps “bring you back to earth”? Every faith system has their own eightfold path, or ten commandments, put in place, exclusively for this circumstance. We got carried away, right from wrong disappears, and suddenly we FEEL like wrong is right. If you followed the wrong path even once in your life, you know how it might have left a trail of destruction behind. 

These concepts are not speaking judgment into your lifestyle, they are here to protect you from yourself, your own inner demon, an inflated ego.

exotic park with stone monuments in tropical country
Photo by ArtHouse Studio

How does the story end, and what is the way out of this conundrum:

Hanuman, the great monkey God of the Ramayana is a symbol of the mind that has become disciplined and filled with devotion. 

Hanuman is the evolved state of our unruly monkey mind that constantly jumps from thought to thought. This mind is fully focused on the presence of the Divine Self, the Lord of Life within the heart.

Sita will never be with anyone but RAMA…However, it is not real Sita that was kidnapped by Ravana the demon, The real Sita has been switched out by a cursed goddess.

SIta is actually in subtle form and this other cursed goddess being, is the one who is actually  kidnapped. 

Meanwhile, Rama is forlorn and broken hearted, he doesn’t know where Sita is.

He meets Hanuman, the great monkey the ambassador of the king of monkeys in the woods. An alliance is made. 

When Hanuman comes to the rescue here in the story, he is representing the value of physical practice (sitting in chant, meditation, yoga practice etc) as a vehicle for “rescuing” the distracted mind and restoring its unity with the spirit. 

The monkeys, led by Hanuman, search for Sita, until only Lanka (land of demons, egoic mind)  remains to look in.

Lord Hanuman jumps over the ocean and finds Sita.

After a fierce battle the negative forces of the ego are destroyed.

(Hanuman is also equal to Prana, the Son of the wind, and this is the life force, the pranic breath, the essential energy in the body.)

This life-force-energy called Prana, flows through 84000 channels or Nadis, without any block, and this free flowing energy is accomplished by by for example:

Chanting  the Hanuman Chalisa.

Chanting changes fate. 

Changes Karma. 

Frees us of our  negative Karma.


“The great Indian epics of Gods and demons are in fact the most sublime psychology of the higher Self. With the key to their true meaning these ancient blockbusters will reveal to us the great perennial wisdom taught by the highest sages.” 

– Ram Dass.

Each God in Hinduism represents an aspect of our enlightened mind. 

(Compare this to concepts of God, or the creation of ascended masters etc, this complex and evolved ancient spiritual tradition of Hinduism always hides something deeper, and  even more divine wisdom. The more you learn the more aha  moments you have.)

This is the process of the dynamics of SOUL,  and ego,  the process of DEVOTION and higher intelligence, the development of faith and removal of ignorance.  In this story the aspects have come into form, the form of Gods and demons, and it is taught this way so we can understand ourselves.

This mind represented by HANUMAN, is fully focused on the presence of the Divine Self within the heart. The three minds, EGO, MIND and INTELLECT are under the control of DEVOTION.  The mind can now find Bliss within one-pointedness. 

This is a story of the heart of mankind. The doorway to our soul. The path to experiencing our own divinity.

When Rama asks Hanuman, “How do you look upon me?” the great monkey gives a three-part answer;

  • When I believe I am the body, then I am your faithful servant.
  •  When I know I am the soul, I know myself to be a spark of your eternal Light. 
  • And when I have the vision of truth, you and I, my Lord, are one and the same.

With this answer, he shows us three states that we flow through in our spiritual quest. 

It is not just a one way straight and then we are there, we flow in and out of these states, each state holding but a faint memory of the other two. The latter holds the one-pointedness of conscious awareness and Bliss. You and God are one and the same, in love, in unity, the veil drops, and you see the one consciousness that looks out of every pair of eyes is one and the same. Handyman is the vehicle that we use for the removal of the veil.

  • When I believe I am the body, then I am your faithful servant:

Many times, most often,  we identify with our person, the body – mind – ego and we think we are that. At those times we can realize that we are here to do God’s work, to serve that higher Self in us, and in everything. This is the foundation of Karma Yoga, the yoga of service. The service must be done FOR the divine, (not merely as an ego trap to make ourselves feel high and mighty)…Service for the divine, and the divine only, helps us stay out of this trap.

  • When I know I am the soul, I know myself to be a spark of your eternal Light. 

One level up and we realize we are not as separate from divine intelligence as we thought, that there is a higher knowing and presence working through us. We sense we are not separate from other beings and that our existence is an expression of the indescribable presence of God in us. This is where Bhakti and Raja Yoga open us further.

  • And when I have the vision of truth, you and I, my Lord, are one and the same.

The most dramatic shift in our perception occurs when all veils lift and we have the vision of truth. Then we know that we are all that exists. We are the Source; we are One. Jnana Yoga aims at this direct perception.

What allows Hanuman to have this complete vision, this fullness of knowing oneness?

It is faith.

Hanuman is the manifestation of faith that gives us strength. 

Strength which transforms our minds and memories, and leads us through samadhi to perfect wisdom and one-pointedness.

True faith is not belief, or “a belief system”.  Belief is the same as “not knowing”, and faith is the same as knowing and trusting.  Faith is not what we  have been told in the west, nor is faith equal to  “belief in someone else’s belief, therefore it has nothing to do with the faith of a church doctrine, for example, it is much more real than that. Faith is a personal experience of truth.   Faith  is based on the direct experience of Truth and therefore more solid than a rock. 

Faith is rock-solid knowing.

“For those on the devotional path, faith is born out of love, and love grows our faith. We know we are onto something most real, most important.” 

  • Ram Dass

As our strength grows, it changes our subconscious imprints,  (samskaras), and our “divine center” grows.  Our memory evolves. (Smriti). 

“Realizing the crucial importance of our spiritual practice, our commitment becomes increasingly stable and we approach a state of continuous remembrance of our Source”.

  • Ram Dass 

When we engage in spiritual practice, it does more than just cause a few moments of inner peace, it changes our whole brain and nervous system, it stills useless thoughts and gives us a higher perspective that allows us to let the thoughts pass by without falling for the seeming realness and importance of those thoughts. We are onto them now, and we let them go. 

“Rather than falling for our stressful thoughts, we witness the mind and become less vulnerable to its distractions. Instead, we are able to surrender to the Divine at our core again and again. With that, we come to taste states of meditative absorption in the Divine presence within (samadhi) and our mind becomes settled and unperturbed.

The sage Vyasa tells us that the awareness that we are constantly loved by the Divine, is the greatest force that allows us to surrender spontaneously to the inner Source. We realize what we have been seeking is what we are. The joy of that realization frees us from temptations and distractions and we embrace the fullness of our true nature. Our attachment to a God outside us melts away and, held in the embrace of our spiritual family (Satsang), we discover the true inner presence of guru and Self.

Focused on the Divine presence within we realize we are the giver and receiver of love – the lover and the beloved – in one. This is the blossoming of perfect wisdom (prajna), the clear perception of the enlightened state. We discover we are all that exists. We are one appearing as many and able to give ourselves fully to love because we realize there is no possibility to be hurt in this inner union.

As we are filled from inside, we shed the need for love, for attention and acknowledgment from outside and therefore we are able to share ourselves with great abundance. We have become infinitely rich. Happiness is not something we seek. It is what we are. It is our timeless and indestructible essence.

This inner wealth of love wants to share itself because that is its nature. It is the nature of Hanuman, the faith that moves mountains, that heals and serves God in all things. The mind fully focused on the Divine knows itself and is free of all fear.

with love,”

  • Ram Dass

What Qualities does Lord Hanuman Represent?

According to legend, reciting the Hanuman Chalisa daily bestows positivity, inner strength, and purification. Lord Hanuman is a highly revered and powerful deity, known for his ingenuity in overcoming challenges posed by malevolent forces, protecting the weak and innocent.

Here are some of the inspiring qualities depicted in the Hanuman Chalisa that beckon us to follow this ardent devotee of Lord Rama:

1. Humility, Purity, and Strength:

The opening lines of the Chalisa emphasize the purification of the mind by submitting oneself to Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Maha Vishnu. Despite his immense power, Hanuman’s complete dedication and humble devotion at the feet of his Lord display rare humility.

2. Rare Combination of Bravery and Wisdom:

Hanuman’s wisdom and bravery are praised throughout the Universe. His courageous deeds and verses glorifying his accomplishments are celebrated by his devotees.

3. Complete Surrender to Divine Consciousness:

Hanuman’s unwavering devotion and complete surrender to Divine Consciousness, symbolized by Lord Rama, exemplify the depth of his spiritual connection and selflessness. As a loyal messenger and devoted ally, Hanuman’s actions resonate with the essence of pure consciousness, reflecting his profound understanding of the divine nature within and around him. This quality inspires us to cultivate a sense of surrender and reverence towards the higher spiritual truth, embracing the path of selfless service and inner awakening.

4. Always at Service:

When Laxmana, Lord Rama’s brother, was in dire need, Hanuman spared no effort to fetch the lifesaving Sanjivani Buti from a distant hilly area. His unwavering dedication to fulfill his duties inspires us to persevere in our tasks.

5. Incomparable Dynamism of Hanuman:

Hanuman’s multifaceted personality and mastery of various arts, from writing poems to playing musical instruments, exemplify his versatility and adaptability.

6. Be a Friend in Need:

Hanuman played a pivotal role in facilitating the alliance between Sugreeva and Lord Rama, demonstrating the importance of supporting friends and promoting goodwill.

7. Be a Good Guide and a Listener:

Hanuman’s advice to Vibhishan, Ravana’s brother, illustrates his role as a wise listener and guide, always eager to help others find solutions.

8. Unlimited Powers:

Hanuman’s incredible powers, including swallowing the sun and crossing the vast sea, teach us to shoulder great responsibilities with determination.

9. Makes Impossible Possible:

With Hanuman’s support, fear becomes obsolete, as he is capable of turning the most impossible tasks into realities.

10. Purity of Soul:

Hanuman’s limitless reach extends to those who call him with pure intentions, reflecting his compassionate nature and selfless attitude towards the destitute.

11. Dedicated Devotion for Achieving Moksha:

Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa with dedication and devotion leads to liberation from the cycle of life and death, exemplifying Hanuman’s compassionate heart and desire to ease others’ sorrows.

12. Pray Regularly and Get Blessings from Hanuman:

Regular recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa brings blessings, happiness, and freedom from fear, providing a spiritual connection with Lord Hanuman.

Incorporating the virtues of humility and strength, Lord Hanuman serves as an inspiring symbol for us to emulate in our lives. His unwavering devotion, valor, and willingness to aid the needy impart valuable life lessons that resonate across time and space. Regular recitation and reflection on the Hanuman Chalisa allow us to draw closer to the divine and embark on a path of spiritual growth.

Shri Hanuman Chalisã

Mangala mürati maruta nandana sakala amangala múla nikandana

Son of the Wind, embodiment of blessings and joy, you destroy the root of all that is inauspicious.

Shri guru charan saroja raja 

nija mana mukura sudhari

baranau raghubara bimala jasu

 jo dayaka phala chari

Having polished the mirror of my heart with the dust from my Guru’s lotus feet, 

I sing the pure flame of the best of Raghus, which bestows the four fruits of life.

buddhihina tanu janike 

sumirau pavana kumar

bala buddhi vidya dehu mohi 

harahu kalesha bikar

I know I have no intelligence, I recall the Son of the Wind. Please give me strength, intelligence, and wisdom and remove my suffering and impurities.

sivã vara ramachandra pada iava sharanam

Hail to the refuge of the feet of Sita’s husband, Ramachandra.

1 Jaya hanumana jana guna sagar

 jaya kapisa tihu loka ujagar

Glory to you Hanuman, ocean of wisdom and virtue. 

Hail to the Lord of the Monkeys, the illuminator of the three worlds.

2. Rama dúta atulita bala dhama

añjani putra pavanasuta nama

Ram’s emissary, abode of matchless power, 

Anjani’s son, named Son of the Wind.

3. Mahabira bikrama bajarangi

kumati nivara sumati ke sangi

Great hero, mighty as a thunderbolt 

remover of negative thoughts and companion to thegood.

4. kanchana barana biraia subesa

kanana kundala kunchita kesa

Golden hued and splendidly adorned with heavy earrings and curly locks.

 5. hatha vajra au dhwaja biraje

kandhe munja jane-u  sajai

In your hands shine mace and a banner; 

a sacred thread of munja grass adorns your shoulder.

6. shankara suvana kesari nandana 

teja pratapa  maha  jaga bandana

You are Shiva’s incarnation and Kesari’s son 

Your glory is renowned throughout the world.

7 vidyavana gunati chatura 

râma kaja karibe ko atura

You are the supremely wise, virtuous, and clever. 

You are ever intent on Ram’s work.

8. Prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiyã 

râma lakhana sita mana basiya

You delight in hearing of the Lord’s deeds. 

Ram, Lakshman, and Sita dwell in your heart.

9. Sukshma rupa dhari sivahî dikhava 

bikata rüpa dhari lanka jarava

Assuming a tiny form you appeared to Sita, 

and in an awesome guise you burned Lanka.

10. Bhima rupa dhariasura sanhare

rāmachandraji ke kaia sanvāre

Taking a dreadful form, 

you slaughtered the demons and completed Lord Ram’s mission.

11. Lava sajivana lakhana jivāye

shri raghubir harashi ura laye

Bringing the life-giving sanjivani herb, 

you revived Lakshman, and Shri Ram joyfully embraced you.

12. raghupati kinhi bahuta bara-i

tuma mama priva bharathi sama bha-i

Greatly did the Lord of Raghu’s praise you saying, 

“You are as dear to me as my brother Bharat.”

13. Sahasa badana tumharo jasa gavaï 

asa kahi shripati kantha lagavee

“Thousands of mouths sing your praise,” 

So saying, Sita’s Lord drew you to himself.

14. Sankadika brahmadi munisa

nârada sharada sahita ahisA

Sanak and the sages, gods, Brahma, great saints, 

Narada, Sharada, and king of the serpents,

 15. Yama kubera digapala jahan te 

kabi kobida kahi sake kahan te

Yama, Kubera, and the guardians of the quadrants, 

poets and scholars – none can express your glory.

16. tuma upakara sugrivahi kinha

Rama milaya rajapada dinhA

You rendered great service to Sugriva. 

Introducing him to Lord Rama, you gave him kingship.

17. Tumharo mantra vibhishana manã

Tankeshvara bhaee  saba jaga jana

Vibhishana heeded your counsel 

and became the lord of Lanka as all the world knows.

18. Yuga sahasra yojana para bhanu

lilyo tahi madhura phala janù

Even though the sun is millions of (eons) miles away, 

you swallowed it, thinking it to be a sweet fruit.

19. Prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahin

jaladhi lānghi gaye acharaja nahin

Holding the Lord’s ring in your mouth, 

it is no surprise you leapt over the ocean.

20. Durgama kaja jagata ke jete

sugama anugraha tumhare tete

Every arduous task in this world 

becomes easy by your grace.

21. Rama duare tuma rakhavare 

hota na ajna binu paisare

You are the guardian at the door of Ram’s abode, 

no one enters without your leave.

22. Saba sukha lahai tumhāri sharanã 

tuma rakshaka kahú ko dara nã

Taking refuge in you, one finds complete contentment. 

Those you protect know no fear.

23. Apana teja samharau apai

tind loka hanka te kanpai

You alone can withstand your own splendor. 

The three worlds tremble at your roar.

24. bhüta pisacha nikata nahi avee

mahavira iaba nama sunavai

Ghosts and goblins cannot come near, 

great hero, when your name is uttered.

 25. Nasai roga hare saba pira 

japata nirantara hanumata bira

All disease and pain is eradicated 

by the constant repetition of your name.

26. Sankata se hanumana chhurāvai

mana krama bachana dhyana jo lavai

Hanuman releases from affliction 

those who remember him in thought, word and deed.

27. Saba para rama tapasvi raja

tina ke kaia sakala tuma saia

Ram the renunciate king reigns over all. 

You carry out all his work.

28. Aura manoratha jo ko-i lavai

so-i amita jivana phala pavai

One who brings any yearning to you 

obtains the four fruits of life.

29. Charo yuga paratapa tumhara 

hai parasiddha jagata ujivarã

Your splendor fills the four ages; 

your glory lights up the world.

30. Sādhu santa ke tuma rakhavāre

asura nikandana rama dulare

You are the protector of saints and sages, 

the destroyer of demons, and the darling of Ram.

31. Ashta siddhi nau nidhi ke datã

asa bara dina janinaki mata

You grant the eight powers and the nine treasures 

by the boon you received from Mother Janaki [Sita].

32. Rama rasayana tûmhare pãsã

sada raho raghupati ke dasã

You hold the elixir of Ram’s name 

and are forever his servant.

33. Tumhare bhajana rāmaji ko pavai 

janma janma ke duhkha bisaravai

Singing your praise, 

onefinds Ram and the sorrows of lifetimes are left behind.

34. Anta kala raghubara pura iã-i 

jahān janma hari-bhakta kaha-i

At death one goes ot Ram’s own abode, born as God’s devotee.

 35. Aura devatã chitta na dhara-i 

Hanumata se-i sarva sukha kara-i

There is no need to remember any other deity; 

worshiping Hanuman one gains all happiness.

36. Sankata katai mitai saba pira 

jo sumirai Hanumata bala bira

Al suffering and pain vanish when one remembers the brave Hanuman

37. Jai jai jai hanumana gosã-i

kripa karahu gurudeva ki nã-i

Glory, glory, glory to you Lord Hanuman. 

Bestow your grace on me as my Guru!

38. Jo shata bara pâtha kara ko-i

chhütahi bandi mahā sukha ho-i

Whoever recites this 100 times 

is freed from bondage and enjoys bliss.

39. Jo yaha pare hanumana chalisã

 hoya siddhi säkhi gaurisã

These who read this Hanuman Chalisa 

gains abilities and success, as Gauri’s Lord (Siva) bears witness.

40. Tulasidasa sada hari cherã

kijai natha hrdaya mahã dera

Says Tulsidas, Hari’s constant servant,

 “Lord, please make your home in my heart.”

Pavana tanaya sankata harana mangala mürati rûpa 

râma lakhana sit sahita hrdaya basahu sura bhüpa

Son of the Wind, king of gods, banisher of sorrow and embodiment of blessings, 

dwell in my heart together with Ram, Lakshman, and Sita.

Siya vara râmchandra pada jaya sharanam

Hail to the refuge of the feet of Sita’s husband, Ramachandra.

photo of a marigold flower
Photo by Akash Pawar on

Without translation:

Om Shree Hanumate Namo

Mangala mürati maruta nandana sakala amangala múla nikandana

shri guru charan saroja raja 

nija mana mukura sudhari

baranau raghubara bimala jasu 

jo dayaka phala chari

buddhihina tanu janike

sumiraû pavana kumar

bala buddhi vidyã dehu mohi 

harahu kalesha bikār

sivã vara râmachandra pada java sharanam

1. jaya hanumana jana guna sagar 

jaya kapisa tihù loka ujagar

2. râma dúta atulita bala dhâmã

añjani putra pavanasuta nama

3. mahabira bikram bajarangi

kumati nivara sumati ke sangi

4. kañchana barana biraia subesã

kânana kundala kuñchita kesa

 5. hatha vajra au dhwaja biraje

kāndhe münja jane-ü sajai

6. shankara suvana kesari nandana 

teja pratãpa mahã jaga bandana

7.  vidyavâna gunati chatura 

râma kaja karibe ko atura

8. prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiyã 

râma lakhana sita mana basiya

9. sükshma rüpa dhari sivahî dikhavā 

bikata rüpa dhari lanka jaravã

10. bhima rüpa dhariasura sanhâre

rāmachandraji ke kaia sanvāre

11. lava sajivana lakhana jivāye

shri raghubira harashi ura laye

12. raghupati kinhi bahuta bara-i

tuma mama priva bharatahi sama bha-i

13. sahasa badana tumharo jasa gavaï 

asa kahi shripati kantha lagavaï

14. sanakādika brahmadi munisa

nârada sharada sahita ahisã

 15. yama kubera digapala jahan te 

kabi kobida kahi sake kahan te

16. tuma upakara sugrivahi kinhã

râma milaya rajapada dinhã

17. tumharo mantra vibhishana manã

Tankeshvara bha-e saba jaga janã

18. yuga sahasra yojana para bhânù

lilyo tahi madhura phala janù

19. prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahin

jaladhi lānghi gaye acharaja nahin

20. durgama kaja jagata ke jete

sugama anugraha tumhare tete

21. râma duare tuma rakhavāre 

hota na ajña binu paisare

22. saba sukha lahai tumhāri sharanã 

tuma rakshaka kahú ko daranã

23. apana teja samharau apai

tino loka hanka te kanpai

24. bhüta pisacha nikata nahi avai 

mahabira iaba nama sunavai

 25. nasai roga hare saba pira 

japata nirantara hanumata birã

26. sankata se hanumâna chhurāvai

mana krama bachana dhyana jo lavai

27. saba para râma tapasvi rajã

tina ke kaia sakala tuma saia

28. aura manoratha jo ko-i lavai

so-i amita jivana phala pavai

29. charo yuga paratapa tumhara

 hai parasiddha jagata ujivarã

30. sādhu santa ke tuma rakhavāre

asura nikandana rama dulare

31. ashta siddhi nau nidhi ke datã

asa bara dina janiki mata

32. râma rasayana tûmhare pãsã

sada raho raghupati ke dasã

33. tumhare bhajana rāmaji ko pavai 

janama janama ke duhkha bisaravai

34. anta kala raghubara pura jã-i 

jahān janma hari-bhakta kaha-i

 35. aura devatã chitta na dhara-i 

hanumata se-i sarva sukha kara-i

36. sankata katai mitai saba pira 

jo sumirai hanumata bala bira

37. jai jai jai hanumana gosã-i

kripa karahu gurudeva ki nã-i

38. jo shata bara pâtha kara ko-i

chhütahi bandi mahā sukha ho-i

39. jo yaha pare hanumana chalisã

 hoya siddhi sakhi gaurisã

40. tulasidasa sada hari cherã

kijai natha hrdaya mahã dera

pavana tanaya sankata harana 

mangala mürati rûpa

râma lakhana sitasahita 

hrdaya basahu sura bhüpa

siya vara râmchandra pada jaya sharanam

pavana tanaya sankata harana mangala mürati rûpa râma lakhana sitasahita hrdaya basahu sura bhüpa

mangala mürati maruta nandana sakala amangala múla nikandana

shri guru charan saroja raja 

nija mana mukura sudhari

baranau raghubara bimala jasu 

jo dayaka phala chari

buddhihina tanu janike

sumiraû pavana kumär

bala buddhi vidyã dehu mohi 

harahu kalesha bikār

manifest magazine

Invitation to Share Your Beautiful Love Story!

I am currently working on a project that celebrates the beauty of love stories, particularly those who have found their soulmates. Your unique experiences and insights can contribute greatly to this endeavor!

Would you be willing to share your love story with me by answering a few questions? Your perspective on finding and marrying your soulmate can inspire and resonate with others seeking that special connection.

The questionnaire is designed to capture the essence of your journey and celebrate the unique bond you share with your soulmate. Your responses will be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality.

If you’re interested in participating, please fill out the questionnaire below. I appreciate your time and willingness to contribute to this meaningful project.

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

Dr Anna

Resolve your blocks, the heart knows the way! Manifesting, Neville Goddard and the Tao

Resolve your blocks, the heart knows the way

You don’t need a reading!

I get questions about doing readings for people,and I understand where you are coming from, I also used to think that a reading can give me the answers that I need. However, once you understand how to make practical applications of the law of assumption, you will never want another reading again, because you will know how you create your own future. Just like you understand that physical actions lead to certain results, for example if I get in my car, I start it, and I press the gas pedal and drive towards the post office, I will eventually arrive at the post office. This is predictable, and you understand that no reading is necessary to know where you are going. The law of assumption should give the same exact certainty. Will you get your desires? The moment you change the quality of your desire into a choice, an intention and a decision, and use your inner state of mind, you will know where you are headed and you don’t need to ask anyone.

1. States, spirits, and pendulums. YOU are greater, stop fearing the world.

Secret knowledge has been clouded in so much esoteric mumbo jumbo for so long, so obscure, and so mysterious, but everything you need to know has ALSO been documented, in black and white, thousands of years ago, and there is nothing mysterious about it, there is nothing secret about it anymore than gravity is a secret knowledge, there is nothing complicated about using and understanding the law of assumption to achieve goals, nothing particularly difficult is required to “use” this law, in fact you are always using it, just like you are “using” gravity to stand on the ground. 

Neville Goddard talks about states of mind, this is taken  from his lecture “Infinite states”: “As a son of the Most High you can, in the twinkle of an eye, move into any state, but the chances are you will not remain there, for a state is made up of a body of beliefs! If you spend the day thinking from a certain base, a certain body of beliefs, the chances are you will fall asleep that night in the same belief. Knowing you can move into another state, another body of beliefs, you may try to move, but you must persist in staying in the new state until it becomes natural.” 

Vadim Zeland calls the same thing a “pendulum”, and the Bible calls this a “spirit.

The problem with naming the state that you are in, is really only related to the sense of powerlessness  that it can cause. A state of mind has no power over you, and it is gone the moment you decide to leave it mentally. Thinking that your state of mind is subject to the whims of pendulums,  or the delusion of spirits is disempowering.  The metaphors of the Bible are meant to be empowering, but we have to understand that it is not literal.

The “spirits” are not an outer force, but are rather a mood, a state of mind that has a hold on you, and that is internally generated, sustained and maintained.  If you have understood Vadim Zeland correctly, you know that you are in control of whether you get hooked by a “pendulum” or not. Vadim Zeland describes cultures, wars, political and religious movements, charities, activism, teenage peer pressure and other outer circumstances as pendulums, literally everything is a pendulum, but just like a state of mind and a spirit, the actual experience is our reaction to the circumstance. It is consciousness plus an object, and the meaning that we attribute to that object and experience.  Although it sounds like something external it is not. A spirit is nothing other than a state of mind, and a pendulum is also just a state of mind, and you are the only one who can give life to a state. Nothing else and no one else. This is what we mean by circumstances don’t matter, in a nutshell. YOU have to make the circumstances not matter, otherwise they turn to matter. 

The change of states is the step you need in order to expand your experience to include the fulfillment of your desire, otherwise you stay stuck in longing for your desire, or hoping, wishing, and dreaming of it. The change of state has to be to the completion, the desire changes quality, and becomes an intent, a choice, and you find that you are mentally now at a point in time after you have been fulfilled, where longing and desire is already gone and forgotten, your intent to receive is an indication that you are on your way now. 

2. Stay out of pendulum swings, mind gets corrupted, human OS gets hijacked. Don’t get hooked.

Realizing what you truly are, divinity made manifest, or as Neville Goddard just expressed it above, “the son (or daughter) of the most high” and discovering that if you are determined to stay in your desired state,  you can move into it, and nothing can keep you our, unless you give your power away.   The is no state of mind that is outside of  yourself, every single state is 100% dependent on you to stay alive, there is not one single pendulum, no matter how important, looming, or scary it seems, that has any power over you, your choice is completely in your hands, or in your mind, an you can choose to see only your desired “home state” of mind. There is no Biblical spirit that is greater than you, no state of fear that can not be dispelled by a simple remembrance  that you have the choice to redirect your own mind right here and now. 

You are operating on consciousness alone, and this experience, produced by illusion, expressed and made manifest at your direction, is powerless when held against the light of consciousness.

It is true that all circumstances exist, however, you are not obligated to experience negative circumstances just because they exist. 

“This is what is meant by creation and the statement that creation is finished means that nothing is ever to be created, it is only to be manifested. What is called creativeness is only becoming aware of what already is. You simply become aware of increasing portions of that which already exists. The fact that you can never be anything that you are not already or experience anything not already existing explains the experience of having an acute feeling of having heard before what is being said, or having met before the person being met for the first time, or having seen before a place or thing being seen for the first time.”

Neville, The Power of Awareness

Knowing that all things already exist, your only job then becomes to identify what you desire to experience, and to choose.

3.  Listen to your heart. 

The mind is not capable of communicating your inner hopes and dreams to you, the mind creates problems out of thin air, it thinks of confrontations that have never happened, it ruminates on all the things that can go wrong, and it comes up with plans for revenge and egoistic ways to show off, but it dances around true desires ….fully incapable of accessing them….The reason for this is that the brain-mind is created  out of reactions to our environment. The brain-mind consists of mostly reactions, and also in great part the ego, the identifying mechanism that says “I am this”, “I am that” ,“I am John the man who struggles with poverty, and can’t handle wealth for fear of no knowing how to manage it” . The mind also houses our intellect,  but this is usually a very underdeveloped part of the brain-mind. The intellect develops if we are actively working on developing it, otherwise it is mostly dormant.

your heart knows the way
Photo by Hernan Pauccara

The heart-mind, called the Shen in Taoism. Taoism is the only teaching that explains that the true mind is in our hearts.Shen is the numen/spirit of  Heart. Even the word for heart, in Chinese,  Xin, is sometimes translated as mind.  The spirit of the heart is just one such governing spirit, there are several such numens, or governing spirits, each representing a different aspect of the mind, and I’ll get to more of those later, because we need this to manifest effortlessly.

Shen Mind Heart Numen Spirit

Daoism  is the only teaching that goes this deep with the description of the division from the nondual state of mind, Daoism recognizes the different  paths that we take to create direct access with our Godself, and so we can derive a lot of understanding from Daoism as it applies to the law of assumption. 

The different aspects of mind are like a river delta that joins at the sea. 

The Dao IS manifestation,  The Dao is also unmanifest. 

The Shen of the heart  means mind, or consciousness, so The mind and consciousness is located in the heart, not the brain. The Chinese character for “Shen” is composed of two characters that give the deeper meaning of the word (as well as the pronunciation) It roughly translates to: Influence from heaven, expressed (or extended). Another  way of expressing this meaning is:  From consciousness, made manifest.

Just by understanding this little tiny bit of Taoism, so much confusion and weirdness advised by the law of attraction and new age religion can be dismissed. Your heart is the hub. Your heart is the human call center. Let your heart guide the way.

The heart, which we now know  is your mind, knows the most intricate details of your desires, your heart knows what makes you smile and what gives you butterflies, your heart knows how to make you feel blissed out and in excastay, your heart knows what makes you feel zen.

Your brain-mind created all the circumstances around you as it sank into the illusion of separation, then the brain-mind continues to  react to the same circumstances, and then it tries to create solutions using the same faulty mind that created the problems to begin with.

A Christian sometimes very easily gets around this problem of overcoming circumstances, because as they say: God created the solution to the problems long before you were born, so trust him to solve them. This way of thinking instantly reduces the chaos that the brain creates when it reacts to problems. Evangelical Christians create and manifest miracles regularly thanks to this belief system. The problem with not receiving prayers only happens to all those people who believe that God’s will is different from their own will, which unfortunately is the vast majority of believers. For everyone else, a Taoist way of saying the same exact thing is that the heart (shen-mind) knows the answer. Your heart is innocent of the nonsense that your brain can think up, it is an undiluted truthful doorway to your own fulfilled desires.

Imagine your perfect fulfillment, your desire complete, and create a relationship to that experience inside your mind, play with this image, feel into it, touch with your fingers what you will touch when your intention has come true, and look through the eyes of fulfillment,and inhale, what would you smell, how does it feel inside? The heart-mind calls for you to feel only good and natural, not over the top, not uncomfortable, and not afraid that you can’t handle what you have imagined. John, who is used to poverty might feel uncomfortable as he fears that he will lose all the money because he doesn’t know how to handle it. The heart reveals your blocks to you instantly.   Mary who is used to childhood abuse, and has seen her parents’ marriage end in violence and divorce, and then a series of bad relationships with stepparents, who is manifesting a marriage might reveal her fear of repeating the same mistake as her parents. The heart knows exactly what and how far you can take your manifestation, before you build problems into your desired outcome

The brain-mind has no clue, John’s mind might be obsessed with wealth, and Mary’s brain might be obsessed with a specific person. The mind seeks to solve this problem in all the wrong ways, and continues to manifest the obsession, and Mary tries to figure out what is wrong with him, and John tries to solve the world’s problems of inequality,  but all the while, the heart knows that it isn’t quite ready yet. There is your time delay. The heart knows the way, the heart knows your fears, and the heart knows your next comfortable landing page, the heart knows the pace you can go at. Trust your heart.

If up until now, you have insisted on manifesting from your brain only, without diving into the true desires of your heart, you might find that as your manifestations come through, you don’t feel satisfied, or you feel out of place, or even depressed, then you can start to explore what your heart actually wants. Either you are completely off course, or you have gone too fast,or you have manifested things that you have no actual desire for.  Either way is no big deal, just notice.  An example would be trying to “get love”  from becoming famous, the mind thinks it wants fame, but the heart didn’t want that, it wanted love. (I’m not saying that wanting fame is not your true desire, it is different for all people, but I have treated enough people in that exact position, that either sought after fame or financial success,  and they tied that in with love and appreciation). 

The brain-mind is capable of an infinite number of delusions.  Course correct by inviting your real desres into your creation. If you discover that you have gone off down a path that was not what you actually wanted, don’t place any importance on this, just remember that any success has many failures behind it and it is better to make a mistake than to not try anything at all. Continue to go towards the imaginal scene of your fulfilled desires, and continue to develop the experience of it in your heart a  little more, and then a little more.

The mind is in the heart, so seek for the heart’s agreement, always, when you are manifesting, and you will  know for sure if you are on the right path, or if you need to slow down, or if you need to shift focus, or if you need to segment intend your way towards your goal.  

Your desire might take you way out of your comfort zone, because your comfort zone is part and parcel of your current dwelling  state, it is  part of the “pendulum that you are currently hooked into”, it is part of a “spirit that you are infatuated by”.   Just like you are currently bound by the laws of gravity, and you are using the law of gravity all the time, whether you want it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you believe in it or not. However, if you want to travel into outer space you will need a spaceship to propel you out of the atmosphere, and a space suit and maybe heavy moon boots to keep you down. 

Maybe changing states for you it’s so far out of your comfort zone. It is like moving to a different part of the universe, where the laws of gravity are completely different when you have to travel through no gravity zones to get there. The laws that you are bound by, are specific to the state that you are in specific to your personal set of beliefs, if you aren’t ready right now, for a big change in your life,  you’ll have to find a way to operate on a different belief system, and that  is a bit like traveling to different part of the universe in a spacesuit and a rocket.

When the fulfillment of the desire is far outside of your current mind-matrix, you need stability and courage to continue believing in yourself, so that you can stay confident  even when things start to shift and change. The bridge of events has to be crossed. The bridge takes you from your current state to the new state, and whatever you have to do to cross it will be revealed as you go, but the whole path might not be revealed, perhaps only step by step. You have to dare to take the steps.

Remember that your brain is going to want to create solutions to problems, the problems it itself has caused, and don’t let your brain in on this, don’t let it create chaos, don’t let it talk you out of the fulfillment of your desire, your heart already know the answer, it knows and feels the experience of the fulfillment of your desire. God already created all the solutions long before you were born so just relax and let the problems solve themselves as you honor your heart.

4. Reconnect human OS

Inspiration plus consciousness made manifest.

For this there are two more aspects of the mind that you have to receive, and it is inspiration and willpower.

The aspect of the mind, a Godmind, inspiration,  is called Hun in Taoism, and it is a free spirit kind of mind.  

hun inspiration free roaming immortal

The Hun mind  goes off in the night when we dream,  it is completely unbound by rational and logical thinking, it is direct inspiration from “thin air”, and all you can do is to  allow and receive this, because the Hun-mind can not be forced or coerced, it needs freedom to roam, but it also needs to be anchored in the heart- mind. It is a relationship of authentic desires (heart-shen= consciousness made manifest)  and inspired thought.  

Your heart is the anchor that expresses the inspiration, and these two “minds” need to be in a healthy relationship. The heart is the human OS, the human operating system, and it needs to be online, hooked up and connected to wifi, the Hun.  

The Heart is connected to inspiration through intuition, planning, hopes and dreams, ideas, and artistic inspiration. The Hun-mind, inspiration is equal to  movement, it is always moving, always searching and exploring ideas and nurturing those  life dreams.  Without the input of the Hun-inspiration-mind  the heart-Shen-mind  would be an inert and unchanging  consciousness. Inspiration  and heartmind are inseparably linked and together they form our consciousness. Inspiration provides movement in the following ways:

1) movement of the soul out of the body as in dreaming, and out of body experiences.

2) movement out of one’s everyday life, or state of mind,  as in life dreams and ideas.

3) movement towards the other people, as  in human relationships

4) movement in terms of plans, projects, visions.

5) Movement in terms of artistic creativity, that is: inspiration.

The Hun is not only important for the inspired insights, but also the movement inward and outward, it gives us the  capacity of insight and introspection,  as well as the ability to project outwards and relate to other people. The intentional outward projection is essential for your manifestation. Manifestation is in part The law of assumption, you assume your state of mind and your identity, and then you deliberately project that onto the screen of space: Inspiration plus consciousness made manifest.

Irritability, anger and rage are direct blocks to inspiration, intuition and movement towards your own goal.

5.  Willpower that wills itself

Zhi is the numen/spirit in Taoism, .that is responsible for will power, and if healthy, it is a that wills itself.

If Hun is inspisation that inspires itself, then  Zhi is willpower that wills itself, that is why you need to learn to  receive. 

Willpower  and desire needs to communicate.

This is the same as  mind and heart being connected and  online.  

When willpower is imbalanced, the result can be one of two.  Either you experience a  lack of drive, or you experience a hyper overdrive. A natural flow state is steady and strong and  calm.  The willpower that will itself feels like it is divinely powered and propelled , and you can accomplish seemingly impossible feats.

If this part of the mind is not at its best, you  can experience indifference, or passivity, weakness, withdrawal or even  despair, or on the opposite end of the spectrum you might  become restless, agitated, and hyperactivite and hyper-determine or stubborn. You might not know if you are in a healthy state of flow, or if you are imbalanced, but look for signs of excessive efforting, or signs of listlessness.

Other willpower imbalances are forgetfulness and memory lapses, or the overuse of stimulants, like coffee,  to provide false fuel for activity, and be on the lookout for addictive patterns or insomnia.  When this aspect of the mind is allowed to be in balance,you move forward without seemingly any effort, as if you are propelled by an  invisible force. 

This is what manifesting taps into. It is an easy and effortless state. This is a going with the flow, and a complete trust in the next step and the next. 

Willpower is affected by experiences, so if it has memory of negative experiences, those have to be overcome or recreated. Shock for example negatively affects willpower, and repetition of a new and desired habit positively affects willpower.

Some ideas to nurture, foster, cultivate and strengthen a healthy Zhi – the willpower aspect of the mind, and for practicing  staying stable in a chosen state are: 

  1. Doing something you’ve never done before
  2. Doing something for five minutes longer when you would rather stop
  3. Doing something very very slowly
  4. Doing something no one would expect you to do
  5. Postponing  an action you want to do now
  6. Doing something now that you would prefer to postpone
  7. Doing a practice every day for a month

Earlier I mentioned the unease that you might experience when you leave your current dwelling state, what Neville Goddard and the Bible calls “the old man, and this aspect of your mind, Zhi, willpower that wills itself will usher you out of your comfort zone in a way that you might not be able to do on your own. Zhi allows you to accomplish the impossible, and if you can dream it you can experience it, but just like the Hun or inspiration part of the mind, you can not force it, you have to learn how to receive it.  Try being mindful of the seven steps I just mentioned daily, so that you develop your receptivity of effortless willpower. 

Fear and shock are direct blocks to your effortless movement towards your own goals.

“When will and imagination are in conflict, imagination invariably wins.”

Neville Goddard, Be What You Wish

志 will willpower numen


Everything said in this blog/video, is meant to guide you towards your life’s purpose, and your own unique set of abilities, and your own hopes and dreams. If you get tired and drained on your path, then you might be headed in a direction away from your heart’s desire, but if you find that doors that were previously closed to you are now opening, and you find an effortless energy, and an invisible force propelling you forward, you know that you have tapped into your own personal life purpose. Nothing and no one can stop you when you tap into this, life becomes a vacation, even the work that you do feels like a holiday, no obstacle is too big

Remember these things the next time you panic and want to get a “reading”, Take a moment to pause and remember that fear is a direct block to your willpower, use the movement of your inspiration to introspect. Feel into your heart and really feel into your dream, and experience the fulfillment of your desire, then again use the movement of the inspiration aspect of mind to project your imaginal scene onto the screen of space, and watch calmly as doors open and close before you..Walk through the open doors. Completely ignore pendulums and unwanted states of mine as you continue letting yourself be guided forward by your willpower that wills itself.

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Created in God’s Image, Without Error.

Audio version of article

This article will explore a diverse range of topics, spanning from discussions on Kabbalah and the law of assumption to conversations about the truth concerning Jesus. My aim is to spark insights into spirituality, metaphysics, and the intersections of various belief systems. However, if you’ve been a follower of negativity, hatred, or fear, this episode may touch upon some uncomfortable areas. I will attempt to dispel misconceptions about the law of assumption and illustrate that every belief system has two faces – often, we perceive only the negative aspects of others’ beliefs while idealizing our own. My hope is to encourage you to look beyond these preconceptions, fostering a connection with God rather than a follower of systems or men.

Where does evil come from?

Part One: Being Created in God’s Image

We are created in HIS image, but who is He? What does He look loke? What is He like? The idea of directly perceiving or “seeing” God, especially in a tangible or visual form, is a complex and nuanced concept found in various spiritual and religious traditions. Here are some perspectives on the challenges and possibilities associated with perceiving the divine:

Tonight’s subject is “Love Endureth” We are told, “He who has not loved does not know God, for God is love.” This is not a conclusion that the prophet reached after years of philosophic study, but an act of God in self-revelation. If God never revealed himself to man, I doubt that man would ever know that God is love. But, in spite of all the horror of the world, I know from experience that God is love.

Neville Goddard

Transcendence and Immanence:

  • Transcendence: Many religious traditions, such as Judaism, Christianity, Vedanta, and Hinduism posit that God is transcendent, beyond human comprehension or sensory perception. This perspective seems to suggest that the true nature of God is beyond the capacity of the physical senses and the intellectual mind.God is expressed in attributes, and qualities that can be describes as The Quantum and The Whole. The Alpha and The Omega.From Everlasting. In the BG: “I am the Supersoul, O Arjuna, seated in the hearts of all living entities. I am the beginning, the middle and the end of all beings”, and Ein Sof in Kabbalah: The Infinite,” that which is boundless. According to Vedanta, God is infinite existence, infinite consciousness, and infinite bliss, in Christianity, God is I AM, and exists in three distinct forms, The Father, The Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit.
  • Immanence: The same traditions also emphasize the immanence of God, suggesting that the divine is present within all aspects of creation. In this view, we are encouraged to seek to perceive God through inner contemplation or spiritual practices especially through prayer, or communication and connection. Example: In the Veda’s “in living beings I am the living force “, in BG: “of vibrations I am the transcendental om”, in The Bible: “I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see them. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?”

Mystical Experience:

  • Inner Realization: Mystical experiences, often associated with deep meditation, prayer, or contemplative practices, are said to provide a profound inner realization of the divine. These experiences may involve a sense of unity, transcendence of ego, or a direct connection with a divine presence, such as a vision of the Divine Mother, or meetings with Jesus Christ.
  • Limitations of Language: Those who have undergone mystical experiences often describe them as ineffable, beyond the scope of language. The difficulty in articulating such experiences underscores the challenge of expressing encounters with the divine. There seems to be no language “of this world” that can accurately describe the experience of experiencing God is his various forms. What we know is that a personal experience takes an individual from a state of belief or disbelief, to simply knowing.
  • Limitations of Chasing The Mystical Experience as an End: An exclusive focus on chasing mystical experiences might distract individuals from the broader spiritual journey, and from God’s goal for us which is communion with him., a fixation on mystical experiences can inflate the ego. Individuals may develop a sense of spiritual superiority or become attached to the extraordinary, diverting attention from the essence of humility, the virtue needed for connection with God. When the mystical experiences becomes an end in itself, there’s a greater risk of stagnation in spiritual growth, letting connection and love of God be the goal prevents this stagnation.

Prayer, Meditation and Stillness:

  • Inner Silence: Practices such as prayer and meditation aim to quiet the mind and facilitate inner peace and stillness. The idea is that, in the absence of mental chatter, we may become more attuned to God’s small still voice, to the subtle spiritual dimensions. Prayer is an intimate communication straight from the heart to God.
  • Symbolic Representations: While direct sensory perception of God may be elusive, people report experiencing a profound sense of connection, peace, light and especially a love of a different and greater kind, as well as a divine presence during moments of prayer or deep meditation. Love, Light, Awareness of Being, Oneness, and Bliss are common reports of experiencing God. These representations give us an idea of who’s image we are created in.

Symbolic Representations and Archetypes:

  • Use of Symbols: Many religious traditions utilize symbols, images, or archetypal representations as a way for individuals to connect with the divine. These symbols serve as intermediaries, helping to convey aspects of the divine that are otherwise challenging to grasp directly. Have no idols means to not REPLACE God with an idol of any kind, including imagery, but it also include all things that we worship and chase instead of placing connection with God first. It does not mean that if you have a representation of Jesus on a cross, as in the crucifix, that you have made an idol, since connection with God is primary, this is not an idol.
  • Cultural Variations: The way people conceptualize and seek to connect with the divine varies across cultures and belief systems. Symbolic representations often play a significant role in bridging the gap between the finite human mind and the infinite nature of God. We can find a variety of different ways to connect, and they all have in common to direct us to the place withing where a personal experience reveals God’s nature to us. The inner experience gives us the nature of God, NOT the imagery.

Faith and Mystery:

  • Role of Faith: The understanding of God involves faith—a belief in the unseen and the unknowable. Faith acknowledges that certain aspects of the divine remain mysterious and beyond the grasp of human comprehension.
  • Paradoxical Nature: The paradoxical nature of God—being both transcendent and immanent—challenges individuals to embrace a sense of awe and humility in the face of the divine mystery.

The nature of the divine transcends ordinary sensory experience, making it challenging to express in concrete terms. The emphasis often lies in inner realization, symbolic representations, and the acceptance of the mystery that surrounds the nature of God. Understanding this we have a better idea of who’s image we are created in. This is more than the BODY, more than the MIND, more than the EMOTIONS. The attributes show us qualities that are more than the sum of our physical, mental, and emotional aspects. These attributes often point to a deeper understanding of our spiritual essence and the image in which we are created. Central to the understanding of the divine attributes is the acceptance of mystery. The nature of God is often described as mysterious and beyond full comprehension. Embracing this mystery invites humility and a recognition that our understanding is finite in the face of the infinite.

Complete Surrender to the Divine:

  • Spiritual Surrender: The journey towards spiritual evolution requires surrender—not to external authorities or dogmas, but to the divine within. This surrender involves letting go of the ego’s control and aligning with a higher, transcendent reality.

Part Two: Am I God of My Reality?

“I am God of my reality” is a catchphrase created by Law of Assumption coaches. Is there ANY spiritual basis for this claim?

The concept of being created in the image of God is a fascinating spiritual reflection, but does that necessarily translate to “I am God”? Even if only over my own small reality? Here are some considerations on the paradoxical nature of this relationship with the Law of Assumption follower in mid:

  1. Image and Substance:
    The analogy of being created in the image of God suggests a reflection or resemblance, not an identical replication. While we carry divine qualities within us, our understanding is like an image in a mirror—it captures aspects but doesn’t encompass the entirety of the divine substance. The challenge arises when the image perceives itself as the source rather than a reflection.
  2. Surrender and Ego:
    Complete surrender to the divine involves letting go of the ego’s illusion of self-sufficiency and acknowledging our connection to a higher reality. Pride, as seen in the belief of being the sole creator of one’s reality, can hinder this surrender by reinforcing the ego’s desire for control and separation from the divine source.
  3. Paradox of Creation:
    The paradox, where creation is seen as both finished and ongoing, encapsulates the intricate nature of our relationship with the divine. While the universe and its foundational principles are established, our experience of creation is an ongoing process of discovery, co-creation, and alignment with the divine plan. If we contemplate this deeply, we can understand that we create nothing. We rearrange, and organize, and for what it is worth that appears to us as “creation” or “creativity.” This is our connection trough to the God mind, either we “create” by connection to our divine mind or through separation from the divine mind.
  4. Temporal and Eternal:
    The reflection on the eternal nature of God and the temporal nature of our existence should inform us of the idea that part of us is eternal. The eternal aspect is derived from the divine source, while the temporal aspect acknowledges our existence within the unfolding narrative of creation. Recognizing both aspects requires a nuanced understanding of time, existence, and the divine mystery.
  5. Inherent Contradictions:
    The apparent contradictions within these spiritual truths challenge human intellect. While the mind seeks clarity and consistency, the divine reality transcends logic. Wrestling with these paradoxes becomes a part of the spiritual journey—a journey that involves faith, surrender, and a willingness to embrace the mystery. An experience of the Mystery reveals what the mind can not comprehend.
  6. Humility in Understanding:
    Reflecting on these concepts calls for humility not pride. It prompts us to acknowledge the limits of our comprehension and to approach the divine with reverence and awe, recognizing that our understanding is a glimpse into the unfathomable.

Controlled by Vices:

  • Negative Influences: Vices, lies, and false beliefs can become controlling forces that keep individuals tethered to the cycle of suffering. Breaking free from these negative influences is crucial for genuine spiritual evolution. Experiencing our true nature as image of God places some expectations of us, and that is to seek first the Kingdom. For those who seek first the fulfilment of the vices, they will find a greater and greater sense of separation, which ultimately feels a lot like depression, anxiety, hatred, and addictions.

Shattering of Beliefs:

  • Spiritual Evolution: True spiritual evolution often involves a radical transformation, including the shattering of existing beliefs. It requires the courage to question and transcend conditioned thought patterns that keep us bound to mundane realities, and it requires that we have faith in a greater sense of peace than what we currently know. Neville Goddard began his teaching career as someone who rejected God and reduced God to “our own wonderful human imagination”, and although this is partially ture it is obviously far from the whole truth. Without God, there is no imagination, if we were not in his image we would be like the animals, without this creative imagination. Later, when Neville begins to have his mystical experiences, his view of God expands. “So I tell you God, who is love, endures. Everything is going to pass away. It will simply pass from the earth, but Love Endureth forever. Everything else is an attribute of God. Faith will be fulfilled, hope will be fulfilled, they are all attributes, but God, who is love, endures forever. We often fashion God in our image instead.

Transformation Beyond Affirmations:

  • Inner Work: Authentic spiritual growth involves more than repeating affirmations; it requires sincere inner work, self-reflection, and the cultivation of virtues. This process leads to a profound shift in consciousness.

 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Matthew 6 7

“Vain repetitions” are affirmations or prayer spoken without a genuine inner desire for connection, without transformation made by those who are not really engaged in the spiritual journey.

Superficial Affirmations:

  • “I am god of my reality”: Some coaches may mechanically repeat affirmations without a deep understanding or experiential connection. Mere repetition without genuine inner work may keep individuals trapped in the cycle of mundane existence.

Tree of Life and Death:

  • Wheel of Samsara: The tree of knowledge of good an evil, and the wheel of samsara suggests a cyclical existence bound by vices, illusions, and the repetition of conditioned patterns. This can be seen as a state of being controlled by external and internal influences. Before our liberation, we are in this cycle, and the Eastern belief is that one must strive for this liberation by methods of for example meditation, charitable works done with a focus on God, and so on. In kabbalah, the same cycle is viewed as an upward spiral, where greater and greater connection and harmonizing will eventually lead to bringing God to earth.
  • Escaping the cycles of samsara, or the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Hindu and Buddhist traditions is challenging spiritual pursuit. Likewise, pursuit of bringing God to earth, is challenging, to the point of impossible due to our nature as humans.
  • Psalm 50:10-12 in the Bible: “For every beast of the forest is Mine, The cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird of the mountains, And everything that moves in the field is Mine. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is Mine, and all it contains” emphasizes the comprehensive ownership of God over all of creation. This assertion carries two essential truths: firstly, that everything belongs to God, and secondly, that God is self-sufficient and requires nothing from us.
  • God’s Self-Sufficiency:
    The statement, “I don’t need anything from you,” emphasizes God’s self-sufficiency. God, as the Creator and sustainer of all existence, lacks nothing. This profound truth challenges the human tendency to perceive our actions as fulfilling a need for God. In truth we can only receive. Instead, any service or contribution we make to God’s Kingdom is an expression of His love and grace extended to us.
  • Guarding Against Pride:
    Recognizing God’s ownership and self-sufficiency guards against human pride and arrogance. It reminds us that any role we play in God’s plan is a privilege, and we must approach it with humility. This understanding prevents the misconception that God depends on our efforts, fostering a more accurate perception of our relationship with the divine. Eventually a deep reverence for our role as God’s vessels can emerge, and an understanding that our experience here is meant to be holy, to be harmonious. Discord begins to feel like “sin.
  • God’s nature includes sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and the gracious nature of any role we may play in His divine plan.

Breaking the Cycle:

  • Escaping Samsara: Breaking free from the wheel of samsara according to tradition involves a conscious effort to transcend mundane cycles, overcome vices, and cultivate virtues. This liberation requires a commitment to inner transformation. Contrast this with “God’s ownership of all creation and His self-sufficiency. Everything belongs to God, and He has no need that humans can fulfill. Service to God is an expression of His love and grace rather than a necessity.”
  • But even the liberated must “pass the narrow gate.” Human efforts alone are insufficient, and it is through divine favor that individuals can attain salvation or spiritual liberation. Trust in the understanding that God’s love is unconditional and not dependent on human merit. Faith involves accepting that God’s grace is freely given out of love and mercy, regardless of individual deeds.
  • There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one.” Each one of us is responsible for ceasing our judgment of others and choosing the path of love and surrender. God makes no distinction, if you are hindu, if you are Christian, I know it easy to sit and judge in all of our self righteousness, however, our commandment is always to love. Not to judge. Escaping samsara, or escaping hell, it is not up to us in as far as obeying the law, or observing rituals go, he cares nothing about that. Do you love HIM? Do you love your spouse? Do you love your children? Do you turn the other cheek? Do you love your enemy? There is no distinction between “Jew and Greek”; the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his grace on all who call on him.
  • “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” This is how we can be free, liberated. Not by our own works.
  • When we extend an invitation to God and invoke His presence in all situations, a profound transformation unfolds. Divine guidance becomes a constant companion, and bliss permeates our existence. In this state, experiences of peering beyond the veil of ordinary perception manifest. We no longer merely perceive things and people; instead, our vision transcends the material, allowing us to witness the presence of God in all aspects of life.

Part Three: Reflected Consiousness

Why this term “image,” and why aren’t we exact replicas of the divine? Consider the analogy of a mirror reflecting our own face. Just as our reflection can’t see us directly, we, too, can’t perceive the One casting our image. However, we can know Him through His reflection—ourselves.

Our Role in God’s Experience

God created the Garden of Eden, a paradise, yet humanity quickly introduced chaos through a series of mistakes. We are God’s beloved children, and He experiences the world through us. He did not “create evil” as evil is not a thing, rather we introduced evil into creation by making an erroneous assumption in relation to God. Evil is an error in relationships. Every time we create pain or suffering, it is akin to sinning against God. We are, as him, in his image, and our suffering is his suffering. Our task is to manifest joy and bliss, but often, when we feel discontent, we mistakenly blame God. This reversal of cause and effect stems from the mirror image analogy, leading to confusion about who is the cause and what is the effect. In reality, we are the cause of the suffering, and the effect is God’s experience of suffering.

Our Divine Purpose

Embedded in the concept of being created in God’s image is s a call to recognize the divine within ourselves, acknowledge our collective creative power, and strive to manifest a reality that allows joy and a connection to the consciousness of God. In embracing this perspective, we find a deeper understanding of our purpose and the impact of our thoughts and action.

Law of Assumption and EIYPO, Sephirot and Yesod

Yesod on the Tree of Life has a role in shaping our inner experiences.

  1. Yesod as Reflection of Within:
  • Inner World: Yesod, often associated with the subconscious, reflects the inner world of thoughts, images, and impressions. It serves as a bridge between the conscious and the deeper aspects of the psyche.
  1. Overwhelming Thoughts in Meditation:
  • Novice Meditators: Beginners in meditation may encounter a flood of thoughts when attempting to turn inward. This phenomenon is related to the activity of Yesod, where the unprocessed contents of the mind become apparent.
  1. Foundation for Manifestation:
  • Neville Goddard’s EIYPO Theory: The concept of “Everything Is Yourself Pushed Out” (EIYPO) by Neville Goddard, which suggests that our outer reality is a reflection of our inner state, aligns somewhat with the understanding of Yesod. The foundation for external manifestations begins within the subconscious. Although we do not create anything (creation is finished), we do project out our inner demons or our inner purity of consiousness. Karmic seed, programmed beliefs from our childhood, opinions and likes and dislikes and all this unconscious mental material expresses itself as our personal experience.
  1. Clearing the Foundation:
  • Importance of Relaxation: Clearing Yesod involves learning to relax, creating a stable foundation for higher spiritual work. Relaxation is a fundamental step in gaining control over the barrage of thoughts and impressions in the subconscious. Prayer brings attention on the divine aspect of our consiousness, nurtures it, and this attention on the divine does most of the work of clearing our subconscious mind for us more effectively than any affirmation ever will.
  1. Hierarchical Progression:
  • Tree of Life Progression: Yesod is as a foundational aspect “lower down” on the Tree of Life. A hierarchical progression in spiritual development. A clear and harmonious foundation in Yesod paves the way for the exploration of higher sephiroth.
  1. Upper Sephiroth:
  • Surrender and Higher Realms: As the foundation in Yesod becomes clearer, it opens the path to exploring higher sephiroth such as Bina (Divine Mother or Holy Spirit) and Chokmah (Christ Consciousness). This journey involves transcending the initial barrage of thoughts and delving into deeper spiritual dimensions. The pure love, and awakened consiousness needs a foundation of a stable and harmonious Yesod free of false beliefs. For Law of assumption purposes, mastering EIYPO creates a stable foundation for realizing higher levels of consiousness.

Kabbalistic Sefirot as a Path to Connecting with God:

  • Definition: The Sefirot are attributes or emanations in Kabbalistic tradition, representing aspects of God and the divine plan.

Sefirot Attributes / Emanation (Lowest to Highest):

  • Malkuth (Kingdom):
    • Represents the starting area or the human world.
    • Referred to by demons as Malkuth.
  • Yesod (Foundation):
    • Signifies connection and looking outward to see what is outside oneself.
    • Freely Associated with the principle of “Everything Is You Pushed Out” (EIYPO).
  • Hod (Splendor):
    • Represents submission, realizing higher principles, and compliance with them.
    • Reflects the understanding that while “I and the Father are one,” the Father is greater.
  • Netzach (Victory):
    • Signifies recognizing one’s ability to perform actions and using actions as means to an end.
  • Tiferet (Beauty):
    • Balances justice and kindness.
    • Connected to all Sephirot.
  • Gevurah (Severity):
    • Represents administering justice and proper punishment.
  • Chesed (Kindness):
    • Signifies acting with proper benevolence.
  • Binah (Understanding):
    • Represents understanding what one should do and repentance for one’s imperfections.
  • Chochmah (Wisdom):
    • Signifies seeing the truths of the creator and passing them on properly.
    • Treated as the source of potential, given stability by Binah.
    • Often equated to the father or masculine.
  • Kether (Crown):
    • Represents the connecting attribute and proper balance of all.
    • Symbolizes unity.
    • Seen as the end leading to a new beginning and new stages of higher understanding.
    • These Sephirot are not viewed as stages in a direct order but as qualities to be developed and understood. The top three Sephirot are uniquely associated with divinity, correlating with Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit, and Christ in Christian symbolism.

Yesod and Consciousness:

  • Low Consciousness: Yesod, associated with foundation and connection, is highlighted as a challenge in consciousness.
  • Manifestation and EIYPO: Individuals grappling with the concept of “Everything Is You Pushed Out” (EIYPO) may find themselves easily misled due to the lower state of consciousness associated with Yesod.

Belief Obliteration for Purification:

  • Ultimate Purification: The complete obliteration of belief is the ultimate purification.
  • One Truth: There is only one truth, and it will be experienced as consciousness elevates. Beliefs can not be preserved for the elevation.

Manifestation and Denial of Evil

  • Manifest Only Good Focusing on manifesting only good and denying unwanted, negativity, pain, and suffering. God did not manifest evil, evil is introduced by us as a relationship in error.
  • Unreality of Negativity: Hold fast to the perspective that negativity is unreal, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive God centered focus.

Caution Against Manipulation of EIYPO:

  • Avoid Manipulation: Be careful of falling into the trap of manipulating or dominating others. Humility is the only path that allows us to move through our subconscious mind fully.
  • Perception of Others: The state of mind will remain in Yesod/EIYPO until the idea of others as a threat to be dominated is relinquished.

Stages of Understanding:

  • Phases: The first four Sefirot involve realizing one’s place in the world and cause and effect. The next three focus on balancing kindness and sternness. The understanding gleaned lies in how to apply these qualities in a perfect balance of all attributes in unity.
  • Cyclic Nature: These stages are not linear; reaching the end leads to a new beginning and a new set of stages with higher understanding.

Top Three Sefirot and Divinity:

  • Associations: The top three Sefirot (Keter, Chokhmah, Binah) are uniquely associated with divinity. Free association with the manifestation of Mary, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit.

Part Four: The works Towards Liberation Through Reincarnation

Through lifetimes and lifetimes we progress closer and closer to our own liberation. Every lifetime begins again, with another chance at seeing through the veil, and at realizing Gods eternal love, holding fast to that love and making it first in life. Hundreds of thousands of lifetimes is spent in very low states of consiousness where greed, anger, lust and other obsessions and mental preoccupations have first place.

With each new life, there is an opportunity to move closer to our own liberation. Unfortunately, with a low consiousness, there is a near impossibility to see the benefit in a lifestyle that promotes only loving connection. Each state of anger, or lust, can only see its own justification. These phases involve grappling with qualities like greed, anger, lust, that prevent and separate. This is the veil of illusion, the illusion of separation. The veil causes us blindness. The soul, through these varied experiences, nonetheless engages in a continual process of growth, seeing both sides of a situation through direct experience, and eventually through deliberately seeking understanding, and ever so gradually ascending towards a higher state of consciousness.

The Removal Of The Need For Reincarnation

This segment may not immediately resonate with your consciousness, but I pray it finds a place in your heart, unveiling its mystery.

The Introduction of Jesus The Messiah

Reincarnation finds no acceptance within the Christian church; its introduction may be attributed to the ‘serpent in the garden of Eden’ in the Old Testament. Its removal, however, may be linked to the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

If you don’t yet know why Jesus, came, or if you believe that he is merely a representation of a certain level of consiousness; there are valid explanations for that. It is humanity’s most significant blind spot, guarded by gatekeepers preventing clarity. Jesus is certainly historically factual as he is mentioned even outside of the New Testament as in for example Berakhot 17b: ““In our open places”; that we should not have a child or student who overcooks his food in public, i.e., who sins in public and causes others to sin, as in the well-known case of Jesus the Nazarene. The fact that the texts in the New Testament are first hand accounts, by and large, is also of monumental importance. In those days Christianity id not exist, and there was no legacy of millennia of myth to uphold, just simple first hand accounts of the man a few apostles followed, whom they fully believed to be the son of God and the Messiah. There is more than enough evidence for a factual Jesus, and yet, most spiritual people believe that he is a myth and that there is perhaps at most something called “Christ Consiousness” and that this is a level of consiousness to strive for but nothing else. It is a funny way to believe, since it is a contradictory belief. On one hand it means one believes one self to be able to attain Godhood, but not that there was a man who was God. A belief in the mystical, but not really? I say that this non-belief is based on fear and blindness. If Jesus was a historical being, and he had at minimum some kind of higher level of consiousness coupled with the ability to perform miracles, then is it also possible that he was who he said he was?

Reincarnation is in the Bible

In ancient orthodox Jewish and Christian writings, including the Holy Scriptures, reincarnation is a fully developed belief often overlooked today. Despite the common perception of reincarnation as exclusively Hindu or Buddhist, it is a tenet of orthodox Judaism that extends into Christianity. The Apostles believed Jesus was the Messiah, but a doubt lingered. The prophecy in the book of Malachi stated, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” If Jesus was the Messiah, Elijah should have preceded Him. Jesus clarified, “Elias is come already, and they knew him not…” linking John the Baptist to Elijah. The logical connection between Jesus as Christ (The Messiah) and reincarnation is evident in Elijah’s case, at least. These are scriptural facts. Reincarnation is not solely a “demonic belief of demonic religions”; it is present in the Bible.

The Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus who was a contemporary with Christ, wrote about reincarnation. In his words, “The air is full of souls; those who are nearest to earth… return to other bodies, desiring to live in them.

Ancient Jewish writings provide further insight, noting that Adam contains the initial letters of Adam, David, and Messiah; the soul passed from Adam to David and then to the Messiah.

I believe sufficient evidence has been presented for now, that Christianity is aware that reincarnation is a spiritual truth, and for anyone Christian to at least view reincarnation not as a demonic belief from demonic religions, but as a spiritual truth—a give-and-take account and a justice system within God’s created universe.

Part Five: Do We No Longer Have To Be Reborn?

Jesus, acclaimed as the way, the truth, and the life, functions as the gateway to God. Attaining liberation through Jesus instantaneously terminates all karma, extinguishing the cycle of rebirth.

This concurs with Eastern mysticism, harmonizing with the law without contradiction. Jesus arrived not to abolish but to fulfill the law for people of all faiths. “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” I Corinthians 15:22

Reincarnation is perceived as part of the illusory realm, entered when deceived into perceiving a reality detached from God’s love—the veil of separation. Jesus removes this veil, rendering preaching about reincarnation contradictory to his teachings. The church dismisses reincarnation, holding the belief that God’s truth, unveiled through Jesus, deems it unnecessary for salvation. For comparison, Eastern practices predominantly mandate the presence of a Guru for liberation. Viewed in this context, Jesus assumes the role of the ultimate Guru, assuming a much more powerful post than any Guru prior, he is God, the Son Of God, he is Guru, and He is the Savior and Messiah. No one comes to the Father but through him. “For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” I Corinthians 15:21, 22

As prophesied in Isaiah 53, he becomes God’s sacrifice for humanity. His crucifixion serves as much more than a selfless act, taking the bullet for us, ensuring eternal freedom in his name. It is also God’s plan of redemption, as prophesied, playing out before out eyes. Christ not only paved the way for us but became the Way itself. Union with him is the path for our evolution and return to the Father—not through the cyclical rebirth that entangles us further in ignorance and the cycles of sowing and reaping. Additionally, the claim that Jesus is only in our consiousness, as Christ Consiousness is false. The objective truth is that he existed, he was born, and he lived and he died on the cross, and since there are first hand accounts of his resurrection, it is likely also true.. This is really important for anyone who is a spiritual seeker. There is a large scale deception trying to obscure who Jesus truly is, from our hearts and minds, you might call this an evil or a relationship error. Call it what you will, but hopefully this has opened your eyes a little bit.

By far, the most important concept to internalize is that evil is not a thing, but a rather a relationship error, and likewise, love is to be found within a relationship not only with others, but also with God. Liberation is found when this relationship is entered into with an earnest heart, and an intention to grow closer to God. Lastly, there is a sure path that leads straight to God, and that is discovered when we awaken to the only begotten son of God. Jesus is not only the Messiah for Christians, but for all people of all religions all over the world. A relationship with him is worth more than any merit based practice, more than any awakening experience, and will certainly give us more than a give and take account of “working our way up the system.” As humans in the Kali Yuga, we have lost the ability to “reach enlightenment by works” (Almost). Most will never come close to even desire it.

Below follows Pauls letter to the Ephesians; The most common LIE perpetuated in the “world” of Neville Goddard followers and LOA coaches is that the Bibel is not true, not real, and that Jesus is “consiousness” or WORSE< an “ascended master”. Contrary to these beliefs that are DEEPLY confusing, is that there is so much documented proof that Jesus was historically factual, AND there are FIRST HAND accounts to tell the story of Jesus. Some of these first hand accounts also saw Jesus, alive and well AFTER he died. (One of those persons is Paul, and also his own brother James.) Paul continued to preach for the rest of his life and he would not retract a single word, even though he was thrown in prison and eventually executed for sticking to his story. Peoples all over the world want to deny this, but consider why that would be?

May there be no error 🙏

Pauls letter to Ephesians 2

Made Alive in Christ

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Jew and Gentile Reconciled Through Christ

11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)— 12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

The Two Adam’s:

The Metaphysical resurrection from the first Adam to the second Adam happens within.


The Resurrection of the Dead

1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 5 and that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 after that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. 7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. 8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. 9 For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 11 Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed.

12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 14 and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. 15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. 16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17 and if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. 24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. 28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? 30 And why stand we in jeopardy every hour? 31 I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. 32 If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die. 33Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

35 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? 36 Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: 37 and that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain: 38 but God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. 39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. 40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. 42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 43 it is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44 i t is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. 47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. 48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. 49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

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Manifesting: Channeled Entities, Ascended Masters, Angels & Demons Within Our Consciousness

Manifesting: Channeled Entities, Ascended Masters, Angels & Demons Within Our Consciousness

Let’s dive into a new topic today

We’re going to adress  channeled entities (like “Seth” and “Abraham,”) angels, demons, and ascended masters today. Let’s explore whether they’re just part of consiousness, or if there’s more to it. What is Neville Goddard’s perspective?

All in This Together?

Alright, before we jump into the whole channeled entities and angels thing, let’s talk about oneness. If the assumption of a nondual (oneness) practice such as the law of assumption is that one is everything, then do channeled entities and angels really have their own separate existence?  If all is one and one is all…then what?

Channeling: Your Mind’s Phone Call

About channeling. Picture this: you’re chatting with these higher-level entities like “Seth” or “Abraham,” getting some wisdom. But here’s the thing – that conversation is happening within your own consciousness. You’re clearly tuning into your own radio station and listening to the depths of your own mind.

So, are these entities really hanging out in another dimension? Out there? Or are they part of a collective conscious mind? Are they manifested by you, and being received also by you?

Angels and Demons?

What about angels and demons? Angels are usually considered good vibes but they can also be evil. They’ve been a part of our stories since forever, spreading love and wisdom, and also fear. We have imagined them for thousands of years.

Now, demons on the other hand, they feed off negativity and fear. But  where do  they come from? The universe? Or your own consciousness?

  They not only feed off of fear, they come from fear.

So he became as far superior to the angels
    as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

Hebrews 1.1.4

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who were once humans and have undergone a series of spiritual transformations, eventually reaching a state of higher consciousness and wisdom. They are thought to have transcended the cycle of reincarnation and remain accessible to guide and help humanity from higher realms.

The concept of Ascended Masters has roots in various spiritual and mystical traditions throughout history, but it became more prominent in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Theosophical Society, founded by Helena Blavatsky in the late 19th century, played a significant role in popularizing the idea of Ascended Masters. Blavatsky and other Theosophists claimed that these enlightened beings were guiding human evolution and that they could impart spiritual teachings to those willing to receive them.

Law of Assumption: You’re the Director

If you view this exclusively from the perspective of the Law of Assumption, then, what you assume to be true becomes your reality. So, if you assume that angels are guiding you, you’ll see signs of that guidance everywhere. And if you’re convinced that demons are lurking around, you’ll find evidence of that too.If you believe that channeled entities can deliver deeper truths, then that can become true for you. By your DISBLIEF in oneness, in One singular power that is love, consiousness, awareness and bliss, you give space for fear to take root, and your assumptions “manifest”.

Think of it like being the director of your own movie. Your assumptions are the script, and the universe is the stage. You’re not just the director, or a player – you’re calling ALL the shots, you are the  director, producer, writer, and actor. It’s all you.

Creation is finished

To recap a little right here, what he have discussed is this: Every thought, word, and action carries the power to shape an accompanying energy structure—a felt experience of an angelic presence,  or a shadowy entity exuding dark energy, a channeled entity, or the inspiration of an ascended master. The creation of these energies is an internal process, emanating from our own being. 

Bhagavad Gita:

BG 7.22: Endowed with faith, the devotee worships a particular celestial god and obtains the objects of desire. But in reality, I alone arrange these benefits.

BG 7.23: But the fruit gained by these people of little understanding is perishable. Those who worship the celestial gods go to the celestial abodes, while My devotees come to Me.

BG 7.24: The less intelligent think that I, the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna, was formless earlier and have now assumed this personality. They do not understand the imperishable exalted nature of My personal form.

BG 7.25: I am not manifest to everyone, being veiled by My divine Yogmaya energy. Hence, those without knowledge do not know that I am without birth and changeless.

These SUTRA’S are from The Bhagavad Gits, and it is the CREATOR of the universe speaking.

According to these verses, God is revealed in the form that resonates with an individual’s needs or readiness. This may contradict prevailing beliefs, as even a person inclined towards a different faith may have an experience with a different deity or spiritual figure, such as a follower of a different religion experiencing the presence of Jesus.

We Are All Unique

The religious experience is deeply personal. Some may perceive the divine in apparitions like Jesus, Mother Mary, or Lord Krishna. Others might witness the divine presence in the beauty of nature, like trees, fields, and meadows. Not everyone perceives this presence; however, the potential to perceive God exists within everyone. The intensity and depth of this experience may vary based on individual desire and readiness. Saint Bernadette’s visions of Mother Mary serve as a powerful reminder of the profound spiritual experiences and dedication to faith.

Someone dabbling in the occult will see demons or have experiences of “haunting”, such as nightmares and hallucinations of evil

The creator of the universe in the BG Sutra’s also let us know that if we are focused solely on God we skip all that, he brings us to him without stopping at go. We have a choice, it is called free will.

Neville Goddard, the Law of Assumption and Ascended Masters 

This  won’t be complete with Neville Goddard’s words on the matter, so what did he  think? Do we even know? Well, here is a transcript from one of his lectures:

 “No! No masters, elder brothers and all this nonsense. All through the world you have these isms glorifying the little individual who started it. No, you can’t meet anyone in this world, not anyone, who potentially is greater than you are.” 

-Neville Goddard

Q & A:


Neville, are there masters?


No! No masters, elder brothers and all this nonsense. All through the world you have these isms glorifying the little individual who started it. No, you can’t meet anyone in this world, not anyone, who potentially is greater than you are. You can’t, because you are God. You can’t meet anyone that he loved more than he loves you because he chose you. That’s what I said tonight of Paul. He rubbed out completely anything between himself and God. It has been my misfortune…and yet in a way I learned from it…but I have had the dubious pleasure of meeting “masters” and “holy people.” Had I known then I’d have turned right around and started running. Don’t believe in them. Yet there are people who insist on believing in them and are willing to pay for it. If I would tell them I’m a master, yes—I have no credentials to prove it but I’m a master—then you could charge $1,000…he’s a master! “

“Why, there are phonies all over the world and you can’t stop them. They thrive like the weeds. Read any Saturday morning’s paper advertising their little isms. They come down from heaven on a white horse and they come down on all kinds of things, blowing trumpets. When you read it, and see my little ad which comes out once a month on that same page, I’m embarrassed. I’m embarrassed to see that my little ad is on the same page with this monstrous thing. But you can’t help it; you can’t choose where you’re going to put it. They put it on that page, so you’re stuck. There aren’t any masters. You will find yourself one day the recipient of his bounty and the whole thing unfolds in you…and there was no master.”

“I know the book Masters of the Far East…I think he’s written five…he’s gone now. He never left America, Spalding never left this country, but he tells a beautiful story of how when I was in India and these masters and how the birds came and nested in his hair. His body was there, incapacitated for six months, just vegetating, when he, the spirit, returned to the body it was all cataleptic, and the birds had nested in the hair, and he simply moved back into the body and woke the body up. Spaulding was about that big, with a huge, big growth on his nose. I can see him now at my meetings at the Ebell. One day he simply stepped off the car and dropped…that was his exit. 

Maybe he has gone to India now… never saw India…but all these are the masters of the Far East. He wrote one just to boil the pot, as so many writers do. It caught on, so he wrote a second and a third. If he were still alive, he’d have a sixth now…he has five. I hope he is successful, because my publisher is his publisher.”

I think we get the picture… Nevile did NOT ascribe reality to ascended masters. But what about negative energioes or demons?

What does Neville say about dark energies?


In Luke, regarding the “unclean spirit” that comes out of a man, I don’t understand it.


When the unclean spirit has been caste out of a man? This is a disembodied idea. For a demon is not some disembodied spirit; it’s a prejudice, a superstition, a false pride. All these bedevil man. And so you entertain one and you’re going to get two, you get seven, and they never stop there. You start with one superstition and all of a sudden you have a thousand of them, but they have to have a man as the agent to express themselves. They can’t express themselves without a man. Man is the agent that expresses all the unlovely things in the world…these unclean spirits.

When you go outside and turn to a false god, you’ll never find him.

When you start with one idol, you multiply it.

So these are the demons spoken of in scripture. You have a superstition, you can’t stop at one. Were you ever in the theater? There you find them by the millions. Can’t whistle in your own room, you can’t put your shoe above where your head would be, can’t open an umbrella inside.

Talk about the superstitions, go into the theater, and I’m not fooling. They make you go outside and do all kinds of nonsense if you absent mindedly whistle in your own dressing room or do any of these silly little things. But they really believe it brings bad luck and to the degree that they are self-convinced that it does, it does.

So these are the demons that possess the mind of man. And certainly false pride is a frightful demon: I must be seen with what I call the proper people, and I can’t be seen in certain areas, certain restaurants, and certain this, that and the other, because it isn’t the thing to do. Well, that’s false pride.

What does Neville say about channeling?


Like Jean Dixon? You know who she is?


Yes, I’ve heard of her.


Ok. She prophesizes…like she gets these messages. Don’t you think it’s her Imagination that when she thinks something dire is going to happen and says it that that’s why it happens…because she has imagined it? Is that the way it works?


First of all, she’s not a woman of vision. She’s not a woman who actually has the vision of scripture, but she can become self-persuaded using any little technique. She can use cards, use the stars, use monkey bones, and to the degree that she is self-persuaded that these things mean what she thinks they do, well, to that degree they’ll come to pass. But you never hear them tell you of their mistakes. For instance, we had two candidates running for the presidency. All right, you can tell them both secretly that you’re going to be president. One has to be, so you’re fifty percent right. Well, that’s such a major thing, but you’re also fifty percent wrong. But you don’t talk about that…only talk about that which has been publicized ……?.

Let me explain more, because for the LOA student, this is CRUCIAL, for anyone else, it doesn’t matter, have your belief and enjoy it, I am not here to stop you from that, I am just going to explain what happens when people experience these things, channeled entities, angels, demons and such but if you listen from here on, be prepared to take full responsibility for your stuff….I warned you. 

So let’s talk about it:

Neville Goddard, emphasizing the immense power of our own imagination and intention, underscores the principle that our thoughts, whether consciously or unconsciously focused, will materialize into our reality, whether seen or unseen, whether tangible or ethereal. 

Beyond Neville:

In essence, we can imagine anything we desire, but drawing from Kabbalah, (the origin of the law of assumption,) we learn that Angels are our own creation—emanating from our actions and our being.

Our general disposition shapes a specific “type” of angel, and not all angels are inherently benevolent. This depends entirely on who we are. This explanation enlightens us; it highlights our ability to create “good angels” who operate in our favor. In this context, we can assert that angels are entities lesser than ourselves since they are created by us. They cease to exist without the canvas of our minds.

“The son is greater than the angels”

Hebrews 1.1.4

Why is the son greater? Isn’t he also just an “apparition”?

No. The son is Jesus, and Jesus is God.

The term “angel” stems from the Greek word for “messenger”. A messenger is not God. Meeting an angel, therefore, implies encountering a messenger. In our spiritual and religious discourse, an angel embodies a “messenger of God.” Jesus IS God. The same as God. The same as the creator.

In Kabbalistic literature, angels are described as forces that convey information and sensations between mankind and the Tetragrammaton. They are likened to atoms, wavelengths, or channels assisting God in His creation. (The Tretragrammaton is YHWH, Yod He Vau He, The I AM, God)

Consequently, they shouldn’t be venerated, prayed to, or invoked. They aren’t physical but spiritual entities, akin to spiritual atoms. Therefore, when they manifest in the Hebrew Bible, their portrayal is from the perspective of the recipient of the vision, prophecy, or event, often anthropomorphized. They’re not corporeal beings but are likened to a single emotion, feeling, or material, all controlled by God for His purpose of creation.

Each time you perform a benevolent act, act in a way that resonates with what’s right and humane, extending help without hidden motives, you create a positive energy field around yourself. These energy fields transmute into angelic energies among other things. It’s akin to stepping into a beam of light and suddenly perceiving it. An angel may manifest in the vision of individuals within this energy field.

Everyone can have these experiences!

If you are Catholic and your deeds are virtuous, your faith strong, and your subconscious dwells on goodness, you may witness the presence of Mother Mary.

If you pray to Lord Krishna or Hanuman, you may encounter a vision of Lord Hanuman. There are numerous accounts of Lord Hanuman manifesting alongside Ram Dass’ guru. People have seen a giant monkey, over 10 feet tall, in place of the where the Guru was.

Mother Mary embodies a profoundly healing energetic field. Similarly, Lord Hanuman emanates humility, healing, and the energy of bestowing grace—unearned gifts, blessings, and good fortune. Only a person who has a humility stronger than ego will begin to experience these divine energies in awesome visions.

Alongside with channeled entities, ascended masters and angels, of course we also have the idea of a negative spectrum. Dark energies and demons….

In Kabbalah, demons are energies we create within ourselves. The Zohar, a significant Kabbalistic text, connects these energies to a part of our consciousness linked to impurity. Understanding this sheds light on how we generate and interact with these energies. Impuruity can mean deciet, rage, hate, cheating, stealing, betraying, self pity etc. The more impurity you engage in, the more negative energies you generate around yourself.

Fading Energies

You have probably heard children’s stories in where the kids are told that because people don’t believe in say, Santa anymore, he is fading from existence. This is correct, in a manifestational sense, because without us sustaining these ideas and concepts, they do infact fade and die for you.

Counsiousness Creates, at Our Command:

This exploration prompts us to confront the profound role of our consciousness in shaping the energies that envelop us. If you perceive it outside of self, it originated within self, that is the simplest take away. If you perpetuate the outside cirumstances as being MORE true, than the Divine Connection within you, you manifest a world where you are at the mercy of unpredictable forces.

It’s a reminder of the significant responsibility we hold to cultivate positivity, love, and compassion within ourselves if we want to experience these things.

The energies we manifest, can not exist without us, whether it be angels, demons, ascended masters or anything in between. It is ourselves that create the dark or the light energies around ourseves, the entities that some people channel are created by themselves, and ALL angels and other deities are created by ourselves, and most importantly,  they are LESSER than us, and cannot sustain without us.  

Channeling is essentially tapping into a source of wisdom beyond our immediate understanding. It’s like tuning into a radio station that broadcasts insights from the universe, or from the recesses of our own minds . People have been doing this for ages, seeking guidance and knowledge that goes beyond what our regular senses can grasp.

Angels and dark entities might sound mysterious, but let’s simplify. Think of them as energetic reflections of our emotions and intentions. Angels might represent positivity, compassion, and support. On the flip side, dark entities embody negativity, often created out of our own fears, anger, or other heavy emotions. They’re like the clouds that temporarily block the sun.

And just for fun, imagine that for every good thing that you do, a personal angel is created, that acts as a messenger between your divine self and your physical self, that protects you and guides you, that does your bidding, just the way you want it to!

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Understanding the Law of Assumption “I can be what I will to be.”

Understanding the Law of Assumption “I can be what I will to be.”

1. The Essence Behind “I”

The “I” within us isn’t limited to our physical body or mind; it’s the driving force that directs our actions and decisions. Understanding this “I” unlocks a new level of power.

2. Directing Body and Mind

The “I” must control both our body and mind, guiding their actions and choices. When we grasp this, a newfound sense of power emerges, transforming our lives.

3. True Self

Our personality is a collection of habits and traits, shaped by past thinking. But it doesn’t define the authentic “I” that lies within us.

4. The Spiritual “I” in Action

Saying “I think” or “I go” is our way of tapping into the essence of the spiritual “I.” This spiritual force is the wellspring of true power, awaiting recognition.

5. The Power to Think

The greatest gift of the “I” is the power to think. However, few master constructive thinking, or correctly, consequently they achieve only indifferent results. Most people allow their thoughts to dwell on selfish purposes, the inevitable result of an infantile mind. When a mind becomes mature, it understands that the germ of defeat is in every selfish thought.

6. The Wisdom of the Trained Mind

A mature mind understands that transactions should benefit all parties involved. Profiting from others’ vulnerabilities only leads to downfall.

7. Unity in Diversity

Recognizing that each individual is part of a greater whole enhances our advantage in life. By embracing this principle, we focus on what truly matters. This is because a part cannot antagonize any other part, but, on the contrary, the welfare of each part depends upon a recognition of the interests of the whole.

8. The Advantage of the Mindful

Those who grasp this principle thrive—they conserve energy, concentrate effectively, and invest themselves where it matters most.

9. Effort and Realization

Achievement requires genuine effort. f you cannot do these things it is because you have thus far not made the necessary effort. Now is the time to make the effort. The result will be exactly in proportion to the effort expended To strengthen your will and accomplish your goals, use the affirmation “I can be what I will to be.”

10. The Power of Continuous Affirmation

Repeating the affirmation, realizing the essence of the “I,” and aligning with constructive goals makes you unbeatable, harmonizing with the universe’s creative energy.

11. Making Affirmation a Habit

For lasting change, infuse the affirmation into your daily routine until it becomes an inherent part of you. Commitment is key to success. “I can be what I will to be.”

12. Commitment and the Die Cast

Commitment is crucial. Once you set your mind on a goal, remain steadfast, unyielding to obstacles or distractions. The die is cast; there’s no debate.

13. Mastering Self-Control

Begin with small goals, gradually gaining self-mastery. Remember, controlling oneself often proves harder than controlling external circumstances. Psychology tells us that when we start something and do not complete it, or make a resolution and do not keep it, we are forming the habit of failure. If you do not intend to do a thing, do not start; if you do start, see it through even if the heavens fall; if you make up your mind to do something, do it

14. The “World Within”

Self-control opens the door to the “World Within,” shaping the external world. You become a creator, influencing your reality effortlessly. You will have found the “World Within” which controls the world without; you will have become irresistible; men and things will respond to your every wish without any apparent effort on your part

15. The Inner Connection

Recognize that the “World Within” is connected to the universal energy, an idea accepted by both science and religion. This connection holds incredible creative power.

16. Power in the Present

This inner power is your key to success. The energy is within you; utilize it through positive actions and thoughts.

17. The Vitality of Service

Power is found in service, in giving back. By becoming a channel for universal energy, you not only receive but also positively impact the world.

18. Quietude and Connectivity

Stop obsessing over plans and allow silence to reign. Connect with the boundless potential within you, accessing a universe of possibilities. Dwell in the consciousness of your unity with Omnipotence. “Still water runs deep”; contemplate the multitudinous opportunities to which you have spiritual access by the Omnipresence of power. Be still and know.

19. Visualizing and Creating

Visualize the outcomes your spiritual connections can bring about. Realize that all things possess a spiritual essence; when that essence is gone, so is life. Realize the fact that the essence and soul of all things is spiritual and that the spiritual is the real, because it is the life of all there is; when the spirit is gone, the life is gone; it is dead; it has ceased to exist.

20. The Creative Process

Your mental activities create the world around you. By understanding this cause-and-effect relationship, you become a conscious creator of your reality.

21. Cultivating Mental Strength

Just as physical strength requires exercise, mental strength is developed through practice. Repeated thoughts become habits that shape your reality.

22. From Physical Relaxation to Mental Freedom

After mastering physical relaxation, the next step is mental freedom. Let go of negative emotions by consciously deciding to release them and persistently doing so. Over-work or over-play or over-bodily activity of any kind produces conditions of mental apathy and stagnation which makes it impossible to do the more important work which results in a realization of conscious power.

23. Intellect Over Emotion

Allow your intellect, not emotions, to guide you. While it might be challenging initially, practice leads to mastery, enhancing control over your thoughts. Thought is a mode of motion and is carried by the law of vibration the same as light or electricity. It is given vitality by the emotions through the law of love; it takes form and expression by the law of growth; it is a product of the spiritual “I,” hence its Divine, spiritual, and creative nature.

24. Shaping Reality Through Thought

Your thoughts are the architects of your reality. in order to express power, abundance or any other constructive purpose, the emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the thought so that it will take form.

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The Law of Assumption: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Law of Assumption: Using The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (What the Vagus Nerve!)

The Interaction of Conscious and Subconscious Mind

The conscious and subconscious minds play a vital role in shaping our experiences and realities. Judge Troward’s beautiful analogy highlights how these two aspects of our mind are intertwined. The cerebro-spinal system, centered in the brain, is the seat of our conscious mind, while the sympathetic system, located in the Solar Plexus, serves as the organ of our subconscious mind. Together, they form the channel through which our thoughts and perceptions impact our physical and emotional well-being.

The Sympathetic System and the Solar Plexus

Often referred to as the “sun of the body,” the Solar Plexus is a crucial center for distributing the energy generated by our body. Our mental actions, especially those that unconsciously support vital bodily functions, find their channel through the sympathetic system. Understanding the significance of the Solar Plexus allows us to tap into the immense power it holds over our physical and emotional health.

The Vagus Nerve: Bridging the Two Systems

The vagus nerve serves as a vital bridge connecting the conscious and subconscious realms. As it passes from the cerebral region to the thorax and further into the diaphragm, it merges with the sympathetic system. This connection reinforces the idea of man being a single entity, both physically and mentally.

The Power of Thought: From Conscious to Subconscious

Every thought that enters our conscious mind is subjected to our power of reasoning. Once our objective mind verifies the thought’s truth, it is then sent to the Solar Plexus, the brain of our subconscious mind. There, thoughts are transformed into reality, becoming impervious to any counter-arguments. Our subconscious mind doesn’t engage in debates; instead, it acts and accepts the conclusions set by our conscious mind.

The Solar Plexus: The Sun of Your Body

Visualizing the Solar Plexus as the sun of our body helps us grasp its significance better. It radiates energy throughout our entire being, enveloping us in an atmosphere of life force. When this radiation is strong, we become magnetic, exuding personal magnetism that influences those around us positively.

Personal Magnetism and Energy Radiance

When the Solar Plexus is in active operation and radiates life, energy, and vitality to every part of our body and everyone we encounter, it generates pleasant sensations. People are drawn to our presence, finding comfort and peace in our company.

Active Solar Plexus, Active Well-Being

However, any interruption in this energy radiation leads to unpleasant sensations, hindering the flow of life force to various parts of the body. This interruption can manifest as physical, mental, or environmental ailments, emphasizing the importance of keeping the Solar Plexus active and vibrant.

Understanding the Impact of Interruptions

Physical conditions may arise when the sun of our body fails to generate sufficient energy for a particular part. Mental and emotional well-being are also tied to the vitality provided by the subconscious mind to support conscious thoughts. Moreover, interruptions can disturb the connection between the subconscious and Universal mind.

Physical, Mental, and Environmental Effects

The Solar Plexus serves as the point where the individual meets the Universal, the finite converges with the Infinite, and the Invisible transforms into the visible. This limitless reservoir of life force allows us to generate boundless energy, intelligence, and creativity from within.

The Solar Plexus: Where the Infinite Meets the Finite

The Solar Plexus holds an omnipotent position as it connects with all life and intelligence. By directing our conscious mind, we can determine the outcomes we desire, and our subconscious mind will carry out these plans with unwavering commitment.

Conscious Thought: Mastering Your Solar Center

The conscious mind acts as the master of the Solar Plexus, controlling the quality of thoughts that it radiates. Positive, courageous, and confident thoughts produce a corresponding state, allowing us to make use of our personal sun to its fullest potential.

Let Your Light Shine: Transmuting Conditions into Success

By allowing our light to shine brightly, we can transmute undesirable conditions into sources of pleasure and profit. Embracing the Law of Assumption empowers us to radiate positive energy and attract abundance and prosperity into our lives.

The Role of Non-Resistant Thought

Non-resistant thoughts expand the Solar Plexus, promoting mental peace and clarity. Conversely, resistant thoughts contract it, causing mental unrest, anxiety, and worry. Cultivating thoughts of courage, power, and hope amplifies our inner radiance.

Fear: The Enemy to Be Destroyed

Fear emerges as the primary impediment to letting our light shine. It clouds our judgment, making us fearful of the past, present, and future, and hinders our potential for growth and success.

Embracing Your Oneness with Infinite Power

Overcoming fear and embracing our oneness with the Infinite power empowers us to shine our light brightly. This newfound connection with Universal strength dispels all gloom and brings forth boundless power, energy, and life.

When You Are One with Infinite Power

Realizing our oneness with Infinite power allows us to consciously overcome adversities through the sheer power of thought. Fear loses its grip, and we unlock our true birthright.

Attitude of Mind: Shaping Your Experiences

Our attitude towards life shapes the experiences we encounter. Expecting nothing leads to receiving nothing, while expecting great things leads to abundant rewards. Asserting ourselves and believing in our ideas help us navigate harsh critiques and bring our visions to fruition.

Overcoming Criticism with Inner Power

A person who acknowledges their Solar Plexus and radiates courage, confidence, and power has no fear of criticism or judgment. They are too preoccupied with their inner energy to be deterred by external negativity.

Radiate Health, Strength, and Harmony

Realizing our ability to consciously radiate health, strength, and harmony connects us with Infinite Strength. This knowledge fosters fearlessness and empowers us to navigate life’s challenges with grace.

The Practical Application of Infinite Strength

Putting the Law of Assumption into practical application solidifies our understanding of this principle. Through practice and exercises, we become adept at harnessing the power of our subconscious mind.

Impressing the Subconscious Mind

Mentally concentrating on our desires impresses our subconscious mind, initiating the process of transformation. This simple yet powerful technique sets causes in motion to bring about the results we seek.

Extraordinary Results, Miracles

As we impress our subconscious mind with our desires, we witness extraordinary results that seem nothing short of miraculous. Explore the miracles that transpire when our conscious thoughts align with the limitless potential of the subconscious.

Converting Desire, Faith, and Confidence into Reality:

Discover the key to converting desire, faith, and confidence into tangible reality. Observe how great inventors, financiers, and statesmen have harnessed this force for transformative creations.

The Unlimited Creative Power of the Subconscious:

Unlock the truth of the subconscious mind’s limitless creative power. Grasp the boundless potential that defies all limitations and creates new pathways to success.

Conscious Mind in Control of the Universal Mind:

Realize the pivotal role of your conscious mind as the controller of the Universal Mind. Learn to direct your thoughts to unlock the vast reservoir of creative energy within you.


Allowing Causes to Set in Motion: The concept of recognition, where you allow the causes to set in motion the effects you desire. Understand how this simple act of recognition brings your dreams closer to reality.

The Value of Physical Relaxation:

Appreciate the significance of physical relaxation in achieving mental clarity and inner peace. Learn how to relax your body to foster a free flow of energy.

Removing Tension for Mental Freedom:

Break free from mental unrest and stress by consciously removing tension. Witness the transformative effects of a calm and relaxed state of mind.

Thorough Relaxation for Inner Peace:

Explore the art of thorough relaxation, allowing your body and mind to find peace and tranquility. Experience the profound benefits of aligning with your inner self.

The Necessity of Relaxation for Mental Clarity:

Understand the necessity of relaxation in achieving mental clarity and focus. Experience the profound impact of a relaxed state on your thought processes.

Empowering the Solar Plexus for Transformation:

Empower your Solar Plexus for transformative change in your life. Tap into its role in finding and using your hidden potential and tapping into your divine power.

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